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Michigan  alumnus 

University  of  IVIicliigan.  Alumni  Association 


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OCTOBER,  1914-AUGUST,  1915 




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The  Michigan  Alumnus 

VOLUME  XXI:  OCTOBER,  1914— AUGUST,  1915 


A.B.  Degree,  The 3 

Addressed  to  40,000  Alumni 389 

"Albion  Points  a  Way" 72 

Alpha  Nu  in  Michigan's  Earliest  Days— D^aw  B.  Ryman,  '10/  .  .  251 
Alumni  (Department)        ....        48,  102,  156,  205,  311,  374,  430,  487,  578 

Alumni  Advisory  Council,  Meeting  of  the 556 

Alumni  Are  Pleased,  Some 5 

Alumni  Association,  Annual  Meeting  of  the 558 

Alumni  Association,  Organizing  the  Local 121 

Alumni  Consideration,  For        , 65 

Alumni  Day 525 

Alumni  in  the  State,  Particularly  for 331 

Alumni  Mass  Meeting,  The 516 

Alumni  Organization,  Types  of 120 

Alumni  Organizations,  Local 121 

Alumni    Secretaries,    A    Meeting    of 120 

Alumni  Secretaries,  Third  Meeting  of  Association  of 126 

American  Association  of  University  and  College  Professors,  The — John  S.  P. 

TgtJpck 239 

Appoijitjncnts  to  Fellowships — Society  Elections 461 

Archi<«l^tO  Be  Registered 449 

"The]A9-<5^  Maker"         .....' 564 

Arts  Degree  at  Michigan,  The 3 

Asked  of  Legislature,  $650,000  to  Be        .                 .         .   J     .         .        .  226 

Athletics  {Department)        ...        41,  94,  151,  199,  258,  306,  367,  428,  481,  571 

Athletic  Association,  Report  of  the 244 

Aviation,  A  New  Course  in 283 

Baccalaureate  Exercises,  The 509 

Back  from  the  War  Zone  • 31 

Book  Reviews  {Department)        ...        55.  108,  211,  267,  319,  378,  439,  494,  584 

Botany  at  Michigan,  A  Quarter  Century  of — F,  C.  Newcomhe        .         .        .  477 

Breakey,  Dr.  William  Fleming,  '59m 279,  356 

Buildings,  Faculties  or  Students 176 

Case  Method  in  Law  Schools,  The 347 

Changes  in  the  Faculty 78 

Changes  in  Nomenclature,  Some  Reasonable .  226 

Chemistry  Buildings,  The  Old  and  New 233 

Chemistry,  The  New  General  Course  in 233 

Chicago  and   Northwestern   Debates 232 

Class   Day   Exercises,   The 568 

Class  Secretaries,  An  Association  of 122,  129 

Class  Secretaries  Association,  Some  Tasks  Before  It 122 

Cleveland,  The  Alumni  Club  of 470 

Clothing  a  University 177 

College  Stadia,  Concerning 67 

Commencement,   Plans    for 292 

Commencement    Program,    Further    Details    of 334 

Commencement,  The  Seventy-first 516 

Commencement   Week,   The    Program    of 447 

Comparative  Standing  of  Fraternities  and  House  Clubs,  The        .         .        .  11 

Constructive  Work  by  the  Alumni 506 

Contagious  Hospital  in  Health  Service  Work,  The  Value  of  the  New — H,  H. 

Cummings,   *i0f».           ..........  291 

Convention  of  the  Engineering  Society,  The 246 

Convocation  Address,  The  Second  Annual 140 

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Co-opcration  for  College  Men 119 

Creed  for  Athletes  and  Others,  A 505 

Damm  Case,  Supreme  Court  Upholds  Law  in 173 

Developing  Ferry  Field 230 

Dormitoiy  Question,  The 4 

Engineering  in  Turkey — John  R.  Allen,  'gae 474 

Enlargement  of  the  University  Library  Needed — T,  W.  Koch        .        .        .  302 

Enrolment  in   American   Universities,   The   Present 186 

Event  and  Comment  {Department)        .        i,  63,  117,  171,  225,  279,  331,  389,  448,  505 

Event  in  Brief  {Department)        .        .        .        7,  68,  123,  179,  234  285,  337,  394,  454 

Executive  Committee  of  Advisory  Council  Meets 281 

Executive  Committee  of  the  Advisory  Council,  The  Meeting  of  the        .        .  291 

Faculty  Salaries  Advance 117 

Financial  Problems 64 

Fitting  the  Girl  and  the  Position 451 

Football  Season,  A  Review  of  the  1914 135 

Football  Season,  The 118 

Forward  Passes  and  Kicks 67 

Founders  Day  in  the  Medical  School,  The  Celebration  of        .        .        .        .  298 

Four-year  Course  in  Law,  A—H,  M,.  Bates,  '90 350 

Freshman  Girls,  For  the 5 

Garfield  on  the  Constitution,  James  R. 281 

Governing  Bodies,  Faculties  and  Students 66 

Growth  in  Attendance   at  the   University 184 

Gymnasium  Facilities,  A  Campaign  for  Better 184 

Half  a  Million  College  Graduates >.        .  119 

The  Harvard  Game : 

For  Those  Who  Ai*^  Left  Behind 3 

For  Those  Who  See  the  Game 2 

The  Harvard  Game— iV^.  H.  Bowen,  '00 73 

Harvard,  Our  Relations  with 174 

Les  Affaires 175 

Michigan  vs.  Harvard,  Oct.  31 2 

Not  Downhearted 66 

Hospital,  The  Need  for  a  New 280 

Hudson,  Richard,  '71 279,  353 

Intramural   Sports 230 

Intramural  Sports,  What  Has  Been  Accomplished  in 231 

John  Black  Johnston,  '93 14 

Junior  Hop,  Reinstating  the 178 

Law,  A  Four  Years'  Course  in .        .  450 

Law  Course,  The  Committee's  Recommendations  on  the        .        .        .        .  450 

Library,  An  Addition  to  the 171 

Library   Building,   A    New 391 

Life  in  the  Trenches— Two  Letters  from  the  French  Lines        ....  466 

Living  Conditions,  To  Improve 227 

Living  Conditions,  To  Investigate 282 

Living  Conditions,  What  Is  Being  Done  at  Cornell  to  Improve        .        .        .  228 

Marriages  (Department)      ....        52,  106,  161,  208,  265,  316,  378,  492,  580 

Martha  Cook  Building,  The 295 

May  Festival,  The   1915           .     ' 45^ 

Memorials  Presented  to  the  University  Senate,  Two 353 

Michigan  and  the  War i 

Michigan  in  the  Great  War 448 

Michigan  and  Albion  Co-operate 117 

Michigan  and  Albion,  Details  of  Proposed  Course 118 

Michigan   as   a   National   University 332 

Michigan's    Athletic    Equipment 229 

Michigan  at  the  Meetings  of  Learned  and  Scientific  Societies        .                ^  188 

Michigan  Day  at  the  Exposition,  A 333 

Michigan  Day  at  the  Panama- Pacific  Exposition 39i 

The  Michigan  Union: 

Borrowed  Editorial  on  the  Union,  A 507 

The  Campaign  for  the  Union 409 

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Concerning  the  Union  Opera 335 

Home  of  the  Michigan  Union,  The—/.  K.  Pond,  '79^        ....  401 

How  the  Students  Feel  About  It 390 

Letters    from    Alumni 404 

Many  Bodies  Endorse  the  Michigan  Union  Campaign        ....  406 

Membership 407 

Million  Dollar  Campaign,  The 389 

Some  Things  the  Union  Does 283 

A  Statement  to  the  Alumni — H.  M.  Bates,  '90 425 

Student  Forum  and  Sunday  Lectures 284 

To  Be  a  Student  Home 390 

Union  Campaign  to  Open,  The 506 

Union  Campaign  Postponed 68 

Model  School,  The  Request  for  a 172,  332 

Moving  Picture  Films  of  Campus  Life 231 

Municipal  Research  Bureau 345 

Musical   Clubs,   The   Mission   of  the 453 

Necrology  {Department)         ....        54,  108,  209,  266,  316,  435,  493,  582 

Need  of  Athletics,  The 229 

News  from  the  Classes  (Department)        56,  no,  163.  217,  270,  323,  381,  441,  496,  589 

New  Professorship  in  History 336 

New  Stand  on  Ferry  Field,  The        . 18 

Not    for    Subscribers 391 

Obituaries  {Department) 210,  267,  318,  437,  583 

One  Per  Cent  Club,  A 192 

Opening  Address  in  the  Medical  School — David  Murray  Cowie        ...  87 

Pennsylvania-Michigan  Game,  Arrangements  for  the 14 

Primitive  Text  of  the  New  Testament,  Lectures  on  the        ....  294 

Records  of  the  Past,  Preserve  the 333 

Regents  Meetings 45,  99»  I55,  202,  261,  309,  372,  484*  575 

Regulation  in  College  Life        .         .         .         .         ...         .         .        .  334 

Report  of  the  Committee  on  the  Standardization  of  University  Nomenclature, 

The 242 

Report  of  the  Committee  on  Student  Affairs  for  1914-15—^4.  H.  Lloyd      .         .  359 

Report  of  the  General  Secretary 558 

Research  Work  in  the  Mechanical  Engineering  Department,  Original — J,  E. 

BmsTviler 463 

Resignations,  Four 448 

Reunions : 

Alumni  Day,  Class  Reunions 525 

Alumni  Reunions — June  22  and  23,  191 5 398 

Now   for  Reunions  in   1915 5 

Now  for  Class  Reunions 227 

1,600  Alumni  Registered 505 

The  1915  Reunions — An  Invitation 391 

Rifle  Practice  as  a  Minor  Sport 179 

Secretary's  Reports        ...        56,  no,  162,  216,  269,  322,  381,  440,  495.  558,  587 

William  Graves  Sharp,  '81/ 16 

Smokers,  The  Boston  and  Detroit 132 

Social  Service  for  Michigan  Men        . 146 

Society  Elections — Appointments  to  Fellowships 461 

Some  Gifts  to  the  University 17 

Student  Council,   The 335 

Student  Entertainment,  The 570 

Student  Forum  and  Sunday  Lectures,  The 284 

Students  in  Prospect,  6,500 63 

Some  Problems  They  Bring 64 

Summer  Baseball  Once  More 392 

Summer  Session,  The 10 

Summer  Session,  The  1915 507 

Talamon,  Word   from  Professor               240,  466 

Tappan  Manuscripts  in  the  University  Library 84 

Technic  and  the  Engineering  Society,  The 449 

Temperance  Among   Students I73 

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Temperance  as  Viewed  by  an  Athlete 174 

Timely  Assistance 65 

Toledo,  The  University  of  Michigan  Club  of 194 

To  the  Classes  of  '80,  *8i,  '82,  and  '83— /ra  W.  Christian        ....  565 

To  the  Memory  of  Leo i 

University  and  College  Professors  Organize 225 

University's  Biennial  Request,  The 171 

University  Does  for  Michigan,  What  the        .         .         .         .     .*.         .         .  332 

University's  Growth,  The 63 

University  Organization — John  Black  Johnston 20 

Vacation  Readjusted,  A 177 

Valuable  Specimens  Added  to  Paleontological  Collection — B.  C.  Case        .        .  248 

Vocational  Conference,  The 245 

Y.  M.  C.  A.  "Mobilization  Week" 134 

Yale's  System  of  Alumni  Records 131 

Zinn,  F.  W.,  Letter  From 468 


Alumni  Memorial  Hall,  331;  Alumni  Memorial  Hall,  The  Portico  of,  447;  Alumni 
Secretaries  at  Columbia  University,  127;  Ann  Arbor's  Christmas  Tree,  182;  Ann 
Arbor's  Skyline  from  the  Boulevard,  i;  Ardis,  W.  R.,  '09/,  419;  Amott,  George,  '08/, 
417;  "The  Arrow  Maker,"  564;  Avery,  Elroy  M.,  '71,  473;  Babst,  E.  D.,  '93,  '94/,  424; 
Baird,  Charles,  '95,  '95/,  423;  Baker,  H.  S.,  '10,  424;  Baldwin,  J.  S.,  '96/,  421;  Barringer, 
L.  H.,  '13/,  416;  Bates,  Henry  M.,  '90,  408;  Batt,  C.  S.,  '04/,  419;  Baxter.  K.  S.,  '15^, 
410;  Bean,  L.  F.,  '05/,  419;  Belford,  Fordyce,  '91/,  198;  Birmingham,  T.  F.,  '04m,  423; 
Bisbee,  L.  S.,  '13,  '15/,  410;  Bliss,  Frank  E.,  '73^,  '79/,  473;  Bodman,  H.  E.,  '96,  424; 
Boughton,  R.  L.,  '08^,  415;  Bowman,  W.  S.,  '08^,  415;  Bradfield,  T.  C,  '06/,  420; 
Breakey,  William  Fleming,  '59m,  280;  Brooks,  J.  B.,  '95,  '96/,  413;  Broomhall,  Allen, 
'02,  413,  424;  Brush,  Charles  F.,  '69,  471;  Buchanan,  E.  B.,  '13/,  419;  Bulkley,  H.  C,  '92, 
'95/,  408;  Burchard,  J.  E.,  '86,  421;  Burge,  J.  D.,  '12^,  424;  Burkhart,  E.  E.,  '98/,  416; 
Cable,  H.  W.,  '02/,  417;  Campus,  An  Old  View  of  the,  250;  Campus  in  1855,  The,  253; 
Campus  in  Mid-Winter,  The,  204;  Carter,  W.  F.,  '90/,  422;  Chemistry  Buildings,  The 
New  and  the  Oldest,  233;  Childs,  L.  W.,  '04,  'o6fn,  418;  Christopher,  H.  G.,  '12,  422; 
Chubb,  A.  L.,  '05,  420;  Clancey,  T.,  '08,  '10/,  416;  Clyne,  C.  F.,  '02/,  417;  Cody,  Hiram 
S.,  '08,  421;  Comstock,  W.  A.,  '99,  413;  Condon,  F.  C,  '01/,  415;  Cook,  R.  H.,  '06/,  415; 
Cooley,  J.  B.,  '11,  415;  Coons,  N.  D.,  '98m,  *ood,  420;  Cornell  Game,  Splawn  Punting, 
138;  Cox,  J.  L.,  '12,  419;  Culley,  R.  H.,  *io,  421;  DeSelm,  A.  W.,  '96/,  421;  Demmon, 
Professor  Isaac  Newton,  '68,  457;  Dickinson,  S.  S.,  '13.  'i5^>  4io;  Donovan,  C,  '72^, 
416;  Duffy,  J.  E.,  '90,  '92/,  416;  Durant,  P.  D.,  '95/,  420;  Dutton,  D.  D.,  '06/,  421; 
Edmonson,  James  Bartlett,  80;  Engineering  Building,  465;  Farmer,  E.  C,  '12/,  419; 
Farrell,  C.  H.,  '98,  421 ;  Ferry  Field,  The  Gates  to,  171 ;  Football  Squad  Getting  Down 
to  Business,  The,  43;  Football  Squad,  The  1914,  42;  Ford,  H.  W.,  '13,  414;  Galbraith,  W. 
J.,  '94/,  414;  Gait,  Martin  L.,  .14;  Gault,  H.  G.,  '15.  410;  Gaynor,  Paul  T.,  '12/,  197;  Gil- 
lette, G.  M.,  '80,  413;  Glidden,  S.  C,  '94m,  413;  Gore,  V.  M.,  '82/,  413;  Gowdy,  F.  M., 
'91m,  424;  Greene,  Wade,  '05/,  420;  Haislip,  Edward  W.,  '14/,  410;  Hambleton,  B.  F., 
'cow,  413;  Hammerschmidt,  L.  M.,  '07/,  424;  Hanchett,  Benjamin  S.,  408;  Harris,  P. 
S.,  '95/,  414 ;  Harvard  Game :  Diagram  of  the,  77 ;  Hardwick  Making  Harvard's  Touch- 
down, 74;  Maulbetsch  with  Ball,  63;  Splawn  Making  an  On-side  Kick,  73;  Hauberg, 
J.  H.,  '00/,  417;  Hayden,  A.  K.,  '02/,  422;  Hayden,  C.  H.,  '04/,  4^5;  Hayes,  F.  S.,  '98, 
424;  Hayes,  J.  Griffith,  Jr.,  '11,  410;  Heath,  H.  L.,  '07,  408;  Heating  and  Lighting 
Plant,  Interior  of  the  New,  9;  Heating  and  Lighting  Plant,  The  New,  6;  Heineman, 
David  E.,  '87,  566;  Helsell,  F.  P.,  '06,  '08/,  419,  421 ;  Henry,  Frederick  A.,  '91,  '91/,  4/2; 
Heyfron,  D.  J.,  '09/,  415;  Hicks,  Ralph,  'ggp,  421;  Hoffman,  E.  G.,  '03/,  416;  Holbrook, 
Evans,  '00/,  408;  Hopkins,  E.  P.,  '03,  416;  Hudson,  Richard,  '71,  279,  355;  Hudson,  R. 
P.,  '01/,  414;  Hughes,  C.  A.,  '98-'oi,  /'oo-'oi,  408;  Hughitt,  Ernest  F.,  44;  Hurst,  E.  R., 
•13,  414;  Irwin,  S.  P.,  '94/;  422;  Jameson,  J.  A.,  '91,  421;  Johnston,  John  Black,  '93,  15; 
Jolliffe,  W.  E.,  '09/,  420;  Jose,  V.  R.,  Jr.,  '10,  '12/,  418;  Kapp,  Frank  A.,  '10,  196; 
Kaufman,  R.  O.,  '06/,  423;  Kearns,  J.  E.,  '04^,  422;  Keene,  T.  B.  V.,  '02m,  413;  Knapp, 
B.  S.,  '04P,  420;  Knight,  J.  C,  '02/,  419;  Koontz,  P.  D.,  '14,  410;  Laing,  E.  B.,  '11,  '13/, 
424;  Lane,  E.  E.,  '13,  423;  Lane,  Robert  M.,  '06.  198;  Law  Building,  The,  349;  Lehner, 
W.  J.,  '11^,  417;  Leidy,  P.  A.,  '09,  A.M.  '11,  424;  Library  Clock  Tower,  The,  366; 
Library,  The  Present  University,  322;  Library  Towers  in  Mid-Winter,  The,  225;  Loell, 

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J.  L.,  'ii/,  414;  "M"  Men  in  the  Alumni  Parade,  The,  508;  McAllister,  D.  H.,  '08^, 
415;  McCotter»  Rollo  E.,  80;  McFarland,  A.  F.,  '13,  423;  McGraw,  H.  B.,  '91,  416; 
McGraw,  S.  D.,  '92,  414;  McGregor,  F.  H.,  '06,  417;  McKavanagh,  Thomas  J.,  80; 
McKenzie,  R.  P.,  '11/,  414;  McPherson,  Wm.,  '07,  420;  Madison,  G.  R.,  '12/,  414;  Man- 
chester, R.  E.,  '09,  A.M.  'II,  418;  Martha  Cook  Building  Uncompleted,  The,  247; 
Martha  Cook  Building,  Architect's  Drawing,  296;  Martin,  M.  C,  '12/,  418;  Maulbetsch, 
John,  95;  Maxwell,  Lawrence,  '74,  422;  Mecham,  J.  B.,  '88/,  422;  Medical  Building, 
The,  289;  Messick*  Homer  D.,  '94/,  472;  Michigan  Smoker  at  Boston,  Oct.  30,  1914, 
133;  Michigan  Union  Building,  The  Proposed  New:  Banquet  Hall,  393;  Billiard 
Room,  397;  From  the  Southeast,  389;  Game  Room,  397;  Guest  Bedchamber,  427; 
Lobby,  393;  Lounging  Room,  389;  Plans,  400,  402,  403;  Swimming  Pool,  427;  Terrace 
Dining  Room,  412;  Michigan  Union  Building  Campaign  Committee,  408;  Michigan 
Union  Building  Fund  Campaign  Field  Organizers,  410;  Michigan  Union  Building 
Fund  Local  Chairmen  and  Committeemen,  413-424;  Millen,  George,  408;  Moran,  T. 
F.,  '87,  418;  Nebel,  R.  W.,  '11/,  419;  Newberry  Hall  of  Residence,  The  Helen  Handy, 
238;  Norcop,  A.  W.,  '12/,  LL.M.  '13,  423;  O'Brien,  Thomas  J.,  '65/,  104;  Ogle,  J.  E., 
'07,  '09/,  420;  Ohio  State  University  Library,  The,  304;  Ohmart,  J.  V.,  '07/,  423; 
O'Leary,  John  H.,  '05/,  196,  422;  Ortmeyer,  D.  H.,  '01/,  420;  Ottaway,  E.  J.,  '94,  422; 
Parker,  E.  F.,  '04,  '06/,  416;  Paulson,  C.  E.,  '08^,  418;  Pearce,  A.  D.,  '08,  '09/,  413;  Penn- 
sylvania Game,  The  Kick-off  at  the,  117;  Pennsylvania  Game,  Michigan  Touchdown 
in  the,  136;  Penoyar,  F.  C,  '03m,  417;  Perry,  E.  D.,  '03/,  418;  Peterson,  Dr.  R.,  408; 
Phelps,  N.  E.,  '03d,  415;  Primeau,  J.  H.,  '10/,  419;  Prout,  H.  G.,  '^\e,  414;  Quail,  R. 
J.,  '03/,  417;  Ranney,  Roy  W.,  '11^,  423;  Raynsford,  James  W.,  41;  Reunions:  Class 
of  1870,  505;  Class  of  1875,  526;  Class  of  1880,  527;  Class  of  1881,  530;  Class  of  1882, 
530;  Class  of  1882  Medical,  532;  Class  of  1890,  535;  Class  of  1890  Medical,  537;  Class 
of  1900,  539;  Class  of  1900  Law,  540;  Class  of  1901  Medical,  542;  Class  of  1905,  544; 
Class  of  1905  Law,  546;  Class  of  1913,  549*  555.  567.  57o;  Class  of  1913  Law,  551; 
Russell,  W.  W.,  '09,  419;  Saier,  E.  H.,  '13,  '15/,  410;  St.  Peter,  W.  N.,  '05,  417;  Schaible, 
E.  L.,  'o8m,  416;  Science  Building  Uncompleted,  The  New,  86;  Seegmiller,  W.  A., 
'98/,  421;  Sharp,  William  Graves,  '81/,  16;  Shepherd,  J.  F.,  '03/,  416;  Skeleton  of  the 
Pigmy  Hippopotamus,  The  Mounted,  249;  Smith,  C.  M.,  '67/,  413;  Smith,  S.  W.,  '97, 
408,  418;  Snapp,  J.  L.,  '03/,  4^;  Spanish  Mortar  at  the  Center  of  the  Campus,  The, 
358;  Squirrel,  336;  Stadium,  The  First  Section  of  Michigan's,  19;  Strawn,  T.,  '12/, 
414;  Strom,  Dr.  Eugene  F.,  '05^,  454;  Talamon,  Professor  Rene,  466;  Tinsman,  H.  E., 
'83,  424;  Titus,  Harold,  '11,  418;  Toledo  Club  Meet,  Where  the,  195;  Vedder,  B.  B., 
'09,  '12/,  417;  Whedon,  W.  T.,  '81,  422;  White,  E.  T.,  '08,  417;  White,  R.  L,  '03,  415; 
Williams,  G.  S.,  '89^  408;  Williams,  R.  H.,  '97/,  418;  Willis,  H.  W.,  '02,  423;  Wilson, 
H.  W.,  '13,  423;  Winstead,  C.  E.,  '07,  '09/,  424;  Wisconsin  State  Historical  and  Uni- 
versity Library,  The,  303;  Wolf,  G.  M.,  '08/,  418;  Wormwood,  F.  F.,  '13^,  415; 
Wuerthner,  J.  J.,  '12/,  422;  Young,  Robert  J.,  '08/,  197. 


Aaron,  Mrs  P  J  165— Abbey,  M  E  208— Abbot-  Allam.  J  S  219— AllecJc,  N  160— Allen,  A  D  326 

Abbott,  A  314 — A  J  59,  274,  503,  554 — C  F  271,  — A  M  53 — A  P  222,  445 — C  ft  328 — E  M  547 — 

553— Mrs  C  F  553— H  B  373,  492.  550— H  T  220.  E   S   485— F   E  43^.   59i— H   C   S5o— H    E    553— 

273.    553.    557— W   M    loi,    275,    551— Mrs    W    M  HP  48— I  C  324— J  R  244,  394,  472,  486,  552— 

548 — ^Abel,  C  E  loi — E  L  169 — ^T  J  529 — ^Abrams,  L  289,  453 — L  E  220 — M  E  432,  591 — R  C  246 — 

L    B    209— T    G    107— Abrons,    L    W    274,    386—  W   461— AUerdice,    D   W    52— Allerton,    H    C    114 

Abt,  T  K  103,  205— Achi,  W  C  387— Achtenberg  — AUewelt.  E  M  162— AUiger,  W  T  222— Allison, 

— B  M  591,  592— Acker,  H  378— Ackerman,   EC  C  J  342—/   W  589— W  S  53,  3i4,   433— Y   E  59 

219,   540 — Ackers,   G   C   159 — ^Ackley,   I   O   553 —  — Allmendinger,   E  J  328 — G   F  552 — W  H   61  — 

Adam,  C  O  52 — ^Adams,  A  H  534 — C  C  345,  44^.  Althouse,    A    J    552 — Alvord,    A    W    435 — Alway, 

538,  540 — C  F  108— C  K  16,  285— D  E  555- Mrs  G    G    170 — Ambrister,    C    A     159— Ames,    T    H 

E    D    357 — E    L   591 — E    L   Jr   591 — F   E    432 —  385 — Amos,    R    E    550 — Amsel,   J    S    329 — Ander- 

F  G  315 — F  P  216,   3M.  433,   439.  440 — H   C  40,  son,  A  499 — A  J  274 — B   E   X07,   555 — B   W   53 — 

123,    155,   455.   550,   575— H    F   340--H   H   546— I  C    275— C    E    592— C    P    592— E    442— E    T    62— 

381— I    D    554— J    H    205— M    B    220,   442,    542—  F   S   312--F   W   435— H    C  263— J   61— J   H   492 

S   H   591— T   124— T   S   340— Adamson,   V   444—  —J    L    276— J    W    536— K    B    274— K    H    580— 

Addams,  J  102,  205,  206,  267,  327,  375 — Adelsdorf,  L   508 — L  C   160,   219,   325,  486,   553 — V,  H    103, 

S  L  170,  264— Adler,  A  K  loS^Aflfeldt.  E  J  503  205— N   R   491— R   E   169— R   M    547— W   C  310, 

— Agnew,  H   E  59© — P  G  3»5.  59© — ^Aigler,   A  G  445 — W  H   57 — Andrew,  J  A   106,   112 — ^Andrews, 

546— R   \V   130,    179,   554,   558— Mrs.   R   W   554 —  A    60 — F    532— F    E    441—1*    M    446,    492 — T    J 

Aikin,  W  M  550— Airey,  J  461— Akers,  F  H  61—  532— W    II    384— Andrus,    C    B    432— C    S    385— 

Albers,  J  M  103 — Albert,  G  M  59,  113 — Albright,  ""  *"    '  -        ..      « 

A  E  236 — ^Alcorn,  G  159 — Alden,  W  46 — Aldrich, 

J    A    461,    462 — ^Alexander,    A    61 — B    442 — C    C  179,   194,   207,  218,   231,   264,   280,  288,   301,   313, 

223 — I    265 — K    B    57,    324 — Mrs   K    B    57 — W    B  314,   396,   425,   426,   430,   431,   45^,   473.   474.   4S8, 

553— Alfred,     E     M     265— Alger,     F    W    45^— R  49i.   507.   l^*>^  529.   53i,   545.   568,   577— J   R   291, 

456 — R  A  232 — Mrs   R  A  2^2 — ^Alig,  D  A  442 —  337,    488,    534 — Mrs    J    R    205,    488 — Anglin,    M 

F  D  552— S  A  54— Ancsaki,  M  285,  288— Angell, 
A   C   524,   552 — Mrs  A   C  373.   552 — J   B   69,   126, 

Digitized  by 




i8i — Anneke,  K  E  S3i — ^Anschut^  E  G  328,  555 
— ^Anthony,  B  B  169 — Apfel,  E  W  124,  34a,  395 
— H  581— Apted.  R  C  286— Arbury,  F  VV  293, 
399»  533 — ^Archbald,  H  R  442 — ^Ardis,  W  R  546, 
547 — ^Armitmge,  C  106,  169 — Armstrong,  A  A 
54— D  489— G  W  ii4p  x68— H  H  385,  443»  543, 
545 — H  I  27s — H  t,  159 — h  208 — ^Arnett,  L, 
206— Arnold,  B  J  57— E  B  51,  553— G  D  496— 
Arthur,  K  A  547,  548 — Artiaga,  S  377 — ^Ascher, 
M  165— Ashbacker,  A  F  272— Ashford,  B  K  50 
— C  W  158,  338~Mrs  C  W  158— M  K  338— 
Ashley,  C  S  218— H  W  194.  196— I  C  221— 
Ashton,  T  H  266— Askin,  C  G  238 — Atchison, 
R    E    553— Athcrton,    H    H    170— Atkins,    E    E 

534— Atkinson,  A  I<  C  158 — F  113— F  W  325 — 
H  R  374,  375— R  555— Attcrbury.  W  H  553— 
Atwater,   W   I   328— AtwcU,   H   H   553— W  J    loi 

— ^Atwood,  S  B  329 — ^Aubrey,  W  A  531 — ^Austin, 
F  J  434— M  564— R  W  489— W  S  220— AveriU, 
F    C    210 — Avery,    B    326,    385,    443,    545 — C    E 

i94— C   H    §31— E   M    471,    472,    473,   474,   496-- 
<    C    385— M    N    376— R    D    222— Ayres,    B    M 
580— L  E  385— Mrs  h  E  38s— S  F  385. 

Babb.  M  W  5i--Babcock.  A  H  3x4— C  F 
493— K  C  435- R  H  582— R  S  209— S  C  57^ 
Babst,  E  D  105,  281,  291,  313,  324,  383 — Bach, 
E  B  165,  542,  588 — ly  502 — Bachelder,  B  L  57 
— F   S   57,   540.   545— N   L   57— Backus,   E   B   52, 

59,  579— E  It  287— R  E  328,  581—8  553— Bacon, 
G    F    264,  '     "    -^  .„     ,     ^ 

E    278,    43<,    «,. 
Bailey,   A   R   79— B    F   553— E    167— G   E   376— 

F  264,  553.  556—11  E  434,  490,  588— L  C 
3:9,  536 — Bader,  D  M  499 — Baer,  M  K  592 — 
R    E    278,   430,    579 — S   H    8— Baicr,    h  A   277— 

J  W  442— M  A  581,  594— N  E  442—0  S  532 
— Mrs  R  W  104,  160,  207,  3x5,  490,  491 — 
Bain.  F  D  436— J  B  ixi.  112— Mrs  T  B  xii— 
W  G  579 — Baird,  C  541,  553,  558 — Mrs  C  541. 
54^— J  73,  78— R  54»— W  108— Baits,  S  G  461 
—Baker,  A  D  277— B  180,  564,  565 — C  H  533 
— F  J  164— F  R  208,  209— G  P  109 — H  B  501 — 
H  S  492,  547,  580—1  O  X2S,  287— J  E  575— 
M  492— M  B  385— M  I,  208,  221,  554^M  S 
3J5__0  W  442— R  H  550— V  D  564— Balch.  F  A 
580 — Baldwin,  A  C  343— E  165— J  W  102— S  C  531 
— S  E  124— Balkema,  P  114,  161— Ball,  A  E 
160 — Mrs  A  P  554— C  O  Jr  444— C  O  444 
— D  H  312.  433— K  D  432— F  W  528— G  E 
433— H   P   553— L  J   432— S   325— Ballard,   H   h 

<   J   432- 

H    M    169— Mrs    H    M    169— Ballingcr,    L, 

—Bancroft,    A    L   546- 

R    B    529— Bane,    W    J 

M  378 — Bancker,  E  552 — Bancroft,  A  L  546 — 
E  P  114,  554— H  461— R  B  529— Bane,  W  J 
223 — Banfield,  H  G  314 — h  276 — L  R  554 — 
Bangham,  A  D  533 — Mrs  A  D  540 — Bangs,  S 
E  529 — Bankey,  E  F  342 — Bannister,  N  G  385,  443, 
545 — Bannon,  H  T  206 — J  W  442 — Barber,  G  M 
473,  474 — h  L  218 — Barbosa,  G  H  50 — G  S  491 
— ^J  C  50,  51,  491 — Barbour,  h  h  155,  442,  491, 
552.     556,    557,    559^-^y    T_  378,    379,    385,    545 

Barchus,    M 

eau,  H   : 

J94— Bai 

22Z — . 

552.    5« 
554— B) 

554^Barchus,    M'F   581— Bardwell,    H    H   493— 
Kuibeau,  H  B  594 — L  59,4 — R  E^H  278,  374- 

V  J  594— Barksdale,  J  N  395— BarkduU,  H  L 
223— Barker,  E  F  177— G  R  165— H  L  492— 
Barlow,  H  H  526 — Barnaby,  H  T  442 — Barnard, 
E  N  546— H  F  531— Barnes,  A  M  274— E  H 
123— G  M  59— H  552— H  O  sS3-Mrs  H  O 
553— T  M  206,  311,  ^26,  430 — O  F  528 — O  M 
314 — ^Barnett,  H  G  203— BarnhiU,  JT  B  56 — 
Bamum,  L  P  436 — R  C  459 — Barr,  D  W  503 — 
J  A  334 — O  O  489— Barracks,  J  A  492— Barrett, 
A  M  100,  399,  543 — }  M  Jr  462,  571 — R  B  543 — 
Barrow.  E  h  316 — W  H  160 — Barrows,  E  L 
3,6— W  H  160— Barss,  H  D  555— Barstow,  W 
E   545 — Bartell,    F   E   554— Bartelmc,   M   M    X02, 

aos,    206,    375,   488— P   G    14,    99,    103,    i75,    ^7^* 
5— Ba    •    "     •    --     .-     ->     ..    . 

J   534— <  . 

328— H    W    48,    430— J    E    272— BasVett.    h    W 

Bartholf,  A  C  i66 — Bartholomew, 
A^  C  ^66— Bartlett.  A  55— Mrs.  A  C  102,  205— 
MrsC"  "■ 

442,   538.    575- 

'"      "  -Bartlett,   A   55— Mrs. A   C    102,   205- 
534— C  h  272— E  S  219 — Barton,   C  J 

I  M  S50— J  B  Z2S—t,  107— M  G  53<^— R  E 
550 — Mrs  R  E  550 — Bassman,  F  B  442 — Bastian, 
C  E  462 — Bastin,  R  B  124 — Batchelor,  E  A 
134 — Bateman,  J  H  461— Bates,  G  536 — G  W 
526 — H  M  123,  189,  197,  203,  231,  243,  244, 
261,  263,  281,  282,  284,  291,  292,  310,  311, 
3«3»   314,   352,  426,   451,  458,   462,  485,   487,   533, 

34,  576,  587— N  552— O  W  262— T  M  497— 
Jatson,  W  H  577 — Bauer,  H  289,  452 — Bavly, 
D  M  339— Baxter,  F  H  489— H  A  327— K  S 
125,  288,  411— Bayless,  R  T  555— Bazley,  A  H 
168— J  M  168— J  R  168— Beach,  C  M  554— 
F  A  167— F  P  383— Beadle,  G  W  58X,  M  51— 
W  H  H  51,  104— Beagle,  M  G  376— Beahan, 
W  T  135— Beakes,  S  W  220,  531,  552— Mrs  S 
W  207— Beal,  F  W  383— J  E  10.  45,  47, 
15s,  179,  202,  263,  270,  287,  310,  313, 
344,  372,  374,  398,  485,  486,  531,  566,  567. 
570,  S7(^»  S7^ — M  M  493 — Beall,  Mrs  O  161, 
315— Seals,  M  B  C  218— Bean,  H  F  493— 
Beardsley,  B  433— C  E  489:-Beasly,  W  A  164 
— Beasom,  M  502 — Beath,  T  442 — Beattie,  J  W 
580 — M  T  432,  540 — Beaumont,  H  M  205 — ^J 
C  503 — Bechman,  F  E  374 — Becker,  I  232 — 
M  A  114— M  G  555— M  I,  159,  489— V  M 
265 — Beckwith,  AM  161,  207 — C  G  499 — Bedford, 
T  G  108 — Beebe,  H  M  60,  78,  203.  554— Beers, 
W  H  167— Begle,  C  C  276— E  G  276— G  G 
540 — H  L  272,  540,  545— Mrs  H  h  443.  545— 
I  P  272,  385— N  G  276,  542— Mrs  N  G  554— 
S  G  272— Begole,  C  H  433— D  433— Behrens. 
C  A  loi— Beifeld,  A  H  461 — Beis,  G  A  554 — 
Beitler,  H  C  57— Bejcek,  C  A  499— Belcher, 
M  A  an — Belford,  F  194,  196,  199,  218 — J  A 
159 — Belhumeur,  G  M  433— Bell,  C  P  317— F  A 
106,  164— F  h  580— H  582 — H  h  X14,  555— 
T  F  18— J  W  274-N  J  531- S  531- W  C  5^1— 
Belhnan.  R  M  221— Beman,  R  545,  554— W  W 
293,  526 — Mrs  W  W  526 — Bement,  C  273,  385 — 
C  E  289,  528 — Bemis,  A  H  503 — Benaway,  R 
M  107 — Bender,  I  E  569 — Benedict,  A  314, 
324— C  C  206— J  F  582 — ^Benedicto.  J  E  50, 
442 — Benham,  A  S  444,  554 — Benjamin,  A  I< 
432 — BennettJ^A  A  461,  C  L,  553 — Mrs  C  t,  545 — 
E  J  169— F  T  274— H  205,  206,  245— H  S  553— 
J  E  536— J  O  448— J  W  F  314— 1<  E  159— 
M  E  553 — ^ensley,  M  D  107,  312,  431 — Mrs  M 
I>  312,  43  X — Benson,  E  275 — Bentley,  A  M 
245— G  N  540— N  I  52— Benton,  I^  H  462— 
Benzenberg,  G  H  343 — Bermingham  E  T  103 
— Bernard,  F  B  492 — Bernstein,  J  M  503 — 
Berry,  C  S  203 — C  T  167 — O  C  545,  553 — Bessey, 
E    394— Best,    T    D    223— Beuhler,     H     R     115, 

312.  446,  581 — Beurmann,  E  E  592 — Biascoechea. 
D  A  50,  51,  170 — Bibbins,  J  R  57,  487 — Bickley, 
B  A  442,  543,   590 — U  F  590— Bieber,  M   F  316 

-Biesterfeld,  C  H  222 — Bigalke,  I  A  61,  555 — 
Bigelow,  C  78— C  W  314— R  h  192,  314,  578— 
S  I,  244,  373— Biggers,  J  D  196,  222— Biggs, 
C  A  273^ — E  M  ^73,  385 — F  B  548 — Billman, 
G  H  498 — Bingham,  W  E  102,  594 — Binyon, 
t,  125— Bird,  C  W  550,  555— H  L  60,  554— 
J  C  374,  553— J  P  31,  32,  271,  448,  449,  486, 
553^  578 — Mrs  J  P  271 — M  h  550 — Birmingham, 
li  P  163,  496 — Birney,  D  S  315— Bisbee,  L  S 
411.  550 — Bishop,  A  W  50a — F  L  264,  265 — 
G  S  552— Mrs  G  S  552— L  C  102,  553— M  E  6x— 
R  S  502— R  S  Tr  502— W  W  55,  2x8,  31S— BisselL 
A  P  550— G  W  247— Bither,  W  A  499— B«by,  W 
K  268— Black,  H  B  60— J  G  168.  327— K  G 
60,  327— T  E  168— W  F  550— Blackinton.  G  W 
591 — Blackwood,  J  Y  499 — Blaine,  C  G  531 — 
Blair,  B  D  497*— B  F  316.  382,  437 — Mrs  B  F 
437— F  R  382,  384.  437— J  N  382,  437— BUke, 
E  J  550— R  B  555— S  C  497— Blakeney,  J  P 
329 — Blanchard,  G  F  501 — ^J  S  436— Blanding, 
F  J  386— Blanshard,  P  B  170,  277— Bleich.  L 
312— Blew,  H  M  329— Blish,  M  R  580— Bliss, 
C  I*  106— F  E  471,  472,  473,  496,  552 — G  P 
38s— Bloch,  M  G  218— Block.  A  D  61— E  377 
— S  F  444— Blodgett,  T  H  500— Blood,  E  W 
554.  593 — Bloomfield,  A  C  155 — L  C  385,  545 
— Blossom,  H  S  162,  x68 — Blough,  Mrs  E  500 
— Blumrosen,  S  61 — Blunt,  J  D  442 — Bock.  A 
H  161— Bocksuhler.  H  I,  569 — Bodman,  H  E 
405,  458,  553,  579 — Bodwell,  C  h  54 — Boer, 
Mrs  J  ii  540 — Boertmann,  O  E  60 — Bogg,  R 
S  103— Bogle,  H  C  338— L  592— Bogue,  A  P  234 
— ^J  C  277 — Bohling,  J  D  270 — Bohnsack,  A  W 
49,  264,  487,  547 — Bolan.  M  J  317 — Bollen- 
bacher,  P  E  61,  169— Bolt,  R  A  xri — Boltoxi, 
F  h  554— Bond,  B  D  532— D  J  442— J  A  C 
38X— W    H    442— Mrs    W    H    442— BoniUa,    J    A 

Digitized  by 




554 — Bonisteel,  R  O  107,  555 — ^Bonner,  C  J40, 
485— M  C  327 — Bonnet,  W  M  382 — Bookwalter, 
W  J  166— Bo<Me»  N  T  44^— Booth,  Mrs  B  C 
166—0  E  107— W  J  26s— Bordine,  M  E  5»— 
Born,  P  h  114— Borthwick,  M  B  54— Bote, 
"  C  234,  288— Mrs  J  C  234— Boss,  C  M  526 — 
rs    C    M    526— Bostick,    K    E    114 — Boston,    O 


W  47,  224,  554 — Bostwick,  E  276 — Botkin,  E 
M  489 — Bottsford,  L  L  555— Bouchard,  H  504 
^Boucher,    C    S    112,    385— Mrs    C    S    113.    264, 

265 — Boucke,    E    A    340 — Boughton,    E    F    431 — 
W    E    431— Boulger,    S    S    314— BourUnd,    B    P 

553 — Mrs  J  F  166,  273,  385,  545 — Bowen,  C  A 
52,  383— Mrs  E  N  554— E  W  161,  547— J  P 
106,  M   564,  565— N  H  78,  230 — Bowie,   E  McD 

385— L  591— Bowlby,  E  H  162— Bowles,  C  399. 
546,  580— J  T  B  314,  377— Bowling,  A  J 
274— Bowman,  G  542 — H  M  314.  325— P  K  555 
— W  209— W  S  444— Boyce,  C  W  S5S»  581— J  h 
555 — Boyd,  F  R  317— Boyer,  A  A  3M— A  P 
266— Mrs  C  J  165— F  D  312,  443,  59i— M  S 
443.  S9»— R  E  5?J— Z  C  165— Boylan.  J  A 
536 — Bojmton,  B  B  570 — h  F  316 — Bradbeer, 
M  M  581— Braddock,  H  160— Bradfield.  M  E 
443— T  C  443— T  J  443— Bradford,  F  N  493— 
t  B  326— Bradley,  A  462 — G  D  208,  553.  577 
— H  C  275—1  A  48— M  J  536— S  S  314.  437— 
Bradrick,  C  W  445— Bradshaw,  J  W  130.  394. 
399.  540 — Bradt,  F  T  62 — Brady,  C  H  222 — 
H  A  277,  555— Brail,  OWL  435— Brainerd,  E 
159 — H  C  471.  473.  496 — S  J  102 — Braisted, 
W  C  441 — Braley,  E  208— W  N  503 — Brande- 
bury,  H  G  492 — Brander,  H  S  395 — Brandon, 
E  E  55 — Brattin,  C  h  162.  387 — Brayman. 
L  E  266 — Brasrton,  L  54 »»  59o — Braxeau,  S  D 
591— Breakey.  I  35^— J  F  357,  552,  553— Mrs 
J  F  553— P  A  356— W  F  273,  279,  280.  317. 
356,  358 — Brechner,  C  503 — Breckinridge,  S  246 
—Breed,  F  S  486— Breitenbach,  H  P  no— L  P 
553 — Breitenwischer,  A  H  220 — Brender,  P  E 
208 — Brennan,  F  M  103,  341,  432 — H  A  546, 
547— R  J  158— V  M  580— Brennen,  F  J  224— 
Brenton,  W  H  51 — Bresler,  W  M  500 — Brevoort, 
H  M  500 — Brewer,  A  A  327 — Brewster,  E  R 
502 — Breymann,  J  B  342 — Bricc,  E  I  114 — 
Bridge,  M  R  328,  550 — Bridgman,  E  E  444 — 
O  L  444— Brier,  J  C  554— Mrs  J  C  554— Brigden, 
W  W  247— Briggs,  E  L  218— L  K  327— M  C 
61,  445 — ^JBrigham,  R  O  461 — Bright,  A  A  554 — 
C  G  277 — ^Bringhurst,  J  H  554 — Brinkraeyer, 
R  107 — Briosa,  G  50 — Bristol,  A  E  265 — Brit- 
ton,  G  B  112,  444 — Mrs  G  B  112 — M  C  444 
R  E  444— R  F  442— Broad,  R  277— Brodhead. 
A  S  158 — Brodie,  H  203 — Bromley,  B  D  32, 
39,  170 — Brooker,  A  G  209,  375 — Mrs  A  G  432 
— Brookhart,  I*  S  501— Brooks,  C  W  543— E 
E  498— J  R  221— S  D  499— W  D  553— Broome, 
A  L  433 — Broomfield,  A  442,  543 — Broomhall, 
A  M  147,  313.  314,  377,  384,  578— Brorens.  h 
107 — Brough,  B  F  377 — Broussard,  M  J  285 — 
Brown-Browne,  A  C  104,  i6o,  207,  315 — A  M 
441— A  V  580— D  M  386— E  C  164— E  E  3M 
— E  F  26s— E  G  504— E  N  533,  552— E  V  102, 
375,  456 — G  H  112 — H  E  167,  246,  492,  504, 
554,  555,  579— H  J  529— H  M  328,  555— H  S  554 
—I  I,  108— J  A  343— J  E  488.  551— J  S  102— 
J  W  493— K  H  216,  321,  495— L  A  61— L  W 
550 — M  I  112 — M  W  112 — N  A  161,  207,  315 
— O  580— P  R  471,  503 — R  E  102,  462 — R  K 
I07— T  R  166— W  499— Mrs  W  543— W  E  169 
— vV  N  317,  318 — Browning,  D  C  161 — Bruch, 
L  M  462,  571 — Bruington,  G  W  582 — Brumback, 
O  S  217 — Bnimm,  J  R  123,  395,  553 — Bninner, 
E  M  588— L  M  581— Briinnow,  R  E  84— Brush, 
C  F  381,  473.  474— Mrs  C  F  474— Bryan,  H 
K  264,  265 — W  J  135,  206,  311 — Bryant,  R  O 
54 — Bryce,  G  C  220 — Bryson,  t,  h  234,  268, 
340,  495.  547,  592 — Buchanan,  C  R  529— E  G 
294 — E  S  10,  374 — Buck,  G  434 — M  J  to6 — Mrs 
W  B  588— Z  P  462,  5SO— Buckley,  H  C  486— Buck- 
nall,  J  A  553— Bucknum,  H  H  531— Buel.  H 
314— T  B  543~Mrs  T  B  545— Buhl.  Mrs  T  H 
155 — Bulkley.  11  C  45,  99,  155,  202,  287,  310.  313, 
372,  486,  552,  553,  575,  576 — Bullard,  M  S  208 
— Bundschu,    C    C    223 — Bunker,    R    E    154,    398, 

430,  472,  541,  551 — Bunston,  H  W  169,  328 — 
Bunting,  R  B  445— R  J  445— R  W  3x2 — Burch. 
C  S  313,  314— R  A  552,  568— Burcham,  H  C 
436^ — Burdick,  E  R  534 — Burford,  R  A  311, 
Burg.  R  E  157 — Burgan,  C  L,  553 — Burge,  J  D 
51— Burgess.  G  448— G  S  276,  385,  545,  55 L 
588— H  h  169— M  P  h  315— Burk,  F  557— 
J  A  557— Burke,  G  J  173,  224,  505— W  A  158— 
Burkett,  A  H  276,  551,  554 — Burkheiser,  A  M 
545— Burley,  W  J  588— Burlingham,  H  S  564.  57© 
Burmeister,  W  H  385 — Burnett,  A  W  497,  529 
— h  N  6i,  169,  387— W  J  496 — Bumham,  A 
222,  554 — A  E  223,  445 — V  C  579 — Bums,  E  C 
209.  318— E  M  550,  593— M  M  554— W  N  443 
— Burr,  F  M  277,  445 — Burrell,  A  A  342 — 
H  J  170,  278 — Burret^  C  A  79,  100 — Burridge, 
F  A  169,  432,  555— V  155— V  M  461— Burritt, 
C  A  21*— Burrows,  C  W  315- Mrs  C  W  161— 
Bursley,  J  A  10 1,  272,  293,  338,  399,  442,  538— 
Mrs  J  A  272 — M  G  492 — P  E  m,  543 — Burt, 
B  C  266 — h  581— Burtner,  W  B  206 — Burton, 
C  M  289,  552— C  W  70,  568— Busby,  P  D  115 
— Busch,  A  268 — Bush,  A  M  221,  553,  554 — E 
F  435 — M  D  205 — Bushnell.  T  H  107 — Busooi, 
F  72— Butler,  F  500— H  218— H  M  550— J  M 
105 — Mrs  M  B  104,  160,  207,  315,  490,  491 — 
O  F  553- R  E  157— Butterfield,  M  275 — O  E 
314- Butters,  M  H  492 — ButU,  W  H  31,  36, 
552— Butzel,  F  M  588— L  M.  314 — Busby,  E  M 
343,  564,  570. 

Cable,  1)  J  489— Cabot,  R  C  134— Cady,  E  B 
590— M  V  534— W  B  531— CaldweU.  E  B  543 
— G  T  312— Calkins,  W  G  555— Callan,  W  165 
— Callen,  B  W  265— Cameron,  J  M  6i— M  550 — 
Camp,  A  E  106 — Campbell,  A  553 — A  B  205 — 
A  M  59,  554— C  300 — C  F  385.  545 — E  D  loi, 
234.  485,  486,  552 — E  S  124 — F  501 — H  I*  320^ 
579 — J  268 — ^J  A  165 — J  F  209 — J  t,  529 — 
K  271.  293,  399.  441,  534— L  E  490,  491 — O  J 
473.  496,  526— W  A  382— W  W  498— Canfield, 
A  G  ICO,  19 X,  242,  461,  485 — I^  K  500,  543 — 
h  T  217— R  B  553— Canright,  N  547— Cant, 
H  G  276— Canton.  G  T  327— Carey,  A  E  385— 
C  C  203— Carhart,  M  S  X04— Carleton.  G  H 
553— Carley,  \V  R  A  314— Carlson,  C  K  275— 
H  E  34» — J  592 — Carman,  G  N  529,  556,  557 — 
Carmody,  M  H  442,  536,  538,  540,  553 — Caron, 
G  C  555,  588— G  G  XX4,  552— Carpell,  O  C  550 
— Carpender,  W  B  497 — Carpenter,  A  D  312 
— Mrs  A  D  312 — A  G  47 x,  473,  49^ — C  217 — 
H  B  7.  32,  114,  125,  155,  555.  594— L  A 
432 — h  C  540,  590 — h  G  246 — R  C  526,  528 
— T  C  493— W  B  534— Carr,  F  F  273,  385— Car- 
ragan,  L  H  325 — Carrier,  W  M  435,  437 — Carrett, 
H  547 — Carroll.  H  432,  550 — W  F  378— Carrow, 
F  237— H  P  538,  543— Carson.  Mrs  O  H  534— 
R  M  287— Carstens,  H  R  503— Carter,  A  B  167, 
444— C  B  206— C  S  398,  526— Mrs  C  S  526— 
E  A  277— h  H  502— M  B  53— Mrs  M  B  51— 
Cart  Wright,  C  E  165.  538,  54o — Cary,  G  P 
490 — Mrs  G  P  490 — Case,  C  C  501 — E  497 — 
K  C  250— E  R  431— Mrs  E  R  431— E  T  266— 
R  E  312 — V  115 — Casey,  A  J  209 — Cason,  C 
128 — Cass,  I  A  104,  160,  315,  490,  491 — Castle, 
G  P  158— Caswell,  G  W  5S2— Catlett,  J  B  572— 
Cattell,DM  523,  552— Ca'.idill.  W  H  159— Caughey, 
D  C  162 — Caul  kins,  G  P  550— Cavanaugh.  M  J  27X, 
552 — Cedergren,  J  G  70 — Cerio,  I  459,  486 — 
Chadscy,  C  E  10,  432,  578— Chaffee,  E  B  274, 
294,  444 — F  F  54 — Chalmers.  A  B  57,  492— G 
543— J  57— S  492— W  VV  218— Chamberlain.  H 
K  208 — ^K  61 — Chamberlin.  D  S  328 — Chambers. 
J  W  317,  4^7 — W  N  443 — Champion,  H  L  246, 
458 — Champlin,  H  T  277 — P  M  X70 — Chandler, 
A  B  5J— M  O  112— S  529— W  M  272— Chaney, 
A  M  .188- -E  H  538,  540--M  554— Chans:,  P  H 
328"Chapin,  A  C  163— D  L  536— E  B  493— 
h  E  582— R  I)  106,  155— Chaplin,  T  316— 
Chapman,  A  E  385 —C  383— C  F  219 — H  E  55<» 
— T  E  385.  545.  554— L  H  106— O  436— R  M  54$ 
— Chappell-Chappelle,  C  E  222,  246— G  A  443 
— G  J  113 — Charles,  F  X05 — Chase,  A  B  207 — 
B  F  164.  588— Mrs  B  F  164— B  J  53,  79 — 
R  S  114— E  W  B  553— V  61— Chastain,  G  D 
581— Chatel,  F  J  388— Cheever,  P  430— Cheney, 
E    H    487— G    P    499—0    H    3x4,    324— Chenot, 

Digitized  by 




J  E  28s— Chickering,  H  E  3M,  324,  377,  433, 
578 — Childs,  W  h  374 — Chipman,  A  D  169-— 
G  H  435— Chittock,  W  J  532— Chizum.  G  H 
115,  160 — Cbristensen,  J  C  123,  155 — L,  E  222 — 
Christenson»  A  B  590 — Christian,  C  J  59 1 — 
E  A  532—1  W  398,  529.  531,  565,  566— Christie, 
G  531 — Christman,  R  E  461,  578 — Christopher, 
K  M  165,  207,  315,  '325,  434,  490 — W  H  493 — 
Chubb,  A  h  38s— C  F  383— R  L  554— Church, 
F  h  540— F  M  7,  114.  555— H  W  554,  577,  592 
— Churchill,  G  6i— Cissel,  J  H  262 — Claassen, 
G  C  338 — Clancy-Clancey,  M  t,  167 — R  H  315 — 
T  167,  433— Mrs  T  167— Clapp,  F  L  328— L  E 
328— Mrs  L  E  328— W  M  497— Clark-Clarke, 
A  B  276,  314— ^Irs  C  E  590— C  E  F  555— 
C  F  445,  554— C  S  554— C  W  287— E  A  550— 
E  G  436— K  H  270— F  E  376— G  VV  591— H 
A  433,  444,  554 — Mrs  H  A  444— II  B  109 — 
H  E  554,  555 — ii  H  490 — Mrs  H  H  104,  160, 
«>7,  3»5,  490,  491 — H  h  287,  461,  548 — H  W 
a2i,  553— J  G  112— J  T  552—1.  B  582— M  A 
555— N  T  504— Mrs  O  D  552— R  H  444— R 
W  112,  554— Mrs  R  W  112,  554— S  B  166.  590 
— S  W  534- T  C  163,  436.  438— W  124— VV  F 
437_W  R  163— Clary,  D  H  326— Claus,  H  T 
187 — Claussen,  C  S  164 — Clawson,  I  V  590 — 
Clay,  G  E  555- Clayberg,  J  B  160,  329— Clay- 
ton, G  M  52— Clear,  F  A  328 — Cleary,  C  B 
555— J  61— Cleghom,  D  P  443~Clcment,  A  W 
287 — C  E  160,  329 — Clements,  N  53— W  L  45, 
47,  99,  155,  202,  203,  262,  287,  309,  313,  372, 
484,  575,  576 — Cleveland,  F  A  377 — G  H  163, 
532,  533— Iv  E  273,  385— M  C  328— Cleverdon, 
C  C  540— Clift.  ly  M  X14— Cline,  I,  L  55,  108, 
115— M  h  S  XI 5— Clock,  H  G  314— Close,  Mrs 
F  B  552— Clough,  H  17— Clyne,  B  533— C  F 
443— Coates,  J  114,  168— Cobb.  A  W  264,  265 — 
C  R  545—1  E  265— M  H  555- N  A  61,  551— 
Cobbs,  J  h  167— Coburn,  H  G  160— VV  G  534— 
Cochran-Cochrane,  J  A  166,  246,  399,  553 — R 
E  547— W  D  134,  179,  462— W  S  159— Codd. 
G  P  206,  552 — Coddington,  E  A  54— Code,  W 
H  552— Codrington,  W  F  3x4— Cody,  H  S  385, 
487— Coc,  H  E  52,  491— Coffin,  B  I  170— L  M 
114 — Coffman,  h  342 — Cogsdill,  H  G  158 — 
Cogswell,  M  P  48,  168— Colburne,  M  A  61— 
Colby,  C  F  581— C  W  222— M  B  265— Colcord, 
D  H  316,  328 — Cole,  C  C  200 — E  L  102,  323 
— F  C  529— H  N  541— Mrs  H  N  543—1  S  436— 
J  B  531— L  G  168— R  I  314— W  C  III,  123, 
377 — Colegrove,  I  B  378 — Coleman,  H  213,  490 
— T  54— Coler,  W  P  223,  492,  550— Mrs  W  P 
550 — Colgrove,  A  R  493 — Collamore,  K  W  1x4 
— CoUiau,  H  J  578 — Colling,  F  E  555— CoUing- 
wood,  C  B  124— Collins,  C  I  5»— H  C  494— 
J  D  253,  254— J  J  433— R  S  462,  572— V  I,  435— 
CoUyer,  B  275— Colman,  B  T  444— Colson,  B 
442 — Colvin,  h  B  60 — Coman,  K  E  266,  267 — 
Combes,  F  499 — Comfort,  F  A  317 — Command, 
J  R  376 — Comparette,  T  L,  434 — Compton.  B  M 
572 — Comstock,  J  497 — ^J  K  314 — W  A  442,  536, 
538,  540,  566,  579 — Conable,  E  W  442,  540 — Mrs  E 
W  102,  205,  206,  375,  540 — Conant,  A  B 
sty — Conder,  E  R  443 — Condon,  L  C  534 — 
Cone,  h  H  79,  545— Mrs  I*  H  553— 
Conger,  H  P  316— I.  H  385— Mrs  L  H  385— 
R  <»  555,  593— S  B  448— Conklin,  F  h  550— 
H  G  547,  548— H  R  553— L  W  387— T  H  555 
— Conlon,  M  F  432 — T  A  541 — Connell,  H  h  x68, 
276— Connely,  M  M  547 — Connine,  M  J  582 — 
M  N  546 — ConnoUy-Connoly,  H  M  61,  555 — 
Conover,  C  J  59— E  W  277— Conrad,  G  W  B 
443 — Conradi,  L  C  1x5.  277 — Conrey,  N  P  104 
—-Conroy,  E  R  3x4 — Converse,  C  L  294,  345, 
399,  541— H  A  579— H  J  553— J  E  443— 
Cook-Cooke,  A  O  385,  545 — C  F  295,  531,  552, 
-    -       3-_C  W  '^    "  


C   H    552 — Mrs'  C   H  '55'2^^E    L    538,  '540— J  t 

553— D  M  494— E  P  54— 
Mrs  L  S  372 
W     555— Mrs 

L   341,    342— J    E   315— Iv   295~Mrs    L   S'372 
— M    295— R    H    326— S    F 

555— C   O   553 
G   L   341,    342- 

M    295— R    H    326— S     F     55 
W  531— W  A  554— W  J  553- W  W  529^Cooley, 
C   H    552 — Mrs   C   H    552— E    L    538,    540— J   T 
498— L   E    524— M    E   46,    47,    69,   72*    78,    1 01, 
123,    132,    155,    X97,    218,    231,    244,    247,    262, 

263,  287,  3",  313,  431,  484,  488,  552,  569— T 
B  552,  553 — Mrs  T  B  553 — Coolidge,  F  W 
593— is   B    500— Coombe,    P   A    462 — Coomer,    R 

M  x6x — Coon,  T  E  129 — Coonley,  R  B  54 — 
Coons,  E  287 — G  H  577 — Cooper,  C  H  159 — 
E  M  445 — F  I*  445 — P  445 — R  M  265 — Cooter. 
P  M  329 — Cope,  O  M  543,  553 — Copeland,  E 
L  208— R  S  X47,  271,  314,  377— W  G  379— 
Copely,  h  F  221 — Copeman,  A  E  162 — Corbett, 
M  i35_— Corbit,  R  M  553 — Corbusier,  C  R  160 
— H  D  313,  3x4 — Corcoran,  J  S  209 — Corey, 
G  H  582— Cornelius,  J  D  H  552— W  M  553, 
591 — Cornell,  H  G  376 — Comwell,  H  F  223 — 
Corrigan,  W  F  222 — Cort,  W  238 — Corwin,  E 
S  439,  540— H  B  285— H  H  540— Cory,  J  W 
Jr  329,  555 — Cosper,  G  W  107 — Cotey,  A  M 
59 — Cotter,  C  T  220 — H  C  220,  443—1  ^  543 
— Cotton,  J  R  339 — Cottrell,  G  W  500 — Coughlin, 
G  E  317 — Coulter,  G  M  462 — Coiirshon,  J  x6x 
— Covieau,  W  J  554 — Mrs  W  J  548 — Cowan, 
H  C  234— Cowen,  J  K  381— Cowgill,  P  A  441 
— Cowie,  D  M  87,  93,  10  x,  553 — Cowing,  G 
L  X14 — Cowles,  J  B  494 — R  B  552 — Cox,  E 
313 — H  S  317— J  J  lox,  247,  468 — J  It  113, 
156,  X57— W  W  287— Craig,  J  B  iii— J  C 
317— J  T  323— L  J  106 — ^R  274,  275— Craxn, 
G  W  396 — R  A  389,  409 — Crampton,  F  F  2x9 
— P  S  503— Mrs  P  S  376— Cramton,  L  C  315 
— Crandall,  C  A  502— G  C  536— Crandell,  A 
570 — Crane,  G  P  503 — H  t,  445 — J  L,  169,  504 — 
L  T  208— R  S  190— R  T  310,  345,  557,  562— 
Cranner,  E  E  1x5 — Crawford,  C  B  571 — E  S  582 — 
F  20s— F  W  502— H  W  209,  223— M  H  546,  547, 
580 — Mrs  M  H  547 — VV  E  60 — VV  G  3x4,  327 
— Creech,  M  E  554 — Crego,  VV  L,  543 — Cren- 
shaw, h  D  X28— Cretcher,  h  H  223— Crill,  M 
B  554— Criswell,  C  P  550— C  R  593— R  H 
70 — Crittenden,  Mrs  A  R  540 — Croarkin, 
Mrs  E  H  220,  553 — Crocker,  H  S  ixo — M 
<>52 — Crockett,  F  W  326 — Crofoot,  L  F  205 — 
Croman,  H  I  555— H  T  6x— J  M  552— Crom- 
well, M  E  326,  385,  545 — Crosby,  A  B  301 — 
J  M  291,  292— W  VV  125.  287— Crose,  N  W 
54 — Cross,  A  It  584,  585,  594 — C  134 — H  R 
31,  215— M  I,  386— N  M  276— R  D  317— Cross- 
man,  h  E  114,  462,  555— -R  M  x68,  205 — 
Croswell,  V^  R  x6o,  386— Crothers,  T  G  383— 
Crotser,  J  A  222 — Crouse,  Mrs  J  R  376— Crowe, 
C  A  277,  492 — Crowley,  C  F  205— D  H  546. 
59X — Cullen,  G  E  223,  433 — Culp,  V  555 — 
Culver,  A  582 — C  H  488 — Cumming,  J  G  79, 
xoi.  III,  430,  553 — Cummings,  H  H  X74, 
261,  291,  557,  577 — Cummins,  P  A  53 
— Cunningham,  I<  M  X24,  x8i,  342 — P  H  X14, 
555 — Cupples,  S  268— Currie.  A  h  158 — G  A 
546 — Curry,  G  J  550 — R  J  327 — Curtis-Curtiss, 
A  D  57 — ^A  E  49,  167,  264,  385 — E  A  504 — 
G  I,  53— G  W  209— H  K  555— M  R  385— 
R  O  553— Curwood,  J  O  268— Cushing,  V^  O 
540 — Cushway,  E  106 — Cutcheon,  F  R  3x4 —  F 
W  M  3x4,  324 — Cutler,  G  E  147,  270,  377 — 
H  D  504— H  J  169— J  A  58— Cutter,  J  C  237 
— Cutting,  C  S  102 — Cutts,  O  F  147,  148. 

Dagistan,  H  T  273 — Dagner,  A  C  555 — 
Dailey.  H  D  59— J  L  388— R  H  59— W  H 
489— Dale,  H  H  326— Da  Lee,  P  W  168— W 
A  x68— W  W  x6S— Dalton,  J  443— Damm,  h 
173 — Damon,  A  H  534 — G  A  490 — Mrs  G  A 
490 — Dancer,  H  A  271 — Dane,^  R  221 — Danforth, 
J  C  555— Danhof,  J  J  114— Daniels,  F  C  555 
— G  B  529 — ly  E  156,  430 — P  A  113 — Darling, 
C  G  X55,  358,  398— G  581— J  H  524,  552,  555 
— M  A  224 — Darrah,  D  E  588,  591 — Darrow, 
E  E  526 — Vv  E  326 — Datson,  E  P  5x — Daughters, 
C  B  499 — Davenport,  G  S  271— Davey,  F  P  558 
—J  M  X 60— David,  S  W  223— V  C  385— David- 
son. C  70,  43^— H  O  277— J  564— J  V  220— W  A 
276,  387— W  F  114— W  S  32— Davies,  F  H  X67— 
T  S  167 — Mrs  T  S  167 — Davis.  A  L  147,  377 — C 
A  3x5,  550— Mrs  C  A  i6x— C  B  157— D  D  580 
— E  E  2x8— F  A  488— J  B  7,  10,  484— J  S 
445— K  I  547— L  Iv  163— M  E  581— M  T  62— 
R  580— R  C  100— R  D  492,  503— R  M  580— 
T  P  221— Dawson.  B  F  55— B  H  343— 
C  C  2X7— G  E  526— Mrs  G  E  526— J 
500— R  H  50X— W  M  265— Day.  E.  D  582 
— L  500— L  M  x6j— S  A  38s— W  L  78,  132, 
471,  541- W  R  205,  2x1,  3x3— Deal,  J  E  224— 
Dean.   J    R    loi,    550— M   A    169,    555— I>«Camp, 

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J  E  115— -Decker,  A  J  553— Dee,  N  316 — De 
Foe,  A  D  1 01,  155— F  W  443— De  Forest,  C 
B  554— S  S  385— De  Ganley,  G  E  581— De 
Goenaga,  E  A  50,  491 — M  328,  550 — De  Graff, 
W  H  167,  580 — De  Greene,  A  h  1x5,  555— 
De  Groot,  J  I*  150 — DeGuise,  N  L  328,  550 — 
de  Juan,  F  491 — DeKruif,  P  H  101 — Delavan, 
C  C  46X— M  246,  461.  564— P  T  55— Delbridee, 
C  F  Jr  500 — C  F  442,  500,  540,  553 — Mrs 
C  F  500 — De  Lipcsey,  E  A  536 — De  Liptay, 
A  B  532— De  Long,  B  564— Del  Valle,  F  R  50 — 
M  A  50 — M  V  50 — P  so,  SI — R  50 — De  Meules, 
E  A  159,  273 — Deming,  A  W  52 — Demmer,  C 
C  159 — Demmler,  P  E  385 — Demmon,  E  L 
446—1  N  244,  287,  356,  457,  486,  562,  576— 
de  Nancrede,  C  B  G  18,  46,  47,  88,  155,  300, 
358 — H  W  k54— P  113 — Denby,  C  264— E  155 
— Denham,  S  M  209 — Den  Herder,  J  H  550 — 
Denison,  A  473 — A  C  376 — M  H  431 — Mrs  M 
H  431 — Denman,  B  J  431 — U  G  194,  197 — 
Denntson,  W  435 — Densham,  W  J  317 — Depew, 
H  A  555— Derickson,  E  C  542— Derthick,  W 
M  114 — DeSpelder,  E  532 — Dctwiler,  W  A  543 
— Deuney,  M  I^  438 — Devereauz,  J  P  546 — 
Devlin,  C  A  160— De  Voll,  F  U  123— De  Vree, 
H  V  114— Dew,  C  ly  58— Dewart,  C  V  287— 
Dewey,    B    A    106— C    R    317— F    A    208— F    G 

103,  312,  384,  542,  543,  579— F  I  399— F  S 
552 — G  M  504 — J  225,  226,  239 — Mrs  J  315 — 
M  C  432— De  Witt,  A  D  385— C  A  588— De 
Wolfe,  E  C  487— Deyoe,  E  H  532,  533— Dibble, 
S  F  164— V  R  378— Dicken,  C  L  553— Dickey, 
P  B  181 — Dickinson,  Mrs  A  102,  205 — S  S 
373,  411,  458,  550,  568,  570 — Dickson,  J  H  271 — 
Diederichs,  t  P  235 — Diekema,  G  J  289 —  W 
A  169— Diekhoff,  T  553— Dies,  W  P  276— 
Dieterle,  A  58— J  O  70— Dietz,  G  O  431— N 
D  cso — Diggins,  D  C  265— Dilla,  H  M  112— 
Dillinger.  J  L,  53 — Dillman,  E  h  314 — R  170, 
329 — Dillon,  F  G  158— Ditchy,  C  VV  554- J 
A  550 — ^J  K  554 — Divine,  G  A  271 — Dix,  H  P 
168— Dixon,  F  H  588— G  E  222— R  L  286— 
Doan,  W  I  546 — Dobson,  R  T  224 — Dock,  G 
239 — Dockeray,  F  C  190,  553,  577,  579 — Dodd, 
M  S  220,  377— Dodge,  C  K  526— Mrs  C  K  526 
— W  T  398,  529— Dohrmann,  F  W  218— Doll. 
M  G  273 — Dolph,  N  1,  107 — Donahey,  h  F 
272 — Donaldson,  R  S  2x8 — Dondineau,  A  555 — 
Donnelly,  E  553 — H  A  174 — Donovan,  P  J  554 
— D'Ooge,  B  L  529 — I  J  1x3,  264 — M  L  70, 
215,  271,  461,  509,  552 — Mrs  M  L  271 — Doolittle, 
H  J  500— Doran,  T  J  445 — Dom,  A  A  498, 
536 — Mrs  A  A  536 — Dott,  R  M  i6i — Doty,  C  A 
106,  113— E  T  54— R  E  168,  550— R  W  222— 
W  G  526,  528 — Dougall,  W  494 — Dougherty, 
C  J  157— C  1/  327,  581- Doughty,  E  M  314— 
1,  580 — R  W  3x4 — Douglas-Douglass,  H  W  343, 
534— Mrs  H  W  373,  542— ly  C  135— Iv  K  542, 
588— P  P  106— S  B  277— Dow,  A  489— C  M 
328— E  VV  189.  552— Mrs  E  W  541— Dowd, 
h  P  272— Mrs  W  S  166,  272— Dowling.  E  P 
321 — T  T  580 — Dowraan,  C  H  58,  167 — Downey, 
E  579— M  554 — Dovmie,  F  P  107 — Downs,  Mrs 
L  C  552 — Dowric,  G  W  47,  236,  340 — Doyle, 
S  E  114— T  F  266— T  J  550— Drake,  E  B  80, 
115— E  1/  312,  552— J  H  129,  344.  399.  494. 
495.  543— Mrs  J  H  553— R  E  552— Draper,  J 
B  loi — Dratz,  P  A  264,  487,  538,  540 — Drees, 
T   J    x6i— Driscoll,    A    M    115— Drollinger,    H    B 

104,  580— Drury,  C  P  555— W  R  169— Dryer, 
C  A  446— Dubuar,  C  I,  528— Dubee,  A  V  70 — 
Dubois,  A  257 — Dubry,  E  E  277,  388 — Ducey, 
J  F  166 — Mrs  J  F  166 — Du  Charme,  C  B  103, 
< 53— Dudgeon,  W  C  327— Dudley.  C  H  158 — 
D  329 — Duell,  I4  P  462 — Duensing,  M  105 — 
Duff,  G  M  504— M  A  548— Duffey-Duffy,  G  K 
158,  376,  432— J  E  406,  486,  534,  567.  577— 
M  158— W  J  223— Duffield,  B  579— Dull,  G  A 
315.  554.  592 — Dumas.  H  A  317 — Dunbar,  F 
J  553 — Dunbaugh,  C  P  383 — Duncan,  A  G  59» 
§88 — n  M  266 — ^T  A  217— Dunham,  F  S  501 — 
L  E  49S— Dunkley,  W  A  326— Dunlap,  D  L 
III,  112 — Mrs  D  t,  III,  112 — E  H  223 — S  B 
223— T  S  498 — W  C  III,  112— Dunlop,  C  D 
456 — Dunne,  J  114 —  M  F  341 — Dunning,  I  R 
210 — S    W    314,    437 — Dunten,    L    H    114,    169 — 

Dupont,  R  S  498 — Duppert,  W  J  431,  444 — 
Dupras,  F  61— Durant,  P  D  51— Durkin,  C  M 
316 — Durstine,  F  H  496 — Duschak,  L  H  160 — 
Dusenbury,  Mrs  F  J  553 — Duthie,  G  A  221 — 
Dutton,  D  D  58— H  P  107,  115— Dyer,  C  G 
61,  114— Dykema,  P  W  55. 

Eaman,  F  D  134,  154,  442,  538,  450 — Earhart, 
L  B  315,  434 — Earle,  D  208 — Eastman.  H  P 
312— S  C  552— Mrs  W  H  432— Easton,  F  E 
582 — Eaton,  D  H  545— E  A  591- M  169— M 
C  492,  504— M  N  432— Eberbach,  C  W  554— 
Eberle,  E  E  82— Eckel,  J  I^  431— Mrs  J  L 
431— Eckhart,  J  W  487— Edie,  J  O  494— Ed- 
monds, Mrs  A  B  103,  206,  375,  488 — H  S  209 
— Edmonson,  J  B  53,  58,  78,  79,  553 — Bklmunds, 
C  W  189,  3x0,  359,  542 — Edmunson,  L  R  51 — 
Bdsill,  E  C  553— Edward,  E  B  593— M  S  492— 
O  F  312— R  H  135— Edwards,  D  R  315— Mrs 
D  A  161 — E  H  499 — H  P  317 — M  316 — Effinger, 
J  R  7,  244,  337,  173,  376,  396,  430,  431,  486, 
488,  505,  552,  575,  576~Mrs  J  R  540— Egger, 
F  L  501— Eggerth,  A  H  189— Egly,  W  H  168 
— Ehle,  C  E  593— Ehlers.  G  M  168— J  H  487, 
540 — J  M  321 — Ehrlich,  L  H  541 — Eich,  L  ii3» 
180,  554 — Eirich,  C  G  1x3 — Eisenhower,  E  N 
277 — Eisenmann,  J  473,  496 — Elder,  L  W  385 — 
Eldredge,  C  E  124 — G  C  01,  xii,  115,  277, 
555— Eldridge,  I,  C  431— Elfers,  C  R  325— 
Elgart,  B  550 — Elles.  N  B  265— EUicky  A  G 
541— Ellinwood,  E  E  536— Elliott,  A  J  135— 
J  203—1.  E  553— Mrs  W  53<^W  D  592— 
Ellis,  Mrs  C  W  545— G  E  167,  266— L  A  489— 
M  M  238— Mrs  M  M  238— W  553— EUison. 
O  552— Elmer,  A  W  431— El-Sayed,  M  54— 
Elser,  Mrs  E  377 — Elspass,  G  W  503— Ely,  A 
Jr  3x4,  442— H  R  342,  395—1/  A  314— S  D 
314 — Embree,  E  R  128,  131,  560 — Emerman.  M 
V  503— Emerson,  M  h  581— O  J  382— P  O 
395 — Emery,  Z  T  589 — Emmons,  H  H  324 — 
Engelmann,  I,  494 — Engle,  A  A  312 — English, 
R  B  191 — Ensign,  J  E  473 — Enzenroth,  C  H 
59 — Eppstein,  J  O  223 — Erb,  P  431 — Mrs  P 
431 — Erickson,  F  I,  553,  591 — J  E  113 — Ernest, 
R  D  581— Essery,  C  V  548,  555— F  V  555— 
Estabrooke,  D  G  71 — Esten,  A  J  83 — Estes, 
L  A  274 — Ettinger,  I<  P  275 — Evans,  A  78,  79, 
487 — Mrs  A  E  166 — C  R  222,  386,  504 — E  M 
223 — F  J  374 — I  L  103,  471,  503 — O  M  385, 
378 — Evatt,  E  K  445— Everest,  C  A  502 — Evers- 
man,  W  A  220 — Ewell,  M  D  55 — Ewing,  B  61 
— W   A   147.   3M.   377- 

Fahrenwald,  F  A  461 — Fair,  R  C  536 — Fair- 
banks, A  584 — C  A  376 — E  555 — Fairman,  L 
102,  205 — Fales,  P  L  274 — Fall,  D  526,  528 — 
Fallon,  B  B  160,  548 — Fancher,  T  S  266 — 
Farmer,  V  D  545 — Farnsworth,  G  261 — M  F 
221,  273,  443,  543,  545 — Farnbam.  F  61 — L  A 
545 — O  E  443 — T  I.  335 — Farquhar,  G  214 — 
Parrah,  A  J  157 — Farrand,  H  L  276,  432,  554 — 
Farrell,  S  134— Fassett,  N  B  493— Fay,  G  E 
442 — J  B  497 — Fauldner,  G  B  224 — Faxon,  M 
G  168 — Fayram,  M  R  376 — Fearon,  D  C  106, 
386 — ^J  D  106,  112 — Feddersen,  II  C  161 — 
Fee,  J  H  236,  245 — Feinstein,  M  577 — Fellers, 
R  R  234,  461— Fellows,  F  F  61 -Mrs  F  F  61— 
W  E  61,  277,  594 — Felmley,  D  529 — Felt  well, 
J  582 — Ferguson,  A  L  461,  553,  577,  578 — B  M 
224— C  W  568— D  M  273— E  E  325— F  C  431 
—Mrs  F  C  43 X— J  C  125— R  T  593— S  H  61— 
W  M  594 — W  N  555 — Ferrier,  J  W  219,  223 — 
Ferris,  J  E  499 — W  N  102,  103,  135,  158,  288 
— Ferry,  DM  155,  165 — Mrs  D  M  165 — Ficken, 
R  O  101— Field,  F  462— H  G  218— L  N  60— M 
G  590— N  C  337— W  S  7— Finch.  C  S  579— F  R 
46,  81— M  R  82— R  G  82— Fink,  G  E  487,  54i— 
Finkenstaedt,  J  W  462— Finley,  C  M  161— M  F 
315 — Finn,  E  S  54— J  I  "3 — Finnegan,  W  B 
533 — Finney,  A  H  499 — B  A  86,  105,  552 — II  R 
553 — Finnimore,  D  W  317 — Finstcr,  Mrs  A  R 
5QO — R  R  314 — Firestone,  C  E  278,  492 — 
Fish,  E  254 — E  C  493 — Fischer-Fisher,  A 
F  286,  524,  534,  536 — B  L  106— C  A  205, 
316 — E  62,  170,  431,  446 — F  S  165 — F  W  60, 
162— H  P  160— L  575- Fishleigh,  W  T  220, 
543.  553 — Fitch,  A  462 — FitzGerald,  A  M  278 — 
J    J     62 — W     h    546 — W     M     555 — Fitzsimmonf, 

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H  A  441— S  B  502 — Pixel,  A  E  54^ — FUgg, 
F  J  158— -T  H  333— Plannigan«  C  R  158— 
Fleagle,  F  K  491 — Pleshiem,  R  S  501 — Pletcher, 
A  K  531— A  M  579— F  W  528— Mrs  G  H  53i 
— G  I  ijs— H  F  581.  594— L  V  528— P  K  555 
— Pleugel,  E  448 — Flexncr,  A  347 — Plint,  M  S  3M 
—Flood.  A  G  588— Plook,  I,  R  555— N  S  461— 
Flowers,  N  553— Plynn,  E  H  jx2,  433— K  E  174— 
Pogerty,  H  570 — Pollin,  T  W  555 — Ponda,  H  M 
435— Poote,  I  B  318— M  R  568 — M  W  169,  446— 
W  C  323— Pord.  A  266— C  B  500,  541— C  L  2— 
H  C  473»  49^— H  W  60.  276,  314,  386,  588— I 
L  555 — ^J  H  494 — M  B  276 — W  B  310,  394 — Ford- 
ney.  A  265 — Foreman,  J  R  554 — R  H  59,  554,  588 
— Forney,  T  G  315 — Forrey,  B  F  532 — Forsjrthe* 
Forsyth,  C  H  190.  577— H  B  124— N  A  161— 
W  E  203,  224 — Foster,  A  M  167 — Mrs  A  M 
167— B  h  435— B  S  167— C  E  62,  550— ly  B 
322 — Foulk,  F  B  7,  593 — Fowler,  E  H  385— 
H     R    56— J    W    436— Fowles.    F    R    221— Fox. 

C    435— D    E    291— E    564*    565— E    M    180,    461 

~     .,.     _.. .'     '     554-K    sr. 

M    W    166— Mrs    M    W    166— N    K    314— P    R 

S     59.     554- H    W   .isf^I     554— K    564- 

166— R  M  500 — W  W  493— Frace,  D  I  550— 
Prackleton,  D  S  531 — H  L  00 — Franc,  J  J  314 
— Francis,  D  R  268 — H  M  591 — Franck-FranV, 
C  D  3»4— C  O  378— H  A  384— Franklin.  M 
162 — W  A  582 — Frapwell,  A  P JM — Fraser-Frazer, 
A  H  324,  344,  398,  529 — C  E  494 — L  K  160 — 
Prayer,  W  A  79 — Frederick,  O  G  591 — Freece, 
J  S  502— Freeman.  C  D  579 — F  M  274— M  H 
314— R  C  166— Freer.  A  h  383— C  I,  i55»  ^94. 
295,  319 — Mrs  P  C  383 — Frehse,  A  H  103 — 
Premstad.  O  394— French,  C  E  582 — E  C  532 — 
G  J  526— H  F  577— J  L  57— Mrs  J  L  543— 
Preund,  H  A  399,  545 — H  L,  592 — H  M  592 — 
R  S  436— Prick,  H  C  383— Friday,  D  47,  69, 
124,  234,  246,  558 — Friedman,  C  K  2x8,  431 — 
Mrs  C  K  431—1/  K  181— Friexe.  H  S  529— 
Prink.  F  G  51— Mrs  F  G  51— J  I,  167,  444. 
502— Frisbie.  C  M  112— M  112— M  B  112— W 
108 — Prissell,  S  582 — Frost,  C  G  504,  55© — D 
H  444— L  W  62— M  N  432.  433.  591— W  S  164— 
Frothingham.  E  H  112,  380 — Mrs  E  H  112 — 
Fuelber.  E  M  276 — M  276 — O  E  276 — Puhrer. 
M  W  115,  157— Fuller,  E  G  168— F  R  494— 
O  N  166,  189,  385— M  M  265— W  P  160— 
FuUerton,  F  543 — Fulton,  J  S  3M — Furman,  E 
C  168,  223— J  h  582 — FUrstenau.  J  G  102 — 
Fyke.  C  A  528— Mrs  C  A  528. 

Gable.  H  C  161,  547— Gadski,  J  71 —Gage, 
B  A  499 — E  504— F  A  208— N  L  208 — Gahn. 
H  C  SOI — Gaige.  F  M  71,  265 — Gale,  A  E  493 
— E  M  221— Gallagher.  K  A  328— Gallichan,  Mrs 
W  376— Galloway,  E  D  552— Gallup.  E  E  166 
— H  E  157.  167.  443 — Gambill,  J  M  387 — 
Gamble,  J  R  210 — Gandy,  C  h  168 — Gannett, 
T^  K  503 — Ganung,  Mrs  S  F  533 — Gardner,  D 
It  313— E  D  552— J  S  S  555- M  E  62,  555. 
503— W  A  156— Garfield.  J  R  281 — Garrett,  I 
M  53 — Garrigues,  E  E  434 — Garst,  J  56 — 
Garty,  R  J  221 — Garvin,  h  E  312,  433 — Gar- 
wood. D  A  529 — T  G  50 — R  S  50,  524.  552 — 
Gass.  A  M  580 — H  R  552— T  H  553— Gaston, 
Mrs  C  R  541— Gates.  B  F  338 — Mrs  E 
I^  487.  553— F  C  238— W  C  536,  588— 
GaU,  A  D  276 — Gault.  H  G  70,  411,  568 — Gauss. 
C  380.  494— E  B  554— J  M  312,  554— Mrs  J  M 
312 — Gawne,  C  I<  593— Gay.  G  C  536 — Gayer, 
A  L  III — Gayley.  C  M  109,  190.  239 — Gaynor. 
P  T  194.  22Z,  502— Geake.  W  C  541— Geddes. 
F  I,  217— Geib.  Mrs  F  P  432 — Geisler,  J  F  314 
— Geismer.  E  L  500 — II  156,  157 — Geleerd.  M 
220 — Gelston,  A  B  529 — Mrs  H  M  390 — W  L 
543 — Genebach.  G  J  374 — George.  E  K  550 — 
E  L  314— E  S  580,  593—1/  E  385,  399,  443. 
545 — R  G  271.  314 — Georg,  T  «;47 — Gerberich, 
G  H  S54— P  S  554— Gerhauser,  G  A  580— W  F 
445— W  H  445— Mrs  W  H  445— Ger^en.  C  5'?3— 
Gemert.  H  E  314,  386 — Gibbons,  T  W  593 — O  N 
581— Gibbt.  F  C  265,  277,  588— Mrs  F  C  265— 
G  459 — Gibson.  Mrs  E  B  552— E  D  588— F  M 
552— G  H  27?— H  E  60,  554— J  R  107— T  T 
53.  6i.  327 — W  P  70 — Gieske,  A  I^  287,  461 — 
Gifford.  H  532— W  A  553— Gilbert.  C  389.  409 
— Q    O    170,    554.    555— W    B    160— Gilchrist,    C 

P  496— J  E  555— Gilday,  S  543— Gildersleeve.  B 
239— Gill.  Mrs  I  I,  554— Gillard,  J  R  385. 
545.  554 — Gillespie,  J  264 — Gillette,  E  M  528 
— F  B  553— G  M  528—!^  h  554— Gillmore,  R 
H  387 — Gilman,  A  E  277 — H  F  502 — Gingerich, 
S  F  82,  190,  203 — Ginsburg.  A  J  554,  593 — 
T  246.  432,  461 — Gisbome,  H  T  179 — Glasgow, 
D  M  499— Glass.  G  558 — Glauz,  V  564 — Gleason, 
H  A  47,  112,  203,  373 — T  M  222 — Gleed,  C  S 
208— Glenn,  C  W  581— Mrs  J  M  314 — Glennon. 
J  J  268— Glover,  C  C  554,  555— C  G  555— G  C 
Id,  102,  114 — Glynn,  Mrs  E  W  553— Goddard, 
E  C  552,553— H  W  276~L  W  52— M  A  541— 
Goodwin.    D    E   275 — M    W   275.    547 — Goehring. 

C  550— Gocthals,  G  C  455— Goflfe,  J  R  314— 
Goff,  F  H  473,  497,  529 — I  C  497— Gold,  MAS 
394 — Goldman.  M  D  553 — Goldthwaite.  N  E  435- 

394 — Goldman.  M  D  553 — Goldthwai 
Gomberg.  M  534 — Good.  C  E  444, 
G   P   524— R    H    162— Goodell.    H    ] 

547 — Goodale, 
524— K  H  162— Goodell,  11  M  490— L  W 
548 — Goodenough,  t,  W  263 — Goodenow,  H  E 
581,  593— W  B  60,  157— Goodhue,  B  G  389. 
409 — Gooding,  F  E  159,  489 — Goodnow.  F  J  455 
— Goodrich,  C  J  329,  374,  375— E  M  553— E 
P  3M.  552,  589,  590 — F  H  265 — F  h  D  100 — 
R  D  no — Goodwin,  L  R  502,  591 — W  J  341 
—Goodyear,  D  S  554— E  B  434— J  J  552— 
Goong,  W  46 — Gordon,  D  157 — J  D  553,  591 — 
L  E  551— N  B  503— Mrs  R  54— W  499 — Gore, 
V  M  45,  155,  202,  261,  310.  313,  485,  575.  576— 
Gorman,  A  M  315 — Gornetzky,  A  J  288 — Gors- 
line,  N  B  431— Mrs  W  B  318 — Goshom.  C  B 
287,  461— Gould.  F  577—  F  E  550 — H  C  266— J 
36— J  K  277— M  C  265— M  E  208— P  300— 
D    270 — Goulding.    H    J    553— Graber,    P    E 


325— T  F  54— Grace,  M  J  552— S  P  165— 
Gradle.  H  S  553 — Mrs  H  S  102,  205,  553 — 
M   S  287— W   280,   287,   372— Grady.   D   H   383— 

Graff.  H  53 — Graffius,  H  W  115— Graham,  E  K 
337— F  S  83— M  580— Gram.  L  M  541,  542— 
Granger.  A  G  11 1 — Grant,  A  B  115 — C  B  312, 
486,  552,  559 — Granville,  R  547 — Grauer,  O  316 
— Graulich,  I  209 — Graupner.  F  W  387— Graves. 
F  P  582— N  210 — Grawn.  C  B  106 — Gray.  A 
478— C  H  499— E  327— T  B  327— J  S  263— J 
W  3i7~M  A  327— M  C  395— M  W  436— M 
W  Jr  274— W  155— Grear,  C  K  553— Great- 
house.  Mrs  C  H  161 — R  C  i6i.  207.  315 — 
Green-Greene.  A  C  273 — A  E  550 — B  I<  498 — 
C  M  442,  540— C  W  loi.  501— F  M  62— F 
W  384,  553—1  W  548.  550— J  A  541— J  W  301 
— L  B  166— M  C  533— M  T  536 — W  104,  314— 
Greenebaum.  L  287 — Greenfield,  L  D  501 — 
Gregg.  M  H  160— Gregory.  H  M  265 — Greiner. 
A  F  31 — Grenell,  A  F  342 — Grierson,  E  P  107 
— Griese.  J  F  497 — Grieve,  C  C  325,  542 — Griffin, 
J  B  592— W  J  546— Griffith,  F  378— R  C  388 
— Grimes.  E  h  385 — Grinstead,  D  114,  180, 
341,  555 — Grismore.  G  C  47,  xiS — Griswold.  J 
B  436 — M  550 — Grobety,  J  162 — Groesbeck.  C  E 
325 — Groner,  O  S  500— Grose,  H  D  554 — Grosh, 
L  C  219 — Grosner,  S  S  125,  288,  388 — Grossman, 
E  G  160 — Grove,  W  A  61,  550 — Grover,  F  W 
341 — O  I,  2B7 — Groves.  E  W  436 — Gruba.  T  A 
553 — Grylls.  R  G  245 — GucVenberger,  H  206 — 
Guggenheim,  TI  I^  384 — Guild.  S  R  10 1.  102 — 
Guilford.  M  B  53 — Guinon,  M  F  266 — Gtmdlach, 
C  E  431— Mrs  C  E  431— Gundry,  C  M  545— 
Gunn,  M  300,  301.  387 — Guppy.  R  51 — Gustafson. 
I  B  265 — Guthe.  C  E  62 — K  E  loi,  190,  191,  303, 
239,  244,  287,  310,  391,  575.  578— Guthrie,  V  B 
471,  503,  547,  548 — Gutman.  Mrs  H  H  432 — Guyer, 
E  H  431 — Gwinner.  A  F  317. 

Haab,  O  E  54'»,  '547 — Haag,  M  564 — Hacker. 
J  w  327— Hackett.  C  W  376— N  11  21Q— Hadley. 
E  16R— L  554.  577— R  V  ?7R.  312— W  H  54— 
Hadzits,  G  D  191,  435— Haff,  C  B  17^,  450, 
550,  503 — D  J  552,  556.  557,  503 — HafFord.  G  C 
«;52 — Hafner,  E  206 — Hagans,  O  C  to6 — Hagar, 
G  H  160— Hagedorn.  D  A  436— Hager,  F  L 
385 — Hagerman.  D  B  278,  40? — R  H  593 — Hag- 
gas,  G  E  5S4 — Hageerty.  M  E  277 — Hagler. 
E  E  53 J,  536,  579 — Hapmaler.  K  W  57.  2 -•2 — 
Hagoe,  E  M  40? — M  167— Haight.  F  J  387 — 
W  H  473,  496— Haire.  N  W  323— H»»isJit>,  E  W 
»79,  235.  41 T,  i;55.  581 — Hale,  A  B  56,  407 — 
W    W    189— Hall,    A    G    31,    39,    244.    359.    552— 

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Mrs  A  G  246,  552— A  J  553— A  S  55^— C  W 
51— E  A  536— F  A  328— F  ly  497— F  S  52, 
161,  491— G  C  314— J  H  552— J  W  S04— L  P 
505,  533— L  W  162—0  M  502—0  W  569— 
R  F  165,  264— W  H  494— W  R  435— Halleck, 
J  E  60.  276,  554— Haller,  C  H  553— E  L  554— 
F  I  208— H  G  53,  59— L  P  263,  378,  387— 
Halley,  C  209— Hallowell,  VV  E  53»— Hamaoka, 
I  3M»  325 — Hamcl,  E  265 — Hamilton,  B  374 — 
C  H  435— Mrs  F  G  554— F  G  106,  554.  588— 
G  T  246— H  61— H  I  581— R  L  161— R  VV  553 
— S  M  47— W  H  7,  47,  263— VV  J  498— Hamlin, 
S  D  490 — Hammell,  D  317 — Hammer,  E  J  553 — 
G  C  114,  555 — Hammerschmidt,  h  M  405 — 
Hammersmith,  J  V  550 — Hammill,  VV  J  205 — 
Hammond.  E  T  385.  S45»  554 — F  B  103,  113, 
554— H  E  385,  545 — Hampton,  V  H  338 — 
Hamsher,  L  C  265 — Hanchett,  B  S  45,  99,  155, 
202,  261,  262,  309,  310,  313,  576 — Handy,  J  S 
271 — S  T  57 — Hanley,  S  220 — Hanna,  D  536 — 
G  V  564— J  P  550— N  J  564— Mrs  R  G  5S— 
Hannan,  B  M  395— Iv  528 — VV  VV  528,  529, 
552 — Hannon,  C  W  160— J  F  194— Hannum, 
E  I^  277 — Hans,  O  H  541 — Hansen.  G  VV  315 — 
E  B  167 — Hanshue,  H  M  543 — Hanson,  D  S 
496— E  A  581 — Hanus,  P  H  190,  268-  -Harbaugh, 
Mrs  C  312— Harby,  I  386— Harden,  VV  II  593— 
Harding,  Mrs  F  I  376— F  R  555 ~S  T  160— 
Hare,  C  L  157— E  VV  111— VV  C  492— Hargrave, 
L  D  401 — Harkness,  H  590— Harmon,  G  h 
7$ — G  VV  210 — VV  G  113,  461,  554 — Harney, 
H  377 — Harnit,  J  M  274 — Harpham,  C  L  314 
—Harrington,  H  J  550— L  VV  274,  545— M  VV 
478— Harris,  A  M  167— C  T  270,  471— E  G  81 
— E  M  264,  265— F  E  329— G  H  543— R  I> 
552— R  K  170— Harrison,  Mrs  C  H  375— H  T 
SCO — L  H  554 — T  71,  289,  452,  453,  509 — Har- 
rod,  T  H  554 — Harrow,  K  E  443 — Harry,  J 
H  554 — Harsha,  J  VV  441 — Harshman.  H  II  70, 
338— Hart,  H  115— W  A  168— Mrs  VV  .  E  540— 
VV  L  205,  271,  272 — Hartman,  H  R  265,  276 — 
S  B  582— Hartsig,  E  R  S55»  594— Hartwell,  E  C 
593 — ^11  VV  209 — Harvey,  A  G  52 — H  F  497 — 
Mrs  H  VV  540— J  H  218— J  M  315- T  W  492— 
Haskell,  A  lo^— R  H  386— Haskins,  H  D  218— 
Hasse.  C  H  161,  207— E  C  62— Hastings,  J  F 
103— Mrs  J  F  103— Hatch,  H  J  159— J  N  164, 
218,  487,  552— M  G  545— VV  B  553— Hatcher. 
H  E  555— Hathaway.  B  E  499— C  436 — M  162 — 
R  E  317 — Hatler,  M  VV  278,  329 — Hauenstein, 
E  S  489 — S  489 — Hauhart.  W  F  203— Hauser, 
J  H  582— Haven,  E  O  488— Havenhill,  L  D 
579— Hawkins,  V  D  325 — Hawley,  C  A  315 — 
H  M  287,  461— I  M  327— R  E  275— Haxton, 
F  G  287,  461— Hayden,  O  B  529— R  577— Hay- 
don,  I  588— Hayes,  C  B  164— C  M  432— D  VV 
60,  554— E  M  547- G  Jr  554—11  G  59— N  M 
432— P  J  221,  385— R  W  E  553— T  D  278^- 
W  M  493— Ha3mer,  E  I  158— Haynes,  M  R  62. 
169 — Hays,  J  G  411— J  H  542— Haren,  E  H 
270-M  C  266— Headsten,  E  W  502— Healy,  C 
VV  61,  551— Hearn,  H  R  278— Heath,  E  M  554 
— F  K  442— H  L  7.  426,  554.  557— Mrs  H  E 
554— R  S  159— HeaUey,  T  F  194,  223— Heaton. 
C  R  432— Heavenrich,  S  F  552— Hebert,  A  G 
278 — Hecker,  C  H  553— Hedges,  F  161,  207^- 
Hedrick,  E  R  499 — Heenan,  E  V  543— Heff el- 
bower,  A  B  395 — Hegner,  R  VV  267 — Heider, 
E  M  312,  431 — Heidingsfeld,  M  L  206— Heidt, 
O  H  550,  581— Heinecke,  T  C  328.  594 — Heine- 
man.  D  E  57.  103.  286,  505,  536,  550,  552,  566 
—Held.  E  209— Heller,  F  S  552— Helm,  B  115 
— Helmecke,  C  A  168 — M  G  169,  555— Hclms- 
dorfer,  A  L  115.  555 — Hemans,  t,  T  289 — 
Hemenway,  J  554 — E  E  436 — Hemphill,  R  W 
155 — Hempl,  E  163 — F  452 — G  163,  191,  524, 
528,  529,  552 — Mrs  G  163,  552 — H  163,  528 — 
Henderson,  C  E  552- C  R  555— R  G  327— 
VV  D  31,  101,  203,  220,  337,  553,  578 — Mrs  VV 
D  31,  220,  553 — Hendry,  F  102,  444 — G  VV  327 
— Henion,  F  E  104,  160,  207,  315,  490 — Henkel, 
C  H  220 — Henne,  E  T  554 — Henning,  J  62 — 
J  E  555— Henry,  B  58— Mrs  B  58— F  A  499— 
G  P  343— E  S  162— VV  B  554— Hepburn.  A  D 
553— J  E  552— Herbert,  V  H  160— VV  C  314— 
Herbold,    C   312— Mrs   C   J    312— J    O    312— Mrs 

J  O  312— Herbruck,  W  A  205— Herbst,  B  C 
554 — II  H  552 — Hernandez,  T  H  50 — L  G  491 
— Herr,  A  VV  499 — Herrick,  J   103,  205 — M  T   16 

-O  E  436 — VV  II  496— Herriott,  J  161 — Herr- 
man,  S  62,  224,  504 — Herron,  J  H  471,  503 — 
Hertel,  C  F  312 — Heru,  E  E  107— Hess,  B  167 
— E  F  222 — H  455 — H  VV  194,  196,  219,  377 
— Hessenmueller,  E  E  496 — Heston,  VV  M  326 — 
Hetchler,  A  J  3S7 — Heusner,  L  D  14 — Hewes, 
L  I  321 — He  wit-Hewitt,  E  M  555 — F  A  222 — 
H  S  224 — Hewlett,  A  VV  454— Heyns,  G  461 — 
Hibbard.  1  D  577— J  E  541.  542— Hickey,  P 
M  552— VV  I)  489 — Hickin,  E  M  432 — Hickman. 
C  B  265— Hickok,  F  E  180,  339,  455— H  A 
316— Hickox,  E  H  62— Hicks,  A  P  219— H  H 
462  -J  F  idS— J  E  564— R  C  316  -VV  S  550 
— Hidey,  R  M  58— Hidy,  J  497— Higgins,  M 
E  548— S  E  163— Higley,  C  498— D  J  532— 
F  497— Hildebrant,  H  R  555— Hildncr,  J  A  C 
180,  343.  3(>^^  455,  534— Mrs  J  A  C  343— Hil- 
gard,  E  VV  478— Hilkey,  C  J  70— Hill.  C  E 
26s,  384— Mrs  C  M  205— F  J  327— G  S  384— 
II  C  6i,  108,  160— J  M  327— E  S  502— N  S 
58— R  A  388.  504— R  F  315— S  E  210— HiUicker, 
II  E  168,  550— Hills,  C  VV  375— Mrs  C  VV  102, 
205,  206,  375,  488— Hilton,  Mrs  J  436 — Himelein, 
E  M  592 — Himelhoch,  C  494--Hindman,  Mrs 
A  C  432— Hinds,  M  D  461— Hine,  D  378— 
Mrs  H  O  161— Hines,  E  N  287— Hinklc.  F 
115,  170 — Hinsdale,  A  E  553,  554 — B  A  172 — 
M  432— M  E  534— N  D  441— W  B  244,  576— 
Hinshilwood,  Mis  A  376 — Hinton,  VV  159 — 
Hippler,  C  H  170,  554,  555— Hirshfeld,  C  H 
246 — Hitchcock,  C  VV  129,  399,  529 — J  L  553 — 
VV  D  381,  493— Hoad,  VV  C  287— Hoag,  J  II 
317— L  A  238— Hoagg,  K  K  555 — Hoare,  A  J 
58S— Hobart,  R  E  60— Hobbs,  VV  II  189,  191. 
239,  321,  342,  372 — Hobson,  H  135 — Hoch,  K 
B  169,  446— -T  A  110 — Hodder,  F  II  441,  579 — 
Hodge,  H  A  529,  531,  552 — Mrs  H  A  552 — H 
D  317 — Hodgman.  W  E  553 — Hodgson,  J  445 
— M  K  445— M  W  445— Hoenes,  A  J  382— 
Hoeninghausen,  E  277 — Hoexter,  S  J  68,  247 
— Hoff,  N  S  244,  263— P  M  287— Hoffman,  R 
A  580— R  T  288— S  254— W  VV  579— Hoff- 
meister,  F  J  329,  555 — Hogadone,  I  E  62 — 
Hogan.  A  VV  53 — Hogeboom,  E  C  552 — Hoghton, 
E  S  114.  554,  588— Hogue,  R  E  555— R  W  328, 
387 — Holbrook,  C  A  54 — E  123,  359,  376,  377, 
541 — Mrs  E  553 — Holcombe,  F  V  590 — Holden, 
E  E  276 — E  E  474 — Holland,  H  K  106,  112, 
554— J  M  314— W  T  550— Hollands,  VV  C  455— 
Hollenbeck,  C  497 — HoUinger,  A  550 — Hollister, 
R  D  T  166,  180,  191,  543— Mrs  R  D  T  166. 
545 — Hollon,  E  59 — Holmberg,  E  T  502 — Holmes, 
B  E  312— B  H  159,  489— C  R  168— E  R  168— 
E  S  502— G  H  312— H  S  554— H  VV  223— L  D 
491— M  G  167— R  E  168— R  O  374— S  E  71-i- 
W  F  311— W  R  156— Holt,  A  433— S  342— 
Holznagle,  M  550 — Homiller,  M  492 — Honan, 
E  M  461— Honey,  J  T  220— Honnald,  R  J  167 
— Hoobler,  Mrs  B  R  166— M  S  1 66— Hood,  H 
T  loa,  461 — J  S  582 — Hoogsteen.  F  VV  170 — 
Hooper,  J  M  582 — Hoover,  A  E  487 — C  G  114 — 
Hopkins,  B  E  105 — F  M  315 — ^J  224 — L  A  577 
— Hopper,  B  564 — K  A  158,  553 — Hopson,  R 
E  S3 — Hopwood,  J  A  385 — Horrigan,  M  A  493 
— Horton,  G  B  263— G  S  436— R  M  496— Hosig. 
E  580 — Hosmer,  A  164 — G  S  130,  528— M  S 
532 — Houder,  J  VV  431 — Hough,  J  H  314.  327 
— VV  S  310— House.  G  W  503— M  E  555— 
Houser.  A  VV  430 — Houston,  F  C  170— M  F 
543 — Hovey,  R  B  442 — Howard,  E  P  532 — 
G  C  314— W^  J  277— Howell.  E  M  276— J  E  155— 
J  H  555— M  A  536— M  D  327,  430— N  H  590— 
PA  161,  207,  31S— R  B  553,  590— Mrs  R  B 
590 — VV  499 — VV  C  503 — Howes,  A  P  532 — 
Howland,  J  C  315— Howlett,  Mrs  F  VV  540— 
Hoxie,  J  M  546 — Hojrt,  A  H  107 — D  113 — 
E  V  113— F  M  51— R  E  328— VV  A  113,  548. 
555— Mrs  W  A  554— W  E  494— W  V  577— 
Hubbard,  C  528— C  A  581— J  L  493— L  E  10, 
45.  90,  155.  202,  310,  3",  ^13,  372,  484.  48s, 
575- P  125,  287— P  J  581— T  H  217— VV  S  loi, 
112,  315— Hubbell,  C  VV  206,  343— J  B  315— 
Huber.    E   G   384,    590 — G   C   88,    10 1,    129,    189, 

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291,  472,  556,  559 — HudnutL  J  F  114 — Mrs  J 
O  533~Hudson,  K  t,  353— J  H  533— M  h  S36 
— R  279,  316,  353,  354.  457,  486,  576 — Huffman. 
J  R  278 — Hughes,  C  A  103,  409,  543 — G  A  533 
— K  W  4«9— Iv  C  60,  223 — ly  E  341— Iv  ly  580 
— R  T  387— Hughitt,  E  F  459— Hulbert,  H  S 
555— L  S  170— Hulett,  M  275— Hull,  C  h  168 
— G  D  168,  387,  550— G  M  536—1  M  554— 
J  B  498— Iv  C  552,  559— L  C  Jr  314,  385— M  106— 
O  C  61 — Hulst,  Mrs  H  433 — ^J  219 — H umber, 
A  M  536 — Humbert,  J  G  169 — Humphreys,  W 
396— Hunawill,    G    N    554— Hunt,    C    487— H    O 

385,    545— Mrs    M    E    262—0    E    59i— O    F    529, 
I— W    F    577— W    R    339— W    W    579— Hunter, 
F    P    550— G    M    555— J    A    53— J    V    528— L    P 


376 — L  R  528,  529 — M  R  263,  277 — Huntington, 
H  G  26s,  275— HunUey,  W  B  278,  555  -Hunts- 
berger.  1  N  376— Hurley,  E  B  547,  548— R  J 
223,  580— Hurrey,  C  135— Hurst,  E  R  48,  156, 
206,  311,  312,  430,  550 — H  162 — Huson,  F  158 
— Hussey,  R  286— R  W  179— W  J  55,  286,  508. 
578— Mrs  W  J  286— Huston,  D  B  386— R  B 
399,  543— S  A  386— Hutchins,  E  R  528— H  B 
40,  45,  46,  47,  69,  99,  »oo,  loi,  135,  155,  180, 
197,  202,  203,  207,  231,  244,  246,  263,  287, 
310,  313,  314,  315,  332,  334,  337,  372,  373, 
391,  396,  406,  425,  426,  430,  456,  458,  486, 
487,  488,  489,  508,  509,  515,  516,  531,  552, 
568,  575,  576,  578— Mrs  H  B  396.  488— H  C 
314— J  C  155— Hutchinson,  C  529,  536 — Mrs  C 
536— M  A  166— Hutzel,  A  F  554— R  S  246— 
Hyatt.  G  G  550— Hyde,  Mrs  A  I,  582— E  J 
314,  326— F  C  314— Mrs  F  C  434— ly  B  462— 
M  C  265— R  E  500— W  526,  552— Hymans,  E  M 

Ibershoff,  A  E  501 — Idc,  S  100,  202 — Ideson, 
R  S  115 — Igaravidez,  G  50- Ilgenfritz,  K  V 
5«;2 — Immel,  E  O  51 — M  L  275 — R  K  208,  275 
— Mrs  R  K  275 — IngersoU,  11  158 — Inglis,  A 
564- C  G  550 — H  J  547,  548 — Inui,  K  S  443» 
580 — Ion,  T  P  3^7— Irvine,  A  S  102,  555 — 
Irving,  G  R  445 — M  E  115 — Irwin,  O  B  579 — 
Isbell,  W  N  IIS— Israel,  S  265— Ives,  W  G 
108 — Ivey,  P  W  47 — lyenaga,  T  105. 

Jack,  C  M  442,  540 — Jackman,  M  A  550 — 
W  F  552— Jackson,  F  246— G  H  222,  378— 
^«P  A^^T  M  265-V  H  147.  314,  377- 
— W  H  552— Jacobi,  F  219— Jacobs,  E  A 
555— E  11  54»— K  69 — Jaehnig,  M  S  540 — ^James, 
C  G  326 — E  E  316— lameson,  J  A  263,  487 — 
Jamieson- Jamison,  C  E  278 — C  O  161,  207,  315 
— Jansen,  P  169 — ^Jarman,  G  I  208 — Jarvis,  J 
W  108— Jasnowski,  C  H  326— Jayne,  I  W  273, 
312,  38s.  543,  545— Jefferds,  M  B  167,  554— 
Jeffers,  F  t,  314 — Jefferson,  M  341 — ^Jeffery,  A 
T  222— Jeffries.  E  D  113 — Jenkins,  J  Jr  314 — 
Jenks,  C  H  32— W  L  289.  524.  552,  556— 
Jenney,  G  R  492 — Jennings,  A  E  552— Mrs  A  E 
552— H  432 — H  S  191— 1  C  61,  62,  266,  555— 
J  G  590 — ^J  J  488 — L  H  120,  130 — ^Jennison,  F 
J  433.  441,  588— Jensen.  P  533- W  P  59— 
Tenter,  C  G  209 — Jerome.  T  S  237,  262,  458 — 
Jeter,  R  C  235,  237— Jewell,  E  E  492— Jickling, 
K  E  503— Jocelyn.  E  P  342,  394,  552,  558,  559 
— ^Johannes,  E  E  107 — John,  C  107 — E  583 — 
WAP  454,  572— Johnson,  A  107— A  G  289, 
453— A  M  385— B  547— C  B  435— C  P  268— 
C  R  588— C  S  223,  276,  386,  550— C  V  569— 
C  W  278— D  C  115— D  W  341— E  B  126— E 
F  115.  197,  377— E  R  552— F  M  552— G  C  499 
— G  D  569— G  M  545— Iv  C  547,  548— Mrs  L 
C  554- -E  W  376— R  223— R  W  286— W  C 
552— W  H  500— Johnston,  A  E  554—  C  H  286, 
529,  533— C  N  51—  C  T  47,  109,  246,  394,  553 
— H  163,  164 — J  B  14,  15,  20,  66 — Mrs  J  B 
105— P  V  504— W  M  552— JoUiffe,  E  V  554— 
Jones,  A  C  223— A  J  385— A  S  433— D  158— 
E  D  124— E  M  553- F  G  264— H  208,  374— 
H  W  501— M  A  57— N  R  444—0  K  ao6— O 
R  170,  446— P  V  B  208,  553— Mrs  P  V  B  554 
— P  W  345,  442,  538,  540— R  E  581— S  223— 
Jordan.  F  B  552— G  E  S3  i—M  B  166,  180, 
227,  245,  246,  341,  359,  373.  486.  553,  547,  557 
— W  85— Jodyn,  E  E  312— L  E  Jr  245— 
Joaselyn.   H   W   545— Joy.    Mrs   H    B   373— R   C 

384 — ^Judd,    F    E    115 — ^June,    M    S   2,   49,    157 — 
Jungman.   J   W   498. 

Kahn,  A  460,  576 — ^J  386 — Kaiser,  G  378 — 
Kalich,  B  181 — Kammerer,  E  E  265 — Kane.  F  G 
112,  181,  491,  592 — M  B  112 — Kapp,  F  A  194, 
196,  222,  592 — Karpinski,  E  C  203,  215,  340— 
Karr,  H  M  338 — Karshner,  C  F  385,  545,  554 — 
Kass,  J  F  161— W  J  161— Kastl,  A  E  163— 
Kauenberger,  G  A  57,  271,  293,  399,  536 — 
Kauffman,  C  11  554 — Kaye,  J  H  B  433 — Kayne, 
T  Y  531 — Keane,  J  A  115,  265,  293 — Kearney, 
T  D  552— Keatley,  E  W  594— Kebler,  E  F  315 
—Mrs  E  F  161— Keck,  (5  433— Kcclcr,  F  E 
99,  155.  202,  262,  309,  310,  313,  441,  484,  576 — 
K  F  461— Kecna,  J  T  384— E  J  384— Kecney, 
J  R  552— Keep,  H  57— Mrs  H  57— M  57— Keith, 
A  H  442,  538,  540 — A  M  276 — Keliner,  E  J 
N  62— Keller,  C  E  553,  59i— C  R  55o— D  I 
384— Kellogg,  D  C  169— Kelly-KeUey,  E  D  341 
— G  A  161 — G  D  431 — J  54,  529 — ^J  B  102,  554 
—J  J  115— K  504— P  H  315- Mrs  P  H  207— 
Kelsey,  F  W  loi,  215,  237,  262,  458,  486 — J  M  542 
— M  246 — Kemon,  E  B  315 — Kemp,  E  G  224,  554, 
555 — Kempster,  J  H  385 — Kendrick,  R  R  385,  543, 
545,  554,  566 — Kennedy,  C  C  461,  C  S  550,  554 — 
E  M  158,  159— G  E  278— J  B  432— T  J  61, 
114— Mrs  J  E  108— M  A  387— S  S  113— Mrs  S  S 
113— Kenny,  E  J  385— J  T  275— Kent,  C  V  577 
— C  W  384— Kenworthy,  S  R  431— Kenyon,  E 
A  62— Kephart.  W  M  436,  546— Kerley,  A  P  3M 
Kerr,  H  W  245— G  W  445—1  E  445— Mrs  I  E 
445— J  Y  385— W  G  550— Kcrvin,  C  E  55o— 
Kessel,  F  J  114— S  G  494— Kessler,  C  J  107— 
Ketcham,  W  J  436— Kevea,  G  T  246— 
M  289,  452,  453— W  C  167— Kibbee,  E  P 
210— Kidd,  H  53— W  T  161— Kidston,  R  H 
385,  545— Mrs  R  H  554— Kiefer,  G  A 
286— Kilborn,  R  D  461— Kilcline,  E  F  107— 
Killeen,  E  G  314 — Kilian,  H  A  494 — Killian, 
D  A  543— Killilea.  H  J  7S»  132— Killins.  G  E 
555— Kimball,  Mrs  F  E  376— S  F  109,  191,  577 
— Kimber,    T    W    278 — Kime,    A    C   435 — Kimer- 

line,  H  B  222 — Kimmel,  E  M  490,  491 — Kimura, 

~'     "       ""     ""         '"  S  312 

^    19 
_..     .  159— J    K    552—]      _    ^ 

224 — Kingman.    A    C    374 — J     R    276 — Xingsley. 

M   580 — Kinch,   H  A  388 — King,  C  b  312,  431- 

Mrs    G    W    541— H    265— H    E    196,    198, 

H    W    553- J    H    155— J    R  .552— Kingery,    E    B 


H  H  529 — H  E  462 — J  S  254,  257 — Kingston, 
G  B  327,  387— Kinietz,  W  C  F  399,  543— Kin- 
nan,  E  W  433 — Kinne,  E  D  173— Kinney.  II  M 
550 — Kintner,  C  J  270,  526 — Mrs.  C  J  526 — 
Kinyon.  C  B  61,  224— M  554— Kirby,  E  G 
194,  196,  222 — T  M  501 — Kirchmaier.  G  A 
194,  217 — O  376,  383 — Kirchner,.  R  G  271 
—Mrs  R  G  271— R  G  Jr  271— W  591— Kirk. 
W  B  159,  489— Kirkbride,  VV  G  541— Kirkpatrick, 
J  C  209,  210 — VV  A  210 — Kistner.  J  R  504 — 
Kitchen,  H  W  473 — KUlger,  K  161,  207,  315 — 
Kleene,  G  A  271— H  C  553— Klein.  G  H  S43— 
Klelnstuck,  C  H  528— Kline,  G  M  399,  542 — 
O  289,  453— W  D  374— Klingel,  W  489— Kling- 
man,  F  D  554— Kloepfer,  C  O  in— Klose,  W 
H  543— Knapp,  M  H  312— T  J  553— W  B  317— 
Kneeland,  D  162— Knepper,  G  W  581— Knight, 
A  B  503— C  S  552— E  K  314,  501— F  K  553— 
J  W  210— W  C  553— Knill,  F  M  316— Kniskem, 
E  T  113,  314.  554— P  W  113— Knisley,  A  D 
489— V  M  489 — Knoch,  H  G  550 — Knowlton, 
J  C  528,  541,  552— Knox,  S  K  52,  58— Koblitz, 
M  S  501— Koch,  A  B  2aj— S  M  115— T  W  55, 
100,  123,  287,  305,  380,  458,  587 — Koebbe,  E  E 
70,  550 — Koehler,  C  J  276— Mrs  C  J  276 — Koess- 
ler.  Mrs  K  K  102.  205— Kohler,  A  H  431— A  W 
62,  209 — F  E  277— Mrs  F  E  277— J  ^77 — Kohn,  J 
S  501— Kolb,  F  J  71— M  550— M  C  554— Kolbe,  F 
F  47,  62,  114— KoUock.  J  C  436— Kolmesh.  A  J 
554 — M  J  548 — Kolsm  A  J  161 — Koontx,  T  R  208 
— P  D  114.  155,  4»i,  458 — Kotts,  F  A  218— 
Koons,  C  W  208— Kountx,  C  D  180— Kraft,  R  W 
550— Krakau,  E  J  555 — Kraus-Krauss,  E  H  10, 
203,  321,  340 — F  496— -J  J  60,  445,  555 — Kremers, 
A  loo — E  492 — E  D  159 — R  E  no— Kretxschmar, 
A  W  554— Kreusberger,  O  H  223— Kristal,  F  A 
47— Kronbach.  E  W  503— Kropidlowski,  J  F  276 
— Kuebler.  H  C  218— P  J  223— Kugel.  H  K  327 
— E  C   i6i— Kuhl.   G   E  383— Kuhn,  A   H   555— 

Digitized  by 




F  224— G  H  161— L  E  492— Kuhr.  M  P  550 — 
Kunwald,  E  72 — Kurr,  H  W  165,  580 — Kusterer, 
C  C  376— Kyau,  M  54,  53^— Kynoch,  C  W  168 
— Ksrselka,  A  G  275. 

Labar,  R  E  324 — Lackey,  L  R  170 — Lacy,  H 
M  372 — Ladd,  A  L  47 — Ladoff,  S  548 — Lafayette, 
J  I>  553— La  FoUette,  R  M  180 — Laible.  E 
F  582— Laing,  E  B  53,  551,  554— Mrs  J  R  5^8 
— M  G  528— Laird.  A  N  224— G  S  314.  542 — 
J  C  378—  J  S  310— W  M  555— Lakin,  F  J 
169,  446 — La  Londe,  H  J  62 — Lamb,  D  H  54 
— J  431 — N  265 — Lambert,  M  444 — R  E  162 — 
Lambeth,  W  A  109 — Lamke,  O  A  265 — Lamley, 
G  H  542— H  A  554— Lamm,  D  S  270— H  270 — W 
E  591 — Lamson,  A  W  473f  496 — Lancashire,  F  H 
220 — Lance.  R  B  169 — Landis,  P  T  169,  489 — 
Landman,  O  218 — Landon,  H  B  374 — Lane,  E  B 
114 — E  I  52 — G  M  52s,  552,  507 — R  M  199, 
221.  377— R  P  iM— Mrs  R  P  114—  V  H  261, 
282,  291,  292,  309,  310,  486,  552,  556,  558,  559 — 
W  D  269— Lang,  H  R  380— L  D  580— Langdon. 
C  S  222 — D  ly  222 — L  E  593— M  G  222 — X^ange, 
A  F  109 — Langley,  A  W  129,  294,  399,  542 — 
La  Plonte,  \V  328 — de  Lapradelle,  A  454 — Lard- 
ner,  R  264 — Larkin,  J  378 — Larned,  F  J  166 — 
R  Y  383— Larsen,  J  590— LaRue,  C  D  555— G  R 
487 — Larzelere,  C  S  383 — La  Salle,  J  J  219 
— Lash,  F  C  494 — Lasher,  G  S  167— Lathers, 
A  E  541— A  L  58— Mrs  A  L  553-  E  G  58— 
Lathrop.  G  208 — Lattner,  R  316 — Lau.  O  H  533 
— Laubengayer,  W  C  169,  555 — W  M  550— 
Laubscher,  G  A  497 — Lauer,  A  M  106 — E  E 
327 — E  H  190 — Laughlin,  E  D  317— Launt.  H 
593 — Lautman,  H  M  263 — Lauver,  J  F  16S — 
Lavan,  T  L  378,  388 — Lawless,  J  T  210 — Law. 
rence.  H  436.  554,  562— H  B  593— J  165— 
J  H  161— J  M  27s— N  B  62— S  S  52,  S3,  i6o, 
168 — Lawton,  J  F  59,  62 — Lay,  W  E  461 — La- 
xear,  E  E  6t— E  T  61— G  F  61— Leahy,  T  H 
205 — Leake,  Mrs  L  C  54 — Learmouth,  W  J  387, 
581 — Leasure,  J  P  159,  489— Leavitt.  C  542 — 
C  M  540— M  B  160— Le  Blond,  C  M  210 — 
Leckie,  F  501— Lee,  J  R  135 — R  W  454 — Lee- 
brick,  K  T28 — Leekley,  H  A  159 — Leeson,  C  C 
102— LeFevre,  II  H  504— O  E  526—  W  I  500 
— Legg,  G  246 — Lehmann-Lehman,  C  A  114,  224, 
551— W  J  208— Leib.  B  F  106,  in— Leick,  Mrs 
H  M  542— Lcidy,  P  A  222— Leigh.  C  W  215 
— Leitsch,  R  G  445 — Leland,  F  B  45,  99,  155, 
202,  203,  262,  310,  313,  484,  485,  576 — H  M 
123— R  G  274— LeMaster,  O  O  115— V  W  115 
— Lemble,  Mrs  F  554 — Lemon,  J  F  533, — Lem- 
per, F  J  277 — Lenderink,  A  554,  556 — Lenhart, 
F  A  100 — Lentz-Lenz,  T  166 — W  E  113,  445,  554 — 
Lenzner,  D  S  167 — Leonard,  B  B  548 — C  375 — G 
E  no— H  B  51 — J  S  454,  462,  572 — LeRoy, 
J  A  211,  212,  213 — Leser,  E  493 — Leslie,  Mrs 
F  A  552— F  M  435— Letts,  W  F  378— Leucht- 
weis,  O  R  550 — Leupp,  C  D  492 — Leuschner, 
A  O  498— LeValley.  D  W  552— Mrs  D  W  531 
— L  VV  531— Le  Van,  W  C  102— Levenson,  J  W 
277 — Leverett,  O  F  550 — Levi,  M  552 — Mrs  M 
553 — Levin,  J  338 — Levinson,  J  I  54— Levison, 
L  A  220 — Lewis,  C  431 — C  H  108 — C  L  459 
— D  C  323— E  62— E  J  548— G  E  554— Mrs 
G  E  548— G  H  501— J  F  52— J  H  Jr  325— 
T  L  51— M  570— Mrs  R  h  548— W  B  315— 
W  F  102,  499 — Leyman.  E  H  436 — Lich,  A  J 
60— Lichtncr,  H  W  115— Lichty.  D  M  552 — 
Liddell,  S  M  546 — Lightner,  C  A  155— Lick, 
C  C  499— Lillie,  H  I  168,  327— Mrs  H  I  327 
—J  C  327— Lilly,  J  K  62,  107,  555— Lind,  S  C 
449,  486 — Lindberg,  A  E  433 — Linder,  S  B 
457,  486 — Lindquist.  M  H  167 — T  167 — Mrs  T 
167— Lindsay,  A  158— G  A  385,  545— Line,  C  M 
541 — J  A  108 — W  R  102 — Linker,  A  276 — Lin- 
ton, E  S  554 — L  A  436 — Lippincott.  J  I  594 — Lisle, 
L  W  180— Litchfield,  11  162— H  B  107— I  W  430— 
Litchmann,  I  155 — Little,  F  A  445 — Littlefield,  W 
210 — Liu,  D  K  461 — Livingston,  G  M  553 — Mrs  G 
M  542— J  W  276— Lloyd,  A  C  287— A  H  84, 
189,  235,  244,  282,  35Q,  366,  495,  557 — H  R 
577— J  J  317— J  U  454— M  O  108— Lobingier,  AS 
376 — Locke.  T  L  446 — Lockhart,  P  E  287 — W  489 
— Locklin  F  C  158— Lockton,  G  M  554,  593— 
Lockwood,  G  A  106 — H  A  135 — Lodge,  E  B  499 

— Loeffler,  E  T  552,  554 — Logan.  J  P  314,  323 — 
Lohman,  M  R  554 — Lohr,  M  A  553 — Lokker.  C  A 
124,  342 — Loman,  H  K  62 — Lomax.  J  A  128— Lonv 
bard,  W  P  88— Long,  C  P  385,  545— L  F  222— 
M  E  112 — O  R  54 — Longanecker,  F  M  166 — 
Longley,  C  B  6t,  114 — Longsworth,  M  J  489 — 
Longyear,  J  M  584 — Loomis,  E  m — P  W  529^ 
Loos,  C  L  100,  123,  155 — Lorch,  E  202,  460 — 
Loree,  Mrs  F  N  554 —  1  D  542 — Lorenzo^  C  A 
329,  594 — Lorie,  A  J  503 — Lorimer,  H  I  106 — 
Lothrop,  T  504 — Lott,  A  E  3M — M  R  592 — 
Loucks,  J  C  553— Loud,  E  H  165— Loudy,  F  E 
339,  456— Loughrey,  J  E  210 — Lounsberry,  F  B 
60 — Lounsbury,  L  T  552 — Love,  C  E  394 — E  J 
564 — Lovejoy,  E  545,  546 — G  N  323,  436 — P  C 
135.  339 — Mrs  P  S  554 — Loveland,  C  G  445 — 
Lovell,  A  H  554—  Mrs  A  H  554— H  H  345— 
Lovett,  W  F  135— Lowe- Low,  E  R  312—  F  S 
314 — H  R  317 — V  494 — Lowell,  D  E  157.  167 — 
Lowenthal,  L  B  541 — Lowry,  M  F  317—  Lub- 
chansky,  M  328 — Lucht.  F  VV  555—1  C  376,  55© 
— Ludington,  A  G  61,  114 — M  M  547,  580 — R  S 
275 — Ludlum^  ly  C  550 — Ludwig,  t,  E  489 — 
Luebber.  E  C  555 — Luebbers,  G  L  115 — Luelle- 
mann,  it  62,  555 — Lull,  C  157 — Lundgrcn,  C  259 
—-Lungerhausen,  J  T  551 — Limn,  C  A  276 — 
E  345,  442 — Lunt,  H  F  158 — Lupinski,  H  532 — 
Lusby,  t  V  541 — Lusk,  C  S  492 — Lussky.  A  E 
203 — Lutes,  E  C  591 — Lydecker,  M  A  490, 
491,  554 — Lyman,  E  W  209 — F  H  T03 — Mrs 
F  H  103— Lynch,  D  J  275— J  D  548,  555— M  I 
387,  550 — Lyndon,  A  S  553 — Lynns.  J  A  208 — 
Lyons-Lyon,  A  B  62 — A  E  444 — B  E  167 — D 
F  553— E  L  543— G  H  581--G  R  316— h  590— 
Lyster,   II   F  301. 

McAfee,  E  D  165,  441 — J  R  165 — McAlarney, 
R  E  377— McAUister,  H  A  550— H  B  550— R 
C  461 — McAlvay,  A  V  582,  589— McAndrew, 
W  147,  313.  314,  377,  433.  434,  488— McArthur, 
P  G  593— MacBride,  K  S  395— McCabe,  G  B 
461,  569 — McCammon,  J  R  552— McCandless,  J 
H  553— J  W  221— W  L  221— McCann.  J  J  545 
— R  312 — McCarty,  A  L  221,  444 — McCarthy, 
Mrs  J  A  444 — McCash,  B  70,  338 — Macauley, 
E  R  564— MacChesney,  N  W  375— Mrs  N  \V 
205— Maclean,  D  235— Mrs  D  235— McClear,  T 
P  223— McClellan,  C  552— McClelland,  C  C  554 
—Mrs  C  C  542— L  C  70— McClenahan,  H  E  55© 
— McClintock,  C  T  164,  499— J  H  317 — McCloud, 
T  L  6r,  492 — McClure,  H  C  576 — McConahy, 
M  536— McConkey,  G  M  46,  82,  83,  555— Mc- 
Connel,  L  C  265 — McCorkle,  J  A  323 — McCor- 
mack,  T  289,  452~McCormick,  F  T  545— R  M 
550— W  J  43&— W  S  SS3— McCotter.  R  E  78. 
81,  189,  554 — McCoy,  I  D  224— Mrs  W  R  536 — 
McCracken.  O  E  581— McCrea.  H  54— McCreary, 
H  T  384— Mrs  L  F  554— McCrickett,  T  E  588— 
Mc'Culloch,  H  M  314,  327— McDermott,  J  J  314. 
329,  433.  555 — McDonald.  A  222 — A  R  222 — 
E  A  312— G  E  62— H  555— H  R  395— Mrs  S 
210 — T  H  125,  287— McDonnell.  H  li  51 — Mc- 
Donough,  C  S  312 — McDowell,  C  B  209,  224. 
278— J  E  128— J  F  324— P  A  581— McElderry, 
H  156,  157— McEllegett,  D  W  160— McEniry, 
M  J  431— W  431— McEwan,  A  F  588— McFadden. 
I  223,  327,  387,  554 — McFarland,  A  F  492,  504 
— McFarlane,  H  581 — McFetrich,  J  317 — Mc- 
Garry,  R  A  555— McGay,  N  P  501 — McGee, 
A  B  490— C  553— C  K  529— Mrs  C  K  490— H 
107 —  II  G  555 — McOeorge,  R  R  312,  431 — Mc- 
Gorray,  C  H  531 — McGranahan,  T  102,  206,  375 
— McGrary,  R  A  164 — McGrath,  F  T  209.  224 — 
F  P  loi— McGraw,  II  B  498— H  R  210— S  D 
M7»  314.  377,  433,  578 — T  301 — MacGregor,  Mrs 
J  M  553 — W  542 — McGrepory,  M  A  265 — Mc- 
Griffin,  N  593 — McGugin,  D  156,  157 — McHarg, 
O  314— McHenry,  E  L  60,  276 — McHugh,  M  B 
314,  554— Mclllvain,  G  E  197— Mclntyre,  D  R 
545.  553 — N  J  395 — Mclver.  A  V  492 — Mack. 
C  W  160,  592— E  F  163— F  T  342,  462,  572— 
MacKavanagh,  T  J  78,  81 — Mackay,  C  H  445 — 
G  W  168— MacKaye,  P  215— McKean.  T  L  501 
— McKee,  O  O  532 — W  M  540  —  MacVenson. 
P  J  S3f  61 — McKenzie,.  A  C  499 — D  529 
— L  103,  205 — R  P  159,  169,  314.  489 
—W     D     487— W  L     169— Mackey,.  J  W  550— 

Digitized  by 




McKinney,  F  F  7,  454,  462,  571 — McKinnon, 
D  T  374,  388—  P  D  32S—S  J  328— McKisson, 
R  W  445— McKnight,   C   H    547,   548,   588— E   E 

y6 — liackoy,  M  D  553 — McLain,  B  A  531 — 
cLaren,  A  R  115,  555 — Mrs  J  L  552 — Mc- 
Lauchlan,  J  134 — McLauehlin,  A  C  69,  189,  217, 
488— Mrs  A  C  488-jD  B  65^J  A  554— R  C  555 

538— J 

38s— »  „  

Lure,   R  580 — McMahon,   G  P  Jr  70,  341,  572 — 

McMiUan-McMillen.   A   H    540,    553— G   Z  277— 

18— Mrs  A  C  488— D  B  60— J  A  554— R  C  555 
W  A  466— McLean,  D  300,  301— H  A 
8— T  F  541— M  H  265— McLclUn,  G  H 
5 — ^McLouth.    B    L    550 — G    E    277,    555 — Mac- 

J   M    435,   550.    L   534— R    C   265— McMurdy,    R 
*4cNa"      ""    ' 

V  r 

W    265- 
W  C  546— Mrs  W  C  545— McNerney,  M  J  433— 

«air,   R  A   550— S  M   555— W   W    160— 
W    D   38s,   545.   591 — McNamara,    E   J 
458— Mrs    W    265— McNeal-McNeil,    J    A    224— 

McNitt,  V  V  SOI — Macomber^  A  E  217,  552 — 
McPherran,  E  W  533,  534 — McPherson,  C  274 — 
D  315— M  569— W  554— McOueen,  E  P  235— 
Macrae,  D  205 — McRae,  E  M  395 — MacRobert, 
F  H  314— McUmber,  H  H  224— McVicker,   H  B 

592—   McVoy,    M    107— McWhorter.    E    G   388— 

Mab'       "    '"  "    *  *     "  "'    * 


312,    433 — Magofifin,    R    V    X)    215 — Maguire,    E 

labie,    H    W   337 — Madsen,    A   H   554 — Madson, 
M    101— Magee,  Jrt   32^ — L  J   53i — Magers,   S   D 
D    215 — M 

454.  57' — Mahcw,  D  P  158 — Mahon,  H  E  555 — 
R  L  53— W  L  393— Mahurin,  G  M  444— M  W 
444 — Maier,  G  II  550 — Main.  J  F  52 — V  W  170 
— Mains,  E  B  550 — Makielski,  L  A  263,  454 — 
Malcolm,   G  A   377 — Malcolmson,   A   Y   62 — M   J 

y4 — Malejan,  H  M  554,  555 — Malone,  B  E  273 — 
aloney,  D  B  555 — Manchester,  R  E  275 — 
Mandelbaum,  A  493 — Mandell,  H  N  533 — Manley, 
O  552 — Mann,  E  580 — E  A  1x5 — K  M  503,  554 
— V  A  107 — Manning,  R  G  293,  399,  534,  588 — 
Manny,  FA  164,  380— Manson,  P  266 — Manss, 
H  M  27s — Mapes,  G  E  107 — Maple,  T  B  494 — 
Marble,  M  M  547,  592 — Marburger,  W  G  287, 
461 — Marckwardt,  O  C  ^76 — Marine,  A  433,  591 
— Marithew,  H  D  552— Markel,  R  D  223— Marker, 
F  S  503.  554— J  J  536— Markley,  A  C  115— J  L 
244 — Mrs  J  L  552 — ^Marks,  J  H  71,  554 — Marlatt, 
A  246 — Maroney,  E  M  550 — Marowitz,  A  277 — 
Marsh,  B  B  342— F  O  254— H  D  208,  221— H  R 
461— M  B  |02— P  L  554— W  C  533— Marshall, 
E  J  155— M  385,  545,  554—0  492— T  J  431— 
W  589— Marstellar,  W  F  47,  378— Marston,  C  I 
500 — Martin,  E  J  115 — E  V  387 — Mrs  F  S  105 
— M  C  53,  487,  547- P  W  543— Mrs  P  W  541- 
Martindale,  C  387 — F  C  107,  554 — Martinelli,  G 
452 — Marvin,  F  R  500 — Marx,  E  265 — S  W  338 — 
Mason,  S  T  289— Masselink,  B  H  161 — Mast,  S  O 
191,  590 — Masterson,  h  H  197 — Matchett,  E  P  542 
— L  V  543 — Matheis,  A  60,  62,  387 — Matheson,  A 
R  314,  323— Mathews-Matthews,  B  109— C  S 
543— D  C  128— D  M  58— E  A  273,  492— G  E 
170— S  A  579— T  R  502— W  E  235— W  F  582 
— W  O  500 — Mathewson,  T  K  219 — Matlock,  A  L 
218 — Matthai,  F  C  115 — Mattison,  J  A  500 — 
Mauck,  J  W  394— Maucker.  J  W  431— Maul.  W 
C  113 — Maurer,  W  F  61 — Mawson,  D  286,  372 — 
Maxev,  R  B  160 — Maxwell,  L  206,  291,  313,  406, 
552— W  K  314,  325.  382,  437— May,  D  318,  D  C 
167,  445,  593— E  S  C  314.  433.  434,  578 — G  A 
286— M  K  318— T  312— W  J  209— Mayer,  H  P 
317,    H    S    553 — Mayhood,    L,    F    316 — Maynard. 

0»/.       *■■       w»       33J w»ajr««vrvru,       iy       x         jiu n&ajritaiu, 

A  F  433— E  W  220— Mrs  E  W  553,  59i— H  H 
220— H  S  277— J  546— Mayo.  C  J  382— W  J 
235.  281,  298,  382— Mays,   Mrs  T  G   108 — Mead. 

C  E  317— F  E  489— M  D  436— Meader.  C  L 
101,  181,  190,  586 — Meals,  W  D  499 — Mechem, 
L  W  550 — Meek,  S  J  532 — Meier.  A  167,  433,  554 
— Meigs,  L  O  491 — Melhom,  D  F  115,  159,  170, 
489 — Melius,  L  L  386 — Mellencamp,  F  J  590 — 
Mellon.  R  R  82,  321.  554.  576— Meloan,  W  W 
436— Meloche,  C  C  486— Meloy,  B  H  580—  Mel- 
ton, W  R  445,  550 — Menoher,  W  E  499 — 
Mensch,  R  E  62,  555— Mercer,  E  C  135— E  J 
61 — Mercur,  E  N  580 — Merriam.  B  62.  555 — 
MerrUl,  C  E  314— C  M  54- K  276— I.  K  493— 
Mersereau,  Mrs  J  D  104,  160.  207.  315 — Messick. 
H  D  312.  471,  499 — Messimer.  O  W  52,  iti — 
Metcalf.  H  H  552— W  46,  S3.  59— Metheny,  S  A 
S  435— Metzger.  C  S  492 — Meyer.  E  C  555— 
II  L  221— T  378— Meyers,  H  C  224— W  J  315— 

Minor,  V  L  385- 
A   504—  F  W   327- 

Mez,  J  288— Mezger,  L  K  536— Michael,  E  268 
— Michaelis,  L  P  220 — Michelson,  F  E  494 — 
Mickle.  F  A  10 1 — Middaugh,  F  K  287,  461 — 
Middlebush,  FA  102,  208,  550 — Middleditch,  P 
H  236,  245— -Migdalski,  J  F  170— Miggett,  W  L 
442,  540 — Mighell,  I  205,  375 — Milemore,  G  H 
546,  547.  554— Miles— A  J  580— B  J  62,  329,  594— 
MiUar,  W  J  278— MilUrd,  F  G  114,  245,  462, 
577— F  J  555— G  G  158,  295,  372,  377,  432,  553. 
556 — Miller,  A  C  314.  326 — A  E  312,  433 — A  J 
103— A  M  534— Mrs  A  R  265— A  W  433— C  t 
81 — C  S  3x5 — D  C  loi,  102,  107,  275 — D  H 
536 — D  W  170 — E  J  106,  430,  555 — G  170,  206, 
311 — H  J  552 — H  R  107,  232 — L  378 — L  R  105 
— M    C    552— M    L    550— N    C    328— N    J    493— 

0  ly  534— Mrs  O  L  534— R  E  536— Mrs  R  H 
540— S  R  38s— T  T  555— W  215,  320— W  A  167 
— W  A  C  103—  W  F  54— MUligan,  M  M  32— 
Millotte,  J  A  546— Mills,  A  B  436— A  P  553— 
Mrs.  A  P  554— C  C  170— D  555- D  W  500— 
H  D  580— M  G  433— R  J  245— W  M  61—  W  R 
288,  458— W  W  61,  114,  594— Millspaugh,  J  F 
384— Miner,  Mrs  C  A  590 — G  D  315— K  R  272, 
313  3M — L_  S  431 — ^T.R  445 — Minnard,  E  P  62 — 

-Minshall,  W  E  500 — Misch,  A 
-Mitamura,  V  158— Mitchell. 
A  E  60—  B  D  60,  433— C  M  529— E  D  60— 
L  C  317— W  C  590— W  K  375— Mrs  W  K  102, 
205 — W  L  114 — Moeller,  J  H  503,  593 — Moffat, 
G  R  277 — Moffett,  P  R  503 — Moffit,  J  T  164,  498 
— Mogford,  G  E  432,  433 — Mohr,  K  J  70,  399 — 
Moiles,  S  M  60— Monfort,  F  P  552— W  166— 
Monk,  G  B  F  266 — Monnig.  E  R  387 — Monroe, 
D  R  235— E  D  317— J  R  3i4~R  E  554— 
Montgomery,  T  C  555— J  H  589 — Mrs  J  H  589 
— L  K  3»7— W  G  48— W  J  156,  206,  311— Moody, 
F  B  443—  J  W  317— P  B  540,  553— Moone.  M  L 
278,  446 — Mooney.  Mrs  C  H  433 — Moore,  C 
C  314— Mrs  C  E  102— C  L  155— C  R  166,  588 — 
Mrs  C  R  205— E  V  53,  289.  509,  554.  577— 
Mrs  E  V  554— E  W  554— F  W  175— G  E  445. 
555— G  S  550— H  ly  387— J  112— J  E  53— L  540 — 
h  S  112— Mrs  L  S  112— M  B  162— S  P  554— 
W  L  158— Moran,  D  M  555- R  E  70— S  A  552 
— Mrs  S  A  552 — Morden,  W  S  529 — Morehouse, 
L  F  383 — Morey,  C  R  191.  319,  320 — Morgan, 
C  161— C  S  62,  388— D  E  273,  492— G  S  222— 
Moriarity,  W  D  394 — Moritz,  G  M  181 — Morley, 
W  H  541,  553 — Morningstar,  B  F  504 — Morris, 
C  P  159,  489— F  A  547— J  53,  44 1— Morrison. 
A  II  433— B  590— E  107— J  53— J  W  169— R  C 
58 —  W  W  218— Morrissey,  E  M  433 — Morrow, 
Mrs  O  J  382 — Morse,  E  436,  J  L  166 — Morton, 
F  J  497— M  328— M  P  554— R  H  553— Moseley, 
E  h  497 — Moseman,  E  N  456,  504 — Moses,  R  A 
436 — Mosher,  Py  264 — E  M  434 — Mosier.  D  H 
551— Mote,  C  M  581— Mott,  L  B  461—  Moul.  H 
A  179,  260 — Mount.  ly  D  502 — Mountsier.  R  275, 
386 — Mourn.  J  E  329 — Mower,  H  C  165 — Mowrer, 
E  448— P  S  32.  112.  448— VV  A  112— Moyer,  D  J 
209— Mudge,  C  T  51— E  J  312,  433— H  U  208— 
Mueller.  A  C  114— C  H  62— H  I^  388— M  E  325 
— Mulford,    W    385— Mrs    W    385— Mulholland,    F 

L  196,  219 — Mullen,  E  W  160 Mullender.  M  h 

438 — Mullendore.  W  C  114,  373,  462 — Muller,  H 
W  550 — J  475 — Mummery,  M  V  554 — Munn,  G  G 
277 — Munns,  J  B  203 — Murbach,  C  F  592 — M  A 
592 — Murfin,  J  O  78,  103,  132,  134,  312,  553, 
577— Murphy.  A  C  135— C  L  218— F  B  59— J 
J  489— L  289,  453— W  M  155— Murray.  E  B 
265— J  C  160— P  107— Musser.  H  48,  278— J  C 
278,  329.  446.  492 — Mutschel.  Mrs  C  E  553 — 
Myers,  B  A  489— D  W  244,  588 — G  287— J  S 
128— N  246—0  J  489— P  J  276— Mrs  W  J  161— 
Myll,  N  A  550— Myron,  H  E  555,  588. 

Nadeau,  A  N  502 — Najflcr,  F  A  461 — Nance, 
W  D  70— Nash,  J  383— W  J  546— W  W  552— 
Naylon,  G  E  222,  546— Mrs  G  E  222— J  T  32, 
578 — Naylor,  G  I  60,  loi,  554,  555 — Neeland, 
J  554— Neff.  E  H  314,  534- Mrs  E  II  553— Neger, 

1  433— Negley,  Mrs  R  H  554— Nehls.  C  B  167— 
Neill,  II  583— Neilsen.  R  H  114— Nelson.  A  h 
577—1  J  169— J  P  159— J  R  505,  553,  h  H  224 
— Nester.  J  M  385— Nettleton,  F  E  53— Neudi- 
gate,  J  C  492 — Neumann,  W  A  275 — Neville,  E  L 
588 — Nevin,   F  315 — Nevroth,  W   107 — Newberry, 

Digitized  by 




J  S  257— T  H  373 — Newcomb-Newcombe,  C  A 
Jr  553—1**  C  31,  203,  234,  534 — Newell,  E  G  167 
— F  E  550 — Newhall,  A  S  51 — Newman-Newmann, 
A  B  593— C  W  287— H  H  191— H  W  274— New- 
ton,  A  B  167— R  W  317— Nichols,  D  A  71— 
H  N  T  265,  275— I  C  462— L  M  27s— R  M 
340 — VV  H  479,  490,  491 — Mrs  W  H  479,  490, 
491 — Nicholson,  E  553 — K  M  328 — Nickels,  H  C 
552 — Nicolson,  M  H  62,  169 — Niman,  C  A  500 — 
Nisply,  C  Iv  316— Nivcn.  J  M  384— Nixon,  W  C 
308 — Noble,  A  47,  211,  324,  490 — Mrs  A  490 — 
C  VV  473,  474 — F  C  324— Nolan,  R  E  M  54,  157 
— Noll,  D  113 — Noller,  F  431 — Noordewier,  A  542 
— Norman,  J  V  115 — Norris,  A  1^  555 — L*  D  253, 
254,  256 — M  274,  531,  552 — R  554 — North,  J  217, 
^77 — K  U  265 — Norton,  A  II  m,  553,  590 — 
Mrs  A  H  III,  590— C  W  317— H  K  580— K  E 
247 — L   H  375— Novy,   F  G  50,  51,  88,  244,  374, 

488,  552 — Nowakoski,  A  G  3M.  327 — Noyea,  B  I 
550 —  H  317 — Nuechterlein,  M  343 — Nugent,  C 
106 — Nussbaum,  B  E  159 — Nutting,  E  P  431 — 
H  E  180. 

Oakes,  A  B  503,  546,  547 — Oakman,  C  384 — 
Oaks,  H  K  500— O'liear,  F  S  106— Ober,  J  R 
160,  329 — M  289,  452 — Oberfelder,  E  315 — 
O'Brien,  S  G  553— T  J  104.  105,  313— O'Cal- 
laghan,  M  B  433 — Ochs,  Mrs  E  J  494 — O'Dea, 
J  M  103,  432,  579 — O'Donnell,  M  A  328 — Oelkers, 
C  E  312— O'Hara,  J  P  555— O'Harra,  R  B  338 
338 — Ohiinger,  G  A  215,  219,  384 — Ohlmacher, 
II  H  445— Ohmart,  J  V  326— O'Hora,  J  P  446— 
R  F  108— Okcrland,  G  M  434— Oldrin,  Mrs  C  M 
553— Olds,  G  107— R  E  232— W  F  546,  547 — 
O'Leary,  G  E  458 — J  H  194,  196,  221,  377,  405 
—J  J  555— T  E  52,  112— Olnuted,  F  E  485— 
R  C  490 — Mrs  R  C  490 — Olney,  A  444,  502 — 
N  G  555 — Olson,  A  431 — R  G  503— Onen,  J  B 
374,  541 — Ong,  W  C  589 — Oppenheimer,  H  D 
ai2 — ^  A  541 — Opperman,  H  A  237 — Orbeck,  M 
J  47 — Orcutt,  G  N  314,  323 — Ormond.  J  M  218 — 
Orney,  S  E  170— Orr,  H  312— H  E  43i— H  P 
546 — Ortman,  F  A  492 — Orton,  J  F  271,  441 — 
Orvis,  F  C  209 — Osband,  M  K  553 — Osborn- 
Osborne,  A  532,  C  S  46,  248— F  D  436,  43*— 
E  E  384,  501 — M  E  221 — Osgood,  M  554 —  Os* 
trander,  H  286 — Otis,  C  H  547,  s8o,  593 — Mrs 
C   H   593- C   M   318— E  J  387— H   G   462— E  M 

489,  Sjo — R   B  220 — W  A  270 —  Ottenheifner,   H 

. ;  A  555—0    -  -  - 

E   128 — Owen,  Mrs  M  C  319 — Owens,   T  E  102 

J  A  555— Otwell,  E  S  B  210 — Oviatt, 
en,  Mrs  M  C  319 — Owens,   T  E  102 — 
Oxtoby,  F  B  385— J  V  220,  383— W  E  103,  134, 
312.    553.   556,    557,   570— W   H   218,   219. 

Pabst,  H  W  387,  445,  555- Pack,  \V  M  314— 
Packard,  I  102 — M  A  O  582 — Packwood,  R  A 
532,  533 — Mrs  R  A  532 — Page,  F  J  541 — M  C 
461 — R  H  165,  538 — Paige,  E  R  395 — Paine,  Mrs 
E  E  i6i— R  M  490— V  B  552— Painter,  C  W 
455— Paisley.  W  W  316— Palmer,  C  G  499— C 
I  214,  215—  G  55,  166— Mrs  G  C  552— G  E 
547—1  B  555— J  A  53^— J  C  loi— J  P  205— 
M  550,  M  C  266— W  F  498— W  S  583— Panaretoff. 
S  394 — Pardon,  EC  107,  555 — Parfet,  A  B  107 — 
Parizek,  F  J  166,  274— Park,  M  492— Parker,  D 
L  529,  533 — K  F  326,  490— Mrs  E  F  104,  i6o, 
207,  490,  491 — E  G  265 — G  A  502 — H  D  232, 
395— J  318— J  M  541,  552— J  W  528— E  N  123, 
342— M  C  316— R  P  449,  487— W  D  222— Parks, 
A  376 — H  F  498 — S  497*  498 — Parmelee-Parmeley, 
B  499 — G  E  253— M  H  108— Parmenter,  W  C 
489 — W  E  489 — Parmley,  Mrs  M  H  210 — Parnall, 
C  G  272— Parrish,  E  S  580— R  P  62— Parry, 
A  W  546— C  E  294,  385,  399,  501,  543,  545— 
H  J  548— Parshall,  D  I  60— Parsons,  C  C  314 
— D  W  168— H  E  316,  328,  445— J  E  59.  223— 
M  H  51— M  M  550—0  D  327— W  E  504— W  S 
52,  58 — Pasco,  H  2(>fi — ^J  F  208 — Pastrana,  M  A 
50,  224--Patchell,  Mrs  C  T  324— M  H  324 — 
Paton,  M  E  378,  M  S  378— W  A  287.  461— 
Patrick,  H  E  275 — Patron,  A  R  446 — Pattengill. 
H  R  552— Patterson,  Mrs  E  E  S4»— G  593— G  W 
486,  593 — Mrs  G  W  534,  593 — Pattison,  F  loo, 
2ii2 — E  N  45,  46 — Patton.  E  M  531— Paul,  E  M 
246 — Paulson,  C  E  160,  205,  579 — Paulus,  F  158 
— Pawlowski,  F  W  102,  283 — Paxson,  F  E  238, 
340,  396,  508 — Paxton,  C  S  443 — Payne,  D  in — 
Mrs  F  R  552 —  I   N  266—  J  H   107,   114,   593— 

J  W  430— N  S  529— W  H  172— Peabody,  J  P 
547 — Peake,  O  B  62 — Pearce,  A  102 —  V  L  113 — 
Pearl,  R  191— Pearson,  A  A  490 —  Mrs  A  A  490 
—A  C  158 — W  A  435— Peattie,  Mrs  E  W  102— 
Peck,  A  B  461— E  S  499— G  P  580— E  553— 
Peckham,  Mrs  A  G  433 — Peddicord,  W  i8o,  342 
— Pedrick,  I  H  490— Peet,  G  A  224— Mrs  G  W 
541 — Pelham,  11  F  102,  113,  157 — II  M  529 — 
Pell,  J  B  442— Penberthy,  G  C  554— Pendill,  C 
G  103— Pendleton,  E  W  85— Penfield,  VV  E  no 
— VV  S  no,  216,  540,  541— Pennell,  F  VV  276, 
314,  433,  580 — Pennington,  E  H  n2,  554 — Penny, 
H  A  382— Penxotti,  R  B  395— Peoples,  C  E  115 
— Pereira,  D  de  S  59 — Perkins,  J  E  53 1 — M  T 
461— N  E  113,  461,  554— R  C  37§— W  B  117— 
VV  T  491— Perrin,  O  VV  435— Perrine,  J  O  462— 
Perry,  B  461— B  E  461— C  M  84— D  S  554— 
E  B  386,  556.  557— E  D  553—  H  H  342— E  278, 
M  62— S  II  215— T  O  552— Person,  M  M  554— 
R  H  589— S  H  553— Persons,  Mrs  VV  F  314— 
Pesquera,  A  M  50,  491 — Peters,  E  E  221,  546 — 
F  543 — R  C  205— V  B  2?^7,  461 — Petersmcyer, 
H  F  316,  326— Peterson,  Mrs  A  R  552— D  VV 
501— F  VV  155,  463— H  A  388— J  C  161,  387, 
588— R  31,  TOO,  182,  264,  431— R  Jr  62— T  C 
529— Petitt,  R  R  532— Pettce,  E  E  588— Petti- 
bone,  AH  156,  157 — Pettus,  A  445 — Pewtress, 
M  E  61— Peyraud,  E  K  236— Pfaender,  V  H  223 
— Pfeiffer,  AC  554.  555— Phalan,  J  T  162, 
169,  555 — Phelps,  J  A  232 — L  B  326 — 
M  VV  493— Philip.  G  58— Phillips,  B  B 
433— B  V  591— C  A  266— E  J  115,  312— F  M 
536— H  Jr  262,  431— H  H  462--J  E  166,  273— 
J  E  108— J  M  166,  272— U  B  191,  239— Philo, 
B  H  462 — Picard,  F  A  114 — Pierce,  D  P  130, 
399,  534,  536,  566— E  B  286— F  E  555-  G  378 
— H  H  545— J  F  315-J  E  542— Mrs  P  E  545— 
Pierson,  A  VV  385 — Pieters,  A  J  373,  487,  577 — 
Pike,  E  R  272— Pikulski,  J  A  555— Pilcher,  L  F 
323— Pilides,  A  P  275— Pillsbury,  C  D  170— VV  B 
190,  239 — Pindell,  VV  M  324 — Pinkham,  M  A  62 
— Pinney,  C  H  52,  58— L  J  168— N  E  234— 
Pimat,  F  H  57— Pitkin,  E  C  318,  583— Plain, 
F  G  588— Plank,  C  A  161— Piatt.  E  564— F  A 
528— Plough,  H  K  583— Plumb,  II  E  52— R  A 
221 — Plummer,  C  E  278— Plunkett,  E  M  444 — 
Pobanz,  J  F  287— Poe,  A  C  497— F  S  386— 
Polglase,  VV  A  493— Pollock,  J  B  553— Mrs  J  B 
553 — Pond,  A  B  528,  529 — I  K  49,  282,  284,  389, 
404,  409,  458,  529,  552,  570 — Pontius,  M  170 — 
Pope,  C  E  376,  531— H  II  493— Porter,  C  F  552 
— F  S  499,  552— H  H  314,  324— H  R  386— K 
H  169— M  E  315— M  O  431— Mrs  M  P  431— 
R  C  224— Mrs  T  502— Poet,  G  VV  220— K  C  433, 
501— E  M  220— R  160— Potter,  C  E  395- F  VV 
493— H  B  165— N  S  Jr  553— P  L  445— R  B  540 
W  T  312,  433— Pottinger.  J  H  554—  M  E  316— 
Pound,  R  237— Povah,  A  H  W  461,  57^— P  S 
342— Powell,  D  W  266— E  E  39— H  G  165— 
J  E  594—  J  Z  382 — E  M  490— R  E  51— Power, 
S  J  200,  532 — Powers,  G  554 — L  181 — M  E  433. 
591— M  R  433— Prangen.  A  D  550— Pratt,  E  S 
31.  47,  loi,  207,  246,  553,  556,  559,  577 — G  C 
156,  311,  430— J  377— J  S  219 — K  H  501 — 
L  A  62 — Pray,  G  R  553— G  W  253,  254— E  502 
— Preble,  R  B  164— Mrs  R  B  164,  205— Prcntis- 
Prentiss,  F  E  498— J  H  538,  541— Prescott,  A  T 
128— J  S  374—0  W  500— Preston,  M  W  321 — 
Prettyman,  H  G  45.  220 — Price,  G  158 — R  A 
170 — S  B  526,  552— W  A  499— Prichard,  C  376 
— Primeau,  G  H  275 — J  H  Jr  275,  312,  433 — 
Mrs  J  H  275 — Primrose,  J  E  55o — Prince 
(Printx),  A'  D  272— Pritchett,  H  S  242— Prout, 
H  G  313.  314,  S7»— Mrs  J  H  552— Pryer,  R  VV 
100,  109,  209,  223,  576 — Pryor,  C  S  158,  264,  431 
— Puckett.  C  H  161 — Pulitrer,  J  268 — Punchard, 
C  158— Purdy,  H  C  318— L  377— M  M  124,  461. 
564 — Purmort,  A  B  163 — Pusey,  W  326 — Putnam, 
M  E  504 — Pyle,  E  272. 

Quail,  F  A  498— G  H  489 — QOarles,  E  545— 
Quayle,  F  F  315 — Querin,  M  I  162 — Quick,  B  E 
112— H  564— Quinlan,  MEW  588— W  C  583— 
Mrs  W^  S  375.  376— Quinn,  C  J  316— C  P  316, 
550.  568— M  J  316— R  158. 

Raab,  F  P  319 — I  T  219— Rabaut,  E  P  114— 
Race,  G  E  ^77 — Raikes,  Mrs  J  M  540— Raiss,  C 

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F  107 — Rakestraw.  C  N  502 — Ramage,  H  B  276 
— Ramsdell,  F  W  494,  583— Mrs  F  W  583— O 
583— R  583— T  T  583— Mrs  T  J  583— Rand,  W  H 
552— Randall.  W  C  60— Randolph.  V  C  158— 
Rankin.  T  E  203,  553 — Mrs  T  E  541 — Ranney, 
R  W  554— Ransom.  W  H  386,  592— Raphael,  T 
169,  550 — Rapin.  ly  A  S  312,  431 — Raschbacher. 
H  G  445 — Rasey,  M  1,  548 — Rathbone.  A  D  552 
— ^Rathborn.  Mrs  R  376 — Rathbun.  E  H  27< — 
G  A  546.  547— Rathke.  Mrs  W  R  550— Ratliff, 
W  B  555— Rawden,  E  553— Raw'don,  H  S  315. 
328 — Rawles,  P  W  H  253,  254,  255 — Ray.  Mrs 
F  C  553 — Rayer,  L  M  51.  53— Rayl.  K  J  209 — 
Raymond.  W  O  102,  462 — Raynolds,  T  C  316. 
318 — Raynsford.  J  W  134,  160,  179 — Read-Reade. 
E  A  383— J  J  SSa— R  P  337— T  114— Reading, 
H  W  274,  502 — Reasoner,  J  M  542 — Reddin,  D 
W  552 — Redlich.  J  348,  349,  351.  451 — Redmond, 
V  B  583— Reed.  A  J  500— A  M  338,  550— A  W 

^9— C  E  555 — F  F  182,  487,  529— F  R  170 — 
H  218— J  O  I,  7,  31,  79— J  T  502— M  E 
107 — M  S  342,  462 — N  W  224,  551 — Reeder, 
R  P  324— Reek,  H  G  553- Rees.  M  M  387,  396 
— Reese,  E  A  445,  H  M  53 — Reesman.  W  I, 
159— Reeves.  B  H  115— D  C  §53— J  S  69,  262, 
485,  487 — Regester,  S  H  109 — ^Reichert,  R  107 — 
Reid,  A  G  59"-3J  M  342 — R  M  160 — Reighard. 
J  E  203.  531— Mrs  J  E  533— J  J  SSo—  P  264, 
312,  487— Reilly.  C  O  318— Mrs  h  102,  205— 
Reimann,  h  C  174,  339 — Rcimold.  h  M  312 — 
Rein.  T  E  444 — Reinhart,  D  K  550 — Remsen. 
D  S  314 — Rennie,  F  M  554 —  M  I^  555 — Ren- 
ville, M  I^  357 — Renwick,  I^  t,  289,  453 — Restrick, 
W  C  492— Rejmolds.  B  h  276— C  A  492 — C  H  588 
—C  W  432.  433— G  342— G  L  492— H  S  377— 
Mrs  M  473— Rhea.  A  I^  §32— Rheinfrank.  G  B 
219 — ^Rhodes,  E  C  436 — Rhonehouse,  W  ly  194, 
199,  222 — Ribble,  B  113 — Rice.  C  E  444 — E  E 
62— E  J  434— G  206— J  M  266— M  E  555— Rich, 
D  ly  554.  577— E  D  115,  247— H  M  542,  553— 
L  F  107— Richards,  F  M  113— J  55^,  566— J  E 
163,  164,  223 — Richardson.  B  F  436— H  V  103 
— Mrs  J  P  540,  541 — R  D  553 — Richmond.  A 
583 — Ricketts.  A  T  70,  461 — Ridenour,  J  A  266 
— Rideout.  D  O  552 — Ridley,  C  E  278— Riegel- 
man.  C  A  314,  325,  442,  538,  540,  556,  559,  578 
— Rieger,  W  H  502 — Rieser,  I^  M  170,  311,  430, 
555— Riggs,  E  E  115.  555- H  E  247,  287,  470, 
554— R»gn«y»  M  E  592 — Rigtcrink,  J  W  542 — 
Riley,  J  T  581— T  J  316— Rindge,  R  H  135— 
Ringer,  J  164,  534 — ^Rings,  E  P  169 — Ripley, 
A  M  113,  554— E  P  208— H  C  526— H  S  443— 
Rippey,  W  H  219— Ritter,  C  I,  103— Mrs  W  M 
271 — Rix,  I  M  274 — Rizer,  H  F  270 — I  315 — 
R  207,  315 — Roadruck,  R  K  169 — Robb,  I  319 
— T  D  159,  317,  318,  319—  T  D  Jr  319 — Robbias, 
F  E  31—  H  E  385,  545— J  C  245— Roberson. 
W  B  273— Robert?,  B  S4— C  W  312,  431— F  L 
54— P  13s— R  265— S  H  385— T  B  264— Robert- 
son. C  A  SOI,  546 —  C  h  543 — G  O  541 — M  570 
— 1<  P  490 — Robeson,  O  57 — Robie,  T  M  170, 
555»  594 — Robins,  H  M  540,  541 — Mrs  H  M  542 
— Rotinson,  A  i6i— A  A  208 — C  A  553 —  E  V  D 
498— G  C  555— ir  H  277— h  F  S50— L  T  168— 
S  F  461— T  E  552— W  I  102— W  J  16s— Roblee, 
ly  H  314,  433,  593 — Robson,  E  L  169,  555 — 
Rockwell.  A  H  533 — Rockvirood,  C  P  500 — ^Rodi, 
C  H  533 — Rodkey,  R  G  47,  62,  114,  340— Roe, 
C  G  246,  461 — Roehm,  D  M  461,  570 — E  G  461, 
564— G  E  552— Roelofs,  E  433,  554— H  D  461— 
Rogers,  C  B  443— C  H  59— E  A  542— E  C  102, 
205—K  H  546,  547— F  F  125,  287— J  C  433— 
J  R  514— Roggy,  A  R  62,  594— Rohde,  O  C  222 
— Rolfe,  J  C  239 — Romig.  ly  V  168 — Ronan.  E 
C  272— Rood,  E  A  38s — J  R  552 — Rooney,  J  A 
314 — Roos,  G  W  395 — Roose,  W  H  218 — Roose- 
velt. T  577— Root,  C  C  386— E  497— M  E  62— 
R  R  235— Roper,  J  H  315,  594— RoricV,  H  C  218 
— Rose,  J  ly  552 — M  E  5«;o — R  375,  488 — Rosen, 
D  N  48,  430,  492,  540 — Rosenbaum,  L  F  169 — 
Rosenberg,  A  593 — Roeenbliim,  N  A  329 — Rosen- 
crans,  E  J  314,  324 — Rosenheim,  H  W  287 — 
Rosenquist,  H  E  53 — Rosen«tein,  S  J  338 — Ros- 
enthal. B  F  550— F  S  555— H  E  554— M  3M,  324 
— Rosenthaler,  M  P  550— Rosewame,  N  L  395 — 
Rosing.  M  S  265,  591 — Ross,  C  H  234 — E  A  180, 

341— G  J  161,  377— P  W  164— Rosaman.  R  H 
546— Roth,  A  115,  124— E  C  461 — F  46,  109, 
179,  346,  487,  534— G  B  III,  189,  321— S  R 
279,  555— RothchUd,  H  A  555— Rothschild,  Z  S 
287— Rottschaefer,  H  70,  338— Rotzel,  H  ly  548— 
Rouse,  A  D  160— Rovelstad,  A  M  553 — Rowan. 
J  H  310— Rowand,  E  M  52— Rowe.  A  H  583— 
?r  1^3—  F  552— F  A  179,  231,  260,  261.  455— 
H  P  385— M  J  444— S  D  444— Rowell.  C  H  218 
— Rowen.  D  376 — Rowland.  R  S  542,  553— W  D 
314.  446— Rowlee.  W  W  128— Rowley.  R  B  328— 
Roy.  R  H  165— Royal.  C  D  271— ly  E  271— 
Royce,  F  E  385,  545— L  E  395— Royon,  C  H  504 
—Roys.  C  D  493— H  M  528— Rubin,  I  R  592 — 
^S  592— Ruby  F  M  545,  553— Ruch,  F  H  533 
— Ruckman,  W  S  315— Rudd.  A  L  209— Rudolph, 
L  C  107— Ruetinik,  B  P  221,  502— Rufus.  W  C 
461,  577— Ruger,  M  S  462,  555— Ruhlman,  M  G 
221 — Rummell,  H  C  114 — Rummler.  W  R  516 — 
Mrs  W  R  536— Rumney,  M  P  106— Ruoff.  H  F 
315— Ruppe.  M  A  53 — Russcl-Russell,  B  A  329 — 
C  M  546— E  160— F  T  32— G  V  221— H  325— 
H  E  550— J  R  532— R  ly  550,  555— W  S  291. 
528,  556— Ruthrauff,  M  J  550,  593— Ruthven. 
A  G  71.  486,  487— Ruttle.  C  H  554— Ryan.  E  C 

272— G    F    5So-^H    C    375- J    2x8^M    M  '554— 
H  223— W  T  444— Mrs  W  T  444— Rykenboer. 


EAR  461— Ryman.  D  E  53,  257— Mrs  D  E  554. 
Sabin.  H  328— ly  C  534— ly  H  374— Sackett. 
R  C  554— Sada.  R  G  197— Sadler.  H  C  283,  359, 
487.  516,  566 — Safford,  A  M  540.  541 — Sagendorph. 
p  P  552—  W  K  553— Sager,  A  253,  478— Saier, 
E  H  412,  459,  550— St  John,  C  E  490— F  H 
499— J  S  314,  324.  499— Mrs  j  S  499— Mrs  R  C 
554— R  G  552— Salisbury,  R  D  341— Salliotte.  G 
53— Salmon,  ly  M  207— Sample,  G  W  442,  553— 
Sampson-Samson,  J  C  108 — R  C  442 — Sanders, 
C  C  223— C  M  221,  273.  373,  553— H  A  181. 
191,  215,  239,  319,  485,  534— Mrs  H  A  554— 
J  D  552— L  F  221,  273— Sanford,  B  J  61,  224— 
Sanger,  E  B  288— S  219—  W  194— Sanri,  C  W 
555,  581,  594— Sargeant,  E  M  395,  458— Sarraga. 
R  V  491— Satterlee.  F  P  493— M  62— Savage, 
F  N  219 — Savidge.  W  155,  552 — Sawyer,  K  I  287 
— W  H  45,  99,  100,  T55,  202,  262,  286,  310,  313, 
372,  485,  486,  576 — Saxton,  J  B  222— Sayers,  F 
E  114— Sayre.  ly  E  579— Sayrcs.  H  S  385— Sayrs, 
H  C  553— Scanlon,  ly  S  572— Scates,  A  C  162 — 
Schabcrg,  M  J  553— Mrs  M  J  554— Schad,  F  M 
'    rle,    E    A    553— J  "  "      ' 

554 — SchaeberU 

A    553 — ^J    M    552 — Schaefer, 

A  F  60,  169—  W  T  388— SchaibleV  C  K  554— 
Schairer,  M  ly  593— W  W  593— Schalk.  M  D  503 
— Scheibel,  G  A  70 — Scheid,  L  H  62— Schell, 
A  W  206— Schenck,  P  L  543— Scherer,  N  W  488 
— Schermerhorn,  J  135,  154 — Schicren,  C  A  437 
—Schiller.  G  B  165— Schilling,  E  M  555— 
Schlaack,  E  V  555 — Schlichte,  A  A  113,  275 — 
Schlichting,  A  F  554— Schlink,  A  G  503— H  A 
504,  550.  554 — Schlotterbeck,  J  O  8,  57,  101,  244, 
373— Schnrid,  A  106— Schmidt,  C  D  312—  F  H 
492— H  VV  552— R  A  312,  316— T  P  500— 
Schneider,  A  E  224 — Schnitzpahn,  P  T  312 — 
Schoeffel,  C  G  26s,  550— Schoepple,  C  S  555— 
Schoflf,  H  F  254— S  S  254— Schofield,  S  R  224— 
Scholl,  J  W  542— Schomburg,  W  H  555— 
Schooley.  S  J  328 — Schoonmaker.  P  323 — Schott- 
Btaedt,  R  W  221 — Schradzki.  H  R  459,  568— 
Schreiber,  E  W  113,  16R— Schroc^,  O  J  489 — 
Schroeder,  A  J  555— W  W  114— Schubach,  H  162 
— Schuessler,  A  D  loi — Schuette.  R  W  314 — 
Schulte,  D  T  50:— D  L  502— H  C  502— Schultz, 
A  P  553— C  F  5Q2— Schulz,  A  G  123,  259— Mrs 
A  P  545 — Schumann,  C  L  102 — C  W  162 — Schu- 
mann-Hcini',  E  458— Sch'.irtz.  A  W  553 — Schurz. 
S  B  502 — Schuyler,  N  548 — Schweitzberger,  E  M 
170,  555 — Schweitzer,  L  433 — Scir'more,  A  W  536 
—Scott,  A  II  4;«5— A  J  533— B  W  386— E  H  552 
— F  D  579 — F  N  i,  31,  71,  123,  191,  230,  359,  373, 
552,  586 — Mrs  F  N  I,  130,  552 — 11  P  53,  169, 
550— I  D  554—  Mrs  I  D  55  4— J  F  321— ly  E 
53,  579— M  A  276— M  C  261,  265,  55o— Mrs  O  E 
264.  265— R  C  158— R  E  318— W  G  592— Scovell, 
J  T  494 — Scrams,  G  G  555 — ScuUey,  F  J  327 — 
Scullin,  J  268 — Scully,  L  C  550,  555 — Seaborg, 
H  P  388— Seiger,  H  R  534— Sealby,  I  61,  160, 
578 — Sears,    W    B    524 — Seaver,    B    F    462 — ^J    J 

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555 — Sedgewick,  H  M  538,  541 — See,  R  M  503 
— SeegmiUcr,  W  A  553— Mrs  W  A  541— Seely,  H 
F  461,  581— M  C  221— Seeley,  H  H  44a,  538, 
540— W  F  461— Scclye,  O  C  5^8,  529— Mrs  O  C 
528 — Seemann,  W  M  594 — Seevers,  G  W  270 — 
Segur.  D  K  113— F  D  220— Seibcrt,  H  A  378 — 
Seidel,  U  D  311,  430— Mrs  U  D  311— SeiU,  E  C 
555 — Selby,  R  W  550 — Seltzer,  A  J  314,  433 — 
Senear,  F  E  326,  372,  461,  554,  555— Seney,  G  E 
220 — Senier,  A  589 — Senseman,  ll  t,  276,  554 — 
Senter,  H  M  104,  553 — Sering,  Mrs  M  J  443 — 
Serio,  P  P  115,  555 — Mrs  P  P  115,  554 — Serra, 
B  J  so — SerreU,  J  H  552 — Sessions,  E  M  552 — ^J 
164— J  O  A  552 — Severa,  h  588— Sevey,  H  S  532 
— Sevison,  E  E  554 — Seward,  H  H  224 — Seybold, 
G  A  588— Seymour,  G  H  552 — I,  435 — Shackel- 
ton,  S  P  462— Shafer,  H  P  222 — Shaffmaster,  H  C 
170 — Shaffner,  C  E  115— Shafroth,  W  H  160 — 
Shallberg,  G  A  431 — Shannon.  E  H  500 — Shaperio, 
S  555 — Shappina,  S  462 — Sharfman,  I  t,  124 — 
Sharp-Sharpe,  J  62— W  G  16 — Shartel,  B  W  551 
— Shaw,  A  B  276— C  F  276— E  E  462— E  R  586— 
E  W  3^6,  554— F  E  224— L  590— M  115— W  B 
128,  129,  130,  197,  373,  553,  557,  558,  559,  560, 
562,  56^,  588— W  H  436— Shearer,  J  375— Shee- 
han,  J  V  552 — Sheetz,  I,  A  386,  444 — Sheldon,  L 
592— W  F  128— Shelly,  F  M  170— M  R  113— 
Shenk,  F  D  156,  206,  311— Shepard,  Mrs  F  D 
532— J  F  47— Mrs  J  F  553— L  M  543— W  J  461— 
Shepheard,  W  155— Shepherd,  E  H  236,  245— F 
B  324 — H  I  219,  377 — Sheppard,  H  S  481,  555 — 
N  K  60— Sheridan,  F  R  60 — Sherman,  B  L  312, 
433 — H  G  496 — H  T  343— R  487 — Shcrrard,  E  C 
462— Sherrick,  T  W  461,  554— Sherrill,  E  S  398, 
528,  529 — M  D  528 — Sherwin,  F  h  159 — Sher- 
wood,  D   I^  489 — N   P  579 — Sherzer,  A   F   60 — J 

550— E    C    553,    566,    567— 
Shin  "'  '   ' 

124— Shields,    E    B      . 

Shilling,  F  F  542 — SKiner,  D  A  275— ^hinkman, 
O  E  43«,  433— Shipp,  W  S  374— Shivel,  R  M  554 
— Shoemaker,  G  G  170,  555 — Shonerd,  L  C  54 — 
Shook,  F  M  314 — Shorev,  P  524 — Shugrue,  M  J 
47,  60,  430 — Shull,  A  F  79,  191,  554 — Shulters, 
J  R  203,  223 — ShiUts,  M  H  26s — Shurly,  B  R  432 
— Shurte,  F  E  115— Shutter,  H  W  555- Sifre, 
A  S  50 — ^J  491 — Sigerfoos,  E  57 — Mrs  E  57 — 
Siggins,  J  B  497— Sigler.  D  T  503 — Sikes,  C  B 
181,  456 — Silliman,  K  G  55,  161,  377 — Silverman, 
J  h  278— Simmons,  E  C  268 — G  I  277— R  J  61, 
114,  327,  550,  554 — Simon,  A  508 — Simons,  F  S 
541,  553 — M  G  446 — S  B  288 — Simpson,  J  G  494 
— Simrall.  h  E  53— Sims,  E  W  588— Sinclair,  R 
E  53— Sink,  C  A  553— E  W  554— Mrs  E  W  554 
— G  E  541— Sinkey,  R  E  223— Skeel,  A  J  500— 
R  E  498,  524,  534,  536 — Skillman,  H  B  165,  207, 
272,  32s — Mrs  H  B  325 — Skinner,  A  B  580 — 
J  L  552— S  J  234— Slaght.  A  436— Slater.  F  A 
246 — Slauson.  H  M  552 — Slayton,  I  433 — V  500 — 
Sleator,  W  W  554— Sleeman,  B  R  328— R  D  328 
—Sleeper,  I^  C  324— Sleight,  R  B  462— R  D  374 
— Slezak,  I^  72— Slocuni;  C  E  583— E  155— G  552 
— G  W  102,  205 — ^J  E  163 — Mrs  W  F  102,  205 — 
Sloman,  A  I^  446,  555 — ll  S  114 — Slusser,  J  P 
167,  502— Small,  S  R  103,  592— SnuUey,  A  W 
580—11  M  554— Mrs  H  S  540 — Smith,  A  C  550 — 
A  F  32S—A  h  277— A  M  492— A  R  550— A  W 
239.  490,  497— B  170— B  E  277— B  F  493— C  588 
— C  C  498,  54ic-^  ^  ^**— ^  ^  326— C  M  554. 
592 — D  A  J42 — D  T  60,  78 — E  3»6,  327,  438,  443, 
497,  579— E  A  553— E  B  463— E  D  325- E  G  167, 
546— E  J  462— F  B  135— F  G  206,  311,  430— F 
L  534— F  W  224,  580 — G  B  339— G  H  590 — 
H   170,  235- H  B  205— H  C  543— H  H  376— H  J 

318— H  W 

..,   .  C  247,  287 
385— N  H  273,  385 

n  170,  235 — n  i>  205 — n   v,  543 — ii  n  3 
342,  571— H  L  378,  462,  571— H  S  3ii 
325— T  C  385^  H  57.  62— J  I,  459— L  C 
— M  F  60— M  I  222,   554— M  L  385— N  H  273,  385 
— N  L  115,  157 — N  K  162 — O  L   114,  399,  551 — 
R  A  ^^4— R  H  485— R  J  166— R  O  316— S  R  163 

3U,  372,  406, 

Ats  r  ■" 

K  A  39 

— S  W  46,  202,  203,  244,  310,  313, 
434,  486,  490,  553,  575,  576,  577—: 
553— T.  H    436— Mrs   T  J   553— W   A 

76,  577— Mrs  S  W  396. 
553— W  A  III— W  E 
234— VV  J  553— Mrs  W  J  273.  545— W  T  32— 
W  W  323,  403 — Smoyer,  F  O  551,  581 — Snajdr, 
R  I  224— Snell,  A  Iv  F  462— Suite,  F  B  488 — 
Snitseler,  G  A  376 — &nover,  A  1,  274,  385,  545 — 
G  R  5 S3  -Snow,  A  H  493— C  L  548— H  A  554— 
Mrs  H   M   552 — M   B  442,  540 — Snure,   M    102 — 

Snyder,  A  D  577 — C  I^  60—  F  E  395— H  492— J 
h  10— Mrs  M  B  582— R  E  501— R  M  387,  487— 
Soddy,  T  P  572 — Soleather,  E  K  221 — Solis,  J   C 

552 — Sonnenschein,  H  385-— Sorg,i  t,  O  554 — South- 
worth,  C  W  51— L  T  108 — SpaethL  C  F  106 — 
Mrs  C  F  554 — Spalding,  J  F  163 — Mrs  T  F  163 — 
V  M  479— Spangler,  C  P  504—  FW  60— W  W 

553—0  J  380— T  M  8,  55.  58,  315— Spear. 

Jr  312,  433— P  B   312 — Speidel,   R   F   170,   555 — 

577 — Sparling,   J    581 — Spaulding,   J    C   222,    541, 
55.  58,  315— Spear.   F  B 
,,..,_  ,  Jpeidel,   R   F   170.   SSS— 

Spencer,  B  170 — C  C  324— C  H  271,  315— D  B 
555— E  J  277-G  W  493— H  H  531— H  M  552— 
M  N  433 — M  S  433 — Spice,  C  G  554,  593 — Spiccr, 
E  H  553— Spies,  W  F  314 — Spike,  H  V  329 — 
Spill,  W  A  490 — Mrs  W  A  490 — Spinning.  R  C 
329,  550 — Spivey,  C  D  554 — Sponsler,  O  L  548 — 
Spooner,  t,  C  492 — Spraker,  L  C  555 — Sprigle, 
Ii  H  329 — Spring,  H  550 — V  F  60 — Springer,  D 
W  558— Springstim,   H  H   124,  341,  342 — Sproat. 

H  J  542 — L  A  433 — Spurney,  E  F  499 — Staad- 
ecker,  H  502 — Staau,  K  S  462— Sudtmiller,  M  B 
326— Mrs  M  B  126— SUebler,  A  545— W  P 
53,  550— Mrs  W  P  550— Stafford,  F  W 
J  170 — Stahl,  C  R  287,  461,  564— M  181 
— Stable.  N  K  224 — Staley,  E  M  387 — 
Sulker.  A  W  456— E  N  395 — Sumats,  D  124— 
Sunderline,  B  A  462,  578 — Sundish,  M  W  489 — 
W  C  325— Mrs  W  C  325— Standly,  Z  T  210— 
Stang,  A  H  462 — Stanley.  A  A  31,  70,  289,  359, 
372,    452,    509.    575— J    M    550,    594— J    T    273— 

Stansell,  A  D  580— Sunton,  B  E  461,  564 — E  K 

554 — Staples,   C:   O   113— C  W   48,   132,   206,   311 

430 — E  I*  275 — Mrs  E  L  275 — Stark,  A  R  327- 

E  F  554— E  M  548— E  P  554— H  F  545— Star- 
rett.  W  A  314— Steams,  D  F  318— F  S  378— R 
D  317— Steegar.  M  S  53 — Steele,  G  106— Steen, 
S  T  462— Steere.  E  B  548— F  W  53,  60— J  B  553 
— Steglich,  E  M  548— R  E  502 — Stein,  I  F  316 — 
Steinem.  C  V  555 — Steiner,  Mrs  E  264,  265 — ^T  F 
489— M  S  264,  265,  489 — O  S  1 59— Steinert,  W  J 
546 — Steinhauser,  H  H  314,  433 — Stellwagen,  A 
J  C  528— Stephan.  F  I^  60— S  376— Stephen,  J  W 
554,  591 — Sterlinje.  J  543— Stern,  L  D  554 — Stet- 
son, R  H  494 — Steuber,  J  B  265 — Stevens,  A  B 
"3,  373 — Mrs  B  T  317,  552 — Mrs  F  B  295,  372 — 
F  C  314— F  W  164,  169— J  E  357— M  60— M  B 
552— R  C  499— S  ly  315— V  M  492— W  B  268, 
526 — Stevenson,  A  272 — D  F  318 — F  G  592 — 
H  C  502,  553,  588— Mrs  H  C  553— R  A  47,  60— 
Stewart,  J  A  588— M  M  D  588— N  E  170— T  S 
497,  533 — W  R  210 — Stickle,  M  M  287— Stickney, 
L  B  265— Stiles.  S  A  444— Stillman,  F  T  498— F 
W  498 — P  E  498 — Stillwell,  J  E  490 — Stimpson, 
E  F  579 — Stimson,  G  h  554 — Stinchcomb,  F  O 
316 — Stine.  A  R  385,  443,  545 — Stock,  F  72,  452 — 
F  J   445,  i88— R    H   61,    169— Stockbridf^e,  /  W 

*     529 

— S  P  529— Stocking,  C  H  238,  554—  h  160— 
Stoepel,  F  386— R  325— W  V  386— Mrs  W  V 
386 — Stockton,     F     T     575 — Stoddard,     H     554 — 

Stokely,  J  T  157— Stokes,  A  P  126— J  H  326, 
372 — Stokowski,  L  71 — Stone,  C  G  3M,  323,  327 
— E  E  A  314.  327,  433— H  K  385—1  K  374,  545— 
M  547 — M  A  580 — W  J  194,  442,  540,  542 — 
Mrs  W  J  541— Stoner,  T  W  314.  502— W  G  129, 

130,  373,  553 — Mrs  W  G  554 — Storey,  I^  W  220 
— VV  B  208 — Storkan,  E  E  374 — Storm,  C  T  325 — 
Story,  E  C  52— Stott,  j  I^  158 — Stoughton,  H  W 

208 — Storkan,  E  E  374 — Storm,  C  T  325- 
,,  E  C  52— Stott,  j  h  158 — Stoughton,  H  V 
325 — Stout,    H    G    275 — t    F    159,    489— Stover, 

J  S  51,  385,  545— Stowe,  L  G  387,  581— Strac- 
han,  C  H  125— Strahan,  C  M  287 — Strassburg,  J 
103,  »34,  459^Stratton,  J  A  532 — Strauss,  C  A 
ai3.  214,  359,  395,  553 — Mrs  L  A  395 — Strawn,  T 
406— Street,  R  W  580 — Streeter,  G  L  78 — Streiff. 
A  246 — Stretch,  B  E  103— R  A  274— Strieker, 
E  A  553 — Strickland,  D  K  594— L  G  208— 
Strickler,  D  P  159 — Stripp,  A  E  553 — Strom,  A 
246,  432— E  F  III,  454 — Strong,  E  L  497 — h  K 
209 — L  W  62 — Struby,  C  A  581 — Stuart,  B  S  51 — 
W  J  266,  267,  318 — Stuckey,  M  590 — Studley, 
W  A  552— Stueber,  P  J  159,  489 — Stuefer,  O  F 
61 — Stump,  A  A  386— -Sturges,  M  115,  555 — 
Sturm,  A  K  325 — Sturtevant,  R  A  61 — R  B  594 — 
Sugar,  M  61,  551— V  H  338 — Sullivan,  Mrs  F  M 
312,  431— F  W  124— M  J  326— P  J  536 — T  J  163 
— Sunderland,    E   R   390 — Mrs   E    R   541,   542 — F 

Digitized  by 




207,  434 — Sundermann^  W  F  547,  548 — Sundstrom, 
E  542-— Supple,  L  F  sso — Surdam,  J  M  312 — Suth- 
erland, G  I  554 — O  M  113 — Sutphm,  E  E  431 — 
Sutton,  E  W  158— Mrs  E  W  158— F  M  208— 
Suzzalo,  H  342 — Swain,  C  E  S02 — Mrs  C  E  502 — 
E  A  492 — Swan,  J  536 — W  M  580— Swartout,  A  D 
265 — Swart*,  A  A  222  —  Sweany,  M  T  502  — 
Sweeny-Sweeney,  D  N  53 — M  J  274,  275 — Sweet. 
E  53 — G  P  553 — Sweitaer,  J  B  314 — Swetnam,  J 
M  323 — Swift,  J  M  78,  132,  206,  311,  313,  3»4 — 
Swigart,  R  E  583 — Swinton,  F  W  445,  550 —  H  E 
444 — Switzer,  J  S  Jr  342 — SyCip,  A  Z  223 — 
Sylvester,  E  R  125 — Syme,  A  R  61 — Symons,  G 
236— J  S   541. 

Taber,  I  C  224— M  N  61,  224--Tabor,  I  R  158, 
431— Taft,  M  t,  60,  554— W  H  213— Taggart. 
M  54— R  C  52— Tait.  P  G  553— Takken,  R  E 
387.  555 — Talamon,  R  i,  31,  79,  83,  100,  240,  241, 
448,  466— Talbott,  H  C  217— Mrs  H  C  217— M  E 
550 — Talcott,  H  H  541,  542,  588 — Tallmadge,  H  C 
170— Tallman,  E  D  532— Talman,  W  W  325— 
Mrs  VV  W  325— Tangne,  E  A  46— Tanner,  W  P 
385 — Tappan,  H  P  2,  84,  85,  86,  105,  106,  227 — 
Tapping,  T  H  7»  236,  245— Tarbox.  C  L  S4i— 
Tatem,  C  R  431— Tatlock,  JSP  190,  191,  215. 
225,  239,  240,  448,  576 — M  L,  545 — ^Taylor,  A  N 
531— A  V  554— C  B  387— C  R  490— Mrs  C  R  104, 
60,   315,  490,  491 — D  271 — D  B   552 — E  T  56 — 

n  1;: 

F  M  47— F  N  356— G  552— G  A  61— G  H  47, 
102— H  439— J  C  435— J  R  M  18— J  W  497— 
M  C  170— M  D  553— Mrs  M  G  547— R  S  104,  377. 

387,  490— T  C  502— W  W  156,  553— Tealdi,  A 
372 — Teed,  D  E  247,  274 — Teegarden,  H  B  287 — 
Tefft,  W  H    165— Temple,   F   R  580— Ten  Brook. 

A  253 — Tennant,  N  J  277,  555— R  H  328 — Tenny, 
M  W  5§3— Terpenning,  W  A  378— Terry,  C  H 
314— F    11    552— H    E   435— M    61— Tessin.    E   A 

115 — ^Textor,  M  B  275— O  497,  503 — R  B  275, 
312,  471,  503— Thayer,  A  F  158— E  R  337—  M  H 
580— W  W  158,  159— Mrs  W  W  158— Thieme, 
H  P  31,  578— Thierwechter,  M  E  60— Thomas, 
A  F  444— C  190 — C  C  70,  378 — D  h  205— E  J 
545— F  490— Mrs  F  490— G  M  265— J  P  555, 
594— M  P  529— S  R  46,  106,  169,  277— Mrs  S  R 
169 — W  H  592 — ^Thompson,  A  B  209,  210 — A  C 
553— A    S    3»5— B    541—    B    M  "       '^    "' 

337— C   394— C   A   314,    578— C 
—Mrs  D  M   124— E  t  553— H   B   265— J   E  54 
K  R  ^8^--L  h  52— L  M  555— M  M  500—  M  W 

553— A    S    315— B    541—    B    M    337— Mrs    B    M 

[— C  A  314,   578— C   M   583— C   " 

1   124— E  t  553— H  B  265— J 

K  583— L  ly  52— L  M  555— M  M  500—  M  W 

— N    W    314— R    F   313,    314.    458,    588—    R    R 

4.  375— R  W  236,  245— Mrs  T  X  541— Mrs  W 

J6,  245 

E  158— W  H  ^99— W  M  266— W  O  516,  517, 
524— Thorns,  F  M  108 — Thomson,  E  E  554 — G  C 
265,  277 — L  M  328 — Thoren,  T  A  312 — Thomdyke, 
E  ly  341— Thornton,  E  H  583— J  £  114— J  E  47— 
Thorpe,  C  D  102 — Thorward,  B  F  H  504 — Thrun, 
W  E  102,  276— Thuner,  E  B  554— Thurber,  J  G 
442,  540 — Mrs  J  G  442 — M  S  442 — Thurston,  C 
M  490 — E  R  338,  550— J  552— Tickner,  V  ly 
113.  374 — W  107 — Ticknor,  F  W  115,  555 — 
H  M  490 — Tiedeman,  I  106 — ^Tierney,  E  F 
217— Tiffany,  F  B  323— Tilden,  h  C  501 
—Tillema,  J  463— Tilley,  M  P  32,  79, 
i90--Tilton,  M  156,  157— Tindall,  C  H  317-- 
Tinkham,  'L  C  547,  548 — R  R  joi — Tinsman, 
C,W  531— H  E  441.  487,  533— Titcomb,  C  G 
491 — Titus,  H  215 — L  M  209 — Tobias,  M  A  224, 
388— Todd.  G  53— G  A  274,  385— J  D  342— L 
492 — Todt,  H  H  61 — Toland,  E  M  395 — Tompkins, 
F  G  58,  326 — Toms,  R  M  222 — Toomcy,  I^  J 
463 — Toplon,  I  S  339»  39^5 — Torbet,  C  103 — 
M  W  314,  327 — R  U  594 — Torregrosa,  A  50 — 
R  E  50— Torrey,  A  M  60,  554— L  E  534— 
Toulme.  M  L  60,  487 — Tour,  R  S  160,  327 — 
Tousley,  H  62 — Towar,  H  M  588 — ^Towers,  W  K 
548— Mrs  W  K  548— Towler,  J  W  550— Tovnie. 
C  A  529— M  B  224— Townsend,  C  E  135.  158, 
313— C  O  315— E  J  435— F  M  314,  529— L  D 
246 — P  499— R  H  52 — Towsley,  t*  A  529 — F  S 
550 — M  E  170 — Tracy,  C  C  376 — W  W  312 — 
Traver,  A  F  325 — Travis,  J  C  490,  ^,91- J  W 
223 — Treat,  H  A  592 — Trebilcock,  W  F  221— 
Tremble,  G  T  588 — ^Trembley,  L  M  106 — Tremper, 
Mrs  CAB  376 — G  N  103 — Trengove,  A  550 — 
Tressler,  A  W  271,  498 — Trevelyan,  G  M  456 — 
Trever,  A   F   322,   592— Trible.   W   C   550,   593— 

Triplehorn,  D  R  159,  489 — Tripp,  W  J  277 — 
Trix,  H  B  492 — Trosper,  li  B  168— R  E  168— 
Trout,  A  ly  385,  443 — Trowbridge,  W  R  §4 — 
Troxel,  E  L  102,  249 — Troy,  E  11  159 — P  M  52 
—True,  M  E  342— Trueblood.  C  h  53— T  C  181, 
191,  263,  433,  486 — Truesdell,  S  R  61 — Trum, 
H  J  581— Mrs  H  J  555— Trumbull.  L  B  218— 
Truscott,  S  275 — Tubbs,  A  C  169^— F  C  547, 
548— Tucker,  D  A  102— E  W  6i—  J  G  338— 
R  S  575— S  D  220— Tufts.  F  W  162— Mrs  F  W 
554 — Tumpson,  G  314,  377 — Tunison,  M  C  58, 
112 — ^Tuomy,  K  G,  103,  113 — Tupper,  W  W  461 — 
Turnbull,  Mrs  T  W  502— Turner,  D  D  163— E  R 
31,  189,  203.  487— Mrs  F  B  433— J  543— J  E  217 
—J  M  108— J  O  180— L  540— L  D  217,  588— L  M 
41— M  444— M  M  180 — Turpin,  W  H  61 — Tuthill, 

497— Tuttle,  A  H  488 — D  M  492— E  W  325— 
W  462— Tweedy,  A  211— A  B  264,  382— A  VV 
211 — J  B  211 — J  F  200,  211,  264,  382 — J  H  211 
— M  H  211— R  211— Twitchell,  R  E  382— Tyler, 
J  C  529— M  C  16— Tyrrell,  W  D  314— Tyson, 
L    128 — M   287. 

Ufer,  C  E  462,  572— Ulrich.  B  A  49,  589— 
Unckrich,  E  C  220 — Underwood,  B  i,  83 — Unson, 
F  M  58— Mrs  F  M  58— Upham,  Mrs  F  N  554— 
F  S  113- Upholt,  G  385— H  Jr  385-!^  V  385, 
433— W  M  385— Upjohn,  J  T  164— 1#  N  314— 
W  E  100— Uren,  C  205— Utley,  H  M  270— J  D 
591— S  W  543,   580. 

Vail,  E  11  324— J  B  489— Valiton,  C  K  550— 
R  J  555— del  Valle,  M  V  491— Vallat,  Mrs  B  W 
541 — Van  Ameringen,  V  E  271,  294,  399,  545, 
546 — Van  Arsdale,  J  A  431 — Mrs  J  A  431 — 
— Van  Auken.  J  H  61,  114 — Van  Avery,  A  552 — 
Vance,  J  T  588 — Vande  Laare.  F  278 — Van 
Deman.  E  B  382 — Vandenberg-Vandenburg.  A  H 
III — A  h  169 — Van  den  Broek,  J  A  47 — Van  der 
Slice,  E  R  HI — Vander  Velde,  A  274,  385,  433 
— Van  Deusen,  A  h  246 — Van  Duren,  G  C  554 — 
Van  Hartesveldt,  P  A  114 — Van  Hoosen,  B  102, 
20s,  586 — Van  Horn,  S  H  541 — Van  Iderstine, 
W  H  312,  433 — Van  Kammen,  I  J  62 — Van 
Keulen,  M  G  433— Van  Kleek,  M  R  540— Van 
Ness,  O  548 — Van  Noppen,  t,  C  337 — Mrs  L  C 
207— Van  Rhee,  G  550— Van  Slyke,  D  D  385. 
545 — Mrs  D  D  434,  490,  554 — L  ly  217 — Van 
Stone,  N  E  114,  555— Van  Tuyl,  F  F  553— H  H 
219 — Van  Tyne,  C  H  31,  35,  112,  356,  375,  576 — 
Van  Wesep,  H  276 — Van  Westrienen,  A  103 — 
Van  Winkle,  M  53— Van  Zile,  P  D  58,  326— Mrs 
P  1)  58 — P  T  58 — Van  Zwaluwenburg,  J  G  262, 
310,  553,  554— Vaughan,  J  W  384— R  C  312,  431 
— V  C  9,  70,  88,  100,  123,  140,  186,  197,  230,  231, 
237,  244,  269,  272,  286,  298,  300,  313,  314,  430, 
456,  462,  486— V  C  Jr  5S0— Vedder,  B  B  107, 
264,  487 — Veeder,  A  210— Veenbocr,  M  B  433 — 
Veldhuis,  G  H  498— Venners,  C  T  553,  590— 
Vercoe,  J  266 — Verdier,  A  C  432 — L  D  442,  449, 
538,  540,  553— Vesey,  D  S  107— Vibbert,  C  B 
359.  553— Victor,  M  278,  55s — Villers,  E  R  S55» 
594 — Vincent,  B  J  546 — Vinogradoff,  P  379 — 
Vinton.  T  J  593— W  J  593— Mrs  W  J  158,  593— 
Vis,  W  R  550— Visscher,  D  A  221— H  274— 
H  T  274— L  274—0  W  221,  274— R  T  221,  385— 
W  E  536— Vittum,  H  205— Vlict.  C  461— Vogt. 
E  C  224,  329 — Voldcn,  I,  577 — Volkmor.  O  C 
536 — Vollmayer,  R  H  199,  221 — Vonachen,  F  J 
342 — Von  Zellen.  J  O  312,  433 — Voorheis,  P  D 
221— P  W  541— Vorheis.  J  V  591— Vorys,  G  W 
216 — Vosper,  Z  B  220— Votey,  M  433. 

Wadden,  T  A  170— Wade,  F  J  268— J  H  490— 
M  48.  534— Wadleigh,  W  H  102— Waer.  O  E 
274 — Wafer,  R  F  554 — ^Wag^oner,  A  55,  58,  104, 
443— G  J  552 — L  318— Wagner.  C  A  61,  114, 
551,  594— C  S  385— E  1  589— K  J  278— E  L 
383— K  R  383— F  A  314— n  W  492— J  H  F 
589— M  L  3^8— P  C  135,  578— S  S  385— T  E 
38s,  545— Wahr,  F  B  343,  553,  577— Waite,  B  S 
529— I  C  529 — J  B  446,  554 — L  O  387.  445 — 
N  S  430— R  E  62— R  J  170.  555— S  W  554— 
WaVeman,  B  T  5  *— Walbridge.  G  312— Walden, 
D  A  54~Waldo,  D  M  342— Waldron.  J  C  497— 
Walker,  A  H  372— B  156,  487— E  588— F  B 
534— n  498— H  G  314— I  O  382,  441— M  L  433— 
M  M  592— R  G  287— W  H  498,  555— Z  L  444— 
Wallace.  H  L  107- L  V  590— T  F  276— Wallick, 

Digitized  by 




A  C  555— WaUin.  I  V  545— Walsh,  M  F  553— 
Walter,  F  L  593— Walters,  H  C  219— K  F  208 
— WalthaU,  D  O  550— J  D  533— Walther,  J  T 
503_Walton,  R  K  588— Walt*,  B  A  502— R  M 
581— Wanamaker,  G  W  496— Wang.  C  P  203— 
C  T  377,  386— Wanzek,  M  V  550— Waples.  R 
435— Ward,  A  W  109— C  E  499~C  N  224— C  P 
168— K  C  168— K  P  168— M  L  244,  543— Mrs 
N  582— W  E  533— Ware,  E  114— E  E  79»  109. 
343— S  E  550— Warfield,  D  S47— Warlord.  T  O 
277— Waring,  C  A  58— E  11 1,  433»  59©— Warne, 
ji  G  548— Warner,  E  D  218— H  D  343— H  M 
32— W  E  552— Warren,  B  102,  206— F  E  536— 
H  C  66— J  W  593— W  H  503— Warriner,  E  C 
10,  99,  202,  383 — Warthin,  A  S  263,  286,  320,  485 
—Washburne- Washburn.  C  W  111— G  3^7— h  J 
3x6— W  D  529— Wassmann,  N  W  124— Water- 
house,  FTP  158— Mrs  FTP  1 58— Waterman, 
L  47,  99.  3»6.  327— Waters,  F  F  438— Watkins, 
B  B  278— D  E  590— J  K  158,  503.  554,  555— 
Watling,  J  A  315— Mrs  J  A  161,  207— Watson, 
A  R  312— C  M  103,  205— F  R  220— Mrs  F  R 
220— G  N  579— H  M  60,  554—  J  M  275— M  T 
—         ^  '   R   554— Wattles.   C   P 

55— Watts, 
169,   489- 
H.  c:  48,   156,  3»i.  430 — J  104 — wf 
D   D   593— F   I.   61,   328,   555- T   D   462— Webb, 
J  B  ..      t  *.  .  ^ 

-Weniell.   A   T   552— Wernicke.    H   O   502— J 

52— Wesener.   T  A  164.  588— West.  CJ  592— 

471,  503— F  J  163,  552— M  265— N  P  253— 

324— Watt,  6  170,  555—1  R  554— Wattles.  C  P 
"5.  329— Watton,  W  F  555— Watts.  C  h  552— 
Weadock,  E  G  489— J  J  169,  489—!^  J  375— 
Weare,   H   C  48,    156,   311.   43o— J   164— Weaver. 

-*  ,   328,    555- T   D   462— Webb. 

i  433,  445,  593— Mrs  J  B  445— J  C  445— SW 
374— W  R  461.  555— Webber,  C  C  392,  394— H  L 
i54-H  W  314.  587—0  444— Weber,  H  A  581— 
Webster,  C  I  312,  442,  540.  553--Weckel.  A  L 
274__Wedemcyer,  W  W  268— Weeks,  A  160— E  G 
553— J  E  314,  588— W  R  540— Wefel,  H  H  383 
— Weidemann,  M  376— Weigand,  H  J  102— Weil- 
er.  G  C  224— L  C  591 — Weuler,  V  53— Weinman, 
L  P  553-^eintraub,  C  S  224— Weir,  C  266— 
F  H  266— Weisman,  E  55© — Welbourn,  M  A  550 
— R  T  114— Welch.  A  I  62,  555— G  W  107— R  D 
275— Weld.  E  H  385— Wcller.  C  V  160,  321,  399, 
5 50.  594— Mrs  C  V  594— T  H  594— W  M  533— 
Welling,  B  D  388— Wells,  A  E  166— F  H  433— 
G  E  548— M  F  114.  431— M  J  579— S  M  504— 
V  H  47,  loi— W  R  375,  386— Welsh,  M  H  433— 
O  A  170— W  W  223,  327.  554— Weltmann,  R  J 
343_Welton.  M  h  433— Welty,  B  F  489— Wendel. 
H  F  263,  264— J  S  581— Wenley,  J  V  395— R  M 
159,   203,   396.   459.   489,   ^43— Wentworth,    W   H 


F  162 

F  C  471,  503 — F  J   163,  ^^ 

Westbrook.  R  S  71— Westcott,  J  H  129— Wester- 
man.  K  N  114,  170,  208— Westfall,  F  E  583— 
Westover,  M  104,  49© — Wetherbee,  C  T  312,  431 
— W  J  312,  431— Wetmore,  F  C  536— J  D  210, 
314— Wetsman,  B  548— Wettrick.  S  J  52— Wey- 
mouth, J  B  546— Wheat,  J  C  375,  554— R  "4. 
555— T  E  M  388— Wheatley.  W  W  550— Wheaton. 
Tf  L  114,  115,  170 — Whedon,  11  K  550 — S  552 — 
W  T  48,  78,  156,  206,  3".  430,  529— Wheeler, 
A  C  158— B  I  103— C  159— F  C  235— G  B  444— 
G  B  Tr  444— Mrs  G  B  444— Wheelock,  A  S  552 
— R  V  554— Whelan.  M  137— N  P  498— Whinery, 
Mrs  F  B  433— WhiUer,  C  H  388.  489— Whiuker, 
H  H  102,  205,  553— Whitcomb.  W  F 
538,  541— White.  A  E  461— A  H  234,  553— 
A  S  546— I)  A  588— E  C  444— E  E  441— Mrs 
E  E  44t-  E  T  554— F  B  274— G  W  503— H  78. 
442,  538,  540,  543— H  G  435— L  A  181,  444,  491, 
sqa— Mrs  I^  A  592 — L  h  d6i — M  B  164 — O  E  504 
— P  584 — R  A  224,  504— R  S  62— S  K  438,  439 — 
S  F  493— V  H  555— W  n  55«;—  W  M  577— 
Whitehead,  E  J  536— E  K  529— W  268— Whitehill, 
C  289,  452.  453 — Whiting,  J  253,  257 — Whitman. 
C  R  526— R  B  114— Whitmore.  J  D  221— W  160, 
329 — Whitney,  A  S  09,  202,  287.  33?,  486 — B  G 
«;o4— C  A  170— C  W  165— C  W  W  160— M  A 
i67— M  M  i6«;— M  W  i6s— Whitsit.  J  E  314. 
.772— Whitten.  H  W  1 6 «;— Whittlesey,  M  B  442— 
Wickes,  G  F  50a— G  M  62— U  C  504— Wicks, 
Mrs  E  H  543— Widenman,  E  P  113— Wier.  G  E 
115— Wies,  P  E  S';^— Wiest.  J  H  M  493— T  M 
no— Wiggins.  C  \l  326.  385— S  B  554— Wight, 
S  B  314— Wilbcr,  C  W  550— H  Z  386— Wilcox. 
C  A  314— K  P  312— Wilcoxen.  II  H  503— L  C 
339— Wile,  U  J  326.  358— Wiley.  R  B  588— S  M 
^o— Wilgus,  K  P  431— Wilhelm.  D  B  443— Wilkin, 
W    D    501— Wilkins,    C    T    326,    533— Wilkinson, 

B  G  315— C  M  220,  383— P  536— Willard,  H  H 
553— I  N  108— J  H  529— WiUett,  C  J  4'^o-- 
WiUiams,  A  G  388— A  O  62— C  II  577— C  T 
433,  548— D  R  219,  223— E  433— E  G  C  435— 
F  E  490— Mrs  F  E  490— G  L  115.  312— G  P 
253,  256 — G  S  61,  112,  377,  552,  594 — H  R  277, 
446.  555— J  167— K  ly  113— N  H  461— R  H  272, 
278,  555- R  ly  328— S  R  554— T  119.  337— T  O 
247— T  V  167— W  I  277»  555— W  W  266— WU- 
liamson,  Z  M  114— WiUis,  H  E  503— H  W  431— 
Mrs  H  W  431— T  R  494— J  W  431— Mrs  J  W 
431— M  B  431— W  I  314,  443— Willits.  G  E  106— 
WiUs,  A  B  221— Willy,  R  E  104— Wilson.  A 
433— C  B  536— C  E  101— C  H  107— C  M  52^— 
E  C  32— F  C  220,  590— F  E  553— F  K  550 — F  N 
550,  554— G  H  497— G  V  112- H  531,  552— 
H  A  169— H  F  312— Mrs  H  F  312— H  W  550— 
J  A  217— ly  I.  433— L  N  433— M  P  438— R  H 
112.  223— Mrs  R  H  112— S  P  160— T  211— U  F 
60,  554- W  157,  158— W  P  266— Winans,  E  J 
106,  112 — G  D  i68,  376,  554 — ^Wincenried,  A  580 
— Winchell.  A  478— H  V  498— Winchester.  B  H 
314 — Windsor.  M  SSS — P  327 — Wines,  H  D  555 
— L  D  552,  566— Winkworth,  E  H  220 — Wing, 
C  G  526— Mrs  C  G  526— M  G  590— Winkler,  Mrs 
M  553 — ^Winship.  J  T  270,  441,  533 — ^Winslow. 
G  H  552— M  L  458— Winstead,  C  E  580— Win- 
sten,  H  J  103— Winter,  J  A  543— J  C  328— J  F 
31 — Mrs  J  F  31 — J  G  377 — winters,  O  B  170. 
446.  594— Wirtb.  C  K  328.  387— Wirts.  S  M  459 
— ^Wisdom.  E  M  550 — ^Wise,  K  M  554 — ^Wiseman. 
F  D  160— Wisemll.  F  H  552--Wishek,  J  H 
270— Wishon,  P  M  168— Wisler,  C  V  555— Wis- 
mer,  O  G  550 — ^Wisner,  C  H  582 — Witherspoon. 
T  A  9— P  D  E  529— Withrow,  R  W  113,  386— 
Witting,  S  232,  569— Wixson,  Mrs  W  S  553— 
Wochholz,  ly  F  550 — Woessner,  A  L  547,  548 — 
Wohlgemuth.  A  jf  580— Wolaver.  E  S  554— Wol- 
ber.  J  G  461— Wolcott,  H  h  1 1 5— Woleslagel. 
R  E  446— Wolf,  F  C  323— G  L  329— Wolfe. 
E  C  546— Wolff,  J  M  490— Wolfson,  J  A  59, 
588— Wolf styn,  C  E  387— WoUegemuth,  E  R  314 
— Wollman,  B  F  314 — H  313,  3x4.  441 — ^Wolver- 
ton,  I  M  343— Womack,  I  581— Wonders,  W  K 
443— Wood,  B  D  504,  555- C  I  224,  445— E  B 
167,  326— J  112—  T  C  497— J  W  435,  438— L  D 
552 — L  K  328 — M  104 — M  C  124,  341,  342 — 
M  I,  554— N  N  167,  326— Mrs  N  N  167,  326— 
W  P  445— W  R  497.  531— Woodard.  G  E  345— 
Woodbury.  W  H  583— Woodhams,  J  W  543— R 
552— Woodhouse,  E  J  1 70— Woodhull.  M  H  378 
—Woodman,  E  W  502— Woodrow,  G  D  165- 
T  R  165— Woodruff,  C  K  385— J  F  38«;— W  S 
314— Woods,  A  H  288— F  R  553— J  W  S03— 
N  E  62— Woodward.  A  208— A  E  102— F  C  238 
— H  M  112 — R  S  190 — Wood  worth,  R  124,  395 — 
Woog,  11  314,  385.  501— Woolley,  J  G  578— T  R 
50,  106 — Woolman,  H  M  271— Wooton,  G  H 
161 — Worcester,  D  C  17,  18.  47>  132,  159,  212, 
3M — J  ly  loi — W  E  435— Worden,  E  C  104.  to^, 
3 '4.  433.  578— Workman.  A  E  433— Worth,  C  B 
235 — E  N  5^4,  592 — Worthington,  W  B  502 — 
Wri<Tht,  C  580— C  R  53.  160.  328— C  W  4Q2— 
E  M  581— G  loi— G  B  48— G  G  581,  5Q3— G  S 
546— T  N  532— W  R  553.  554— Wucrfel.  G  D  219 
— R  B  F  222— VV  J  219— Wuerth,  F  492— Wnetth- 
ner.  J  i68— Wurster,  A  53,  61— H  168— O  H  in 
— Wurzbur?,  M  M  433— Wyeant,  F  A  532 — 
Wyllie,  C  K  316— Wyman,  A  M  433— J  H  326— 
Wvnn,  II  R  3S0. 

Yarncll,  J  N  17a.  277 — Yearned,  W  H  546 — 
Yellen,  J  S  276 — Yeomans.  L  C  324 — Yerington, 
R  A  26s— York.  B  D  552— B  S  542— Yost,  F  H 
78,  103.  123.  125,  132.  258.  259.  458.  488— Yott, 
F  O  582 — Young,  A  M  168,  4Q1 — E  F  102.  205. 
206.  375— F  L  114— G  F  Ir  329,  555— H  VV  276 
— K  H  190— L  J  83,  554 — Mrs  h  J  554— M  30 «> — 
N  O  164—  Q  462— R  G  194,  196,  222,  377— R  J 
552— W  E  48.  5  33-VV  J  502— W  W  435— 
Youngquist.  I<  ly  224^Yunck,  Mrs  E  C  542. 

Zane,  T  M  182,  487 — ^Zener,  V  C  59— de  Zeeuw, 
R  394— Zcwadski,  C  B  114— ZicV,  F  S  150— 
Ztegele,  E  C  107 — Zimmerman,  D  F  542,  558 — 
Mrs  D  F  543— M  102,  103.  205,  451— S  53^ — T 
590 — Zimmerschied,  K  W  69,  in — Zinke.  L  D 
SCO — ^Zinkei^en,  M  «;29 — Zinn.  F  W  115,  448.  468 
— Ziwet.  A  394— Zumbro,  F  R  462 — Zweigart. 
C  C  224. 

Digitized  by 




Alumnus  s^ 


MICHIGAN  •  AND  •  THE  •  WAR  — 
HAPvVARD  •  GAME  -  THE  •  A.  B. 
SHAPvP,  •  '81L— SOME  •  GIFTS— THE 




OCTOBEPv:  1914 

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A  NN  ARBOR  no^v  has  the  finest  and  best  equipped 
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Portage  Hotel, 
Boston. — Every     Wednesday     at     12:30,     in     the 

Dutch  Grill  of  the  American  House,  Hanover  St. 
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at  the  Dutch  Grill  m  the  Hotel  Statler. 
Chicago. — Every    Wednesday    noon,    at   the    Press 

Club,  26  North  Dearborn  St. 
Chicago,  111. — The  second  Thursday  of  each  month 

at  6:30  p.  m.,  at  Kuntz-Remmler's. 
Cleveland. — Every    Wednesday    at    12   o'clock,   at 

the  Hollenden  Hotel. 
Detroit. — Every    Wednesday    at    12:15    o'clock    at 

the  Edelweiss  Cafe,  corner  Broadway  and  John 

R.  Street. 
Detroit. — (Association  of  U.  of  M.  Women).     The 

third   Saturday  of  each  month  at   12:30   at  the 

College  Club,  §0  Pctcrboro. 
Duluth. — Every   Wednesday  at   12  o'clock,  at  the 

cafe  of  the  Hotel  Holland. 
Honolulu,    H.     I. — The    first    Thursday    of    each 

month  at  the  University  Club 
Houston,  Texas. — The  first  Tuesday  in  each  month 

at  noon. 
Kalamazoo. — The  first  Wednesday  of  every  month, 
at  noon,  at  the  New  Brunswick  House, 

Los  Angeles,  Calif. — Every  Friday  at  12:30 
o'clock,  at  the  University  Club,  Consolidated 
Realty  Bldg.,  corner  Sixth  and  Hill  Sts. 

Minneapolis,  Minn. — Every  Wednesday  from  12 
to  2  o'clock,  at  the  Grill  Room  of  the  Hotel 

Omaha. — The  second  Tuesday  of  each  month,  at 
12  o'clock  at  the  University  Club. 

Portland. — The  first  Tuesday  of  every  month,  at 
6:30  p.  m.,  at  the  University  Club. 

Portland. — Every  Wednesday  from  12:15  to  1:15, 
at  the  Oregon  Grille,  comer  Broadway  and 
Oak  St 

Pittsburgh. — The  last  Saturday  of  each  month,  at 
I  :oo  p.  m.,  at  the  7th  Avenue  Hotel,  7th  Ave 
and  Liberty  St 

Rochester,  N.  Y. — Every  Wednesday  at  12  o'clock, 
at  the  Rathskellar  in  the  Powers  Hotel. 

San  Francisco. — Every  Wednesday  at  12  o'clock 
at  the  Hofbrau  Restaurant,  Pacific  Bldg.,  Mar- 
ket Street. 

Seattle. — The  first  Wednesday  of  each  month,  at 
noon,  at  the  Arctic  Club. 

Toledo. — Every  Wednesday  noon,  at  the  Com- 
merce Club. 

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This  directory  is  published  for  the  purpose  of  affording  a  convenient  guide  to  Michi^n  Alumni  of 
the  various  professions,  who  may  wish  to  secure  reliable  correspondents  of  the  same  profession  to  transact 
business  at  a  distance,  or  of  a  special  professional  character.  It  is  distinctly  an  intra-professional  directory. 
Alumni  of  all  professions,  who,  by  reason  of  specialty  or  location,  are  in  a  position  to  be  of  service  to 
Alumni  oi  the  same  profession,  are  invited  to  place  their  cards  in  the  directory. 

Professional  cards  in  this  directory  are  classified  alphabetically  by  states,  alphabetically  by  cities 
within  the  states,  and  the  names  of  alumni  (or  firms)  in  each  city  are  likewise  alphabetically  arranged. 
The  price  of  cards  is  fifty  cents  (50c)  per  insertion — five  dollars  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Cards  in  the 
Legal  Directory  section  will  be  published  in  the  Michigan  Law  Review  also,  at  a  special  combination 
2'ricc  of  six  dollars  a  year,  payable  in  advance. 

ganfterg  an&  Brofterg 



Members  New  York  Stock  Exchange. 
Stanley  D.  McGraw,  '92.  Linzee  Bladgen  (Harvard). 

Charles  D.   Draper   (Harvard). 
Ill  Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Xeoal  Directori? 


Southern  Trust  Building, 


Little  Rock,  Ark. 


724-5-6  Merchants  Trust  BIdg.,  Lot  Angeles,  Cal. 

L  R.  RUBIN,  *o8l 
MYER  L  RUBIN.  'lal 
401-3-3  Citizens  National  Bank  Bldg.,      Lot  Angeles,  CaL 


Inman    Sealby,    '12I, 

Hunt  C  Hill,  '131. 

Auomeys  at  Law  and  Proctors  in  Admiralty. 

607-611-613   Kohl   Building,  San   Francisco,   CaL 



Arthur  P.  Friedman,  'oSl. 
Horace  H.   Hindry,  '97   (Stanford). 
Foster  Building,  Denver,  Colo. 


John  F.  Shafroth.  '75. 
Morrison  Shafroth,    10. 

403  McPhee  Building, 

Denver,  Colo. 


DUANB  B.  FOX  .'81. 


NEWTON  K.  FOX.  'laL 

Washington  Loan  and  Trust  Bldg.,       Washington,  D.  C. 

WALTER  8.  PKNFIKLD,  '••. 

Colorado  Building, 

Penfield  and  Penfield,  Washington,  D.  C. 


CHARLES  B.  WIN8TBAD,  '07.  '09L 

Suite  317,  Idaho  Bldg., 

Boise,  Idaho. 



1444  First  National  Bank  Bldg.,  Chicago,   III. 

Michigan  Offices  :--Fowler  Bldg.,  Manistee,  Mich. 


1522  Tribune  Bldg.,  7  So.  Dearborn  St.,         Chicago,  IlL 
E.   D.  REYNOLDS,  '96I. 

Manufacturers  National   B«[nk  Bldg.,  Rockford,   111. 


Chas.  S.  Andrus,  *05,  '06I. 
Frank  L.  Trutter. 
2231/2  S.  Sixth  St.,  Springfield,  111. 



Suite  A,  North  Side  Bank  Bldg.,  EvansviUe,  Ind. 

ROBERT  T.  HUGHES,  *iol. 
Suite  406  American  Central   Life   Building, 

Indianapolis,   Ind. 

RUSSELL  T.  MacFALL,  'gtl 
1216  State  Life  Bldg.,  Indianapolia,  lad. 

Louis  Newberger. 
Charles  W.   Richards. 
Milton  N.  Simon,  'oaL 
Lawrence  B.  Davis. 
Suite  808-814  Majestic  Bldg., Indianapolia,  lad. 


Suite  433-4-5  Jefferson  Bldg, 

South  Bend,  Ind. 


H.  H.  Stipp. 
E.  D.  Perry,  '03I. 
A.  I.  Madden. 
Vincent    Starzlnger. 
1 1 16,    1 1 17,    1 1 18,    1 1 19,    II30   Equitable   Bldg., 

Des  Moines,  Iowa. 


JUSTUS  N.  BAIRD,  '08I. 
209-211  Husted  Bldg.,  Kansas  City,  Kan. 

Digitized  by 




Morris  B.  Gifford,  LL.M.,  '93. 
Emile   Steinteld. 
United  States  Trust  Bldg., 

Louisville,  Ky. 



Wallace  H.  White.  Wallace  H.  White.  Jr. 

Seth   M.   Carter.  Chas.  B.  Carter.  '05!. 

Masonic  Bidg..  Lewiston.  Maine. 



403-4-5  Nat.   Bank  of  Commerce  Bldg., 

Adrian.  Mich. 

OSCAR  W.  BAKER,  'oal 

Bankruptcy.  Commercial  and  Corporation   Law. 

307  Shearer  Bros.  Bldg..  Bay  City.  Mich. 

Levi  L.  Barbour,  '63.  '65I. 

George  S.  Field,  '95I. 
Frank  A.  Martin. 
30  Buhl  Block,  Detroit,  Mich. 


Henry    Russel,   '73,   '75!,   Counsel;    Henry    M.    Campbell, 

'76,  '78I;  Charles  H.  Campbell,  '80;  Harry  C.  Bufkley, 

'9a,   '95! ;   Henry   Ledyard ;    Charles  H.    L'Hommedieu, 

'06I;   Wilson   W.    Mills,   '1^1 ;    Douglas   Campbell,    'lo, 

'13I;  Henry  M.  Campbell, 
604  Union  Trust  Bldg., 


Detroit.  Mich. 

Ward  N.  Choate,  *q2,  '94I.  Wm.  J.  Lehmann,  *4l,  '05. 

Cfharles   R.    Robertson. 
705-710  Dime  Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit.  Mich. 


James   T.    Keena,   '74-  Walter  E.  Oxtoby,  'a8l. 

Clarence  A.  Lightner,  '83.      James  V.  Oxtoby,  '95I. 
Charles  M.   Wilkinson,  '71. 
901-4  Penobscot  Building,  Detroit.  Mich. 


Wade  Millis.  '98I.  Clark  C.   Seely. 

William  J.  Griffin,  *osl Howard  Streetcr,  'oil. 

Howard  C.  Baldwin.  Charles  L.  Mann,  '08I. 

C.  L.  Bancroft. 

1403-7  Ford  Building,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Jacob  Kleinhant. 
Stuart  E.  Knappen.  '98. 
Marshall  M.  Uhl.  '08I. 
317  Michigan  Trust  Co.  Bldg.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

NORRis.  Mcpherson  ft  Harrington. 

Mark  Norris,  '79,  '82I. 
Charles    McPherson.    (Albion)    '95. 
Leon  W.  Harrington.  '05I. 
721.731  Michigan  Trust  Bldg.,  Grand  Rapids.  Mich. 



Ralph  Whelan.  Clark  Hempstead. 

Will  A.  Koon.  '93I.  John  H.  Ray.  Jr. 

601  Minnesota  Loan  &  Trust  Bldg..      Minneapolis,  Minn. 



Dclbert  J.  Haff,  '84,  '861;  Edwin  C.  Meservey ;  Charles 
W.  German ;  William  C.  Michaels,  '95I ;  Dell  D.  Dutton, 
'06I ;  Samuel  D.  Newkirk ;  Charles  M.  Blackmar ;  Frank 
G.  Warren;  Henry  A.  Bundschu,  'iil. 

Suite  906  Commerce  Bldg.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

JACOB  L.  LORIE,  '95.  '961. 
608-8-9  American  Bank  Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

1320  Commerce  Bldg.. 

Kansas  City.  Mo. 

901-902  Scarritt  Bldg.. 

LYON    ft   LYON. 

Andrew  R.  Lyon. 

A.  Stanford  Lyon,  '08I. 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Leslie  J.  Lyons. 
Hugh  C  Smith,  '94I. 

Suite  1003  Republic  Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 


Charles  Cummingt  Collins. 
Harry  C.  Barker. 

Roy  F.   Britton,  LL.B.  'oa,  LL.M.  '03. 
Third  Nat'l  Bank  Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 


JESS  P.  PALMER,  'osl 

634   Brandeis  Theatre  Bldg., 

Omaha,   Neb. 



John  S.  Parker.        Franklin  A.  Wagner,  *99-*oi,  '041. 

Arnold  L.  Davis,  '98I.  George  Tumpson.  '04I. 

Mutual  Life  Bldg.,  34  Nassau  St.,  New  York  City. 

Forwarded  gratis  upon  request. 
Eugene  C  Worden,  '98.  *99l, 
Lindsay  Russell.  '94I, 

International  Legal  Correspondents. 
165  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

HENRY   W.   WEBBER,   '941. 
52   Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

FRANK  M.  WELLS.  '9al. 

5a  William  St., 

New  York  City. 


Henry  Wollman,  '78I. 
Benjamin  P.  Wollman,  '94I. 
Achilles  H.  Kohn. 
20  Broad  Street,  New  York  City. 



Harvey  Muster.  '8al. 

T.  W.  Kimbcr.  '041. 

J.  R.  Huffman,  '04I. 

503-9  Flatiron  Bldg.,  Akron.  Ohio. 

P.  S.   CRAMPTON.  'oSL 

Guy   W.    House,    'op.    'lal. 
~     •  ~         I,  Jr. 

Charles  R.  Brown, 

525   Engineering  Bldg., 

Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Digitized  by 



Rcon.s  303-304,  No.  235  Superior  Ave.  N.  W., 

Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Alexander  L.  Smith. 
George  H.  Beckwith. 
Gustavus   Ohlinger,   '99,   'oal. 
51-56  Produce  Exchange  Building,  Toledo,  Ohio. 


JOHN  B.  CLELAND,  'jil 

Chamber  of  Commerce., 

Portland,  Oregon. 


EDWARD  P.  DUPPY,  '841. 
631-622  Bakewell  Building,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

EDWARD  J.  KENT,  '90!. 
Suite  523,  Fanners'  Bank  Bldg.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 



C.  J.  France. 

Frank    P.     Helsell.    '08I. 

436-39  Burke  Bldg., 

Seattle,  Wash. 

JOHN  R.  WILSON.  'oiL 
911-916  Lownian  Bldg..  Seattle,  Wash. 

SI 5  Empire  State  Building, 

Spokane,  Wash. 



T.  L.  CAMPBELL,  'oil. 
Suite   1116-19  Exchange  Bldg., 

Memphis,  Tenn. 


O    p.  WENCKER.  'osl. 
iM»6-8  Commonwealth  Rank  Bldg. 
Dallas,  Texas. 

H.  O.  LBDGBRWOOD,  'osL 
403-4  Wheat   Bldg.. 

Port  Worth,  Texas. 


413  Continental  National  Bank  Bldg.. 

Salt  Lake  City,  Uuh. 

PAUL  D.  DURANT.  'qsL 

902  Wells  Building, 

Milwaukee,  Wis. 




Main  Street, 

Wail.iku,   Maui,   Hawaii. 

forclflit  <tountric0 


James  Short,  K.C.  Geo.  H.  Ross,  '07I. 

Frederick  S.  Selwood,  B.A.   Jos.  T.  Shaw,  '09I. 
L.  Frederick  May  hood,  *iil. 

Calgary,  Alberta,  Canada. 

ATHELSTAN   G.   HARVEY,   '07. 

Barrister  and  Solicitor, 

Rooms  404-406  Crown  Bldg.,  615  Pender  St.  West, 

Vancouver,  British  Columbia,   Canada. 

You  will  want  to  read  these  Articles  in  the 

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THE  TRADE  OPPORTUNITIES  OF  THE  UNITED  STATES,  by  A.  Barton  Hepburn,  of  the  Chase 
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N«w    Toric    City 

Digitized  by ' 

ric    CKjr     j 

Vol.  XXI. 


Entered  at  the  Ann  Arbor  Postoffice  as  Second  Class  Matter. 

No   I. 

WILFRED  B.   SHAW.   '04 Editor 

HARRIET  LAWRENCE.  '11 \ssistant   Editor 

ISAAC   NEWTON    DEMMON,    '6.? Necrology 

T.  HAWLEY  TAPPING,  '16L Athletics 

THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  is  published  on  the  12th  of  each  month,  except  July  and  September, 
by  the  Alumni  Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

SUBSCRIPTION,  including  dues  to  the  Association.  $1.50  per  year  (foreign  postage.  50c  per  year 
additional) ;  life  memberships  including  subscription,  $35.00,  in  seven  annual  payments,  four-fifths 
of  which  goes  to  a  permanent  fund  held  in  trust  by  the  Treasurer  of  the  University  of  Michigan 

CHANGES  OP  ADDRESS  must  be  received  at  least  ten  days  before  date  of  issue.  Subscribers  chang- 
ing address  should  notify  the  General  Secretary  of  the  Alumni  Association,  Ann  Arbor,  promptly, 
in  advance  if  possible,  of  such  change.  Otherwise  the  Alumni  Association  will  not  be  responsible 
for  the  delivery  of  The  Alumnus. 

DISCONTINUAhlCES. — If  any  annual  subscriber  wishes  his  copy  of  the  (aper  discontinued  at  the 
expiration  of  his  subscription,  notice  to  that  effect  should  be  sent  with  the  subscription,  or  at  its 
expiration.     Otherwise  it  is  understood  tHat  a  continuance  of  the  subscription  is  desired. 

REMITTANCES  should  be  sent  by  Check,  Express  Order,  or  Money  Order,  payable  to  order  of  The 
Alumni  Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

LETTERS  should  be  addressed: 




VICTOR  HUGO  LANE.  '74c.  '78I,  Ann  Arbor.  Michigan President 

JUNIUS   E.   BEAL.  'B2,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan Vice-President 

LOUIS  PARKER  JOCELYN,  '87.  Ann  Arbor.  Michigan Secretary 

GOTTHELF  CARL  HUBER.  'Sym,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan Treasurer 

HENRY  WOOLSEY  DOUGLAS.  '90*,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 

DAVID    EMIL    HEINEMAN,    '87.    Detroit.    Michigan 

ELSIE  SEELYE  PRATT.  '04m,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 

WILFRED  BYRON  SHAW,  '04,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan General  Secretary 


Akron,  O.   (Summit  Co.  Association),  Dr.  Urban 

D.  Seidel,  'osm. 
Allegan,  Mich.  (Allegan  Co.),  Hollit  S.  Baker,  '10. 
Alpena,    Mich.     (Alpena    County),    Woolsey    W. 

Hunt,  *97*'99»  m'99-*oi. 
Arizona,  Albert  D.  Lcyhe,  '99I,  Phoenix,  Ariz. 
Ashtabula,  Ohio^  Mary  Miller  Battles,  '88m. 
Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  Harry  R.  Atkinson.  '05. 
Bay  City  and  West  Bay  Oty,  Mich.,  Will  Wells, 

Big  Rapids,  Mich.,  Mary  McNerney,  '03. 
Billings,  Mont,  James  L.  Davis,  '07I. 
Birmingham.   Ala.,  John   L.    Cox,   '12,   care   Bur- 
roughs Adding  Machine  Co. 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  Henry  W.  Willis,  *oa,  193  Massa- 

chusetts  Ave. 
Boston,    Mass.,    Elton   J.    Bennett,    762-4    Boston 

Y.  M.  C.  A. 
Canton,   O.    (Stark   County),   Thomas   H.    Leahy, 

'12I,  20  Eagle  Block. 
Caro,  Mich.   (Tuscola  Co.),  Lewis  G.  Seeley,  '94. 
(Antral  California.     See  San  Francisco. 
Central  Illinois,  Oramel  B.  Irwin,  '991,  205  S.  5th 

St.,  Springfield,  111. 
Central    Ohio    Association,     Richard     D.     Ewing, 

'96e,  care  of  American  Book  Co.,  Columbus,  O. 
Charlevoix.  Mich.  (Charlevoix  Co.),  Frederick  W. 

Mayne,  ^8il. 
Charlotte,  Mich.,  E.  P.  Hopkins,  Secretary. 
Chattanooga,  Tenn.,  Frank  B.   Fletcher,  'loe,   114 

McCallie  Ave. 

Chicago,   111.,   Beverly   B.   Vcdder,   '09, 
Monadnock  Block. 

12I,    1414 

Chicago  Alumnae  Association,  Mrs.  Anna  Blanch 
Hills,  '95-'96,  r96-'97,  5824  South  Park  Ave. 

Chicago  Engineering,  Emanuel  Anderson,  '99e, 
5301    Kenmore   Ave. 

Cincinnati,  Ohio,  Charles  C  Benedict,  '02,  1227 
Union  Trust  Bldg. 

Cleveland,  O.,  Irving  L.  Evans,  'lol,  702  Western 
Reserve  Bldg. 

Cold  water,  Mich.  (Branch  Co.),  Hugh  W.  Clarke, 

Copper  Country,  Katherine  Douglas,  '08,  L'Anse. 

Denver,  Colo.,  Howard  W.  Wilson,  *i3i  care  Inter- 
state Trust  Co.,  Cor.  15th  and  Stout  Sts. 

Des  Moines,  la.     See  Iowa. 

Detroit,  Mich.,  James  M.  O'Dea,  '09c,  71  Broad- 

Detroit,  Mich.  (Association  of  U.  of  M.  Women), 
Genevieve  K.  Duffy,  '93,  A.M.  '94.  7  Marston 

Duluth,  Minn.,  John  T.  Kenny,  '09,  'iil,  509 
First  National  Bank  Bldg. 

Erie,  Pa.,  Mrs.  Augustus  H.  Roth,  264  W.  loth  St. 

Escanaba,  Mich..  Blanche  D.  Fenton,  '08. 

Flint,  Mich.,  Arthur  J.  Reynolds,  'o3h. 

Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  Edward  G.  Hoffman,  *03l. 

Galesburg,  111.,  Mrs.  Arthur  C.  Roberts,  '97. 

Gary,  Ind.,  John  O.  Butler,  'o2d. 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Dr.  John  R.  Rogers,  '90, 

Grand  Rapids  Alumnae  Association,  Marion  N. 
Frost,  '10,  627  Fountain  St.,  N.  E. 

Greenville    (Montcalm   County),   C.   Sophus  John- 
son, 'lol. 
on  next  page) 

Digitized  by  L:f OOQIC 



Hastings,  (Barry  Co.)f  Mich.,  M.  E.  Osborne,  *o6. 
Hillsdale    (Hillsdale   (Jounty),   Mich.,   Z.   Beatrice 

Haskins,  Mosherville,  Mich. 
Honolulu,  T.  H.,  Vitaro  Mitamura,  '09m. 
Idaho     Association,     Clare     S.     Hunter,     1*06-' 10, 

Idaho  Bldg.,   Boise,  Id. 
Indianapolis,    Ind.,    Laura    Donnan,    '79,    216    N. 

Capitol  Ave. 
Ingham   County,   Charles   S.    Robinson,   '07,    East 

Lansink',  Mich. 
Ionia,    Mich.    (Ionia    Co.),    Mrs.    Mary    Jackson 

Bates,  '89-'92. 
Iowa  Association,  Orville  S.  Franklin,  '03I,  Young- 

ernian  Bldg..  Des  Moines. 
Ironwood,  Mich^  Ralph  Hicks,  '92-'93,  '990. 
Ithaca,  Mich,  ((jratiot  Co.),  Judge  Kelly  S.  Searl, 

Jackson,    Mich.     (Jackson    County),    George    H. 

Curtis,  '04. 
Kansas    Citv,    Mo.,    William    P.    Pinkerton,    'iil, 

Scarritt  Bld^. 
Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  Andrew  Lenderink,  'o8e. 
Lima.   Ohio,   Ralph    P.    Mackenzie,   'iil.    Holmes 

Los  Angeles,  Calif.  (Association  of  Southern  Cali- 
fornia), Albert  D.  Pearcc,  '08,  '09I,  827  Higgins 
Louisville,  Ky.,  A.   Stanley  Newhall,  '13I,   Louis- 
ville Trust  Bldg. 
Ludington,  Mich.  (Mason  Co.),  T.  M.  Sawyer,  '98, 

Manila,    P.     I.     (Association    of    the     Philippine 

Islands),    C^orge    A.    Malcolm,    '04,    '06I,    care 

of  University  of  the  Philippines. 
Manistee,  Mich.  (Manistee  (.0.),  Mrs.  Winnogene 

R.  Scott,  *07. 
Manistique,    Mich.    (Schoolcraft    Co.),    Hollis    H. 

Harshman,  'o6-'d9. 
Marquette*  Mich. 

Menominee,  Mich.,  Katherine  M.  Stiles,  'o5-'d6. 
Milwatikee,  Wis.   (Wisconsin  Association),  Henry 

E.  McDonnell,  'o4e,  619  Cudahy  Apts. 
Minneapolis   Alumnae   Association,    Mrs.    Kather- 
ine Anna  G«dney,  '94d|  180S  W.  31  St. 
Missouri   Valley,   Carl   E.    Paulson,  e'o4-'o7,    looi 

Union  Pacific  Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 
Monroe,  Mich.  (Monroe  Co.),  Harry  H.  Howett, 

A.M.  '09. 
Mt.  Clemens,  Mich.,  Henry  O.  Chapoton,  '94. 
Mt.  Pleasant,  Mich.,  M.  Louise  Converse,  '86,  Act- 
ing Secretary. 
Muskegon,     Mich.     (Muskegon     Co.),     Lucy     N. 

New     England    Association,     Elton    J.     Bennett, 

762-4  Boston  Y.  M.  C  A.,  Boston,  Mass. 
Newport  News,  Va.,  Emerv  Cox,  'lae,  215  30th  St. 
New   York   City,   Wade  (ireene,   '05I,    55  Liberty 

New    York    Alumnae,    Mrs.    Rena    Mosher    Van 

Slyke,  '07,  1018  E.  163d  St. 
North  Central  Ohio,  Leo  C.   Kugel,  e*04-'o4,  '08, 

North  Dakota,  William  F.   Burnett,  '05I,  Dickin- 
son, N.  Dak. 
Northwest,   John    E.    Jimell,    '07!,    925    Plymouth 

Bldg.,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
Oakland   County,    Allen   McLaughlin,    'lod,    Pon- 

tiac,  Mich. 
Oklahoma,  Lucius  Babcock,  '95-'97»  'ool.  El  Reno, 

Olympia,  Wash.,  Thomas  L.  O'Lcary,  '08,  'lol. 

Omaha,  Neb.     See  Missouri  Valley. 
Oshkosh,    Wis.    (Fox    River   Valley   Association), 

Aleida  J.   Peters,  '08. 
Owosso,    Mich.    (Shiawassee    County),    Leon    F. 

Miner,  '09. 
Pasadena  Alumni  Association,  Alvick  A.  Pearson, 

'94,  203  Kendall  Bldg. 

Pasadena   Alumnae  Association,   Alice   C.   Brown, 

'97m,  456  N.  Lake  St. 
Petoskcy,   Mich.    (Emmet   Co.)    Mrs.    Minnie   W. 

Philadelphia,    Pa.,    William    Ralph    Hall,   '05,   808 

Withcrspoon  Bldg. 
Philadelphia    Alumnae,    Caroline    E.    De    Greene, 

'o^,  140  E.  16  St. 
Philippine    Islands,    Geo.    A.    Malcolm,    '04,    '06I, 

Manila,  P.  I. 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  Ckorge  W.  Hanson,  'o9e,  care  of 

Legal   Dept.,   Westinghouse   Elec.   &   Mfg.   Co., 

East  Pittsburgh. 
Port   Huron,   Mich.    (St.    Oair   Co.    Association), 

Benjamin  R.  Whipple,  *q2. 
Portland,    Ore.,    Junius    V.    Ohmart,    '07I,    701-3 

Broadway  Bldg. 
Porto  Rico,  Pedro  del  Valle,  '91m,  San  Juan,  P.  R. 
Providence,    R.    I.    (Rhode    Island    Association), 

Harold  R.  Curtis,  '12I.  Turks  Head  Bldg. 
Rochester,    N.    Y.,    Ralph    H.    CuUey,    '10,    514 

Wilder  Bldg. 
Rocky  Mountain  Association,  Howard  W.  Wilson, 

'13,  Interstate  Trust  Co.,  Denver,  Colo. 
Saginaw,  Mich.,  Robert  H.  Cook,  '98-'o2,  '06I,  516 

Thompson  Street. 
Saginaw  Valley  Alumnae  Association,  Mrs.  Floyd 

Randall,  '09,  200  S.  Walnut  St.,  Bay  City. 
Salt  Lake  (^ity,   Utah,  William  E.   Kydalch,  'ool. 

Boyd  Park  Bldg. 
San  Diego,  Calif.,  Edwin  H.  Crabtree,  '12m,  Mc- 

Necce  Bldg. 
San    Francisco,    Calif.,   Inman    Sealby,    *i2l,    2475 

Pacific  Ave. 
Schnectady,   N.    Y.,   J.    Edward   Kearns,   e'oo-*oi, 

126  Glenwood  Blvd. 
Seattle,  Wash.,  Frank  S.  Hall,  'o2-'o4i  University 

of  Washington  Museum. 
St  Ignace,  Mich.  (Mackinac  Co.),  Frank  E.  Dun- 

ster,  'o6d. 
St.  Johns,  Mich. (Clinton  Co.),  Frank  P.  Buck,  '06. 
St.  Louis,  Mo.,  (George  D.  Harris,  '99I,  1626  Pierce 

St.     Louis.     Mo.     (Alumnae     Association),     Mrs. 

Maude  Staieer  Steiner,  '10,  5338  Bartmer  Ave. 
St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis.     See  Northwest. 
Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.   (Chippewa  Co.),  Oorge 

A.  ()sborn,  '08. 
South  Bend,  Ind.,  Miller  Guy,  '95^. 
Southern  Kansas,  George  Gardner,  '07I,  9^9  Bea- 
con Bldff.,  Wichita,  Kan. 
Spokane,    Wash.,    Ernest    D.    Wcller,    *o81.    The 

Springfield,    111.,    Robert    E.    Fitzgerald,    r99-'o3» 

Booth  Bldg. 
Tacoma,    Wash.,  Jesse   L.   Snapp,   407   California 

Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  C^rge  E.  Osburn,  '06I,  9  Nay- 

lor-Cox  Bldg. 
Toledo,   O.,   Robert   G.   Young,   '08I,   839   Spitzcr 

Tokyo,  Japan,  Taka  Kawada,  '94,  care  JapaA  Mail 

Steamship  Co. 
Traverse    City    (Grand    Traverse,    Kalkaska,    and 

Leelenau  Counties),  Dr.  Sara  T.  (^ase,  'oom. 
University  of  Illinois. 

Upper  Peninsula,  George  P.  Edmunds,  '08I,  Manis- 
tique, Mich. 
Van  Buren  County,  Harold  B.  Lawrence,  e*o8-*ii, 

Decatur,  Mich. 
Vicksburg,  Mich.,  Mary  Dennis  Follmer,  '02. 
Washington,  D.  C,  Minott  E.  Porter,  '936,  51   R 

street,  N.  E. 
Wichita,  Kan.,   George  (iardner,  '07I,   First  Nat'l 

Bk.  Bldg. 
Winona,   Minn.,   E.   O.   Holland,   '92,   276   Center 

Youngstown,     Ohio,    Dudley     R.     Kennedy,     '08I, 

Stambaugh  Bldg. 


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JAMES  R.  ANGELL,  '90  (appointed  at  large )«  Secretary  of  the  Committee       .         University  of  Chicago 

EARL  D.  BABST,  '93.  '94! New  York  City 

LAWRENCE  MAXWELL.  '74.  LL.D.   '04 Cincinnati,  Ohio 

WALTER  S.  RUSSEL,  *7S Detroit.  Mich. 

JAMES  M.  CROSBY,  'gie Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

PROFESSOR  G.  CARL  HUBER.  'S/m  (appointed  at  large)         ....  Ann  Arbor.  Mich. 

DUANE   E.   FOX,   '81 Washington,   D.   C 

V.  H.  LANE.  *74*»  '78I.  President  of  the  General  Alumni  Association  .  Chairman  of  the  Council 

WILFRED  B.  SHAW.  '04,  General  Secretary  of  the  Alumni  Association 

Secretary  of  the  Council 

Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  William  G.  Coburn,  V- 
Buffalo.   N.    Y.,  John  A.   Van   Arsdale,   '91,   '92I, 

4  Soldiers  Place. 
Canton,    Alliance,    Massillon,    New    Philadelphia, 

and   Counties   of   Stark  and   Tuscarawas,   (jhio, 

Wendell  A.  Herbruck.  '09I,  608  Courtland  Bldg.. 

Canton,  Ohio. 
Central    Illinois,    Harry    L.    Patton,    'lol.    937    S. 

4th  St,  Springfield,  111. 
Charlotte,  Mich.,  Edward  P.  Hopkins,  '03. 
Chicago,     111.     (Chicago     Alumnae     Association) 

Marion  Watrous  Angell.  '91,   5759  Washington 

Chicago,  111.,  Robert  P.  Lamont,  '9ie,  1607  Com. 

NaU.  Bank  Bldg. ;  Wm.  D.  McKenzie,  '96,  Hub- 
bard Woods,  111.;  George  N.  Carman,  '81,  Lewis 

Inst.;  James  B.   Herrick,  '82,  A.M.   (hon.)   '07, 

221   Ashland  Blvd. 
Cincinnati,   Ohio,   Judge   Lawrence   Maxwell,   '74> 

LL.D.  '04.  I  W.  4th  St. 
Cleveland,    O..    Harrison    B.    McGraw,    '91,    '92I, 

1324  Citizens  Bldg. 
Copper  Country,   Edith   Margaret  Snell,  '09,  care 

High  School,  Hancock,  Mich. 
Dcs    Moines,    Iowa.    Eugene    D.    Perry,    *o3l,    217 

Youngerman  BIk. 
Detroit  (Association  of  U.  of  M.  Women),  Gene- 
vieve K.  Duffy,  '93,  A.M.  '94,  7  Marston  Court. 
Detroit,    Mich.,    Levi    L.    Barbour,    '63,    '65I,    661 

Woodward  Ave. ;  Walter  S.   Russel,  '75,  Russel 

Wheel  &  Foundry  Co. ;  Fred  G.  Dewey,  '02,  610 

Moffat  Bldg. 
Duluth,    Minn.,    James    H.    Whitely,    '92I,    First 

National  Bank  Bldg. 
Erie,    Pa.,    David    A.    Sawdey,    '76I.    *77-*7^t    602 

Masonic  Temple. 
Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  Edward  G.  Hoffman,  *o3l. 
Grand    Rapids,    Mich.,    James    M.    Crosby,    '9ie. 

Kent  Hill. 
Grand  Traverse,  Kalkaska,  and  Leelanau  Counties, 

Dr.  James  B.  Martin,  '81  m.  Traverse  City,  Mich. 
Ironwood,  Mich.,  Dr.  Lester  O.  Houghten,  'o6m. 
Idaho     Association,     Clare     S.     Hunter,     1*06-' 10, 

Idaho  Bldg..  Boise,   Id. 
Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  T.  Paul  Hickey,  Western  State 

Normal  School. 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,  Delbert  J.   Haff,  '84,  '861,  906 

Commerce  Bldg. 
Lansing,    Mich.,    Charles   S.    Robinson,   '07,    East 

Lansing,  Mich. 

Lima,  Ohio,  William  B.  Kirk,  '07I. 

Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  Alfred  J.  Scott,  '82m,  628 
Auditorium;  James  W.  McKinley,  '79f  434  P-  E. 

Manila,  P.  I.,  E.  Finley  Johnson,  '90I,  LL.M.  *9i. 

Manistee,  Mich. 

Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Paul  D.  Durant,  '95I,  902  Wells 

Missouri  Vallev,  Charles  G.  McDonald,  'ool,  615 
Brandeis  Bld^.,  Omaha. 

Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Winthrop  B.  Chamberlain, 
'84,  The  Minneapolis  Journal. 

New  York  (U.  of  M.  Women's  Club  of  N.  Y.) 
Mrs.  Mildred  Weed  Goodrich,  *96«'97,  161  Hen- 
ry St.,   Brooklyn,  N.    Y. 

New  York;  N.  Y.,  Dr.  Royal  S.  Copeland,  '89h. 
63rd  St.  and  Ave.  A. ;  Stanlev  D.  McGraw,  '92, 
ill  Broadway;  Earl  D.  Babst,  '93,  '94I,  409 
W.    isth  St. 

Phoenix,  Arizona,  Dr.  James  M.  Swetnam,  *7om, 
8  N.  2nd  Ave. 

Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  James  G.  Hays,  '86,  '87I,  606 
Bakewell  Bldg. 

Port  Huron,  \fich.  (St.  Clair  Co.),  William  L. 
Jenks.  '78. 

Portland,  Ore.,  James  L.  Conley,  *o61,  439  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce. 

Porto  Rico,  Horace  G.  Prettyman,  '85,  Ann 

Rochester,  N,  Y.,  John  R.  Williams,  '03m,  388 
Monroe  Ave. 

Rocky  Mountain  Association,  Abram  H.  Felker, 
•02,    '04I,    318    LaCourt    Hotel,    Denver,    Colo. 

Saginaw,  Mich.,  Earl  F.  Wilson,  '94,  603  Bear- 
inger  Bldg. 

Saginaw  Valley  Alumnae  Association,  Mrs.  Geo. 
L.  Burrows,  '89,  10 13  N.  Mich.  Ave.,  Saginaw, 

Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  Francis  J.  Seabolt,  '97e,  609 
Union  Ave. 

Seattle,  Wash.,  William  T.  Perkins,  '84I,  203 
Pioneer  Blk. ;  James  T.  Lawler,  '981,  963  Em- 
pire Bldg. 

St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Horton  C.  Ryan,  '93,  Webster 
Groves  Sta.,  St.   Louis  Mo. 

Southern  Kansas,  George  Gardner,  '07I,  929 
Beacon  Bldg.,  Wichita,  Kans. 

Washington,  D.  C,  Duane  E.  Fox,  '81,  Washing- 
ton Loan  &  Trust  Bldg. 

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Michigan  Alumnus 

Vol.  XXI. 

OCTOBER.  1914 

No.  197 


While  personal  aC- 
MICHICANAND  counts  of  many  of 
THE  WAR  the   members   of   the 

Faculty  who  spent 
their  summer  abroad  have  brought 
the  terrible  event  in  Europe  close  to 
Ann  Arbor,  yet  the  war  has  incon- 
venienced the  University  very  little. 
The  latter  days  of  September  saw  al- 
most all  the  members  of  the  Faculty 
back  at  work  safely,  though  one,  Mr. 
Rene  Talamon,  instructor  in  French, 
who  was  spending  his  honeymoon  at 
his  home  in  Paris,  is  now  at  the  front 
with  the  French  army.  His  wife,  who 
was  Miss  Beatrice  Underwood,  of 
Nashville,  Tennessee,  is  with  his  fam- 
ilv  in  Paris.  Several  members  of  the 
Faculty  experienced  difficulties  in  se- 
curing accommodations  home,  but  all 
were  able  to  get  through,  and  almost 
universally  deny  undue  hardship. 
Dean  John  O.  Reed,  '85,  who  has 
been  living  in  Germany  for  the  past 
two  years,  on  account  of  ill  health,  is 
now  at  Jena,  and  Professor  and  Mrs. 
Scott,  who  were  in  Germany  when  the 
war  broke  out,  found  some  difficulty 
in  leaving,  but  reached  Ann  Arbor 
early  in  October.  (S.  The  shortage  of 
chemicals  and  medicine,  due  to  the 
\rar,  has  been  felt  in  the  Departments 
of  Chemistry  and  Medicine,  though 
classes  will  be  held  as  usual  in  Chem- 
istry, for  the  first  semester  at  least. 
It  is  hoped  that  by  the  end  of  that 
time  substitutes  may  be  found  for  the 
necessary  materials.  Glassware  and 
special  surgical  instruments  are  also 

difficult,  if  not  impossible,  to  secure. 
The  lack  of  certain  special  chemicals 
and  medicines,  and  many  of  the  dyes 
that  are  used  in  the  preparation  of 
microscopic  slides  will  greatly  hamper 
the  work  in  many  courses.  Cl^The  Uni- 
versity Library,  too,  has  felt  the  force 
of  the  war.  Practically  all  of  the  Ger- 
man scientific  publications,  and  many 
of  the  French,  have  ceased.  Orders 
for  books,  however,  are  still  being  re- 
ceived by  certain  of  the  publishing 
houses  in  Leipsic,  subject  to  future 
delivery.  The  French  correspondents 
of  the  Library  have  practically  closed 
their  business,  and  there  will  be  little 
received  from  either  France  or  Ger- 
many during  the  war.  If  the  war 
should  extend  over  several  years,  the 
LTniversity  will  undoubtedly  be  seri- 
ously inconvenienced  in  places  where 
so  far  there  has  been  little  undue  in- 

It  is  rather  an  irony 
TO  THE  MEMORY  of  fate  to  be  immor- 
OF  LEO  talized  in  bronze,  and 

then  to  be  presented 
to  the  public  under  the  wrong  name. 
And  this  is  what  almost  befell  the 
four-footed  companion  of  President 
Tappan  in  the  bronze  portrait  which 
was  unveiled  last  June,  through  the 
mistake  of  The  Alumnus.  His  name 
was  not  Nero,  but  Leo,  much  more 
fitting  when  one  comes  to  think  of  it, 
and  we  are  very  glad  to  make  the  cor- 
rection.  (S,  No  portrait  painted  in  the 

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memory  of  Dr.  Tappan's  students  is 
complete  without  this  faithful  friend. 
How  strong  was  the  bond  between 
the  two  may  be  gathered  from  a  letter 
from  President  Tappan  to  Dr.  Cory- 
don  L.  Ford  in  1865,  which  was  pub- 
lished in  The  Alumnus  for  October, 
1912.  President  Tappan  says:  "My 
old  dog  Leo,  who  died  the  last  sum- 
mer I  spent  in  Michigan,  and  whom 
I  buried  under  a  tree  in  my  garden, 
often  comes  up  before  me  when  I  sit 
alone  and  he  seems  to  lay  his  head  on 
my  knee  again  and  to  look  up  into 
my  face  with  his  gentle,  knowing  eyes, 
and  I  feel  as  one  feels  when  he  recalls 
the  tender  memory  of  a  departed 
friend.  I  know  not  how  far  you  have 
gone  in  these  matters,  or  what  your 
experience  has  been.  To  me  the  rela- 
tions between  us  and  the  domestic 
animals  is  a  subject  of  deep  interest 
and  a  home  seems  hardly  complete 
without  them." 

Michigan's  coming 
OCT.  31;  MICHIGAN  game  with  Harvard 
vs.  HARVARD  has  aroused  enthusi- 
asm as  has  no  other 
game  in  years.  In  spite  of  the  logic 
of  circumstances  and  difficulties  which 
on  paper  at  least  seem  decidedly 
against  the  Varsity,  the  general  spirit 
is  surprisingly  confident.  That  is  of 
course  as  it  should  be.  If  we  are  go- 
ing to  play  Harvard,  we  must  meet 
her  with  a  belief  that  we  are  going 
to  win.  I^et  the  prognostications  of 
the  critics  and  the  careful  balancing 
of  teams  by  the  "armchair  strategists" 
pass.  There  are  some  things  which 
enter  into  the  make-up  of  a  team  that 
cannot  be  measured — ^the  spirit  of  the 
players,  the  morale,  to  quote  a  phrase 
used  much  these  days,  a  certain  ag- 
gressive spirit,  a  daring,  which  we 
believe  our  men  have.  C^lt  is  just  here, 
we  believe,  that  the  secret  of  Mr. 
Yost's  success  as  a  coach  lies.  The 
game  will  probably  reveal  the  strength 
of  western  aggressive  play,  but  it  will 

be  decidedly  important  for  Michigan 
to  have  a  line  which  can  stand  against 
Harvard's  weight.  This,  of  course, 
was  the  great  problem  during  the 
early  days  of  the  coaching  season. 
Practice  was  under  way  much  earlier 
than  ever  before,  the  mid-week  games 
have  been  revived  and  as  a  result  in 
the  first  games  Michigan  appeared  to 
have  at  least  two  weeks  advantage 
over  former  seasons.  Michigan  is 
admittedly  strong  in  the  backfield. 
Hughitt,  Maulbetsch,  Splawn,  Catlett, 
Gait  and  a  number  of  competitors 
pressing  them  hard  are  all  formidable 
players,  although  somewhat  lighter  in 
weight  than  is  comfortable.  The  ex- 
periments of  the  early  season  with  the 
line  were  fairly  reassuring;  good  de- 
fensive players  seemed,  if  not  exactly 
plentiful,  yet  available  in  sufficient 
numbers.  But  the  aggressive  oflFense 
on  the  part  of  the  line,  which  is  going 
to  be  so  necessary,  was  still  a  problem 
at  the  time  of  this  writing.  We  be- 
lieve, however,  that  it  can  be  develop- 
ed, that  the  right  men  can  be  found 
and  that  Michigan  will  at  least  give 
a  good  account  of  herself.  We  hope 
she  will  do  more. 

To  the  alumni  the 
FOR  THOSE  WHO  Spectacular  qualities 
SEE  THE  GAME  of  a  game  between 
Michigan  and  Har- 
vard have  made  a  strong  appeal. 
There  is  no  doubt  but  that  Michigan 
is  going  to  be  represented  in  force  at 
Cambridge.  Special  trains  have  been 
planned  from  many  points.  Many 
summer  vacations  have  been  post- 
poned until  this  time,  and  there  is  no 
doubt  the  game  will  be  one  of  the 
best  attended  in  which  Michigan  has 
ever  participated.  The  Boston  alumni 
are  planning  to  entertain  the  visitors, 
with  a  smoker  and  mass  meeting  on 
the  Friday  evening  before,  to  which 
all  who  come  from  away  are  invited. 
Further  details  are  given  in  the  an- 
nouncement on  page  48.    (^  The  sug- 

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gestions  contained  in  the  letter  of 
Merrill  S.  June,  '12/,  which  is  pub- 
lished on  another  page,  should  be  well 
considered  by  everyone  who  plans  to 
attend.  The  cheerleaders  will  be  there, 
and  also  the  pamphlets  gfiving  the 
**new  ones."  His  suggestion  regard- 
ing the  character  of  the  cheers  desir- 
able in  the  Harvard  Stadium  has  been 
submitted  to  the  Varsity  cheer  leader, 
and  something  will  undoubtedly  be 
evolved  which  will  be  suitable. 

Meanwhile  we  have 
FOR  THOSE  WHO  a  suggestion  for  the 
ARE  LEFT  BEHIND  stay-at-homes.  A  few 

thousand  of  them 
unfortunately,  will  be  left.  But  if  they 
can't  be  at  the  game,  they  can  gather 
to  receive  returns.  We  have  a  large 
number  of  local  alumni  associations, 
and  many  of  them  hold  weekly  or 
monthly  meetings.  Why  not  plan  one 
meeting  for  the  afternoon  of  Satur- 
day, October  31  ?  If  enough  of  these 
meetings  are  orgapized,  the  General 
Association  will  endeavor  to  arrange 
for  a  correspondent  and  for  special 
rates  on  the  wires.  Cl^  Or  perhaps  you 
have  no  local  association.  Then  or- 
ganize one,  and  write  to  the  General 
Association.  The  time  is  short  after 
you  receive  this  issue,  but  it  can  be 
done.  Start  your  organization  at 
once,  and  write  to  the  General  Asso- 
ciation for  a  list  of  alumni  in  your 
locality.     It  will  be  sent  immediately. 

the  recent  past,  the  pendulum  has  been 
swinging  towards  the  all-inclusive 
A.B.,  though  of  late  there  have  been 
signs  of  a  reaction.  The  whole  ques- 
tion is  more  than  a  lining  up  of  con- 
servative and  progressive  forces.  It 
is  quite  possible  that  in  the  long  run, 
the  progressives  will  prove  to  be  those 
who  insist  on  a  more  rigid  interpre- 
tation of  the  A.B.,  leaving  another 
designation  for  those  who  elect  the 
newer  subjects  which  do  not  have  be- 
hind them  the  traditions  which  have 
come  to  be  associated  with  the  Arts 
course.  (S.  The  situation  as  viewed 
by  those  who  have  misgivings  over 
the  inflated  A.B.  is  well  outlined  by 
the  editor  of  The  Nation  in  his  an- 
nual educational  issue.  He  quotes  the 
experience  of  a  member  of  the  faculty 
in  one  of  our  universities,  who  dis- 
covered, in  a  room  where  he  had  ex- 
pected to  find  a  mathematical  semin- 
ary, six  gas  ranges,  a  complete  out- 
fit of  pots  and  pans  and  in  a  neighbor- 
ing room,  a  number  of  dressmakers' 
forms,  while  a  class  in  the  art  of  book- 
keeping occupied  the  floor  below,  all 
in  courses  in  a  college  of  liberal  arts. 
He  raises  the  question  whether  pro- 
ficiency in  the  art  of  cooking,  sewing 
or  joinery  should  properly  count  to- 
wards a  degree  hitherto  reserved 
through  long  years  as  a  recognition 
of  liberal  culture. 

One     of     the     great 

THE  A.B.  DEGREE  ^ju^ation  seems  to  be 
symbolized  by  the 
struggle  now  going  on  about  the  good 
old  A.B.  degree.  There  are  those  who 
believe  that  it  is  losing  its  significance 
in  the  multiplicity  of  new  vocational 
and  broad  cultural  subjects,  which 
in  some  universities  have  come 
to  replace  the  old-fashioned  insistence 
ttpon  the  humanities  and  pure  sciences 
with  their  rigid  mental  discipline.  Cl^In 

Michigan  certainly 
THE  ARTS  DEGREEhas  not  gone  in  this 
AT  MICHIGAN         direction  as   far  as 

some  universities, 
even  though  our  writer  does  call  at- 
tention to  the  fact  that  one  cannot 
avail  one's  self  of  the  services  of  a 
^'tonsorial  artist''  in  Michigan  without 
being  faced  by  a  certificate  to  the  fact 
that  he  has  successfully  passed  his 
examination.  The  statement  that  this 
examination  is  not  given  in  the  state 
university  does  not  perhaps  entirely 
do  away  with  a  possible  inference 
that  Michigan  is  one  of  the  colleges 

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under  discussion  in  this  matter. 
(H  Nevertheless,  we  believe  that  the 
A.B.  at  Michigan  contains  something 
of  its  old  prestige,  and  is  in  a  way  to 
regain  more.  There  was  a  certain 
tightness  and  rigidity  in  the  old  re- 
quirements which  were  not  in  har- 
mony with  modem  progress.  Per- 
haps in  the  past  we  wandered  too  far 
afield,  though  we  have  surely  not  been 
as  venturesome  as  some  of  our  con- 
temporaries, but  the  result  may  not 
be  entirely  unfortunate,  if  we  bring 
back  to  the  old  ways  a  certain  new 
vigor  and  correlation  of  academic 
ways  to  modem  life.  To  spread  the 
degree  out  so  far  that  it  means  every- 
thing and  nothing  would  certainly  be 
unfortunate.  If,  as  the  writer  in  The 
Nation  believes,  it  is  only  a  question 
of  time  when  the  degree  of  bachelor 
of  arts  will  confer  as  little  distinction 
as  a  f>assport  and  less  than  a  life  in- 
suraiKe  policy,  standing  neither  for 
mental  culture  nor  for  useful  knowl- 
edge, then  it  is  time  for  a  revision  and 
a  distinction  of  educational  values  and 
a  more  guarded  definition  of  the  lib- 
eral culture  he  demands.  The  sug- 
gested remedy  is  surely  simple,  merely 
to  ensure  that  the  courses  leading  to 
the  degree  of  A.B.  be  of  proved  in- 
tellectual content. 

Public  opinion  in  Ann 
THE  DORMITORY  Arbor  of  late  has  be- 
QUESTION  come  quite  conscious 

of  the  rooming  ques- 
tion for  students.  We  are  beginning 
to  see  that  it  is  one  of  the  pressing 
problems  of  the  present.  A  solution 
has  begun,  where  it  should  properly 
begin,  with  the  halls  of  residence  for 
freshman  women.  Here  necessity  was 
particularly  pressing.  But  the  needs 
of  the  men  are  almost  as  insistent, 
particularly  so  now  that  the  fraterni- 
ties are  not  permitted  to  have  their 
freshmen  in  the  fraternity  houses. 
CF,  In    discussing   the    new    freshman 

dormitories  at  Harvard,  the  editor  of 
The  Nation,  in  a  recent  issue,  recalls 
the  hopeless  loneliness  of  the  fresh- 
man's first  plunge  into  college  life, 
"without  friends  or  ties,  and  a  bed- 
room in  some  cheap  frame  boarding 
house."  If  that  is  tme  at  Harvard, 
it  is  doubly  tme  at  Michigan.  Har- 
vard has  tackled  the  problem  aggres- 
sively, and,  in  the  opinion  of  the  writ- 
er just  quoted,  this  establishment  of 
freshman  dormitories  is  by  all  odds 
President  Lowell's  most  important 
undertaking.  CD,  The  new  dormitories 
are  opened  this  fall.  They  consist  of 
nine  buildings  in  three  groups,  each 
group  consisting  of  three  dormitories, 
with  a  common  dining  room  and  living 
room  in  the  center  one.  We  probably 
cannot  realize  just  what  benefits 
would  come  to  the  student  body  at 
Ann  Arbor  if  the  freshmen  were 
started  in  this  way,  but  its  first  eflFect 
would  certainly  be  democratization 
and  an  equality  which  we  need.  Even 
more  important,  it  would  better  in- 
finitely living  conditions.  CD,  Michigan, 
almost  more  than  any  other  university 
is  suflFering  tmder  an  antique  system, 
patterned  after  the  German  universi- 
ties, where  the  students  room  out 
among  the  townsfolk.  This  was  all 
right  in  the  early  days  when  the  Uni- 
versity was  small  and  the  town  was 
large  enough  to  accommodate  the  stu- 
dents. But  the  rapid  growth  of  the 
University  in  late  years  has  brought 
about  a  condition  that  is  becoming  in- 
tolerable. Recent  investigations  have 
shown  that  a  dormitory  can  be  built 
as  a  paying  investments  and  still  offer 
accommodations  at  a  reasonable  price 
to  the  students.  Even  at  Cambridge, 
where  prices  are  probably  higher  than 
at  Ann  Arbor,  the  meals  are  to  be 
fumished  at  about  five  dollars  a  week, 
and  the  rooms  are  to  cost  from  thirty- 
five  to  two  hundred  and  twenty-five 
dollars  a  year,  certainly  not  an  ex- 
travagant scale,  even  for  Michigan. 
The  need  at  Michigan  in  this  respect 
is  as  imperative  as  that  at  Harvard. 

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Work  on  the  new 
FOR  THE  FRESH-  halls  fof  the  women 
MAN  GIRLS  is  progressing  rapid- 

ly. The  walls  of  the 
Helen  Handy  Newberry  Hall,  on 
State  Street,  opposite  University  Hall, 
are  well  up,  and  some  idea  of  the  ap- 
pearance of  the  building  can  already 
be  obtained.  The  other  larger  dormi- 
tory, the  gift  of  an  unknown  donor, 
is  progressing  somewhat  more  slowly, 
simply  from  the  fact  that  it  is  so  much 
larger.  Nevertheless,  the  steel  con- 
struction is  well  above  the  ground 
level,  and  the  walls  are  beginning  to 
rise.  Both  buildings  will  be  complet- 
ed for  use  next  year.  CD,  Meanwhile, 
the  University  has  not  b^en  waiting 
for  the  new  buildings  to  welcome  the 
freshman  girls.  Extra  efforts  have 
been  made  this  past  year  to  get  in 
touch  with  all  who  were  coming  to  the 
University,  and  practically  every 
freshman  who  had  signified  her  inten- 
tion of  doing  so  received  at  least  three 
letters  from  a  member  of  the  junior 
girls'  advisory  board,  giving  her  help, 
advice  and  useful  hints.  This  organi- 
zation has  also  taken  one  of  the  rooms 
on  the  second  floor  of  University  Hall 
as  its  headquarters,  and  a  corps  of 
junior  girls  are  on  hand  constantly  to 
help  and  advise  the  newcomers.  In 
fact,  nothing  has  been  neglected  which 
would  ensure  the  freshman's  starting 
right.  Next  ye^ar  the  situation  will 
be  even  more  favorable,  with  the  new 
dormitories  added  to  the  long  list  of 
approved  rooming  houses  for  Univer- 
sity women. 

From  the   August 
SOME  ALUMNI    number  of  The  Mich- 
ARE  PLEASED    igan  Bulletin,  "of,  by 
and    for    Michigan 
men  of  Chicago,"  we  take  pleasure  in 
quoting  the  following  appreciation  of 
the  efforts  of  the  University  and  the 
Alumni   Association   last   Commence- 

Alumni    may   well    feel  gratified  by  the 
improvement  noticeable  in  Commencement 

Week  conditions  at  the  University.  Com- 
mencement is  no  longer  the  dreary  affair 
of  the  past. 

The  authorities  have  long  recognized 
the  necessity  of  making  the  proceedings 
more  attractive  and  entertaining  if  alum- 
ni interest  and  attendance  were  to  be  in- 
creased. Hence  the  June  ball  games  with 
Pennsylvania,  which  have  proved  a  most 
successful  experiment,  supplying,  as  they 
do,  an  element  of  the  highest  interest  to 
alumni,  most  of  whom  enjoy  few  oppor- 
tunities to  see  a  Michigan  team  in  action. 

The  Mass  Meeting  in  Hill  Memorial, 
followed  by  the  procession  of  alumni,  led 
by  the  "M  men"  and  the  Michigan  band, 
a  splendid  organization  as  re-organized, 
is  another  new  feature  which  has  great 
possibilities  and  should  be  made  an  an- 
nual event. 

Other  significant  changes  can  be  ob- 
served. In  shoft,  on  every  hand  it  is 
apparent  that  concerted  effort  is  being 
made  to  accomplish  the  purposes  alluded 
to,  and  it  must  be  said  that  a  very  grati- 
fying measure  of  success  has  been  gained. 
Much  remains  to  be  done,  doubtless,  for 
a  revolution  of  this  sort  cannot  be  ac- 
complished in  a  short  time,  but  if  this 
purpose  continues  to  animate  those  in 
charge  Commencement  at  Michigan  bids 
fair  to  become  the  controlling  factor  in 
the  University's  campaign  to  knit  more 
closely  the  bonds  uniting  herself  and  her 

One  of  the  most  noticeable  of  the  re- 
cent developments  incident  to  Commence- 
ment is  the  so-called  "Graduates'  Club," 
an  exclusively  social  institution  which 
holds  two  or  three  evening  meetings  dur- 
ing Commencement  Week  in  the  old  skat- 
ing rink,  and  whose  purpose  is  to  furnish 
visiting  alumni  an  opportunity  to  meet 
and  refresh  themselves  with  song,  etc., 
free  from  restrictions  and  formality.  For 
the  conception  and  launching  of  this 
project  we  are  indebted  to  the  enterprise 
of  certain  well-known  alumni,  resident  in 
Ann  Arbor. 

Now  is  the  time  to 
NOW  FOR  REUN-  make  plans  for  the 
IONS  IN  1915  reunions    next    June. 

It  is  not  a  minute  to 
early  to  begin  to  stir  things  up.  The 
last  Commencement  season  was  unus- 
ually   successful,    as    the    foregoing 

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shows,  but  there  is  no  reason  why  we 
should  not  have  twice  as  much  enthu- 
siasm next  year.  In  the  first  place, 
remember  the  date,  June  22  and  23, 
1915,  and  plan  to  be  there,  particular- 
ly if  your  class  is  due  to  hold  a  re- 
union. According  to  the  Dix  sched- 
ule, the  following  classes  are  due  to 
meet:  '13,  '02,  '01.  '00,  '99,  '83,  '82, 
'81,  '80,  ^64,  '63,  *62,  '61.  CD;  There 
are  some  classes,  however,  which 
still  prefer  to  adhere  to  the  old 
schedule.    In  that  case,  it  will  be  those 

whose  year  ends  in  5  or  o.  If  your 
class  plans  to  hold  a  reunion,  you  will 
probably  hear  from  your  class  secre- 
tary soon,  but  if  you  have  no  word, 
or  if  you  belong  to  one  of  those  class- 
es who  have  no  class  secretary,  we 
recommend  that  the  individual  mem- 
bers of  the  class  get  busy.  Write  to 
the  General  Secretary,  and  he  will  see 
that  a  class  secret4r>'  is  appointed. 
There  is  no  reason  why  we  shouldn't 
have  thirty  or  forty  class  reunions 
next  June. 


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Dean  John  O.  Reed,  '85,  who  has 
been  abroad  on  leave  for  several  years 
past  in  an  attempt  to  regain  his  health, 
has  resigned  as  Dean  of  the  Literary 
Department.  Professor  John  R.  Ef- 
finger,  '91,  who  has  filled  Dean  Reed's 
place  during  his  absence,  has  been  re- 
tained by  the  Regents  as  Acting  Dean. 

The  Ben  Greet  Woodland  Players 
were  in  Ann  Arbor  from  July  23  to 
July  25  for  their  usual  Summer 
School  engagement,  giving  five  per- 
formances on  the  Campus.  The  plays 
presented  were  "Masques  and  Faces," 
by  Charles  Reade  and  Tom  Taylor; 
"Twelfth  Night";  "A  Midsummer 
Night's  Dream";  "As  You  Like- It'; 
and  "The  Tempest." 

Principal  Jesse  B.  Davis,  of  the 
Grand  Rapids  Central  High  School, 
gave  a  series  of  five  lectures  on  the 
different  phases  of  vocational  training 
from  July  20  to  25  inclusive,  as  a  part 
of  the  Summer  Session  lecture  pro- 
gram. Mr.  I>avis'  subjects  included: 
"The  Vocational  Guidance  Move- 
ment:" "Vocational  and  Moral  Guid- 
ance— A  Problem  of  the  Public 
Schools,  No.  I,  "Below  the  High^ 
School:"  No.  2,  "The  High  School;" 
"The  Vocation  Bureau;"  and  "The 
Practical  Application  of  Moral  Guid- 

Walton  H.  Hamilton,  Assistant 
Professor  of  Political  Economy  in  the 
University,  has  resigned  his  position 
to  accept  an  assistant  professorship  in 
the  same  subject  at  the  University  of 
Chicago.  Professor  Hamilton  has 
taught  here  for  four  years,  coming  to 
the  University  as  an  instructor  in 
1910.  In  addition  to  teaching  the  ele- 
mentary classes,  he  has  h^d  charge  of 
the  courses  in  current  problems  and 
industrial  reforms.  In  his  new  posi- 
tion. Professor  Hamilton  will  have 
charge  of  the  work  in  economic  theo- 
ry, which  is  made  up  for  the  most 
part  of  graduate  courses. 

The  Landscape  Department  has 
taken  over  the  old  botanical  gardens 
on  the  Boulevard,  which  were  found 
inadequate  for  botanical  experiments, 
and  plans  to  transform  them  into  a 
laboratory  for  advanced  students  in 
landscape  design.  This  will  necessi- 
tate a  great  amount  of  work,  and  ac- 
cording to  Professor  Tealdi,  who  is 
supervising  the  project,  it  will  be  a 
year  or  more  before  the  laboratory 
will  be  completed  and  ready  for  actual 

H.  Beach  Carpenter,  '14,  '16/,  Rock- 
ford,  III,  managing  editor  of  The 
Michigan  Daily  for  the  coming  year, 
and  W.  Sherwood  Field,  '15,  Grand 
Rapids,  business  manager,  have  ap- 
pointed the  following  members  of  the 
Daily  staff:  Fred  B.  Foulk,  '15/,  Ann 
Arbor,  editor  of  the  Cosmopolitcm 
Student,  news  editor;  T.  Hawley 
Tapping,  '16/,  Peoria,  111.,  and  Francis 
F.  McKinney,  '16/,  Washington,  D. 
C,  associate  editors ;  Felix  M.  Church, 
'14,  Ann  Arbor,  sporting  editor. 

Permission  has  been  given  provi- 
sionally by  the  Senate  for  an  extended 
trip  for  the  1915  Michigan  Union 
Opera  during  the  week  of  spring  va- 
cation, April  10  to  19,  inclusive.  It 
is  planned  to  visit  all  the  nearby 
towns  th^t  are  strong  enough  in  alum- 
ni sentiment,  and  Manager  Heath,  of 
the  Union,  has  outlined  a  tentative 
itinerary  which  includes  visits  to 
Grand  Rapids,  Kalamazoo,  South 
Bend,  Chicago,  Fort  Wayne,  Toledo 
and  Detroit.  If  the  alumni  demand  is 
strong  enough,  it  is  probable  that  two 
performances  will  be  given  in  both 
Detroit  and  Chicago.  The  Hill  Audi- 
torium, will,  in  all  probability,  be  used 
for  the  home  performances,  instead 
of  the  Whitney  Theater,  as  formerly. 
Comparatively  little  expense  will  be 
needed  to  make  the  stage  of  the  Audi- 
torium suitable  for  the  production  of 
the  Opera,  and  the  large  hall  will  en- 
sure accommodations  for  everyone 
who  wishes  to  attend. 

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It  will  interest  and  please  many 
alumni  to  learn  that  the  University 
will  profit  to  the  extent  of  some  $192,- 
ocx)  annually  through  the  recent  re- 
valuation of  the  vState  by  the  Tax 
Commissioners.  The  tax  is  now  three- 
eighths  of  a  mill. 

A  fellowship  carrying  a  stipend  of 
$500  has  been  established  this  year  at 
the  University  by  the  Flavoring  Ex- 
tract Manufacturers'  Association  for 
an  independent  authoritative  scientific 
study  of  the  manufacture  and  analysis 
of  vanilla  extract.  Dr.  Julius  O. 
Schlotterbeck,  'Syp,  '91,  who  has  this 
fall  returned  to  his  professorship  in 
the  Department  of  Pharmacy  after 
two  years  leave  of  absence,  is  the 
chairman  of  the  committee  on  Scien- 
tific Research,  and  is  also  vice-presi- 
dent of  the  Association.  Samuel  H. 
Baer,  '96,  of  the  B'lanke-Baer  Chem- 
ical Co.,  St.  Louis,  is  the  president  of 
the  Association. 

At  the  University  of  Michigan  at 
the  present  time  there  are  seventeen 
sectional  clubs,  representing  as  many 
diflPerent  portions  of  the  country.  The 
largest  club  is  that  composed  of  stu- 
dents from  the  State  of  Illinois, with 
a  membership  last  year  of  102,  and 
the  deans  of  the  Literary  and  Law 
Departments  as  honorary  members. 
The  Dixie  Club,  made  up  of  students 
whose  homes  are  below  the  Mason 
and  Dixon  line,  has  a  membership  of 
73,  with  16  states  represented.  One 
hundred  and  twenty-five  students, 
representing  28  countries,  make  up 
the  membership  of  the  Cosmopolitan 
Club.  The  Thumb  Club,  made  up  of 
men  coming  from  the  "Thumb"  dis- 
trict of  Michigan,  numbers  60  mem- 
bers ;  the  Club  I^atino  Americano,  an 
organization  of  students  whose  homes 
are  located,  as  its  name  indicates,  in 
the  Latin-American  countries,  has  a 
membership  of  18;  and  the  Rocky 
Mountain  Club,  now  the  Kappa  Beta 
Psi  fraternity,  is  made  up  of  40  men 
representing    12   states    west   of   the 

Mississippi;  while  in  the  Dominion 
Club,  made  up  of  students  from  Can- 
ada, are  more  than  a  score  of  mem- 
bers. Among  the  state  clubs  are  the 
Indiana  Club,  organized  last  year, 
with  a  membership  of  60;  the  New 
York  State  Club,  which  is  housed  in 
its  own  building,  with  30  members; 
and  the  Kentucky  Club,  with  35  mem- 
bers. Of  the  city  clubs,  that  repre- 
senting Grand  Rapids  is  the  largest, 
with  64  members.  In  the  Cabinet 
Club,  are  26  men  whose  homes  are  in 
Washington,  and  20  students  living 
in  BuflFalo  have  recently  organized  a 
club.  Two  Detroit  high  schools  are 
represented  in  clubs,  the  Phoenix 
Club,  with  a  membership  made  up  of 
40  graduates  from  the  Detroit  West- 
em  High  School,  and  the  Totem  Club, 
with  about  the  same  number  of  alimi- 
ni  from  the  Detroit  Eastern  High 
School  as  members. 

From  Lieutenant  Thomas  M. 
Spaulding,  '05,  now  at  Washington, 
D.  C,  The  Alumnus  has  received 
the  following  tabulation  of  represen- 
tatives of  the  LTniversity  of  Michigan 
in  the  1914  edition  of  ''Who's  Who  in 
-America,"  which  has  recently  been 


Literar}'  Department 264 

Engineering  Department  33 

Medical  Department  45 

Law  Department   156 

Homoeopathic  Department  4 

Dental  Department   i 

Graduate  Department  97 

Total 614 

Counted  twice 113 

Non-Graduates    128 

Net  Total  629 

The  Michigan  graduates  form  3%  of 
the  total  number  of  names  included 
in  the  new  volume.  These  figures 
show  an  increase  of  25  over  the  com- 
pilation made  from  the  1913  edition, 
when  604  graduates  and  former  stu- 
dents of  the  University  of  Michigan 
were  included. 

Digitized  by 




Dr.  Victor  C.  Vaughan,  Dean  of 
the  Medical  Department,  was  inaugu- 
rated as  President  of  the  American 
Medical  Association  at  its  sixty-fifth 
annual  convention,  held  at  Atlantic 
City  in  June,  succeeding  Dr.  John  A. 
Witherspoon,  of  Nashville,  Tenn.  For 
his  inaugural  address,  Dr.  Vaughan 
chose  the  subject  **The  Service  of 
Medicine  to  Civilization.*' 

That  the  University  Hospital  is 
rapidly  increasing  both  in  size  and 
efficiency  is  shown  by  the  figures  re- 
cently compiled  for  the  year  ending 
June  30,  1913.  During  that  time,  the 
Hospital  cared  for  6,803  patients,  an 
increase  of  1,107  over  the  previous 
year.  Of  this  number,  791  came  from 
outside  the  State.  This  increase  was 
made  possible  by  the  recent  extensive 
improvements   in    the   hospital   pbnt, 

whereby  a  larger  number  of  patients 
can  be  accommodated,  and  be  better 
cared  for,  than  at  any  time  in  the  his- 
tor\'  of  the  Hospital.  The  receipts 
for  that  year  from  all  sources  amount- 
ed to  $124,928.22,  an  increase  of 
$26,757.86  over  1911-12,  but  the  run- 
ning expenses,  nevertheless,  exceeded 
the  receipts  by  some  $10,000.  Seven- 
ty-four beds  have  been  added,  making 
the  total  capacity  of  the  Hospital  374. 
As  the  State  has  recently  made  it  pos- 
sible for  the  judges  of  probate  to  refer 
children  to  the  University  Hospital  at 
their  discretion  for  treatment  at  state 
expense,  thirty-five  of  the  new  beds 
were  added  to  the  children's  ward  in 
order  to  meet  this  emergency.  The 
number  of  nurses  in  the  training 
school  has  also  been  increased  from 
100  to  125,  and  the  number  of  nurses 
in  the  hospital  from  65  to  125. 


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According  to  figures  recently  made  public  by  Dean  E.  H.  Kraus,  the 
registration  for  the  Summer  Session  of  1914  proved  to  be  the  largest  in  the 
history  of  the  University.  A  total  of  1,594  students  were  enrolled,  a  gain  of 
192  over  the  previous  year.  With  the  exception  of  the  Biological  Station, 
where  only  2^  students  were  registered,  as  against  29  in  1913,  there  were 
substantial  increases  in  every  department,  the  largest  being  shown  in  the 
Departments  of  Engineering  and  Architecture,  in  the  Graduate  Department, 
and  in  the  courses  in  Library  Methods,  Embalming  and  Sanitary  Science. 
Ninety-five  students  were  enrolled  at  the  Bogardus  Engineering  Camp,  a 
gain  of  35  over  previous  years;  12  registered  for  the  course  in  Sanitary 
Science,  as  against  three  in  1913,  while  the  unexpectdly  large  registration 
of  33  in  the  Library  Methods  course  taxed  to  the  utmost  the  present  facili- 
ties f»r  instruction. 

Following  is  the  comparative  table  of  attendance  for  1913  and  1914 
in  the  different  departments : 


Literature,  Science,  and  the  Arts 663  629 

Enf?ineering  and  Architecture   365  297 

Medicine  and  Surgery 147  130 

Law    214  195 

School  of  Pharmacy  17  15 

Graduate    220  180 

School  of  Library  Methods   33  2^ 

Biological  Station    27  29 

Embalming  and  Sanitary  Science  12  3 

Total    1698  1501 

Deduct  for  names  counted  twice 104  99 

Net    total    1594  1402 

Unusual  interest  was  shown  this  year  in  the  program  of  special  lectures 
and  entertainments.  The  seventy-two  numbers  included  fifty-two  lectures, 
two  geological  excursions,  four  recitals  by  the  Department  of  Oratory,  five 
open-air  performances  by  the  Ben  Greet  Woodland  Players,  six  concerts 
in  Hill  Auditorium  by  the  members  of  the  Faculty  of  the  University  School 
of  Music,  three  vistors'  nights  at  the  Observatory  and  the  President's  an- 
nual reception  to  the  students  of  the  Summer  Session.  :fn  addition  to  the 
usual  lectures  by  members  of  the  University  Faculty,  addresses  were  given 
by  Dr.  E.  S.  Buchanan,  of  Oxford,  England;  Regent  J.  E.  Beal,  of  Ann 
Arbor ;  Dr.  J.  L.  Snyder,  President  of  the  Michigan  Agricultural  College  ; 
Mr.  J.  B.  r^vis.  Principal  of  the  Grand  Rapids  Central  High  School ;  Re- 
gent L.  L.  Hubbard,  of  Houghton;  Mr.  E.  C.  Warriner,  Superintendent 
of  Schools  of  Saginaw,  E.  S. ;  and  Dr.  C.  E.  Chadsey,  Superintendent  of 
Schools  of  Detroit. 

The  Ann  Arbor  Civic  Association  also  co-operated  with  the  University, 
offering  courses  in  typewriting,  stenography  and  domestic  science,  and 
conducting  an  extensive  program  of  popular  lectures  and  entertainments, 
in  addition  to  those  offered  by  the  University. 

Digitized  by 




The  scholastic  standing  of  the  fraternities,  sororities  and  other  house 
clubs  in  the  University  for  the  year  1913-14  is  shown  in  the  third  annual 
chart  which  has  just  been  made  public.  As  a  whole,  the  statistics  are  en- 
couraging. Comparison  with  the  two  previous  charts,  the  second  of  which 
was  published  in  the  October,  1913,  Alumnus,  is  interesting.  There  is  a 
noticeable  upward  movement  on  the  part  of  the  general  fraternities,  with 
the  average  raised  from  below  to  just  above  the  C  grade,  or  passing  line. 
This,  however,  is  the  lowest  general  average  in  any  classification.  The 
chart  reveals  the  fact  that  all  the  fraternities  are  still  way  below  all  the 
sororities,  with  one  exception,  a  sorority  in  which  most  of  the  members  are 
from  the  School  of  Music. 

Quite  noticeable  is  the  improvement  in  the  two  tail-enders  of  previous 
years,  Sigma  Phi,  which  is  now  well  above  the  average  grade,  advancing  to 
ninth  place  in  two  years,  and  Delta  Chi,  which  has  risen  to  just  above 
the  average  in  one  year.  The  lead  is  still  held  by  Kappa  Beta  Psi,  formerly 
known  as  the  Rocky  Mountain  Club.  The  highest  average  in  the  general 
classifications  is  that  of  the  "general  sororities,"  with  the  "other  women's 
clubs"  not  far  behind.  Both  of  these  classifications  are  well  above  the  aver- 
age for  the  entire  University,  while  all  the  men's  organizations  are  below. 
The  average  for  all  unorganized  students  is  slightly  above  the  general 
average,  while  that  of  all  house  clubs  is  somewhat  below, — a, rather  signifi- 
cant fact.  There  has  been  a  slight  falling-off  in  the  averages  of  "women's 
clubs"  other  than  sororities,  and  for  "other  men's  clubs,"  which  has  reduced 
the  general  average  for  all  house  clubs  slightly.  The  average  for  all  unor- 
ganized students  has  also  dropped  slightly  during  the  past  year. 

In  the  column  where  correction  was  needed  the  most,  that  of  the  gen- 
eral fraternities,  the  leaders  are  higher  than  last  year,  and  the  lowest  fra- 
ternity is  not  so  low.  The  general  emphasis  is  rather  above  the  C  grade, 
while  last  year  it  was  considerably  below.  The  rapid  rise  of  the  foot  of  the 
class  is  a  sure  indication  of  the  effect  of  the  publication  of  these  charts, 
though  it  is  to  be  regretted  that  certain  organizations  seem  contented  with 
the  average,  or  worse  than  average,  position,  which  they  hold.  The  way  in 
which  the  charts  have  been  heeded,  however,  is  a  striking  commentary  on 
the  need  for  some  such  stimulant  for  scholarship.  The  fraternities  them- 
selves have  become  conscious  of  the  need  of  improvement,  and  the  recent 
organization  on  their  own  initiative,  of  an  Inter-fraternity  Conference  is 
the  result.  After  a  series  of  conferences  with  the  University  Senate,  the 
fraternities  revised  their  house  rules,  and  of  their  own  accord  adopted  the 
more  stringent  regulations  regarding  rushing  and  initiating  freshmen,  which 
were  published  last  year.  The  upperclassmen  also  took  upon  themselves  the 
duty  of  watching  closely  the  work  of  the  lowerclassmen.  To  aid  in  these 
efforts  for  reform  the  fraternities  requested  that  the  comparative  standing 
of  each  fraternity,  sorority  and  other  organized  groups  be  made  public. 
These  charts  which  are  distributed  among  the  different  groups,  and  are 
widely  used  in  rushing  and  as  a  spur  for  lagging  students,  were  the  result. 

Digitized  by 





















-Phi  Delta  Phi 
-Phi  Alpha  Delta 





—Kappa  Alpha  Theta 
—Delta   Gamma 

-Pi  Beta  Phi 

—Alpha  Chi  Omega 
—Theta  Phi  Alpha 
-Chi  Omega 
—Kappa  Kappa  Gamma 
—Gamma  Phi  Beta 
-Alpha  Phi 


-Kappa  Beta  Psi 
-Pi  Lambda  Phi 





— General  Sororities 
—Other  Women's  Clubs 

— Unorganized  Students 

Digitized  by 












1        : 



1           \ 

—Gamma  Eta  Gamma 

-Phi  Delta  Chi 
—Delta  Theta  Phi 

c                                               : 

0                                               . 


r-Sigma  Upsilon  Psi 
— DelU  Kappa  Epsilon 

—Alpha  Tau  Omega 

-Phi  Kappa  Sigma 
-Chi    Psl 
-Beta   Theta   Pi 
-Sigma  Phi 
—Phi  Sigma  Tau 
—Delta  Upsilon 
-Phi   Gamma  Delta 

—Alpha  Sigma  Phi 
-Lambda  Chi  Alpha 
—Delta  Chi 
-Zeta  Psi 
—Zeta   Beta  Tau 

-Phi  Chi  Delta 

—Sigma  Nu 
—Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon 
—Theta  Delta  Chi 
-Alpha  Delta  Phi 
—Sigma  Phi  Epsilon 
—Kappa  Sigma 

—Phi  Delta  Theta 
-Sigma  Chi 

—Psi  Upsilon 
—Phi  Kappa  Psi 
—Delta  Tau  Delta 

-Bntirt  Univtrtlty 

— AU  Housa  Cuba 

—Other  Men'a  Clubs 
—Prol.  Fraternities 

—General  Fraternities 

Digitized  by 




The  following  arrangements  have  been  made  by  the  Athletic  Associa- 
tion for  the  accommodation  of  Michigan  and  Pennsylvania  alumni  and  their 
friends  in  the  distribution  of  seats  for  the  Pennsylvania  game  on  November 
7.  All  applications  for  tickets  should  be  made  out  to  P.  G.  Bartelme,  Ann 
Arbor,  and  mailed  at  once,  as  all  applications  will  be  filled  in  the  order  hi 
which  they  are  received.  This  is  important.  In  any  case,  the  management 
does  not  guarantee  to  furnish  the  seats  in  any  particular  location,  although 
if  a  special  stand  or  section  is  specified,  the  sender's  wishes  will  be  followed 
as  far  as  possible.  When  that  cannot  be  done,  seats  will  be  assigned  in  the 
best  possible  location  remaining,  at  the  discretion  of  the  management.  All 
applications  must  be  in  writing,  and  should  reach  the  Athletic  Association 
on  or  before  October  31  for  the  Pennsylvania  game.  The  same  arrange- 
ments are  in  force  for  the  Cornell  game,  which  is  to  be  held  Saturday, 
November  14,  for  which  applications  should  reach  the  Association  on  or 
before  November  7.  Remittances  must  be  made  by  New  York,  Chicago 
or  Detroit  exchange,  postoffice  or  express  money  order,  payable  to  P.  G. 
Bartelme.  Twelve  cents  in  stamps  should  be  included  for  return  postage 
and  registering. 

The  prices  of  reserved  seats  for  both,  including  admission,  are  as 
follows : 

Side  Bleacher  Seats,  each $2 .00 

Box  Seats  from  the  20-yard  line  to  the  end  of  the  field 

(six  seats  in  each  box)  each  seat ' 3.00 

Box  Seats  between  the  20-yard  lines  (six  seats  in  ^ich  box) 

Each  seat 4.00 

Special  transportation  arrangements  will  be  made  by  the  Michigan  Cen- 
tral and  Ann  Arbor  Railroads  and  the  interurban  lines,  so  that  there  will  be 
ample  train  service  from  all  points  where  the  business  warrants.  Many 
of  these  special  trains  will  be  run  on  the  Ann  Arbor  tracks  direct  to  the 

Arrangements  have  also  been  made  with  the  Harvard  Athletic  Asso- 
ciation whereby  the  University  has  the  privilege  of  distributing  reservations 
for  the  Harvard  game  to  the  Michigan  alumni  and  their  friends.  This 
will  bring  Michigan's  supporters  together  in  one  of  the  most  desirable 
sections  of  the  east  side  of  the  Harvard  Stadium.  Tickets  can  be  secured 
through  Mr.  Bartelme,  and  applications  should  be  made  directly.  Ar- 
rangements are  being  perfected  for  a  special  train  leaving  Ann  Arbor  and 
Detroit  on  Thursday  afternoon,  arriving  in  Boston  Friday  noon.  For  fur- 
ther particulars,  write  Mr.  L.  D.  Heusner,  Passenger  Department,  M.  C. 
R.  R.,  Detroit,  Mich. 


Dr.  John  Black  Johnston,  of  the  class  of  '93,  was  on  April  i  appointed 
by  the  Board  of  Regents  of  the  University  of  Minnesota  as  Dean  of  the 
College  of  Science,  Literature,  and  the  Arts.    Although  a  specialist  in  com- 

Digitized  by 



parative  neurology,  Dr.  Johnston  has  shown  himself  well  adapted  to  gen- 
eral executive  work,  and  was  really  elected  by  a  referendum  vote  of  the 
entire  faculty  of  the  college.  A  discussion  of  "University  Organization*' 
by  Dr.  Johnston  appears  on  page  20.    A  biographical  sketch  follows: 

John  Black  Johnston  was  bom  on  October  3,  1868,  at  Belle  Center, 
Ohio.  Entering  the  University  with  the  class  of  1893,  ^^  was  graduated 
with  the  degree  of  Ph.B.,  receiving  his  doctor's  degree  six  years  later. 
Upon  graduation  he  became  assistant,  and  then  instructor  in  zoology  in  the 
University,  remaining  in  Ann  Arbor  until  1899,  when  he  left  to  become 


Courtesy  of  the  Minnesota  Alumni  Weekly 

assistant  professor  of  zoology  in  the  University  of  West  Virginia.  The 
next  year  he  was  made  professor  in  the  same  subject,  and  in  1907 
he  was  called  to  the  University  of  Minnesota  as  assistant  professor 
of  anatomy  of  the  nervous  system.  Here  he  has  remained,  becom- 
ing in  1908  associate  professor  of  comparative  neurology,  and  the 
next  year  professor  of  that  subject.  The  summers  of  1896  and 
1901  he  spent  at  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  in  further  study, 
and  the  summer  of  1904  he  was  at  the  Bermuda  Biological  Station.  In 
1904-5  he  was  a  student  at  the  Zoological  Station  at  Naples  and  the  Uni- 
versity of  Freiburg.  Since  1910  he  has  acted  as  secretary  of  the  medical 
faculty,  and  since   1911   as  editor-in-chief  of  the  Research  Publications. 

Digitized  by 



Dean  Johnston  has  been  a  frequent  contributor  to  various  scientific  maga- 
zines, and  has  written  a  number  of  books  and  papers  dealing  with  his 
specialty.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Editorial  Board  of  the  Journal  of  Com- 
parative Neurology  and  a  membet*  of  the  International  Brain  Commission. 
He  is  a  charter  member  of  the  Michigan  Academy  of  Science  and  the  Min- 
nesota Neurological  Society ;  a  member  of  the  American  Society  of  Zoolo- 
gists ;  the  American  Naturalists ;  the  American  Association  of  Anatomists ; 
Sigma  Xi ;  and  is  a  Fellow  in  the  A.  A.  A.  S. 


Congressman  William  Graves  Sharp,  of  the  law  class  of  1881,  was  on 
June  18  confirmed  by  the  Senate  as  Ambassador  to  France,  succeeding 
Myron  T.  Herrick,  formerly  Governor  of  Ohio.     Ambassador  Sharp  is 


now  in  Paris,  but  will  not  take  up  his  official  duties  until  the  present  crisis 
is  over. 

Bom  in  Mt.  Gilead,  Ohio,  March  14,  1859,  Ambassador  Sharp  entered 
the  Law  Department  in  1879,  graduating  two  years  later.  While  at  the 
University  he  also  spent  much  of  his  time  in  study  under  Professor  C.  K. 
Adams,  and  Professor  Moses  Coit  Tyler.  In  the  succeeding  years  he  has 
kept  up  his  scientific  studies,  his  particular  interest  being  astronomy 
Since  leaving  the  University   he   has  been   engaged  as   a   capitalist   and 

Digitized  by 



manufacturer,  principally  in  the  iron  and  timber  industry,  and  for  many 
years  was  associated  with  some  of  the  most  prominent  business  men  of 
Detroit.  He  has  always  taken  an  absorbing  interest  in  politics,  serving  as 
prosecuting  attorney  of  Lorain  County,  Ohio,  from  1885-8,  and  as  member 
of  Congress  from  the  14th  Ohio  District  in  the  6ist  and  626.  Congresses. 
Nearly  twenty  years  ago,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Hallie  Clough,  of  Elyria, 
and  has  five  children,  one  of  whom,  his  namesake,  he  is  preparing  for 
admission  to  the  University  of  Michigan. 


Through  the  generosity  of  Mr.  Dean  C.  Worcester,  '89,  ScD.  (hon) 
'14,  member  of  the  second  Philippine  Commission,  and  until  recently 
Secretary  of  the  Interior  of  the  Philippine  Islands,  the  University  has 
received  a  large  and  very  valuable  collection  of  documents  relating  to  the 
Philippine  Islands.  This  gift  to  the  University  was  made  known  to  the 
Regents  at  their  July  meeting  through  a  letter  from  Mr.  Worcester  describ- 
ing in  some  detail  the  character  of  the  collection. 

The  collection  represents  the  work  of  more  than  fourteen  years  of 
service  in  the  Philippines.  Some  of  the  documents  are  printed,  many  of 
theni  are  in  manuscript,  while  a  considerable  number  are  of  a  confidential 
nature.  Included  in  the  list  are  notes  made  on  numerous  exploring  expe- 
ditions into  territory  pre\'iously  unknown  or  wtvy  imperfectly  known,  un- 
der Mr.  Worcester's  immediate  supervision.  They  are  illustrated  with 
numerous  photographs  which  are  now  of  considerable  value,  and  will  be- 
come more  valuable  with  the  lapse  of  time. 

There  are  copies  of  many  of  the  official  letters  written  during  Mr. 
Worcester's  incumbency  as  Secretary  of  the  Interior  of  the  Islands,  of 
which  he  kept  separate  copies,  as  well  as  of  many  important  endorsements. 
These  have  all  been  bound  by  years  and  indexed.  Copies  of  all  documents 
in  connection  with  a  number  of  important  questions  which  provoked  more 
or  less  controversy  are  also  preserved,  while  there  is  a  fairly  complete 
set  of  official  reports  and  government  publications  of  every  description. 
There  is  also  a  valuable  collection  of  newspaper  clippings  dealing  with  im- 
portant events. 

The  only  expense  to  the  University  connected  with  this  very  important 
gift  is  the  actual  cost  of  packing  and  transportation,  of  such  documents 
as  may  be  transmitted  from  time  to  time.  There  are  a  few  restrictions  which 
arise  out  of  the  confidential  nature  of  some  of  the  documents,  some  of 
which  will  be  sealed,  and  are  not  to  be  opened  until  a  date  noted  on  the  out- 

In  accepting  this  generous  gift,  the  Board  of  Regents  provided  that 
the  collection  should  be  amply  cared  for  in  the  new  reserve  book  stacks 
of  the  University  Library,  and  that  it  should  be  known  as  the  Dean  C. 
Worcester  Collection  of  Manuscripts  and  Books  Dealing  with  the  Philipn 

Further  provision  was  made  for  the  copying  of  a  series  of  selected 
documents,  numbering  some  250,000,  which  were  captured  by  the  army 

Digitized  by 



during  the  insurrection  in  the  Philippines.  These  were  written  in  Spanish, 
Spanish  cipher,  Tagalog  or  Tagalog  cipher  and  some  even  in  Visayan  or 
other  native  dialects.  They  had  been  translated  by  Major  J.  R.  M.  Taylor, 
of  the  Department  of  Military  Information,  who  with  a  corps  of  assist- 
ants worked  for  four  years  translating  and  classifying  them.  Major  Taylor 
also  wrote  an  important  historical  narrative  covering  the  last  insurrection 
of  the  Philippines  against  Spain,  the  insurrection  against  the  United  States 
and  the  establishment  of  civil  government,  supporting  his  statements  by  more 
than  1, 800  carefully  selected  documents  which  were  attached  as  exhibits. 

It  had  been  originally  intended  to  publish  this  matter,  but  the  plan  was 
abandoned  when  the  type  was  set  and  standing.  The  plates  were  destroyed, 
but  four  sets  of  galley  proof  had  fortunately  been  taken.  One  set  of  these 
proofs,  at  present  the  property  of  Major-General  J.  F.  Bell,  is  now  in 
Mr.  Worcester's  custody.  As  the  documents  are  of  very  great  importance 
in  adding  great  understanding  of  past  and  present  conditions  in  the  Phil- 
ippine Islands,  it  is  suggested  by  Mr.  Worcester  that  a  typewritten  copy  be 
made  of  them.  Provision  was  accordingly  made  by  the  University  for 
copying  the  matter,  which  consists  of  some  987  galleys,  the  whole  forming 
a  great  addition  to  the  collection. 

In  connection  with  Dean  C.  Worcester's  gift,  it  is  also  a  pleasure  to 
notice  a  gift  to  the  University  of  Dr.  C.  B.  de  Nancrede,  Professor  of 
Surgery  in  the  Medical  Department,  received  by  the  Regents  at  the  same 
meeting.  In  a  letter  to  the  Board  Dr.  de  Nancrede  stated  that  he  had  a 
number  of  useful  and  valuable  medical  instruments  which  he  desired  to 
present  to  the  University  Hospital,  where  he  hoped  they  might  prove  as 
serviceable  as  they  had  in  the  past.  Although  they  are  not  now  capable  of 
being  sold  for  any  such  amount,  the  original  cost  was  about  $1,000,  and  it 
would  require  that  sum  to  duplicate  them.  Dr.  de  Nancrede  also  found  that 
he  had  some  hundreds  of  medical  works  in  his  possession  which  were  not 
in  the  possession  of  the  University  Library,  and  he  asked  that  such  books 
as  were  not  duplicates  be  accepted  by  the  University  in  order  that  they 
might  be  of  use  to  students.  Dr.  de  Nancrede  estimates  that  there  are  about 
500  volumes  in  the  collection. 


Construction  of  the  concrete  football  stand  has  been  progressing  rap- 
idly all  summer  long,  and  was  practically  complete  on  September  11.  All 
that  remained  to  be  done  after  this  date  was  the  placing  of  a  large  portion 
of  the  ten  inch  plank  seats  on  their  concrete  pedestals.  Half  of  the  stand 
was  ready  for  use  at  the  time  of  the  early  games  of  the  season,  while  the 
whole  stand  will  be  dedicated,  it  is  expected,  at  the  Pennsylvania  game  on 
November  7,  19 14. 

The  seats  of  the  stand  are  arranged  somewhat  differently  from  those 
in  the  stadiums  of  other  universities.  For  a  person  of  ordinary  height 
there  will  be  four  inches  clearance  above  any  person  sitting  in  front  of  him. 

Digitized  by 



a  result  obtained  by  constructing  the  first  eleven  rows  with  9-inch  risers, 
the  second  eleven  with  lo-inch  risers,  the  third  eleven  with  ii-inch  risers, 
the  fourth  eleven  with  12-inch  risers  and  the  last  eleven  with  13-inch  risers. 
This  arrangement,  which  gives  the  stand  a  graceful,  concave  appearance, 
has,  according  to  the  athletic  authorities,  caused  a  rather  amusing  rumor 
to  be  circulated  to  the  effect  that  the  stand  was  sinking  in  tlje  middle. 

A  careful  study  of  the  concrete  stands  and  stadiums  elsewhere  was 
made  by  the  Board  in  Control  of  Athletics  before  the  plans  for  this  new 
one  were  prepared.  The  Board  feels  confident  that  for  the  purposes  in- 
tended, viz.,  to  seat  as  large  a  number  of  people  as  possible  comfortably, 
and  to  bring  them  as  close  as  possible  to  the  field  of  play,  the  type  of  this 
new  stand  is  superior  to  any  other,  though  costing  considerably  less  per 

Some  comparative  figures  with  the  stands  at  Yale,  Harvard  and  Chi- 
cago have  been  prepared  by  the  Association.  The  capacity  of  the  present 
structure,  which  is  one  side  of  the  projected  stadium,  is  13,200.  The 
capacity  of  the  stand  partially  completed  at  Chicago  is  8,800;  for  the 
complete  stadium  at  Harvard  39,000,  and  61,500  for  the  "bowl"  at  Yale. 
Whereas  the  present  structure  at  Michigan  cost  $55,000,  Yale's  will  cost 
$550,000,  with  the  others  somewhat  less.  There  are  55  rows  in  the  Mich- 
igan stand  as  against  33  at  Chicago,  31  at  Harvard  and  57  at  Yale.  The 
distance  from  the  side  line  of  the  thirty-first  row  at  Michigan  is  104  feet,  at 
Chicago  115  feet,  at  Harvard  106  feet  and  at  Yale  148  feet,  while  the  dis- 
tance from  the  goal  line,  if  extended  across  the  stand,  at  Michigan  is  about 
30  feet,  at  Chicago  about  75  feet,  at  Harvard  about  65  feet  and  at  Yale 
about  30  feet.  The  final  capacity  of  the  stand  will  be  in  the  neighborhood 
of  52,000,  as  against  31,000  at  Chicago,  46,500  at  Harvard,  and  61,500  at 
Yale,  while  the  cost  will  be  $275,000.  The  completed  Chicago  stand  will 
cost  about  $450,000,  while  Harvard's,  which  is  not  yet  entirely  complete, 
will  be  $500,000. 


Digitized  by 


20  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  f  October 


This  subject  has  become  in  recent  years  one  of  intense  interest.  In 
most  utterances  on  the  subject  the  prominent  feature  is  the  statement  that 
our  universities  are  undemocratic,  that  they  are  monarchical  institutions  in 
a  democratic  countr)'.  This  criticism  takes  various  forms.  When  a  uni- 
versity president  speaks,  the  shortcomings  of  the  university  are  due  to  the 
fact  that  the  governing  board  are  ignorant,  shallow-minded,  arrogant  and 
headstrong ;  that  they  insist  upon  deciding  matters  beyond  their  knowledge 
and  will  not  be  guided  by  the  president.  When  a  university  professor 
speaks  it  is  the  university  presidency  which  is  at  fault.  Autocracy,  blind- 
ness, willfulness,  prejudice,  partiality,  lofty-mindedness,  oratorical  ability, 
money-getting  talents,  piety  and  many  other  virtues  and  vices  are  ascribed 
to  our  presidents,  but  in  the  minds  of  nearly  all  writers  the  presidency  is 
an  unsatisfactory  tool.  When  an  outsider  speaks,  both  president  and  gov- 
erning board  are  parts  of  a  vicious  organization. 

Let  us  grant  that  there  is  much  truth  in  this.  Boards  may  be  unwise ; 
the  presidency  may  be  unequal  to  its  responsibilities  and  opportunities.  Yet 
there  is  a  third  point  of  view,  a  more  ifundamental  consideration.  In  the 
American  University,  as  in  the  Russian  political  system,  the  chief  difficulty 
is  not  with  the  autocrat,  but  with  the  bureaucrat.  In  my  opinion,  we  can 
not  go  much  farther  astray  than  baldly  to  lay  the  shortcomings  of  our  uni- 
versities upon  the  president.  As  for  the  presidency,  it  is  part  of  a  great 
system ;  the  president  is  the  unfortunate  occupant  of  an  office. 

Let  us  see  how  the  matter  stands.  Any  large  institution  such  as  one 
of  our  universities,  in  order  to  be  successful,  must  have  general  aims  or 
policies,  must  have  an  organization  to  carry  them  out,  and  must  secure  at 
once  the  successful  operation  of  each  of  its  subdivisions  in  its  own  sphere 
and  the  co-operation  of  each  of  these  in  the  larger  ends  of  the  whole.  The 
president  is  given,  nominally  at  least,  the  responsibility  of  directing  this 
organization  in  general  and  the  right,  when  necessity  arises,  to  intervene  in 
the  conduct  of  any  of  the  parts  in  order  to  make  them  efficient  and  to  adjust 
their  relations  with  the  remainder  of  the  institution.  Can. any  president  do 
this  under  present  conditions? 

To  bring  about  efficient  work  for  desirable  ends  in  any  large  institution 
certain  things  are  necessary.  First,  a  knowledge  of  what  are  the  desirable 
aims  or  ideals  for  that  institution  and  of  how  these  ideals  should  be  adjusted 
to  the  conditions  of  human  life  and  to  the  life  of  the  particular  community 
from  time  to  time.  Second,  a  knowledge  on  the  part  of  the  executive  of 
the  workings  of  all  parts  of  the  institution  and  of  the  abilities  of  each  mem- 
ber of  the  staff.  Third,  the  possession  of  actual  power  by  the  executive  to 
secure  the  co-operation  of  all  parts  in  whatever  is  for  the  common  welfare. 
This  is  true  no  matter  whether  the  common  welfare  is  found  in  the  closest 
centralization  or  in  the  greatest  freedom  of  individual  action,  no  matter 

♦This  address  was  delivered  by  Dean  John  Black  Johnston  (Michigan  '93),  of- 
the  University  of  Minnesota,  before  a  group  of  faculty  men  last  November.  It 
appeared  in  Science  last  December  and  in  the  Minnesota  Alumni  Weekly  of  April  13, 
1914, — Editor. 

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whether  the  executive  is  a  president  or  a  committee  or  takes  some  other 
form.  Our  universities  must  be  organized,  must  have  common  ends  and 
must  exercise  executive  power,  if  the  only  end  of  that  power  be  to  secure 
anarchy.  It  is  my  purpose  to  inquire  what  is  wrong  with  the  present  organ- 
ization that  our  universities  should  work  so  badly  and  that  individuals 
should  suflfer  so  in  the  process. 

Where  does  a  university  get  its  ideals  or  policies?  Necessarily,  they 
become  the  possession  of  the  institution  through  the  expression  of  ideas  or 
opinions  by  members  of  the  faculty  and  student  body  and  through  the 
acaimulation  of  such  ideas  in  the  form  known  as  traditions.  Individuals  in 
the  university,  whether  president,  instructors  or  students,  necessarily  fur- 
nish the  ideas  out  of  which  common  aims  are  constructed  and  in  accordance 
with  which  old  aims  are  adjusted  to  new  conditions.  Is  there  at  the  present 
time  any  adequate  means  by  which  the  ideas  of  individuals  can  be  made 
available  for  the  common  good  ?  Two  illustrations  will  answer  the  question 
in  part.  The  head  of  a  university  department  called  together  his  entire 
staff  including  student  assistants  to  discuss  the  organization  of  teaching 
with  a  view  to  improving  the  arrangement  and  content  of  the  courses  of 
study.  The  whole  matter  was  discussed  at  two  successive  meetings,  the 
professors  talking  over  various  plans  without  coming  to  any  satisfactory 
conclusion.  Instructors  and  assistants  had  been  asked  to  think  over  the 
matter  and  at  the  second  meeting  each  one  in  turn  was  called  upon  for  sug- 
gestions. One  assistant  had  a  plan  entirely  different  from  anything  that 
had  been  suggested.  He  outlined  it  and  showed  how  it  would  improve  the 
teaching  and  bring  about  a  better  correlation  in  the  work  of  the  department. 
The  men  of  professorial  rank  criticized  the  plan  severely  and  the  young  man 
was  made  to  feel  that  he  was  presumptuous  in  proportion  as  his  plan  was 
chimerical.  After  a  rather  long  interval  a  third  meeting  was  called.  The 
head  of  the  department  announced  that  a  plan  had  been  devised,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  outline  the  identical  plan  which  had  been  proposed  by  the  assistant. 
It  remained  in  effect  for  several  years.  Absolutely  no  hint  of  credit  or  rec- 
ognition was  ever  given  to  the  young  man.  Again,  an  instructor  arose  in 
general  faculty  meeting  in  an  arts  college  in  a  state  university  and  discusi^ed 
a  pending  question  at  some  length  and  with  much  cogency.  His  friends 
were  filled  with  apprehension  and  one  of  them  finally  succeeded  in  signalling 
to  the  speaker  to  desist.  He  was  afterwards  informed  by  the  dean  that  men 
below  the  rank  of  assistant  professor  were  not  expected  to  debate  questions 
in  the  facuky.  Instances  might  be  multiplied  to  show  that  great  difficulties 
stand  in  the  way  of  the  ideas  of  young  men  finding  expression  or  receiving 
consideration  in  our  universities.  It  is  a  well-known  fact  that  in  many  de- 
partments the  young  men  never  know  what  plans  are  afoot  until  their 
duties  are  assigned  them.  And  yet  the  young  men  are  the  only  ones  who 
can  offer  any  new  ideas  to  their  institutions.  Let  it  not  be  thought  that  the 
writer  has  any  personal  interest  in  this  aspect  of  the  question.  He  has 
passed  the  time  when  he  can  expect  to  produce  any  neiv  ideas.  Whatever 
new  ideas  he  might  have  contributed  to  the  universities  with  which  he  has 
been  connected  are  lost  forever, — unless  indeed,  ear  is  still  given  to  what 

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he  might  have  said  years  ago.  Of  course,  that  is  precisely  what  our  mode 
of  organization  means.  The  university  forbids  a  young  man  to  speak  until 
he  becomes  a  professor.  Then  if  he  has  not  forgotten  the  ideas  which  came 
to  him  in  the  days  of  his  youth  and  enthusiasm,  or  if  the  time  for  their 
application  has  not  long  gone  by,  the  institution  is  willing  to  listen  to  him. 
That  ensures  conservatism, — but  not  progress.  It  means  that  the  university 
never  adjusts  its  ideals  to  the  times  but  is  forever  denying  itself  the  infor- 
mation which  its  individual  members  could  supply. 

If  the  university  is  slow  and  inefficient  in  securing  information  as 
to  what  should  be  its  aims  and  policies,  what  about  the  sources  of 
information  for  the  executive  as  to  how  those  policies  are  being  carried 
out?  The  president  depends  for  his  information  first  upon  the  deans  of 
colleges  and  schools,  and  second,  upon  the  heads  of  departments.  He  de- 
pends upon  these  men  also  for  executive  functions  under  his  direction.  The 
president  must  depend  upon  these  men  for  information,  since  he  can  not  by 
any  possibility  know  all  the  details  by  his  own  observation.  Neither  can  he 
go  personally  to  all  individuals  for  information.  In  general  the  president 
is  equally  under  the  necessity  of  following  the  advice  of  his  heads  of  depart- 
ments, since  otherwise  he  would  lose  their  confidence  and  his  only  source 
of  information.  The  president  instead  of  being  the  autocratic  monster  that 
he  is.  depicted,  is  in  an  almost  pitiable  situation.  Unless  he  be  a  man  of 
altogether  extraordinary  energy  and  strength  of  purpose,  he  is  wholly  at 
the  mercy  of  his  heads  of  departments.  So  far  as  the  heads  of  departments 
are  honest,  wise  and  possessed  of  ideals  for  the  common  good  the  president 
is  fortunate,  and  nothing  that  I  may  say  in  this  talk  can  be  construed  as  a 
criticism  of  such  men.  But  heads  of  departments  are  endowed  with  human 
nature,  and  it  is  well  known  that  they  exhibit  it  in  the  conduct  of  their 

In  one  case  a  department  of  chemistry  was  equipped  with  a  great 
amount  of  expensive  glassware  and  analytical  apparatus  of  which  the  head 
of  the  department  did  not  know  the  uses,  while  the  students'  tables  were 
almost  devoid  of  ordinary  reagent  bottles.  The  younger  men  in  the  depart- 
ment were  unable  for  a  long  time  to  secure  the  ordinary  equipment  needed. 
In  other  cases  men  who  were  drawing  full  professors'  salaries  have  taken 
their  time  for  outside  professional  work  or  for  dealing  in  real  estate,  coal 
or  gas,  neglecting  their  teaching  and  imposing  extra  work  on  the  instructors 
to  the  detriment  of  both  instructors  and  students.  A  head  of  department 
may  carry  on  for  years  policies  which  are  not  approved  by  a  single  member 
of  his  staff;  may  absent  himself  from  all  teaching  whatever;  may  neglect 
to  do  any  research  work  or  contribute  anything  to  the  advancement  of  his 
science;  may  pursue  constantly  a  policy  of  selfish  material  aggrandizement 
for  which  the  department  suffers  both  in  the  esteem  of  the  university  and 
in  the  decrease  of  scientific  work  which  the  members  of  staff  can  do ;  may 
deliberately  sacrifice  the  interests  of  the  students  to  his  personal  ambitions, 
and  may  in  these  ways  cause  constant  friction  and  great  waste  of  energy 
throughout  the  college — all  this  while  maintaining  a  pretense,  or  even  a 
belief,  that  he  is  a  most  public-spirited  and  useful  member  of  the  faculty. 

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The  head  may  conduct  his  department  in  such  a  way  as  to  make  research 
impossible  and  even  drive  men  out  of  his  department  because  they  do  re- 
search, all  the  while  that  he  himself  talks  of  the  importance  of  research. 
Heads  may  appoint  to  high  positions  men  who  have  given  no  evidence  what- 
ever of  their  qualifications  for  the  woiit  proposed.  Heads  of  departments 
and  deans  have  been  known  to  use  their  offices  to  secure  advancement  for 
their  personal  friends  and  are  able  to  sidetrack  valuable  proposals  for  the 
common  good  which  threaten  to  compete  with  their  own  interests. 

The  head  of  a  department  enjoys  a  remarkable  liberty  in  the  conduct 
of  his  department  and  in  the  performance  of  his  individual  duties.  He  may 
suppress  the  individualism  of  his  staff  members,  ignore  any  suggestions 
which  they  may  make,  and  dismiss  them  if  they  insist  upon  their  ideas.  He 
may  falsify  the  reports  as  to  the  teaching  and  other  work  done  by  himself 
and  by  members  of  his  staff.  If  subordinate  members  of  the  staff  have 
different  ideas  as  to  the  conduct  of  the  departments  they  are  vigorously 
overruled  by  the  head,  and  if  any  question  of  bad  policy  or  of  injustice  is 
brought  to  the  stage  of  investigation  by  the  president,  that  officer  is  gov- 
erned by  the  principle  that  all  matters  of  testimony  must  be  construed  by  him 
in  a  light  as  favorable  as  possible  to  the  head  of  the  department.  The  pres- 
ident is  bound  to  do  this  because  he  is  dependent  upon  his  heads  of  depart- 
ments for  information,  advice  and  executive  assistance.  The  "heads  of 
departments"  thus  become  a  system  which  involves  the  president  and  from 
the  toils  of  which  he  can  not  easily  extricate  himself.  It  is  a  matter  of  com- 
mon knowledge  that  in  some  departments  no  member  of  staff  is  asked  for 
his  opinions  or  is  encouraged  to  hold  or  express  independent  views,  that 
younger  members  of  the  faculty  commonly  dare  not  express  themselves 
publicly  or  go  to  the  president  or  dean  in  matters  in  which  they  differ  from 
the  heads  of  their  departments,  and  that  generally  the  department  head 
assumes  that  the  decision  of  any  question  resides  with  the  "responsible 
head,'*  regardless  of  the  views  of  his  subordinates.  There  is  no  way  in 
which  the  members  of  staff  can  influence  the  policy  of  their  department, 
there  is  no  channel  by  which  the  facts  can  be  brought  effectively  to  the 
notice  of  the  president  or  governing  board,  and  there  is  no  assurance  in  our 
present  form  of  organization  that  the  welfare  of  the  staff  or  their  opinions 
as  to  the  welfare  of  the  university  would  receive  consideration  if  opposed 
to  the  desires  of  the  department  head.  All  this  is  expressed  in  common 
university  parlance  by  saying  that  the  head  regards  the  department  as  his 
personal  property  and  the  members  of  staff  as  his  hired  men. 

I  believe  that  a  truer  statement  of  the  case  is  this.  Some  years  ago 
each  subject  was  taught  by  a  single  professor.  The  growth  in  the  number 
of  students  made  it  necessary  to  appoint  new  instructors  to  assist  the  pro- 
fessor. At  first  these  assistants  were  very  subordinate  in  years  and  experi- 
ence and  it  was  only  natural  that  the  responsibility  for  the  work  of  the 
department  should  remain  with  the  professor.  With  further  growth  of  the 
institution  the  department  staff  has  come  to  include  several  instructors  and 
professors,  each  of  whom  has  a  primary  interest  and  responsibility  in  the 
welfare  of  the  department  and  of  the  institution.     Instead  of  this  being 

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recognized,  the  full  powers  of  the  department  have  been  left  in  the  hands 
of  the  original  head.  These  heads  have  in  consequence  come  into  control  of 
these  sources  of  information  to  the  executive,  have  jealously  guarded  their 
great  powers,  and  are  able  to  direct  departmental  and  university  policies 
through  holding  the  president  in  ignorance  and  their  subordinates  in  con- 
tempt. In  other  words,  university  control  has  come  to  be  vested  in  a  system 
of  irresponsible  heads  of  departments.  This  was  what  was  meant  in  the 
beginning  by  saying  that  the  difficulty  lies  not  with  the  autocrat,  but  with 
the  bureaucrat.  More  than  one  well-meaning  university  president  has 
recognized  the  situation,  admitted  his  powerlessness  at  critical  periods  and 
has  sought  to  extricate  himself  and  his  university  by  having  recourse  to 
private  interviews  and  by  appointment  of  advisory  committees. 

If  the  only  evils  of  this  system  were  that  it  entails  upon  the  president 
great  difficulties  of  university  management  and  results  in  the  misdirection 
of  department  affairs  and  the  waste  of  material  resources,  it  would  not  be 
so  intolerable.  Its  more  serious  effects  are  that  it  lowers  the  efficiency  and 
the  moral  and  spiritual  tone  of  the  whole  institution,  that  it  wastes  the  time 
and  energy  of  whole  staffs  in  order  that  the  head  may  take  his  ease  or 
satisfy  his  ambitions.  Moreover,  taking  away  from  faculty  members  the 
responsibility  for  the  conception  and  execution  of  university  policies  is  the 
best  possible  way  to  break  down  the  practical  efficiency  of  these  men  and 
to  reduce  the  college  professor  by  a  process  of  natural  selection  to  the 
impractical,  inexperienced  hireling  that  he  is  popularly  supposed  to  be. 
Whether  this  is  in  part  the  cause  of  the  wretched  teaching  which  is  done 
in  our  universities  and  of  the  lack  of  standards  of  work  and  of  character 
for  the  student,  I  leave  you  to  judge. 

There  is  a  second  unfortunate  feature  in  our  university  organization 
to  which  I  will  give  only  brief  attention.  This  is  the  prominence  of  the 
colleges  and  schools  and  the  sharp  boundaries  between  them.  The  colleges 
are  not  based  upon  any  natural  subdivision  of  knowledge,  but  upon  practical 
or  technical  grounds.  Each  college  has  in  view  the  esteem  of  its  own 
profession  and  has  little  sympathy  with  other  colleges  which  make  up  the 
university.  The  ver>^  existence  of  the  colleges  creates  special  interests  and 
produces  strife  which  is  in  no  way  related  to  the  welfare  of  the  student  or 
the  general  public.  Teaching  and  equipment — apparatus,  supplies,  library 
— are  duplicated,  the  natural  relations  of  fields  of  knowledge  are  subordin- 
ated to  the  practical  application  of  specific  facts  and  laws,  college  walls 
and  college  interests  intervene  to  prevent  the  student  from  following  co- 
related  subjects  in  which  he  is  in-terested,  professional  interests  and  pro- 
fessional ideals  begin  early  to  narrow  the  student's  vision  and  to  substitute 
professional  tradition  and  practice  for  sound  judgment  and  an  open  mind. 
All  this  is  unfortunate.  The  professions  should  foster  but  not  confine  their 
apprentices.  A  student  preparing  for  professional  work  should  have  the 
advantage  of  the  traditions  and  practices  prevailing  in  the  profession,  but 
those  traditions  and  practices  should  not  constitute  limitations  on  his  oppor- 
tunities, his  enterprise  or  his  initiative. 

A  third  evil  tendency  in  pur  universities  is  the  growing  complexity  of 
administrative  organization.     Good  results  cannot  be  secured  by  relying 

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chiefly  on  a  system  of  checks  and  safeguards.  These  cannot  replace  cap- 
ability, honesty  and  a  genuine  interest  in  the  university's  welfare.  Checks 
and  safeguards  can  at  best  only  prevent  some  abuses,  while  they  certainly 
place  obstacles  in  the  way  of  men  who  would  do  honest  work.  It  is  of  doubt- 
ful valive  to  set  a  sheep  dog  to  keep  cats  from  killing  young  chickens — 
especially  when  the  main  business  of  the  imiversity  is  not  to  raise  either 
sheep  or  chickens,  but  to  rear  men.  There  is  a  constant  danger  that  good 
men  will  be  obliged  to  kotow  to  administrative  officials^  who  ought  to  be 
servants  but  who  proclaim  themselves  masters.  To  appoint  capable  men 
and  to  place  confidence  in  their  concordant  judgment  would  at  once  prevent 
the  abuses  and  secure  the  desirable  ends. 



The  functions  of  a  university  are  three.  First,  to  bring  together 
teachers  and  students  under  such  conditions  that  the  whole  field  of  know- 
ledge is  opened  to  the  student  and  he  is  offered  competent  and  reliable 
advice  and  assistance  in  his  studies.  The  second  function  arises  from  the  . 
responsibility  for  the  competent  direction  of  the  student's  work.  The  uni- 
versity must  examine  the  foundations  of  its  authority  by  making  original 
investigations  to  test,  correct  and  enlarge  the  existing  body  of  knowledge. 
No  institution  which  neglects  to  prosecute  research  in  as  many  fields  as 
practical  conditions  permit,  is  worthy  of  the  name  of  university.  The  third 
function  of  a  university  is  to  make  its  store  of  knowledge  practically  avail- 
able to  its  community  and  patrons  and  to  stimulate  in  the  members  and  the 
community  an  interest  in  the  further  acquisition  of  knowledge. 

The  university  is  thus  concerned  with  knowledge  and  its  applications. 
University  organization  exists  for  the  purpose  of  securing  suitable  conditions 
for  research  and  teaching,  for  the  acquisition  and  the  application  of  knowl- 
edge. Certain  of  the  conditions  of  successful  work  in  a  university  may  be 
laid  down  without  argument.  First,  thaft  each  individual  instructor  or  stu- 
dent should  enjoy  freedom  and  bear  responsibility  in  his  work,  i.  e.,  he 
should  be  judged  by  his  achievements.  Second,  the  recognition  of  the  facts 
that  dealing  with  knowledge  is  the  central  function  of  the  university ;  that 
all  organization  must  contribute  to  this  end;  that  the  teacher,  the  student 
and  the  research  worker  are  the  sole  persons  of  primary  value  in  the 
university ;  that  all  administrative  officers  are  accessory  machinery ;  that  all 
organization  should  spring  from  those  primarily  engaged  in  the  university's 
work ;  and  that  all  authority  should  rest  with  these  and  with  the  community 
which  supports  the  institution.  This  organic  relation  of  the  actual  workers 
to  the  university  government  is  at  once  a  natural  right  and  the  foundation 
of  that  personal  interest  and  enthusiasm  which  are  necessary  to  successful 
endeavor.  Note  that  I  do  not  say  that  the  instructor  and  research  worker 
should  be  made  to  feel  that  he  has  an  interest  in  the  university  organization 
and  a  part  in  university  policies  through  his  advice  and  so  forth,  but  that 
the  teacher  and  research  worker  is  in  the  nature  of  things  the  actual  source 

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of  authority  in  the  university,  conditioned  only  by  the  relations  of  the  univer- 
sity to  its  community. 

What,  now,  is  the  proper  form  of  university  organization,  and  how  can 
it  be  approached  in  our  state  universities? 

The  governing  board  should  represent  both  the  community  served  and 
the  university.  The  people  of  the  state  furnish  the  financial  and  spiritual 
support  for  the  university  and  receive  the  benefits  of  its  work.  The  sup- 
port can  be  withheld  whenever  the  returns  are  unsatisfactory.  The  interests 
of  the  people  do  not  require  to  be  protected  by  the  governing  board.  The 
members  of  the  university  faculties  contribute  their  lives  and  receive  in 
return  a  living  wage.  It  is  only  with  the  greatest  difficulty  that  they  can 
withdraw  their  investment  in  the  enterprise.  They  furnish  also  the  plans 
of  work  and  the  expert  direction.  The  nature  of  the  work  is  such  that  it 
is  essential  that  the  staff  should  have  a  free  hand  in  executing  its  plans 
and  should  be  responsible  to  the  people  for  its  achievements.  It  seems 
clear  that  a  governing  board  composed  of  three  members  appointed  by  the 
governor  from  the  state  at  large,  three  members  elected  by  university  fac- 
ulties from  their  own  number,  and  the  president,  would  at  least  not  err 
on  the  side  of  giving  too  great  autonomy  to  the  university.  It  is  clear  that 
complete  autonomy  would  carry  with  it  the  danger  of  losing  touch  with 
the  university's  constituency,  while  the  presence  of  an  equal  representation 
from  the  university  and  the  state  would  free  the  faculty  permanently  from 
the  stigma  of  control  by  "non-scholar  trustees."  Those  present  well  know, 
however,  that  boards  of  the  existing  type  may  show  an  excellent  spirit  and 

The  internal  organization  of  the  university  should  have  reference  solely 
to  efficiency  in  teaching  and  research.  The  organization  should  be  created 
by  the  members  of  the  staff  by  virtue  of  their  sovereign  powers  within 
the  institution.  The  first  natural  subdivision  of  the  university  is  that  into 
departments  based  upon  the  relations  of  the  fields  of  knowledge.  The 
process  of  subdivision  of  subjects  and  creation  of  new  departments  has  gone 
too  far  and  must  be  reversed.  Under  the  old  order  of  things  the  only  way 
for  a  man  of  parts  to  gain  recognition  and  influence  which  he  was  capable 
of  using,  was  to  become  the  head  of  a  department  or  the  dean  of  a  college. 
This  accounts  for  the  creation  of  many  new  departments  and  schools  for 
which  there  was  no  need.  Administration  could  be  simplified,  duplication 
of  work,  apparatus,  books  and  supplies  could  be  avoided,  and  a  closer 
correlation  ,and  a  better  spirit  and  more  stimulus  to  scholarly  work  could 
be  secured  by  the  creation  of  larger  departments  based  on  close  relation- 
ship of  subject-matter. 

The  staff  of  such  large  departments  might  number  ten,  twenty  or  more 
men.  In  the  nature  of  things,  the  organization  within  such  a  department  is 
based  upon  the  personal  interest  of  each  member  of  the  staff  in  the  success 
and  welfare  of  the  department,  and  its  object  should  be  to  place  the  resources 
of  the  department  in  the  fullest  degree  at  the  command  of  the  student  and 
to  facilitate  research.  These  things  can  be  secured  only  where  there  is 
harmony  among  the  staff  and  where  the  ideas  of  the  staff  are  carried  out 

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in  the  administration  of  the  department.  Harmony  of  ideals  and  executive 
representation  can  be  secured  only  by  the  election  both  of  new  members  of 
the  staff  and  of  the  administrative  head  of  the  department.  New  members 
of  staff  should  be  nominated  to  the  president  by  those  who  will  be  their 
colleagues  and  who  are  best  able  to  judge  of  their  fitness  for  their  places. 
The  president  will  of  course  actively  share  the  responsibility  of  appoint- 
ments. Pronations  should  be  recommended  by  the  chairman  and  approved 
by  a  university  committee  on  promotions. 

All  important  business  should  be  done  in  staff  meetings.  The  chair- 
man should  administer  department  affairs  according  to  the  decisions  and  by 
the  authority  of  the  staff  and  should  represent  the  staff  in  relations  with 
other  departments.  Within  the  department  there  should  be  the  greatest 
practicable  freedom  of  the  individual  in  teaching  and  research,  together  with 
publicity  of  results.  Subdivision  of  the  field  covered  by  the  department, 
organization  and  assignment  of  work  would  be  done  in  staff  conference. 
Publicity  r^arding  the  number  of  elective  students,  percentage  of  students 
passed  and  failed,  average  grades  given,  research  work  accomplished,  and  so 
forth,  would  furnish  opportunity  for  comparison,  friendly  rivalry,  self- 
criticism  and  improvement  of  the  work  of  each  teacher.  The  first  step  to- 
ward improvement  of  organization  of  state  universities  would  be  the  organ- 
ization of  department  staffs  to  bear  the  responsibilities  and  to  direct  the 
work  of  the  department  through  an  elected  chairman.  The  second  step 
would  be  the  gradual  combination  of  smaller  into  larger  departments. 

The  next  important  step  would  be  the  breaking  down  of  the  boundaries 
between  colleges  on  the  side  of  teaching  and  investigation,  making  each 
student  perfectly  free  to  study  where  and  what  he  will,  subject  only  to 
the  regulations  of  departments  and  to  the  means  of  gaining  his  own  ends. 
Some  present  schools  and  colleges  would  take  again  their  proper  places  as 
departments,  the  others  would  be  dissolved. 

So  far  as  the  present  colleges  serve  a  useful  purpose,  their  place  would 
be  taken  by  faculties  for  the  supervision  of  professional  and  degree  courses. 
Each  such  faculty  should  be  made  up  of  representatives  of  all  departments 
which  may  offer  work  toward  the  given  degree,  such  representatives  to  act 
under  instructions  from  the  staffs  of  their  respective  departments.  These 
faculties  should  prescribe  requirements  for  entrance  and  for  graduation,  but 
should  have  no  control  of  finances  or  of  appointments.  They  should  exer- 
cise only  an  advisory  function  in  regard  to  the  election  of  studies  or  the 
student's  use  of  his  time.  Any  faculty  might,  if  it  was  deemed  advisable, 
prescribe  final  examinations  over  the  whole  course  of  study,  or  the  pre- 
sentation of  a  thesis,  and  so  forth.  Thus  we  should  have  an  A.B.  faculty, 
an  IX.B.  faculty,  an  M.D.  faculty,  and  so  on,  each  safeguarding  the  tradi- 
tions which  surround  its  degree  or  the  standards  which  should  be  upheld 
in  the  profession,  but  each  giving  full  opportunity  to  the  various  departments 
to  place  before  the  student  new  materials,  methods  and  ideals ;  and  giving 
to  the  student  opportunity  to  try  his  powers  and  extend  his  acquaintance 
beyond  the  usual  limits  laid  down  by  the  traditions  of  his  degree  or  his  chosen 
profession.    This  mode  of  organization  would  also  make  it  as  easy  as  pos- 

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sible  for  the  student  to  change  his  course  in  case  he  found  that  his  choice 
of  a  profession  was  unsuited  to  his  individual  talents. 

In  such  an  organization  the  university  senate  might  have  somewhat 
enlarged  powers  and  more  detailed  duties.  The  administrative  functions 
now  exercised  by  the  faculties  and  deans  of  colleges  would  in  part  vanish, 
in  larger  part  be  transferred  to  the  several  departmental  staffs  and  in  part 
devolve  upon  the  senate  either  in  the  first  instance  or  through  reference 
from  departments.  The  senate  would  continue  to  be  a  court  of  appeal  in 
cases  of  dispute  between  faculties  or  departments.  The  establishment  of 
new  degrees  or  degree-courses  would  require  action  of  the  senate,  and 
sweeping  changes  in  any  curriculum  or  the  membership  of  any  faculty 
should  have  the  approval  of  the  senate.  For  example,  the  university  could 
not  establish  a  new  school  of  naval  architecture  or  of  mental  healing  or  of 
colonial  administration,  each  leading  to  its  special  degree,  without  the 
sanction  of  a  body  representing  the  whole  university.  Neither  could  the 
faculty  of  arts  radically  change  the  character  of  the  course  leading  to  the 
A.B.  degree,  either  by  the  ingestion  or  the  extrusion  of  a  large  group  of 
departments,  without  such  action  being  subject  to  review  by  the  university 
senate.  More  need  not  be  said  on  this  phase  of  the  subject.  It  seems  clear 
that  with  the  greater  freedom  of  action  on  the  part  of  students  and  de- 
partments, with  special  faculties  laying  down  regulations  for  the  various 
(iegree-courses,  with  the  elimination  of  rivalries  and  strife  growing  directly 
out  of  the  organization  by  colleges,  the  problems  of  internal  correlation  and 
control  would  be  greatly  simplified  and  could  readily  be  cared  for  in  a  senate 
organized  very  much  as  ours  is  at  present. 

Simplification  in  university  work  and  administration  is  the  crying  need 
next  to  independence  and  responsibility  of  the  members  of  the  faculty.  The 
endless  red  tape  of  business  administration  could  be  largely  done  away  with 
by  the  logical  completion  of  the  budget  system.  The  budget  having  been 
made  by  the  governing  board,  each  department  should  be  perfectly  free  to 
expend  its  own  quota  of  funds  by  vote  of  its  staff  without  supervision  or 
approval  of  anybody — and  should  be  held  responsible  for  the  results  se- 
cured from  year  to  year.  Nobody  can  know  so  well  how  money  should  be 
expended  as  the  staff  who  are  to  use  the  things  purchased,  no  one  knows 
so  well  where  to  get  things  or  how  to  get  them  promptly  when  needed, 
none  feels  so  directly  and  keenly  the  effects  of  misuse  of  money,  none  will 
so  carefully  guard  its  resources  as  the  department  itself.  The  dangers  of 
duplication  will  be  set  aside  by  the  better  correlation  of  departments  already 
suggested.  In  establishing  common  storerooms,  purchasing  agents  and  the 
like,  the  first  and  chief  step  should  be  to  ask  of  the  members  of  the  staff 
throughout  the  university,  how  can  the  administration  help  you  in  your 
work  through  such  agencies  as  these,  instead  of  thinking  how  these  agencies 
can  remove  from  the  departments  the  ultimate  control  of  their  work.  Time 
and  money  may  be  wasted  at  a  frightful  rate  through  fear  to  place  respon- 
sibility and  confidence  where  they  belong — a  fear  which  is  well-founded 
on  our  present  system  of  irresponsible  heads  of  departments. 

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Simplification  in  the  administration  of  teaching  would  be  favored  by 
the  dissolution  of  the  colleges  and  the  setting  free  of  the  elective  system 
under  a  few  simple  regulations  as  to  the  combination  of  elementary  and 
advanced  courses  and  of  major  and  cognate  work  which  would  be  neces- 
sary for  an  academic  degree,  and  as  to  the  prescribed  curriculum  in  a  pro- 
fessional course.  What  is  needed  is  fewer  regulations  and  better  teaching ; 
fewer  snap  courses,  fewer  substitutions  and  special  dispensations ;  less  care 
for  the  poor  student  and  more  food  for  the  good  student ;  less  interest  in 
sending  forth  graduates  and  more  measuring  up  of  students  against  stand- 
ards of  honesty,  industry  and  self-judgment. 

Finally,  the  presidency.  Shall  the  president  be  elected  by  the  faculty  ? 
Shall  his  actions  be  subject  to  review  by  the  senate?  Shall  he  have  a  veto 
power  over  the  senate?  Shall  his  duties  be  limited  to  those  of  a  gentleman, 
orator  and  representative  of  university  culture,  or  to  those  of  the  business 
agent  and  manager?  The  discussion  of  these  questions  seems  to  the  writer 
to  be  of  minor  importance.  With  such  a  governing  board  and  such  an 
internal  organization  as  has  been  briefly  outlined,  it  can  scarcely  be  doubted 
that  the  president  will  be  representative  of  his  faculty  or  that  he  could  se- 
cure intelligent  action  from  the  board.  Nor  would  it  be  difficult  for  the 
president  to  be  a  leader  in  whatever  ways  he  was  fitted  for  leadership  or 
in  whatever  matters  leadership  was  required.  It  seems  to  me  that  the  presi- 
dency should  be  controlled  by  imwritten  rather  than  by  written  laws.  What 
is  essential  is  that  the  university  have  a  strong  executive;  stroi^  in  the 
discovery  and  application  of  right  principles,  strong  in  his  reliance  upon  the 
consent  and  the  support  of  the  governed  and  strong  in  the  execution  of 
their  ideals.  The  remedy  for  our  evils  is  not  to  object  to  a  strong  executive, 
but  to  remove  the  necessity  for  an  arbitrary  executive ;  not  to  cry  out  for 
anarchy,  but  to  introduce  self-government. 

Allow  me  to  recapitulate.  Our  universities  are  laboring  under  a  bureau- 
cratic form  of  government  in  which  the  initiative  rests  chiefly  with  the 
heads  of  departments,  in  which  there  is  a  constant  struggle  for  power 
among  the  bureau  heads,  in  which  these  same  heads  are  the  chief  source  of 
information  and  advice  to  the  executive,  in  which  most  of  the  faculty  have 
no  voice  in  framing  policies,  and  in  which  — at  its  worst — the  student  is 
concerned  only  to  be  counted  and  the  public  only  to  be  milked.  The  ex- 
treme of  degradation  is  reached  when  research  is  wholly  neglected  and 
teaching  is  regarded  as  only  the  excuse  for  material  aggrandizement.  The 
bad  state  of  aff^airs  which  we  see  every  now  and  then  in  this  or  that  de- 
partment or  college  in  all  our  universities  cannot  be  regarded  as  the  free 
choice  of  any  average  group  of  men.  I  cannot  conceive  of  any  of  these 
things  being  voted  by  members  of  a  staff.  These  conditions  are  the  result 
of  arbitrary  power  placed  in  the  hands  of  single  men  without  check  or 
publicity.  Such  a  system  always  breeds  dishonesty  and  crime.  The  remedy 
is  to  recognize  the  primary  interest  of  every  member  of  the  staff  and  to 
establish  representative  government  in  the  university.  On  the  whole  and 
in  the  long  run  the  combined  judgment  of  the  members  of  the  staff  of  any 
department  is  sufe  to  be  better  than  that  of  any  individual.     Self-govern- 

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ment  stimulates  individual  initiative  and  calls  forth  ideas  for  the  common 
good.  The  enjoyment  of  freedom  and  responsibility  will  make  of  our 
faculty  morally  strong  and  practically  efficient  men,  and  will  call  into  the 
profession  capable  men,  men  robust  in  intellect  and  imagination,  instead  of 
the  weaklings  who  now  barter  their  souls  for  shelter  from  the  perils  of  a 
competitive  business  world. 

It  may  be  true  in  a  legal  sense  that  the  state  through  the  board  of 
regents  now  hires  the  members  of  the  university  faculty.  But  men  to  do 
university  work  cannot  be  hired.  Those  of  the  faculties  who  now  do 
university  work  do  it  not  because  they  are  paid  living  wages,  but  because 
they  love  the  work.  It  has  been  one  oif  the  great  fallacies  of  human  history 
to  suppose  that  workmen  can  be  hired.  When  you  hire  or  enslave  a  man 
you  secure  only  mechanical  service.  The  world's  work  cannot  be  done  by 
hired  muscle  alone,  but  requires  personal  interest,  moral  character  and 
entire  manhood.  Slaves  survive  in  their  pyramids,  their  temples  and  their 
papyri,  where  their  masters  have  perished.  The  successful  and  progressive 
civilizations  of  today  are  founded  on  the  freedom  and  self-satisfaction  of 
the  individual.  The  most  acute  problems  of  modem  society  arise  out  of 
the  hiring  of  men  to  do  work  which  they  would  much  prefer  to  do  for 
themselves  and  would  do  better  for  themselves.  These  things  bear  their 
lessons  for  universities,  if  we  will  heed  them.  Freedom  of  speech  and 
complete  self  government  are  necessary  to  the  best  interests  of  a  university. 
A  whole  staff  is  together  more  capable  than  any  one  man.  Suppression  of 
staff  members  who  speak  without  authority  of  the  head  is  the  suppression 
of  truth  and  initiative.  It  has  resulted  and  must  result  in  the  selection  of 
weak  men  for  the  faculty  and  in  narrowness,  bigotry  and  provincialism  in 
the  institution.  Self-government  will  draw  strong  men  into  the  faculty, 
will  stimulate  initiative,  will  make  possible  and  encourage  progressive  ad- 
ministration, and  will  brii^  to  mental  endeavor  on  the  part  of  both  student 
and  teacher  the  freshness  of  the  morning  air,  the  pursuit  of  a  goal  of  one's 
own  choosii^,  and  satisfaction  in  the  achievement  of  one's  ideals. 

J.  B.  Johnston. 

University  of  Minnesota. 

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Many  members  of  the  Faculty  of  the  University  found  themselves 
within  the  zone  of  war  in  Europe  on  August  i  when  hostilities  commenced. 
Though  many  of  them  bring  back  interesting  stories  of  their  experiences, 
there  were  few  who  were  seriously  inconvenienced.  Many,  however,  found 
difficulty  in  obtaining  ready  cash,  and  in  some  cases  had  to  accept  steerage 
passage  home.  Below  we  print  the  impressions  of  a  few  members  of  the 
Faculty  on  their  summer  experiences. 

Among  those  who  were  caught  abroad  was  Eh*.  Reuben  Peterson, 
who  had  attended  a  convention  of  medical  men  in  his  specialty  in 
Germany.  One  of  the  interesting  facts  of  his  stay  was  the  urgent 
warning  which  he  received  some  time  before  hostilities  commenced 
from  some  of  his  medical  confreres  in  Germany.  Professor  H.  P. 
Thieme,  of  the  Department  of  French,  who  spent  last  year  in  Paris,  was 
particularly  impressed  by  the  unrest  throughout  the  year  in  France  which 
was  quite  perceptible  as  soon  as  one  came  into  intimate  contact  with  the 
French  people.  Everywhere  an  impression  that  war  was  impending  was 
evident,  and  there  was  also  an  obvious  endeavor  to  enlist  the  sympathies 
of  English-speaking  people.  Not  in  the  least  interesting  of  the  phenomena 
of  this  period  was  an  evident  German  propaganda  carried  on  in  Paris  dur- 
ing the  year,  not  only  in  business  but  in  literature,  art  and  music,  endured, 
but  not  welcomed  by  the  true  Frenchman. 

Professor  Thieme  was  in  I.ucerne  with  his  family  when  the  war  broke 
out,  but  was  able  to  reach  Paris  in  time  to  obtain  a  comfortable  passage 
home.  Professor  F.  N.  Scott,  who  left  Ann  Arbor  early  in  the  summer, 
was  in  Germany  at  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  and  returned  early  in  October. 
Professor  A.  A.  Stanley  spent  practically  the  whole  of  the  summer  in 
England  and  Scotland.  Professor  C.  H.  Van  Tyne,  who  spent  last  year 
in  France  as  one  of  the  associate  lecturers  of  the  American  Foundation, 
corroborates  Professor  Thieme*s  impressions.  Professor  John  O.  Reed, 
who  has  been  living  abroad  on  account  of  ill  health  for  the  past  two  years, 
was  in  Germany  at  the  time  the  war  broke  out.  He  and  Mrs.  Reed  have 
remained,  and  are  now  in  Jena.  Mr.  Rene  Talamon,  instructor  in  French, 
who  was  spending  his  honeymoon  this  summer  in  France,  was  called  to  the 
front,  and  is  now  sous  les  drapeaux. 

Other  members  of  the  Faculty  who  returned, with  interesting  accounts 
of  their  experiences  are  Registrar  A.  G.  Hall,  Professor  W.  H.  Butts, 
Assistant  Dean  in  the  Department  of  Engineering,  Professor  J.  P.  Bird, 
Secretary  of  the  Department  of  Engineering,  Dr.  F.  C.  Newcombe,  Pro- 
fessor of  Botany,  Professor  and  Mrs.  J.  F.  Winter  of  the  Department  of 
Greek,  H.  R.  Cross,  Professor  of  Fine  Arts,  E.  R.  Turner,  Professor  of 
History  and  Mr.  F.  E.  Robbins  of  the  Department  of  Greek.  Professor  Wil- 
liam D.  Henderson,  of  the  Department  of  Physics  and  Mrs.  Henderson,  and 
Dr.  Elsie  Seelye  Pratt,  of  the  University  Health  Service. 

Professor  Anton  Friedrich  Greiner,  of  the  Engineering  Department, 
who  is  still  a  German  citizen,  was  at  his  home  in  Germany  at  the  outbreak 

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of  the  war.  He  was  fortunate  in  being  able  to  secure  passage  on  the 
Kaiser  Wilhelm,  which  reached  New  York  after  an  exciting  chase  by 
English  and  French  cruisers.  While  German  citizens  holding  permanent 
positions  in  this  country  may  not  be  pressed  into  service,  it  is  possible  that 
if  he  had  not  been  able  to  leave,  he  would  have  been  called  upon  to  serve 
in  the  army. 

A  number  of  students  were  touring  through  Europe,  but  were  able 
to  reach  home  without  any  serious  trouble.  Bruce  D.  Bromley,  Pontiac, 
'14,  with  Edwin  C.  Wilson,  '15,  Detroit,  had  just  completed  a  bicycle  trip 
through  Belgium  and  Holland  when  war  was  declared,  but  succeeded  in 
reaching  Paris,  and  securing  passage.  H.  Beach  Carpenter,  '14,  *i6/, 
Rockford,  111.,  and  Morris  A.  Milligan,  '14,  Bradford,  Pa.,  were  in  London. 
A  party  composed  of  Carlton  H.  Jenks,  '15,  Port  Huron,  Wilbur  S.  David- 
son, '15,  Port  Huron,  Howard  M.  Warner,  '16,  Farmington,  and  West- 
cott  T.  Smith,  'i^e,  Port  Huron,  who  were  touring  Europe  on  their  wheels, 
had  perhaps  the  most  interesting  experience.  They  were  in  northern  France 
when  the  war  began,  and  found  themselves  in  danger  of  being  held  in 
France  while  the  mobilization  of  the  French  army  was  proceeding,  with 
the  danger  also  that  they  might  be  suspected  of  being  spies.  Retracing  their 
steps,  they  were  able  to  purchase  in  one  of  the  larger  towns,  four  American 
flags,  which  they  strapped  to  their  handle  bars,  and  after  several  curious 
experiences,  succeeded  in  clearing  the  danger  zone.  Among  other  students 
abroad  were  John  T.  Naylon,  15^,  Detroit,  and  Francis  T.  Russell,  '15, 
Grand  Rapids,  who  was  traveling  through  Europe  on  his  motor  cycle. 

Paul  Scott  Mowrer,  'o5-'o8,  has  been  appointed  London  correspondent 
for  the  Chicago  Daily  Nezvs,  going  to  London  from  Paris,  where  he  has 
been  the  French  correspondent.  Mr.  Mowrer  had  considerable  experience 
during  the  Balkan  war,  when  he  reported  events  at  the  front. 

Professor  Morris  P.  Tilley,  of  the  English  Department,  had  made  all 
preparations  to  leave  for  Europe  when  war  was  declared,  having  obtained 
leave  of  absence  for  the  present  year.  He  now  plans  to  spend  the  year  in 
the  east,  doing  research  work  in  the  Hbraries  there. 


Professor  James  P.  Bird 

Note,  The  following  article  was  written  by  Professor  Bird  while  en 
route  home,  and  was  published  in  The  Detroit  Saturday  Night  for  Septem- 
ber 12.  He  was  a  member  of  a  party  of  twelve  who  found  themselves 
at  Lucerne,  Switzerland,  at  the  outbreak  of  the  war.  They  left  August  11, 
traveling  through  France,  and  spent  a  fortnight  in  England  and  Scotland 
before  they  sailed  for  Montreal. 

Three  days  out  on  the  North  Atlantic,  with  a  sea  too  calm  to  be  interest- 
ing even  to  the  most  sensitive,  and  with  only  a  very  limited  number  of  Ger- 
man dreadnoughts  stationed  along  the  skyline,  wars  and  rumors  of  wars 
eliminated  by  a  censored  wireless,  it  is  difficult  indeed  to  realize  that  the 
European  nightmare  is  a  reality,  in  spite  of  what  our  eyes  have  seen  from 
one  end  to  the  other  of  three  nations  in  the  throes  of  a  world  war. 

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When  the  storm  broke,  we  had  just  reached  Lucerne  from  Italy,  where 
apparently  such  a  thing  as  a  general  conflict  was  not  even  dreamed  of. 
Also  at  Lucerne,  tickets  were  sold  on  August  i  to  Amsterdam  via  Heidel- 
berg or  Strassburg.  On  August  2  the  way  was  closed.  It  is  very  significant 
that  on  July  2J  German  officers  attending,  for  example,  the  summer  session 
at  the  University  of  Neuchatel,  and  presiunably  at  other  Swiss  and  at 
French  institutions,  were  ordered  home  at  the  beginning  of  a  veiled  mo- 

(This  was  three  days  before  Germany  called  on  Russia  to  stop  fnobilis- 
ing,  and  four  days  before  she  broke  off  diplomatic  relations. — The  Editor.) 

Switzerland  has  been  called  the  nation  without  a  language,  a  navy  or 
an  army.  A  week  sufficed  to  place  in  the  field  practically  every  able-bodied 
man,  fully  equipped  from  tip  to  toe.  Every  corner,  every  gateway,  every 
public  building  of  Berne  had  its  soldier  with  bayonet  set.  Through  all  the 
principal  streets,  by  night  or  day,  was  heard  the  measured  tread  of  cwn- 
pany  after  company,  off  for  the  frontier  accompanied  by  army  trains  with 
artillery  and  stores,  leaving  only  the  brave  though  tearful  women,  the  child- 
ren and  the  aged  to  bring  in  the  crops  and  attend  to  the  business  of  life. 

Business,  for  the  most  part,  was  at  a  standstill.  All  available  money 
was  needed  by  the  state,  so  that  American  travelers'  checks  could  not  be 
cashed  imder  any  circumstance.  Neither  would  the  suspicious  storekeeper 
accept  a  check  for  merchandise.  The  only  Swiss  with  faith  undaunted  was 
the  innkeeper,  who  would  not  see  us  starve  and  took  our  checks  rather  than 

The  American  consul's  office,  with  two  loquacious  assistants,  was  the 
busiest  place  in  town.  The  invariable  advice  given  was,  "Stay  where  you 
are;  it  is  dangerous  to  leave;  the  government  is  making  plans."  We  stayed 
at  Berne  six  days  while  the  mobilization  was  going  on,  then  the  evening  of 
August  1 1  we  decided  it  was  get  out  then  or  stay  all  winter,  so,  armed  with 
passports,  at  6  the  next  morning  we  started  our  invasion  of  France  via 
Geneva,  the  only  way  open. 

We  crossed  the  border  at  Belgarde,  where  one  poor  fellow  who  had 
left  his  passport  at  the  hotel,  12  hours  away,  was  sent  sorrowfully  back. 
The  next  day  the  track  we  had  just  come  over  was  reported  torn  up  for 
se\'eral  miles,  while  we  continued  on  our  long  journey  of  39  hours  to  Paris, 
a  trip  ordinarily  made  in  12.  All  the  trains  of  Europe  were  under  govern- 
ment control,  and  ordinary  passengers  liable  to  be  set  down  at  any  time  to 
make  room  for  soldiers.  No  merchandise  of  any  kind  was  shipped  for 
weeks.  Fortunately  for  us,  the  mobilization  for  the  moment  was  north- 
ward, and  our  greatest  inconvenience  was  the  necessity  of  long  stops  for 
orders  at  every  station.  Added  to  the  uncertainty  of  continuing  our  jour- 
ney was  the  excitement  of  scores  of  trains  rushing  toward  the  Alsatian 
frontier,  a  whole  train  of  artillery,  for  example,  then  a  train  of  cavalry, 
eight  horses,  four  abreast,  facing  each  other  in  each  tiny  four-wheeled  box 
car,  the  men  on  the  straw  between  them. 

A  most  interesting  thing  was  to  see  the  trains  of  wagons  and  autos  of 
every  description  hurrying  to  the  front.    Autos  which  were  not  offered  were 

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seized,  autobusses  and  delivery  trucks  by  the  hundred  from  the  great  grocery 
and  dry  goods  firms  of  Paris  were  loaded  on  promiscuously. 

At  Dijon  we  saw  a  large  detachment  of  Algerian  zouaves,  varying  in 
complexion  from  a  deep  tan  to  a  Higgins  eternal  shade  of  black,  imported 
from  Africa  to  lend  their  aid,  unwilling  aid,  it  would  seem,  to  the  cause  of 
their  adoptive  country.  A  somewhat  parallel  case  would  be  the  importation 
of  Filipino  troops  to  fight  with  ours  in  an  imaginary  struggle  against 

We  reached  Paris  late  at  night,  no  longer  gay  Paris,  but  terribly 
desolate;  no  taxis  at  the  station,  no  street  car,  no  autobus  running,  the 
metro  service  interrupted  since  7  p.  m.,  and  all  restaurants  and  cafes  closed 
at  the  same  hour.  Paris  was  verily  deserted,  the  majority  of  the  stores 
closed ;  as  in  Switzerland,  all  able-bodied  men  between  the  ages  of  19  and 
47  either  gone  or  going  in  a  day  or  two. 

Can  one  imagine  the  grand  boulevards  at  Paris  hopelessly  deserted  be- 
fore 10  p.  m.,  the  hour  when  they  are  usually  just  beginning  to  teem  with 
reckless  pleasure  seekers?  On  the  Rue  de  Rivoli,  one  of  the  busiest  thor- 
oughfares, at  9  o'clock  there  was  not  a  vehicle  and  hardly  a  person  to  be 
seen.  This  outward  calm  was  indicative  of  the  feeling  generally  noted. 
The  temper  of  the  great  city  was  wonderfully  even.  Those  who  had  gone, 
had  gone  with  joy,  but  with  no  levity,  and  those  who  remained  were  fully 
conscious  of  the  terrible  situation.  On  all  sides  one  heard,  "The  struggle 
may  be  long,  but  in  the  end  we  shall  utterly  crush  them."  Reports  of  vio- 
lence and  rioting  in  the  French  capital  were  absolutely  without  truth  or 
foundation.  Paris  was  as  one  from  the  Faubourg  St.  Antoine  to  the  Pal- 
ace of  the  Elysees. 

The  French  people,  as  the  English  people,  believe  that  they  are  fighting 
for  self-preservation;  that  the  only  hope  for  final  peace  in  Europe  is  the 
annihilation  of  the  military  power  of  Prussia,  and  they  are  willing  and  eager 
to  give  their  lives  if  need  be  for  the  future  of  Europe. 

The  awful  fact  of  a  general  conflict  came  home  to  us  fully  at  Boulogne 
while  waiting  for  a  boat  to  England.  The  first  British  troops  were  arriving 
that  night,  and  for  hours  the  splendid  fellows  marched  by  our  hotel ;  infantry 
and  artillery,  Scots  in  their  kilts  with  bagpipes  playing,  the  English  in 
khaki,  with  fife  and  drum,  and  bugle  corps. 

The  reception  they  had  from  the  French  was  a  rousing  one,  hand 
clasps  exchanged  as  they  hurried  on,  words  of  good  cheer  in  a  foreign 
toi^ue,  from  the  crowds  along  the  line  of  march,  while  now  and  then  one 
braver  than  the  rest  would  seize  and  greet  a  cheering  maiden  with  a  re- 
sounding smack.  We  were  thrilled  through  and  through  as  we  thought  of 
these  thousands  going  to  fight  in  company  with  foreigners  on  foreign  soil 
against  a  common  foe;  going  gladly  and  singing  as  they  marched  along, 
**It's  a  long,  long  way  to  Tipperary." 

Here  was  visible  none  of  the  grim  determination  seen  on  the  faces  and 
heard  in  the  voices  of  the  Swiss  and  French.  At  Berne,  for  example,  two  or 
three  of  us  about  to  cross  a  square  where  army  wagons  were  standing, 
were  met  by  a  levelled  bayonet. 

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10141  BACK  FROM  THE  WAR  ZONE  35 

**Woiild  yon  run  me  through  if  I  passed  ?*'  said  I  with  a  smile. 

*'Ja  Wohl/'  was  the  stout  reply,  with  never  a  smile.  Needless  to  say, 
we  didn't  pass. 

But  beyond  the  gay  exterior  of  the  English  lads  and  of  the  bonnie 
Scots,  no  doubt  was  found  the  same  determination  and  the  same  or  a  greater 
bravery  and  daring. 

And  when  we  came  to  England  we  found,  in  high  places  and  in  low,  a 
wonderful  display  of  resolution  to  do  or  die. 

The  world  knows  how  loyally  the  men  of  Britain,  from  Inverness  to 
Land's  End,  responded  to  the  call  to  arms.  Also  the  territorials,  the  local 
militia,  thrilled  with  the  same  spirit,  many — too  many  of  them — men  with 
wives  and  little  children,  are  volunteering. 

Just  one  example:  In  old  Bannockbum,  out  of  400  territorials  384 
have  left  their  all  of  their  own  free  will  for  their  love  of  the  Empire  and 
their  king.  The  same,  no  doubt,  is  true  throughout  the  United  Kingdom. 
They,  with  the  French,  have  come  to  feel  that  the  .whole  civilized  world 
has  a  common  enemy  in  the  present  policy  of  Germany,  and  that  the  future 
peace  of  Europe  can  be  purchased  only  at  the  price  of  thousands  and  tens 
of  thousands  of  precious  lives.  Whatever  way  one's  sympathies  may  ex- 
tend, he  is  overwhelmed  by  the  patriotism  and  bravery  of  these  splendid 
fellows,  who  dare  to  die  that  liberty  may  live. 

Professor  C  H.  Van  Tyne 

Like  an  obedient  slave  of  the  lamp  when  the  editor  of  The  Alumnus 
commands,  I  hear  and  obey.  He  says  I  am  a  refugee,  and  must  tell  such  of 
my  experiences  as  will  throw  light  on  the  present  war  problem.  The 
most  vivid  of  my  impressions  on  escaping  from  war-torn  Europe  is  the 
sense  of  relief  from  the  terrible  depression  which  hangs  over  one  even  in 
England.  There  you  cannot  escape  the  awful  fascination  of  it.  In  London 
the  newsboys  din  it  in  your  ears.  At  night  the  seach  lights  sweep  the  skies 
in  search  for  Zeppelins  and  aeroplanes.  On  every  square  and  in  every 
park  the  new  recruits  are  being  drilled.  Take  an  express  from  London  to 
the  sea,  and  you  will  be  hurried  past  camp  after  camp,  where  cavalry  and 
artillery  go  through  ceaseless  evolutions.  If  you  enter  prohibited  areas 
you  must  show  your  alien  papers.  Even  the  magic  word  American  does 
not  save  you.  At  the  seaside  you  see  the  transports  gather  in  the 
evening,  chaperoned  by  a  destroyer  or  a  submarine  and  in  the  morning  they 
have  flown.  In  a  few  days  the  red  cross  ships  begin  to  come  in  and  then 
the  papers  give  out  the  thrilling  stories  told  by  the  wounded  soldiers  in 
the  hospitals.  At  night  the  harbor  is  swept  by  the  ominous  rays  of  the 
search  lights.  Rimior  too  is  always  busy  with  stories  of  mines  sown  just 
off  the  harbor,  of  the  periscope  of  a  German  submarine  seen  by  a  fishing 
boat,  or  of  a  Zeppelin  preying  upon  ships  in  the  channel.  There  is  no  escape, 
no  respite.  You  read,  think,  dream  war,  and  the  sense  of  depression  grows 
from  day  to  day.  All  the  horrors  of  it  are  not  150  miles  from  you  and  the 
spirits  are  weighed  down  by  its  proximity. 

The  chief  thing  that  my  personal  experience  in  Europe  during  this  last 
year  enables  me  to  say  about  the  war  is  that  it  was  brooding  over  Europe 

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every  moment  of  that  time.  When  I  first  arrived,  the  French  and  German 
papers  were  bitterly  attacking  each  other  on  the  subject  of  the  French 
"foreign  legion."  France  was  accused  of  abusing  the  German  soldiers  in 
it,  and  French  papers  indignantly  denied 'every  allegation.  Then  came  the 
indiscreet  speech  of  the  Greek  king,  ascribing  Greek  military  success  to 
German  training.  As  French  officers  had  trained  them,  the  Gallic  press  was 
in  a  rage,  and  the  German  journals  aroused  and  taunted  it  as  they  well 
knew  how.  Then  came  the  Saveme  affair  in  Alsace-Lorraine,  and  nation- 
al hate  was  displayed  to  its  utmost.  Then  a  German  paper  accused  Russia 
of  hastening  its  preparation  for  war,  which  Russian  papers  denied,  and 
French  papers  criticized  the  German  war  mania.  Threats  and  menaces  were 
hurled  back  and  forth  across  the  borders,  and  an  outsider  could  see  that 
international  nerves  were  at  a  very  high  tension.  And  yet  men  went  on 
hugging  that  old  delusion  that  peace  was  secure  because  of  the  great  arma- 
ments, and  because  the  interlacing  of  industrial,  economic  and  financial 
bonds  made  war  unthinkable!  Yet  all  that  was  needed  was  the  murder  of 
the  Grand  Duke,  the. insane  folly  of  Austria,  a  War  Lord  too  arrogant  to 
exercise  the  necessary  international  amenities,  and  the  world  was  in  the 
midst  of  the  supreme  tragedy  of  all  the  ages. 

A  year  in  France  convinced  me  that  Frenchmen  did  not  want  war. 
While  giving  the  Harvard  Foimdation  lectures  in  the  French  provincial 
universities,  I  visited  nearly  every  part  of  France.  I  talked  not  only  with 
academic  men,  but  with  shopkeepers,  workmen,  with  everybody  who  would 
listen  to  my  wretched  French,  and  the  universal  answer  to  my  query  as  to 
whether  France  wished  a  war  of  revenge  for  the  loss  of  Alsace-Lorraine 
was  "No."  The  only  reservation  was  that  if  France  should  be  dragged  into 
war  the  lost  provinces  must  be  regained.  Newspaper  and  periodicaJ  litera- 
ture revealed  the  same  attitude.  War  was  too  dreadful  to  be  ventured  upon 
for  revenge  and  after  all  a  nation  cannot  live  to  avenge  the  wrongs  of  a 
former  generation.  The  universal  desire  was  for  peace,  for  disarmament 
if  possible,  since  the  burden  of  preparation  for  war  was  becoming  unbear- 
able in  France.  In  fact,  I  am  convinced  that  if  war  was  inevitable  in  the 
near  future  it  was  the  greatest  fortune  for  France  that  it  came  just  at  the 
moment  when  her  efforts  had  reached  the  maximum,  before  she  was  com- 
pelled by  sheer  economic  exhaustion  to  abandon  the  race  for  military  super- 

The  returning  traveller  feels  more  than  ever  the  blessing  of  being  an 
American.  Complain  as  we  will  of  taxation,  we  know  nothing  of  its  burdens. 
No  war  cloud  hangs  in  our  sun-lit  skies.  Such  enemies  as  we  have  are  too 
remote  to  touch  our  imaginations.  Neither  grinding  taxes,  nor  sickening 
fear,  nor  consuming  hate  stain  the  pure  happiness  of  American  life. 

Professor  William  H.  Butts 

The  story  of  a  quiet  trip  to  France  and  Spain  on  the  eve  of  war,  the 
rude  shock  of  nations  and  the  panic  of  the  first  month  of  hostilities  are  not 
easily  described  in  a  few  words.  The  only  suggestion  of  war  on  the  steamer 
New  York  on  her  trip  to  Cherbourg  was  the  unloading  of  three  millions 
O'f  American  gold  and  two  millions  of  silver  to  enrich  the  war  chest  of 

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France.  While  driving  to  our  hotel  in  Paris  we  saw  a  beautiful  French 
dirigible  floating  gracefully  over  the  city  in  the  morning  mist  but  we  thought 
of  art  and  beauty,  not  of  war.  Monoplanes  and  biplanes,  seen  at  Chartres 
and  in  the  Chateaux  region  along  the  Loire,  only  aroused  wonder  and  ad- 
miration. The  chateaux  at  Blois,  Chambord,  Chenonceau,  Amboise  and 
Tours  recalled  the  conflicts  of  knights  and  kings  but  did  not  suggest  prepara- 
tions to  resist  modem  guns  and  explosives  dropped  from  heaven.  Even  in 
this  garden-spot  of  France  along  the  Loire,  with  its  bountiful  harvests  and 
fruitful  vines,  everyone  complained  of  excessive  taxes  and  prayed  for  the 
return  of  their  soldier  boys  to  the  farm  and  the  home.  Nowhere  in  France, 
not  even  in  Paris,  did  we  hear  the  cry  "On  to  Strassburg!"  The  govern- 
ment and  the  people  apparently  had  no  desire  for  war.  Stopping  a  day  at 
Bordeaux,  we  were  surprised  to  find  a  wonderfif!  port  of  entry  and  a  most 
prosperous  city,  very  much  like  Hamburg  in  Germany.  We  little  thought 
that  within  a  month  this  home  of  the  Girondins  would  be  the  capital  of  France 
and  the  depository  of  all  the  gold  of  the  Paris  banks.  With  its  modern 
forts  and  its  harbor  filled  with  ships,  it  is  an  ideal  place  of  refuge. 

After  stopping  a  day  at  Biarritz,  the  premier  bathing  beach  of  France, 
we  wound  our  way  into  the  Pyrenees,  along  a  rushing  river  to  the  city  of 
Lourdes,  surpassing  in  its  climate  and  beautiful  setting  any  city  in  the 
lower  Alps.  The  first  evening  we  saw  a  procession  of  five  thousand  French 
pilgrims  carrying  long  candles  and  chanting  as  they  mounted  the  long, 
winding  terrace  to  the  basilica  and  descended  to  the  beautiful  statue  of  the 
Madonna  of  Lourdes  resplendent  with  electric  lights.  With  a  star-spangled 
background  and  a  gigantic  cross  on  the  mountain  outlined  with  powerful 
electric  lights,  the  scene  was  one  never  to  be  forgotten.  The  second  night 
two  thousand  German  pilgrims  formed  a  similar  procession,  chanting  in 
Latin  and  singing  in  German.  More  reserved  and  dignified  in  their  move- 
ments but  not  so  light  hearted,  they  were  Teutonic  and  not  Celtic  even  in 
religious  rites.  All  drank  the  healing  waters  and  made  their  act  of  contri- 
tion in  the  same  sacred  stream  but  the  miraculous  cure  of  warring  souls 
was  not  to  be  accomplished. 

Our  month  in  Spain  from  San  Sebastian  through  Burgos  and  Madrid 
to  Granada  and  back  through  Valencia  to  Barcelona  was  a  continuous 
panorama  of  Spanish  and  Moorish  art  and  life.  We  enjoyed  the  beach 
and  sea  food  at  San  Sebastian,  were  overpowered  by  the  grandeur  of  the 
Burgos  cathedral  and  greatly  instructed  by  studying  the  wonderful  Roman 
aqueduct  at  Segovia.  In  Madrid  the  Prado  art  gallery  impressed  us  more 
than  the  louvre  or  any  Italian  gallery.  The  grouping  of  the  masterpieces 
of  Murillo,  Velasquez,  Goya  and  Titian  has  no  equal.  This  one  gallery  is 
worth  a  trip  to  Spain.  The  bull  fight  in  Madrid  on  a  Sunday  afternoon 
gave  a  view  of  thousands  of  Spaniards  enjoying  their  national  sport,  which 
impressed  us  as  superior  to  football  as  an  exhibition  of  athletic  training  and 
dexterity  but  aroused  sympathy  for  the  helpless  horses  blinded  and  pushed 
before  the  enfuriated  bulls  only  to  be  gored  and  killed  while  the  riders 
stabbed  the  bulls  in  the  shoulder  and  fell  awkwardly  in  the  arena.  This 
bloody  sport  is  all  that  remains  of  the  tourney  of  the  Dark  Ages  and  is 

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losing  caste  with  the  educated  but  is  demanded  by  the  lower  classes.  It 
does  not  seem  to  make  the  people  cruel  or  blood-thirsty  but  acts  as  a  safety 
valve  as  football  does  in  America. 

In  our  visit  to  Toledo,  the  Spanish  Rome  on  its  picturesque  hills  sur- 
rounded by  the  yellow  Tagiis,  we  were  struck  with  the  maze  of  winding 
streets  so  complex  that  Baedeker  could  not  secure  an  accurate  map  of  the 
city.  Herds  of  goats  and  sometimes  cows  often  blocked  our  way  as  they 
were  driven  from  door  to  door  delivering  milk  directly  to  the  housewives. 
In  many  cities  is  this  delivered  from  the  producer  direct  to  the  consumer. 
Thirty  miles  from  Madrid  we  saw  the  Escorial,  a  gigantic  stone  structure 
of  doubtful  taste  but  blending  harmoniously  with  the  bleak  sierras, — ^a  con- 
vent, palace  and  burial  place  of  kings.  The  young  king  never  willingly 
visits  this  pantheon  of  his  ancestors  where  only  one  sarcophagus  remains 
without  its  royal  tenant.  Many  besides  the  king  fear  that  this  portends  the 
fall  of  royalty. 

From  Madrid  to  Cordova  is  a  dreary  succession  of  tawny  plains  and 
nKDuntains  covered  with  ripened  grain,  relieved  at  time^  by  olive  groves  but 
otherwise  destitute  of  trees  or  foliage.  The  view  gets  on  our  nerves  and  we 
long  for  trees.  The  primitive  method  of  threshing  the  grain  by  lawn- 
rollers  drawn  by  mules  over  level  areas  of  even-baked  clay,  illustrates  the 
fact  that  Spain  is  a  century  behind  the  times  in  agriculture.  The  Spaniard 
loves  his  ease  and  has  little  initiative.  The  French  and  Belgians  own  and 
operate  the  railroads  and  mines.  In  Seville  we  dreaded  the  temperature 
of  130°  in  the  shade  but  were  comfortable  even  here  In  fact,  Spain  was 
more  comfortable  than  Ann  Arbor,  owing  largely  to  the  dry  air,  narrow 
streets  and  thick  stone  walls  of  the  buildings.  In  Granada  the  Alhambra 
on  a  lofty  hill  covered  with  English  elms,  seemed  to  us  a  paradise.  The 
noble  elms  planted  by  Wellington  form  a  fitting  background  for  the  per- 
fection of  Moorish  art  in  the  Alhambra.  A  more  delightful  spot  to  spend 
a  nK)nth  in  midsummer  could  not  be  found.  Along  eastern  Spain  from 
Malaga  to  Barcelona  the  vineyards  and  groves  of  olive,  orange  and  lemon 
trees  formed  a  beautiful  foreground  for  the  blue  Mediterranean  with  its 
countless  fishing  boats. 

Barcelona  is  the  Manchester  of  Spain  with  half  a  million  people.  We 
found  more  extensive  and  finer  boulevards  than  those  of  Madrid,  more 
business  and  finer  views.  Here  the  war  broke  out  and  foreign  paper  ^as 
worthless.  Fortunately  we  engaged  the  last  cabin  on  the  Spanish  boat 
sailing  for  New  York  September  25.  After  vainly  cabling  for  cash  and 
visiting  banks  for  ten  days  without  success  our  stateroom  was  to  be  for- 
feited when  an  old  Porto  Rican  friend  telegraphed  credit  from  his  home  in 
Mallorca,  giving  us  pesetas  for  our  return  voyage.  On  August  i  the  gov- 
ernment issued  the  moratorium  by  which  banks  could  limit  payments  to  five 
per  cent,  of  deposits. 

In  our  return  voyage  our  German  passengers  dropped  off  at  Malaga 
and  went  by  rail  to  Cadiz  to  escape  capture  at  Gibraltar  where  a  British 
cruiser  chased  us  until  our  captain  gave  assurance  that  we  had  no  Germans 
on  board.    On  entering  New  York  harbor  we  agreed  with  Chauncey  Depew 

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1914]  BACK  FROM  THE  WAR  ZONE  39 

who  arrived  two  days  earlier.  He  remarked  that  he  never  expected  to  go 
to  heaven  but  New  York  was  good  enough  for  him.  On  landing  we  met 
Bruce  Bromley  who  related  the  blood-airdling  escapes  of  four  Ann  Arbor 
students.  Two  lost  their  motorcycles  and  bags  near  Paris  when  a  crowd 
seized  them  as  German  spies  and  were  on  the  point  of  shooting  them  when 
the  mayor  of  the  town  came  to  their  rescue.  Taken  all  into  consideration, 
our  trips  to  Europe  were  more  Jhan  usually  interesting  and  exciting.  We 
are  duly  thankful  for  all  our  blessings. 

Professor  Arthur  G.  Hall 

Our  delightful  vacation  tour  through  the  British  Isles  this  summer 
was  so  devoid  of  spectacular  inconveniences  that  an  account  of  it  will  seem 
comparatively  tame.  In  company  with  Professor  Elmer  E.  Powell,  (Mich- 
igan, 1885)  and  his  wife  and  daughter,  of  Miami  University,  Mrs.  Hall  and 
I  sailed  from  Montreal  on  June  23  and  landed  in  Liverpool  on  July  4. 
There^Dr.  Powell  bought  an  American  car.  Indeed  it  seemed  that  one 
fourth  of  the  cars  we  met  were  of  American  make.  The  itinerary  of  our 
two-thousand  mile  tour,  which  we  carried  out  as  originally  planned,  was 
briefly  as  follows:  Through  Chester  and  North  Wales  to  Carnarvon  and 
back,  the  Lake  District,  Scotland,  the  Cathedral  towns,  Cambridge  and 
Oxford,  the  Wye  valley,  northern  and  southern  Devon,  and  Salisbury  and 
the  New  Forest,  followed  by  a  week  in  London. 

The  papers  brought  aboard  by  the  Liverpool  pilot  announced  the  as- 
sassination of  the  Archduke  of  Austria.  The  papers  at  Cambridge  con- 
tained the  news  of  the  Austro-Servian  trouble.  From  that  time  the  situ- 
ation on  the  Continent  developed  rapidly.  The  extention  for  three  days  of 
the  bank  holidays,  followed  by  the  issue  of  the  crude  looking  one-pound  and 
ten-shilling  notes  and  by  other  governmental  measures  completely  averted 
a  financial  panic,  and  our  travellers*  checks  were  good  everywhere  for  face 
value.  So  too  the  prompt  action  of  the  government  Board  of  Trade  kept 
prices  normal  and  prevented  extortion.  Once  when  our  gasoline  supply 
gave  out  near  Salisbury,  we  paid  double  price  to  a  passing  taxi-cab  driver ; 
but  such  incidents  occur  where  there  is  no  war. 

In  several  cities  near  military  depots  we  offered  to  register  as  aliens, 
but  were  informed  that  as  Americans  we  were  welcome  to  go  where  we 
pleased.  Of  course  we  avoided  approaching  the  military  camps  on  Salis- 
bury Plain  and  similar  places  where  a  foreigner  had  no  business  to  be.  We 
saw  little  of  the  war  excepting  the  gathering  and  marching  of  troops  and 
the  sentries  at  railway  bridges.  The  Britons  made  it  a  matter  of  principle 
to  let  ordinary  affairs  go  on  as  usual.  This  does  not  mean  that  they  took 
matters  lightly:  their  serious  determination  was  not  to  be  mistaken.  In 
London  we  registered  with  the  American  committee  at  the  Savoy  Hotel 
and  found  a  Michigan  alumnus.  Dr.  L.  C.  Bacon,  'gom,  of  St.  Paul,  at  the 
desk.  The  important  and  efficient  work  of  this  committee  cannot  be  too 
highly  commended  throughout  America.  It  was  fully  recognized  in  Eng- 
land.   For  instance  The  Times  gave  several  columns  to  it  each  morning. 

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We  sailed  from  London,  or  rather  Tilbury,  on  August  21,  anchoring 
that  night  off  Sheemess  under  the  guns  and  searchlights  of  the  battle- 
ships there,  and  similarly  off  Plymouth  the  following  night.  Our  vessel 
carried  no  freight  and  the  consequent  lively  motion  aggravated  attacks  of 
seasickness.  Four  six  inch  gims  mounted  on  deck  served  to  reassure  (?)  the 
fearful.  We  were  in  continual  wireless  communication  with  a  British 
cruiser  but  saw  no  warships  of  any  sort  on  the  ocean.  Our  ship  was 
filled  with  passengers,  but  all  the  accommodations  were  as  comfortable  and 
pleasant  as  in  times  of  peace.  Save  for  the  nervous  tension  everything  went 
as  usual.  Thus  with  this  exception,  we  have  only  the  pleasantest  memories 
of  our  simimer's  outing. 

Professor  Henry  C,  Adams 

A  letter  from  Professor  H.  C.  Adams,  to  President  Hutchins,  dated 
August  16,  at  Peking,  China,  announces  that  the  Adams  family  will  sail  for 
home  from  Yokahama  on  September  26.  The  war  in  Europe  caused  them 
to  change  their  plans  r^^rding  the  return  through  Europe,  and  a  stay  of 
some  months  in  Germany  for  observations  and  research  in  political  economy. 

The  letter  told  of  the  satisfactory  termination  of  Professor  Adams' 
work  as  a  member  of  the  Commission  for  the  unification  of  the  railway 
accounts  and  statistics  of  the  Ministry  of  Communication,  Mr.  Adams  hav- 
ing been  appointed  to  this  Commission  nearly  two  years  ago  by  the  Chinese 
government.    In  part  the  letter  reads  as  follows: 

"This  war  has  broken  entirely  my  program  of  travel  for  which  the 
Regents  gave  me  an  additional  one-half  year's  leave  of  absence.  While  I 
could  go  through  India,  perhaps,  with  some  degree  of  safety,  I  do  not  feel 
warranted  in  returning  via  Europe.  I  might  go  to  Manila,  but  if  the  Japs 
are  going  to  take  a  hand  in  the  game,  as  seems  probable  from  the  ultimatum 
just  sent  to  Germany,  every  mile  that  brings  me  nearer  to  the  Pacific 
coast  will  be  a  relief. 

"Should  the  situation  change  during  the  next  two  or  three  weeks  I 
may  yet  carry  out  my  original  plan,  but  that  is  not  likely,  and  I  have  wired 
for  accommodations  to  carry  me  home  from  Yokahama  on  the  26th  of 

"This  is  the  second  time  that  the  Adams  family  has  started  up  an 
international  war  by  moving  out  of  the  country.  We  were  in  Berlin  when 
the  Spanish-American  war  broke  out. 

"The  boys  arrived  safely  a  week  ago,  and  are  seeing  the  sights  of  the 
city.  Their  trip  has  been  well  worth  while,  and  I  am  impressed  anew  with 
.ne  fact  that  there  are  many  kinds  of  an  education  beside  that  given  by  a 

"For  myself,  the  work  that  I  came  to  do  is  finished,  and  seems  to  have 
met  with  favor,  for  in  the  reorganization  of  the  Ministry  of  Communica- 
tion it  has  been  made  the  cornerstone  of  one  of  the  seven  divisions  into 
which  the  ministry  is  divided.  Rather  strong  inducements  have  been 
offered  to  lead  me  to  return  for  three  or  four  months  two  years  from 
now,  which  will  be  the  critical  period  for  this  entire  experiment,  but  I  said 
I  could  make  no  promise  till  I  had  been  home." 

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University  News 



Early-season  predictions  that  the  1914 
team  would  be  one  of  the  best  which  Yost 
has  ever  given  Michig^,  were  seemingly 
fulfilled  in  the  first  game  of  the  season  on 
September  30,  when  the  Wolverines  over- 
whelmed the  eleven  from  De  Pauw  Uni- 
versity by  the  score  of  58  to  o. 

In  this  game,  which  was  watched  by  a 
crowd  of  over  5,000,  the  Varsity's  backs 
were  able  to  gain  nearly  at  will  through  the 
defense  which  the  Saturday  before  had 
held  Indiana  University  to  a  13  to  6  score. 
As  is  customary  in  early  games  on  Ferry 
Field,  Quarterback  Hughitt  had  but  a 
small  repertoire  of  plays  to  use,  but  every 
one  of  them  proved  effective.  Yost  sent 
in  three  complete  sets  of  backs,  and  the 
substitute  combinations  proved  nearly  as 
capable  as  their  predecessors  in  gaming 

Although  Coach  Yost  started  his  train- 
ing season  this  fall  with  four  "M'*  wearers 
for  his  backfield,  there  was  just  one  letter 
man  in  the  team  which  went  onto  the  field 
to  start  the  game.  This  man  was  Ernest 
"Tommy"  Hughitt,  the  quarterback.  Two 
sophomores,  Maulbetsch  and  Splawn,  and 
a  1913  substitute,  Bastian,  composed  the 
trio  of  backs.  Gait  would  ordinarily  have 
been  in  Bastian's  place  had  it  not  been  for 
his  injured  knee,  which  again  threatens  to 
impair  his  effectiveness  as  ati  exceptionally 
good  half  back.  Catlett,  an  ''M"  man,  got 
into  the  battle  before  it  was  over  and  did 
good  work.  Bushnell,  the  other  letter  man, 
sat  on  the  sidelines  with  an  injured  foot. 

Michigan  carried  the  ball  during  prac- 
tically the  whole  game,  and  the  battle  was 
a  series  of  dashes  toward  successive  Wol- 
verine touchdowns.  In  one  instance  it  re- 
quired but  a  single  play  to  negotiate  the 
6  points.  Hughitt  had  carried  the  kick-off 
back  past  the  middle  of  the  field.  Then 
he  called  on  Splawn  for  a  forward  pass, 
the  ball  going  squarely  into  the  waiting 
arms  of  right  end  Lyons,  who  went  over 
for  a  touchdown  and  a  45-yard  gain.  It 
was  the  only  successful  forward  pass  of 
the  game,  the  remainder  of  Michigan's  ef- 
forts missing  narrowly,  while  De  Pauw's 
all  went  sadly  amiss. 

Maulbetsch  made  two  of  the  touchdowns 
on  short  plunges  through  the  line,  missing 
a  third  when  he  jammed  the  b^  up  against 


an  upright  instead  of  past  it.  This  young 
player,  who  has  been  the  idol  of  Michigan 
men  since  the  day  when  he  started  to  play 
football  for  the  Ann  Arbor  High  School, 
showed  great  promise  as  a  plunger  and  as 
a  defensive  player.  Siplawn,  the  dther 
sophomore  in  the  backfield,  considered  the 
best  young  kicker  ever  on  Ferry  Field, 
punted  for  long  Wolverine  gains,  and  also 

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negotiated  a  perfect  drop-kick  from  the  27-  Hughitt  5.  Bastian  i,  Meal  i.     Goal  from  drop 

varH  1iti«>  ***<^*^ — Splawn  I.     Score  first  quarter — Michigan  7, 

-    rrV.                                 .        .,                        r          ,  DePauw    o.      Second    quarter— Michigan    23,    Dc- 

rhe    game    was    hardly    a    test     for    the  Pauw  o.     Third  quarter— Michigan  21.  DePauw  o. 

Michigan    line,   about    which   the    most    fear  Fourth  quarter— Michigan  7,  DePauw  o.     Officials 

has  been  expressed.    The  players  showed  a  Fr^wn'^'t^.^H^'y^nef^^^PK^iflV  MT.^h[^;nHl± 

•   •           t_*i*^        ^      i¥     ^*         L«      1  •               3  brown;  iieaa  lyinesman,  Knignt,  Michigan,     lime 

surprising  ability  at  effective  blocking  and  of  quarters— 12.  10.  12  and  10  min. 

interfering,  especially  in  view  of  the  fact  

that    every    man,    save   Lyons   and    Staatz,  i-uAKii-cc   im  -rucDinirc 

the   first   ends  to   start,   was   playing  in   a  ^^MAlNUt^  IN    IHH  KUUlC) 

position  to  which  he  was  a  stranger.    Nor-  Changes  in  the  code  of  rules  governing 

ton,   a   disappointment   of    1913,    played   a  football  play  have  been  but  few  this  year, 

strong  game  when  he  was  given  a  chance  The  general  tenor  of  the  alterations  has  been 

toward   the   end,   while  every  one   of  the  an  attempt  to  prevent  some  possible  abuses 

practically  two  teams  of   substitutes   who  which  have  arisen,  and  an  evident  effort 

went  in.  played  about  as  effective  a  game  as  to  allow  a  crystalization  of  the  modern  game 

the  first  choice  men.  along    the    lines    which    were    mapped   out 

The  line-up  and  summaries  follow:  several  years  ago  at  the  time  when  the  open 

Michigan    (58)                                 DePauw  (o)  s^>'^^  ^^  P^^-^  ^^as  first  made  possible. 

Staatr,  Dunne  L.K Woodruff  The    expressed    intention    of    the    rules 

Reimann     J  committee  seems  to  be  to  follow  out  this 

pfilbeinerl Northway  ^^^^^al  policy  for  several  years  to  come. 

Quail     1  and  it  is  to  be  expected  that,  outside  of  the 

Norton  V L.G Sefton  minor   alterations   necessary   each   year  to 

RaT^ford  (C)  i            r                          iu     a.u  f^^?^  "^1^  ^""^  unforseen  abuses,  there  will 

Neimann             S ^ Meredith  Ijp   few  changes. 

JJ\Jla«-d  /                       „  -  Of  this  type  were  the  alterations  made  in 

jy^;'/^"f ^'^ Cochran  ^h^  ^ode  which  governed   football  play  in 

Cochran,  Hildncr R.T Dunn  IQU-     The  changes   number   perhaps   half 

Lyons       J                        ^  a  dozen,  but  there  are  two  which  will  have 

D  "uSics  f ^'^ Sharpc  g^^^e  little  effect  on  the  general  type  of  play 

HugStt!' Zicger   O.B Anderson,  Bittles  throughout  the  country.    The  remainder  are 

Maulbetsch,  Cohn L.H G.  Thomas  (C)  largely  aimed  at   the  correction   of  abuses 

Cat?^"  i                      F.  B                 Ade,  Harvey  which  arose  in  certain  localities.  One  of  the 

Mead    ) two  more  important  alterations  prevents  the 

SiJl!^  I                     p  If        n  TK«w««.  P ^^^^^  occupying  a  place  along  the  side  line, 

n^^l^y  \ ^-^ ^'  T*'^"^^''  P«="*^*^  making  it  thus  necessary  for  him  to  sit  on 

Touchdowns-Maulbetsch  2.  Splawn  2.  Hughitt  ^^e    bench    or    in   the   grand    stand.     The 

2,  Lyons   1,  Cohn   1.     Goals  from  touchdown—  coach    will    undoubtedly    adopt    this    latter 

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Other  changes  provide  for  the  use  of  a 
field  judge  in  the  bigger  games,  the  keep- 
ing absolutely  clear  of  the  neutral  zone 
between  the  forward  lines  of  the  opposing 
teams,  the  prohibition  of  the  grounding  of 
a  forward  pass  when  it  seems  about  to  be 
unsuccessful  and  to  result  in  a  loss  of 
ground,  and  the  stopping  of  the  play  which 
allows  of  the  hiding  of  a  player  along  the 

It  is  not  expected  that  the  style  of  the 
game  at  present  played,  will  be  materi- 
ally changed  as  a  result  of  these  few 
changes,  but  that  they  will  have  the  further 
effect  of  simplifying  the  general  type  of 
play  and  will  make  the  rules  more  intelli- 
gible for  both  player  and  spectator. 


plan.  While  intended  to  prevent  as  far  as 
possible  the  direction  of  the  play  on  the 
field  by  the  coach,  the  coaches  themselves 
believe  this  change  will  have  but  little 
eflFect.  Play  can  still  possibly  be  directed 
by  the  sending  in  of  substitutes,  but  it  will 
make  necessary  the  planning  of  a  more 
complex  system  of  signals  if  the  coach 
should  still  desire  to  have  any  large  share 
in  the  direction  of  the  play. 

The  other  change  will  allow  of  more 
effective  work  in  the  blocking  of  kicks,  in 
that  it  permits  of  the  kicker's  being  touched 
after  the  kick,  although  it  is  left  with  the 
officials  to  keep  this  play  from  becoming 
rough.  It  is  expected  that  the  players  will 
charge  through   for  the  blocking  of  kicks 

with  more  abandon  and  effectiveness  this  ERNEST  F.  HUGHITT,  'isE. 

year.  quarterback 

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Sept  30. — DePauw  at  Ann  Arbor. 

OcL     3. — Case  at  Ann  Arbor. 

Oct     7. — Mount  Union  at  Ann  Arbor. 

Oct   10. — ^Vanderbilt  at  Ann  Arbor. 

Oct   17. — M.  A.  C.  at  Lansing. 

Oct  24. — Syracuse  at  Syracuse,  New  York. 

Oct  31. — Harvard  at  Cambridge,  Mass. 

Nov.    7. — Pennsylvania  at  Ann  Arbor. 

Nov.  14. — Cornell  at  Ann  Arbor. 

Applications  accompanied  by  remittances 
for  tickets  for  the  M.  A.  C.  and  Harvard 
games  will  be  received  at  the  Athletic  Asso- 
ciation oflSce,  Ann  Arbor,  after  October  ist. 
Tickets  will  be  mailed  in  ample  time  to 
reach  purchaser  before  day  of  game. 


Edmon  P.  McQueen,  *!$€,  of  Lowell,  has 
been  elected  captain  of  the  baseball  team 
for  the  coming  year.  McQueen  has  played 
two  years  at  second  base  on  the  Varsity 

At  the  close  of  the  1914  baseball  season, 
*^"  hats  and  sweaters  were  awarded  to 
the  following  men:  Captain  Sisler,  Fergu- 
son, Baribeau,  Quaintance  and  Davidson, 
IMtchers ;  Baer  and  Hippler,  catchers ;  How- 
ard, McQueen,  Baker,  Hughitt  and  Waltz, 
infielders;  Sheehy,  Benton  and  Labadie, 

Arthur  W.  Kohler,  '14,  captain  of  the 
1914  Michigan  track  team,  won  first  place 
in  the  hammer  throw  and  third  place  in  the 
discus  at  the  A.  A.  U.  track  meet  for  the 
Central  States  held  on  July  4  at  Dayton, 
Ohio.  Kohler  entered  under  the  auspices 
of  the  Illinois  Athletic  Association,  which 

won  the  meet.  His  throw  of  164  feet,  6 
inches  with  the  hammer  was  7  feet,  3f4 
inches  farther  than  the  throw  with  which 
he  won  the  gold  medal  at  the  eastern  in- 
tercollegiate this  spring. 

Harold  L.  Smith,  *i6,  Detroit,  has  been 
elected  Varsity  track  captain  for  the  com- 
ing year.  He  is  a  sprinter  and  hurdler, 
taking  second  place  in  the  220  yard  and 
fifth  in  the  lOO  yard  dash  at  the  intercol- 
legiate meet  this  spring.  He  is  the  only 
sophomore  who  has  ever  been  chosen  cap- 
tain of  a  Michigan  track  team. 

The  much  talked  of  Varsity  "M"  Club, 
membership  in  which  is  open  to  any  man 
who  has  won  a  Varsity  **M",  was  formerly 
organized  on  Tuesday  of  Commencement 
Week  at  a  meeting  at  the  Union  attended 
by  over  a  hundred  of  the  seven  hundred 
"M"  men.  Henry  J.  Killilca,  '85/,  of  Mil- 
waukee, who  played  on  the  Varsity  eleven 
in  the  early  eighties  when  thcnr  tnet  Har- 
vard, was  made  president  and  vice-presi- 
dents were  elected  to  represent  the  differ- 
ent branches  of  the  major  sports.  Con- 
gressman Edwin  Denb>',  '96/,  of  Detroit 
was  chosen  to  act  as  football  vice-presi- 
dent. Edmund  C  Shields,  '94,  '96/,  still 
known  as  one  of  the  famous  Michigan 
pitchers,  received  the  baseball  vice-presi- 
dency, and  Nelson  A.  Kellogg,  '04,  former 
star  distance  runner,  and  &t  present  ath- 
letic director  of  the  University  of  Iowa, 
was  made  senior  vice-president.  The  Board 
of  Directors  consists  of  William  C.  John- 
son, '78,  Detroit;  Irving  K.  Pond,  '79^, 
Chicago;  George  P.  Codd,  '91,  Detroit; 
Frank  E.  Bliss,  '73^,  '79/,  Cleveland;  and 
Ralph  C.  Craig,  '11,  Detroit. 


It  is  aimed  in  this  section  to  ^ive  a  report  of  every  action  taken  by  the  Regents  -sf  general  interest. 
Routine  financial  business,  appointments  of  assistants,  small  appropriations,  and  lists  of  degrees 
Sranted,  are  usually  omitted. 


The  Board  met  in  the  Regents*  Room 
July  24,  1914,  with  the  President,  and  Re- 
gents Leland,  Beal,  Bulkley,  Gore,  Han- 
chett.  Sawyer,  Clements,  and  Hubbard  pres- 
ent— ^The  sum  of  $5,000  was  set  aside  from 
the  general  ftmds  and  an  additional  amount 
of  $2,500,  making  $7,500  in  all,  was  trans- 
ferred from  the  repairs  account  to  an  ac- 
count for  providing  in  the  General  Library 
fireproof  quarters  for  rare  books. — ^The 
Board  approved  a  lease  and  agreement  ne- 
gotiated between  Mr.  H.  G.  Prettyman  and 
four  members  of  the  Board  present  at  a 
special  committee  meeting  held  in  Ann  Ar- 

bor on  July  8,  and  Regent  Hanchett,  cov- 
ering all  the  interests  of  Mr.  Prettyman 
et  al.  in  the  property  between  North  Uni- 
versity Avenue,  Twelfth  Street,  Washing- 
ton Street,  Fourteenth  Street,  and  Volland 
Street. — ^The  Board  authorized  the  expend- 
ture  of  not  over  $4,000  in  adapting  the 
buildings  on  the  Prettyman  property  to 
University  purposes.  —  The  sum  of  $800 
was  added  to  the  salary  budget  of  the 
Homoeopathic  Hospital. — ^The  title  of  Rev. 
L.  N.  Pattison  was  changed  from  Custo- 
dian of  the  Alumni  Memorial  Hall  to  As- 
sistant Curator  of  the  Alumni  Memorial 
Hall,  with  increase  in  salary,  taking  effect 

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August  I.  A  fund  was  provided  for  the 
payment  of  assistants  to  be  engaged  by  and 
to  be  responsible  to  Mr.  Pattison,  and  Mr. 
Pattison  was  made  responsible  in  general 
for  the  proper  care  and  use  of  the  build- 
ing.— Various  acts  of  the  Executive  Com- 
mittee were  approved  and  confirmed.  These 
included  the  appointment  of  Mr.  E.  A. 
Tanghe,  as  Instructor  in  Descriptive  Geom- 
etry, Mr.  S.  R.  Thomas  as  Instructor  in 
Mechanical  Engineerings  and  the  promotion 
of  Mr.  F.  R.  Finch  and  Mr.  George  F.  Mc- 
Conkey  to  assistant  professorships  in  de- 
scriptive geometry  and  architecture,  re- 
spectively.— Such  additional  assistance  was 
also  provided  for  the  psychological  labora- 
tory as  is  necessary  to  enable  Professor 
John  F.  Shepard  to  act  as  representative 
of  the  various  scientific  departments  that 
are  to  occupy  the  new  Science  Building,  in 
the  capacity  of  inspector  and  adviser  to  the 
Building  Committee. — The  Board  author- 
ized the  expenditure  out  of  the  budget  of 
the  Department  of  Engineering,  of  not  to 
exceed  $700  for  a  building  for  the  work 
in  sanitary  engineering,  in  accordance  with 
the  plans  of  Dean  Cooley. — The  President 
and  Secretary  were  requested  to  report  at 
the  next  meeting  with  respect  to  rules  now 
in  force,  and  possible  additional  legisla- 
tion, with  regard  to  the  attendance  of  the 
faculty  at  the  public  exercises  of  Com- 
mencement week.— The  following  resolu- 
tion was  adopted: 

Resolved,  That  the  Finance  Committee  be 
authorized  to  make  investments  of  University 
trust  funds  up  to  a  total  of  $50,000,  such  invest- 
ments to  net  not  less  than  4H%  and  to  be  in 
real  estate  mortgages  not  exceeding  one-half  the 
appraised  value  of  the  property,  or  in  municipal 

—  The  president  presented  resolutions 
adopted  by  the  Superintendents*  Section  of 
the  Michigan  State  Teachers'  Association 
under  date  of  April  24,  requesting  the  Re- 
gents to  establish  a  model  school  and  oth- 
erwise to  improve  the  work  in  the  training 
of  secondary  school  teachers  at  the  Uni- 
versity.— The  rule  for  refund  of  fees  to 
students  in  the  regular  session  was  ex- 
tended, for  proportionate  periods,  to  stu- 
dents in  the  summer  session.  This  rule  is 
formulated  as  follows  for  the  summer  ses- 

(i)  The  same  general  rule  obtains,  as  in  the 
regular  session,  that  no  refund  shall  be  made  to 
any  student  withdrawing  from  the  Summer  Ses- 
sion otherwise  than  in  good  standing. 

(2)  Any  student  withdrawing  from  the  Summer 
Session  voluntarily  and  in  good  standing,  within 
one  week  of  his  registration,  shall  be  entitled  to 
a  refund  of  his  entire  Summer  Session  fee. 

(3)  Any  student  who  withdraws  thus  from  the 
Summer  Session  more  than  one  week  and  not 
more  than  two  weeks  after  his  registration,  is 
entitled  to  a  refund  of  one-half  his  Summer  Ses- 
sion fee. 

(4)  A  student  who  withdraws  thus  more  than 
two  weeks  and  less  than  four  weeks  (in  the  Law 
Department  less  than  five  weeks;  in  the  Medical 
Department  less  than  three  weeks)  after  his  regis- 
tration, is  entitled  to  a  refund  of  40  per  cent  of 
his  Summer  Session  fee. 

(5)  A  student  may  enroll  for  the  latter  half 
or  less  of  a  Summer  Session  on  payment  of  a  fee 
equal  to  60  per  cent  of  the  fee  for  the  entire 
Summer  Session  in  the  Department  in  which  such 
student  enrolls. 

(6)  The  40  per  cent  thus  refunded  to  students 
enrolling  for  the  second  half  of  the  Summer  Ses- 
sion shall  be  included  in  determining  any  further 
refund  to  withdrawing  students  under  (2)  and 
(3)   above. 

— The  President  read  a  communication 
from  Mr.  Winfield  Goong  presenting  for 
the  art  gallery  two  specimens  of  twentieth 
century  Chinese  embroidery,  the  gift  being 
intended  to  be  an  expression  of  Mr. 
Goong's  appreciation  of  the  treatment  ac- 
corded by  the  University  to  the  Chinese 
students.  The  gift  was  accepted  by  the 
Board  with  thanks.— The  Secretary  read  a 
communication  from  Ex-Governor  and 
Ex-Regent  Chase  S.  Osborn,  addressed  to 
the  President,  stating  that  Mr.  Osborn  was 
sending  to  the  University  a  plaster  cast  of 
certain  rare  Bushmen  engravings  in  South 
Africa.  The  gift  of  this  cast  was  accepted 
with  the  thanks  of  the  Board.  —  Volney 
Hunter  Wells  was  appointed  as  Instructor 
in  Mathematics  in  the  Department  of  Lit- 
erature, Science,  and  the  Arts. — A  com- 
munication was  received  from  Professor 
Roth  stating  that  the  Forestry  department 
had  received  from  Mr.  Woodbridge  Met- 
calf  of  the  Forestry  class  of  1912,  the  fol- 
lowing gifts: 

(i)  .Mbum  of  35  views. 

(2)  Two  large  panorama  views. 

(3)  A  set  of  records  embodying  over  one  year's 
work  performed  largely  bv  Mr.  Metcalf  assisted 
by  Mr.  Whiting  Alden  of  the  Forestry  class  of 
19 10,  for  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railroad,  constitut- 
ing the  scientific  study  of  evidence  in  a  suit  for 
$360,000.  dealing  with  forest  conditions  as  af- 
fected by  fires. 

These  gifts  were  accepted  and  the  thanks 
of  the  Board  extended  to  Mr.  Metcalf. — 
— The  President  presented  the  two  follow- 
ing communications  from  Doctor  C.  B.  G. 
de  Nancrede,  Professor  of  Surgery: 

Ann  Arbcr,  Mich.,  July   14,   1914. 

To  the  Honorable  Board  of  Kegcnts; 
Gentlemen : 

Finding  that  I  cannot  properly  provide  for  a 
large  number  of  useful  and  valuable  surgical  in- 
struments, may  I  beg  their  acceptance  by  the 
University  Hospital,  where  I  trust  that  they  will 
prove  as  serviceable  in  the  future  as  they  have  in 
the  past.  Although  not  capable  of  being  sold  for 
any  such  amount,  originally  they  cost  about 
$1,000,  and  would  require  this  sum  to  duplicate 

Very  truly, 

C.  B.  G.  de  NANCREDE. 

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Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  July  14,  1914. 

To  the  Honorable  Board  of  Regents; 
Gentlemen : 

I  have  found  some  hundreds  of  works  in  my 
possession  which  are  not  in  the  Medical  portion 
of  the  Library  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

I  would  ask  that  you  accept  such  as  are  not 
duplicates,  so  that  I  can  feel  that  these  books  will 
still  be  useful  to  other  students. 

Until  all  duplicates  have  been  eliminated  I  can- 
not say  how  many  volumes  may  be  acceptable,  but 
should  estimate  these  at  about  500. 
Very  truly, 

C.  B.  G.  dc  NANCREDE. 

These  gifts  from  Doctor  de  Nancrede  were 
accepted  with  the  thanks  of  the  Regents. — 
The  President  was  authorized  to  extend  an 
invitation  to  Doctor  Leroy  Waterman  to 
become  Professor  of  Semitics  in  the  Uni- 
versty,  at  the  salary  of  $3,000  per  year. — 
On  motion  of  Regent  Beal,  Mr.  Gilbert  H. 
Taylor  was  appointed  Instructor  in  Semit- 
ics for  the  Universty  year  1914-1915. — A 
communication  was  received  from  Profes- 
sor F.  M.  Taylor  stating  that  since  the 
passage  of  the  budp^et  for  1914-1915  he 
had  received  the  resignations  of  Assistant 
Professor  Hamilton  and  Messrs.  S.  M. 
Hamilton,  Stevenson,  and  Shugrue.  In 
order  to  meet  conditions  raised  by  these 
resignations,  Professor  Taylor  recommend- 
ed readjustments  in  the  work  of  Professor 
Friday  and  Assistant  Professor  Dowrie 
whereby  they  would  take  on  a  larger 
amount  of  more  advanced  work  and  would 
have  some  assistance  in  the  lower  grade 
work.  In  accordance  with  this  recommen- 
dation, the  Board  approved  a  schedule  of 
appointments,  including  F.  F.  Kolbe,  W.  F. 
Marsteller,  P.  W.  Ivey,  R.  G.  Rodkey,  to 
Instructorships. — Mr.  J.  A.  Van  den  Broek 
was  appointed  as  Instructor  in  Engineering 
Mechanics  for  the  year  1914-1915,  vice  Mr. 
A.  L.  Ladd,  and  Mr.  Orlan  William  Bos- 
ton was  appointed  Instructor  in  Engineer- 
ing Mechanics  for  the  year  1914-1915. — 
Certain  changes  recommended  by  the  fac- 
ulty of  the  Departments  of  Engineering 
and  Architecture  in  the  curricula  for  archi- 
tectural students,  were  approved. — Martin 
J.  Orbcck  was  appointed  Instructor  in  De- 
scriptive Geometry  and  Drawing,  vice  F. 
E.  Kristal.  resigned,  and  the  appointment 
of  Jesse  E.  Thornton  was  changed  to  that 
of  Instructor  in  English  in  the  Engineer- 
ing Department  for  the  entire  year  1914- 
191 5. — Professor  Gleason,  Director  of  the 
Biological  Station,  was  asked,  in  consulta- 
tion with  Professor  Johnston,  to  provide 
fire  lines  to  the  Biological  Station. — In  ac- 
cordance with  the  recommendation  by  the 
Senate  Council  Friday,  October   16,   1914, 

was  designated  for  the  Convocation  exer- 
cises.—The  Board  voted  that  adjournment 
when  taken  should  be  to  Friday,  October 
16.  in  order  that  the  Regents'  meeting 
might  be  on  the  same  day  as  the  Convo- 
cation exercises. — A  half-time  medical  as- 
sistant for  Doctor  Elsie  Seelye  Pratt  was 
authorized. — The  President  presented  a  let- 
ter of  resignation  from  Assistant  Profes- 
sor Walton  H.  Hamilton.  Professor  Ham- 
ilton's resignation  was  accepted  with  re- 
gret.— Orover  C.  Grismore  was  appointed 
Instructor  in  Conveyancing  in  the  Depart- 
ment of  Law. — Upon  the  recommendation 
of  the  faculty  of  the  Departments  of  En- 
gineering and  Architecture  transmitted  by 
Dean  Cooley,  certain  changes  were  made 
in  the  requirements  for  graduation. — ^The 
sum  of  $100  was  set  aside  to  meet  the  ex- 
penses of  a  highway  exhibit  at  the  Fifth 
American  Good  Roads  Congress  in  Chicago 
December  14  to  17,  1914. — A  communica- 
tion was  received  from  Dean  Cooley  sug- 
gesting that  a  committee  be  appointed  with 
a  view  of  placing  upon  the  campus  some 
memorial  to  the  late  Alfred  Noble,  C.E., 
of  the  Class  of  1870,  LL.D.  1895.  The 
President  was  requested  to  appoint  such  a 
committee. — Permission  was  granted  in  ac- 
cordance with  the  request  of  Dean  Cooley, 
to  use  certain  rooms  in  the  Engineering 
Building  in  connection  with  the  appraisal 
of  the  Pere  Marquette  Railroad. — ^The  res- 
ignation of  Frank  A.  Kristal,  Instructor 
in  Descriptive  Geometry  and  Drawing  dur- 
ing the  past  five  years,  was  accepted  with 
regret. — The  President  submitted  a  letter 
from  Dean  C.  Worcester,  '89,  tendering  a 
valuable  collection  of  manuscripts  and 
pamphlets  relating  to  the  Philippines  to  the 
University,  and  on  motion  of  Regent  Cle- 
ments, the  Regents  took  the  following  ac- 
tion: ^ 

Resolved,  That  the  proposition  of  the  Honor>  j 
able  Dean  C.  Worcester  to  give  to  the  University 
of  Michigan  upon  certain  conditions  his  collection 
of  manuscripts  and  books  pertaining  to  the  Philip- 
pines be  accepted  with  profound  thanks,  and  that 
in  the  arrangement  of  the  new  reserve-book  stacks 
in  the  University  Library  the  collection  be  amply 
provided  for,  and  that  it  be  known  as  "The  Dean 
C.  Worcester  Collection  of  Manuscripts  and  Books 
Pertaining  to  the  Philippines." 

Be  It  Further  Resolved.  That  the  expenses 
which  may  be  necessary  in  the  transportation  and 
reception  of  these  books  be  provided  for  from  the 
general  fund,  and  that  in  the  matter  of  the  expense 
of  copying  the  "Selected  Documents"  a  sum  not 
exceeding  $800  be  set  aside  from  the  general  fund 
for  this  purpose. 

— A  more  complete  description  of  this  gift 
appears  on  page  17. — The  Board  then  ad- 
journed to  Friday,  October  16,  1914. 

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In  this  department   will   be   found   news  from  organizations,   rather   than    individuals,   among   th« 
alumni.     Letters  sent  us  for  publication  by  individuals  will,  however,  generally  appear  in  this  column. 


Harvard-Michigan  Football  Game,  Har- 
vard Stadium,  October  31,  1914. 

Michk^an  Headquarters,  Copley- Plaza 
Hotel,  Copley  Square,  Boston. 

One  minute  from  Huntington  Avenue 
Station,  B.  &  A.  R.  R. 

One  minute  from  Back  Bay  Station,  N. 
Y.,  N.  H.  &  H.  R.  R. 

All  Michigan  men  will  report  and  regis- 
ter promptly  on  arrival  in  Boston. 

Smoker,  Mass  Meeting  and  Reunion  at 
Copley-Plaza  Hotel,  Boston,  Friday  even- 
ing at  8  p.  m. 

University  of  Michigan  Band,  Good 
Speakers,  Cheer  Leaders,  Michigan  songs 
and  yells  and  plenty  of  Michigan  spirit. 

Stereopticon  Views  and  Moving  Pictures 
of  Ann  Arbor  showing  new  buildings,  im- 
provements and  developments,  student  and 
athletic  activities. 

All  Michigan  men  and  delegations  are 
urged  to  arrive  in  season  for  this  event 
which  will  be  second  only  to  the  game. 

Alumni  are  requested  to  make  their  ho- 
tel reservations  early. 

For  further  information  address:  E.  R. 
Hurst,  161  Devonshire  Street.  Boston, 


The  organization  of  the  Akron  commit- 
tee to  carry  on  the  campaign  for  the  mil- 
lion dollar  club  house  for  the  Michigan 
Union  was  perfected  through  the  visit  of 
M.  Paul  Cogswell,  *iie,  on  September  i, 
although  the  campaign  set  for  this  fall  has 
been  postponed  for  a  year  on  account  of 
the  war.  Harvey  Musser,  '82/,  has  been 
made  chairman  of  the  committee,  with  jur- 
isdiction over  several  surrounding  counties. 
With  him  are  associated  ex-Mayor  William 
E.  Young,  '92/,  Mulford  Wade,  *86-'9i.  Dr. 
Isabel  A.  Bradley,  *99w,  David  N.  Rosen, 
'99^,  of  Barberton,  Hugh  P.  Allen,  *o6,  and 
Dr.  Herbert  W.  Barton,  *oid.  The  Akron 
Association  will  continue  their  very  suc- 
cessful series  of  Saturday  luncheons  at  the 
Hotel  Portage  for  the  coming  year. 


The  University  of  Michigan  Club  of  New 
England  held  its  first  dinner  for  the  season 
at  the  Boston  City  Club  in  September,  with 
twenty-five  members  present  and  Dr.  C.  W. 
Staples,  'Sgd,  presiding.  The  chief  speak- 
ers at  the  after-dinner  discussion  were  Dr. 

George  B.  Wright  of  Boston,  and  William 
T.  Whedon,  '81,  of  Norwood,  Mass.  Dur- 
ing the  evening  plans  were  considered  for 
receiving  from  1,000  to  2,000  alumni  of  the 
University  on  the  evening  preceding  the 
Harvard-Michigan  game  on  October  31. 
The  Club  proposes  to  entertain  at  least 
1,000  at  a  smoker  in  the  Copley- Plaza.  On 
the  entertainment  committee  are  W.  T. 
Whedon,  '81,  Harvey  C.  Weare,  'g6e,  W.  G. 
Montgomery  and  E.  R.  Hurst,  '13. 


Worcester,  Mass.,  September  15,  1914. 
General  Secretary, 

The  Alumni  Association, 
Ann  Arbor,  Michigan. 
Dear  Sir:— 

I  trust  that  you  will  allow  an  individual 
suggestion  from  a  Michigan  man  and  an 
Easterner,  one  who  is  doubly  interested  in 
the  coming  Michigan-Harvard  football 
game,  and  place  this  communication  before 
the  proper  parties  to  act  upon  as  they  see 

It  is  as  to  cheering  and  singing  at  the 
game.  I  understand  that  the  Michigan 
band  is  well  organized  and  will  be  present 
at  the  game,  which  fact  will  doubtless  aid 
the  singing.  I  hope  that  well  trained  cheer 
leaders  will  also  come  on.  I  think  that  the 
Eastern  alumni  will  give  a  good  account 
of  themselves,  if  so  led. 

Having  attended  a  number  of  games  in 
the  Harvard  Stadium,  I  have  been  struck 
with  its  acoustic  properties.  A  long  drawn 
out  cheer  does  not  "go"  so  well,  in  my 
opinion,  as  the  short  snappy  one.  The 
high  walls  and  seats  cause  an  echo  and 
the  result  is  that  the  last  part  of  a  cheer 
is  apt  to  greet  the  first  part  coming  back. 
I  have  noticed,  too,  that  people  sitting  on 
the  side  of  the  cheering  in  that  vast  stadi- 
um cannot  hear  the  words  distinctly  if 
drawn  out  and  in  getting  the  echo  back,  a 
confusion  of  sound  is  likely  to  result.  Of 
course  the  spectators  opposite  the  cheering 
are  not  so  troubled.  The  short  snappy 
cheering  of  Ohio  State  on  Ferry  Field 
has  always  made  a  good  impression  on 
my  memory,  lasting  longer  perhaps  thaii 
my  remembrances  of  the  games  themselves. 
The  Harvard  cheer  is  long  drawn  out  and 
their  music  always  seemed  to  me  to  be 
slow  moving. 

The  interest  throughout  the  East  in  the 
game  is  increasing  rapidly.  I  have  no 
doubt  the  game  will  outdraw  the  Harvard- 
Princeton  game  the  following  Saturday  on 

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the  same  field.  Among  the  40,000,  which 
can  be  seated  the  vast  majority  will  be 
Harvard  sympathizers  and  also  "neutral" 
Easterners.  The  latter  will  appreciate  a 
good  game  and  will  be  willing  to  be  shown. 
A  fighting  team,  backed  by  an  enthusiastic 
bundi  of  alumni  and  students,  no  matter 
how  small  in  number,  will  create  a  favor- 
able impression,  irrespective  of  the  final 
outcome  of  the  game. 

I  do  not  for  a  minute  want  to  abolish 
any  of  the  old  Michigan  songs  and  cheers, 
but  I  would  like  to  hear  in  addition  some 
snappy  ones,  written  if  necessary  for  the 
occasion  and  printed  for  distribution  to 
alumni  associations  so  that  the  memories 
of  the  old  may  be  refreshed  and  the  new 
ones  learned  for  this  game.  I  do  not  need 
to  state  that  the  Eastern  alumni  will  ac- 
cord an  enthusiastic  greeting. 

Camp  has  lately  written  that  the  game, 
this  Pall,  will  settle  the  year's  champion- 
ship, but  that  it  will  not  in  one  game  de- 
cide the  merits  of  the  Eastern  and  West- 
em  football.  Pretty  fair  for  a  Yale  man. 
Harvard  in  its  prospects  and  material  is 
the  best  in  years,  but  we  have  faith  in 
Yost  and  a  Michigan  team. 

Sincerely  yours, 
Merrili.  S.  June,  '12/. 


Story   of   How   Chicago's   Michigan   Men 

Disported  Themselves  at  Their  Annual 


"Soak  'em.  John !" 

•*BAWL  TUH!" 

— And  John  got  his  base  on  balls — some- 
times. And  sometimes  he  landed  on  the 
big  armory  ball  for  a  home  run.  Where- 
upon his  teammates,  old  boys  and  young- 
uns,  howled  with  delight  as  John's  corpu- 
lent person  galloped  and  puffed  across  the 
home  plate. 

It  was  the  big  ball  game  between  the 
"Germans"  and  the  "Russians"  at  the  an- 
nual midsummer  outing  of  the  Chicago 
Alumni  Association  of  the  University  of 

"The  Time  —  Saturday  Afternoon,  Au- 
gust 29. 

"The  Place— Ravinia  Park,  Chicago. 

**The  Girl — Merrie  Michigan" — was  the 
way  the  event  was  announced  in  the  Chica- 
go "Michigan  Bulletin." 

And  that  afternoon  there  was  a  mobili- 
zation of  Michigan  men  for  the  park.  Men 
with  downy  moustaches  and  men  old  and 
shrewd  in  the  game  of  the  "wide,  wide 
world"  left  their  labors  and  gathered  to 
have  fun  together  like  boys  again.  They 
loafed,  loitered,  lingered  and  leaped.  They 
talked  war  and  played  baseball.  They  har- 
monized and  melodized  and  yelled  the  old 

yells  once  more,  with  "Bony"  Bohnsack  as 

The  features  of  the  day  were  the  two 
bloody  battles  between  the  Germans  and  the 
Russians  on  the  beautiful  baseball  field  be- 
fore the  stadium.  For  the  first  game  the 
"chose  up"  line-up  was  as  follows:  Rus- 
sians— "Smi"  Smith,  *ii  (Capt.) ;  Drake, 
Curtis,  Reighard,  Roth,  Hoover,  Reisser, 
Kolyn,  Supple. 

Germans — McKenzie,  '96  (Capt.)  ;  Lunn, 
Bohnsack,  David,  Eckhard,  Haller,  Heck- 
ler, Newmarke,  Small. 

The  Deutschers  won  by  a  score  of  8  to  4. 
Umpires — Dr.  H.  S.  Eisenstaedt,  and  I.  K. 
Pond.    Errors,  78. 

Second  Battle:  Russians — David  (Capt.) 
Martin,  Davis,  Hoover,  Hoffman,  W.  Gal- 
loway, Towler,  Adams,  Roth. 

Germans — Bohnsack  (Capt)  ;  O'Connor, 
Drake,  Lunn,  J.  Galloway,  Chadwick,  Mar- 
tin, Green,  Kolyn,  Eckhart. 

The  dead  were  11  to  7,  in  favor  of  the 

At  the  banquet  out  under  the  trees  by 
the  casino  in  the  evening  Capt.  Art  Bohn- 
sack was  presented  with  a  "silver  loving 
cup"  in  honor  of  his  valiant  work  in  the 
battles  of  the  afternoon.  The  "cup"  was 
a  bright  tin  horn. 

About  125  Michigan  men  were  present 
at  the  outing,  and  many  brought  their 
wives,  children,  friends  or  fiancees.  The 
oldest  grad  present  was  Bartow  A.  Ulrich, 
'64.  The  afternoon  symphony  concert  by 
the  Chicago  Symphony  orchestra  and  the 
opera,  Lucia  di  Lammermoor,  in  the  even- 
ing given  in  the  open-air  auditorium,  were 
the  main  free  attractions.  All  the  good  old 
songs  in  the  Michigan  Union  song  books, 
a  snake  dance,  and  a  prolonged  mouth  or- 
gan and  tin  horn  concert,  very  ably  led  by 
Mr.  L  K.  Pond,  '79^,  succeeded  the  dinner. 

Anyway,  they  all  went  home  with  brain 
and  brawn  renewed.  Everybody  was  hap- 
py and  had  the  smile  that  wouldn't  come 
of?  for  'twas  all  the  way  through. 

A.  E.  Curtis,  'ii. 


In  an  effort  to  get  directly  in  touch  with 
the  new  graduates  of  the  University  who 
locate  in  Chicago,  furnish  them  with  in- 
formation concerning  the  city  and  help 
them  in  any  way  possible,  the  Chicago 
Alumni  Association  of  the  University  will 
establish  this  year  an  employment  commit- 
tee, consisting  of  Michigan  men  who  are 
representative  in  their  professions  and  lines 
of  business.  It  is  planned  to  centralize 
the  work  of  the  committee  in  a  secretary, 
who  will  act,  first,  as  a  clearing  house  for 
the  employer  and  employee;  and  second,  as 
the  organizing  point  through  which  the 
work  of  the  committee  can  be  broadened 

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r  October 

and  developed.  The  members  of  the  com- 
mittee, however,  will  rarely  be  called  upon 
to  meet,  but  will  act  in  an  advisory  capaci- 
ty and  as  a  medium  for  obtaining  and 
spreading  information. 


A  royal  reception  was  extended  to  Dr. 
Novy  and  family  on  the  occasion  of  his 
visit  to  Porto  Rico  this  summer.  As  the 
steamer  was  being  warped  in  its  berth  it 
was  boarded  by  a  Committee  of  the  Asso- 
ciation, consisting  of  Dr.  M.  Del  Valle, 
'gid,  Dr.  E.  DeGoenaga,  'oSd,  R.  Del  Valle, 
*oid^  B^.  (Phar.  hon.)  '07  Buenaventura 
Jimmez,  'o5*w,  and  M.  Del  Valle,  *i6i?.  In 
the  name  of  the  Association  Dr.  Novy  was 
welcomed  to  the  Island  and  presented  with 
an  engrossed  copy  of  Resolutions  adopted 
by  the  Porto  Rican  Branch  of  Michigan 

The  Porto  Rico  branch  of  the  Alumni 
Association  of  the  University  of  Michi- 
gan, desiring  to  do  honor  to  Dr.  Fred  G. 
Novy,  Professor  at  the  University  of  Mich- 
igan, on  his  proposed  trip  to  Porto  Rico, 
passed  the  following  resolutions  at  a  meet- 
ing held  June  11,  T914. 

Be  it  resolved,  that  on  the  occasion  of 
the  visit  of  Dr.  Fred  0.  Novy,  of  the  fac- 
ulty of  the  University  of  Michigan,  to  the 
Island  of  Porto  Rico  that  the  members  of 
the  Porto  Rican  branch  of  the  Alumni  As- 
sociation of  the  University  of  Michigan,  do 
extend  to  him  a  most  hearty  greeting  and 
welcome  to  our  Island,  and  assure  him  of 
our  great  pleasure  for  the  opportunity  of 
welcoming  him,  not  only  as  a  man  of  world 
wide  reputation  as  a  scientist,  but  also  as 
a  member  of  the  faculty  and  representative 
of  the  University  of  Michigan,  our  well 
loved  Alma  Mater. 

Be  it  also  resolved,  that  the  members  of 
this  association,  both  individually  and  col- 
lectively, do  place  ourselves  at  the  disposal 
of  Dr.  Novy,  in  whatever  way  may  be  pos- 
sible, in  order  that  his  stay  here  may  be 
as  pleasant  as  possible,  and  that  he  may 
see  that  the  spirit  of  Michigan,  transferred 
to  a  tropic  island,  remains  always  the  same. 
Manuel  V.  Del  Valle,  rf'91, 

Jose  E.  Benedicto, 

San  Juan,  Porto  Rico,  August,  1914. 

The  Committee  kindly  placed  their  auto- 
mobiles at  the  service  of  the  party  which 
was  then  transported  to  Rio  Piedras  eight 
miles  from  San  Juan,  where  they  took  up 
their  stay  as  guests  of  Dean  R.  S.  Gar- 
wood, '92,  and  Juanita  Garza  Garwood. 
Mr.  Garwood,  then  Dean  of  the  normal 
school  at  Rio  Piedras,  is  now  performing 

the  duties  of  Dean  of  the  Agricultural  Col- 
lege at  Mayaguez. 

On  the  following  day  Drs.  Del  Valle  and 
De  Goenaga  arranged  a  delightful  auto 
trip  via  Catanio,  liayamon  to  Camerio. 

On  August  20,  a  dinner  was  tendered  Dr. 
Xovy  at  the  Union  Club,  by  the  Asociacion 
Medica  de  Puerta  Rico.  It  was  attended 
by  about  20  of  the  foremost  practitioners 
of  the  Island,  telegrams  of  regret  being 
sent  by  many  unable  to  be  present.  It  was 
presided  over  by  Dr.  Bailey  K.  Ash  ford, 
U.  S.  Medical  Corps,  who  called  upon  Dr. 
Gutierrez  Igaravidez  to  give  the  address 
of  welcome  to  which  a  response  was  made 
by  Dr.  Novy. 

The  following  evening  an  informal  re- 
ception and  smoker  was  held  at  the  Club 
Rooms  of  the  Asociacion  Medica. 

Subsequently,  a  most  profitable  visit  was 
made  to  the  Institute  for  Tropical  Medi- 
cine where  valuable  research  is  conducted 
by  Drs.  Gonzales,  Gutierrez,  Ashford,  King 
and  others.  The  excellent  bacteriological 
laboratory  of  the  Board  of  Health  is  con- 
ducted by  Drs.  Gonzales  and  Hernandez, 
the  latter  a  former  student  in  the  Medical 
Department  of  the  University  in  i900-*oi. 
The  entire  governmental  chemical  work  on 
the  Island  is  under  the  charge  of  Raphael 
Del  Valle,  'oip,  B.S.  (Phar.  hon.)  '07,  and 
Angel  M.  Pesquera,  Ph.C.  '11. 

In  company  with  Dr.  Lippett,  Director 
of  Public  Health,  and  Dr.  Gomez  Briosa 
a  visit  was  made  to  the  leper  island. 

Through  the  extreme  courtesy  of  Dr. 
Ashford  an  auto  trip  was  taken  via  Catanio, 
Bayamon.  Arecibo  to  Utuado  in  the  coffee 
country,  the  scene  of  an  extensive  anti- 
hookworm  campaign. 

The  Alumni  Association  further  arrang- 
ed an  auto  trip  for  Dr.  Novy  and  family 
across  the  Island,  via  Gaguas,  Cayey,  Guay- 
ma,  Salinas  to  Ponce,  thence  returning  via 
Coamo  Springs,  Coamo,  Aibonito  and 
Cayey.  Drs.  De  Croenaga  and  M.  Del  Valle 
were  the  efficient  guides  on  this  long  and 
most  interesting  ride. 

On  August  28,  the  evening  before  sail- 
ing, the  Alumni  Association  tendered  a 
banquet  to  Dr.  Novy  at  the  Cafe  Cova- 
donga.    Those  present  were: 

Manuel  V.  del  Valle,  *9»<i;  Estaban  A.  dc 
r.eonaga.  'oHd;  Rafael  del  Valle  Sarraga,  *oip, 
B.S.  (Phar.  hon.)  '07;  Arturo  Torrcgrosa. 
•06m;  Diego  A.  Biascoechea,  '14;  Miguel  A. 
Pastrana,  *izd;  Rafael  E.  Torregrosa,  'iid;  Fran- 
cisco A.  del  Valle,  'i6e;  Jos6  C.  Barbosa,  Som. 
A.M.  (hon.)  '03;  Ralph  S.  Garwood.  '9a;  B. 
Jiminez  Serra,  '05m;  Jos6  E.  Benedicto,  02I ; 
Angel  S.  Sifre,  'iid;  Manuel  A.  del  Valle,  'lee; 
Guillermo  H.  Barbosa.  '12m;  Pedro  del  Valle 

The  address  of  welcome  by  Dr.  M.  Del 
Valle  was  responded  to  by  Dr.  Novy. 

Digitized  by 





An  eloquent  speech  by  Dr.  Barbosa,  *8om, 
and  by  Diego  A.  Biascochea,  '14,  with  songs 
and  cheers  for  Michigan  closed  a  most 
pleasant  evening. 

On  the  day  of  sailing  through  the  cour- 
tesy of  Dr.  Pedro  Del  Valle,  '91m,  the 
quarantine  officer  of  San  Juan,  a  govern- 
ment launch  was  placed  at  the  service  of 
Dr.  Novy  and  the  Alumni  Association  and 
friends  for  embarcation  in  the  roadstead. 
Amid  hearty,  vigorous  U.  of  M.  cheers, 
the  launch  turned  shoreward  while  the 
steamer  got  under  way. 


The  University  of  Michigan  Alumni  As- 
sociation of  Eugene,  Oregon,  held  its  an- 
nual banquet  on  the  evening  of  May  14. 
IQ14,  at  the  Hotel  Osburn.  It  is  conceded 
to  have  been  the  best  and  most  enthusiastic 
that  the  local  association  has  ever  held. 
Twenty-one  were  in  attendance  and  thor- 
oughly enjoyed  the  dinner,  after  which  the 
annual  election  was  held,  resulting  in  the 
election  of  the  following  officers  for  the 
ensuing  year:  President,  Earl  O.  Immel, 
'10/;  vice-president.  Miss  Ruth  Guppy,  '87; 
secretary,  Clyde  N.  Johnston,  '08/;  treas- 
urer, Leon  R.  Edmunson,  rgg-'oo. 

After  the  election  of  officers.  Earl  O. 
Immel  took  charge  of  the  meeting  as  toast- 
master  and  introduced  the  speakers  of  the 
evening.  Dr.  Heman  B.  Leonard,  *95e, 
spoke  on  the  Portland  Alumni  Association. 
Dr.  Charles  W.  Southworth,  '93,  gave  some 
interesting  facts  and  bits  of  information 
regarding  "The  Faculty,'*  and  Jay  L.  Lew- 
is. '11/,  entertained  the  members  present 
by  some  interesting  "Memories  of  College 
Days."  Mrs.  Rose  E.  Powell,  School  of 
Music,  '02,  responded  with  some  beautifully 
rendered  song^s,  and  Mrs.  Mabel  Holmes 
Parsons,  '04,  A.M.  '09,  gave  a  very  pleas- 
ant talk  on  "Michigan  and  the  West.'* 
General  William  H.  H.  Beadle,  '61,  '67/, 
LLD.  '02,  one  of  the  most  enthusiastic  of 
Michigan's  oldest  graduates,  responded  to 
"Michigan — ^Always  and  Everywhere."  The 
college  songs,  led  by  Mrs.  Rose  Powell  at 
the  piano,  served  to  revive  and  renew  the 
memories  of  college  days. 

The  local  association  has  a  membership 
of  over  thirty  and  is  very  energetic  and 
enthusiastic,  in  spite  of  the  great  distance 
that  separates  its  members  from  the  scenes 
of  their  college  life. 

The  members  present  at  the  banquet  num- 
bered graduates  from  1861  to  1913.  Those 
in  attendance  included : 

Heman  B.  Leonard,  'gse;  William  H.  Brenton, 
*83c;  Fred  G.  Frinlc,  'S6e;  Mrs.  F.  G.  Frink  (May 
Beadle)  '84-'86;  Mrs.  Rose  E.  Powell,  School  of 
Music  'oa;  C.  I.  Collins.  *oi-*oa;  William  H.  H. 
Beadle.  '61.  '671.  LL.D.  *o3;  Ruth  Guppy,  '87; 
I>on  R.  Edmunson,  r99-'oo;  Mrs.  Mabel  Holmes 

Parsons.  04,  A.M.  '09;  Earl  O.  Immel,  'lol; 
Clyde  N.  Johnston,  '08I ;  Bertha  S.  Stuart,  '03, 
•oSm;  Jay  h.  Lewis,  'iil;  Mrs.  Edna  Prescott 
Datson,  '06- '07;  Clarence  T.  Mudge.  'o7.'o8: 
Luella  M  Rayer.  '13  (Mrs.  M.  B.  Carter); 
Charles  W.  Southworth.  '93. 

C.  N.  Johnston,  Secretary. 


The  annual  meeting  of  the  University 
of  Michigan  Alumni  Association  of  North 
Dakota  was  held  on  September  16,  1914. 
at  Grand  Forks.  It  took  the  form  of  a 
dinner  at  the  Commercial  Club  rooms, 
which  was  followed  by  a  short  business 
session.  A  program  of  toasts  and  good 
fellowship  made  the  evening  a  pleasant  one. 


The  Houston  Alumni  Association  has 
joined  the  ranks  of  the  associations  who 
are  meeting  regularly  for  luncheon.  The 
members  come  together  at  noon  on  the 
first  Tuesday  of  each  month. 


The  alumni  of  Louisville  and  vicinity 
have  formally  organized,  and  are  holding 
meetings  once  a  month.  They  hope  in  the 
future  to  inaugurate  a  series  of  regular 
mid-day  luncheons  such  as  are  being  held 
by  the  local  associations  all  over  the  coun- 
tp^.  Joseph  D.  Burge,  '12^,  is  acting  as 
chairman  of  the  new  organization,  which 
bears  the  name  of  the  Louisville  Club  of 
Michigan  Alumni,  and  A.  Stanley  Newhall, 
'13/,  is  secretary. 


The  annual  meeting  of  the  Milwaukee 
Alumni  Association  of  the  University  was 
held  on  the  evening  of  Tuesday,  Septem- 
ber 15,  at  the  Hotel  Pfister.  Officers  for 
the  coming  year  were  elected  as  follows: 
President,  John  S.  Stover,  '05;  vice-presi- 
dent, Frank  M.  Hoyt,  />4-'75;  financial 
secretary,  Egmont  B.  Arnold,  '04^;  treas- 
urer, Charles  W.  Hall,  'g2d;  recording  sec- 
retary, Ifarry  E.  McDonnell,  '04^.  Paul  D. 
Durant,  95/,  was  elected  the  Association's 
representative  on  the  Alumni  Advisory 
Council,  and  Max  W.  Babb,  '97/,  was  made 
chairman  of  the  executive  committee. 

Tentative  plans  were  made  for  a  smoker 
to  be  held  on  October  30,  on  the  eve  of  the 
Michigan- Harvard  game  at  Cambridge.  It 
is  expected  that  many  of  the  200  members 
in  the  State  will  attend  the  game.  The 
Association  is  also  planning  a  theater  party 
to  be  given  during  the  first  week  in  I>ecem- 
bcr,  and  the  annual  banquet  will  be  held 
some  time  in  the  spring. 

Digitized  by 






On  Friday,  September  18,  the  Michigan 
Alumni  Club  of  Olympia  gave  a  luncheon 
in  honor  of  Rev.  Charles  A.  Bo  wen,  '92, 
A.M.  '93,  who  has  left  Olympia  to  become 
pastor  of  the  University  Methodist  Church, 
of  Seattle,  Wash.,  and  Mrs.  Bo  wen.  The 
following  two  resolutions  were  passed: 

Whereat,  Rev.  Charles  A.  Bowen  has  been 
called  from  the  pastorate  of  the  First  Methodist 
Church  of  Olympia,  Washington,  to  the  Univer* 
aity  Methodist  Church  of  Seattle,  Washington,  and, 

Whereas,  He  is  an  honored  member  of  our  local 
University  of  Michigan  Club, 

Be  It  Therefore  Resolved,  That  we  herewith 
express  our  regrets  that  his  labors  have  been 
called  from  among  us  to  another  field,  and, 

Be  It  Further  Resolved,  That  we  herewith  ten- 
der him  our  well-wishes  for  future  success  and 
prosperitsr,  and, 

Be  It  Further  Resolved,  That  we  congratulate 
the  Universitv  Church  of  Seattle,  upon  their-  good 
fortune  in  obtaining  the  services  of  the  pastor 
that  is  called  from  among  us. 

(Signed),  P.  M.  Troy,  president,  '93I;  Thos.  It- 
O'Leary,  secretary,  '08,  *iol;  H.  t,.  Flumb,  *ia; 
John  F.  Main,  l9S'*97;  Dr.  E.  C.  Story,  'ygh; 
A.  W.  Deming,  '93I;  1,,  L,,  Thompson,  'iil. 

Be  It  Resolved  bv  the  University  of  Michigan 
Club  at  Olympia,  Washington,  That  greetings  are 
hereby  extended  to  the  football  team  of  Alma 
Mater,  and  that  we  earnestly  hope  and  pray  for 
the  success  of  the  team  in  the  coming  gridiron 
contest  with  Harvard,  and  to  that  end  we  will 
root  with  all  the  power  we  can,  considering  our 
numbers  and  our  distance  from  the  fray. 


The  Michigan  Alumni  Association  of 
San  Francisco  presented  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sid- 
ney S.  Lawrence,  whose  marriage  is  noted 
elsewhere  in  this  issue,  with  a  guest  book, 
with  the  frontispiece  illumined  as  follows: 

"With  best  wishes  for  a  long  and  pros- 
perous voyage. 

The  Michigan  Crew  of  San  Francisco." 


The  Seattle  Alumni  Association  held  its 
annual  election  of  officers  on  May  6,  1914. 
The  following  were  elected  to  serve  for 
the  coming  year:  President,  J.  Fletcher 
Lewis,  *05,  *iil;  vice-president,  Herbert  E. 
Coe,  '04,  *o6fn;  secretary,  Frank  S.  Hall, 
'02-'04;  treasurer,  Samuel  J.  Wettrick,  '08/. 


The  weekly  luncheons  of  the  Michigan 
Club  of  Toledo  were  resumed  for  the  sea- 
son on  Wednesday,  September  30.  The 
luncheons  are  to  be  held  this  year  at  the 
Commerce  Club,  instead  of  at  the  Boody 
House,  as  last  year.  At  this  meeting,  ar- 
rangements for  the  participation  of  the 
alumni  in  the  Harvard,  Pennsylvania  and 
Cornell  games,  plans  for  the  entertainment 
of  the  Glee  Club,  which  appears  in  Toledo 
at  the  Valentine  on  December  19,  and  the 
contemplated  visit  of  the  Michigan  Union 
Opera,  were  discussed.  The  establishment 
of  a  scholarship  fund,  which  was  brought 
up  at  the  meetings  last  spring,  also  came 
in  for  considerable  discussion,  and  the  Club 
hopes  to  make  the  fund  a  reality  this  year. 


On  Friday  afternoon,  .Time  5,  there  was 
tmveiled  at  the  William  McKinley  School, 
Indianapolis,  Ind.,  a  memorial  tablet  in 
memory  of  Carl  Oscar  Adam,  '10,  who 
died  two  years  ago  last  June.  The  occasion 
was  marked  by  a  program  of  songs  and 
memorial  addresses,  in  which  David  W. 
Allerdice,  *iie,  a  close  friend  and  frater- 
nity brother,  took  part,  speaking  on  "His 
Life  and  Influence  in  College  and  Fra- 


Announcements  of  marriages  should  be  mailed  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Alumni  Association.  When 
newspaper  clippings  are  sent,  be  sure  that  the  date  and  place  are  stated.  Distinguish  between  date 
of  paper  and  aate  of  event  recorded. 

1886.  Leslie  Warren  Goddard,  *86e,  to 
Mina  Etta  Bordine,  September  26, 
igi4,  at  Saline,  Mich.  Address,  619 
Windsor  Terrace,  Grand  Rapids, 

1897.  Ralph  Cone  Taggart,  '97,  to  Ruth 
Harriot  Townsend,  August  29,  1914, 
at  Bolton,  Mass.  Address,  791  Myr- 
tle Ave.,  Albany,  N.  Y. 

1902.   Onslow   Wooten    Messimer,   J'gg-'oo, 

*oo-*oi,    to    Grace    Morgan    Clayton, 

June    10,    1914,   at   New   York   City. 

Address,  loi  Park  Ave.,  New  York 

^    City. 

1903.  Stuart  Kelscy  Knox,  'o^e,  to  Ellen 
Isabel  Lane,  June  8,  1914,  at  Wren- 
tham,  Mass.  Address,  iod  William 
St.,  New  York  City. 

1904.  Neil  Isaac  Bentley,  '04,  'o6h,  to  Alice 
1909.   Garnock    Harvey,    *o5-*o6,    July    25, 

1914,  at  Detroit,  Mich.    Address,  787 

Trumbull  Ave.,   Detroit,  Mich. 
IQ05.   Abigail  Booth  Chandler,  '05,  to  Clyde 
1908.    Hurlburt    Pinney,    /'o5-'o7,    July   28, 

1914,    at    Owosso,    Mich.     Address, 

Ithaca,  Mich. 

1905.  Walter  Stephenson  Parsons,  '05,  to 
Edna   May   Rowand,   September   17. 

Digitized  by 





1914,  at  Lakewood,  Ohio.  Address, 
187 19  Sloane  Ave.,  Lakewood,  Ohio. 

1906.  James  Bartlett  Edmonson,  '06,  A.M. 
*io,  to  Bess  Josephine  Chase,  August 
25,  1 914,  at  Cedar  Rapids,  la.  Ad- 
dress, The  Cutting,  Ann  Arbor. 

1906.  Madge  Van  Winkle,  '06,  to  Lapslev 
Ewing  Simrall  (Park  CoU^c,  Mo.) 
July  I,  I9I4;  at  Howell,  Mich.  Ad- 
dress, Morris,  111. 

IQ06.  Anna  Wurster,  '06,  to  Rev.  Paul  J. 

1913.  Mackensen,  A.M.  '13,  August  5,  1914, 
at  Ann  Arbor.  Address,  Capitol 
University,   Columbus,   Ohio. 

1908  Herbert  Graff,  '08,  to  Hilda  Evolyn 
Rosenquist,  May  14,  1914,  at  Denver, 
Cok).    Address,  McCall,  Idaho. 

IQ09.  Edwin  Burdette  Backus,  '09,  to  Irene 
May  Garrett,  July  18,  1914,  at  New- 
town, Ohio.  Address,  1125  Vermont 
St.,  Lawrence.  Kansas. 

1909.  Rachel    E.    Sinclair,    '09,    to    Dean 

1910.  Ernest  Ryman,  *io/,  in  August,  1914, 
at  Detroit,  Mich.  Address,  Atlanta, 

IQ09.   Clara  Ix>uise  Trueblood,  *09,  to  Mel- 
I9T2.  len  Chamberlain  Martin,  12I,  'o6-'09. 
August  22,  1914,  at  Ann  Arbor.    Ad- 
dress, Chicago,  III. 

1909.  Leopold  Eden   Scott,  '09^,  to  Mary 

1910.  Agnes  Ruppe,  '10,  September  23, 
19 1 4,  at  Hancock,  Mich.  Address, 
La  Ceiba,  Spanish  Honduras. 

1909.  Hulbert  George  Haller,  '09/,  'o5-'o6, 
to  Vena  Weiller,  September  i,  1914. 
at  Victoria,  B.  C.  Address,  Almo 
Apts.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

1910.  Raymond    Edwin    Hopson,    '10,    to 

1913.  Frances  Elizabeth  Nettleton,  '13, 
September  15,  1914,  at  Detroit,  Mich. 
Address,  Old  Forge.  N.  Y. 

1910.  Peter  Augustine  Cummins,  '10^,  to 
Gertrude  Salliotte.  Tuly  28,  1914,  at 
Ecorse,  Mich.  Address.  2094  West 
Grand  Boulevard,  Detroit,  Mich. 

191 1.  Ewart  Bruce  Laing,  '11,  '13/,  to  Eliz- 

1914.  abeth  Sweet,  '14,  September  24,  1914, 
at  Dowagiac.  Mich.  Address,  Do- 
,wagiac,  Mich. 


191 2. 

1 91 2. 









Woodbridge  Metcalf,  '11,  M.S.  (for) 
'12,  to  Norah  Clements,   September 
26,  1 914,  at  Bala,  Muskoka,  C^ada. 
Address,  Universitv  of  California. 
Werner  Stilwell  Allison,  '12,  to  Jose- 
phine   Morrison,    '12,    September   4, 
1914,  at  Iron  River,  Mich.    Address, 
609  West  127th  St.,  New  York  City. 
Earl  Vincent  Moore,  '12,  to  Blanche 
Wilburetta  Anderson,  '12,  August  26, 
1914.  at  Muskegon,  Mich.     Address 
596  Linden  St.,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 
Sidney  Smith  Lawrence,  'i2e,  to  Julia 
Eugenia    Moore,    May   26,    191 4.   at 
Piedmont,  Calif.    Address,  275  Park 
View  Terrace,  Oakland,  Calif.    Cleve- 
land R.   Wright,   *I2/,   and   Ross   L. 
Mahon,  '12^,  both  of  San  Francisco, 
Cisco,  were  ushers. 
Frank  Walter  Steere,  *i2e,  to  Jessie 
Anna  Hunter,  '12,  in  July,  1914,  at 
Pocatello.    Idaho.     Address,    Solvay 
Lodge,  lietroit,  Mich. 
George  Lyman  Curtis,  '13,  to  Maude 
S.  Steegar.  August  19,  1914.  at  Flint, 
Mich.     Address,   Care   Genesee   Co. 
Nurseries,  Flint,  Mich. 
Luella  May  Rayer,  '13,  to  Milton  B. 
Carter,   September   7,   1914,   at  Ann 
Arbor.    Address,  Chicago,  111. 
Harold  Philippi  Scott,  "13,  A.M.  '14, 
to  Jennie  Morris,  '15,  July  18,  1914, 
at  Columbus,   Ohio.     Address,  Ann 
-\rbor,  Mich. 

Walter  Paul  Staebler,  '13.  to  Mil- 
dred Beulah  Guilford,  '13,  September 
9,  1914.  at  Friendship,  N.  Y.  Ad- 
dress. Ann  Arbor. 

Donald  Neil  Sweeny,  'o9-'ii,  to 
Avis  Marie  Allen,  September  7,  1914, 
at  Morenci,  Mich.  Address,  Detroit, 

John  Loucks  Dillinger,  '13/,  to  Hazel 
May  Ricse,  August  25,  1914,  at  Find- 
lay,  Ohio,  .\ddress,  Avoca,  la. 
Theodore  Thomas  Gibson,  '13^.  to 
Helen  Kidd,  August  11,  1914,  at  Pon- 
tiac.  Mich.  Address,  Rahway,  N.  J. 
Arthur  W.  Hogan,  '13^,  to  Grace 
Todd,  Jime  17,  1914.  at  Bad  Axe, 
Mich.     Address,   Kindc,   Mich. 

Digitized  by 






This  department  of  The  Alumnus  if  conducted  by  Professor  Demmon.  In  order  to  make  it  as 
complete  as  possible,  the  cooperation  of  subscribers  is  solicited.  Let  deaths  be  reported  promptly  as 
they  occur,  with  date  and  place.  Be  careful  to  distinguish  between  fact  and  rumor.  In  sending  news- 
paper  clippings,  particular  care  should  be  used  to  distinguish  between  the  date  of  the  paper  and  th« 
date  of  the  death  recorded.  Short  biographies  of  deceased  alumni  and  former  students  will  be  given 
space  when  sent  to  The  Alumnus. 

Departments  and  classes  are  distinguished  the  same  in  the  News  from  the  Classes  column  (see 
notice  thereunder)  and  elsewhere  in  the  magazine,  except  that  the  Department  of  Literature,  Science, 
and  the  Arts  is  distinguished  from  others  by  the  letter  a,  (arts). 


Literary  Department 

1852.  Belville  Roberts,  A.B.,  A.M.  '56,  d. 
at  Norristown,  Pa.,  Aug.  26,  1914, 
aged  87.  (The  class  of  '52  is  now 

1875.  Emily  Persis  Cook,  A.B.,  d.  at  Lan- 
sing, Mich.,  Sept  27,  1914,  aged  62, 

1875.  Thomas  Frederick  Graber,  Ph.D.,  d. 
at  Berkeley,  C^l.,  Sept.  2,  1914,  aged 

1892.    Mamah     Boiiton     Borthwick,     A.B., 

A.M.  '93,  d.  at  Spring  Green,  Wis., 

Aug.  15,  1914,  aged  45. 
1899.    Cora    Louise    Bodwell,    A.B.,    d.    at 

Muskegon,  Mich.,  Sept.  9,  1914,  aged 

39.     Buried  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
1901.    Ernest  Alva  Coddington,  A.B.,  r9i- 

'92,  B.S.   (Olivet)   '98,  d.  at  Detroit. 

Mich.,  Aug.  3,  1914,  aged  46. 
1901.   John    Edmund   Thompson,    A.B.,    d. 

at  Rocky  Point,  R.  I.,  Aug.  16,  1914, 

aged  36.    Buried  at  Worcester,  Mass. 

Medical  Department 
1870.    Edwin  Tyler  Doty,  d.  at  Anderson, 
Mo.,  Sept.  13,  1914,  aged  69. 

1875.  Henry  McCrea,  M.D.  (Bellevue)  '76, 
d.  at  Marlette,  Mich.,  July  21,  1914, 
aged  70. 

1882.  Myatt  Kyau,  d.  at  Health  Hill,  Bur- 
ma, June  7,   1914,  aged  68. 

1883.  Addison  Alexander  Armstrong,  d.  at 
Athens,  Pa.,  June  10,  1914,  aged  55. 

1887.  Wilmot  Frederick  Miller,  d.  at  Mil- 
waukee, Wis.,  Aug.  14,  1914,  aged  53. 

1891.  Ruth  Ophelia  Bryant,  (Mrs.  Lewis 
C.  Leake.)  d.  at  Ashevillc.  N.  C. 
Aug.  12,  1914,  aged  58. 

1891.  Dryden  Hemingway  Lamb,  d.  at 
Owosso,  Mich.,  Aug.  4,  1914,  aged  45. 

Law  Department 

1867.  Moses  Taggart,  LL.B.,  of  Grand 
Rapids,  Mich.,  d.  at  White  Lake, 
Mich..  Aug.  20,   191 4,  aged  72. 

1868.  Bennett  Thaddeus  Wakeman,  LLB., 
d.  at  Monte  Vista,  Colo.,  Jan.  21, 
1914,  aged  73. 

1876.  Charles  Mortimer  Merrill,  LL.B..  d. 
at  St.  Johns.  Mich.,  Sept.  2,  1914. 
aged  61. 

1901.  Newton  William  Crose,  LL.B.,  d.  at 
Ft.  Collins,  Colo.,  Aug.  14,  I9i4»  aged 

191 1.  Robert  Emmet  Mark  Nolan.  LL.B.. 
a'o7-'o9,  d.  at  New  York,  N.  Y.,  Sept. 

23,  1914,  aged  27.     Buried  at  Birm- 
ingham, Ala. 

Dental  College 

1892.  Thomas  Coleman,  L.D.S.  (Toronto) 
'91,  D.D.S.  (Montreal)  '95,  d.  at  Mon- 
treal, P.  Q.,  Feb.  3,  1914,  aged  50. 

1 912.  Lawrence  Clyde  Shonerd,  d.  at 
Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Aug.  i,  1914, 
aged  34. 


1898.  Oscar  Russell  Long,  M.D.,  m'7i-'72, 
M.D.  (Detroit  Hom.)  '73,  Non-Resi- 
dent  Lecturer  in  the  Homoeopathic 
Medical  College  of  the  University,  d. 
at  Ionia,  Mich.,  Sept.  10,  1914,  aged 
64.     Buried  at  Detroit,  Mich. 


Sherman  Allen  Andrus,  m'6i-*62,  d.  at 
.National  Military  Home,  Dayton, 
Ohio,  Feb.  17,  1913,  aged  71. 

Frederick  French  ChaflFee,  my\--j%  M.D. 
(N.  Y.  Univ.)  '77,  d.  at  Chicago,  111., 
Aug.  17,  1914.  aged  59. 

Raymond  Benjamin  Coonley,  /i'o7-'io,  M.D. 
(N.  Y.  Hom.)  'II,  d.  at  Detroit, 
Mich..  Sept.  19,  1914,  aged  25. 

Mohamed  El-Sayed,  (/*i3-'i4,  d.  at  Ann 
Arbor,  Sept.  4,  1914,  aged  29. 

Eaton  Scott  Finn,  a'lo-'ii,  d.  at  Manistee, 
Mich.,  Sept.  14,  1914,  aged  23.  Buried 
at  Detroit,  Mich. 

William  Henry  Hadley,  a'94-'97,  r97-'98, 
d.  at  Brattleboro.  Vt.,  Sept.  18,  1914, 
aged  42.    Buried  at  Ann  Arbor. 

Charles  Allen  Holbrook,  m'68-'69.  M.D.| 
(Bennett)  '78,  d.  at  Lincoln,  Neb., 
July  14,  1914.  aged  70. 

James  Kelly,  m'53-'54,  d.  at  Golden,  Colo., 
Sept.  24,  1914,  aged  87. 

Jack  Isaac  Levinson,  d*07-'o9,  *ii-'i2,  d.  at 
El  Paso,  Texas.  Dec.  26.  191 3,  aged 
27.     Buried  at  Traverse  City,  Mich. 

Florence  Lester  Roberts,  rt'io-'i2,  (Mrs. 
Robert  Gordon,)  d.  at  Marine  City, 
Mich..  Aug.   16,   1914,  aged  21. 

Merritt  Waher  Thompson,  w'74-'75,  M.D. 
(Rush)  '77,  d.  at  Chicago,  111.,  Sept. 
8,  1 91 4.  aged  60. 

William  Riggs  Trowbridge.  fl'83-'86,  m'86- 
•87,  Ph.B.  (Chicago)  '08,  d.  at  Provi- 
dence, R.  I..  Aug.  18,  1914.  aged  51. 

tDelinzo  A.  Walden,  m'64-*65,  M.D. 
(Rush)  >o,  Priv.  15th  111.  Inf..  d. 
at  Beatrice,  Neb.,  July  22,  1914,  aged 

Digitized  by 






The  Alumnus  reviews  recently  published  works  by  alumni,  former  students,  or  members  of  the 
Faculty,  and  works  directly  relatmg  to  the  University.  Copies  of  such  books,  sent  for  review,  are 
placed  in  the  Alumni  Library  in  the  Alumni  Room. 


Theodore  W.  Koch,  Librarian  of  the  Un- 
iversity, is  the  author  of  several  pamphlets 
which  have  appeared  during  the  summer. 
Two  papers  on  *The  Bibliotheque  Nation- 
ale/'  the  first  dealing  with  its  organization 
and  history,  and  the  second  with  its  ad- 
ministration, have  been  reprinted  from 
The  Library  Journal  for  May  and  June, 
1914,  and  are  published  together.  The  Au- 
gust number  of  The  North  American  Re- 
view  contained  an  article,  "Some  Old-Time 
Old-World  Librarians,"  which  has  since 
been  reprinted  in  pamphlet  form,  and  in 
the  Library  Journal  for  August,  1914,  was 
published  his  account  of  the  Leipzig  Expo- 
sition and  the  opening  of  the  A.  L.  A.  ex- 
hibit, of  which  Mr.  Koch  had  charge.  This 
has  been  recently  published  under  the  title 
"Impressions  of  the  Leipzig  Exposition  and 
the  Opening  of  the  A.  L.  A.  Exhibit."  The 
pamphlet  is  printed  on  plate  paper  and  il- 
lustrated with  numerous  photographs. 

Professor  W.  T.  Hussey.  Professor  of 
Astronomy  and  Director  of  the  Observa- 
tory', who  spends  half  the  year  at  La  Plata 
University  in  South  America,  has  recently 
published  a  report  of  his  astronomical  work 
at  La  Plata.  In  addition  to  a  detailed  ac- 
count of  the  two  himdred  double  stars 
lately  discovered,  the  booklet  describes  in 
general  the  work  done  at  the  institution, 
and  the  experimental  work  of  Paul  T. 
Delavan,  *i2r,  and  B.  F.  Dawson,  who  have 
been  at  La  Plata  for  some  time.  Professor 
Hussey  has  been  in  Ann  Arbor  during  part 
of  the  past  year,  but  returned  to  La  Plata 
in  lune. 

Dr.  Edgar  Ewing  Brandon,  '88,  Vice- 
President  of  Miami  University,  wrote  for 
the  July  number  of  "The  Journal  of  Race 
Development"  a  paper  entitled  "Higher  Ed- 
ucation in  Latin  America,"  in  which  he  dis- 
cusses the  facilities,  equipment,  organiza- 
tion and  teachers  of  the  principal  Latin- 
American  colleges  and  universities.  The 
article  has  since  been  reprinted  in  pamphlet 

Peter  W.  Dykema,  '95,  M.L.  '96.  Profes- 
sor of  Community  Music  at  the  University 
of  Wisconsin,  is  the  editor  of  the  Music 
Supervisor's  Bulletin,  published  four  times 
a  year  by  the  National  Conference  of  Mu- 
sic Supervisors.  He  is  also  vice-president 
of  the  association. 

Glenn  Palmer.  '10,  formerly  an  instruc- 
tor in  the  rhetoric  department  of  the  Uni- 
versity, is  on  the  staff  of  The  Cornhill 
Booklet,  of  Boston,  which  has  recently  been 
revived.  The  magazine  was  originated  in 
1900  by  Mr.  Alfred  Bartlett,  and  in  its  five 
years  of  existence  published  uncollected 
writings  of  Robert  Louis  Stevenson,  Na- 
thaniel Hawthorne,  Oliver  Wendell  Holmes, 
Eugene  Field  and  Rudyard  Kipling.  The 
new  Cornhill  Booklet  is  to  contain  letters 
and  uncollected  writings  of  well-known  au- 
thors, with  comment  and  illustrations.  In 
the  October  number,  besides  a  story  by 
Mr.  Palmer,  are  found  unpublished  frag- 
ments of  Oscar  Wilde's  De  Profundis,  an 
uncollected  poem  by  Leigh  Hunt,  and  a 
poem  by  Percy  Mackaye.  For  future  is- 
sues, uncollected  writings  from  the  pens 
of  Thackeray,  Stevenson,  Synge,  Maeter- 
linck, Arthur  Upson,  Arthur  Simons,  and 
Walter  Savage  Landor  are  announced. 

The  August  number  of  Case  and  Com- 
mcnt,  published  by  the  Lawyers  Co-op.  Pub- 
lishing Co.,  contains  three  articles  by  alum- 
ni of  the  University.  Alvin  Waggoner, 
'06/,  of  Philip,  S.  Dak.,  writes  on  "Oliver 
Goldsmith's  Relation  to  the  Law;"  Ken- 
neth G.  Silliman,  '12/,  of  Sioux  City,  la., 
is  the  author  of  an  article  entitled  "Scott 
and  the  Lawyer;"  and  Marshall  D.  Ewell, 
'68/,  LL.D.  '79,  of  Chicago,  well  known  as 
a  handwriting  expert,  contributes  "Expert 
Examination  of  Ink  Marks  on  Paper." 

William  Warner  Bishop,  '92,  A.M.  '93. 
Superintendent  of  the  Reading  Room  of 
the  Library  of  Congress  is  the  author  of  a 
pamphlet  entitled  "The  Backs  of  Books." 
which  was  delivered  originally  as  the  Com- 
mencement address  at  the  exercises  of  the 
Library  School  of  the  New  York  Public 
Library  on  June  12,  1914. 

Lieut.  Thomas  M.  Spaulding,  '05,  of  the 
United  States  Army,  wrote  for  a  recent  is- 
sue of  The  Sezvanee  Review  a  description 
of  "The  Battle  of  North  Point."  one  of 
the  little  known  contests  of  the  War  of 

Leonard  Lanson  Cline,  'io-'i3,  has  re- 
cently issued  a  book  of  verse,  entitled, 
"Poems,"  which  has  been  favorably  com- 
mented on.  It  was  brought  out  by  The 
Poet  Lore  Company. 

Digitized  by 






To  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Alumni 
Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan, 
I  beg  to  submit  the  following  report,  from 
June  I  to  September  r,  1914,  inclusive: 

Endowment  memberships,  perma- 
nent  $    37800 

End.  memberships,  usable 95  00 

Annual  memberships 1606  40 

Adv.  in  Ai,UMNUS  224  84 

Interest  239  46 

Univ.  of  Mich.  Adv 150  00 

Sale  of  Alumnus  i  80 

Sundries    5  70 

Advanced  from  sub.  fund 1000  00 

Total  cash  receipts $  3701  20 

Cash  and  bonds  on  hand  June  i, 

1914 26001  18 

$29702  38 
Vouchers  2290  to  2306  inclusive. 

Alumnus  printing $  1797  77 

Second-class  postage 25  00 

Business  manager  Alumnus 121  21 

Commencement  expense 176  81 

Salary,  Secretary  333  33 

Salary,  Assistant  Secretary 180  00 

Int.  on  Mem.  Bldg.  note lOQ  60 

Total  expenditures  $  2743  81 

Imprest  cash  : 
Second-class  postage  ...$  4  04 

Commencement  exp 58  61 

Printing  and  stationery.  20  06 

Solicitors 43  15 

Traveling   20  10 

Incidentals    12  85 

Engraving    4  87 

Postage 65  24 

Office  help 19  40 

248  32 

Total  cash  expenditures $  2992  13 

Endowment  fund,  cash 1 116  23 

Endowment  fund,  bonds  25150  00 

Available  cash.  Treasurer 334  02 

Imprest  cash,  Secretary no  00 

$29702  38 
Advance  Subscription  Fund. 

Amount  on  hand  June  i $    770  30 

Receipts  to  September  i 567  25 

$  1337  55 
Advanced  to  running  expenses 
of  Association  1000  00 

$    337  55 
Respectfully   submitted, 
WiLFRKo  B.  Shaw,  Secretary. 


Alumni  arc  requested  to  contribute  to  this  department.  When  newspaper  clippings  arc  sent,  bo 
sure  that  date  and  place  are  stated.  Distinguish  between  date  of  paper  and  date  of  event  recorded. 
Report  all  errors  at  once.  Addressed  envelopes  will  be  furnished  to  anyone  who  will  use  them  in 
regularly  sending  news   for  these  columns. 

The  different  departments  and  classes  are  distinguished  as  follows:  Where  simply  the  year  of 
graduation  or  the  period  of  residence  is  stated,  the  literary  department  is  indicated:  e,  stands  for 
engineering  department;  m,  medical;  1,  law;  p,  pharmacy;  h,  homoeopathic;  d,  dental;  (hon.)  honorary. 
Two  figures  preceded  bjr  an  apostrophe  indicate  the  year  of  graduation.  Two  figures  separated  from 
two  others  by  a  dash,   indicate  the  period   of  residence  of  a   non-graduate. 


•78.     G.  F.  Allmcndinger,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 

Hon.  Julius  Garst,  '78m,  in  the  late  primaries 
secured  the  Republican  nomination  for  State 
Senator  from  the  Second  District.  This  district 
is  strong  Republican,  and  the  nomination  is 
equivalent    to    election. 


•8a.  Wm.  B.  Cady.  904  Union  Trust  Bldg., 
Detroit,  Secretary. 

Dr.  Albert  B.  Hale,  '82,  h'83-'84,  of  the  Pan 
American  ITnion,  was  the  speaker  at  a  luncheon 
of  the  Columbus,  Ohio,  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
held  on  September  4,  at  the  Virginia  Hotel.  Dr. 
Hale's  subject  was  "How  to  Get  South  American 
Trade,"  a  subject  on  which  he  is  a  recognized 


'84.     Mrs.  Fred  N.  Scott,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 
'84d.     Lyndall  L.  Davis,  6  Madison  St.,  Chicago, 
HI.,  Secretary. 

Edward  T.  Taylor,  '84I,  of  Glcnwood  Springs. 
Colo.,  has  represented  his  state  as  congressman 
at  large  for  two  terms.  He  is  a  I>emocrat,  and 
is  likely  to  be  returned  for  a  third  term.  Mr. 
Taylor  is  an  ardent  advocate  of  Woman  Suffrage, 
as  every  Colorado  man  has  to  be. 


'85.     John  O.   Reed,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 

H.  Robert  Fowler,  '85I,  is  serving  his  second 
term  as  Democratic  congressman  representing  the 
24th  Illinois  congressional  district.  Between  ses- 
sions Mr.   Fowler  is  in  active  practice  of  the  law. 

John  B.  Barnhill,  r83-*84,  of  Xenia,  Clay 
Co.,  HI.,  is  a  candidate  for  the  Democratic  nomi- 
nation as  congressman  at  large.  For  some  time 
past  Mr.   Barnhill  has  been  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

Digitized  by 






'87.     Lotus   P.   Tocelyn,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 
'87m.     G.  Carl  Huber,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 

David  E.  Heineman,  '87,  has  changed  his  office 
address  to  1706  Dime  Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 
Mr.  Heineman  was  elected  in  June  as  one  of  the 
Directors  of  the  Alumni  Association. 

Merv'in  A.  Jones,  '87p,  of  Ypsilanti,  Mich.,  is 
State  Drug  Inspector. 

Dean  Julius  O.  Schlotterbeck,  '87P.  *9i,  re- 
turned at  the  opening  of  college  to  take  up  his 
duties  after  a  two  years'  leave  of  absence.  Dr. 
Schlotterbeck  has  been  with  J.  Hunger  ford  Smith, 
'77P.  of  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where  he  installed  a 
scientific    laboratory. 


'88.    Selby  A.  Moran,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 
88m.     Dr.  James  G.   Lynds,   Ann  Arbor.     Re- 
union Secretary. 

Henry  C.  Beitler,  '881,  at  present  an  associate 
judge  of  the  Municipal  Court  of  Chicago,  is  a 
candidate  for  nomination  for  County  Judge  on  the 
Republican  ticket. 

Rev.  Anson  B.  Curtis,  '88,  has  removed  from 
Speer,  111.,  to  Minooka,  111. 


'90.  Katherine  Campbell,  311  W.  Navarre  St, 
South  Bend,  Ind. 

'9oe.  K.  Gw  Manning,  American  Bridge  Co., 
Ambridge,  Pa.,  Secretary. 

'90m.  Delia  P.  Pierce,  109  W.  Lovell  St,  Kal- 
amazoo, Mich.,  Secretary. 

'90I.  George  A.  Katzenberger,  Greenville,  O., 

Rev.  Andrew  B.  Chalmers,  •86-'87,  who  lately 
resigned  his  pastorate  at  the  Plymouth  Congre- 
gational Church,  Worcester,  Mass.,  has  left  the 
ministry,  and  has  been  appointed  the  Baltimore 
manager  of  the  Penn  State  Mutual  Insurance  Co. 

George  A.  Katzenberger,  'qoI,  is  Secretary  of 
the  Greenville  Building  Company,  of  Greenville, 


*9i.     Earle  W.  Dow,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 
•91I.     Harry     D.    Jewell,     a6a    Hollister    Ave., 
Grand  Rapids,  Directory  Editor. 

Rev.  James  Chalmers,  '87-'88,  lately  resigned 
from  the  pastorate  of  the  Calvinistic  Congrega- 
tional Church  of  Fitchburg,  Mass.,  to  become 
superintendent  of  schools  of  that  city. 

Sherman  T.  Handy,  '91 1,  is  serving  as  mayor 
of  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  He  is  also  a  director 
of  the  Michigan  State  Agricultural  Society. 

Mrs.  Edward  Sigerfoos,  (Opal  Robeson)  '91, 
with  Major  Sigerfoos,  visited  relatives  in  Arcanum 
and  Greenville,  Ohio,  this  summer,  and  have  now 
gone  to  Washington,  D.  C,  where  Major  Siger- 
foos has  been  detailed  to  study  for  a  year  in  the 
Government  War  College,  the  last  step  in  the 
military  education  of  an  officer.  Major  Siger- 
foos recently  returned  from  Vera  Cruz,  where  he 
had  charge  of  the  battalion  police. 

Born,  to  Kirkland  B.  Alexander,  '96,  and  Mrs. 
Alexander,  a  son,  Kirkland  Barker,  Junior,  at 
Detroit,  Mich. 

William  H.  Anderson,  '96I,  is  in  charge  of 
the  Anti-Saloon  League  of  New  York  as  state 
superintendent.  His  offices  are  at  Suite  1219 
Presbyterian    Bldg.,    156    Fifth    Ave.,    New    York 

City.  Mr.  Anderson  has  been  very  successful  in 
this  work  in  Illinois,  Ohio  and  Maryland,  and 
has  already  made  the  question  an  issue  in  New 
York  pohtics.  In  the  Sunday  Magazine  of  the 
New  York  World  for  June  14,  there  was  printed 
a  full-page  story  on  Mr.  Anderson  and  his  work. 


'97.  Professor  Evans  Holbrook,  Ann  Arbor, 

'97L  William  L.  Hart,  Alliance,  Ohio,  Direc- 
tory Editor. 

Stephen  C.  Babcock,  '97e,  and  Elmer  W.  Hag- 
maier,  'loe,  have  formed  a  partnership  as  chemists 
and  chemical  engineers,  with  laboratories  at  803- 
805  Ridge  Road,  Lackawanna,  N.  Y.  They 
specialize  in  tests  and  analyses  of  all  kinds, 
chemical,  physical  and  bacteriological  research 
work  in  technical  processes  and  expert  advice  in 
litigated  matters.  Mr.  Babcock  was  formerly  as- 
sociated with  the  Illinois  Steel  Co.,  the  Buffalo 
Union  Furnace  Co.,  and  Lautz  Bros.  &  Co.  Mr. 
Ilagmaier  has  been  with  the  Pittsburgh  Testing 
Laborator}r,  the  American  Vanadium  Co.,  and 
the  Firth  Sterling  Steel  Co. 

Born,  to  Henry  Keep,  '93-*94,  and  Mrs.  Keep, 
of  Belief onte,  Pa.,  a  daughter,  Margaret,  on  Sep- 
tember  14,   1914. 

Ferd.  II.  Pirnat,  '97m,  is  practicing  medicine 
in  Chicago,  with  offices  at  161 2  Milwaukee  Ave. 
His  residence  address  is  2422  Smalley  Court. 


'99.    Joseph  H.  Burslev,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 
'99ra.     Frederick    T.     Wright,    Douglas,    Ariz., 

Directory  Editor. 
'p9L     Wm.    ~ 
Bldg.,  Chicago,  Secretary, 

R.    Moss,    542    First    Nat'l    Bank 

James  R.  Bibbins,  '996,  of  Chicago,  has  been 
engaged  by  the  Law  Department  of  the  City  of 
Pittsburgh  in  an  advisory  capacity  in  connection 
with  proceedings  for  the  improvement  of  local 
transportation  conditions  in  that  city.  This  work 
has  the  support  of  the  city  administration  and 
through  co-operative  study  of  the  various  phases 
of  the  problem  with  the  Railways  Company,  an 
attempt  will  be  made  to  formulate  reasonable 
and  practicable  plans  for  an  operative  service 
standard,  for  scientific  re-routing  in  the  terminal 
district  and  for  the  progressive  rehabilitation  of 
the  property  until  adequate  physical  condition  is 
reached;  this,  before  the  matter  is  referred  to 
the  State  Public  Service  Commission.  Mr.  Bib- 
bins  is  associated  with  Bion  J.  Arnold,  of  Chicago, 
and  participated  in  a  previous  Arnold  investiga- 
tion in  Pittsburgh.  He  also  was  resident  engi- 
neer for  the  Arnold  investigation  of  transit  prob- 
lems in  Providence  and  San  Francisco,  and  of 
steam   railroad   terminal   development   in   Chicago. 

J.  Leslie  French,  '99,  A.M.  '00,  formerly  stu- 
dent pastor  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  of  Ann 
Arbor,  and  during  the  past  year  Acting  Junior 
Professor  of  Hebrew  and  Hellenistic  Greek  in 
the  University,  accepted  a  call  as  pastor  of  the 
Collingwood  Avenue  Presbyterian  Church  of  To- 
ledo, Ohio. 


•00.  Mrs.  Henry  M.  Gelston,  Butler  Coll.,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind.,  Secretary  for  Women;  John  W, 
Bradshaw,   Ann   Arbor,   Secretary   for   Men. 

'ool.  Curtis  L.  Converse,  Hartman  Bldg.,  Co- 
lumbus,  O. 

Born,  to  Frank  S.  Bacheldcr,  '00,  '05m,  and 
Bertha  Lypps  Bachelder,  '03m,  a  son,  Nathan 
Lypps,  at  Pontiac,  Mich.,  May  30,  1914.  Dr. 
Bachelder  is  assistant  medical  superintendent  at 
the  Pontiac  State  Hospital. 

Digitized  by 






'03.  Chrissie  11.  Haller,  t6  W.  Euclid  Atc, 
Detroit,  Mich.,  Secretary  for  women. 

'03.  Thurlow  E.  Coon.  1924  Ford  Bldg.,  De- 
troit, Secretary  for  men. 

'o3e.  Willis  F.  Bickel,  603  Security  Bk.  Bldg., 
Cedar   Rapids,   la..   Secretary. 

'03m.  Arthur  P.  Reed,  8  Franklin  Square, 
Rochester,  N.  Y.,  Secretary. 

'03I.  Mason  B.  Lawton,  3151  19th  St.,  N.  W., 
Washington,  D.  C,  Secretary. 

Charlotte  Greist  Hanna  (Mrs.  Roy  W.  Hanna) 
'99-'oi,  has  been  living  in  Germany  for  the  past 
two  years.  She  vmay  be  addressed  in  care  of  the 
Greist  Works,  G.   m.  b.   H.,   Kaiserslautern. 

Stuart  K.  Knox,  '03c,  notice  of  whose  marriage 
is  given  elsewhere  in  this  issue,  is  with  Nicholas 
S.  Hill,  Jr.,  consulting  engineer,  100  William  St., 
New  York  City. 


'04.  Bethune  D.  Blain,  1017*18  Dime  Savings 
Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Secretary  for  men. 

'04.  Mrs.  Sarah  Hardy  Adams,  Ann  Arbor, 
Secretary  for  women. 

'o4e.  Alfred  C.  Finney,  33  Ray  St.,  Schenec- 
tady, N.  Y.,  Secretary. 

•04m.  George  A.  Seybold,  41  Sun  Bldg.,  Jack- 
son, Mich. 

'04I.     Roscoe  B.  Huston,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 

Charles  A.  Waring,  'o4e,  has  severed  his  con- 
nection with  the  electrical  engineering  department 
of  the  National  Cash  Register  Co.,  and  is  now 
with  the  engineering  department  of  the  Rco 
Motor  Car  Co.,  of  L,ansing,  Mich.  His  address 
is   1005   S.   Washington  Ave. 

Born,  to  Austin  L.  Lathers,  '04,  '06I,  and 
Efiie  Godfrey  Lathers,  '03,  a  daughter,  in  August, 
1914,  at  Duluth,   Minn. 

•Anna  Dieterle,  'o4d,  is  public  school  dental 
inspector  in  Ann  Arbor,  and  is  also  practicing 
dentistry   at    122   East   Liberty   St. 


'05.  Carl  E.  Parry,  aia  W.  loth  Ave.,  Colum- 
bus, O.,  Secretary  for  men;  Louise  E.  Georg,  347 
S.  Main  St.,  Ann  Avbor,  Mich.,  Secretary  for 

'ose.  Fred  R.  Temple,  480  W.  Hancock  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich.,  Secretary. 

•o<m.  Hugo  A.  Freund,  Secretary,  537  Wood- 
ward Avc.p  Detroit. 

'osl.  Victor  E.  Van  Ameringen,  Ann  Arbor, 

Walter  S.  Parsons,  '05,  notice  of  whose  mar- 
riage is  given  elsewhere  in  this  issue,  is  employed 
at  the  Lakewood  OfBce  of  the  Cleveland  Trust 
Co.,   Cleveland,   Ohio. 

Lieut.  Thomas  M.  Spaulding,  '05,  stationed  at 
Fort  Howard,  Md.,  has  been  ordered  to  duty  at 
the  War  Department  as  an  assistant  to  the  Judge 
Advocate  General.  His  address  in  Washington 
is    1609  22<i   St. 

James  A,  Cutler,  '05,  '07I,  is  teaching  science 
at   Bostonia,   Calif. 


'06.  Roy  W.  Hamilton,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary 
for  men;  Mrs.  Susan  Diack  Coon,  196  Edison 
Ave.,   Detroit,   Mich.,   Secretary   for  women. 

'o6e.  Harry  B.  Culbertson,  814  Ford  Bldg., 
Detroit.    Mich.,    Secretary. 

'06I.     Gordon   Stoner,   Ann   Arbor,   Secretary. 

Roscoe  C.  Morrison,  '06,  'of*l,  is  examiner  of 
titles    in    the    Title    (Guaranty    Company,    Chicago, 

James  B.  Edmonson,  '06,  A.M.  *io,  formerly 
prmcipal  of  the  high  school  at  Jackson,  Mich.,  has 
recently  been  elected  state  high  school  inspector 
for  Michigan,  with  offices  in  Ann  Arbor.  Notice 
of  Mr.  Edmonson's  marriage  is  given  elsewhere 
in  this  issue. 

Clyde  L  Dew,  '06,  I'oi-'oa,  is  night  editor  of 
the  Arkansas  Gazette,    Little  Rock,  Ark. 

Dell  D.  Dutton,  '06I,  announces  that  he  has 
opened  offices  at  Suite  720  Commerce  Bldg., 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,  for  the  general  practice  of  law. 
Mr.  Dutton  was  formerly  associated  with  the 
hrm  of  Haflf,  Meservey,  German  &  Michaels. 

George  Philip,  *o61,  is  Assistant  United  States 
District  Attorney  for  the  District  of  South  Dakota, 
with  headquarters  at  Pierre. 

Alvin  Waggoner,  '06I,  of  Philip,  S.  Dak.,  is  the 
author  of  an  article  entitled  "Oliver  Goldsmith's 
Relation  to  the  Law,"  published  in  the  August 
number  of  "Case  and  Comment,"  a  magazine  of 
law  and  literature,  published  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. 


'07.  Archer  F.  Ritchie,  46  Home  Bank  Bldg., 
Detroit,   Mich.,   Secretary. 

'07.  Mabel  Tuomev,  1624  Second  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Secretary  for  Women. 

•o7e.  Harry  L.  Coe,  79  Milk  St.,  Boston, 
Mass.,    Secretary. 

'07m.     Albert   C.    Baxter.   Springfield,   111. 

'07I.  Ralph  W.  Aigler,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  Sec- 

Frank  G.  Tompkins,  '07,  A.M.  '11,  formerly  in- 
structor in  rhetoric  at  the  University,  is  this 
year  teaching  English  in  the  Detroit  Central 
liijfh   School. 

Robert  M.  Hidey,  'o7e,  who  for  several  years 
has  been  connected  with  the  testing  and  design- 
ing department  of  the  Packard  Motor  Car  Co., 
took  a  tlying  trip  through  the  East  this  summer 
in  one  of  their  new  test  cars. 

Born,  to  Frcderico  M.  Unson,  '071,  and  Mrs. 
Unson,  a  son,  on  June  12,  1914,  at  Lucena, 
Tayabas,   P.    J. 


'08.  May  L.  Baker,  513  N.  Lincoln  St.,  Baj 
City,   Mich.,   Secretary. 

'o8e.  Joe  R.  Brooks,  Long  Key,  Florida,  Sec- 

•08I.     Arthur  L.  Paulson.  Elgin,  111.,  SecreUry. 

Chauncey  H.  Dowman,  '08,  who  received  his 
master's  degree  from  the  University  of  Chicago 
in  1914,  is  principal  of  the  high  school  at  Twm 
Falls,  Idaho. 

Donald  M.  Mathews,  *o8,  M.S.  (For.)  '09,  who 
has  bet'u  in  forestry  work  at  Los  Banos,  P.  I., 
has  signed  a  contract  with  the  British  North 
Borneo  Company  to  organize  a  forestry  depart- 
ment in  North  Borneo.  The  first  step  will  be  an 
extensive  exploration  into  the  interior  of  North 
Borneo  to  see  the  extent  of  tlie  forests,  and  also 
what  kind  of  a  forestry  department  the  natural 
resources  of  North  Borneo  warrant.  This  ex- 
ploration, Mr.  Mathews  estimates,  will  take  him 
a  year  and  a  half  at  the  very  least.  Following 
his  report,  he  will  be  expected  to  draft  forestry 
laws  for  the  country. 

Rev.  Mahlon  C.  Tunison,  '08,  e*03-*o6,  has  re- 
signed from  the  pulpit  of  the  Adams  Square  Bap- 
tist Church,  Worcester,  Mass.,  to  take  charge  of 
a  pulpit  in  Ohio. 

Born,  to  Phillip  Donald  Van  Zile,  *o8,  e'o4-*o6, 
and  Mrs.  Van  Zile,  a  son,  Phillip  Taylor  Van 
Zile,  2nd,  at  Detroit,  Mich. 

Clyde  II.  Pinney,  ro5-'o7,  notice  of  whose  mar- 
riage is  given  elsewhere  in  this  number,  is  in  the 
hardware  business  in  Ithaca,  Mich. 

Born,  to  Burns  Henry,  '08I,  and  Mrs.  Henry, 
a  son.  Burns  Henry,  Junior,  September  18,  1914, 
at  Detroit,  Mich. 

Digitized  by 





Thomas  R.  Woolcy,  'oSc,  is  now  with  the 
Eastern  Bridge  &  Structural  Co.,  at  their  Wor- 
cester, Mass.,  office.  Mr.  Wooley  has  been  lately 
married,  and  is  living  at  the  Hotel  Bellmar. 

Walter  P.  Jensen,  ro5-'o6,  announces  that  he 
has  located  in  Waterloo,  la.,  for  the  practice  of 
law,  and  has  opened  offices  at  607-608  First  Na- 
tional Bank  Blag.  Mr.  Jensen  comes  from  Poca- 
hontas, la.,  and  during  the  last  session  of  the 
General  Assembly  represented  Pocahontas  County 
in  the  House  of  Representatives. 


'09.  Edmund  B.  Chaffee,  1507  Broad  St,  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  Secretary. 

'09.  Florence  Baker  White,  5604  University 
Blvd.,  Seattle,  Wash. 

'o9e.  Stanley  B.  Wiggins,  iis  S.  Jefferson 
Ave.,  Saffinaw,  Mich.,  Secretary. 

'09I.  Charles  Bowles,  aio  Moffat  Bldg.,  De- 
troit, Mich.,  Secretary. 

Arthur  J.  Abbott,  '09.  'iil,  is  teaching  the 
courses  in  Pleading  in  tne  Law  Department  of 
Southwestern  University  at  Los  Angeles.  At  the 
present  time,  he  is  teaching  the  subject  of  Com- 
mon Law  Pleading,  and  will  instruct  in  Code 
Pleading  during  the  second  semester.  He  is  en- 
gaged in  the  practice  of  law  in  Los  Angeles  as  a 
member  of  the  firm  of  Abbott  and  Pearce,  Suite 
S37  Higgins  Bldg.  Residence  address.  The  Los 
Angeles  Club,  625  S.  Hope  St.,  Los  Angeles. 

Edwin  B.  Backus,  '09,  is  minister  of  the  Uni- 
tarian Church  of  Lawrence.  Kansas.  Notice  of 
his   marriage   appears   elsewhere   in   this   number. 

Hulbert  G.  Haller,  '09,  notice  of  whose  mar- 
riage is  given  elsewhere  in  this  issue,  is  a  member 
of  the  real  estate  firm  of  Stellwagen  &  Haller, 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Robert  H.  Foreman,  'coe,  is  employed  as  a 
checker  with  the  Lewis-Hall  Iron  Works,  De- 
troit, Mich.  His  address  has  recently  been 
changed  from  205  23d  St..  to  563  Hurlbut  Ave. 

Silas  Moore  Wiley,  '091,  became  on  September 
1  a  member  of  the  law  firm  of  Sears,  Meagher 
&  Whitney,  First  National  Bank  Bldg.,  Chicago, 

Julian  A.  Wolfson,  '091.  is  now  the  junior  mem- 
ber of  the  firm  of  Wolfson  &  Wolfson,  Manila, 
P.  I.  Mr.  Wolfson,  with  one  companion,  recently 
made  a  trip  of  two  weeks  through  the  wilds  of 
eastern  Luzon  to  reach  the  property  of  the 
Umerai  Gold  Dredging  Company. 


'id.       Lee    A    White,     5604    University    Blvd., 
-  Seattle,    Wash.,    Secretary    for    men ;    Fannie    B. 
Briggs,    107    S.    Oak   Park   Ave..   Oak   Park,    111., 
Secretary  for  women. 

'loe.  William  F.  Zabriskie,  33  Alexandrine  Ave., 
E.,  Detroit,  Secretary. 

lol.  Thomas  J.  Riley,  Escanaba,  Mich.,  Secre- 

Clarence  H.  Enzenroth,  *io,  formerly  catcher 
with  the  St.  Louis  Browns,  is  now  a  member  of 
the  Kansas  City   Federals. 

Harry  G.  Hayes,  '10,  A.M.  *i2,  ro7-'o8,  who  has 
been  instructor  in  the  Economics  Department  of 
the  University,  has  accepted  a  position  as  in- 
structor in  the  University  of  Minnesota. 

Virgil  C.  Zener,  '10,  who  has  been  for  several 
years  a  clergyman  at  Somerset,  Pa.,  began  a  new 
pastorate  at  Johnstown,  Pa.,  about  the  first  of 
October.  His  residence  address  is  249  Fairfield 

First  Lieut  Gladeon  M  Barnes,  'loe,  of  the 
Ordnance  Department  of  the  U.  S.  Army,  has 
been  ordered  from  the  Watertown  Arsenal  to  the 
Frankford  Arsenal,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Lieut. 
Barnes  will  be  assistant  in  charge  of  the  instru- 
ment department  of  the  Frankford  Arsenal. 


'11.  Gordon  W.  Kingsbury,  Care  Diamond 
Crystal  Salt  Co.,  St  Clair,  Mich.,  Secretary  for 
men;  Ethel  Volland  Hoyt,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary 
for  women. 

'lie.  Harry  Bouchard,  Care  J.  G.  White  En- 
gineering Co.,  Augusta.  Ga. 

*xil.  Edward  B.  Klewer,  505  Tenn.  Trust 
Bldg.,  Memphis,  Tenn.,  Secretary. 

'iim.  Ward  F.  Seeley,  U.  of  M.  HospiUl,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Young  E.  Allison,  Jr.,  '11,  formerly  in  news- 
paper work  at  Louisville,  Ky.,  is  now  acting  as 
associate  editor  of  The  Insurance  Field,  Chicago, 

Alice  G.  Duncan,  '11,  is  not  teaching  this  year. 
She   may   be   addressed   at   Thompsonville,    Mich. 

Charles  J.  Conover,  'ii,  M.S.  (for.)  '13,  has 
been  made  a  member  of  the  faculty  of  the  Oregon 
Agricultural  College,  Corvallis,  Ore. 

Amaryllis  M.  Cotey,  '11,  is  critic  teacher  in  the 
Mt.   Pleasant,  Mich.,  Normal  School. 

Howard  S.  Fox,  'ii,  returned  recently  from  a 
summer  spent  in  Europe.  He  was  in  Austria 
when  the  war  broke  out,  but  went  at  once  over 
into  Germany  in  the  hope  of  getting  out  of 
trouble.  His  party  left  Berlin  on  August  3,  on 
the  last  regular  train  conveying  passengers.  He 
had  some  interesting  experiences  in  Germany,  but 
reached  Holland  safely,  where  he  was  able  to 
take  a  steamer  to  the  United  States.  Mr.  Fox 
finished  last  June  a  course  at  Andover  Theological 
Seminary,  taking  the  degree  of  S.F.B.  This  fall 
he  took  up  his  work  as  assistant  pastor  of  the 
South  Congregational  Church,  New  Britain,  Conn. 

Louise  Hollon,  '11,  is  teaching  German  and 
history  in  the  high  school  at  Jackson,  Mich. 

J.  Fred  Lawton,  '11,  has  resigned  his  position 
as  probation  officer  of  Detroit  to  become  affiliated 
with  the  Detroit  office  of  the  Mutual  Benefit  Life 
Insurance  Company  of  New  Jersey. 

Woodbridge  Metcalf,  *ii,  M.S.  (for.)  '12,  who 
has  had  charge  of  the  forestry  department  of  the 
Canadian  Pacific  Railway  for  some  time  past,  and 
who  has  been  living  in  Montreal,  accepted  this 
fall  the  chair  of  assistant  professor  of  forestry  at 
the  University  of  California  at  Berkeley.  Notice 
of  Mr.  Metcalf's  marriage  is  given  elsewhere  in 
this  issue. 

Florence  B.  Murphv,  '11,  is  teaching  English  in 
the  Western  State  Normal  School,  Kalamazoo, 

Born,  to  Robert  H.  Dailey,  *iie,  and  Helen 
D'Ooge  Dailey,  'o8-'io,  a  son,  Robert  H.,  Junior, 
on  September  1,  1914,  at  Ypsilanti,  Mich. 

Dulcidio  de  Sanza  Percira,  e'o7-'ii,  is  employed 
by  the  Sao  Paulo  Tramway,  Light  and  Power 
Co.,  Ltd.,  of  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil.  His  address  is 
Caixa  219,  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil. 

John  E.  Parsons,  'iil,  is  associated  with  Mar- 
shall Si.  Frazer  in  the  practice  of  law  at  1030-1036 
Spitzer  Bldg.,  Toledo,   Ohio. 

Charles  H.  Rogers,  'up,  B.S.  (Phar.)  '13,  may 
be  addressed  at  the  College  of  Pharmacy,  Uni- 
versity of  West  Virginia,  Morgantown,  W.  Va. 


•la.  Cari  W.  Eberbach.  402  S.  Fourth  St..  Ann 
Arbor;  Herbert  G.  Watkins,  445  Cass  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Mich..  Irene  McFadden,  831  Third  Atc., 
Detroit  Mich. 

'lae.  Harry  H.  Steinhauser,  546  W.  124th  St, 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

'12I.  George  E.  Brand,  502-9  Hammond  Bldg., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Alice  M.  Campbell,  '12,  is  teaching  at  Mt. 
Vernon,  Ohio. 

Grace  M.  Albert,  '12,  is  teaching  English  in 
Central  High  School,  Detroit,  Mich.,  this  year. 
Her  family  moved  last  year  from  Tecuniseh,  \lich., 
to  Cleveland,  Ohio,  where  they  are  living  at  1851 
E.  70th  St 

Digitized  by 





Allen  Andrews,  Jr.,  *i2,  'mI,  has  associated 
himself  as  junior  member  of  the  law  firm  of  An- 
drews &  Andrews,  engaged  in  the  general  prac- 
tice of  law  at  Hamilton,  Ohio. 

Kriemhild  Gcorg  Black  (Mrs.  Joseph  G.  Black) 
'12,  is  living  at  430  Bewick  Ave.,   Detroit,  Mich. 

Levi  B.  Colvin,  *o8-'ii,  is  employed  in  tiie  pro- 
duction department  of  the  Cadillac  Motor  Car 
Co.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Helen  E.  Gibson,  '12,  is  teaching  at  Iron  wood, 

Willis  B.  Goodenow.  'la,  is  superintendent  of 
schools  at  Pell  City,  Ala. 

Julia  E.  Hallcck,  '12,  A.M.  '14,  is  teaching 
English  in  the  high  school  at  Michigan  City,  Ind. 

Ruth  E.  Hobart,  'la,  is  principal  of  the  County 
Normal  at  Croswell,  Mich. 

Leo  C.  Hughes,  '12,  is  superintendent  of  schools 
at  Romeo,  Mich. 

Ellen  I4.  McHenry,  '12,  ^ent  the  months  of 
July  and  August  in  Europe.  Harriet  h.  Bird,  '12, 
also  spent  the  summer  abroad. 

Born,  on  June  21,  1914,  a  daughter,  Ann  Eliza- 
beth, to  Elmer  D.  Mitchell,  '12,  and  Beulah  Dil- 
lingham Mitchell,  '13.  Address,  823  Geneva  Ave., 
Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

Sophia  M.  Moiles,  '12,  may  be  addressed  at 
Vassar,  Mich. 

Mary  F.  Smith,  '12,  is  teaching  at  Wyandotte, 

Frank  L.  Stephan,  '12,  '14I,  is  a  member  of  the 
firm  of  North  &  Stephan,  Attorney s-at- Law,  Twin 
Falls,   Idaho. 

Marguerite  Stevens,  '12,  is  teaching  English  in 
the  high  school  at  Charlotte,  Mich. 

Mary  L.  Taft,  '12,  is  teaching  at  Bessemer, 

Alice  M.  Torrey,  '12,  may  be  addressed  at  May- 
be, Mich. 

Maurice  Toulme,  '12,  '141,  during  the  past  year 
managing  editor  of  The  Michigan  Daily,  has 
taken  a  position  with  The  Chicago  Tribune. 

Hazel  M.  Watsoit,  '12,  is  principal  of  one  of 
the  Benton  Harbor,  Mich.,  high  schools. 

Unity  F.  Wilson,  '08,  '09,  is  acting  as  assistant 
to  Dr.  Warthin,  in  the  pathology  department  of 
the  University. 

Otto  E.  Boertmann,  'i2e,  is  assistant  to  the 
superintendent  of  construction  of  the  France  Stone 
Co.,  Toledo,  Ohio.  His  home  address  is  2329 
Vermont  Ave. 

William  E.  Crawford,  e'o8-'ii,  is  teaching 
physics  and  mathematics  at  Bay  City,  Mich. 

Ernest  B.  Drake,  e'o8-'ii,  is  teaching  in  the 
Genesee  Wesleyan  College,  Lima,  N.   Y. 

Lawrence  N.  Field,  'i2e,  is  with  the  Singer 
Mfg.  Co.,  of  South  Bend,  Ind.  His  residence  ad- 
dress is  44  Rushton  Apartments. 

Franz  W.  Fischer,  'i2e,  is  with  the  Liquid 
Carbonic  Co.,  3100   S.   Kedzie  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Harold  L.  Frackleton,  'i2e,  is  with  the  Edison 
Illuminating  Co.,  of  Detroit.  Address,  185  Char- 
lotte Ave. 

Daniel  W.  Hayes,  *i2e,  is  superintendent  of  the 
Edison  Co.,  in  Ann  Arbor. 

Frank  B.  Lounsberry,  'i2e,  is  a  metallurgical 
engineer  with  the  Holcomb  Steel  Co.,  of  Syracuse, 
N.  Y. 

Frank  W.  Steere^  *i2e,  is  general  manager  of 
the  Steere  Engineering  Co.,  of  Detroit,  Mich.  He 
was  formerly  engaged  in  experimental  engineer- 
ing with  the  Semet-Solvay  and  the  Solvay  Pro- 
cess Co.  Notice  of  his  marriage  is  given  else- 
where in  this  issue. 

Morton  E.  Thierwechter,  *i2e,  has  been  trans- 
ferred from  the  engineering  department  of  the 
General  Electric  Co.,  of  Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  to 
the  commercial  department  at  the  Toledo,  Ohio, 
office.     Address,  171 7  Lawrence  Ave. 

Aaron  Matheis,  'i2e,  was  appointed  a  Cadet- 
Engineer,  U.  S.  R.  C.  S.,  on  July  24,  191 3,  and 
on  July  28,  entered  the  Revenue  Cutter  Academy 
at  New  London,  Conn.  After  spending  one  year 
in    the    Academy    and    on    the    Practice    Cutter 

Itasca,  he  was  graduated  on  July  25,  19 14,  and 
ordered  to  the  Yamacraw  at  Savannah,  Ga.  On 
August  3  he  was  commissioned  a  Third  Lieuten- 
ant of  Engineers^  U.  S.  R.  C.  S.  On  entering 
the  Academy,  Lieut.  Matheis  stood  third  in  a 
class  of  four  who  were  appointed  from  all  the 
applicants  over  the  entire  country,  and  on  gradu- 
ating his  standing  was  first. 

Dale  I.  Parshall,  'i2e,  is  superintendent  of  the 
machine  department  of  the  Singer  Mfg.  Co.,  of 
South  Bend,  Ind.  His  home  address  is  44  Rush- 
ton  Apt. 

William  C  Randall,  *i2e,  is  in  the  engineer- 
ing department  of  the  Detroit  Steel  Products  Co. 
His  home  address  is  1870  Woodward  Ave.,  De- 

George  I.  Nayler,  'i2h,  who  since  his  gradua- 
tion has  been  assistant  to  Dr.  Dean  T.  Smith,  of 
the  Homoeopathic  Department,  has  been  retained 
as  assistant  to  Dr.  Hugh  M.  Beebe,  Dr.  Smith's 


'13.  Karl  J.  Mohr,  533  Church  St.,  Ann  Arbor, 

'i3e.  Kirke  K.  Hoagg,  24  Chandler  Ave.,  De- 
troit,  Mich. 

•13m.     Carl   V.   Weller,   Secretary,  Ann  Arbor. 

'13I.     Ora  L.  Smith,  Ithaca,  Mich. 

Harry  B.  Blacky  *09-'ii,  *i2-'i4,  is  local  man- 
ager of  the  Michigan-Askansas  Lumber  Co.,  at 
Nettleton,  Ark. 

Howard  W.  Ford,  '13,  has  been  transferred 
from  the  Pittsburgh  office  of  the  Pittsburgh-Des 
Moines  Steel  Co.,  to  the  New  York  office,  50 
Church  St.,  New  York  City. 

John  J.  Krauss,  '13,  may  be  addressed  at  Box 
226,   Britton,  S.   Dak. 

Alta  J.  Lich,  '13,  is  teaching  English  in  Hope 
College,  Holland,  Mich. 

Arthur  F.  Schaefer,  '13,  is  teaching  science  in 
Ishpeming,  Mich. 

Martin  J.  Shugrue,  '13,  instructor  in  economic 
theory  in  the  University  last  year,  has  accepted 
a  position  with  the  Department  of  Accounting  of 
the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology. 

Russell  A.  Stevenson,  '13,  instructor  in  ac- 
counting in  the  University,  is  now  connected  with 
the  Department  of  Accounting  of  the  University 
of  Iowa. 

Norman  K.  Sheppard,  'i3ey  is  in  the  engineer- 
ing department  of  the  Saginaw-Bay  City  Ry., 
Light  &  Power  Co.  Address,  1220  S.  Jefferson 
St.,  Saginaw,  Mich. 

Fred  R.  Sheridan,  •i3e,  is  a  draftsman  in  the 
office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Public  WorkSj 
Highland  Park,  Mich.  Residence  address,  767 
Cass  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Allen  F.  Sherzer,  '13c,  has  been  in  the  engineer- 
ing department  of  the  Union  Carbide  Co.,  Sault 
Ste.  Marie,  Mich.,  since  graduation.  Address, 
318  E.  Spruce  St. 

Clarence  G.  Smith,  '136,  has  removed  from  Bay 
City,  Mich.,  to  Midland,  Mich.,  where  he  may  be 
addressed  at  Box   530. 

Clifford  L.  Snyder,  'i3e,  is  with  the  Algoma 
Steel  Corporation  Ltd.,  Coke  Ovens,  Sault  Ste. 
Marie,  Ont.  For  five  months  and  a  half  after 
graduation  he  was  results  man,  doing  research 
work  and  plant  testing,  including  the  care  of  all 
recording  instruments  on  the  coke  plant.  In 
January  he  was  promoted  to  the  position  of  oven 
foreman.  Address,  "The  Bungalow,"  Sault  Ste. 
Marie,  Ont. 

Frederick  W.  Spangler,  '13^  has  been  mechan- 
ical draftsman  with  the  Liquid  Carbonic  Co.,  of 
Chicago,  111.,  since  November.  Address,  3100 
Kedzie  Ave. 

Valentine  F.  Spring,  *i3e,  i&  a  hydraulic  engi- 
neer with  the  Fargo  Engineering  Co.,  of  Jackson, 

Digitized  by 





Roland  H.  Stock,  'ije,  of  the  U.  S.  Reclama- 
tion Senrice,  has  been  transferred  from  Ronan, 
Mont,  to  Poison,  Mont. 

Otto  P.  Stuefcr,  '13c,  is  in  the  commercial  en- 
gineering section  of  the  National  Lamp  Works,  of 
Cleveland,  Ohio.  He  is  in  charge  of  the  devel- 
opment of   new   fields   for   miniature  lamps. 

Merl  N.  Taber,  'xje,  is  assistant  chemist  for 
the  National  Supply  Co.,  Wagon  Works,  Toledo, 
O.  His  home  address  is  2040  Glenwood  Ave., 

George  A.  Taylor,  'ije,  is  with  the  Tungstolin 
Works  of  the  General  Electric  Co.,  Cleveland,  O. 
Address,   1900   Euclid  Bldg. 

Michael  Terry,  'i3e,  is  a  designer  of  special 
and  automatic  machinery,  tools,  fixtures  and  safe- 
ty devices  for  the  Champion  Ignition  Co.,  Flint, 

Harold  H.  Todt,  '13c,  is  in  the  testing  depart- 
ment of  the  Maxwell  Motor  Co.  Inc.,  Detroit, 
Mich.     Home  address,  550  14th  Ave. 

Stephen  R.  Truesdell,  'i3e,  is  in  the  valuation 
department  of  the  Chicago  and  Northwestern  Ry., 
226  W.  Jackson  Blvd..  Chicago,  111. 

Earl  W.  Tucker,  'i3e,  is  a  chemical  engineer 
with  the  Penn  Salt  Mfg.  Co.,  of  Wyandotte,  Mich. 

W.  Howard  Turpi n,  *i3e,  is  in  the  traffic  de- 
partment of  the  Chicago  Telephone  Co.,  230  W. 
Washington  St.,  room  34,  Chicago,  111.  His 
home  address  is   1725   Wilson  Ave. 

Born,  to  W.  Arthur  Grove,  *i3e,  and  Mrs. 
Grove,  a  son.  Woodward  Arthur,  on  July  18, 
191^.  Address,  230  S.  Greenmount  Ave.,  Spring- 
field, Ohio.  Mr.  Grove  is  employed  in  the  hyd- 
raulic engineering  department  of  James  Leffcl 
Sc  Co.,  of  Springfield. 

Helen  Hamilton,  'i3e,  is  a  civil  engineer  with 
Professor  H.  E.  Riggs,  Ann  Arbor.  Her  ad- 
dress is  714  Lawrence  St. 

Born,  to  Edward  T.  Lazear,  '13c,  and  Grace 
Fairman  Lazear,  '12,  at  Chefoo,  Shantung,  China, 
a   daughter,    Emily    Elizabeth,   on  July   28,    1914. 

John  L.  McCloud,  'i3e,  is  assistant  foreman 
with  the  Morgan  &  Wright  Rubber  Co.,  of  De- 
troit, Mich.  His  residence  address  is  900  Third 

William  M.  Mills,  *i3e,  formerly  in  the  U.  S. 
Engineer    Office,    Rock    Island,    111.,    is   now    em- 

floyed  by  the  Dubuque  Boat  and  Boiler  Works, 
Dubuque,  la. 

Frank  L.  Weaver,  '13^  who  taught  last  year 
in  the  University  of  Oklahoma,  is  a  draftsman 
with  G.  S.  Williams,  Ann  Arbor. 

The  members  of  the  law  class  of  191 3  located 
in  Detroit  held  their  third  dinner  on  the  evening 
of  Friday,  September  25,  at  the  Dolph  Cafe.  The 
following  twelve  members  of  the  class  were  pres- 
ent: Joseph  J.  Kennedy,  Richard  J.  Simmons, 
Wilson  W.  Nlills,  Edwin  J.  Mercer,  Clifford  B. 
Longley,  J.  Howell  Van  Auken,  Charles  A.  Wag- 
ner, C.  Walter  Healv,  Allan  G.  Ludington,  Mau- 
rice Sugar,  Clifton  G.  Dyer,  and  S.  Homer  Fer- 

Solomon  Blumrosen,  *ii,  '13I,  is  practicing  law 
in  Detroit  as  the  junior  member  of  the  firm  of 
Kllman,  Butler  &  Blumrosen,  with  offices  at  316 
Free  Press  Bldg. 

James  Cleary,  '13I,  who  was  formerly  con- 
nected with  the  Legal  Department  of  the  Parke- 
Davis  Co.,  Detroit,  Mich.,  has  formed  a  partner- 
ship with  Neumann  A.  Cobb,  '13I,  with  offices  in 
Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  where  Mr.  Cobb  has  been 
practicing  since  his  graduation. 

Hunt  C  Hill,  '13I,  and  Inman  Sealby,  '13I, 
have  formed  a  partnership  for  the  practice  of  law 
under  the  firm  name  of  Hill  &  Sealby,  Attorneys- 
at-Law  and  Proctors  in  Admiralty,  with  offices  at 
607-6x2  Kohl  Bldg.,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

Oscar  C.  Hull,  '13I,  is  practicing  law  at  El 
Dorado,  Kansas. 

William  F.  Maurer,  '13I,  is  practicing  law  at 
Fostoria,  Ohio. 

Alger  R.  Syme,  '13I,  is  practicing  law  at  Chis- 
holm,  Minn. 

Theodore  T.  Gibson,  'i3p,  is  manufacturing 
chemist  for  Merck  &  Co.,  Rah  way,  N.  J.  Notice 
of  his  marriage  is  given  elsewhere  in  this  issue. 

Floyd  F.  Fellows,  'ijh,  and  Mrs.  Fellows  (Mary 
E.  Pewtress,  *i3h),  with  their  daughter  Weanna, 
left  on  September  25  for  McMinnville,  Ore.,  where 
they  expect  to  live.  Dr.  Fellows  has  been  assist- 
ant in  Surgery  in  the  Homoeopathic  Medical  Col- 
lege during  the  past  year. 

Burton  J.  Sanford,  'i3h,  who  was  Dr.  C.  B. 
Kinyon's  assistant  last  year,  has  left  Ann  Arbor 
to  take  up  the  practice  of  Dr.  Humphrey,  of 
Toledo,  Ohio,  who  has  been  appointed  to  the 
faculty  of  the  new  Homoeopathic  Department  of 
the  Ohio  State  University. 

Rhoda  A.  Sturtevant,  A.M.  '13,  is  teaching  in 
Niles.  Mich. 

Rev.  Paul  J.  Mackensen,  A.M.  *i3,  whose  mar- 
riage to  Anna  Wurster,  '06,  took  place  on  August 
5,  is  teaching  in  Capitol  University,  Columbus, 


•14.  Bruce  J.  Miles,  ^2  Watson  Place,  The 
Vaughan  Apts.,  Detroit,  Mich;  Jessie  Cameron, 
619  N.  Lincoln  Ave.,  Bay  City,  Mich.:  Leonard 
M.  Rieser,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

Fred  H.  Akers,  '14,  may  be  addressed  at  1846 
S.  St.  Louis  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Walter  H.  Allmendingcr,  '14,  is  principal  of  the 
high  school  at  Hartford,  Mich. 

Alida  Alexander,  '14,  is  teaching  in  the  Jackson- 
ville Woman's   College,   Jacksonville,   111. 

Julia  Anderson,  '14,  is  employed  by  the  Curtis 
Publishing  Co.,  of  Philadelphia. 

Irene  Bigalke,  '14,  and  Ilda  Jennings,  '14,  are 
teaching  at  Howell,  Mich. 

Mary  E.  Bishop,  '14,  is  teaching  English  in  the 
high  school  at  Marshall,  Mich. 

Anna  D.  Block,  '14,  is  teaching  in  Juanita  Col- 
lege, Huntington,  Ky. 

Paul  E.  Bollenbacher,  *i4,  is  teaching  in  St. 
Olaf  College,  Northfield,  Minn. 

*'Chink"  Bond,  '14,  is  in  the  estimating  depart- 
ment of  the  Detroit  Steel  Products  Company,  De- 
troit, Mich.  Residence  address,  2975  East  Grand 

Martin  C.  Briggs,  '14*  Js  with  the  Curtis  Bros. 
Millwork  Co.,  Clinton,  la.  His  address  is  the 
y.  M.  C.  A. 

Laura  A.  Brown,  '14,  is  teaching  history  at 
Traverse  City,  Mich. 

Leo  N.  Burnett,  '14,  editor  of  the  1914  Wol- 
verine, is  now  court  reporter  for  the  Peoria 
Journal,    Peoria,    111. 

Jessie  M.  Cameron,  '14,  is  teaching  in  Bay  City, 

Katherine  Chamberlain,  '14,  is  teaching  in  the 
Saginaw,   East  Side,   High  School. 

Vernon  Chase,  '14,  is  superintendent  of  schools 
at  Romeo,   Mich. 

Gaile  Churchill,  '14,  is  teaching  English  at 
Fruitland,   Idaho. 

Martha  A.  Colburne,  '14,  is  teaching  in  Boise, 

Helen  M.  Connolly,  '14,  is  teaching  English 
in  the  high  school  at  River  Rouge. 

Helen  T.  Croman,  '14,  is  teaching  at  Howard 
City,  Mich. 

Frank  Dupras,  *i4,  is  principal  of  the  high 
school  at  Baraga,  Mich. 

Gordon  C.  Eldredge,  '14,  after  spending  the 
early  summer  in  the  east,  has  taken  up  advertis- 
ing work  with  the  J.  Walter  Thompson  Company, 
Kresgc  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich.  Residence  address, 
160  Bagg  St. 

Benham  Ewing,  *i4.  is  teaching  college  pre- 
paratory work  in  the  Detroit  Y.  M.  C.  A.  His 
address  is  184  Bagg  St. 

Frances  Farnham,  '14,  is  principal  of  the  county 
normal  school  at  Petoskey,  Mich. 

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Jesse  J.  Fitzgerald,  *i4,  is  with  the  F.  A. 
Snider  Preserve  Co.,  of  Chicago. 

Christine  E.  Foster,  '14,  is  teaching  in  Mont- 
pelier,  Ind. 

Leon  W.  Frost,  '14,  of  Grand  Rapids,  has  been 
appointed  probation  officer  in  the  juvenile  court 
of  Detroit,  to  replace  J.  Fred  Lawton,  *ii,  who 
has  held  the  office  since  graduation,  but  who 
resigned  to  go  into  insurance  work.  Mr.  Frost 
has  been  connected  with  sociological  work  in 
Grand  Rapids.     Residence,  32  Watson  Place. 

Mary  Iv.  Gardner,  '14,  is  teaching  mathematics 
in  the  high  school  at  Fort  Wayne,  Ind. 

Frances  Green,  '14,  is  teaching  at  Crystal  Falls, 

Mary  R.  Haynes,  '14,  is  teaching  mathematics 
and  English  at  Williamston,  Mich. 

Julia  Henning,  '14,  is  studying  at  Simmons  Col- 
lege, Boston,  Mass. 

Sophie  Hermann,  '14,  is  teaching  Latin  and 
German  in  the  high  school  at  Bellevue,  Ohio. 

Elva  H.  Hickox,  '14,  is  teaching  Latin  in  the 
high  school  at  Gibsonburg,  Ohio. 

Irma  Hogadone,  '14,  is  teaching  at  Eaton 
Rapids,  Mich.  Residence,  care  of  Mrs.  Clarence 

Ilda  C.  Jennings,  '14,  is  teaching  in  the  eighth 
grade  and  high   school   English  at   Howell,   Mich. 

Ethel  A.  Kenyon,  '14,  is  teaching  in  the  Frances 
Schimcr  School,  Mt.  Carroll,  111. 

Arthur  W.  Kohler,  '14,  is  in  the  employ  of  the 
Woods  Electric  Company  at  Chicago,  111.  He 
will  continue  his  weight  work  with  the  Illinois 
Athletic  club. 

Evangeline  Lewis,  '14,  is  principal  of  the  high 
school  at  Howard  City,  Mich.,  and  is  also  teach- 
ing English. 

Herta  Luellemann,  '14,  is  teaching  at  Dowagiac, 

Helen  K.  Loman,  '14,  after  teaching  during  the 
summer  session  at  Asbury  Park,  N.  J.,  is  now 
teaching  Latin  in  the  high  school  at  Marshall, 
Mich.     Residence,  703  E.  State  St. 

Grace  E.  McDonald,  'i^,  is  teaching  French  in 
the  Ann  Arbor  High  School.  She  is  living  at 
514  Forest  Ave. 

Ruth  E.  Mensch,  '14,  is  teaching  mathematics 
in  the  high  school  at  Boyne  City,  Mich. 

Beatrice  Merriam,  '14,  is  teaching  English  at 
the  Northwestern  High  School,  Detroit,  Mich. 
Residence,  213  E.  Hancock  Ave. 

Bruce  J.  Miles,  '14,  is  employed  as  secretary 
to  A.  Y.  Malcomson,  of  the  United  Fuel  &  Sup- 
ply Company,  Detroit,  Mich.  Residence,  32  Wat- 
son Place,  The  Vaughan. 

Charles  S.  Morgan,  '14,  is  an  instructor  in  the 
Department  of  Political  Science  at  Marietta  Col- 
lege, Marietta.  Ohio. 

Ethel  P.  Minnard,  •14,  is  teaching  English  at 
Ypsilanti,  Mich. 

Clare  H.  Mueller,  '14,  is  teaching  mathematics 
at  Mt.   Pleasant,  Mich. 

Marjorie  H.  Nicolson,  '14,  is  teaching  in  the 
Saginaw  High  School. 

Rachel  P.  Parrish,  '14,  is  principal  of  the  high 
school  at  Stonington,  111.,  and  is  also  teaching 
Latin  and  German. 

Ora  B.  Peake,  '14,  is  teaching  mathematics  in 
the  Battle  Creek,  Mich.  High  School. 

Marguerite  Perry,  '14,  is  principal  of  the  county 
normal  school  at  New  Baltimore,  Mich. 

Mary  A.  Pinkham,  '14,  is  teaching  history  at 
Jackson,  Mich. 

LeRoy  A.  Pratt,  '14,  is  teaching  science  in  the 
high  school  at  Flint,  Mich. 

Marie  E.  Root,  '14,  is  teaching  the  fourth  and 
fifth  grade  at  Ironwood,  Mich. 

Reuben  Peterson,  Jr.,  '14,  is  studving  at  the 
Pulitzer  School  of  Journalism,  of  Columbia  Uni- 

Alvin  Roggy,  '14,  is  principal  of  the  high  school 
at  Geneva,  Ind. 

Ester  E-  Rice,  '14,  is  assistant  principal  of  one 
of  the  Jackson,  Midi,  schools. 

Robert  G.  Rodkey,  '14,  and  Frank  F.  Kolbe,  '14, 
will  fill  the  vacancies  in  the  accounting  depart- 
ment of  the  University  left  by  the  resignation  of 
several  instructors. 

Maude  Satterlee,  '14,  is  teaching  mathematics 
at  Wyandotte,  Mich. 

Lucille  H.  Scheid,  '14,  is  teaching  Latin,  Ger- 
man and  history  at  St.  Charles,  Mich. 

J«an  Sharpe,  '14,  is  teaching  in  the  Saginaw 
High  School,  Saginaw,  Mich. 

Lawrence  W.  Strong,  '14,  is  teaching  at  Mc- 
Keesport,  Pa. 

Helen  Touslev,  '14,  is  teaching  English  at 
Ontonagon,  Mich. 

Roy  E.  Waite,  '14,  is  principal  of  the  high 
school  at   Marshfield,   Ore. 

Alta  I.   Welsh,  '14,  is  teaching  at  Alma,  Mich. 

Neva  E.  Woods,  '14,  is  teaching  domestic 
science  at  Vicksburg,  Mich. 

Robert  S.  White,  '14,  has  been  appointed  actu- 
ary of  the  Gem  City  Life  Insurance  Co.,  of  Day- 
ton,  Ohio. 

Gertrude  M.  Wickes,  '14,  is  teaching  mathe- 
matics in  the  high  school  at  Holland,  Mich. 

Erwin  Fischer,  'i4e,  is  employed  as  a  chemical 
engineer  with  the  Independent  Baking  Co.,  Daven- 
port,  la. 

Edward  T.  Anderson,  'i^e,  may  be  addressed 
at  55  Kissam  Hall,   Nashville,  Tenn. 

Carl  E.  Guthe,  'i4e,  is  enrolled  in  the  Graduate 
School  of  Harvard  University,  and  is  working 
towards  his  Ph.D.  degree.  He  is  specializing  in 

Edwin  C.  Hasse,  'i4e,  is  in  the  U.  S.  Reclama- 
tion Service  at  Fletcher,  Mont. 

Lester  J.  N.  Keliher,  'i4e,  is  engaged  in  pro- 
moting work  for  the  Universal  Portland  Cement 
Company,  Chicago,  111. 

Harold  J.  LaLonde,  *i4e,  is  working  for  the 
Bituminous  Products"  Company,  Detroit,  Mich. 
Residence,  32  Watson  Place. 

Isaac  J.  Van  Kammen,  c'io-'i3,  after  graduat- 
ing from  the  Revenue  Cutter  Academy  at  New 
London,  Conn.,  and  serving  on  the  Practice  Cut- 
ter Itasca,  was  on  August  3,  1914,  commissioned 
a  Third  Lieutenant  of  Engineers,  U.  S.  R.  C.  S., 
and  ordered  to  the  U.  S.  R.  C.  Onondaga,  at  Nor- 
folk, Va.,  where  he  is  stationed  at  present.  Lieut. 
Aaron  Matheis,  'i2e,  stationed  on  the  U.  S.  R.  C. 
Yamacraw  at  Savannah,  Ga.,  was  a  classmate  of 
Lieut.  Van  Kammen  at  the  Academy. 

A.  O.  Williams,  'i4e,  is  employed  in  experi- 
mental work  for  the  Hyatt  Roller  Bearing  Com- 
pany, Detroit,  Mich. 

Mark  T.  Davis,  '14I,  is  practicing  law  in  Sagi- 
naw,  Mich.,   with   offices  at   206   Bearinger   Bldg. 

Frederick  T.  Bradt,  B.S.  (Phar.)  '14,  became 
on  July  r  first  assistant  chemist  to  Dr.  A.  B. 
Lyons,  of  Nelson  Baker  and  Company,  Detroit, 

Neal  B.  Lawrence,  B.S.  (Phar.)  '14,  has  ac- 
cepted a  position  with  J.  Hungerford  Smith,  of 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Josiah  K.  Lilly,  Jr.,  '140,  is  associated  with  the 
Eli  Lilly  Company,  of  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Digitized  by 




Arbor  High 




Prepares  1 

tor  College  or  for   Business, 
in  all  lines  of  work.    Rates  of  T 

Has  the  best  of 
uition  are  low. 



W.  M.  AIKIN.                                             H.  M 




Tbe  General  Tbeolodcal  Seminary 

niiUbliahcd  UAdcr  the  authority  of  the  Gcftcral 

c«ftT«itloft  of  the  Protestaat  Bpiacopal  Chnreli.) 


The  three  jean'  conne  covert  the  followlaif  Mib- 
jcet«>-Hebrew  and  Connate  Lanruaire*;  I«iterat«r« 
and  Interpretation  of  the  Old  and  New  Testamenta: 
Dogmatic  Theology;  Kccletiaatical  Hittorr;  Bccl»> 
•iaatical  Polity  and  Law;  Christian  Apolofetic* ; 
Pastoral  Theology  and  Homiletict;  Christian  Sth- 
iea;  Liturgies;  Blocution  and  Ecclesiastical  Music. 

The  next  Academic  year  will  begin  on  the  last 
Wodnasday  in  September. 

Special  courses  may  be  elected  by  graduates  of 
Episcopal  Seminaries,  or  by  Candidates  for  Orders, 
•r  bT  Hen  in  Orders.  Scholarship  aid  is  given  where 
needed.  For  full  particulars  ana  catalogue  apply  to 
THE  DEAN, No.  1  Chslsss  Square.  New  York  City 


"-ii—i«i"ANN  ARBOR,   MICH.-i— ■— 


Mighest  grade  instruction  in  all  branches  ot  musia. 

Oredit  allowed  in  Literary  Department 

for  work  in  practice  music. 


CNARLES  A.  SINK,  Ssorstary 


L  B.  KIN6  &  CO. 


China  Merchants 

Hotel  Outfitters 

Fine  China  Dinner  ware,  Cut  Glass, 
Table  Glassware,  Electric  Lamps, 
Shades,  etc. 

Rook  wood  Pottery. 

Keramic  Novelties  from  all  parts  of 
the  world. 

White  China  for  Decorating,  and 
Artists'  Materials. — Catalogue  on  Be- 

Estimates  furnished  for  Special  Designs,  Crests, 
etc.,  on  Syracuse  and  Greenwood  China  for  Fra 
ternities,  Clubs  and  Hotels. 

80  Library  Avo.,  Cor.  East  Grand  RIvor  Avonuo 

Michigan  Alumni  own  the  Alumnus;  they  patronixe  its  advertiaehP^I^ 

Digitized  by 


Digitized  by 


Digitized  by 



"Clnivereitig  flRueic  IHouee 

MRS.  M.  M.  ROOT 

Maynard  and  William  Streets 

A  New  Store  on  the  Corner 

Michigan  Music  for  Christmas  Gifts 

The  Michigan  Sonjf  Book.    Price  $2.25  postpaid 
Opera  Scores  $2.15 


YelloTV  and  Blue  Win  for  Michiffan 

Varsity  Mich^fan^s  Men  of  Steel 

Victors  Michiffan  Field  Son^f 

Each«  postpaid*  2  7c.  Or  entire  List  for  $  1 .25 

I  MkUgiui  Alumni  own  tiie  Alumnus;  they  patroniM  its  adverdsera 

Digitized  by  L:iOOQIC 





A  NN  ARBOR  noi^  has  the  finest  and  best  eqtiipped 
-^^  printinff  plant  in  its  history.  All  the  year  lon^f  the 
Press  is  runnin^f  day  and  niffht  turnin^f  out  text-books 
and  other  printin^f  of  hiffhest  quality.  The  ^wheels  go 
round  twenty- four  hours  every  day  in  the  year  at  this 
place*  and  you  can  have  anythinif  printed  in  style,  from 
a  name  card  to  a  book. 


THE  Ann  Arbor  press 


C  %  peters  Si  Son  Co.  U5  HKh »«,««« 

Photo  Enifravers       Electrotypers       Typesetters 

Bottoa,  Ma— chujtto 


For  nearly  forty  years— have  been  the  ones  to  think  out, 
and  put  on  the  market,  things  raally  naw  in  sport. 

Are  you  posted  on  just  what's  new  this  Year? 

Send  for  our  catalogue.     Hundreds  of  illustrations  of 
what  to  use  and  wear— For  Competition— For  Recrea- 
tion—For Health— Indoor  and  Outdoor. 

A.  G.  Spalding  Ac  Bros..  254  Woodward  Ave.  Detroit,  Mlcii. 


A  Michigmn  Corporation,  Organ- 
ised, Inootporated,  and  Operated 
under  the  taws  of  Michigan, 

Furnishing  Miciiigan  Senrice 
for  Miciiigan  People 


Wanted — A  Mechanical  Engineering  graduate^  30 
years  of  age,  who  has  served  an  apprentice* 
ship  with  a  large  steel  company  and  has  a 
record  of  successful  engineering  and  business, 
experience  contemplates  a  change.  Desires 
business  connections  with  a  firm  that  wants 
a  hustler  with  ability  and  personality  to  get 
results.     Can  furnish  Ai  credentials. 

Wanted — Recent  graduate  in  mechanical  engi- 
neering, who  has  been  engaged  in  railroad 
freight  car  construction  over  three  years, 
desires  a  position  about  the  first  of  the  year 
in  the  same  lines. 

In   answering   these   advertisements,   please   ad- 
dress The  Alumnus. 

Digitized  by 




This  directory  is  published  for  the  purpose  of  affording  a  convenient  guide  to  Michip^an  Alumni  of 
tho  Tarious  professions,  who  may  wish  to  secure  reliable  correspondents  of  the  same  profession  to  transact 
business  at  a  distance,  or  of  a  special  professional  character.  It  is  distinctly  an  intra-professional  directory. 
Alumni  of  all  professions,  who,  by  reason  of  specialty  or  location,  are  in  a  position  to  be  of  service  to 
Alumni  of  the  same  profession,  are  invited  to  place  tneir  cards  in  the  directory. 

Professional  cards  in  this  directory  are  classified  alphabetically  by  states,  alphabetically  by  cities 
within  the  states,  and  the  names  of  alumni  (or  firms)  in  each  city  are  likewise  alphabetically  arranged. 
The  price  of  cards  is  fifty  cents  (50c)  per  insertion — ^five  dollars  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Cards  in  the 
Legal  Directory  section  will  be  published  in  the  Michigan  Law  Review  also,  at  a  special  combination 
price  of  six  dollars  a  year,  payable  in  advance. 

ganftere  an^  groftere 



Members  New  York  Stock  Exchange. 
Stanley  D.  McGraw,  'oa*  Linzee  Bladgen  (Harvard). 

Charles  U.  Draper   (Harvard). 
Ill  Broadway,  New  York,  N.  Y. 



Southern  Trust  Building,  Little  Rock,  Ark. 


FRANK  HERALD,  '75!. 
724-5-6  Merchants  Trust  Bldg.,  Los  Angeles,  CaL 

L  R.  RUBIN,  '08L 
MYER  L  RUBIN.  'xsL 
401-2-3  Citizens  National  Bank  Bldg.,      Los  Angdet,  CaL 


Inman    Sealby,    'lal. 

Hunt  C  Hill.  '13I. 

Attorneys  at  Law  and  Proctors  in  Admiralty. 

607-61  i-6ia   Kohl   Building,  San   Francisco,   Cal. 



Arthur  F.  Friedman.  *o8L 
Horace  H.  Hindry,  '97  (Stanford). 
Foster  Building,  DenTer.  Colo. 


John  P.  Shafroth.  '75. 
iorrison  Shafroth,  nio. 

403  McPhee  Building, 

Denver,  Colo. 


DUANB  B.  POX  ,'8i. 
NEWTON  K.  POX,  'isL 
Washington  Loan  and  Trust  Bldg.,      Washington,  D.  C. 

WALTKK  8.  PBNPIBLD,  '••. 

Colorado  Building, 

Penfield  and  Penficld, 

Washington.  D.  C. 


CHARLES  B.  WIN8TBAD,  '07.  *OfL 

Suite  317,  Idaho  Bldg., 

Boise,  Idaho. 



I $22  Tribune  Bldg.,  7  So.  Dearborn  St,        Chicago,  lU. 

E.  D.  REYNOLDS,  '96L 
Manufacturers  National  Bank  Bldg.,  Rockford,  111. 


Chas.  S.  Andrus,  '05,  '06I. 
Frank  L.  Trutter. 
333H  S.  Sixth  St.,  Springfield,  IlL 



Suite  A,  North  Side  Bank  Bldg.,  Evansville,  Ind. 


Suite  406  American  Central  Life  Building. 

Indianapolis,  Ind. 

RUSSELL  T.  MacFALL,  '9aL 
iai6  Bute  Life  Bldg.',  IndianapoUs,  Ind. 


Louis  Newberger. 
Charles  W.  Richards. 
Milton  N.  Simon.  'oaL 
Lawrence  B.  Davis. 
Suite  80S-814  Majestic  Bldg., IndlanapoHa,  Ind. 


Suite  433-4*5  Jefferson  Bldg, 

South  Bend,  Ind. 


H.  H.  Stipp. 
E.  D.  Pernr,  '03!. 
A.  I.  Madden. 
Vincent    Starzinger. 
1 1 16.   1 1 17,   1 1 18,  1 1 19,   I  ISO  Equitable  Bldg., 

Des  Moines,  Iowa. 


ao9-aii  Husted  Bldg..  Kansas  City,  Kaa. 

Digitized  by  V:f OOQIC 




Wallace  H.  White.  Wallace  H.  White.  Jr. 

Seth  M.   Carter.  Chas.  B.  Carter.  '05I. 

Masonic  Bldg..  Lewiston,  Maine. 



403-4-5  Nat.   Bank  of  Commerce  Bldg.. 

Adrian.  Mich. 

OSCAR  W.  BAKER,  'oal. 

Bankruptcy.  Commercial  and  Corporation   Law. 

307  Shearer  Bros.  Bldg.,  Bay  City.  Mich. 


Levi  L.  Barbour.  '63,  '65I. 

George  S.  Field,  '95I. 
Frank  A.  Martin. 
30  Buhl  Block,  Detroit.  Mich. 

Henry   Russel.   '73.   '751,   Counsel;   Henry   M.    Campbell, 

'76,  '78I;  Charles  H.  Campbell,  '80;  Harry  C.  Bufkley, 

*9^t  '95I!  Henry  Ledyard;   Charles  H.   L'Hommedieu. 

'061;   Wilson   W.   Mills.  '13I;   Douglas   Campbell,   '10, 

*i3l;  Henry  M.  Campbell,  Jr.,  *o8,  *iil. 
604  Union  Trust  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Ward  N.  Choate,  '92-'94.        Wra.  J.  Lehmann,  '04!,  '05. 

Charles  R.  Robertson. 
705-710  Dime  Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 


James  T.   Keena.  '74.  Walter  E.  Oxtoby.  '98I. 

Clarence  A.  Lightner,  '83.      Tames  V.  Oxtoby.  '951. 

Charles  M.  Wilkinson,  '71. 

901-4  Penobscot  Building,  Detroit,  Mich. 


Wade  Mill's.  '98I.  Clark  C.  Seely. 

William  J.  Griffin,  '05J: Howard  Strectcr.  'oil. 

Howard  C.  Baldwin.  Charles  L.  Mann,  '08L 

Henry  Hart,  '14I. 

1401-7  Ford  Building,  Detroit,  Mich. 


Jacob  Kleinhans. 
Stuart  £.  Knappen,  '98. 
Marshall  M.  Uhl,  '08I. 
317  Michigan  Trust  Co.  Bldg.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

NORRis.  Mcpherson  ft  Harrington. 

Mark  Norris,  '79,  '8aL 
Charles    McPherson,    (Albion)    '95. 
Leon  W.  Harrington,  '05I. 
721-731  Michigan  Trust  Bldg.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 



Dclbert  J.  Haff,  '84,  '861;  Edwin  C.  Mescrvey;  Charles 
W.  German:  William  C.  Michaels,  '951 ;  Samuel 'D. 
Newkirk;  Charles  M.  Blackmar;  Frank  G.  Warren; 
Henry  A.  Bundschu.  'iil. 

Suite  906  Commerce  Bldg.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

JACOB  L.  LORIE.  *95.  '96I. 
6o8-8-9  American  Bank  Bldg.. 

Kansas  City.  Mo. 

I  $20  Commerce  Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

901-902  Scarritt  Bldg., 

LYON   ft   LYON. 

Andrew  R.  Lyon. 

A.  Stanford  Lyon,  '08I. 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Suite  1003  Republic  Bldg., 

Leslie  T.  Lyons. 
Hugh  C.  Smith,  '94l- 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 


Charles  Cummings  Collins. 
Harry  C  Barker. 

Roy  F.  Britton,  LL.B.  '02,  LL.M.  '03. 
Third  Nat'l  Bank  Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 


JESS  P.  PALMER,  'osl 

634  Brandeis  Theatre  Bldg., 

Omaha,  Neb. 


HARRY  C.  MILLER,  '09,  'iil. 

22  Exchange  Place, 

New  York  City. 


John  S.  Parker.        Franklin  A.  Wagner,  '99-'oi,  '04L 

Arnold  L.  DaWs,  '98L  George  Tumpson,  '04I. 

Mutual  Life  Bldg.,  34  Nassau  St.,  New  York  City. 


Forwarded  gratis  upon  request. 

Eugene  C  Worden,  '98,  '99I, 

Lindsay  Russell,  '94I, 

International  Legal  Correspondents. 

165  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

HENRY  W.  WEBBER,  '94I. 

$2  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

FRANK  M.  WELLS,  '9aL 
S2  WUlUm  St, 
New  York  City. 


Henry  Wollman,  '781. 
Benjamin  F.  Wollman,  '94I. 
Achilles  H.  Kohn. 

20  Broad  Street, 

New  York  City. 


Harvey  Musser,  '8aL 
T.  W.  Kimber,  '04!. 
J.  R.  Huffman,  '04I. 

503-9  Flatiron  Bldg., 

Akron,  Ohio. 

535  Engineering  Bldg.. 

P.  8.  CRAMPTON,  '08I. 

Guy   W.    House,    'op,    'xaL 
Charles  R.  Brown,  Jr. 

Cleveland,  Ohio. 


Alexander  L.  Smith. 
George  H.  Beckwtth. 
Gustavus   Ohlinger,  '99,  'oal. 

51-56  Produce  Exchange  Buildin 

Toledo.  Ohio. 


Chamber  of  Commerce.. 

Portland,  Oregon. 

Digitized  by 




$1$  Empire  Stata  BuUding. 


Spokane,  Wash. 

621-622  Btkewell  Building,                            Pittsburgh,  Pa. 


EDWARD  J.  KENT,  '90L 

Suite  523,  Fanners'  Bank  Bldg.,                   Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

PAUL  D.  DURANT,  '95!. 
903  Wells  Building, 


Milwaukee,  Wis. 

0.  P.  WENCKER,  *os], 
IJ06-S  Commonwealth  Bank  Bldg. 


Dallas,  Texas. 


H.  0.  LBDQERWOOD,  'oaL 
907  American  Nat'l  Bank  Bldg.,            Fort  Worth,  Texas. 

Main  Street, 

Wailulhi,  Maui,  HawaiL 


41a  Continental  National  Bank  Bldg., 

Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

foreign  Countriea 



Tames  Short,  K.C.                   Geo.  H.  Ross,  '07L 
Frederick  S.  Sclwood,  B.A.  Jos.  T.  Shaw,  '09I. 
L.  Frederick  Mayhood.  'iil. 

Calgary,  Alberta,  Canada. 


C  J.  France. 

Frank    P.    Helsell,    'oSL 

436-39  Borka  Bldg.,                                       SeatUe,  Wash. 

JOHN  R.  WILSON,  'oil 

91X-916  Lowman  Bldg.,                                   Seattle,  Wash. 

ATHELSTAN   G.   HARVEY,   '07. 

Barrister  and  Solicitor, 

Rooms  404-406  Crown  Bldg.,  615  Pender  St.  West, 

Vancouver,  British  Columbia,  Canada. 


Akron,    O. — Every    Saturday,    at    noon,    at    the 

PorUge  Hotel. 
Boston. — Every     Wednesday    at     ia:3o,    in     the 

Dutch  Grill  of  the  American  House,  Hanover  St. 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. — Every  Wednesday  at  la  o'clock, 

at  the  Dutch  Grill  in  the  Hotel  Statler. 
Chicago. — Every  Wednesday   noon,   at  the   Press 

Qub,  26  North  Dearborn  St. 
Chicago,  IIL — ^The  second  Thursday  of  each  month 

at  6:30  p.  m.,  at  Kuntz-Remmler's. 
Qeveland. — Eveiy  Thursdav,  from  ia:oo  to  x:oo 

P.  M,,  at  the  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
Detroit. — Ev«y    Wednesday   at    ia:i5   o'clock   at 

the  Edelweiss  Cafe,  comer  Broadway  and  John 

R.  Street. 
Detroit. — (Association  of  U.  of  M.  Women).    The 

third  Saturday  of  each  month  at  ia:30  at  the 

College  Club,  ^o  Peterboro. 
Doluth. — EverV  Wednesday  at  xa  o'clock,  at  the 

cafe  of  the  Hotel  Holland. 
Honolulu,    H.    I. — ^The    first    Thursday    of    each 

month  at  the  University  Club 
Houston,  Texas. — The  first  Tuesday  in  each  month 

at  noon. 
Kalamazoo. — The  first  Wednesday;  of  every  month, 
at  noon,  at  the  New  Brunswick  House. 

Los  Angeles,  Calif. — Every  Friday  at  13:30 
o'clock,  at  the  University  Club,  Consolidated 
Realty  Bldg.,  comer  Sixth  and  Hill  Sts. 

Minneapolis,  Minn. — Every  Wednesday  from  xa 
to  a  o'clock,  at  the  Grill  Room  of  the  Hotel 

Omaha. — The  second  Tuesday  of  each  month,  at 
la  o'clock  at  the  University  Club. 

Portland. — The  first  Tuesday  of  every  month,  at 
6:30  p.  m.,  at  the  University  Club. 

Portland. — Every  Wednesday  from  ia:i5  to  i:i5» 
at  the  Oregon  Grille,  comer  Broadway  and 
Oak  St. 

Pittsburgh. — The  last  Saturday  of  each  month,  at 
I  :oo  p.  m.,  at  the  7th  Avenue  Hotel,  7th  Ave 
and  Liberty  St 

Rochester,  N.  Y. — Every  Wednesday  at  la  o'clock, 
at  the  Rathskellar  in  the  Powers  Hotel. 

San  Francisco. — Every  Wednesday  at  xa  o'clock 
at  the  Hofbrau  Restaurant,  Pacific  Bldg.,  Mar- 
ket Street. 

Seattle. — ^The  first  Wednesday  of  each  month,  at 
noon,  at  the  Arctic  Club. 

Toledo. — Every  Wednesday  noon,  at  the  Com- 
merce Club. 

Digitized  by  LjOOQIC 


Vol.  XXI.  Entered  at  the  Ann  Arbor  Postoffice  as  Second  Class  Matter.  Ho,  2. 

WILFRED  B.  SHAW.  '04  Editor 

HARRIET  LAWRENCE.  '11 Assistant  Editor 

ISAAC  NEWTON   DEMMON.   '68 Necrology 

T.  HAWLEY  TAPPING,  '16L Athletics 

THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  is  published  on  the  xath  of  each  month,  except  July  and  September, 
bv  the  Alumni  Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

SUBSCRIPTION,  including  dues  to  the  Association.  $1.50  per  year  (foreign  postage,  50c  per  year 
additional);  life  memberships  including  subscription,  $35.00,  in  seven  annual  payments,  four-fifths 
of  which  goes  to  a  permanent  fund  held  in  trust  by  the  Treasurer  of  the  University  of  Michigan 

CHANGES  OP  ADDRESS  must  be  received  at  least  ten  days  before  date  of  issue.  Subscribers  chang- 
ing address  should  notify  the  General  Secretary  of  the  Alumni  Association,  Ann  Arbor,  promptly, 
in  advance  if  possible,  of  such  change.  Otherwise  the  Alumni  Association  will  not  be  responsible 
for  the  deliveiy  of  The  Alumnus. 

DISCONTINUANCES. — If  any  annual  subscriber  wishes  his  copy  of  the  paper  discontinued  at  the 
expiration  of  his  8ubscrii>tion,  notice  to  that  effect  should  be  sent  with  the  subscription,  or  at  its 
expu-ation.     Otherwise  it  is  understood  that  a  continuance  of  the  subscription  is  desired. 

REMITTANCES  should  be  sent  by  Check,  Express  Order,  or  Money  Order,  payable  to  order  of  The 
Alumni  Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

LETTERS  should  be  addressed: 




VICTOR  HUGO  LANE.  '74c,  '78I,  Ann  Arbor.  Michigan President 

JUNIUS  E.  BEAL.  '82,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan Vice-President 

LOUIS  PARKER  JOCELYN,  '87.  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan Secretary 

GOTTHELP  CARL  HUBER,  '87m,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan Treasurer 

HENRY  WOOLSEY  DOUGLAS,  'poe,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 

DAVID    EMIL    HEINEMAN,    •87.    Detroit.    Michigan 

ELSIE  SEELYE  PRATT.  '04m,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 

WILFRED  BYRON  SHAW,  '04.  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan General  Secretary 



lociation).  Dr.  Urban 

,  *ii,  '13I,  1027  First 
ningham,  Ala. 
,  HoUis  S.  Baker,  'lo. 
►unty),    Woolsey    W. 

9I,  Phoenix,  Ariz, 
ir  Battles,  '88m. 
{.  Atkinson,  '05. 
y,  Mich.,  Will  Wells, 

Big  Rapids,  Mich.,  Mary  McNemey,  '03. 
Billings,  Mont.,  James  L.  Davis,  '07I. 
BuflFalo,  N.  Y.,  Henry  W.  Willis,  '02,  193  Massa- 
chusetts Ave. 
Boston,  Mass.  (New  England  Association),  Erwin 

R.  Hurst,  '13,  c'o9-'io,  161  Devonshire  St. 
Canton,   O.    (Stark   County),   Thomas   H.    Leahy, 

'12I,  20  Eagle  Block. 
Caro,  Mich.   (Tuscola  Co.),  Lewis  G.  Seeley,  '94. 
Central  California.     See  San  Francisco. 
Central  Illinois,  Oramel  B.  Irwin,  '99I,  205  S.  5th 

St.,  Sprin^eld,  111. 
Central    Ohio    Association,     Richard    D.     Ewing, 

'96e,  care  of  American  Book  Co.,  Columbus,  O. 
Charlevoix.  Mich.  (Charlevoix  Co.),  Frederick  W. 

Mayne,  *8il. 
Charlotte,  Mich.,  E.  P.  Hopkins,  Secretary. 
Chattanooga,  Tenn.,  O.  Richard  Hardy,  '9Z,  care 

of  Portland  Cement  Co.,  President. 
Chicago  Alumnae,  Mrs.   E.  W.  Connable,  •96-'oo, 

Winnetka,  111. 

(Continued  on 

Chicago,  111.,  Beverly  B.  Vedder,  '09,  *i2l,  1414 
Monadnock  Block. 

Chicago  Engineering,  Emanuel  Anderson,  '996, 
5301    Kenmore  Ave. 

Cincinnati,  Ohio,  Charles  C  Benedict,  '02,  xaay 
Union  Trust  Bldg. 

Cleveland,  O.,  Irving  L.  Evans,  'lol,  702  Western 
Reserve  Bldg. 

Coldwater,  Mich.  (Branch  Co.),  Hugh  W.  Clarke, 

Copper  Country,  Katherine  Douglas,  '08,  L'Anae. 

Denver,  Colo.,  Howard  W.  Wilson.  '13,  care  Inter- 
state Trust  Co.,  Cor.  isth  and  Stout  Sts. 

Des  Moines,  la.     See  Iowa. 

Detroit,  Mich.,  James  M.  O'Dea,  'o9e,  71  Broad- 

Detroit,  Mich.  (Association  of  U.  of  M.  Women), 
Genevieve  K.  Duffy,  '93,  A.M.  '94,  7  Marston 

Duluth,  Minn.,  John  T.  Kenny,  '09,  *iil,  509 
First  National  Bank  Bldg. 

Erie,  Pa.,  Mrs.  Augustus  H.  Roth,  264  W.  xoth  St 

Escanaba,  Mich.,  Blanche  D.  Fenton,  '08. 

Eugene,  Ore.,  Clyde  N.  Johnson,  '08I. 

Flint,  Mich.,  Arthur  J.  Reynolds,  'o3h. 

Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  Edward  G.  Hoffman,  *03L 

Galesburg,  III,  Mrs.  Arthur  C.  Roberts,  '97. 

Gary,  Ind.,  John  O.  Butler,  *02d. 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Dr.  John  R.  Rogers,  '90, 

Grand    Rapids   Alumnae    Association,    Marion    N. 
Frost,  *io,  627  Fountain  St,  N.  E. 
next  page) 

Digitized  by  L:f OOQIC 



Greenville  (Montcalm  County),  C  Sophus  John- 
son, 'xol. 
Hastings,  (Barry  Co.),  Mich.,  M.  £.  Osborne,  '06. 
Hillsdale   (Hillsdale  (Jount^),  Mich.,  Z.   Beatrice 

Haskins,  Mosherville,  Mich. 
Honolulu,  T.  H.,  Vitaro  Mitamura,  '09m. 
Idaho    Association,    Qare    S.     Hunter,     ro6-*io, 

Idaho  Bldg.,  Boise,  Id. 
Indianapolis,    Ind.,    Laura    Donnan,    '79,    316    N. 

Capitol  Ave. 
Ingham  County,   Charles   S.   Robinson,   '07,    East 

Lansing,  Mich. 
Ionia,    Mich.    (Ionia    Co.),    Mrs.    Mary    Jackson 

Bates,  '89-*9a. 
Iowa  Association,  Orville  S.  Franklin,  'ojl,  Young- 

erman  Bldf.,  Des  Moines. 
Ironwood.  Mich^  Ralph  Hicks,  '9a-'o3,  '990. 
Ithaca,  Mich.  (Gratiot  Co.),  Judge  Kelly  S.  Searl, 

Jackson,    Mich.     (Jackson    County),    George    H. 

Curtis,  '04. 
Kansas    Oty.    Mo.,    William    P.    Pinkerton,    'iil, 

Scarritt  Bldfr. 
Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  Andrew  Lcnderink.  *o8e. 
Kenosha,    Wis.,    Claudius    G.    Pendill,    '13,    405 

Prairie  Ave. 
Lima,  Ohio,   Ralph   P.   MacKenzie,   'izl.   Holmes 

Los   Angeles,    C^lif.,    Raymond    S.    Taylor,    '13I, 

Sao  Union  Oil  Bldg. 
Louisville,  Ky.,  A.  Stanley  Newhall,  '23I,   Louis- 
ville Trust  Bldg. 
Lndington,  Mich.  (Mason  Co.),  T.  M.  Sawyer,  '98, 

Manila,    P.     I.     (Association    of    the    Philippine 

Islands),    (George   A.    Malcolm,    '04,    '06I,    care 

of  University  of  the  Philippines. 
Manistee,  Mich.  (Manistee  Co.),  Mrs.  Winnogene 

R.  Scott,  '07. 
Manistique,   Mich.    (Schoolcraft    Co.),    HoUis   H. 

Harshmain.  'o6-'o9. 
Marquette,  Mich. 

Menominee,  Mich.,  Katherine  M.  Stiles,  '05 -'06. 
Milwaukee,  Wis.  (Wisconsin  Association),  Henry 

E.  McDonnell,  'o4e,  6x9  Cudahy  Apts. 
Minneapolis   Alumnae   Association,    Mrs.    Kather- 
ine Anna  Gedney,  *9^d,  1808  W.  ^i  St. 
Minneapolis,    (University    of   Michigan    Women's 

Qub),  Minnie  Duensing,  '04,  911  Sixth  Ave.  S. 
Missouri  Valley,  Carl  E.  Paulson,  e*04-*o7,  539  Bam- 

deis  Bldg  ,  Omaha,  Neb. 
Monroe,  Mich.  (Monroe  Co.),  Harry  H.  Howett, 

A.M.  '09. 
Mt.  Clemens,  Mich.,  Henry  O.  Chapoton,  '94. 
Mt.  Pleasant,  Mich.,  M.  Louise  0>nverse,  '86,  Act- 
'  ing  Secretarpr. 
Muskegon,     Mich.     (Muskegon     Co.),     Lucy     N. 

New  England  Association,  Erwin  R.  Hurst,  '13, 

e'o9-'io,  x6i  Devonshire  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
Newport  News,  Va.,  Emery  Cox,  'lae,  215  30th  St. 
New  York  Oty,  Wade  (ireene,  '05I,   149  Broad- 
New    York    Alumnae,    Mrs.    Rena    Mosher    Van 

Slyke,  '07,  X018  E.  163d  St. 
North  Central  Ohio,  Leo  C.  Kugel,  e'o4-'o4.  '08, 

North  Dakota,  William  P.  Burnett,  '05I,  Dickin- 
son, N.  Dak. 
Northwest,   John    E.    Jimell,   '07I,   935    Plymouth 

Bldg.,  Minneapolis.  Minn. 
Oakland   County,   Allen   McLaughlin,   'lod,    Pon- 

tiac,  Mich. 
Oklahoma,  Lucius  Babcock,  '95-'97,  'ool,  El  Reno, 

Olympia,  Wash.,  Thomas  L.  O'Lcary,  *o8,  *iol. 

Omaha,  Neb.     See  Missouri  Valley. 
Oshkosh,   Wis.    (Pox    River   Valley   Association), 

Aldda  J.  Peters,  *o8. 
Owosso,    Mich.    (Shiawassee    County),    Leon    P. 

Miner,  '09. 

Pasadena  Alumni  Association,  Alvick  A.  Pearson, 

'94,  203  Kendall  Bldg. 
Pasadena  Alumnae  Association,  Alice  C   Brown, 

'97m,  456  N.  Lake  St. 
Petoskey,  Mich.    (Emmet  Co.)    Mrs.   Minnie  W. 

Philadelphia,   Pa.,   William   Ralph   HaU,  '05,  808 

Witherspoon  Bldg. 
Philadelphia    Alumnae,    Caroline    E.    De    (keene, 

'o^,  140  E.  x6  St. 
Philippine    Islands,    (^eo.    A.    Malcolm,    '04,    '06I, 

Manila,  P.  I. 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  (George  W.  Hanson,  'o9e,  care  of 

Legal  Dept.,  Westinghouse  Elec  &  Mfg.  C^o., 

East  PitUbursh. 
Port   Huron,  Mich.    (St.   (^air  (^.   Association), 


Benjamin  R.  Whipple,  '92. 
Portland,    Ore.,    Junius    V.    Ohmart,    *07l» 

Broadway  Bldg. 
Porto  Rico,  Pedro  del  Valle,  '91m,  San  Juan,  P.  R. 
Providence.    R.    I.    (Rhode    Island    Association), 

Harold  R.  Curtis,  '12I,  Turks  Head  Bldg. 
Rochester,    N.    Y.,    Ralph    H.    Culley,    '10,    514 

Wilder  Bldg. 
Rocky  Mountain  Association,  Howard  W.  Wilson, 

*i3.  Interstate  Trust  Co.,  Denver,  Colo. 
Saginaw,  Mich.,  Robert  H.  Cook,  '98-'o3,  '06I,  516 

Thompson  Street 
Saginaw  Valley  Alumnae  Association,  Mrs.  Floyd 

Rai  '  "   •  '^   "'  '    -  '^^     ^-'  ^'- 


Boyd ^- 

San  Diego,  Calif.,  Edwin  H.  Crabtree,  '12m,  Me- 

^andall,  '09,  200  S.  Walnut  St.,  Bay  City, 
alt  Lake  City,  Utah,  WilUam  E.  Ry<*  *  * 
Boyd  Park  Bldg. 

Utah,  WilUam  E.  Rydalch,  'ool. 

Neece  Bldg. 
San   Francisco,   Calif.,   Inman    Sealby,   '12!,   247s 

Pacific  Ave. 
Schnectady,   N.   Y.,  J.   Edward  Keams,  c'oo-'oi, 

126  Glen  wood  Blvd. 
Seattle,  Wash.,  Frank  S.  Hall,  'o2-'o4>  University 

of  Washington  Museum. 
St  Ignace,  Mich.  (Mackinac  Co.),  Frank  E.  Dun- 

ster,  'o6d. 
St  Johns,  Mich. (Clinton  Co.),  Frank  P.  Buck,  'o6w 
St  Louis,  Mo.,  (George  D.  Harris,  '99I,  1626  Pierce 

St     Louis,    Mo.     (Alumnae    Association),    Mn. 

Maude  Staiffer  Steincr,  '10,  5338  Bartmer  Ave. 
St  Paul  and  Minneapolis.     See  Northwest 
Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.   (Chippewa  Co.),  Oorge 

A.  Osborn,  '08. 
South  Bend,  Ind.,  Miller  Guy,  '951. 

South  Dakota,  Roy  E.  Willy,  '12I,  Platte,  S.  Dak. 
"  Gai  *         *     '  ** 

dg.,  Wichita,  Ra 
Spokane,    Wash.,    Ernest    D.    Weller,    '08I,    The 

Southern  Kansas,  George  Gardner,  '07I,  929  Bea- 
con Bldg.,  Wichita,  Kan. 

Springfield,    111.,    Robert    E.    Fitzgerald,    r99-'o3. 

Booth  Bldg. 
Tacoma,   Wash.,  Jesse   L.    Snapp,   407   California 

Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  George  E.  Osbum,  '06I,  9  Nay- 

lor-Cox  Bldg. 
Toledo,   O.,   Robert  G.   Young,  '08I,  839  Spitzer 

Tokyo,  Japan,  Taka  Kawada,  '94,  care  Japan  Mail 

Steamship  Co. 
Traverse    City    (Grand    Traverse,    Kalkaska,   and 

Leelenau  Counties),  Dr.  Sara  T.  (^ase,  '00m. 
University  of  Illinois. 

Upper  Peninsula,  (George  P.  Edmunds,  '08I,  Mania- 
tique,  Mich. 
Van  Buren  County,  Harold  B.  Lawrence,  e'o8-'xx, 

Decatur,  Mich. 
Vicksburg,  Mich.,  Mary  Dennis  Follmer,  '02. 
Washington,  D.  C,  Minott  E.  Porter,  '936,  51  R 

street,  N.  E. 
WichiU,  Kan.,  (Jeorge  CWrdner,  '07I,  First  Natl 

Bk.  Bldg. 
Winona,  Minn,,   E.   O.   Holland,  '92,  276  (^ter 

Youngstown,    Ohio,    Dadley    R.    Kennedy,    '08I, 

SUmbaugh  Bldg. 

Digitized  by  LjOOQIC 


JAM^S  R.  ANGELL,  '90  (appointed  at  large).  Secretary  of  the  Committee       .         University  of  Chicago 

EARL  D.  BABST,  '93.  '94I New  York  Oty 

LAWRENCE  MAXWELL.  '74.  LL.D.  '04 Cincinnati,  Ohio 

WALTER  S.  RUSSEL,  '75 Detroit.  Mich. 

JAMES  M.  CROSBY,  '9x0 Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

PROFESSOR  G.  CARL  HUBER,  '87m  (appointed  at  large)         ....  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

DUANE  E.  FOX,  '81 Washington,   D.   C 


V.  H.  LANE*  '74e,  '781.  President  of  the  General  Alumni  Association  .  Chairman  of  the  Council 

WILFRED  B.  SHAW.  '04,  (General  SecreUry  of  the  Alumni  Association        .  Secretary  of  the  Council 

Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  William  G.  Coburn,  '90. 
BufFalo.  N.   Y.,  John  A.   Van  Arsdale,  '91,  '92!, 

4  Soldiers  Place. 
Canton,    Alliance,    Massillon,    New    Philadelphia, 

and  Counties  of  Stark  and  Tuscarawas,   Ohio, 

Wendell  A.  Herbruck,  '091,  608  Courtland  Bldg., 

Canton.  Ohio. 
Central    Illinois,    Harry    L.    Patton,    'lol,   937    S. 

4th  St.,  Springfield,  111. 
Charlotte,  Mich.,  Edward  P.  Hopkins,  '03. 
Chicago,     111.     (CHiicago     Alumnae     Association) 

Marion  Watrous  Angell,  '91,  5759  Washington 

Chicago,  111.,  Robert  P.  Lamont,  '9ie,  1607  Com. 

Natl.  Bank  Bldg. ;  Wm.  D.  McKenzie,  '96,  Hub- 

bard  Woods,  111.;  Oorge  N.  Carman,  '81,  Lewis 

Inst.:  James  B.  Herrick,  '82,  A.M.  (hon.)  '07, 

aai  Ashland  Blvd. 
Cincinnati,   Ohio.  Judge   Lawrence  Maxwell,   '74, 

LL.D.  '04.  1  W.  4th  St. 
Qeveland,    O.,    Harrison    B.    McGraw,    '91,    '93I, 

1334  Citizens  Bldg. 
Copper  Country,  Edfith  Margaret  Snell,  '09,  care 

Hi^  School,  Hancock,  Mich. 
Des  Moines,   Iowa,    Eugene   D.    Perry,   '03I,   317 

en),  (5ene- 
iton  Court. 
,  *6sl.  661 
'75,  Kussel 
;y,  *02,  610 

•92I,    First 

r7-*78,    60a 

,  'ojl.  , 
)8by,     9ie, 

Grand  Traverse,  Kalkaska,  and  Leelanau  Counties, 

Dr.  James  B.  Martin,  '81  m.  Traverse  City,  Mich. 
Ironwood,  Mich.,  Dr.  Lester  O.  Houghten,  '06m. 
Idaho    Association,     Clare     S.     Hunter,    ro6-'io, 

Idaho  Bldg.,  Boise,  Id. 
Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  T.  Paul  Hickey,  Western  State 

Normal  School. 
Kansas  City,  Mo..  Delbert  J.  Haff,  '84,  '861,  906 

Commerce  Bldg. 
Lansing,    Mich..    Charles   S.    Robinson,   '07,   East 

Lansmg,  Mien. 

Lima,  Ohio,  William  B.  Kirk,  *07l. 
Los   Angeles,   Calif.,    Alfred   J.    Scott,   '8am,   628 
Auditorium;  James  W.  McKinley,  '79,  434  P.  E. 

ley  Johnson,  '90I,  LL.M.  '91. 

il  D.  Durant,  '95I,  902  Wells 

irles  G,  McDonald,  'ool,  615 

Winthrop    B.    Chamberlain, 
lis  Journal. 

I.  Women's  Club  of  N.  Y.) 
1  Goodrich,  '96-*97,  161  Hen- 
N.  Y. 
>r.  Royal  S.  Copeland,  '89h, 

A.;  SUnlev  D.  McGraw,  'ga, 

III    Broadway;    Earl   D.    Babst,   '93,   '94I,   409 
W.   isth  St. 

Phoenix,  Arizona,  Dr.  James  M.  Swetnam,  '70in> 
8  N.  and  Ave. 

Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  James  G.  Hays,  '86,  '87I,  606 
Bakewell  Bldg. 

Port  Huron,  Mich.  (St  Clair  Co.),  William  L. 
Jenks,  '78. 

Portland,  Ore.,  James  L.  Conley,  '06I,  439  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce. 

Porto  Rico,  Horace  G.  Prettyman,  '85,  Ann 

Rochester,  N.  Y.,  John  R.  Williams,  '03m,  388 
Monroe  Ave. 

Rocky  Mountain  Association,  Abram  H.  Felker, 
'02,    *04l,    318    LaCourt    Hotel,    Denver,    (2olo. 

Saginaw,  Mich.,  Earl  F.  Wilson,  '94,  603  Bear- 
inger  Bldg. 

Saginaw  Valley  Alumnae  Association,  Mrs.  C^eo. 
L.  Burrows,  '89,  1013  N.  Mich.  Ave.,  Saginaw, 

Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  Francis  J.  Seabolt,  '97e,  609 
Union  Ave. 

Seattle,  Wash.,  William  T.  Perkins,  '8^,  203 
Pioneer  Blk. ;  James  T.  Lawler,  '981,  963  Em- 
pire Bldg. 

St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Horton  C.  Ryan,  '93,  Webster 
Groves  Sta.,  St.  Louis  Mo. 

Southern  Kansas,  (^orge  Gardner,  '07I,  929 
Beacon  Bldg.,  Wichita,  Kans. 

Washington,  D.  C,  Duane  E.  Fox,  *8i,  Washing- 
ton Loan  &  Trust  Bldg. 

Digitized  by  L:f OOQIC 

Digitized  by  V:iOOQIC 















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Michigan  Alumnus 

Vol.  XXI. 

NOVEMBER.  1914 

No.  198 


It      has      sometimes  (S,  The  net  totals  for  the  previous  ten 

THEUNiVERSiTrs  been    suggested    that  years  are  as  follows :  1904,  3957 ;  1905, 

GROWTH             the   effect   upon   the  4136;  1906,  4571;  1907,  4746;  1908, 

University  of  a  5010;  1909,  5223;  1910,  5383;  1911, 
period  of  financial  uncertainty,  such  5381;  1912,  5582;  1913,  5805. 
as  we  are  experiencing  now  as  the  __»__ 
result  of  the  European  war,  is  the  — »-»—«*. 
exact  opposite  of  what  might  ordi-  ^  j^  ^^  ^  ^^^^^   ^f 
nanly  1x5  expated.    At  any  rate,  m-  4,500  sruDEwre  course,    that    in    the 
stead  of  merely  holding  her  own,  or  in  prospect      table  the  grand  totals 
continumg  the  ratio  of  growth  which  ^^g     ^       „q     means 
the  University  has  maintained  for  the  complete  for  the  year.   The  final  en- 
past  few  years,  the  attendance  figures,  rolment  for  1912-13  -was  exactly  two 
up  to  November  i.  show  a  confanua-  hundred  and  fifty  more  than  were 
tion  of  the  striking  increase  of  last  e^roUed  on  November  i,  or  a  total  of 
year.    It  is  true  that  we  had  an  extra-  5258.     We  can   fairly  assume  that 
ordinarily    successful    Summer    Ses-  ^he  same  number  will  be  added  to 

IT'^  H*  H!''  fu"  °"i^  ^/''°.""^^°';  *  the  enrolment  for  the  present  year, 

third  of  the  three  hundred  odd  m-  bringing  the  total   up  to  well  over 

crease  in  numbers.    <H  The  compara-  ^^^     q^  Practically  all  of  the  de- 

tive  figures  for  the  past  two  years  on  partments  show  the  same  gain,  with 

November  I  in  each  department  are  ^^e  exception  of   the  Uw   School, 

given  in  the  following  table:  ;„  ^hich  the  new  requirements  for 

TO  OCT.      TO  NOV.  admissioii  still  operate  to  keep  the  en- 

DEPARTMENT                         I5»  IPM             1,1913  1           ,.               11           xi.            •..      i.    j      u 

y..  _„                             orL           \Z^  rolment    smaller    than    it    had    been 

Literary  2582               2520  .             ,^^ 

Engineering  1492             1402  a  few  years  previous.     The  Medical 

Medical  304              278  School  had  the  same  experience  upon 

^^  ••. ^^              553  increasing  its   entrance   requirements 

Pharmic   no                 96  ,**                 i.x-             ^  -     • 

Homoeopathic  74                75  several  years  ago,  but  is  now  bringing 

Dental  318              282  its  attendance  up  to  the  earlier  figures. 

Graduate  ^            J25  The   rapid  increase  in   the   Summer 

Xotal                             5637            5431  School  is  especially  significant.    Here 

Combined  courses  115               127  the  University  has  an  almost  unlimit- 

.  _           ,                         ed  opportunity  for  growth.    The  Uni- 

is  easily  obtained,  so  that  the  anomaly 

Total  7116             6712  of  a  big  institution  like  the  Univer- 

Registered  twice j97_            J04  gj^y  lymg  idle  for  one  quarter  of  the 

Net.  for  year 6319             6008  year  is  no  longer  necessary. 

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This  increasing  at- 
SOME  PROBLEMS  tendance,  particular- 
THEY  BRING  ly  marked  during  the 
last  few  years,  is 
bringing  problems  which  •  present 
themselves  with  equal  insistence  to  the 
Regents,  the  Faculty  and  the  alumni. 
There  is  certainly  some  foundation 
for  the  feeling  that  we  are  growing 
too  rapidly  to  permit  of  correspond- 
ing internal  development.  But  it  is 
a  satisfaction  to  feel  that  this  growth 
is  healthy,  even  though  it  brings  cer- 
tain hardships  alike  to  Faculty  and 
students,  owing  to  the  form  of  the 
University's  organization,  and  to  the 
absolute  necessity  of  a  budget  pre- 
pared the  previous  year.  Certain 
courses  are  inevitably  disorganized 
at  the  beginning  of  each  year. 
Temporary  quarters  have  to  be  pre- 
pared, and  in  many  cases  teachers  of 
lower  rank  are  hastily  marshalled  to 
meet  the  demand.  It  takes  time  to 
make  a  professor.  Reference  to  the  re- 
port of  the  October  meeting  of  the 
Regents  will  show  how  many  adjust- 
ments have  been  necessary,  flt  Yet  as 
one  looks  back  and  views  the  measures 
which  have  been  taken  year  by  year 
to  meet  these  increasing  numbers,  new 
buildings,  an  enlarged  Faculty  and 
new  courses  which  have  followed  in- 
evitably, one  realizes  that  the  Univer- 
sity is  responding  nobly,  and  that  the 
hardships  are  only  partial  and  local- 
ized. The  really  important  aspect  of 
this  whole  question  lies  in  its 
bearing  upon  the  final  effectiveness 
of  the  University  as  a  center  for  the 
dissemination  of  knowledge  and  for 
the  preparation  for  life  of  those  who 
enter  its  doors  With  the  increase  in 
size  comes,  of  course,  a  more  than  pro- 
portionate increase  in  the  difficulties 
of  administration.  This  is  one  of  the 
great  problems  for  all  universities,  and 
one  which  the  University  is  facing 
with  at  least  a  certain  degree  of  suc- 
cess. The  University  is  so  large  now 
that  the  addition  of  a  few  hundred 
students    each    ^xar   makes   but   the 

smallest  difference  in  the  final  problem 
of  avoiding  that  impersonality  and 
mechanical  routine  so  usual,  one  al- 
most says  inevitable,  in  so  large  an  in- 

One  of  the  happiest 
FINANCIAL  of  the  features  in  the 
PROBLEMS  development  of  the 
University  is  its 
method  of  financial  support  by  the 
State.  To  correspond  with  the  Uni- 
versity's growth  there  is  a  continual 
increase  in  the  wealth  and  resources 
of  the  State,  made  available  at  once 
through  the  three-eighths  of  a  mill  tax. 
This,  supplemented  by  the  not  incon- 
siderable percentage  from  the  student 
and  hospital  fees  and  by  occasional, 
but  very  necessary  gifts  of  various 
sorts  from  alumni  and  friends  of  the 
University,  make  up  the  total  income. 
CI  While  the  capital  of  endowed  uni- 
versities, when  wisely  and  conserva- 
tively invested,  always  shows  a  ten- 
dency to  shrink,  the  state  university, 
supported  by  a  mill  tax,  finds  its 
capital  constantly  increasing  with 
the  growth  of  the  State.  The  increase 
of  $192,000  to  the  annual  income  of 
the  University  resulting  from  the  re- 
equalization  of  the  property  in  the 
State,  made  by  the  State  Board  during 
the  past  summer,  is  a  case  in  i>oint 
particularly  pleasing  to  the  friends  of 
the  University.  The  total  valuation 
of  property  in  the  State,  according  to 
the  tax  commissioners,  has  increased 
from  approximately  $2,288,000,000  in 
1912  to  $2,800,000,000  in  1914,  result- 
ing in  an  increased  income  to  the  Uni- 
versity from  $858,000  in  1912  to 
$1,050,000  in  1914.  This,  together  with 
approximately  $400,000  from  student 
fees,  including  the  increase  in  students 
this  year,  $30,000  from  the  Summer 
Session,  and  approximately  $260,000 
from  the  hospitals,  as  well  as  about 
$35,000  from  various  minor  accounts, 
gives  the  University  an  income  for  the 
present  year  of  $1,930,000. 

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This  is,  of  course,  a 
TIMELY  large  sum,  especially 

ASSISTANCE  in  view  of  the  extra- 
ordinary increase  of 
over  $200,000  in  the  present  year.  But 
when  we  have  an  increase  of  prac- 
tically ten  per  cent  in  the  number  of 
students  every  two  years,  paralleled 
by  a  constantly  increasing  high  cost  of 
living  which  many  an  impecunious 
Faculty  member  will  assure  the  reader 
rests  nowhere  harder  than  in  Ann  Ar- 
bor, where  the  University,  by  its  very 
presence,  creates  almost  necessarily 
certain  abnormal  business  conditions, 
this  increase  comes  right  in  the  nick 
of  time.  Comparison  with  Chicago's 
reported  $2,750,000,  Harvard's  $2,- 
487,000,  Illinois'  $2,305,000,  or  Cor- 
nell's $2,207,543,  especially  when  one 
considers  that  undoubtedly,  with  one 
or  two  possible  exceptions,  Michigan 
has  the  largest  attendance  of  any  uni-* 
versity  in  the  country,  would  indicate 
the  conservatism  and  business  ability 
of  the  Regents  in  bringing  in  the  bud- 
get for  1914-15.  This  was  well  within 
the  estimated  income  before  the  re- 
equalization  increased  the  income 
from  the  mill  tax.  The  University 
may  now  find  it  possible  to  institute 
an  increase  in  the  scale  of  salaries 
which  is  becoming  more  and  more  im- 
perative, and  carry  out  some  of  the 
other  projects  which  lack  of  funds  in 
the  past  has  prohibited. 

As  the  President 
FOR  ALUMNI        Emeritus  has  so  often 
CONSIDERATION   said  in  the  past,  this 
growth  of  American 
Universities,  particularly  in  the  Mid- 
dle West,  is  part  of  the  characteristic- 
ally American — or  shall   we  limit  it 
even   more? — "mid-western"    passion 
for  education.    It  has  brought  about 
practically  a  revolution  within  a  quar- 
ter of  a  century.    We  must  certainly 
recognize  that  the  University  of  the 
present  is  not  the  University  of  twen- 

ty-five years  ago.  flt  This  expansion 
brings  inevitably,  of  course,  certain 
questions  in  administrative  and  aca- 
demic policy  that  are,  in  many  cases, 
still  to  be  settled.  These  are  before 
the  whole  University  constituency 
right  now ;  they  are  for  the  alumni  as 
much  as  for  the  governing  bodies  and 
Faculties.  It  is  even  conceivable  that 
the  students,  about  whom  the  Univer- 
sity revolves,  may  be  interested, 
though  possibly  that  is  too  much  to 
hope  for  until  after  the  football  sea- 
son. But  even  football  brings  its  aca- 
demic problems,  flt  Some  of  the  ques- 
tions which  arise  immediately  from 
the  growth  of  the  University  have  al- 
ready been  suggested.  Others  equally 
pressing,  but  which  do  not  come  home 
with  the  same  force  to  the  ordinary 
alumnus  who  is  not  directly  interested 
in  educational  matters  are  such  prob- 
lems as  that  of  the  A.B.  degree  which 
was  touched  upon  in  these  columns 
last  month,  or  that  ordinarily  dreary 
balancing  of  credit  and  hours  in  the 
discussion  of  entrance  requirements, 
which  are  being  considered  with  par- 
ticular attention  in  some  of  the  east- 
ern colleges  where  our  accredited 
school  system  is  not  applied.  This 
again  suggests  the  question  of  en- 
trance examinations  for  freshmen  as 
against  the  diploma  from  accredited 
schools,  the  system  of  the  eastern  en- 
dowed schools  as  against  the  practice 
of  the  state  universities  The  ques- 
tion of  entrance  requirements,  too, 
brings  one  to  a  consideration  of  how 
far  the  recognition  of  vocational  train- 
ing in  schools  should  be  carried  in  the 
University  Such  questions  as  these 
may  appear  academic  and  the  reverse 
of  inspiring  to  the  average  alumnus, 
but  they  lie  at  the  root  of  the  modern 
university  system  as  it  is  developing 
in  its  relations  to  modem  life  It 
would  be  of  gjeat  advantage  to  the 
University  if  there  were  more  alumni 
who  took  the  trouble  to  inform  them- 
selves concerning  them. 

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This     evolutionary 

SS5f,??1!!?S.„^re  process  which  is  part 
BODIES.  FACULTIES'^  r  . .  j  • 

AND  STUDENTS  ^^  the  modern  univer- 
sity is  reflected  in  the 
discussions,  perhaps  more  interesting 
for  the  ordinary  graduate,  of  certain 
problems  of  university  administration 
involving  the  relationship  of  the  Fac- 
ulty and  governing  bodies  to  one  an- 
other and  to  the  student.  Dean  Johns- 
ton, in  his  discussion  on  "University 
Organization"  in  the  October  Alum- 
nus might  be  taken  as  an  illustration. 
There  seem  to  be  few  who  are  vitally 
interested  in  the  conduct  of  a  modem 
university  who  are  satisfied  with  the 
present  methods,  but  the  solution  of 
the  problem  has  apparently  not  been 
found.  CI  A  consideration  of  Academ- 
ic Freedom  by  Howard  Crosby  War- 
ren, of  Princeton,  President  of  the 
American  Psychological  Association, 
in  the  November  Atlantic  in  another 
example.  In  that  very  interesting  dis- 
cussion, the  author  points  out  the  fact 
that  academic  freedom  of  teaching, 
the  akademische  Lehrfreiheit,  of  Ger- 
man universities  is  of  the  highest  im- 
portance in  developing  true  scholar- 
ship. The  American  interpretation  of 
this  principle,  however,  differs  from 
the  German.  While  the  German  pro- 
fessor of  high  rank  is  free  to  offer  any 
course  whatsoever  within  the  confines 
of  his  own  branch,  the  American  col- 
lege "seeks  to  weld  its  curriculum  into 
an  organic  unity  and  this  necessitates 
a  definite  apportionment  of  courses 
among  the  staff.  Freedom  of  teaching 
does  not  mean  that  an  instructor  may 
offer  any  course  which  he  deems  wise 
without  securing  the  consent  of  his 
colleagues.  It  means  rather  the  ab- 
sence of  constraint  by  non-academic 
forces."  CI  As  Professor  Warren  fur- 
ther points  out,  the  physician,  or  law- 
yer, is  responsible  for  his  professional 
conduct  to  his  medical  or  bar  associa- 
tion, while  the  scholar  is  dependent 
for  the  opportunity  to  practice  his  call- 
ing, as  well  as  for  his  material  ad- 
vancement to  governing  boards,  which 

for  certain,  and  quite  natural  reasons, 
are  composed  of  laymen  It  is  a  sys- 
tem which  has  proved  highly  success- 
ful from  the  standpoint  of  instruction, 
though  it  is  more  open  to  criticism 
from  that  of  scholarship.  The  curric- 
ulum of  most  American  institutions 
has  kept  nearly  abreast  with  the  pro- 
gress of  learning,  but  the  principle  of 
academic  constraint  has  worked  injury 
to  the  scholastic  profession. 

Michigan  has  every 
NOT  DOWN-  reason  to  be  proud  of 
HEARTED  the  team  which  met 
Harvard  October  31, 
1914.  True,  they  did  not  win,  but  in 
spite  of  inexperience  and  accidents, 
they  almost  turned  the  trick.  Probab- 
ly, as  they  faced  one  another  in  Har- 
vard's stadium,  the  better  team  won. 
But  if  it  did,  it  was  only  by  the  small- 
est of  margins.  That  Michigan,  in 
view  of  the  greenness  of  her  team, 
which  lacked  Harvard's  long  training, 
and  the  accidents  to  such  vital  spots 
as  Hughitt's  elbow  and  Splawn's  knee, 
was  unable  to  summon  the  final  punch 
for  that  last  drive  in  face  of  Harvard's 
magnificent  rallies  in  the  shadow  of 
her  own  goal  posts  is  surely  not  to  her 
discredit.  That  was  where  Harvard's 
veteran  team  rose  bravely  to  the  occa- 
sion. CI  In  carrying  the  ball,  Mich- 
igan made  a  greater  yardage  .than 
Harvard,  gaining  191  yards,  as  against 
127  for  her  opponents,  though  this 
was  more  than  offset  by  Harvard's 
advantage  in  kicking  and  forward  pas- 
sing. Michigan  gained  1 1  first  downs 
to  Harvard's  7,  though  it  must  be  ac- 
knowledged that  on  penalties  she  lost 
70  yards  to  Harvard's  17.  Michigan's 
fine  pluck  and  effectiveness  was  a  reve- 
lation to  the  eastern  spectators  who, 
from  all  accounts,  expected  a  much 
easier  victory.  The  fact  that  Michigan 
carried  the  ball  3  yards  to  Harvard's  2, 
and  that  twice  she  had  the  ball  within 
the  Crimson  five-yard  line,  must  be 
considered  in  every  careful  balancing 

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of  the  merits  of  the  two  teams.  Har- 
vard, of  course,  was  deprived  of  the 
services  of  Brickley,  Pennock  and  Ma- 
han,  as  an  off-set  to  Michigan's  weak 
spots.  In  view  of  what  did  happen, 
and  the  splendid  showing  Michigan 
made,  we  wish,  and  we  speak  for  all 
good  Michigan  lovers  of  the  game, 
that  Harvard's  captain  and  her  half- 
back had  been  in  the  game,  and  that 
Michigan's  quarter  and  fullback  had 
been  able  to  play  their  best  game. 
What  a  game  that  would  have  been! 

Modern  football 
FORWARD  PASSES  promises  t  o  justify 
AND  KICKS  its   name  again.     At 

least  the  implication 
of  a  certain  amount  of  progress  by  the 
aerial  route  is  fulfilled  through  the  in- 
creasing use  of  the  forward  pass  and 
the  recent  emphasis  on  the  drop  kick 
and  punt,  even  though  all  of  these 
were  conspicuous  by  their  absence 
from  the  Michigan  offence  in  the  Har- 
vard game.  Where  once  all  was  weight 
and  heavy  mass  plays,  a  few  years 
have  brought  us  to  another  type  of 
game.  flt  There  may  have  been 
more  science  and  finer  points  for 
the  critics  to  discuss  at  length  in 
the  pounding  type  of  play,  but 
surely  a  game  calling  for  resource 
and  versatility,  wit  and  accuracy  is 
fundamentally  better.  Now  the  em- 
phasis on  speed  at  least  equals  that  on 
weight.  There  was,  of  course,  a  cer- 
tain impressiveness  in  the  erstwhile 
battering  ram  as  it  pounded  down  the 
field  three  downs  at  a  time,  or  two 
downs  and  a  kick,  if  the  offensive 
weight  was  insufficient.  But  it  was 
not  interesting  to  the  average  specta- 
tor. It  was  not  always  inspiring  even 
to  the  initiated.  The  change  to  four 
downs  in  ten  yards,  and  the  first  tenta- 
tive introduction  of  the  forward  pass 
did  not  change  the  game  at  once. 
€C  But  further  changes  in  the  rules, 
and  at  least  one  season  of  trying  them 
out  has  worked  the  reformation.  New 

plays  w  hich  the  opening  of  the  present 
season  has  brought  to  greater  perfec- 
tion, mark  a  new  era.  While  the  strat- 
egy of  the  game  and  the  fundamental 
principles  of  attack  and  defense  are 
essentially  the  same,  the  tactics  are 
very  different.  The  heavy  plunge  of 
the  old-fashioned  flying  wedge  has 
given  place  to  a  speedier,  more  ag- 
gressive interference  —  and  the  for- 
ward pass.  It  is  all  to  the  great  ad- 
vantage of  the  spectator.  We  only 
wish  the  proposed  plan  for  numbering 
the  individual  players  might  be  gen- 
erally adopted.  Nothing  could  be  more 
pleasing  to  the  thousands  of  alumni 
who  only  have  an  opportunity  of  see- 
ing one  or  two  games  during  the  sea- 




The  article  in  last 
month's  Alumnus  on 
Michigan's  new  sta- 
d  i  u  m  as  compared 
with  those  now  in  course  of  erection 
elsewhere,  proves  a  timely  supplement 
to  a  well-illustrated  article  on  "The 
vStadium  and  College  Athletics"  by 
Lawrence  Perr)^  in  the  November 
Scribne/s.  Harvard,  Syracuse,  Yale, 
Princeton,  College  of  the  City  of  New 
York  and  the  high  school  at  Tacoma, 
Wash.,  each  have  one  of  these  big 
amphitheaters,  while  Columbia,  Cor- 
nell and  the  University  of  Washing- 
ton, in  addition  to  Michigan,  have 
them  building  or  projected.  OL  Quite 
rightly  the  author  of  the  article  sug- 
gests that  the  two  million  dollars  ex- 
pended on  these  structures  makes  the 
question  of  their  ultimate  usefulness  a 
proper  topic  for  discussion.  He  be- 
lieves that  they  stand  as  monuments 
to  the  importance  of  organized  ath- 
letic sports,  and  their  recognition  by 
the  college  authorities  who  place  them 
on  an  organized  basis  as  the  only  way 
of  proper  control.  The  defense  for  the 
erection  of  these  structures  against 
the  criticism  of  those  who  believe  that 
they  place  over-emphasis  upon  sport 

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as  related  to  university  life,  is  that,  af- 
ter all,  they  do  not  create  that  condi- 
tion, but  they  are  the  logical  results 
of  it.  CD^The  author  maintains  also  that 
intercollegiate  sports  have  not  grown 
out  of  proi>ortion  to  college  life,  but 
have  grown  with  the  size  and  imi>ort- 
ance  of  the  universities  themselves, 
and  that  the  ratio  has  been  equably 
maintained.  While  perhaps  there  are 
some  who  might  not  agree  with  this 
statement,  there  are  few  who  will  not 
acknowledge  that,  in  the  face  of  two 
alternatives,  the  abolition  of  major  in- 
tercollegiate contests,  or  the  handling 
of  them  in  an  adequate  and  broad- 
minded  way,  the  proper  solution  is  to 
be  found  in  the  erection  of  these  great 
structures.  Particularly  is  this  so 
when,  as  in  the  case  of  Michigan,  the 
final  completion  of  the  stadium  rests 
with  the  ultimate  demand.  The  great 
justification  for  the  expenditure  of  so 
much  money  is  that  they  are  bound  to 
pay  for  themselves  in  a  short  time,  and 
to  do  away,  once  for  all  with  the  great 
annual  waste,  inevitable  with  tempor- 
ary stands. 

While  the  effects  of 
UNION  CAMPAIGN  the  great  war  now 
POSTPONED  being  waged  are  not 

very  immediate  as  far 
as  the  University  is  concerned,  in  one 
place  it  has  had  its  serious  effects.  The 
campaign  for  the  new  clubhouse  for 
the  Michigan  Union  has  been  post- 
poned indefinitely.  This  action  is  par- 
ticularly unfortunate  because  the  or- 
ganization of  the  campaign  was  prac- 
tically completed.  Conmiittees  had 
been  appointed  all  over  the  United 
States  and  a  corps  of  general  repre- 
sentatives had  been  selected  to  meet 
with  the  alumni.  All  this  machinery 
is  of  course  now  made  partially  use- 
less, for  the  present  at  least.  C^  There 
is  a  fortunate  side,  however,  in  so  far 
as  the  campaign  had  proceeded  no 
farther.  It  might  have  been  much 
more  difficult  to  drop,  once  progress 

had  been  made  beyond  a  certain  point. 
The  first  solicitors  in  the  field  sent 
back  reports  which  indicated  an  in- 
creasing hesitation  to  undertake  the 
campaign,  on  the  part  of  local  commit- 
tees, while  tel^^ms  from  the  alumni 
association  in  New  York  and  other 
eastern  cities  emphasized  the  necessity 
for  prompt  action,  which  was  accord- 
ingly taken,  to  the  great  regret  of  ev- 
everyone  interested.  OI^This  postpone- 
ment, however,  does  not  mean  the 
abandonment  of  the  idea.  The  organi- 
zation is  ready,  and  the  campaign  will 
proceed  as  soon  as  the  financial  situa- 
tion of  the  country  warrants  an  ag- 
gressive effort.  Meanwhile,  the 
details  of  the  organization  will  be  per- 
fected, and  the  Union  will  undoubted- 
ly be  that  much  stronger.  The  present 
year  shows  no  diminution  in  the  stu- 
dent constituency.  The  membership  is 
2,500  as  against  2,670  for  last  year  at 
the  present  time.  While  this  total 
seems  somewhat  smaller,  it  must  be 
remembered  that  there  are  in  addition 
a  hundred  and  fifty  odd  life  members 
who  were  included  in  last  year's 
total,  so  that  the  net  result  is  a  gain 
for  the  present  year. 


A  "Band  Bounce,"  held  the  week 
before  the  game  in  Hill  Auditorium, 
made  it  possible  for  the  Band  to  ac- 
company the  team  to  Cambridge. 
Nearly  $1,200  was  realized,  enough  to 
send  forty  members  of  the  organiza- 
tion, and  Mr.  S.  J.  Hoexter,  Faculty 

Fourteen  women  students  are  en- 
rolled this  year  in  the  Engineering 
Department  of  the  University.  Two 
of  these  are  members  of  the  senior 
class,  one  is  a  junior,  three  are  sopho- 
mores, and  eight  are  freshmen.  Just 
half  of  the  women  are  entered  in  the 
Department  of  Architecture,  while  the 
remaining  seven  are  taking  the  regu- 
lar engineering  work. 

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To  take  care  of  the  six  thousand 
odd  students  at  the  University,  there 
are  now  in  Ann  Arbor  approximately 
1,100  student  rooming  houses,  and  53 
student  boarding  houses.  In  addition, 
there  are  at  the  present  time  62  fra- 
ternities, sororities  and  house  clubs, 
with  accommodations  for  about  1,500 

Karl  W.  Zimmerschied,  '03,  M.S. 
'04,  opened  the  series  of  lectures  to  be 
given  this  year  by  the  Chemical  En- 
gineering Branch  of  the  Engineering 
Society  with  an  address  on  "The  Re- 
lation of  Metallurgy  to  Mechanics"  on 
October  20.  Mr.  Zimmerschied  was 
instructor  in  metallurgy  and  quantita- 
tive analysis  in  the  University  from 
1905  to  191 1,  and  is  now  chief  metal- 
lurgist for  the  General  Motors  Com- 
pany of  Detroit. 

In  connection  with  the  University 
Extension  work,  fourteen  secretaries 
of  civic  associations  from  various 
cities  in  the  State  met  in  Ann  Arbor 
on  October  17,  to  listen  to  a  lecture  by 
Professor  David  Friday,  of  the  Eco- 
nomics Department.  It  is  planned  to 
hold  similar  meetings  on  the  third  Sat- 
urday in  each  month,  when  lectures 
by  different  members  of  the  Faculty 
on  civic  problems  will  be  given.  Pro- 
fessor Reeves,  of  the  Political  Science 
Department,  will  deliver  the  next  lec- 
ture on  Saturday,  November  21. 

David  B.  McLaughlin,  grandson  of 
President  Emeritus  Angell,  and*  son 
of  Professor  Andrew  C.  McLaughlin, 
'82,  '85/,  A.M.  (hon,)  '96,  died  in  Chi- 
cago  on  October  16,  from  injuries  re- 
ceived last  summer  while  diving.  He 
was  a  student  in  the  University  of 
Chicago.  Professor  McLaughlin  oc- 
cupied the  chair  of  American  His- 
tory in  the  University  from  1891  to 
1906,  when  he  resigned  to  accept  a 
professorship  in  History  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago.  Interment  was 
made  in  the  Forest  Hill  Cemetery, 
Ann  Arbor. 

Dean  M.  E.  Cooley,  of  the  Engi- 
neering Department  was  appointed  by 
President  Hutchins  as  the  official 
representative  of  the  University 
at  the  Michigan  smoker  in  Boston  on 
the  eve  of  the  Harvard-Michigan 
game.  President  Hutchins  had  plan- 
ned to  be  present,  but  the  date  con- 
flicted with  the  annual  meeting  of  the 
Michigan  State  Teachers'  Association 
in  Lansing. 

Eight  cases  containing  porcelain 
ware  for  the  Chemical  Laboratory  and 
a  few  supplies  for  the  Botanical  De- 
partment have  been  received  by  the 
University  out  of  the  four  or  five  hun- 
dred ordered  last  March.  They  have 
been  in  an  insured  warehouse  in  Ham- 
burg since  the  outbreak  of  the  war, 
waiting  for  the  first  opportunity  to 
ship.  The  cases  came  by  way  of  Cop- 
enhagen, Denmark. 

A  special  tax  to  pay  the  expenses 
caused  by  the  injuries  received  by 
Russell  Jacobs,  *i8,  when  he  was  hazed 
on  the  night  of  October  2,  has  been 
levied  on  all  the  sophomore  classes, 
by  action  of  the  Student  Council.  With 
one  wrist  broken  and  the  other  sprain- 
ed, the  freshman  has  been  forced  to 
return  to  his  home  in  Coshocton,  Ohio, 
and  will  probably  miss  a  semester's 
work  in  the  University. 

On  account  of  alterations  in  the  ad- 
ministration of  the  scholarship  sys- 
tem at  Oxford  University,  the  trus- 
tees of  the  fund  have  changed  the 
method  of  selecting  Rhodes  scholars 
throughout  the*  United  States.  In  the 
past,  scholars  have  been  elected  from 
all  the  states  for  two  successive  years, 
while  in  the  third  year  none  were 
chosen.  According  to  the  new  ar- 
rangements, the  elections  will  be 
spread  over  three  years,  the  scholars 
being  selected  from  thirty-two  states 
each  year.  For  this  purpose,  the  for- 
ty-eight states  have  been  divided  into 
three  groups  of  sixteen  each. 

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Work  was  commenced  early  in  Oc- 
tober on  the  construction  of  a  new 
bath  house  for  the  Michigan  Union 
Boat  Club,  under  the  direction  of  Al- 
lan T.  Ricketts,  '15^,  Plainfield,  N.  J., 
president  of  the  Student  Council.  It 
will  be  located  just  north  of  Tesse- 
mer's  boat  house.  The  Boat  Club  also 
plans  to  make  extensive  improvements 
in  the  beach,  and  to  dynamite  the  ruins 
of  the  dam  near  the  old  mill,  where 
the  majority  of  the  accidents  have  oc- 

The  following  nine  men,  seniors  in 
the  Law  Department,  have  been  added 
to  the  staff  of  the  Michigan  Law  Re- 
view  for  the  coming  year:  John  G. 
Cedergren,  North  Branch,  Minn.; 
Charles  Davidson,  Great  Falls,  Mont. ; 
Arend  V.  Dubee,  Beloit,  Wis.;  Her- 
bert H.  Harshman,  Manistique; 
Charles  J.  Hilkey,  Scranton,  Kans. ; 
Buell  McCash,  Bloomfield,  la. ;  Leslie 
C.  McClelland,  Calumet ;  Karl  J. 
Mohr,  Pekin,  111.;  and  Henry  Rott- 
schaefer,  Ann  Arbor.  The  staff  is 
now  complete,  fifteen  of  the  student 
editors  having  been  elected  last  spring. 

Owing  to  the  fact  that  the  old  Hom- 
oeopathic Building  was  torn  down  last 
spring  to  make  way  for  the  new  Sci- 
ence Building,  the  Homoeopathic  De- 
partment has  been  transferred  to  sev- 
eral buildings  which  have  been  fitted 
up  for  temporary  quarters  pending 
the  construction  of  the  new  building 
on  the  Homoeopathic  Hospital  quad- 
rangle. In  the  Prettyman  house  just 
west  of  the  Dental  Building  a  nurses' 
home  has  been  provided,  which  con- 
tains eighteen  rooms  for  the  accom- 
modation of  a  part  of  the  training 
school,  and  a  large  lecture  room  for 
the  use  of  the  College.  Immediately 
north  of  this  building,  the  maternity 
annex  of  the  Homoeopathic  Hospital 
has  been  housed,  with  a  new  operating 
room  for  septic  cases  exclusively.  The 
clinical  laboratory,  which  has  hereto- 
fore been  located  in  the  basement  of 

the  Hospital,  has  been  removed  to  a 
building  arranged  for  its  special  ac- 
commodation, and  the  brick  house  for- 
merly occupied  by  the  nurses  has  been 
fitted  up  as  an  administration  building, 
where  are  located  the  offices  of  the 
Dean,  Registrar  and  Secretary.  Ac- 
commodations for  one  hospital  interne 
and  for  other  Hospital  relief  are  also 
provided  in  this  building.  The  com- 
plete plant  under  the  control  of  the 
Homoeopathic  Faculty  now  numbers 
eight  different  structures,  including 
the  two  tuberculosis  shacks,  and  the 
Department  has  never  been  so  well 
equipped  for  carrying  on  its  work. 

The  second  annual  Convocation  Day 
was  set  for  Friday  afternoon,  October 
16.  Although  a  downpour  of  rain  pre- 
vented the  procession  of  Faculty  and 
students  around  the  Campus,  Hill  Au- 
ditorium was  well  filled  for  the  exer- 
cises. After  the  organ  prelude  by 
Professor  A.  A.  Stanley,  the  invoca- 
tion by  Professor  Emeritus  M.  L. 
D'Ooge,  and  an  address  of  welcome 
by  President  Harry  B.  Hutchins,  Dean 
Victor  C.  Vaughan,  of  the  Medical 
Department,  the  speaker  of  the  day, 
talked  on  "The  Nature  and  Purpose 
of  Education."  The  program  closed 
with  the  singing  of  'The  Yellow  and 
the  Blue." 

Presidents  of  the  classes  which  held 
elections  during  the  past  month  have 
been. chosen  as  follows:  Senior  liter- 
ary: Harry  G.  Gault,  Flint;  junior 
literary:  George  P.  McMahon,  De- 
troit; sophomore  literary:  Willis  D. 
Nance,  Chicago,  111.;  sophomore  en- 
gineers :  George  A.  Scheibel,  Holyoke, 
Mass. ;  senior  medical :  Ezra  E.  Koeb- 
be,  Manchester;  junior  medical:  John 
O.  Dieterle,  Ann  Arbor;  senior  law: 
Charles  W.  Burton,  Edwardsville,  111. ; 
senior  dental:  Warren  P.  Gibson, 
Brent  Creek;  junior  dental:  Roy  E. 
Moran,  Pindcney ;  senior  homoeopath- 
ic: Robert  H.  Criswell,  Quincy,  111.; 
junior  homoeopathic:  Camp  C.  Thom- 

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as,  Grand  Rapids ;  sophomore  homoeo- 
pathic: Dwight  G.  Estabrooke,  Day- 
ton, O. ;  senior  architectural :  Samuel 
L.  Holmes,  Jr.,  Detroit ;  junior  archi- 
tectural, Roland  S.  Westbrook,  Sa- 
vannah, N.  Y. ;  sophomore  architec- 
tural: Frederick  J.  Kolb,  Monroe. 

It  has  been  announced  by  Superin- 
tendent of  Buildings  and  Grounds  J.H. 
Marks,  '08^,  that  the  new  Power  Plant 
of  the  University  will  be  ready  for 
work  in  the  early  part  of  December. 
Two  days  will  be  set  aside  for  the 
formal  opening  and  public  inspection 
of  the  new  building  when  every  detail 
has  been  completed.  The  new  plant 
is  as  modem  as  that  of  any  other  uni- 
versity in  the  country,  and  ranks  far 
above  those  in  use  at  most  of  the  other 
schools.  It  is  estimated  that  the  plant 
will  consume  between  13,000  and 
15,000  tons  of  coal  a  year,  and  will 
heat  2,500  gallons  of  water  an  hour. 
The  coal  is  shipped  directly  to  the  door 
of  the  building  by  a  spur  track  from 
the  Michigan  Central.  The  cost  of  the 
plant  is  $430,000. 

Professor  A.  G.  Ruthven,  Profes- 
sor of  Zoology  and  Curator  of  the 
University  Museum,  and  Mr.  Freder- 
ick M.  Gaige,  '14,  assistant  in  the  Mu- 
seum, returned  this  fall  from  an  ex- 
pedition on  the  Demerara  River  in 
British  Guiana  with  a,  collection  of 
great  value,  espyecially  to  research 
workers  on  the  staff  and  to  graduate 
students.  Professor  Ruthven  and  Mr. 
Gaige  left  Ann  Arbor  late  in  June, 
and  encamped  with  six  natives  on  the 
Demerara  River,  about  thirty  miles 
from  the  coast.  The  country  was  cov- 
ered with  a  dense  jungle,  the  land  was 
so  low  and  wet  that  they  waded  in 
mud  constantly,  and  it  rained  practic- 
ally every  day.  As  a  result  of  this  cli- 
mate. Professor  Ruthven  was  taken  ill 
with  a  jungle  fever,  similar  to  that 
which  overcame  Mr.  Roosevelt  on  his 
Brazilian  trip,  and  is  still  feeling  the 
effects  of  the  attack. 

Professor  Fred  N.  Scott,  '84,  A.M. 
'88,  Ph.D.  '89,  head  of  the  Rhetoric 
Department,  has  presented  to  the  Uni- 
versity I^ibrary  a  large  memorial  vol- 
ume of  Groningen,  Holland,  which 
was  published  to  commemorate  the 
celebration  of  the  three  hundredth  an- 
niversary of  the  founding  of  Gronin- 
gen University.  It  is  written  in  the 
Dutch  language,  and  contains  a  his- 
tory of  Groningen  University,  with 
photographs  and  descriptions  of  the 
art  collections  at  the  University.  Pro- 
fessor Scott  secured  the  volume  while 
he  was  attending  the  celebration  as  a 
special  representative  of  the  Univer- 
sity of  Michigan. 

Michigan  has  not  only  the  largest 
wireless  station  of  any  of  the  univer- 
sities of  the  country,  but  also  the  larg- 
est of  any  kind  in  the  Great  Lakes 
region.  It  is  of  a  ten  killowat  installa- 
tion, while  the  wireless  station  at  De- 
troit, the  largest  commercial  station  in 
this  region,  is  only  a  two  killowatt  sta- 
station.  Michigan's  set  cannot  com- 
pare, however,  with  those  of  the  big 
transatlantic  stations,  which  have  a 
one  hundred  and  fifty  killowatt  instal- 
lation. The  University  station  is  well 
known  about  the  country,  and  many 
letters  are  received  during  the  year 
from  commercial  and  amateur  opera- 
tors who  have  succeeded  in  picking  up 
the  calls  of  the  station.  The  station 
has  a  regular  operator,  Dudley  A. 
Nichols,  '18^,  Wapakoneta,  Ohio,  and 
it  is  hoped  that  two  assistants  can  be 
secured  for  him.  In  that  case,  the  sta- 
tion would  be  open  every  night  dur- 
ing the  school  year. 

Madame  Johanna  Gadski,  of  the 
Metropolitan  Opera  Company,  opened 
the  Choral  Union  concert  series  on 
Wednesday,  October  28,  with  a  recital 
in  Hill  Auditorium.  The  program  for 
the  year  includes  a  concert  by  the  Phil- 
adelphia Symphony  Orchestra,  under 
Leopold  Stokowski,  with  Theodore 
Harrison,  baritone,  as  soloist,  Decem- 

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72  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

ber  2;  a  recital  by  Ferrucio  Busoni,  make    its    annual    appearance,    with 

the  distinguished  Italian  pianist,  Janu-  Frederick    Stock    as    director.      The 

ary  14;  a  concert  by  the  Cincinnati  Choral   Union   will   present   Pieme's 

Orchestra,  under  Dr.  Ernst  Kunwald  "Children's  Crusade,  Wolff-Ferrari's 

February  17;  and  a  concert  by  Leo  "New  Life,"  and   Bassi's   "Paradise 

Slezak,  of  the  Boston  Opera  Company,  Lost."    While  soloists  for  the  Festi- 

March  12.  May  19-22  the  regular  May  val  have  not  yet  been  definitely  erigag- 

Festival  concerts  will  be  given,  and  ed,  negotiations  are  pending  with  a 

the  Chicago  Symphony  Orchestra  will  number  of  well  known  artists. 


The  very  interesting  proposal  for  a  correlation  of  courses  between 
Albion  College  and  the  Engineering  School  of  the  University  is  noted  in  the 
report  of  the  Regents*  meeting  for  October.  Apropos  of  this  plan  the 
Detroit  Tribune  for  Sunday,  November  i,  1914,  publishes  the  following  edi- 
torial : 

Closer  working  connection  among  the  finishing  schools  conducted  by  the  state 
is  the  dream  of  advanced  educators  in  Michigan,  and  men  that  have  a  hand  in  the 
state's  government  have  spoken  words  in  recommendation  of  a  change.  The  point  of 
view  of  the  educators  is  that  of  increased  efficiency  in  education,  that  of  the  states- 
men the  removal  of  the  evil  of  duplication  in  work  as  among  the  various  institutions 
— for  duplication  spells  unnecessary  expense  and  a  tax  that  might  by  so  much  be 

None  of  the  arguments  for  closer  correlation  of  the  University  with  the  technical 
colleges  and  the  normal  schools  have  glanced  at  the  denominational  colleges  to  bring 
them  into  the  plan.  From  the  point  of  view  of  the  man  interested  in  the  economies 
of  the  case  they  lie  apart,  because  they  are  denominational  and  any  new  program  that 
made  for  economy  for  them  would  not  affect  the  state  tax  rate.  Those  persons  who 
are  interested  in  the  educational  phase  of  the  plan  will  note  probably  with  satisfaction 
that  one  of  the  denominational  colleges  has  taken  a  step  which  brings  these  privately 
conducted  institutions  into  consideration. 

Albion,  largest  of  the  denominational  colleges  in  Michigan  in  respect  to  enrolled 
students,  has  arranged  an  engineering  course  which,  by  consent  of  the  University 
Regents,  becomes,  in  fact,  a  University  course.  It  is  to  be  a  five-year  course,  the  last 
two  years  of  instruction  to  be  taken  at  Ann  Arbor.  Presumably  the  three  years  at 
Albion  will  be  devoted  to  the  generalities  of  the  subject  and  the  finishing  period 
under  Professor  Cooley  and  his  staff  will  be  almost  if  not  wholly  technical. 

Graduates  of  this  curriculum  probably  will  not  attempt  to  advance  the  claim 
of  preparedness  for  practical  work  that  graduates  of  the  grinding,  thorough  engineer- 
ing courses  of  the  University  can  claim.  It  is  understood,  nevertheless,  that  they  will 
attain  to  the  "B.S.,  Mich."  Michigan  graduate  engineers  are  accounted  among  the 
best  in  the  country.  Those  who  come  up  from  Albion  and  graduate,  however,  ought 
to  attain  a  standing  that  will  be  superior  to  that  derived  from  graduation  at  a  good 
many  other  engineering  colleges  of  good  repute. 

If  the  chief  benefit  from  this  new  arrangement  appears  to  redound  more  to  the 
benefit  of  the  Albion  institution  than  to  the  University  the  fact  is  offset  by  the  more 
important  fact  that  the  state  institution  is  to  perform  a  substantial  service  in  educa- 
tion for  some  of  its  citizens.  The  arrangement  between  the  governors  of  the  two 
institutions  reflects  credit  upon  both  and  promises  much  by  way  of  example.  If  the 
boards  of  control  of  various  state  institutions  were  to  fall  into  the  spirit  of  the  plan 
it  might  be  that  co-ordination  in  work  among  the  state  colleges  and  the  university 
could  in  large  measure  be  brought  about  without  waiting  on  legislatures  and  laws  to 
compel  the  improvement. 

Digitized  by 


1914I  THE  HARVARD  GAME  73 


Michigan's  first  game  with  Harvard  in  nineteen  years  resulted  prac- 
tically the  same  as  the  last  previous  contest  between  the  two  universities — 
a  victory  for  the  Cambridge  eleven  by  one  touchdown.  There  was,  however, 
one  decided  difference  between  the  performances  of  the  two  Michigan  teams. 
In  1895  the  Wolverines  went  east  with  a  veteran  team,  expecting  to  win ; 
this  time  it  was  a  green  outfit  that  upheld  the  maize  and  blue,  and  the  fight- 
ing spirit  exhibited  by  Captain  Raynsford  and  his  men  under  adverse  cir- 
cumstances was  such  as  to  make  every  student  and  alumnus  more  proud 
than  they  have  been  in  many  a  victory. 

It  was  a  noteworthy  achievement  to  hold  the  veteran  crimson  team — 
without  Brickley,  Mahan  and  Pennock  though  it  was — as  Michigan  held  it, 
really  forcing  the  fighting  for  over  half  the  game,  and  gaining  considerably 


The  picture  shows  how  close  to  the  line  of  scrimmage  he  stood 
The  ball  is  in  the  air  in  front  of  him 

more  yardage  than  was  covered  by  the  home  eleven.  And  the  feat  means 
even  more  when  we  consider  that,  much  as  Harvard  missed  her  three  stars, 
Michigan  was  seriously  crippled  by  the  injuries  to  Hughitt  and  Splawn, 
suffered  in  the  M.  A.  C.  and  Syracuse  games  respectively.  Both  these  men 
were  able  to  last  through  the  contest,  it  is  true,  but  Michigan's  plan  of 
battle  had  been  of  necessity  entirely  altered  by  reason  of  their  condition. 
Coach  Yost  knew  that  neither  of  them  was  likely  to  stand  severe  pounding ; 
consequently  he  laid  out  a  policy  of  attack  which  kept  them  out  of  the  inter- 
ference almost  entirely,  and  allowed  them  to  run  with  the  ball  but  little. 
Thus  much  of  the  time  Michigan's  offense  was  carried  out  by  nine  men 
only,  and  one  does  not  need  to  be  an  expert  to  realize  what  a  handicap  this 

In  another  respect  than  the  one  mentioned,  the  game  was  like  that  of 
1895.  Michigan  had  opportunities  to  win^r  at  any  rate  to  score — ^but 
failed  to  accept  them.  "Jii"i"y"  Baird,  who  was  the  1895  ^^1^  general,  told 
the  big  mass  meeting  the  night  before  the  game,  how  chances  were  missed 

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74  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

HARDWICK  (at  the  right  of  the  goal  i>08t)  MAKING  HARVARD'S  TOUCHDOWN 
The  picture  shows  how  Michigan's  line  was  opened  for  the  play 

nineteen  years  ago,  little  thinking,  no  doubt,  that  the  story  would  be  repeated. 
But  it  was,  though  it  be  said  in  no  spirit  of  fault-finding.  In  contrast  to 
Michigan,  Harvard  accepted  her  one  opportunity  to  score — and  won  the 
game  thereby.  It  would  be  unfair  to  the  winning  eleven  to  withhold  credit 
for  that  achievement.  Equally  would  it  be  unfair  to  the  Michigan  players 
to  condemn  them  for  what  they  did  not  do  in  the  face  of  what  they  did  do. 

To  review  the  game  briefly  by  quarters:  the  first,  with  the  wind  and 
sun  in  the  Harvard  men's  faces,  was  all  in  Michigan's  favor.  The  visitors' 
attack  seemed  to  take  the  easterners,  experienced  though  they  were,  by  sur- 
prise, and  Michigan  here  had  her  first  chance  to  score.  Fine  plunging  by 
Maulbetsch  and  Lyons,  despite  the  infliction  of  penalties,  had  carried  the 
ball  to  the  three-yard  line,  Maulbetsch  almost  getting  across  on  the  last  run. 
An  open  play  then  resulted  in  a  loss,  and  on  last  down  what  appeared  to  the 
spectators  at  large  to  be  a  repetition  of  a  double  pass — which  had  succeeded 
shortly  before,  was  a  failure,  and  the  ball  went  over  on  downs.  It  was  really 
a  forward  pass  play,  but  the  signal  was  missed,  and  Splawn's  effort  to  run 
with  the  ball  was  foiled. 

In  the  second  quarter  Harvard  used  the  wind  skillfully,  and  when  well 
into  Michigan's  territory  worked  a  beautiful  forward  pass,  Hardwick  to 
Smith.  Shortly  after  this  the  versatile  Hardwick  carried  the  ball  over  on  a 
straight  drive  which  found  the  Michigan  line  wide  open,  the  Wolverines 
having  guessed  wrong  by  anticipating  the  usual  Harvard  split  formation. 

The  third  quarter  was  decidedly  Michigan's,  though  Harvard  had  the 
wind.    Maulbetsch  showed  a  streak  of  ground-gaining  that  for  consistency 

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1914]  THE  HARVARD  GAME  75 

and  sustained  power  would  be  hard  to  equal.  He  took  the  ball  on  play  after 
play,  finally  placing  it  on  Harvard's  five-yard  line,  where,  with  one  yard  to 
go  for  first  down,  the  sturdy  halfback  was  sent  at  the  Crimson  flank,  where 
Trumbull  and  Hardwick  were  stationed.  He  couldn't  gain  a  foot,  and  the 
ball  went  over.    It  was  the  last  opportunity  for  Michigan. 

Harvard  played  for  time  in  the  last  quarter,  but  at  the  same  time  uncov- 
ered the  most  impressive  attack  she  showed  during  the  contest,  Hardwick 
and  the  giant  Francke  playing  havoc  with  the  Wolverine  forwards.  The 
final  whistle  ended  play  just  after  a  forward  pass  had  placed  the  ball  on 
Michigan's  25-yard  line. 

Taking  the  game  as  a  whole,  I  would  say  that  Harvard  had  the  edge 
as  far  as  strategy  was  concerned,  and  in  some  respects  showed  the  gfreater 
football  knowledge,  man  for  man,  which  last  is  hardly  to  be  wondered  at 
when  it  is  remembered  that  seven  of  the  Crimson  players  are  three-year  men, 
while  only  four  of  the  Wolverines  won  their  "M's"  last  season,  and  but  one 
of  these — Hughitt — was  playing  the  same  position  he  filled  in  1913. 

On  offense,  strange  as  it  may  seem,  Michigan  was  more  conservative 
than  the  easterners.  Hughitt  called  for  but  one  forward  pass,  in  addition  to 
the  one  which  wasn't  played  through,  while  Harvard  used  four,  making  three 
of  them  good.  Both  teams  showed  good  strength  at  straight  football,  Maul- 
betsch,  Hardwick  and  Francke  being  the  outstanding  figures  in  this  respect. 
I  think  most  of  the  spectators  would  agree  that  of  the  three,  Maulbetsch 
was  the  most  impressive.  He  had  to  bear  by  far  the  greater  share  of  the 
burden  for  Michigan,  as  against  the  Crimson's  star  pair,  who  were  given 
some  assistance  also  by  Logan  and  Bradlee,  yet  he  very  rarely  failed  to  gain. 
Captain  Brickley  paid  him  what  is  a  great  compliment,  coming  from  a  Har- 
vard man,  when  he  compared  his  style  of  running  to  that  T3f  the  former 
Harvard  fullback,  Percy  Wendell,  who  was  selected  for  two  or  three  All- 
American  elevens  by  Walter  Camp. 

All  the  credit,  however,  should  not  go  to  Maulbetsch.  The  Michigan 
forwards,  decidedly  green  in  comparison  to  the  Harvard  linemen,  did  some 
splendid  work,  bending  back  the  Crimson  wall,  and  blocking  oflf  the  men  in 
grand  style.  During  Michigan's  marches  down  the  field  the  Harvard  tack- 
les were  given  severe  treatment.  Benton,  in  his  first  big  game,  repeatedly 
put  the  veteran  Trumbull  out  of  plays,  and  Staatz  was  also  eflfective  in  this 

Harvard's  running  oflfense  consisted  largely  of  the  split  play  through 
the  middle  of  the  line.  Toward  the  end  of  the  fourth  quarter  Michigan  left 
the  center  open  to  this  attack,  instead  of  shutting  it  oflf  by  moving  a  man 
up  from  the  secondary  defense,  and  it  looked  once  or  twice  as  if  big  Francke 
would  get  loose.  On  one  play  particularly,  he  broke  through  with  two  or 
three  of  his  team-mates  ahead  of  him,  but  either  stumbled  or  was  tripped  by  a 
Michigan  player  trying  to  tackle  him.  With  the  aid  of  his  interference,  he 
seemed  likely  on  that  play  to  get  past  Hughitt,  but  fortune  was  with  Mich- 
igan for  the  moment. 

Harvard's  forward  passes  were  beautifully  executed,  the  end  running 
diagonally  to  a  point  directly  down  the  field  from  the  place  of  scrimmage. 

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1914]  THE  HARVARD  GAME  77 

Hardwick  threw  the  ball  swiftly,  and  one  catch  at  least,  that  by  Smith  pre- 
ceding Harvard's  score,  was  unusually  difficult.  The  ball  came  low,  and 
the  Crimson  end  scooped  it  off  his  shoestrings  in  regular  Ty  Cobb  fashion. 
Hughitt,  who  was  coming  up  behind  him,  was  nearer  than  any  other  Michi- 
gan man,  but  had  absolutely  no  chance  to  intercept  the  pass. 

Neither  side  did  much  end-running,  Hughitt  and  Splawn  failing  two 
or  three  times,  while  Hardwick  made  a  couple  of  gains.  The  Harvard  ends 
looked  very  good  on  breaking  up  this  sort  of  thing,  and  in  general  play. 

The  kicking  honors  were  rather  in  Harvard's  favor,  Francke  showing 
unexpected  ability  in  this  direction.  Splawn  got  his  punts  oflf  more  quickly 
than  in  some  of  the  earlier  games,  and  had  none  blocked.  He  sent  some 
long  spirals  down  the  field,  but  his  average  was  not  quite  as  good  as  that  of 
his  opponents,  who  also  placed  their  kicks  finely.  One  from  behind  the  goal 
line  was  a  particularly  beautiful  piece  of  work,  setting  Michigan  back  prac- 
tically to  the  center  of  the  field. 

Many  spectators  were  puzzled  as  to  why  Michigan  allowed  the  Harvard 
punts  to  drop.  It  was  partly  on  account  of  the  treacherous  air  currents  in 
the  stadium,  which  make  the  ball  do  very  queer  things,  but  possibly  even 
more  for  the  purpose  of  saving  Hughitt.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  scheme 
woriced  out  pretty  well,  as  the  ball  a  number  of  times  bounded  back  many 
yards  toward  the  Harvard  goal  after  striking  the  ground. 

The  tackling  on  both  sides  was  pretty  sharp,  though  on  a  few  occasions 
Michigan  men  seized  the  runner  too  high.  More  penalties  were  inflicted  on 
the  Wolverines  than  on  the  home  eleven,  and  some  few  of  the  Michigan  en- 
thusiasts were  inclined  to  charge  partiality,  but  Coach  Yost  had  no  com- 
plaint to  make  on  that  score,  saying  that  he  thought  the  work  of  the  officials 
very  high  class. 

The  defensive  play  of  both  teams  brought  individuals  into  the  lime- 
light. Reimann  put  up  a  stalwart  game  at  tackle,  and  Captain  Raynsford 
did  some  very  effective  plugging  of  the  holes  in  the  line,  from  his  position 
behind  it.  For  Harvard  Weston  spoiled  a  niunber  of  Michigan  plays,  and 
Bradlee,  backing  up  the  line,  tackled  Maulbetsch  time  after  time  after  the 
latter  was  cleanly  past  the  Crimson  forwards. 

It  was  quite  laughable  to  hear  the  Boston  people,  even  including  some 
who  ought  to  have  known  better,  talk  about  their  disappointment  because 
Michigan  didn't  "uncork  anything."  They  evidently  expected  to  see  a  lot 
of  evolutions  and  gyrations  that  would  fairly  make  the  spyectators  dizzy 
looking  at  them.  The  more  astute  may  have  figured  out  by  now  that  west- 
em  and  eastern  football  aren't  so  different,  after  all,  while  the  other  sort 
are  probably  much  mystified  still. 

The  occasion  as  a  whole  was  one  that  will  be  memorable  in  Michigan 
athletic  annals.  The  five  hundred  or  so  enthusiasts  from  Ann  Arbor,  Chi- 
cago and  Detroit,  augmented  by  hundreds  of  loyal  alumni  from  the  East, 
made  a  fine  showing  in  the  stadium,  even  though  vastly  outnumbered  in  the 
crowd  of  some  25,000.  Michigan's  cheering  was  magnificent,  and  the  hearty 
response  to  leader  "Hap"  Haff's  calls  for  "yea's"  for  injured  Harvard 
players  seemed  much  appreciated  by  the  home  spectators. 

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78  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

The  Varsity  Band,  in  uniform,  with  yellow  lined  capyes,  was  applauded 
to  the  echo,  both  before  the  game,  during  the  intermission  and  at  the  end, 
when  it  led  the  Michigan  crowd  in  a  march  around  the  field  to  show  Har- 
vard that  there  were  no  "sore  spots"  and  to  indicate  deserved  appreciation 
of  the  defeated  team's  game  fight. 

The  spirit  on  both  sides  was  most  friendly  and  creditable  in  every  way, 
and  it  was  generally  felt  that  the  two  universities  had  gone  far  toward  ce- 
menting their  former  friendship.  There  was  talk  after  the  game — unofficial 
talk,  of  course — that  Michigan  would  play  in  Cambridge  again  next  year, 
and  that  Harvard  would  come  to  Ann  Arbor  in  1916.  Some  skeptics  doubt 
this  latter,  on  the  ground  that  it  is  distinctly  against  Harvard's  traditional 
policy,  but  there  are  many  who  think  it  may  work  out. 

Many  hospitalities  were  shown  the  visitors  by  the  Harvard  alumni  and 
students,  and  Coach  Yost  stated  that  he  had  never  made  a  trip  when  more 
careful  consideration  was  shown  for  the  comfort  of  the  team  by  the  athletic 

Mention  should  not  be  omitted  of  the  mass  meeting  at  the  Copley  Plaza 
Hotel  the  Friday  night  preceding  the  game.  This  was  in  charge  of  the  New 
England  alumni,  who  made  a  grtst  showing,  both  of  efficiency  and  enthusi- 
asm, on  this  occasion.  James  M.  Swift,  '95,  ex-attomey-general  of  Mass- 
achussetts,  presided,  and  Dean  Cooley  made  the  principal  talk,  in  his  inimita- 
ble style.  Other  speakers  were  James  O.  Murfin,  '95,  '96/,  of  Detroit,  "Bill" 
Day,  '00/,  of  Cleveland,  "Jimmy"  Baird,  'gSe,  of  Washington,  D.  C,  Hugh 
White,  '99,  *02/,  of  New  York,  William  T.  Whedon,  '81,  of  Norwood,  Mass., 
president  of  the  New  England  Alumni  Association,  Henry  J.  Killilea,  '85/, 
of  Milwaukee,  President  of  the  "M''  Club,  and  Coach  Yost. 

N.  H.  BowEN,  '00. 


Fewer  changes  than  usual  are  to  be  noticed  in  the  University  Faculty 
for  the  present  year.  Only  eleven  new  members  have  been  added  to  the 
Senate,  four  of  these  coming  to  the  University  from  other  positions,  while 
seven  are  promoted  from  the  rank  of  instructor  to  assistant  professorships. 
Professor  Thomas  J.  MacKavanagh  comes  to  the  University  from  the  Shaw- 
inigan  Technical  Institute  as  Assistant  Professor  of  Electrical  Engineering, 
while  Dr.  Rollo  E.  McCotter,  who  was  an  instructor  in  the  Medical  Depart- 
ment from  1909  to  1913,  has  been  called  from  Vanderbilt  University  to  fill 
the  vacancy  left  by  the  resignation  of  Dr.  George  L.  Streeter  as  Professor 
of  Anatomy  and  Director  of  the  Anatomical  Laboratory.  Mr.  James  Bart- 
lett  Edmonson,  the  new  State  Inspector  of  High  Schools,  is  of  senatorial 
rank,  as  is  Dr.  Alice  Evans,  who  takes  Miss  Catherine  Bigelow's  place  as 
Director  of  Physical  Education  in  Barbour  Gymnasium. 

Dr.  Hugh  M.  Beebe  was  appointed  last  spring  as  Professor  of  General 
Surgery  in  the  Homoeopathic  Department,  succeeding  Dr.  Dean  T.  Smith. 
A  biographical  sketch  of  Dr.  Beebe,  with  his  photograph,  was  published  in 
the  Alumnus  for  last  June. 

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Three  assistant  professors  have  been  advanced  to  junior  professorships, 
Professor  Lee  Holt  Cone  who  becomes  Junior  Professor  of  Organic  Chem- 
istry ;  Professor  Elmer  Edwin  Ware,  who  is  made  Junior  Professor  of  Chem- 
ical Engineering;  and  Professor  Aaron  Franklin  ShuU,  who  is  made  Junior 
Professor  of  Zoology. 

The  Regents  have  granted  to  Professor  Rene  Talamon,  who  was  ad- 
vanced from  instructor  in  French  to  Assistant  Professor  of  French,  and  who 
is  now  at  the  front  with  the  French  army,  an  indefinite  leave  of  absence.  His 
work  will  be  carried  by  the  other  members  of  the  French  Faculty. 

Professor  Morris  P.  Tilley,  of  the  English  Department,  is  absent  on 
leave  for  the  present  year,  and  Professor  John  O.  Reed,  who  resided  this 
fall  from  the  deanship  of  the  Literary  Department,  is  still  abroad.  He  and 
Mrs.  Reed  are  living  at  Jena.  Dr.  Claude  A.  Burrett,  formerly  Professor 
of  Surgery  in  the  Homoeopathic  Medical  College,  and  Registrar  of  the  Col- 
lege, resigned  his  ix)sition  with  the  opening  of  the  college  year,  and  is  now 
associated  with  the  recently  established  Homoeopathic  Department  of  Ohio 
State  University.  Professors  William  A.  Frayer  and  James  G.  Cumming 
are  also  absent  on  leave. 

Biographical  sketches  of  the  four  new  members  of  the  Faculty  follow : 

Professor  Albert  Ross  Bailey  entered  the  Literary  Department  of  the 
University  in  1899,  changing  in  1901  to  the  Engineering  Department.  In  the 
spring  of  1903  he  left  the  University  to  become  draftsman  and  levelman  for 
the  Lake  Shore  and  Michigan  Southern  Railway,  a  position  which  he  held 
until  March,  1905,  when  he  became  draftsman  for  the  New  York  Central 
and  Hudson  River  Railway.  In  August  of  that  same  year  he  accepted  a 
position  in  the  chief  engineer's  office  of  the  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railway,  and 
in  January,  1906,  became  chief  draftsman  in  the  Maintenance  of  Way 
Department  of  the  Lake  Shore,  with  headquarters  at  Cleveland,  Ohio.  This 
position  he  held  for  three  years,  resigning  in  1909  to  come 'to  the  University 
as  instructor  in  Surveying.    He  is  now  Assistant  Professor  of  Surveying. 

James  Bartlett  Edmonson,  who  has  been  appointed  State  High  School 
Inspector  for  Michigan,  was  bom  in  Parkersburg,  Iowa,  December  28,  1882. 
Entering  the  University  in  1902,  he  was  graduated  with  the  degree  of  A.B. 
in  1906.  Six  years  later  he  received  his  master's  degree.  For  the  year  fol- 
lowing his  graduation  he  was  assistant  principal  of  the  high  school  at  Ionia, 
Mich.,  and  the  next  year  he  went  to  Hillsdale  as  principal  of  the  high  school. 
In  this  position  he  remained  for  two  years,  spending  the  year  1909-10  in 
Ann  Arbor  in  the  Graduate  Department.  During  1910-1911  he  served  as 
principal  of  the  Benton  Harbor  High  School,  going  to  Jackson  as  principal 
of  the  high  school  there  in  the  fall  of  191 1.  From  this  position  he  resigned 
to  accept  his  new  office.  Mr.  Edmonson  was  married  on  August  25,  1914, 
to  Miss  Bess  Josephine  Chase,  of  Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa. 

Alice  Evans,  who  comes  to  the  University  as  Director  of  Physical  Edu- 
cation, was  bom  in  1883  in  Chicago,  111.  In  1905  she  was  graduated  from 
Smith  College,  and  in  1912  from  the  Department  of  Hygiene  of  Wellesley 
College.  For  the  four  years  following  her  graduation  from  Smith  College, 
Miss  Evans  conducted  classes  in  Hull  House,  Chicago,  and  after  leaving 
Wellesley  in  1912  she  taught  in  the  Milwaukee  Downer  Seminary  until 

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called  to  the  University.  The  summers  of  1913  and  1914  she  spent  in  a 
girls'  camp  in  Algonquin  Park,  Canada. 

Rollo  Eugene  McCotter,  who  returns  to  the  University  as  Professor  of 
Anatomy  and  Director  of  the  Anatomical  Laboratory,  was  bom  January  23, 
1847,  at  Vermontville,  Mich.  He  entered  the  Medical  Department  of  the 
University  in  the  fall  of  1904,  and  received  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Medi- 
cine in  1910.  From  1899  to  1904  Dr.  McCotter  taught  in  the  public  schools 
of  Michigan.  In  the  fall  of  1906  he  accepted  the  assistantship  in  Anatomy 
in  the  University,  and  in  1909  he  was  made  instructor  in  that  subject.  In 
the  spring  of  19 13  he  resigned  his  position  in  order  to  accept  the  professor- 
ship of  Anatomy,  Histology  and  Embryology  in  Vanderbilt  University.  He 
held  this  position  until  June,  19 14,  when  he  resigned  to  become  Assistant 
Professor  of  Anatomy'at  the  University  of  Michigan. 

Dr.  McCotter  has  published  the  following  papers :  "On  the  occurrence 
of  pulmonary  arteries  arising  from  the  thoracic  aorta ;"  "The  connection  of 
the  vomero-nasal  nerves  with  the  accessory  olfactory  bulb  in  the  opossum 
and  other  mammals ;"  "The  nervus  terminalis  in  the  adult  dog  and  cat." 

He  was  married  in  1909  to  Miss  Erma  Gertrude  Harris,  of  Lawrence, 
Mich.    There  are  no  children. 

Thomas  J.  MacKavanagh,  who  comes  to  the  University  as  Assistant 
Professor  of  Electrical  Engineering,  was  born  in  Bellshill,  Lanarkshire, 
Scotland,  May  25,  1882.  His  education  was  received  at  the  Royal  Technical 
College,  Glasgow,  Scotland,  and  the  Nova  Scotia  Technical  College,  Hali- 
fax, N.  S.  He  holds  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Electrical  Engi- 
neering, and  is  a  member  of  the  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Eng^eers 
and  the  Nova  Scotia  Engineering  Society.  From  1905  to  1912  Professor 
MacKavanagh  was  chief  electrical  engineer  of  the  Anglo-American  Tele- 
graph Company  and  the  Western  Union  Cable  System  on  C.  S.  S.  "Minia," 
Halifax,  Nova  Scotia.  In  1912  he  was  called  to  the  Shawinigan  Technical 
Institute,  Shawinigan  Falls,  Province  of  Quebec,  as  head  of  the  Electrical 
Engineering  Department,  which  position  he  resigned  to  come  to  the  Uni- 
versity of  Michigan.  From  May,  1913,  to  September,  1914,  he  acted  also 
as  research  engineer  for  the  Shawinigan  Water  and  Power  Company. 

Professor  MacKananagh  is  married,  and  has  three  children. 

Short  sketches  of  the  men  who  have  been  promoted  from  instructor- 
ships  to  assistant  professorships  are  given  below : 

Frank  Richard  Finch,  who  becomes  Assistant  Professor  of  Descriptive 
Geometry  and  Drawing,  was  born  August  3,  1883,  at  Auburn,  N.  Y.  Pro- 
fessor Finch  received  his  preparatory  schooling  at  the  Auburn  Academic 
High  School,  and  was  graduated  from  the  Sheffield  Scientific  School  of 
Yale  University  with  the  degree  of  Ph.B.  Since  his  graduation  he  has  been 
employed  in  the  I^ehigh  Valley  Railway  Shops,  at  Sayre,  Pa.,  by  the  Franklin 
Automobile  Mfg.  Co.,  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  and  the  Oswego  Tool  Co.,  of 
Oswego,  N.  Y.  Just  before  coming  to  the  University  as  instructor  in 
Descriptive  Geometry  and  Drawing  in  1906,  Professor  Finch  was  assistant 
chief  draftsman  with  Mcintosh,  Seymour  &  Co.,  of  Auburn,  N.  Y.  Pro- 
fessor Finch  was  married  to  Miss  Coe  Lorein  Miller,  and  has  two  children. 

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82  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

Marion  Radcliffe,  and  Richard  Gordon.  He  is  a  member  of  Sigma  Xi, 
the  National  Geographic  Society  and  the  Society  for  the  Promotion  of 
Engineering  Education. 

Solomon  Francis  Gingerich,  now  Assistant  Professor  of  English,  was 
born  August  26,  1875,  at  Kalona,  Iowa.  In  1902,  he  was  graduated  from 
the  Academy  Department  of  Elkhart  Institute,  now  Goshen  College,  Indiana. 
He  attended  the  summer  school  of  the  University  of  Chicago  during  the 
summer  of  1902,  and  in  1903  he  entered  Indiana  University,  receiving  the 
degree  of  A.B.  in  1905.  In  1907  he  received  the  master's  degree  from 
Indiana  University,  and  in  1909  the  Ph.D.  degree  from  the  University  of 
Michigan.  After  his  graduation  from  Elkhart  Institute  he  taught  for  a  year 
in  the  school,  and  after  his  graduation  from  Indiana. University  in  1905  he 
was  made  Professor  of  English  in  Goshen  College.  This  position  he  held 
until  1907.  In  1909,  after  receiving  his  doctor's  degree  from  Michigan,  he 
was  made  instructor  in  English  in  the  University,  and  the  following  year, 
1910,  he  returned  to  Goshen  College  as  Professor  of  English.  In  191 1,  he 
resumed  his  former  position  as  instructor  in  English  at  the  University, 
which  position  he  held  until  his  recent  promotion. 

Professor  Gingerich  is  the  author  of  two  books,  "Wordsworth :  A  Study 
in  Memory  and  Mysticism,"  and  "Wordsworth,  Tennyson  and  Browning: 
A  Study  in  Human  Freedom,"  which  was  published  in  191 1.  He  is 
married,  and  has  one  child,  two  years  old. 

George  McDonald  McConkey,  Assistant  Professor  of  Architecture, 
was  born  August  16,  1886.  He  was  graduated  from  the  University  of 
Michigan  in  1914,  with  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Architectural  Engineer- 
ing. From  1902  to  1905,  Professor  McConkey  was  employed  in  an  archi- 
tect's office  during  the  summer  vacations,  afternoons  and  Saturdays,  in 
Springfield,  Ohio,  and  during  his  period  of  work  with  the  Detroit  River 
Tunnel  Co.,  he  studied  under  private  instruction.  He  also  took  Freehand 
Drawing  at  the  Detroit  Art  School.  During  1905,  he  was  field  man  and 
draftsman  with  the  C.  C.  C.  &  St.  L.  Ry.,  Cincinnati  Division.  For  the 
next  four  years  he  was  an  engineering  draftsman  with  the  Detroit  River 
Tunnel  Co.,  Detroit,  Mich.,  and  the  year  1909-10  he  was  a  student  in 
Architectural  Engineering  at  the  University.  The  year  1910-11  he  spent 
as  structural  designer  in  several  architect's  offices,  and  in  191 1  he  became 
instructor  in  Architecture  at  the  University  in  courses  in  Mechanics  and 
Building  Construction,  the  position  he  held  until  his  promotion  to  the  assist- 
ant professorship. 

Professor  McConkey  was  married  four  years  ago  to  Miss  Eleanor  E. 
Eberle.    They  have  a  daughter,  six  months  old. 

Ralph  Robertson  Mellon,  who  becomes  Assistant  Professor  of  Physical 
Diagnosis  in  the  Homoeopathic  Medical  Department,  was  bom  on  February 
I,  1883,  in  New  Lisbon,  Ohio.  In  1901  he  was  graduated  from  the  Grove 
City  College,  Pa.,  with  the  degree  of  B.S.,  and  in  1909  he  was  graduated 
from  the  Homoeopathic  Department  of  the  University.  He  received  the 
degree  of  Master  of  Science  in  1913.  Since  his  graduation  from  the 
Homoeopathic  Department,  Dr.  Mellon  has  been  an  instructor  in  Physical 

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Diagnosis  and  Director  of  the  Clinical  Pathology  Laboratory  of  the  Homoeo- 
pathic Hospital.  He  has  written  a  number  of  articles  dealing  with  his 
specialty,  including  "Relation  of  Veratrum  Vinde  in  the  Production  of 
Human  Pneumococcal  Opsonin,"  "The  Effect  of  Baptisia  in  the  Production 
of  Anti-Typhoid  Ogglutimus,"  "By-products  of  the  Law  of  Similia,"  "The 
Relation  of  Fatigue  to  the  Paralysis  Localization  in  Plumbism,"  "A  Method 
of  Diagnosis  of  Streptococcic  Sore  Throat,"  "A  Proving  of  Thymol,"  "A 
Proving  of  Silicea,"  and  "A  Modification  in  the  Use  of  Wrights  Stain." 

Dr.  Mellon  was  married  to  Dr.  Arda  J.  Esten,  '12/1,  of  Rochester,  N. 
Y.,  September  18,  1912.    They  have  one  child,  a  daughter,  ten  months  old. 

Rene  Talamon,  Assistant  Professor  af  French,  was  born  in  Paris, 
France,  July  2T,  1880.  His  education  was  obtained  at  the  University  of 
Paris,  where  he  received  the  degree  of  Licencie  es  Lettres  in  1900.  During 
the  year  1907-8  he  was  instructor  in  French  at  Williams  College,  and  in 
1909  he  came  to  the  University  as  instructor  in  French,  the  position  he 
held  at  the  time  of  his  promotion  to  the  assistant  professorship.  In  June 
of  this  year.  Professor  Talamon  was  married  to  Miss  Beatrice  Under- 
wood, of  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  who  is  now  with  his  family  in  Paris. 

Leigh  Jarvis  Young,  who  has  been  made  Assistant  Professor  of 
Forestry,  was  bom  March  31,  1883,  at  Albia,  Iowa.  His  first  two  years  of 
undergraduate  work  were  taken  at  Columbia  University.  For  the  two  years 
following  he  was  employed  by  the  Bell  Telephone  Company  in  St.  Louis, 
Mo.,  as  bookkeeper,  entering  the  University  in  the  fall  of  1907.  In  1909 
he  received  his  A.B.  degree,  and  in  191 1  the  degree  of  Master  of  Science  in 
Forestry.  The  summer  following  his  graduation  he  spent  with  the  State 
Forester  of  Ohio,  engaged  in  the  study  of  timber  conditions  in  the  State. 
The  summer  of  19 10  he  was  in  the  U.  S.  Forest  Service  in  Colorado,  sur- 
veying, mapping,  and  cruising  timber,  and  in  June,  191 1,  he  received  the 
appointment  as  forest  assistant  on  the  Medicine  Bow  National  Forest, 
Laramie,  Wyo.  In  October  of  that  year  he  was  appointed  instructor  in 
forestry  at  the  University,  which  position  he  has  held  until  his  recent 
promotion.  The  summer  of  1912  he  returned  to  the  Medicine  Bow  National 
Forest,  and  the  summer  of  1913  was  spent  in  British  Columbia,  where  he 
was  in  charge  of  a  party  engaged  in  surveying,  mapping  and  cruising  Tie 
Reserves  belonging  to  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway. 

In  191 1  Professor  Young  published  an  article  on  "Reproduction  of 
Engelmann  Spruce  after  Fire"  in  "American  Forestry."  He  was  married 
on  December  21,  191 2,  to  Miss  Frances  S.  Graham,  '09.  They  have  no 
children.  Professor  Young  is  a  member  of  the  Delta  Tau  Delta  fraternity, 
and  of  Sigma  Xi. 

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84  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 


In  connection  with  the  placing  in  the  Alumni  Building,  last  June,  of  the 
memorial  tablet  to  our  first  president,  Henry  Philip  Tappan,  it  seems  fitting 
to  take  some  notice  of  his  unpublished  manuscripts  in  the  University  Lib- 

After  Dr.  Tappan's  death  at  Vevey,  Switzerland,  in  1881,  the  manu- 
scripts came  into  the  possession  of  his  grandson.  Dr.  Rudolph  E.  Briinnow, 
Professor  of  Semitic  Philology  in  Princeton  University. 

While  Mr.  Charles  M.  Perry  was  pursuing  the  study  of  Dr.  Tappan's 
philosophy  in  connection  with  a  thesis  for  the  doctorate,  it  was  suggested 
by  Professor  Lloyd  that  access  to  these  manuscripts  be  secured.  Their 
use  was  generously  granted,  and,  on  the  request  of  the  Librarian,  in  1910, 
Professor  Briinnow  gave  them  into  the  permanent  possession  of  the  Library 
of  the  University  of  Michigan,  asking  in  return  but  a  tyi>ewritten  copy, 
which  the  Library  was  only  too  glad  to  make. 

While  they  are  now  available  for  any  one  whose  cause  would  justify 
their  use,  they  are  safely  housed  in  the  fireproof  vaults  of  the  library  of  the 
institution  for  which  President  Tappan  did  so  much,  and  which  has  such 
reason  to  venerate  his  memory. 

The  manuscripts,  as  given  to  us  by  Professor  Briinnow,  were  mostly 
in  Dr.  Tappan's  own  hand,  and  contained  in  seven  packages,  as  follows: 

I.    A  complete  work  on  psychology,  of  4S7  octavo  pages. 

]I.  A  metrical  translation  from  the  German  of  a  considerable  portion  of  Wil- 
helm  Jordan's  "Nihelunge/'  7  booklets  and  fragments. 

III.  Various  fragmentary  articles:  on  universities,  sheets  121-140;  a  "preliminary 
essay,"  32  pages;  on  immortality,  10  foolscap  pages. 

IV.  Course  of  moral  philosophy,  127  pages ;  Cardinal  Manning  and  Lord  Redes- 
dale  (a  letter  to  the  Daily  Telegraph),  33  pages;  Importance  of  the  study  of  Moral 
Philosophy,  8  pages;  on  Greek  literature,  4  pages;  and  other  fragments. 

V.  Sermons.    Two  large,  and  nine  small  booklets. 

VI.  Several  poems.  An  "Ode  to  the  Mediterranean,"  8  pages;  "Nepenthe," 
a  philosophical  essay  in  blank  verse,  devoted  to  the  soul's  relation  to  the  infinite;  and 
other  pieces  mostly  incomplete,  in  all  39  pages. 

VII.  An  essay  on  John  Milton,   121  pages,  large  octavo. 

Of  these  manuscripts,  number  I,  the  Psychology,  is  apparently  suitable 
for  a  course  of  lectures  on  the  subject  to  students,  and  was  probably  so 
used.  Some  of  Dr.  Tappan's  students  now  living  might  be  able  to  deter- 
mine that  question.  Much  of  the  matter  in  this  work  went  into  Dr.  Tappan's 
published  book  on  Logic,  which  was  copyrighted  in  1855. 

The  translation  of  Jordan's  "Nibelunge,"  while  holding  closely  to  the 
original  in  thought  and  in  form,  is  sufficiently  free  in  idiomatic  English  to 
draw  the  reader  along  with  the  true  and  easy  swing  of  the  epic  poem. 
Professor  Briinnow's  notation  ascribes  the  translation  to  "the  early  seven- 
ties," but  there  is  some  reason  to  think  it  might  have  been  earlier.  Volume 
one  of  Jordan's  work,  (Sigfridsage),  was  published  in  1868,  and  volume  two 

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(Hildebrant's  Heimkehr),  in  1874.  All  that  we  have  of  Dr.  Tappan's  trans- 
lation, songs  1-8,  10,  and  part  of  22,  belong  to  the  first  volume. 

Wilhelm  Jordan,  in  1865,  had  translated  into  German  Dr.  Tappan's 
memorial  address  on  Abraham  Lincoln,  delivered  at  the  American  Church 
in  Berlin.  A  copy  of  this  address,  in  the  German  version,  was  recently 
secured  and  presented  to  the  Library  of  the  University  by  E.  W.  Pendleton, 
'72,  of  Detroit. 

If  Dr.  Tappan  wished  to  return  the  compliment  of  a  translation  he 
would  be  likely  to  do  it  soon  after  the  appearance  of  the  first  volume  of 
the  "Nibelunge,"  a  complete  "Lied"  in  itself,  in  1868.  The  following  lines 
from  the  opening  of  the  first  song  will  serve  to  show  with  what  sympathetic 
force  and  fine  imagination  the  philosopher's  mind  could  turn  to  epic  poetry. 

"I  dare  to  wander  through  ways  long  forsaken 

In  the  far  distant  past  of  our  people. 

Awake  then  verse  full  of  power  and  sweetness 

To  which  Nature  the  mother  of  beauty  and  music 

Has  fashioned  the  soul  and  the  speech  of  the  German; 

As  the  thrush  and  the  bullfinch  taught  by  her  instinct 

Pour  forth  their  love  songs  from  bush  and  from  brake. 

But  how  died  away  this  melodious  measure, 

Do  you  ask  all  astonished? 

Then  hear  how  it  died  and  how  again  it  has  risen." 

There  are  a  nuntber  of  fragmentary  pieces  of  verse,  some  of  which  leap 
with  true  lyric  lightness  of  foot,  but  they  generally  carry  a  somewhat  heavy 
weight  of  thought.  The  subjects  of  these  poetic  impressions  are  mostly 
European  scenery,  especially  of  Italy,  and  one  is  inclined  at  first  to  refer 
them  to  Dr.  Tappan's  trip  to  Europe  which  he  described  in  so  interesting 
a  manner  in  the  two  volumes  entitled  *'A  step  from  the  new  world  to  the  old 
and  back  again,"  published  in  1852.  Whether  written  at  that  period  or  dur- 
ing his  later  residence  in  Europe,  they  show  the  philosopher  and  educator 
impelled  to  give  his  fancy  restful  flights,  and  to  look  on  life  from  a  vacation 
point  of  view.  A  good  illustration  of  this  state  of  mind  is  his  "Ode  to  the 
Mediterranean."    From  its  130  lines  the  following  may  be  quoted : 

"How  sad  the  desolation  of  thine  isles 
And  of  thy  classic  consecrated  shores 
Where  Heaven  bestows  its  most  benignant  smiles 
And  yields  to  faith  all  that  the  heart  adores, 
Where  all  that  elevates,  adorns,  inspires 
Their  origin  and  bright  examples  find, 
Where  Homer  and  Isaiah  struck  their  lyres, 
And  Socrates  and  Jesus  taught  mankind." 

The  essay  on  John  Milton  is^f  such  fonn  and -length  as  to  be  suitable 
for  public  lectures  or  addresses.  Although  conservatively  orthodox  in  his 
religious  and  philosophical  ideas.  Dr.  Tappan  exhibits  such  a  vigorous  and 
appreciative  admiration  for  Milton,  who  has  not  generally  been  regarded 
as  theologically  orthodox,  that  he  seems  to  have  run  close  to  the  verge  of 
inconsistency  with  his  own  philosophy.  This  is  especially  noticeable  with 
r^^ard  to  the  "Areopagitica,"  and  the  right  of  liberty  of  thought  in  general. 
Milton's  theories  of  education  he  approves  and  adopts  with  few  qualifica- 

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86  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

tions,  and  passes  them  on  with  such  lauds  and  commendation,  that  it  is  easy 
to  perceive  that  not  all  the  ideas  which  he  put  into  university  education  in 
this  country  had  come  from  Germany.  The  following  extract  from  this 
essay  may  serve  to  emphasize  his  attitude: 

"Alas!  The  age  in  which  he  (Milton)  lived  had  not  'spirit  and  capacity  enough 
to  apprehend'  his  rational  and  lofty  teachings.  Nor  yet  have  his  countrymen 
advanced  to  the  form  and  method  which  he  expounded  to  them.  The  Universities, 
have  been  but  partially  reformed,  no  Gymnasium  has  come  into  existence,  and  no 
general  system  of  popular  education  has  been  adopted.  But  other  nations  have 
received  the  light,  and  heard  the  voice.'' 

Although  the  philosophic  thought  of  Dr.  Tappan*s  day  has  yielded  in 
some  ways  to  the  evolutionary  pressure  of  the  passing  years,  there  is  much 
in  these  manuscripts  besides  the  personality  of  a  great  thinker  that  is  of 
value  and  should  be  made  more  accessible  to  the  future  student. 

There  has  been  some  talk  of  a  "Tappan  Book"  to  be  issued  by  the 
University  of  Michigan.  It  would  be  a  credit  to  the  University  and  to  be 
desired  from  their  own  importance  if  these  papers  could  be  preserved  in 
printed  form,  a  memorial  to  our  great  first  president  whose  name  we  hold  so 
dear  and  whose  memory  we  love  to  honor. 

B.  A.  Finney,  '71. 

From  the  Top  of  Hill  Auditorium 

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When  I  was  asked  to  give  the  address  for  the  opening  of  the  Medical 
College  I  cast  about  for  a  subject,  but  could  find  none  with  well  defined  out- 
lines, none  that  I  could  build  up  in  concrete  form  with  a  limiting  wall  about 
it,  for  my  thoughts  constantly  reverted  to  the  medical  student  and  the 
more  I  thought  the  farther  away  like  the  distant  approximation  of  two 
parallel  lines  seemed  the  ultimate  boundary  of  what  we  might  call  the 
horoscope  of  the  medical  student.  So  my  remarks  must  be  abstract,  touch- 
ing only  the  points  which  appeal  to  me  as  the  essential  ones  for  you  as 
students  and  practitioners  of  medicine,  for  us  as  your  teachers  and  pilots 
through  what  may  be  at  times  the  stormy  seas  of  your  preliminary  training. 

We  are  all  the  products  of  others.  None  of  us  are  original.  We  owe 
our  conformation  of  body  to  our  progenitors  or  to  the  aflfHctions  we  may 
have  endured  in  our  infancy.  Our  state  of  mind  we  owe  to  our  early 
training  and  our  subsequent  environment,  our  religion  or  our  lack  of  it. 
We  develop  complexes  which  make  us  antagonistic  to  certain  doctrines, 
advocates  of  others.  These  complexes  are  unconsciously  cultivated.  For 
this  reason  we  have  a  feeling  of  antipathy  for  John  Jones  when  in  reality 
John  is  a  good  reliable  citizen  and  may  possess  infinitely  finer  qualities  than 
we  do  ourselves.  We  become  biased.  After  a  time,  through  some  unfor- 
seen  circumstance,  we  are  brought  into  more  intimate  association  with  John 
and  we  begin  to  realize  that  our  apparent  antipathy  was  based  i-:pon  an 
acquired  complex,  and  we  recognize  as  if  by  discovery  that  in  reality  John 
is  a  perfectly  good  fellow.  So  in  the  beginning  of  your  medical  work  get 
your  state  of  mind  right.  Try  to  be  normal.  If  you  split  your  infinitive 
when  you  write  don't  do  it  when  you  think.  If  you  have  an  antagonism 
for  a  certain  subject  and  you  think  it  is  not  necessary  for  your  future  success 
in  medicine,  remember  your  experience  with  John  Jones.  It  may  be  that 
there  is  a  good  reason  for  the  detested  course,  that  it  is  a  stepping  stone  to 
the  acquirement  of  a  more  difficult  problem  later  on  and  that  after  all  it  is 
a  perfectly  good  course  and  you  would  not  have  missed  it  for  anything. 

As  you  have  been  told  before  you.  are  all  here  for  hard  work,  the 
hardest  work  any  student  can  take  up.  If  your  foundations  are  well  laid 
your  superstructures  can  be  maintained.  Should  a  flaw  occur  later  on  it 
can  be  mended  more  easily.  Begin  your  work  with  the  knowledge  that 
every  required  course  in  the  curriculum  is  absolutely  essential  for  the 
complete  and  successful  rounding  out  of  your  medical  education.  Remember 
that  it  is  for  you  that  this  medical  school  has  been  developed,  for  you  that 
we  seek  to  advance  our  science  and  make  our  knowledge  more  exact.  You 
are  our  pride  or  our  shame.  You  are  the  end  reaction  of  all  our  efforts — 
the  saving  of  humanity,  the  redemption  of  man.  We,  many  of  us,  labor  in 
our  laboratories  for  months  or  years  to  establish  a  single  abstract  fact  which 
we  can  give  to  you  in  a  few  words,  glad  as  payment  if  it  may  be  added  to 

♦Delivered  before  the  Faculty  and  students  of  the  Medical  Department  by  Dr. 
David  Murray  Cowie,  September  29,  1914. 

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88  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

our  storehouse  of  knowledge.  You,  most  of  you,  will  be  in  the  field  apply- 
ing the  sirni  total  of  the  knowledge  that  has  come  only  through  the  unceas- 
ing efforts  of,  possibly,  some  unpopular  teacher. 

So  once  more  let  me  recall  to  you  that  after  inheriting  a  sound  mind 
in  a  sound  body  you  are  all  that  you  are  through  your  contact  with 
others.  Marcus  Aurelius,  fully  realizing  the  significance  of  this  fact,  records 
in  his  meditations  "what  and  of  whom  whether  parents,  friends,  or  masters, 
by  their  good  examples,  or  good  advice  and  counsel,  he  had  learned."  His 
illustrious  career  was  moulded  and  shaped  by  his  contact  with  others.  From 
his  grand  father  he  learned  to  be  gentle  and  to  refrain  from  all  passion. 
From  his  mother  he  learned  to  be  religious,  and  bountiful.  From  Diognetus 
he  acquired  a  contempt  for  superstition.  From  Rusticus  he  learned  that 
his  life  needed  some  "redress,  and  cure,"  and  to  despise  display  and  ostenta- 
tion; from  Apollonius  unvariable  steadfastness  and  to  regard  nothing, 
though  ever  so  small,  but  right  and  reason.  Of  Apollonius  he  also  learned 
how  to  receive  favors  of  kindness  (as  commonly  they  are  accounted)  from 
friends  so  that  he  might  not  become  obnoxious  to  them,  nor  more  yielding 
upon  occasion  than  in  right  he  ought.  From  Sextus  he  learned  tolerance 
for  human  f railities. 

Living  in  a  wicked  and  sensual  age,  the  ruling  spirit  of  a  great  and 
glorious  empire,  subject  because  of  this  to  the  greatest  of  temptations,  he  put 
into  effective  practice  those  principles  acquired  from  his  associates  and  be- 
came the  greatest  "moral  phenomenon"  of  all  time.  I  might  go  on  extoling 
the  virtues  and  the  greatness  of  this  wonderful  pagan  but  I  only  wish  to  fix 
the  point  if  I  may  that  each  one  of  us,  surely  though  unconsciously,  is  part 
Vaughan,  part  de  Nancrede,  Lombard,  Novy,  Huber,  and  part  those  who 
have  pressed  some  fact,  or  truth,  or  method,  or  mental  attitude  permanently 
into  his  cosmos  before  he  attains  his  degree,  his  permission  to  practice  their 
teachings,  much  of  which  is  their  own  creation  and  much  of  which  they  too 
have  acquired  from  others. 

If  we  as  teachers  press  our  subjects  upon  you  with  apparently  too 
much  vigor,  it  is  only  because  we  honestly  believe  and  know  that  it  is 
necessary  in  order  to  turn  out  a  good  product,  and  to  keep  our  school  in 
the  vanguard  of  medical  teaching, — ^to  keep  our  school  so  that  you  will 
be,  as  others  have  been  in  the  past,  proud  to  have  the  consciousness,  though 
we  write  it  not  after  our  names,  that  our  degree  is  M.D.  Ann  Arbor. 

Patriotism  to  your  alma  mater  is  one  of  the  first  principles  you  should 
endeavor  to  have  instilled  into  you.  The  man  without  it,  whether  student 
or  teacher,  is  in  a  sad  plight.  Michigan  offers  to  you  a  perfectly  normal 
education  in  medicine.  You  are  bound  by  no  ism,  no  pwithy,  no  creed  except 
the  moral  code.  You  are  curtailed  by  no  narrowness,  no  superstitions,  no 
envy,  no  hatred.  You  are  set  adrift  with  the  knowledge  that  your  founda- 
tions are  sound  and  that  you  have  been  taught  nothing  you  can  ever  be 
ashamed  of.  Truly  "no  pent  up  Utica  contracts"  your  "powers,  the  whole 
boundless  (world)  is  yours."  Be  loyal  in  your  class  work.  Be  proud 
that  you  are  a  freshman.  Be  anxious  to  make  your  freshman  class  the 
best  freshman  class  that  ever  entered  college.    If  it  is  the  best  there  will  be 

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no  question  about  the  senior  class.  If  your  brother  student  has  trouble  in 
making  the  grade,  out  of  pride  for  your  class  and  ambition  to  make  your 
Michigan  degree  mean  still  more  to  you  and  to  the  world,  lend  him  a  helping 
hand.  If  he  is  a  sloth  help  him  out  of  your  class,  he  will  always  be  a 
discredit  to  you.  But  be  sure  your  diagnosis  is  correct  before  your  vis 
atergo  is  put  into  action. 

You  seek  a  medical  education  perhaps,  because  there  is  something 
fascinating  about  it  for  you.  Because  you  have  a  desire  to  be  of  use  to 
humanity.  You  may  have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  medicine  is  the  most 
far  reaching  profession,  that  its  scope  is  broader  than  any  other.  *You 
come  to  this  conclusion  because  you  have  made  the  observation,  that  all 
scientific  knowledge  has  an  application  in  medicine,  and  that  a  full  knowl- 
edge of  the  arts,  is  essential  to  the  culture  necessary  to  cope  with  its  various 
humanistic  ramifications.  You  seek  a  medical  education  to  make  a  liveli- 
hood. This  is  assured  you  if  your  work  has  been  well  done.  What  you 
can  never  do  is  to  take  up  medicine  as  a  cold  business  proposition  and  gain 
the  regard,  the  esteem,  the  love,  and  the  warmth  of  friendship  of  your 
patients.  Your  patients  become  your  friends.  The  man  without  friends 
is  to  be  pitied  as  is  also  the  man  without  an  enemy.  **Praestat  amicitia 
propinqiiitati/'  There  is  no  profession  which  brings  more  joy  per  hour 
than  the  one  you  have  chosen,  and  there  are  so  frequently  twenty-four 
hours  in  the  day.  A  life  of  service  is  held  up  to  us  as  the  ideal  life.  It  is 
better  to  give  than  to  receive.  "It  is  better  to  be  of  service  even  to  the  bad 
for  the  sake  of  those  who  are  good,  than  to  fail  the  good  on  account  of 
the  bad."    It  is  better  "to  be  of  use  rather  than  to  be  conspicuous." 

Of  thoroughness  may  I  say  a  few  words.  If  you  care  to  be  a  master 
or  to  make  true  success  of  your  profession,  the  smallest  detail  of  your  work 
must  be  done  with  thoroughness.  We  see  in  the  trades,  in  the  over-organized 
union  labor  of  today,  the  disappearance  of  the  master  workman;  the  dis- 
appearance of  the  motive  which  prompts  a  man  to  make  himself  a  master. 
This  spirit  is  contagious  but  as  yet  it  has  penetrated  only  slightly  into 
professional  occupations.  The  average  doctor  wants  to  excel.  He  is  not 
content  to  stop  his  education  when  his  license  to  practice  is  given  him. 
He  cares  more  about  curing  his  patient,  rather  he  cares  more  about  seeing 
that  his  patient  is  cured,  than  he  does  about  collecting  his  fee.  So  long  as 
this  spirit  predominates  he  will  have  the  desire  to  be  thorough  in  his  work. 
To  be  thorough  in  medicine  means  that  in  the  ever  alluring  present  we 
do  not  forget  the  past.  May  I  illustrate  by  one  or  two  examples.  The 
Roentgen  ray  has  brought  to  us,  within  quite  recent  years,  a  means  of  put- 
ting ourselves  in  possession  of  some  indisputable  facts.  We  look  at  a  chest, 
we  see  the  pathology  perhaps  at  a  glance.  We  begin  to  depend  upon  this 
quick,  positively  recorded  method  of  examination  and  become  indifferent 
about  our  physical  signs.  We  look  at  the  abdomen.  We  are  brought  face  to 
face  with  conflicting  findings.  By  the  old  method  we  reasoned  about  the 
position  of  the  stomach,  its  motility,  its  size  and  its  conformation  from  an 
entirely  different  viewpoint.  There  is  a  temptation  to  neglect  the  old,  the 
well  tried  methods.    We  revise  our  viewpoint  and  sometimes  forget,  that 

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90  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

the  facts  proven  in  the  past  must  ever  be  our  basis  for  sound  reason  in  the 
future.  Too  frequently  the  student  is  lured  by  the  picture,  the  spectacular, 
the  something  tangible,  the  positive.  He  goes  away  from  the  clinic  filled 
with  enthusiasm  over  having  seen  some  horrible  distortion  of  the  body  by 
a  disease  which  has  progressed  beyond  the  peradventure  of  a  possible  cure. 
It  is  sometimes  hard  to  interest  him  for  example,  in  the  man  who  appears 
ner\'ous,  who  complains  of  gastric  distress,  but  presents  only  so  called  no7- 
mal  stomach  findings.  He  may  not  appreciate  that  this  poor  fellow  is  really 
complaining  of  the  symptoms  of  a  definite  disease,  a  "wonderful  clinic" 
in  the  making,  but  now  uninteresting  in  the  curable  stage. 

So  in  practice  the  doctor  may  not  realize  that  his  nervous,  vomiting 
patient,  with  a  hyperacidity  is  just  beginning  a  stage  in  a  disease  which  may 
now  be  arrested,  but  which  in  a  very  short  time  may  be  beyond  all  human 
aid.  While  the  doctor  was  engrossed  in  his  gastric  analyses,  in  the  manipu- 
lations of  his  new  gyromele,  his  intragastric  bag,  his  duodenal  cathetar,  his 
stomach  bucket,  his  gastrodiaphane,  and  his  bismuth  meal,  fascinated  by  the 
spectacular,  the  something  tangible,  he  ignored  the  patient's  slight  complaint 
of  rheumatic  pains  in  his  legs ;  he  forgot  to  tap  his  patient's  knee  and  look 
at  his  eye ;  he  continued  to  wash  his  patient's  stomach  until  the  patient,  no 
better  from  this  painstaking  care,  drifts  into  other  hands,  and  it  is  found  that 
his  knee  jerk  is  gone,  his  pupils  react  to  accommodation  but  not  to  light,  his 
urine  starts  hard,  and  his  spinal  fluid  counts  lOO  cells  to  the  cubic  millimeter. 

Tlie  careful  physical  examination  and  the  carefully  taken  history  are 
the  back  bone  of  medical  success.  Omit  them  if  you  will,  your  sin  will 
surely  find  you  out.  The  mistakes  we  all  make  come  when  we  neglect  our 
routine  work.  I  have  the  greatest  pity  for  the  student  who  shirks  his 
laboratory  work  and  his  physical  examinations.  H  he  is  to  become  perfect 
in  any  of  his  work  he  must  have  made  more  examinations  than  can  possibly 
come  to  him  in  his  short  clinical  years.  The  student  too  often  assumes  the  at- 
titude of  once  shown  always  known.  Too  often  in  percussion  he  delights  to 
make  a  noise.  Too  often  he  is  interested  in  the  blowing  breathing,  not  in 
the  finer  changes  which  precede  it.  Too  often  he  shows  little  regard  for 
fonn  in  his  methods  of  work  but  is  a  stickler  for  it  in  golf  and  football. 
Any  one  can  make  a  noise.  Any  one  can  hear  a  sound.  But  it  takes  a 
Mozart  to  compose  and  execute  a  symphony,  a  Skoda  to  interpret  the  signs 
of  percussion  and  auscultation.  Try  to  be  a  master!  Try  to  perfect  your 
methods  and  your  interpretation !  We  often  hear  of  a  man  being  a  won- 
derful musician,  a  perfect  operator.  How  frequently  do  we  hear  it  said  he 
is  a  wonderful  percussor.  Why  is  this?  Is  it  because  there  are  none  who 
have  peculiar  ability  in  this  direction  or  is  it  because  there  are  only  a  few 
who  have  progressed  far  enough  in  this  art  to  be  able  to  judge.  If  you  are 
studying  scarlet  fever,  or  measles,  or  typhoid,  do  not  be  satisfied  with 
knowing  the  symptoms  and  the  diagnostic  signs.  Any  one  can  learn  these. 
It  does  not  even  require  a  degree  in  medicine  to  know  them.  Theorize  a 
bit!  Wonder  why  the  rash  of  scarlet  fever  is  uniformly  red  and  that  of 
measles  mottled,  why  the  typhoid  belly  has  rose  spots  and  that  of  typhus 
rose  and  blue.  If  somebody  does  not  wonder  we  shall  never  know.  There 
is  never  a  time  in  your  medical  training  when  you  cannot  begin  to  develop^ 

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1914]  OPENING  ADDRESS  91 

a  creative  genius.  The  building  of  medical  air  castles  is  good  training.  It 
carries  you  beyond  the  known  into  the  unknown.  Of  course  your  castles 
will  fall  but  that  need  not  deter  you,  for  all  men  of  thought  build  them  and 
see  them  fall. 

"For  a*  sage  he  looks,  what  can  the  laddie  ken? 

He's  thinkin  upon  naething,  like  mony  mighty  men; 

A  wee  thing  makes  us  think,  a  sma'  thing  makes  us  stare; 

There  are  mair  folks  than  him  biggin  castles  in  the  air." 

The  day  is  not  far  distant  when  it  will  be  your  absolute  skill,  not  your 
glitter,  that  will  draw  men  to  you.  The  public  is  rapidly  getting  educated 
in  matters  pertaining  to  health.  The  man  in  the  country  as  well  as  the  man 
in  the  city  will  insist  upon  having  the  very  best  medical  aid  there  is.  The 
poor  will  resort  to  well  organized  dispensaries  where  they  have  the  assurance 
that  the  social  service  workers  will  see  that  their  cases  are  put  into  skillful 
hands.  The  doctor  who  hangs  up  his  shingle  and  gives  cheap  medicine  for 
the  pittance  he  may  exact  from  the  poor  will  cease  to  exist  and  the  world 
will  be  that  much  better.  But  a  word  of  caution  is  necessary.  While  per- 
fecting yourself  in  one  field  of  your  undergraduate  work  do  not  do  it  at  the 
expense  of  others.  Only  after  you  have  completed  your  course,  can  you,  in 
justice  to  your  self  and  those  you  hope  to  care  for,  afford  to  favor  one 
subject  more  than  another.  The  danger  of  this  is  taught  us  by  the  exper- 
iences of  the  past.  In  the  days  of  Skoda,  as  one  of  his  biographers  puts  it, 
''practical  medicine  degenerated  into  simple  diagnosis.  By  his  observations 
on  the  'natural  course  of  disease  undisturbed  by  therapeutics'  he  became  the 
•direct  and  proper  founder  of  a  purely  expectant  or  nihilistic  therapeutics  in 
Germany,  and  the  author  of  a  cheerless  period  in  clinical  practice.  During 
this  period  instead  of  conceding  (as  would  have  been  just)  that,  practical 
medicine  can  lay  claim  to  only  a  slight  active  influence,  it  finally  became  an 
obligatory  rule  of  faith  to  plead  for  the  complete  impossibility  of  any  medical 
influence  upon  diseases, — and  to  manage  at  the  bedside  accordingly.  Hence 
it  .resulted  that  university  professors  and  clinicians,  ■  followers  of  Skoda, 
were  able  to  make  extremely  nice,  so-called  exact  diagnosis,  but  could  no 
Ipnger  write  a  prescription,  though  they  had  for  pupils  future  practicing 
physicians  alone,  who  accordingly  from  the  outset  must  regard  themselves 
^s  mere  superfluities  or  imposters." 

Of  humanity  a  few  words  may  not  be  amiss.  It  is  human  to  be  selfish, 
to  be  antagonistic,  to  be  spiteful,  to  be  superstitious,  to  be  apprehensive. 
These  traits  of  humanity  are  handed  down  to  us  from  our  simian  ancestors. 
It  is  human  to  be  kind,  tolerant,  forgiving,  magnanimous,  trustful,  full  of 
faith,  compassionate.  These  traits  have  come  to  us  through  our  association 
with  those  who  are  dear  to  us,  through  our  touch  with  the  softening  in- 
fluences of  home,  time,  and  the  sorrows  we  may  have  endured.  Who  comes 
<iuite  so  close  to  the  sorrows  of  life  and  administers  more  to  them  than  the 
physician.  Who  knows  better  the  uplifting  effect  of  a  kind  word.  Who 
more  than  the  physician  has  learned 

"To  look  on  nature,  not  as  in  the  hour 

Of  thoughtless  youth;  but  hearing  often  times 

The  still,  sad  music  of  humanity." 

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92  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [November 

I^ok  for  the  medical  man  who  is  doing  the  most  good,  who  is  making 
the  greatest  real  success  of  life.  He  will  be  found  to  be  the  man  who  has 
abundant  kindness  and  unselfishness.  The  man  who  becomes  great  uncon- 
sciously. The  man  who  seeks  not  public  applause  for  his  successful  per- 
formance of  duty  according  to  the  most  approved  methods.  How  often  do 
we  see  men  of  ability  fall  short  of  true  greatness  because  of  the  failure  to 
subdue  some  human  fraility. 

As  in  science,  in  art,  so  in  humanity  this  university  offers  you  a  lab- 
oratory to  work  in.  Do  not  neglect  to  make  use  of  it.  Do  not  forget  that 
the  patient  entrusted  to  your  care  has  the  same  human  feelings  as  your 
mother,  your  sister,  your  brother.  The  illy  clad  woman  sobbing,  perhaps 
hysterically,  in  the  waiting  room  needs  a  kind  word.  Her  little  world  is  as 
real  to  her  as  is  ours.    Her  depth  of  feeling  is  the  same. 

In  a  big  hospital  like  ours  where  hundreds  of  sick  people  are  being  cared 
for  daily  we  rely  more  or  less  upon  you  for  their  care.  When  a  case  is 
assigned  you,  work  it  up  expeditiously.  By  so  doing  you  may  save  your 
patient  much  mental  or  physical  pain.  Nowhere  quite  so  much  as  in  a 
hospital  should  our  motto  be — work  first,  play  last.  Do  not  slam  the  door. 
Do  not  walk  heavily  through  the  sick  rooms.  Do  not  talk  loudly  in  the  cor- 
ridors. Let  us  not  fail  to  sense  the  importance  of  silence  in  a  hospital. 
If  we  do  we  may  fail  in  the  same  thing  in  private  practice.  Silence  and 
gentleness  should  pervade  the  hospital.  The  successful  hospital  manage- 
ment brings  this  about,  but  it  cannot  be  brought  about  without  your  co- 

In  closing  may  I  add  a  few  words  about  practice.  You  will  each  need 
a  hospital  year  after  graduation.  This  offers  you  a  year  free  from  the  grind 
of  class  work,  and  an  opportunity  to  get  in  closer  touch  with  your  profession 
and  your  patients.  From  the  standpoint  of  business  success  you  cannot 
afford  to  go  without  it.  You  cannot  enter  upon  your  interne  service  with 
too  much  seriousness.  Endeavor  to  assume  responsibility  rather  than  to 
shift  it.  Be  sure  the  group  of  patients  entrusted  to  your  care  is  the  best 
cared  for  group  in  the  hospital. 

In  practice  as  in  the  hospital  the  uppermost  thing  in  your  minds  should 
be  the  welfare  of  your  patients.  You  must  not  be  discouraged  if  your 
patients  sometimes  forget  to  appreciate  this  fact.  There  is  an  old  proverb 
which  says — ^happy  is  the  physician  who  is  called  in  at  the  end  of  the  dis- 
ease. You  will  meet  with  this  experience  and  it  may  balance  the  heart- 
ache which  may  have  come  to  you  when  a  patient  or  his  friends  fail  to  see 
the  happy  outcome  of  the  work  you  have  initiated. 

Be  sure  you  know  your  limitations.  It  is  best  for  us  all  to  learn  early 
in  our  careers  that  as  "no  man  can  climb  out  beyond  the  limits  of  his  own 
character"  so  he  cannot  climb  out  beyond  the  limits  of  his  own  knowledge. 
Medical  knowledge  has  progressed  within  recent  years  with  such  leaps  and 
bounds  that  it  is  an  utter  impossibility  for  one  man  to  compass  it  all.  Most 
of  you  will  go  into  general  practice.  I  am  still  old  fogy  enough  to 
believe  that  no  matter  what  branch  of  medicine  or  surgery  you  may  take 
up,  all  of  you  should,  for  the  sake  of  yourselves  and  your  patients,  go  into 
general  practice  for  a  time.    I  think  you  will  make  a  better  specialist  if  you 

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1914]  OPENING  ADDRESS  93 

do.  If  you  do  this  there  are  four  subjects  you  must  know  thoroughly. 
They  are  internal  medicine,  the  principles  of  surgery,  diseases  of  children, 
and  obstetrics.  The  supreme  effort  of  the  medical  college  should  be  to 
see  that  there  is  no  question  about  your  knowledge  of  these  subjects.  If 
you  master  these  you  will  be  master  of  the  situation  so  far  as  your  life  as 
a  physician  is  concerned.  The  man  who  perfects  himself  in  surgery  cannot 
find  time  to  perfect  himself  in  internal  medicine,  and  likewise  the  man  who 
endeavors  to  perfect  himself  in  internal  medicine  cannot  perfect  himself  as  a 
surgeon.  If  he  tries  to  do  all  some  one  must  suffer  for  it.  There  is  a  very 
clean  line  between  expert  medicine  and  expert  surgery.  But  we  all  fully 
appreciate  the  force  of  the  saying  of  our  much  honored  and  beloved  pro- 
fessor of  surgery, — I  am  a  medical  man  who  operates. 

You  will  hear  a  great  deal  abouf  medical  ethics  as  if  they  were  different 
from  any  other  ethics.  This  subject  can  be  summed  up  in  two  words 
common  courtesy.  Adhere  to  this  principle.  It  really  matters  very  little 
to  you  if  your  professional  brother  fails  to  appreciate  it.  He  is  the  one  to 
be  pitied  and  the  world  will  go  on  pitying  him.  The  sad  part  about  it  is  that 
he  will  not  know  it.  Such  men  frequently  go  down  to  death  with  a  chip 
unremoved  from  their  shoulder.  I  would  that  I  could  exhort  you  to  be  big 
in  spirit,  to  be  normal  in  thought  and  action,  to  be  steadfast  in  purpose. 

"If  you  can  keep  your  head  wlien  all  about  you 

Are  losing  theirs  and  blaming  it  on  you; 
If  you  can  trust  yourself  when  all  men  doubt  you, 

And  make  allowance  for  their  doubting  too; 
If  you  can  wait  and  not  be  tired  by  waiting, 

Or  being  lied  about  don't  deal  in  lies, 
Or  being  hated  don't  give  way  to  hating, 

And  yet  don't  look  too  good,  nor  talk  too  wise. 

If  you  can  dream  and  not  make  dreams  your  master; 

If  you  can  think  and  not  make  thoughts  your  aim, 
If  you  can  meet  with  Triumph  and  Disaster 

And  treat  those  two  imposters  just  the  same, 
If  you  can  bear  to  hear  the  truth  youVe  spoken 

Twisted  by  knaves  to  make  a  trap  for  fools. 
Or  watch  the  things  you  gave  your  life  to,  broken. 

And  stoop  and  build  'em  up  with  worn-out  tools. 

If  you  can  make  one  heap  of  all  your  winnings 

And  risk  it  on  one  turn  of  pitch-and-toss, 
And  lose,  and  start  again  at  your  beginnings 

And  never  breathe  a  word  about  your  loss ; 
If  you  can  force  your  heart  and  nerve  and  sinew 

To  serve  your  turn  long  after  they  are  gone, 
And  so  hold  on  when  there  is  nothing  in  you 

Except  the  Will  which  says  to  them:  Hold  on! 
If  you  can  talk  with  crowds  and  keep  your  virtue, 

Or  walk  with  Kings — nor  lose  the  common  touch. 
If  neither  foes  nor  loving  friends  can  hurt  you, 

If  all  men  count  with  you,  but  none  too  much; 
If  you  can  fill  the  unforgiving  minute 

With  sixty  seconds*   worth  of  distant  run. 
Yours  is  the  earth  and  everything  that's  in  it. 

And— which  is  more— you'll  be  a  Man,  my  son.'' 

September  29,  1914.  ^^^viD  Murray  CowiE,  '96m. 

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University  News 



Michigan  went  down  to  a  glorious  de- 
feat on  Soldiers'  Field  at  Cambridge  on 
October  31st,  when  her  inexperienced  Var- 
sity held  the  veteran  Harvard  eleven  to  a 
7  to  o  score. 

The  first  and  third  quarters  belonged  all 
to  Michigan,  for  it  was  then  that  Michigan 
'  twice  marchfed  down  the  field,  straight  to- 
ward a  touchdown.  Save  for  the  few 
minutes  that  Harvard  was  making  her  lone 
5core  in  the  second  period,  Michigan  was 
doing  the  best  work.  The  first  part  of  the 
last  quarter  was  Michigan's,  but  in  the  last 
few  minutes  of  play,  Harvard  began  an- 
other onslaught  on  the  Varsity  goal,  which 
was  stopped  on  the  2S-yard  line  by  the  call 
of  time. 

Head  Coach  Fielding  H.  Yost  claimed 
after  the  game  that  his  team  should  have 
won,  and  laid  the  defeat  to  errors  in  the 
selection  of  plays  when  the  men  were  twice 
within  easy  striking  distance  of  touch- 

In  the  first  quarter  hard  plunges  by 
Maulbetsch  and  short  dashes  by  the  other 
Michigan  backs,  took  the  ball  to  the  Crim- 
son 5-yard  line.  Here  a  forward  pass  was 
signaled  on  the  fourth  down,  but  Splawn 
mixed  signals  and  tried  to  run  with  the 
ball.  He  was  downed  behind  his  line,  and 
Lyons,  standing  far  back  of  goal  line,  never 
received  the  ball. 

On  the  other  occasion,  in  the  third  period, 
Hughitt  called  for  an  unassisted  line  buck 
by  Maulbetsch  for  the  fourth  down,  and 
the  half  back  was  stopped.  Both  of  these 
plays  were  of  the  type  which  usually  take 
the  heart  out  of  a  team,  but  each  time  the 
Varsity  came  back  fiercely  to  the  attack. 
It  was  only  the  equally  stubborn  resistance 
of  the  skillful  Harvard  defense  which 
blocked  the  Wolverines. 

Harvard  made  the  only  touchdown  of  the 
game  in  the  second  quarter  through  the 
medium  of  a  series  of  hard  plunges  and  a 
successful  forward  pass.  This  latter  play, 
in  which  Smith  made  a  spectacular  catch  of 
the  throw  from  Hard  wick,  seemed  to  de- 
moralize Captain  Raynsford  and  his  men 
for  the  moment,  and  they  did  not  rally  in 
time  to  block  the  final  smash  through  the 
line  which  took  Hardwick  over  for  the  win- 
ning? touchdown. 

Much  to  the  surprise  of  the  25,000  people 

assembled  to  watch  the  intersectional  game, 
the  Michigan  team  failed  to  show  its 
heralded  open  attack.  Coach  Yost  was  as 
much  disappointed  as  the  spectators.  The 
success  of  Maulbetsch,  pronounced  phe- 
nomenal by  eastern  critics,  in  piercing  the 
Harvard  line  by  his  smashing  plunges,  per- 
liaps  drove  all  thought  of  open  play  out  of 
the  minds  of  the  Varsity  field  leaders. 
Maulbetsch  carried  the  ball  farther  on 
plunges  than  the  whole  Harvard  backfield, 
and  was  easily  the  star  player  on  the  grid- 
iron in  the  intersectional  battle.  Walter 
Camp,  the  noted  eastern  expert,  sitting  on 
the  sidelines,  spoke  of  the  Michigan  half- 
back as  the  best  plunger  whom  he  had  ever 
seen.  As  a  result  of  these  words  of  praise 
by  the  man  whose  All-American  is  each 
year  considered  the  most  authentic,  Michi- 
gan rooters  are  looking  to  see  Maulbetsch 
named  for  this  mythical  eleven. 

The  game  was  a  triumph  for  Yost  and 
his  coaching  methods.  Despite  the  fact 
that  he  was  forced,  in  laying  his  plans  for 
the  game,  to  really  waste  Hughitt  and 
Splawn  on  account  of  their  injuries,  he 
evolved  an  attack  and  defense  which  events 
proved  should  have  won  the  victory.  H 
the  Varsity  had  but  possessed  the  final 
"punch"  inside  the  Crimson  lo-yard  line, 
two  scores  would  have  been  marked  up  for 
Michigan.  Harvard  had  this  ability  and 
made  the  score  necessary  to  win. 

The  Varsity  line  showed  to  surprising 
advantage  in  front  of  the  veteran  Crimson 
forwards.  The  Coach  had  evolved  a  for- 
mation which  put  nine  Michigan  mtn  on 
the  line,  and  by  this  means  an  offense  was 
built  up  which  opened  up  holes  for  Maul- 
betsch and  the  other  Michigan  backs. 

On  defense,  the  Yost  formations  were 
effectual  in  stopping  the  Harvard  backs 
when  rightly  used.  The  reason  for  the 
Crimson  touchdown  was  the  abandonment 
of  the  formation  which  the  Michigan  coach 
had  evolved  to  meet  the  famous  Harvard 
split  buck.  The  Michigan  guards  were  the 
weakest  parts  of  the  line,  but  the  tackles 
and  ends  played  far  better  than  had  been 
expected.  Benton,  working  against  the 
Crimson  captain  and  Smith,  stopped  Har- 
vard end  runs  many  times.  Reimann  was 
the  chief  bulwark  in  the  Varsity  defense, 
his .  ability  to  break  through  the  Harvard 
line  costing  the  Crimson  many  yards. 

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Michigan's  chief  weakness  was  in  get- 
ting down  the  field  under  punts.  While 
the  Harvard  ends  were  able  to  down  Hugh- 
itt  in  his  tracks  on  practically  every  kick, 
the  Crimson  receiver  of  Splawn's  punts 
made  up  many  yards  each  time  the  Mich- 


igan  full  back  kicked.  Benton  was  blocked 
•off  easily,  and  it  was  generally  a  Michigan 
lineman  who  finally  tackled  the  runner. 
Dunne  proved  a  good  tackier  under  punts 
in  the  short  time  he  was  in  the  game. 

The  game  by  quarters  was  as  follows : 

Michigan  made  the  first  gain  of  the  game  when 
-Captain  Raynsford  won  the  toss  for  position.  He 
chose  to  defend  the  west  goal,  putting  the  slight 
breeze  at  his  back  and  forcing  the  Crimson  team 
to  face  the  blinding  sun. 

Withington  kicked  off  to  Splawn  who  returned 
the  ball  to  the  30-yard  line  before  he  was  downed. 
If  aulbctsch    was    the .  man    selected    to    carry    the 

ball  first  for  Michigan,  and  he  made  5  yards 
through  the  center  of  the  Harvard  line.  Two 
more  plunges,  with  I^yons  and  Maulbetsch  carry- 
ing the  ball  in  order,  made  the  initial  first  down 
for  tlie  Varsity,  and  the  Michigan  rooters  in  the 
stands  cheered  wildly. 

Splawn  and  Maulbetsch  made  one  more  first 
down  before  the  Michigan  progress  was  stopped, 
with  Acting  Captain  Trumbull  as  the  chief  cause. 
On  an  exchange  in  the  middle  of  the  field,  Splawn 
tried  a  couple  of  on-side  kicks,  but  the  failure 
of  I^yons  to  take  advantage  of  the  opening,  left 
Harvard  in  possession  of  the  ball. 

On  their  first  attempt  of  the  game  at  carrying 
the  ball,  Harvard  fumbled  and  Hughitt  pounced 
on  the  ball  on  the  Crimson  40-yard  line.  An 
exchange  of  punts  followed,  with  the  Varsity 
finally  getting  the  ball  on  the  Harvard  47-yard 
line.  Here  started  the  Michigan  march  to  the 
Crimson  goal  line.  Hughitt  made  7  yards  on 
a  squirming  run  past  the  Harvard  right  guard, 
Lyons  made  several  yards  more,  and  then  Maul- 
betsch dashed  through  on  a  fake  forward  pass 
play,  taking  the  ball  to  the  ii-^ard  line.  Three 
plavs,  with  Maulbetsch  as  the  chief  ground  gainer, 
took  the  ball  to  the  5 -yard  line. 

But  here  a  forward  pass  play  went  amiss  when 
Splawn  mixed  the  signals  and  the  ball  went  to 
Harvard  on  downs,  and  was  punted  out  of  danger. 


Lyons  started  the  play  in  the  second  quarter 
with  a  good  gain,  but  on  the  next  two  plays 
Michigan  was  assessed  penalties  of  20  yards  for 
holding  and  for  off-side.  An  exchange  of  punts 
followed,  with  Harvard  gaining  a  distinct  ad- 

Harvard  made  a  first  down  on  Michigan's  30- 
yard  line,  and  then  a  forward  pass,  Hardwick  to 
Smith,  put  the  ball  on  the  Varsity  19-yard  line, 
and  the  Michigan  goal  seemed  in  danger  for  the 
first  time  in  the  game.  Three  hard  plunges  by 
Francke,  mixed  with  a  smash  Vy  Hardwick,  made 
it  first  down  against  the  stubborn  Michigan  de- 
fense, and  then  another  play  by  Francke  through 
the  line  put  the  ball  on  the  Michigan  6-yard  line. 
With  Captain  Raynsford  using  an  open  defense, 
a  split  buck  put  Hardwick  over  for  the  Crimson 
touchdown.  He  kicked  goal  and  the  score  stood 
Harvard  7,   Michigan  o. 

Splawn  kicked  off,  sending  the  ball  behind  the 
Harvard  goal  line.  The  Crimson  elected  to  scrim- 
mage on  the  20-yard  line,  and  a  series  of  punts, 
with  a  few  plunges  mixed  in,  put  the  play  in 
Michigan  territory.  Once  Hughitt  called  for  a 
forward  pass,  but  the  ball  slipped  off  Lyon's  hands 
into  the  arms  of  Logan.  Shortly  afterward  a 
brief  series  of  plunges  by  Maulbetsch  and  Splawn 
>ut  the  ball  on  the  Crimspn  side  of  the  field,  but 

chigan  was  forced  to  punt,  and  the  half  ended 
with  the  ball  near  the  middle  of  the  field. 


The  first  part  of  this  quarter  was  a  punting  duel, 
with  Harvard  kicking  at  the  first  opportunity,  and 
the  Varsity  trying  each  time-  to  start  a  dash 
toward  the  Harvard  goal  line.  Maulbetsch  was 
successful  on  the  majority  of  his  trials. 

After  Splawn  had  punted  over  the  Crimson 
goal  line,  the  Varsity  got  the  ball  near  the  middle 
of  the  field  and  started  on  the  second  march  down 
the  field.  Maiclbetsch  carried  the  ball  five  out  of 
every  six  times,  with  Splawn  and  Lyons  helping 
him  a  little.  By  steady  rushes  the  ball  was 
taken  inside  the  Harvard  lo-vard  mark,  and  it 
was  fourth  down  with  3  yards  to  go.  A  final 
unassisted  plunge  by  Maulbetsch  failed  to  make 
the  distance,  and  Francke  punted  out  of  danger. 

With  the  ball  on  the  Pfarvard  3S-yard  line,  two 
plunges  by  Lyons  and  Maulbetsch  made  it  first 
down  and  another  advance  to  the  Crimson  goal 
seemed  started.  But  «ne  of  the  officials  had  seen 
a  Michigan  man  holding,  and  Splawn  was  forced 
to  punt.     Neither  side  again  threatened  to  score. 


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although  just  at  the  end  of  the  game  Harvard 
was  rushing  toward  the  Varsity  goal  line.  Both 
teams  adhered  closely  to  the  punting  game,  and 
this  time  Splawn  held  his  own  with  the  powerful 
Hardwick.  One  of  Splawn's  punts  put  the  ball 
on  the  Harvard  1 6-yard  line,  but  Watson  let 
Hard  wick  past  for  a  12-yard  gain,  and  the  Crim- 
son  was  out  of  danger.  Splawn's  last  punt  put  the 
ball  on  Harvard's  20-yard  line  and  the  Crimson 
started  a  last  onslaught  on  the  Michigan  line. 
Plunges  by  Hard  wick  and  Francke,  coupled  with 
a  15-yard  forward  pass  from  Hardwick  to  Cool- 
idge  put  the  ball  on  the  Michigan  25-yard  line  just 
as  time  was  called  for  the  end  of  the  game. 
Score:  Harvard  7,  Michigan  o. 
Lineup  and  summaries: — 

Michigan.  Harvard. 

Benton,   Dunne ly.K J.    Coolids^e 

Reimann    L.T Parson,    Curtis 

McHale,    Quail I^.G Withington 

Raynsford    (  Capt. ) C Wallace,    Bigelow 

Watson,    Rehor R.G Weston 

Cochrane   R.T..(Act.  Capt.) Trumbull 

Staatz,    £.   James R.£ Smith,  C.   Coolidge 

Hughitt    Q.B Logan 

Maulbetsch    L.H Bradlee 

Splawn     P.B Francke 

Lyons     R.H Hardwick 

Score:  1234 

Michigan    o    o     o    o— o 

Harvard    o     7     o    o — 7 

Touchdown — Hardwick.  Goal  from  touchdown 
— Hardwick.  Officials — referee,  W.  S.  Langford, 
Trinity:  umpire,  H.  B.  Hackett.  Army;  field 
judge.  N.  A.  Tufts,  Brown;  head  linesman,  H. 
M.   Nelly,  Army.     Time  of  quarters,   15  minutes. 

MICHIGAN.  69;  CASE.  0 

For  three  quarters  of  the  game  against 
Case  on  October  3,  the  Varsity  backs  scored 
points  for  Michigan  at  the  rate  of  two  each 
minute.  But  in  the  final  period,  with  a 
maze  of  substitutes  in  the  line-up,  the  total 
dropped  down  to  less  than  one  every  sixty 
seconds,  and  the  grand  total  showed  a  count 
of  69  to  o  for  the  40  minutes  of  play. 

It  was  a  veritable  procession  for  the  Var- 
sity. Long  gains  by  the  backs  were  the 
rule  rather  than  the  exception.  Splawn, 
Maulbetsch,  Catlett  and  Hughitt  shared  the 
honors  in  this  respect,  all  of  them  attack- 
ing the  ends  and  the  middle  of  the  line  with 
equal  effectiveness. 

It  required  3}^  minutes  of  play  to  ne- 
gotiate the  first  score.  After  this  opening 
had  been  made  the  scoring  was  so  fast  that 
the  time-keepers  lost  track  of  statistics. 
Ten  touchdowns  was  the  total  made  by  the 
Varsitj',  and  nearly  every  man  who  claimed 
the  privilege  of  carrying  the  ball  was  num- 
bered among  those  who  made  the  6  points 
by  going  over  the  last  Case  line. 

The  Varsity  linemen  were  at  their  best 
in  this  game,  getting  into  the  interference 
like  veterans.  Their  good  work  at  block- 
ing off  the  secondary  defense  was  largely 
responsible  for  the  effectiveness  of  the 
backfield  men  in  getting  away  for  their 
long  runs.  During  the  few  moments  when 
Case  had  the  ball  in  her  possession,  the 
Wolverine     forwards     were     particularly 

effective  in  breaking  through  and  mussing 
up  the  plays  before  they  were  started.  At 
not  a  single  point  in  the  game  did  the  visi- 
tors even  threaten  to  make  progress  with 
the  ball,  practically  the  whole  game  being 
played  in  Case  territory. 

Catlett's  performances,  while  he  was  in 
the  game,  were  the  principal  features.  Once 
he  came  very  close  to  running  the  entire 
length  of  the  field  after  the  kick-off,  but  a 
Case  tackier  dashed  up  behind  the  dodging 
Wolverine  and  downed  him.  Hughitt  was 
close  behind  Catlett  with  long,  wriggling 
runs,  his  best  work  coming  in  the  handling 
of  punts. 

One  of  Michigan's  touchdowns  was  made 
with  but  one  play  after  the  kick-off.  The 
Varsity  back  took  the  ball  from  the  Case 
man's  toe  and  ran  it  far  back  into  hostile 
territory.  On  the  next  play  Hughitt  dashed 
around  the  end  for  the  final  run  to  the 

Michigan.  Case. 

Dunne    ly.E Howard 

Reimann    I*.T Cullen 

Quail    L.G Mitchell 

Raynsford    (Capt.) C Kretchman 

Whalen    R.G Hellencamp 

Cochran   R.T Conant 

Lyons    R.E Allan 

Hughitt    Q.B Post 

Maulbetsch     L.H Anderson 

Roehm    R.H Black 

Splawn   F.B Fisher 

Score:  1234 

Michigan    21     20     21     7 — 69 

Case    o      o      o    0—0 

Touchdowns — Roehm  2,  Maulbetsch  2,  Dunne, 
Catlett  2,  Huffhitt  2.  Goals  from  touchdown — 
Hughitt  o.  Substitutions — Benton  for  Whalen, 
Captain  Parshall  for  Post,  Catlett  for  Splawn, 
Bastian  for  Roehm,  Staatz  for  Dunne,  Bentley  for 
Bastian,  Millard  for  Whalen,  Hildner  for  Lyons, 
Ovington  for  Kretchman,  Finkbeiner  for  Rei- 
mann, Zieger  for  Hughitt,  Mead  for  Catlett,  Nie- 
mann for  Raynsford,  Heuse  for  Howard,  Splawn 
for  Mead,  E.  James  for  Staatz,  Graven  for  Hild- 
ner, Cohn  for  Maulbetsch,  Don  James  for  E. 
James,  Morse  for  Millard,  Norton  for  Benton. 
Referee — Ralph  Hoagland  of  Princeton.  Umpire-^ 
J.  D.  Henry  of  Kenton.  Head  linesman — Wil- 
liam Knight  of  Michigan.  Time  of  quarters — xo 

MICHIGAN.  27;  MT.  UNION.  7 

Mount  Union  was  the  first  team  to  score 
on  the  Varsity  during  the  present  season, 
when  they  succeeded  in  scoring  a  touch- 
down in  the  last  few  minutes  of  play, 
through  the  medium  of  a  series  of  forward 
passes  which  took  the  ball  through  the 
darkness  past  the  last  Michigan  defense. 

The  Varsity  won  the  game  by  a  score  of 
27  to  7,  a  larger  score  than  the  strong  1913 
eleven  had  made  against  the  fighting  Ohio 
collegians.  In  the  game  on  October  7, 
Mount  Union  put  up  an  exceptionally 
strong  fight,  showing  a  surprising  strength 
in  the  line  and  a  successful  attack  by  means 
of  the  forward  pass  formation. 

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Hughitt,  Catlett,  Splawn  and  Maulbetsch 
were  the  stars  of  this  game  for  the  Wol- 
verines, all  reeling  off  end  runs  for  big 
gains.  Hughitt  called  on  his  men  for  the 
forward  pass  several  times  during  the  game, 
and  in  a  majority  of  instances  the  Var- 
sity's attempts  were  successful  in  putting 
Michigan  within  scoring  distance.  Then 
Maulbetsch  or  Splawn  would  go  over  for 
the  last  few  yards. 

Mount  Union  tried  the  forward  pass 
repeatedly.  Their  formation  was  a  short 
throw  over  the  line,  and  in  the  last  few 
minutes  it  was  successful  because  of  the 
darkness  which  hid  the  play  from  the  Mich- 
igan defense.  Twice  the  Varsity  hurled 
back  this  attack,  but  each  time  the  deter- 
mined college  eleven  came  back  strong,  and 
at  last  made  their  score  by  a  final  plunge 
by  Wilson.     The  officials  then  called  the 

fame  as  the  shadows  completely  hid  the 
eld  of  play,  making  every  play  a  matter 
of  luck. 

The  Varsity  line  did  not  shine  particular- 
ly in  this  game,  for  the  lighter  opponents, 
fighting  like  mad  all  the  time,  more  than 
held  the  Michigan  forwards.  Repeated  at- 
tempts by  the  Varsity  backs  to  gain  through 
the  line  failed,  and  it  was  only  by  end  run6 
from  a  punt  formation  that  the  Wolverines 
made  their  ground. 

Twice  durmg  the  game  Splawn  negotiated 
drop  kicks,  once  from  the  23-yard  mark 
and  another  time  while  standing  on  the  30- 
yard  line.  At  another  time  a  mix-up  in  the 
signals  prevented  still  one  more  score  from 
the  field  by  this  wizard  kicker. 

The  line  up: 

Michigan  (37).  Ht  Union  (7). 

Staatz     L.E Stambaug^ 

Reimann    ly.T (Capt.)   Beck 

^  Peterson 

Raynsford    (Capt.) C Thorpe 

Whalcn    R.G Bletzer 

Cochran   R.T Marlowe 

Lyons    R.E West 

Hnghitt       i 

McNamaraV Q.B Wilson 

Ziegef  ( 

Maulbetsch   L.H Geltr 

Splawn  F.B Lorcll 

Roehm,  Catlett  R.H Thompson 

Score:  i      234 

Michigan    10     10    7    o — 27 

Mount    Union    o      o     o     7 —  7 

Touchdowns — Maulbetsch  a,  Splawn,  Wilson. 
Goals  from  touchdown — Hughitt  2,  Splawn, 
Bletzer.  Goals  from  field — Splawn  a.  Officials — 
referee,  W.  C.  Kennedy,  Chicago;  umpire,  Leigh 
Lynch,  Brown;  head  linesman,  William  Knight, 
Michigan.  Time  of  quarters — la,  10,  la,  and  4 
minutes.  (Last  quarter  shortened  six  minutes  by 
referee  on  account  of  darkness.) 


In  a  sea  of  mud  and  with  a  torrent  of 
rain  falling  during  its  latter  stages,  Mich- 
igan defeated  the  heavy  Vanderbilt  eleven 

on  October  10  by  a  score  of  23  to  3.  The 
Commodore  score  came  early  in  the  first 
half  when  Cody  made  a  perfect  place  kick, 
and  put  the  Commodores  ahead  of  the  Var- 

Michigan's  attack  and  defense  in  this 
game  proved  that  the  Varsity  eleven  was 
able  to  rise  above  conditions  and  prove 
equal  to  the  occasion,  no  matter  what  the 
handicap  under  which  the  men  were  forced 
to  play.  A  slippery  ball,  uncertain  footing 
and  disagreeable  conditions  failed  to  slow 
the  Michigan  attack,  and  three  touchdowns 
were  scored  on  the  strong  Vanderbilt  de- 
fense. There  should  have  been  at  least  two 
more  touchdowns,  for  the  Michigan  backs 
fumbled  the  oval  that  manv  times  when 
they  were  inside  the  visitors  5-yard  mark. 
Once  Splawn  let  loose  of  the  ball  after  he 
had  gone  over  for  the  final  distance,  and 
on  the  other  occasion  the  quarterback 
mussed  up  the  pass  to  his  backs. 

But  despite  these  discouraging  mistakes, 
the  Varsity  made  their  last  touchdown  after 
the  Commodores  had  repeatedly  hurled 
them  back. 

As  in  the  games  which  had  come  before, 
Maulbetsch  proved  to  be  the  man  to  make 
the  final  few  yards  necessary  for  the  score. 
Tw4ce  this  unstoppable  plunger  took  the 
ball  over  the  goal  line,  while  Hughitt  made 
the  other  score.  Splawn  missed  an  attempt 
at  a  drop-kick  when  the  water-soaked  ball 
slid  around  in  his  hands  and  the  kick  went 
low  and  short. 

Michigan  tried  the  forward  pass  play  but 
twice,  the  slippery  condition  of  the  ball 
making  this  play  far  from  feasible.  Except 
in  the  third  quarter  when  Yost  had  a  sub- 
stitute eleven  in  the  field,  the  Vanderbilt 
attack  was  powerless  in  the  face  of  the 
stubborn  Michigan  defense.  The  Varsity 
forwards  outplayed  their  heavier  and  more 
experienced  opponents  at  nearly  every 
stage  of  the  game. 

The  line-up  was  as  follows: 

Michigan  (as).  VanderbUt  (3). 

Staatz    L.E Putnam 

Reimann    L.T Cody 

Quail    L.G Beckleheimer 

Raynsford    (Capt) C Huffman 

Watson    R.G Brown 

Cochran     R.T Warren 

Lyons    R.E Cohen 

Hughitt     Q.B Curry 

Maulbetsch    L.H (Capt.)  Sikea 

Splawn     F.B CarmoQ 

Roehm    R.H Morrison 

Score:  1334 

Michigan    7    9    o     7 — 2$ 

Vanderbilt     3    o    o    0—3 

Touchdowns — ^Hughitt,  Maulbetsch  a.  (^oals 
from  touchdown — ^Hughitt  2.  (}oals  from  field-— 
Splawn,  Cody.  Officials — referee,  Bradley  Walker. 
Sewanee;  umpire.  J.  C.  Holdemess,  Lehigh;  head 
linesman,  William  Heston,  Michigan.  Time  of 
quarters — 15  minutes.  Substitutions:  Michigan-^ 
McHale  for  Watson,  E.  James  for  Lyons,  Cat- 
lett for  Roehm,  Benton  for  Quail,  Hildner  for 
Staatz,  Bastian  for  Splawn,  Whalen  for  Reimann, 

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[  November 

Skinner  for  Raynsford,  and  Zeiger  for  Hughitt 
Vanderbilt — I^ipscomb  for  Beckleheimer,  Putnam 
for  Carmon,  Chester  for  Putnam,  Carmon  for 
Cody,  Reyer  for  Brown. 

MICHIGAN,  3;  M.  A.  C.  0 

Before  a  throng  of  13,000  people,  the 
majority  of  whom  were  supremely  confi- 
dent M.  A.  C.  supporters,  Michigan  took 
revenge  for  the  1913  defeat  at  the  hands  of 
the  Farmers  by  winning  a  3  to  o  victory  in 
a  fiercely  fought  contest  on  October  17. 
Thereby  not  only  was  a  blot  wiped  off  the 
Michigan  record,  but  about  2,000  Michigan 
men  who  were  present,  were  given  a  chance 
to  voice  their  jubilation  in  the  Agricultural 
College   stronghold. 

The  Varsity  played  purely  a  defensive 
game,  hiding  their  real  strength  from  the 
scouts  in  the  stands,  and  making  jus^t 
enough  points  to  win.  Once  the  opponents 
came  near  scoring,  but  Michigan's  defense 
held  until  the  whistle  brought  an  end  to  the 
first  half.  The  ball  was  inside  the  Varsity's 
lo-yard  line  when  the  officials  stepped  in, 
having  been  brought  there  on  long  runs 
around  Lyons  and  by  hard  smashes  through 
the  Michigan  line.  But  outside  of  this  one 
time,  M.  A.  C.  never  dangerously  threat- 

Although  the  losers  repeatedly  threw 
back  the  Michigan  offense  despite  the  best 
attempts  by  the  Varsity,  Michigan  had  com- 
plete command  of  the  game  at  all  times. 
Quarterback  Hughitt  carefully  conserved 
his  attack,  using  only  the  simplest  of  for- 
mations until  an  opportunity  of  scoring 
came,  and  then  he  opened  up. 

The  chance  came  in  the  last  quarter. 
Michigan  got  the  ball  near  the  middle  of 
the  field.  ,  Hughitt  called  for  a  forward 
pass  and  Lyons  made  a  perfect  catch  down 
on  the  M.  A.  C.  15-yard  line.  If  he  hadn't 
stumbled  'he  would  Have  gone  over  for  a 
touchdown,  for  the  field  in  front  of  him 
was  clear.  A  former  trial  of  strength  ear- 
lier in.  the. game  had  shown  the  Varsity 
that  it  couldn't  score  a  touchdown  against 
the  Farmers'  defense,  so  Hughitt  elected  to 
hr'/ng  Splawn's  toe  into  action.  The  ball 
was  taken  to  the  middle  of  the  field  on  two 
end  runs,  and  then  the  Varsity  kicker  made 
the  3  points. 

M.  A.  C.  led  by  their  smashing  captain. 
Fullback  Julian,  came  back  like  demons, 
but  the  Wolverines  held  and  the  game  was 

The  game  came  near  to  proving  disas- 
trous to  Yost>  hopes,  for  Hughitt  suffered 
a  dislocated  left  elbow  in  one  of  his  tackles 
of  Blake  Miller.  The  injury  at  the  time 
promised  to  keep  him  out  of  play  for  the 
re3t  of  the  year,  but  later  examination  al- 
layed these  fears. 

Captain  Rayrisford  and  Cochran  were  the 
defensive  stars  in  this  battle  for  revenge. 

with  Maulbetsch  sharing  the  offensive  hon- 
ors with  Hughitt  and  Splawn.  The  Mich- 
igan line,  for  the  first  time  during  the 
season,  was  pitted  against  a  vicious  attack, 
but  it  was  able  to  hold  it  in  check  through- 
out the  four  quarters.  The  Michigan  right 
end,  where  Lyons  was  playing,  was  the 
weak  spot  in  the  Varsity's  defense,  and 
Blake  Miller  and  Julian  made  long  gains 
in  this  direction. 

Tha   Lineup  :— 

Michigan.  M.  A.   C. 

Staatz        i 

Benton      V L.K B.Miller 

Reimann  ) 

Reimann,    Watson L.T Smith 

Rehor   LG Straight 

Raynsford    (Capt.) C Vaughn 

McHalc,     Watson R.G Vandervoort 

Cochran    R.T Blacklock 

Lyons,   James    R.K Chadd»ck 

Hughitt.    Huebel Q.B D.   Miller 

Maulbetsch    L.H Deprato 

Splawn,   Catlett F.  B (  Capt. )    Julian 

Bushnell   > 

Roehm      V R.H H.  MrUer 

Catlett      \ 

Score:  1234' 

M.    A.    C o     o     o    ct—^ 

Mibhigan    ^ .  .0    o     0    3 — y 

Goal  from  field — Splawn.  Officials — referee.  H'. 
B.  Hackett.  West  Poiat;  umpire,  T.  C.  Holdeir- 
ness,  Lehigh;  field  judge,  A.  R.  Haines,  Yale; 
head  linesman,  Fred  Gardner,  Cornell.  Time  of 
quarters — 15  minutes. 


With  Quarterback  Hughitt  out  of  the 
game  on  account  of  his  injured  elbow,  with 
two  brand  new  ends  in  the  line-up,  and  with 
Lyons  trying  to  play  a  position  at  half  back 
with  which  he  was  unfamiliar,  Michigan 
lost  to  Syracuse  in  the  easterners'  stadium 
on  October  24,  by  a  score  of  20  to  6.  It  was 
the  first  time  in  several  seasons  that  an 
eleven  had  scored  three  touchdowns  on  the 
Michigan  Varsity,  and  it  was  not  until 
Tuesday  that  the  Syracuse  students  ceased 
their  celebration. 

Coach  Fielding  H.  Yost  declared  after 
the  game  that  Michigan  had  literally  hand- 
ed the  victory  to  the  Orangemen.  Bad 
breaks  by  the  Varsity  backfield  were  re^ 
sponsible  for  the  Syracuse  scores,  which  in 
at  least  two  instances  should  never  have 
been  made,  according  to  Yost. 

Once  a  punt,  which  should  have  placed 
the  ball  far  up  the  field  and  out  of  danger, 
was  carried  back  through  the  Michigan 
tacklers,  and  Syracuse  rushed  it  over.  At 
another  time  an  off-side  play  gave  them  the 
ball  on  the  Varsity's  4-yard  line.  It  re- 
quired four  rushes  to  put  it  over,  but  even 
the  stalwart  resistance  which  Michigan  put 
forth  could  not  prevent  a  touchdown  under 
such  a  handicap.  Catlett,  who  had  gone  in 
at  full-back  for  the  injured  Splawn,  was 
the  man  responsible  for  the  break.  After 
the  game   he   broke   down,   and   even   the 

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assurances  of  his  team-mates  could  not 
comfort  him.  Catlett  was  suffering  from  a 
shimp  in  his  real  form,  for  his  regular 
playing  this  season  has  been  of  a  high  class. 

Had  Splawn  been  able  to  continue  in  the 
game  the  result  would  have  been  different, 
according  to  the  coach,  in  spite  of  the  hand- 
icap of  new  men  under  which  the  Varsity 
was  working.  This  kicker  would  have  been 
able  to  make  the  extra  point  after  touch- 
down which  would  have  put  Michigan  out 
ahead  by  a  7  to  6  score,  and  also  would 
have  been  able  to  punt  out  of  danger  at  the 
critical  moments.  But  he  was  not,  and  the 
critics  were  given  their  opportunity  to  pre- 
dict an  overwhelmir.g  victory  for  Harvard 
for  the  following  week. 

Syracuse  made  her  touchdown  first,  after 
Michigan  had  valiantly  thrown  back  one 
threatened  successful  assault  on  her  goal 
line.  The  home  eleven  started  its  march 
on  the  Michigan  35-yard  line,  and  by  suc- 
cessive rushes,  always  stoutly  resisted,  took 
the  ball  over.  Rose  failed  to  kick  goal,  and 
the  Varsity  was  given  its  chance. 

The  blue-clad  players  rose  to  the  occasion, 
and  with  their  only  real  display  of  offensive 
fight  in  the  whole  game,  took  the  ball  pver 
bv  a  perfectly-executed  forward  pass  from 
Catlett  to  Lyons  and  a  fina(  plunge  by 
Maulbetsch.  All  this  happened  in  the  third 
quarter,  but  in  the  next  period  Syracuse 
started  its  mowing  tactics,  and  added  the 
two  last  touchdowns  which  spelled  bitter 
defeat  to  Yost  and  his  men.  Watson,  who 
was  called  on  to  take  the  place  of  Splawn 
at  kicking  the  goal,  had  missed,  and  de- 
prived Michigan  of  the  shallo>y  honor  of 
having  been  at  one  time  on  the  long  end  of 
the  score. 

With  Benton  and  Whalen  playing  ends 
for  the  first  time,  and  with  Lyons  in  the 
backfield,  numerous  shifts  in  the  Michigan 
defense  were  necessary  to  balance  the  team. 
Despite  this,  the  exhibition  of  stubborn  re- 
sistance shown  by  Captain  Raynsford  and 
his  men  when  Syracuse  was  trying  to  make 
a  touchdown  from  the  4-yard  line,  sent  the 
10,000  spectators  wild  with  enthusiasm. 
Three  times  the  smashing  attack  of  Rose 
and  Wilkinson  was  thrown  back  without 
gaining  an  inch.  But  the  terrific  strain  was 
too  much,  and  on  the  last  time  the  Syracuse 
right  half  back  went  over. 

Lineup  and  summaries: 

Michigan  (6).  Sjrracuse  (ao). 

Benton    L.E WoodruiF 

Reimann    L.T Schlachter 

Watson    L.G.. McElHgott 

Raynsford    (Capt.) C Forsythc 

McHale    R.G White 

Cochran   R.T T.    Johnson 

Whalen    R.E (Capt.)     Schufelt 

Bushnell    Q.B t,-    Johnion 

Maulbetsch    L.H Rose 

Splawn   F.B O'Connell 

Lyons R.H Wilkinson 

Score:  1234 

Michigan    .  -. o     o     6      o —  6 

Syracuse o    o    6     14 — 20 

Touchdowns — Wilkinson  2,  Rose,  Maulbetsch. 
Goals  from  touchdowns — Wilkinson,  Rose.  Offi; 
cials — referee,  M.  J.  Thompson,  Georgetown ; 
umpire,  Louis  Hinkey,  Yale:  head  linesman,  Jamea 
Coony,  Princeton.  Time  01  quarters,  15  minutes. 
Substitutions:  Michigan — E.  James  for  Whalen. 
Rehor  for  McHale,  Catlett  tor  Splawn,  Huebel 
for  Bushnell,  Quail  for  Rehor.  Syracuse — Sev- 
mour  for  L.  Johnson,  Kingsley  for  O'Connell; 
O'Connell  for  Kingsley,  Johnson  for  Seymour* 
Meisner  for  White,  Kingsley  for  O'Connell,  Sey- 
mour for  L.  Johnson,  Traves  for  Wilkinson,  Raf- 
ter for  Seymour,  Schultz  for  Traves,  Wilkinson 
for  Schulu.  WHber  for  Meisner,  Trigg  for  Mc- 
ElHgott, Burns  for  Woodruff,  Barbour  for 
Schufelt,  Smithson  for  Trigg. 


It  is  aimed  in  this  section  to  ^ve  a  report  of  every  action  taken  by  the  Regents  of  general  interest. 
Rootine  financial  business,  appointments  of  assistants,  small  -  appropriations,  and  lists  of  degrees 
granted,  are  usually  omitted. 


The  Board  met  at  8:30  P.  M.,  October  15. 
The  President,  Regents  Bulkley, ,  Leland, 
Sawyer,  Clements,  Hanchett,  HubbJard  and 
Superintendent  Keeler  were  present. — Sup- 
erintendent E.  C.  Warriner  of  Saginaw, 
presented  his  views  on.  the  advantages  of  a 
practice  or  demonstration  school  at  the  Uni- 
versity as  suggested  by  Professor  Whitney 
in  his  special  communication  to  the  Board. 
— ^The  Board  adopted  the  report  of  Mr. 
Bartelme,  Director  of  Outdoor  Athletics, 
recommending  the  ineligibility  of  the  wives 
of  students  in  the  University  to  purchase 
athletic  tickets   for  1914-1915  at  the  same 

price  charged  students.  The  report  sug- 
gested, however,  that  the  question  might  be 
taken  up  later  ifor  1915-1916. — The  Health 
Service  was  authorized  to  give  free  medi- 
cal examinations  to  all  entering  students, 
preference  being  given,  if  all  could  not  be 
accommodated,  to  those  not  required  to  take 
physical  training. — The  sum  of  $224.50  was 
set  aside  from  the  general  funds  for  boiler 
insurance. — Dr.  Leroy  Waterman  was  elect- 
ed Professor  of  Semitics  at  the  salary  of 
$3000  per  year,  the  appointment  to  become 
effective  with  the  year  1915-1916. — ^Thp 
Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee  \/as 
authorized  to  place  a  fence  around  the  ^o- 
called    Cat-hole. — The   Finance   Committee 

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was  authorized  to  purchase  the  Prettyman 
property  out  of  the  general  funds.— The 
following  resolution  was  adopted: — 

Whereas,  This  £oard  recognizes  the  importance 
of  the  establishment  by  the  University  of  a  prac- 
tice or  demonstration  school  and  the  great  benefit 
to  be  derived  thereby. 

It  Is  Resolved,  That  the  matter  be  placed  upon 
the  program  of  the  November  meeting,  for  further 
consideration  and  action. 

— ^The  President  presented  the  resignation 
of  Dr.  Claude  A.  Burrett  as  Professor  of 
Surgery,  Genito-Urinary  Diseases  and  Der- 
matology and  Registrar  of  the  Homoeo- 
pathic Medical  College  of  the  University 
of  Michigan,  to  take  effect  September  ist, 
in  order  that  he  might  accept  a  Professor- 
ship and  Administrative  office  in  the  Hom- 
oeopathic Medical  College  of  Ohio  State 
University,  which  was  accepted  with  regret. 
— ^The  President  presented  a  communica- 
tion from  the  Michigan  Alumna  of  Phila- 
delphia, stating  that  the  sum  of  $50  had 
been  collected  for  the  purpose  of  helping 
some  needy  girl  to  attend  the  University  of 
Michigan  the  coming  year.  The  gift  was 
accepted  with  thanks. — ^The  title  of  Pro- 
fessor Raymond  C.  Davis  was  changed  ac- 
cording to  his  request  to  read  as  follows: 
Raymond  C.  Davis,  Librarian  Emeritus, 
Beneficiary  of  the  Professor  George  P. 
Williams  Emeritus  Professorship  Fund. — 
It  was  declared  to  be  the  sense  of  the  Board 
that  the  taking  of  collections  at  religious 
meetings  in  the  Hill  Auditorium,  is  inadvis- 
able.— ^The  Board  then  adjourned  to  meet 
at  10  o'clock  A.  M.,  October  16.— The  full 
Board  was  present  at  the  following  morn- 
ing session. — ^The  use  of  Barbour  Gym- 
nasium for  the  State  Boys'  Y.  M.  C.  A. 
Convention  on  November  28,  was  granted. 
A  communication  was  received  from  Pro- 
fessor Arthur  G.  Canfield  stating  that  on 
account  of  military  service  in  the  European 
war.  Assistant  Professor  Talamon  is  un- 
able to  take  up  his  work.  Professor  Can- 
field  requested  that  his  own  leave  be  cancel- 
led and,  instead  that  Mr.  Talamon  be  given 
a  leave  of  absence,  and  asked  for  the  dis- 
position of  the  saving  of  $700  in  salary. 
Mr.  Talamon  was  accordingly  given  an 
indefinite  leave  of  absence  with  certain 
necessary  adjustments  of  salary. — ^The  res- 
ignation of  Mr.  Charles  L.  Loos,  Jr.,  Pur- 
chasing Agent,  was  accepted,  to  take  effect 
on  January  i,  1915.— The  sum  of  $1500  was 
added  to  the  equipment  budget  of  the  Den- 
tal Department  to  provide  for  the  purchase 
of  new  equipment  made  necessary  by  the 
increase  in  the  number  of  students.— The 
sum  of  $800  was  added  to  the  budget  of 
the  Dental  Department  to  provide  for  an 
additional  instructor. — ^The  request  of  the 
Michigan  State  Normal  College  for  the 
Jidinission  of  its  students  to  the  University 
Hospital  without  certificate  of  inability  to 

pay  usual  minimum  professional  fees,  was 
granted. — Regent  Sawyer  presented  a  com- 
munication from  Dean  V.  C.  Vaughan,  ad- 
dressed to  the  President;  stating  that  Dr. 
Wm.  E.  Upjohn,  of  Kalamazoo,  had  offered 
to  provide  a  fellowship  for  research  in  Dr. 
Vaughan's  own  special  field,  of  $1000. 
This  gift  was  accepted  with  the  thanks  of 
the  Board.  Upon  Dr.  Vaughan's  recom- 
mendation, Roy  Webster  Pryer,  M.S.,  was 
appointed  as  Upjohn  Fellow  in  Research. 
The  appointment  of  two  assistants  to  fill 
Mr.  Pryer's  place,  was  also  authorized. — 
The  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee  was 
authorized  to  make  certain  changes  in  the 
basement  of  Palmer  Ward  as  requested  by 
Dr.  Cowie. — Dr.  Peterson  and  Dr.  Barrett 
appeared  before  the  Board  and  presented 
arguments  in  favor  of  the  establishment  of 
a  department  of  serology  in  connection  with 
the  University  Hospital. — ^It  was  declared 
upon  motion  to  be  the  sense  of  the  Board 
that  the  entire  time  of  Dr.  Ide  be  taken  by 
the  Psychopathic  Hospital  and  the  Univer- 
sity Hospital  and  that  the  matter  of  an 
equitable  distribution  of  the  income  from 
charges  for  outside  work  be  left  with  Re- 
gent Sawyer;  the  sum  of  $1200  was  added 
to  the  budget. — ^The  gift  to  the  University 
of  a  set  of  intubation  instruments,  by  Mrs. 
Alice  Kremers,  of  Holland,  Mich.,  was 
accepted,  with  thanks.— The  Library  Com- 
mittee reported  upon  a  communication  re- 
ceived earlier  from  Librarian  T.  W.  Koch 
in  regard  to  the  readjustment  of  salaries  in 
the  General  Library.  The  salaries  of  F.  L. 
D.  Goodrich  and  Florence  A.  Lenhart,  were 
increased. — The  resignation  of  Miss  Franc 
Pattison  from  the  General  Library  staff 
was  accepted  with  regret. — ^The  sum  of  $400 
was  added  to  the  budget  of  the  Department 
of  Civil  Engineering  to  provide  for  a  lab- 
"  oratory  assistant  for  testing  road  materials 
for  municipalities,  towns,  and  counties  in 
the  state. — The  Director  of  University  Ex- 
tension was  authorized  to  establish  an  ex- 
tension course  at  Saginaw,  .similar  to  the 
one  being  offered  at  L^^.^it. — ^The  report 
of  the  Executive  Committee  was  presented 
by  the  President,  and  accepted.  The  report 
included  the  folk>wing  actions:  The 
fitting  up,  as  a  laboratory  of  the 
west  basement  room  of  the  Dental  Build- 
ing owing  to  increase  of  attendance  in  the 
College  of  Dental  Surgery  and  the  pur- 
chase for  this  room  of  two  electric  motors; 
an  addition  to  the  zoological  budget  of 
$200.00  for  a  technical  assistant  and  of 
$200.00  for  a  teaching  assistant  owing  to 
an  increase  of  sixty  students  in  the  depart- 
ment of  Zoology,  it  being  understood  that 
the  $200.00  allowed  for  a  technical  assistant 
should  be  added  to  the  $300.00  already 
allowed  for  that  purpose,  it  having  been 
found  impossible  to  secure  any  one  for  the 

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place  at  a  salary  less  than  $500.00;  the 
appointment  of  Mr.  Richard  O.  Ficken, 
A.M.,  as  Instructor  in  German  in 
place  of  Mr.  Alvin  D.  Schuessler,  resigned; 
the  appointment  of  Mr.  John  J.  Cox,  In- 
structor in  Civil  Engineering,  to  attend  as 
a  delegate,  at  the  expense  of  the  Univer- 
sity, the  Fourth  American  Road  Congress, 
to  be  held  in  Atlanta,  the  week  of  Novem- 
ber 9,  1914;  the  granting  of  leave  of 
absence  for  one  year  to  Dr.  J.  G.  Cumming, 
head  of  the  Pasteur  Institute.— The  fol- 
lowing appointments  in  the  Department  of 
Engineering  were  also  made:  Mr.  Frank 
Alexander  Mickle,  M.E.,  Instructor  in  De- 
scriptive Geometry  and  Drawing  in  place 
of  Mr.  D.  C.  Miller,  resigned.  Mr.  Julius 
Clark  Palmer,  B.S.,  Instructor  in  Descrip- 
tive Geometry  and  Drawing,  to  succeed  Mr. 
Frank  P.  McGrath,  resigned.  Mr.  Clyde 
Elmore  Wilson,  B.M.E.,  Instructor  in  Me- 
chanical Engineering,  to  be  paid  by  Junior 
Professor  Joseph  A.  Bursley,  who  is  on 
leave  of  absence.  Mr.  George  Wright,  In- 
structor in  English  for  the  first  semester  to 
take  the  place  of  Mr.  Arthur  D.  DeFoe.— 
The  appomtment  of  an  additional  assistant 
in  tfie  beginner's  English  'History  course  on 
account  of  the  largely  increased  attendance 
and  of  temporary  additional  assistants  in 
the  department  of  Physics  was  authorized. 
—The  gift  to  the  General  Lib- 
rary of  the  St.  Louis  Edition  of  Luther's 
Collected  Works,  was  accepted  with  thanks 
to  the  donor,  Mr.  Waldo  M.  Abbot,  of  Ann 
Arbor.— The  matter  of  the  electrification  of 
the  railroad  to  the  power  house  was  re- 
ferred to  the  Buildings  and  Grounds  Com- 
mitte  for  report,  including  detailed  esti- 
mates of  cost,  at  the  next  meeting. — Dr. 
George  Irving  Naylor  was  appointed  In- 
structor in  Surgery  and  Clinical  Surgery 
and  Registrar  of  the  Homoeopathic  Medical 
College  for  one  year. — Dean  Cooley  re- 
ported that  the  Crane  Company,  of  Chicago, 
had  presented  to  the  University  a  very 
handsome  and  expensive  exhibit  of  the 
specialties  manufar^red  by  them.  The 
exhibit  was  accepce^rSvith  thanks. — A  com- 
munication was  received  from  Dean  Cooley 
in  regard  to  the  proposed  combined  Liter- 
ary Engineering  course  with  Albion  College, 
stating  that  at  a  meeting  of  the  Faculty  of 
the  Department  of  Engineering,  September 
25,  it  was  voted  to  recommend  to  the 
Regents  that  the  proposed  combined  Course 
be  approved,  in  accordance  with  the  fol- 
lowing letter  from  Professor  Clarence  W. 
Greene,  of  Albion  College,  the  arrangement 
of  the  curricula  and  other  details  to  be  sub- 
ject to  approval  by  the  Faculty  of  the 
E>epartment  of  Engineering. 

Dear  Professor  Cooley:— 

You  will   recall   the  conference  held  last  year 
in  President  Hutchins'  room  between  the  Deans 

of  the  various  departments  of  the  University  and 
a  committee  from  the  faculty  of  Albion  College. 
At  that  conference  you  suggested  that  it  would 
be  desirable  for  our  faculty  to  provide  for  the 
first  three  ^ears  of  the  Five  Year  Combined 
Literary-Engineering  Course  and  to  confer  the 
Degree  of  Bachelor  of  Arts  upon  our  students 
these  three  years  of  work  and  the 
work  in  the  Department  of  Engi- 

who  complete  these  three  years  of  work  and  the 
Junior  Year's  work  in  the  Department  of  Engi- 
neering of  the  University.  Our  faculty  voted 
favorably    and    our   committee   has    arranged   the 

courses  for  three  years  as  indosed.  If  you  deem 
it  wise  to  substitute  for  any  of  the  courses  raven 
in  our  outline  other  courses  given  in  our  Year 
Book,  we  shall  be  pleased  to  make  the  change. 

(The  balance  of  the  letter  refers  to  cumcula 
and  is  omitted.) 

September  26,  19 14. 

— ^This  arrangement  was  approved,  pro- 
vided that  the  courses  offered  at  Albion 
College  be  approved  by  the  Faculty  of  the 
Department  of  Engineering.— The  sum  of 
$55  was  allowed  for  the  purchase  of  lantern 
slides  to  illustrate  lectures  by  Professor  C. 
L.  Meader  on  Russian  literature  and  gen- 
eral linguistics. — Miss  Martha  Madson  was 
appointed  as  Medical  Assistant  to  Dr.  Elsie 
Seelye  Pratt  of  the  University  Health  Ser- 
vice.—Certain  appointments  in  Anatomy,  as 
recommended  by  Dr.  Huber,  were  made 
including  that  of  John  Locke  Worcester, 
M.D.,  as  Instructor  in  Anatomy;  of  -Stacy 
Rufus  Guild,  A.B.,  as  Instructor  in  His- 
tology, and  Wa3me  Jason  At  well,  A.B.,  as 
Instructor  in  Histology.— The  President 
presented  a  report  by  Dean  Guthe  upon  the 
Summer  Camp  and  Biological  Station, 
which  was  accepted. — ^T4ie  request  of  Mr. 
Draper  for  a  fire-proof  vault  in  connection 
with  his  office,  was  granted,  the  extension 
to  the  office  building  to  be  made  to  the 
north.— The  title  of  Professor  E.  D.  Camp- 
bell was  changed  to  read,  "Professor  of 
Chemistry  and  Director  of  the  Chemical 
Laboratory."— The  sum  of  $1200  was  added 
to  the  budget  of  the  department  of  Mathe- 
matics (Literature,  Science,  and  the  Arts) 
to  provide  for  four  assistants. — ^The  sum  of 
$600  was  added  to  the  budget  of  the  depart- 
ment of  Physics  to  provide  for  an  addition- 
al assistant,  or  two  student  assistants  at 
$300  each,  and  the  sum  of  $400  was  added 
to  the  equipment  budget. — Mr.  Clifford 
Conklin  Glover  was  appointed  Instructor 
in  Pharmacy  to  succeed  W.  S.  Hubbard, 
resigned. — I>ean  Julius  O.  Schlotter- 
beck  gave  notice  that  the  Flavor- 
ing Extract  Manufacturers'  Association  of 
the  LTnited  States  had  given  $500  for  the 
establishment  of  a  fellowship  in  the  School 
of  Pharmacy.  This  donation  was  accepted, 
with  the  thanks  of  the  board.  Mr.  John  R. 
Dean  was  appointed  to  the  Fellows"hip. — 
Paul  Henry  DeKruif  was  appointed  In- 
structor in  Bacteriology,  vice  Charles  A. 
Behrens,  resigned,  and  Charles  E.  Abell, 
M.D.,  was  appointed  Instructor  in  Oph- 
thalmology.— Following  the  recommenda- 
tion of  the  Executive  Board  of  the  Grad- 

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uate    Department    the    following    degrees 

were  voted: — 

•     Master  of  Science. 

Jacob  Sylvester  Brown,  A.B.,  1913. 

CliflFord  Conklin  Glover,  B.S.  (in  Pharmacy),  1913. 

Judd  Brittain  Kelly,  A.B.,   1908. 

Clyde  CoUett  Lecson,  A.B.,  Albion  College,   1908. 

Walter  Ferguson  Lewis,  B.S.,   1895. 

Willard  Riggs  Line,  B.S.,  University  of  Rochester, 

Felix    Wadyslaw    Pawlowski,    Certificat    d'Etuds, 
l''niversity  of   Paris,   19 10. 

Wilber  Irving  Robinson,   B.S.,   191 2. 

Walter  Eugene  Thrun,  A.B.,  1912. 

Walter  Hiram  Wadleigh,  A.B.,  1907. 
Master  of  Arts. 

John  William  Baldwin,  A.B.,  Lebanon  University, 

William      Edward      Bingham,      B.D.,      Meadville 
Theological    School,    1913. 

Lucy  Caroline   Bishop,  A.B.,   1906. 

Solomon  Jeffords  Brainerd,  A.B.,   Olivet   College, 

Edward  LeRoy  Cole,  A.B.,  1913. 

Jennie   Gertrude   Fuerstenau,  A.B.,    1913- 

Stacy  Rufus  Guild,  A.B.,  Washburn  College,  1910. 

Frank   Hendry,   A.B.,    1909. 

William    Christian    LcVan,    A.B.,    DePauw    Uni- 
versity,  1907. 

Frederick  Arnold  Middlebush,  A.B.,  1913. 

Ivan  Packard,  A.B.,  Albion  College,  191 2. 

Abigail  Pearce,  Ph.B..   1895. 

Ned  Rudolph  Smith,  A.B.,  1912. 

Minnie  Snure,  A.B.,  1908. 

David  Andrew  Tucker,  A.B.,  Parker  College,  1909. 
A.M.,  ibid,  1910. 

Herman  John  Weigand,  A.B.,  191 3. 
Doctor  of  Philosophy. 

Gilbert    Hawthorne    Taylor,    A.B.,    DePauw    Uni- 
versity,  1909. 

— Dr.  E.  L.  Troxel  was  appointed  assistant 
curator  of  the  Geological  Museum;  and  an 
additional  sum  of  $200  was  allowed  the 
Geological  Museum  for  materials  and  an 
exhibition  case. — ^The  Board  took  a  recess 
to  attend  the  Convocation  exercises  in  the 
Hill  Auditorium. — The  resignation  of  Mr. 
D.  C.  Miller,  Instructor  in  Descriptive 
Geometry  and  Drawing,  was  accepted,  with 
regret. — Following  the  recommendation  of 
the  Executive  Board  of  the  Graduate  De- 
partment, the  following  appointments  to 
Fellowships  were  made: — 

fsoo   Fellowship. 
Miss  Alvalyn  E.  Woodward,  Ph.B.,  University  of 
Rochester,  1905,  M.S.,  ibid,  191 1,  in  place  of  Mr. 
Volncy  H.  Wells. 

$300  Pellowriiips. 
Mr.    Clarence    DeWitt    Thorpe,    A.B.,    Ellsworth 

College,  191 1,  A.M.,  University  of  Arizona,  1912. 
Mr.  Robert  Ellsworth  Brown,  A.B.,  University  of 

Illinois,     1910,    in    place    of    Miss    Alvalyn    E. 

Woodward  advanced  to  $500,  and  Mr.  William 

O.   Raymond,  resigned. 

Michigan  Gas  Association  Fellowships,  in 
Gas  Engineering,  at  9400. 
Mr.  Homer  Thomas  Hood,  B.Ch.E.,  1914. 
Mr.  Austin  Sinclair  Irvine,  B.Ch.E.,   1914. 

Acme    White    Lead   and    Color   Works 

Fellowship,  at  $300. 

Mr.    Carl   Louis   Schumann,    B.S.,    North   Dakota 

Agricultural  College,  1913,  M.S.,  June,  1914. 

— The  Board  adjourned  to  Tuesday,  No- 
vember 24,  1914. 


In  this  department   will   be   found   news  from  organizations,   rather   than   individuals,   among  th« 
alumni.     Letters  sent  us  for  publication  by  individuals  will,  however,  generally  appear  in  this  column. 


The  Alumni  Association  of  Alabama  will 
hold  a  reunion  and  get-together  meeting  in 
Birmingham  on  the  evening  of  Tuesday, 
November  17,  at  eight  o'clock,  at  the  Press 
Club.  All  alumni  in  the  vicinity  are  cor- 
dially invited  to  be  present. 

H.  F.  Pelham,  Secretary. 


The  first  meeting  of  the  Chicago  Alumnae 
Association  took  the  form  of  a  luncheon  on 
Saturday.  November  7,  in  the  Tower  Room 
of  the  Union  League  Club,  with  Mrs.  Ella 
Flagg  Young  and  Miss  Jane  Addams^as  the 
guests  of  honor.  Miss  Addams  addressed 
the  meeting,  and  music  was  furnished  by 
Mr.  Thomas  McClenaghan,  soloist  of  the 
Paulist  Choir,  and  Master  Bader  Warren. 
Regular  meetings  are  scheduled  to  be  held 
on  January  t6,  March  27,  and  May  i,  with 
a  special  meeting  on  February  22,  and  the 
speakers    include    Judge    Mary    Bartelme. 

Hon.  John  E.  Owens,  Mrs.  Elia  W.  Peattie, 
Hon.  Charles  S.  Cutting,  LL.D.  '07,  Mrs. 
Ellen  Van  Volkenburg  Browne,  '04,  and 
Governor  W.  N.  Ferris,  LL.D.  '13,  m'73-*74. 
Officers  for  the  coming  year  are  as  follows : 
president,  Mrs.  Charles  W.  Hills,  *9S-'96, 
rg6-'97;  vice-president,  Mrs.  A.  C.  Bart- 
lett,  '85;  secretary-treasurer,  Mrs.  E.  W. 
Connable,  '96-'oo. 

The  Board  of  Trustees  for  the  endow- 
ment fund  of  the  Association  consists  of 
Mrs.  Charles  W.  Hills,  Mrs.  A.  C.  Bartlett, 
Mrs.  Karl  K.  Koessler,  *oi,  Miss  Mary 
Zimmerman,  'Sp-'gi,  and  Mrs.  Gertrude 
Wade  Slocum,  '87-*92,  *93-'94.  Committees 
for  the  year  have  been  appointed  as  fol- 
lows : 

Social:  Mrs.  Harry  S.  Gradle,  '06;  Miss  Louise 
Fairman,  Ph.D.  '96;  Mrs.  William  K.  Mitchell; 
Mrs.  Leigh  Reilly,  *9i-*94;  Miss  Hazel 
H.  Whitaker,  '06;  Mrs.  Edith  Gary  Rogers,  *oa; 
Mrs.  Karl  K,  Koessler,  '01;  Dr.  Bertha  Van 
Hoosen,  '84,  '88m,  A.M.   (hon.)  '13. 

Executive:  Mrs.  Gertrude  Wade  Slocum,  '87- 
'92,   '93-'94;   Mrs.   Albert   Dickinson,   *77n't   Mrs. 

Digitized  by 





Charles  K.  Moore.  *90-*9i,  *92-*94;  Miss  Mary 
Zimmerman,    '89>'9i. 

Membership:  Miss  Julia  Herrick,  '92;  Dr. 
Theresa  K.  Abt.  '93m;  Miss  Louise  McKenzie, 
'00:  Miss  Caroline  Watson,  '93;  Mrs.  Louise 
Holden  Anderson,  '02. 

Music:  Mrs.  Alta  Beach  Edmonds. 


The  Alumni  Association  of  Chicago  ar- 
ranged for  wire  reports  of  the  Harvard, 
Pennsylvania  and  Cornell  games,  which 
were  received  at  the  University  Club. 


Beginning  with  October  8,  the  Cleveland 
Association  has  changed  the  time  and  place 
of  holding  its  regular  weekly  luncheons  to 
each  Thursday  from  12:00  to  1:00  P.  M. 
at  the  Chamber  of  Commerce.  A  table  in 
the  West  Wing  of  the  dining  room  on  the 
sixth  floor  is  reserved  for  the  use  of  the 
Association,  and  all  Michigan  men  are  cor- 
dially invited  to  be  present.  Last  year  the 
luncheons  were  held  at  the  Hollenden  Ho- 
tel. Irving  L.  Evans,  Secretary. 


With  an  almost  record-breaking  attend- 
ance of  nearly  two  hundred,  the  Detroit 
Club  held  its  first  Wednesday  luncheon  of 
the  season  at  the  Edelweiss  Cafe  on  Octo- 
ber 14.  Coach  Yost  was  present  as  the 
guest  of  honor,  with  Mr.  Bartelme,  of  the 
Athletic  Association,  and  their  talks  on  the 
football  situation  were  enthusiastically  re- 
ceived. At  the  second  luncheon  on  the 
twenty-first,  Hedley  V.  Richardson,  '93,  '94/, 
who  travelled  from  Florence  to  London 
after  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  told  his  ex- 
periences in  the  war  zone,  and  on  the  fol- 
lowing Wednesday  Governor  Ferris,  w'73- 
*74.  LL.D.  '13,  was  the  guest  of  honor  and 
speaker.  David  E.  Heineman,  '87,  spoke  at 
the  meeting  of  November  4  on  "The  After- 

On  Saturday,  the  thirty-first,  the  Club 
served  a  luncheon  at  the  Edelweiss  Cafe, 
when  returns  from  the  Harvard  game  were 
received  by  special  wire,  play  by  play.  The 
Harvard  Club  of  Detroit  and  the  Cornell 
Club  were  present  as  guests  of  the  Club, 
and  speeches  were  made  by  the  old  foot- 
ball men  who  did  not  go  down  to  the 

Officers  of  the  Club  for  the  coming  year 
ye  as  follows:  Walter  E.  Oxtoby,  '98/, 
president;  Charles  B.  Du  Charme,  '00,  vice- 
president  ;  James  M.  O'Dea,  '09^,  secretary ; 
Sidney  R.  Small,  '09^,  treasurer.  The  ex- 
ecutive board  consists  of  Frank  M.  Bren- 
nan,  '04/,  Fred  G.  Dewey,  '02,  William  A.  C. 
Miller,  'oo-'oi,  /'oi-'o2,  James  O.  Murfin, 
'o.^i,  '96/,  James  Strassburg,  '98-*02,  /'oi-'o2, 
Chester  Torbct,  and  Charles  A.  Hughes, 
•98-*oi,  roo-'oi. 


The  first  full  meeting  of  the  Kenosha 
L^niversity  of  Michigan  Club  was  held  on 
Tuesday  evening,  September  22,  at  the  res- 
idence of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  H.  Lyman, 
and  it  was  a  niost  enthusiastic  gathering. 
From  Mr.  E.  L.  Grant,  '66,  and  Mr.  Lyman, 
'68,  to  the  "infant,"  C.  G.  Pendill,  '13,  a 
goodly  number  of  classes  were  represented. 
The  complete  enrolment  follows:  C.  L. 
Grant,  '66,  F.  H.  Lyman,  '68,  H.  J.  Winsten, 
'98,  Aart '  Van  Westrienen,  *ggfn,  G.  N. 
Tremper,  '01,  Miss  Anna  J.  Miller,  '05,  J. 
F.  Hastings,  'o6m,  Mrs.  J.  F.  Hastings, 
01-03,  (Bernice  E.  Stretch,)  Eugene  T. 
Bermingham,  'o5-'o7,  C.  L.  Ritter,  'o8e,  R. 
S.  Bogg,  'loe,  J.  Maurice  Albers,  ^'o6-'o9, 
Miss  Florence  B.  Hammond,  '12,  Miss 
Katherine  G.  Tuomy,  '12,  A.  H.  Frehse, 
ex'i2^,  C.  G.  Pendill,  '13. 

G.  N.  Tremper  is  president  of  the  Asso- 
ciation for  the  coming  year,  and  C.  G.  Pen- 
dill is  secretary  and  treasurer.  All  the 
ladies  of  the  Association  are  to  act  as  vice- 
president,  when  the  necessity  arises,  in  or- 
der of  their  graduation. 

The  fore  part  of  the  evening  was  spent 
in  swapping  experiences,  or  as  they  were 
called  "alumnicie^."  Mr.  Lyman  has  a 
wonderfully  complete  and  well  preserved 
collection  of  old  pictures  of  professors,  stu- 
dents and  campus  scenes,  numerous  copies 
of  early  catalogues  and  volumes  of  "The 
Palladium,"  as  well  as  a  fund  of  entertain- 
ing reminiscences.  We  sang  to  piano  and 
mandolin  accompaniment,  and  with  diffi- 
culty settled  down  to  business.  It  was 
moved  that  the  next  meeting  be  held  on 
the  evening  of  October  31,  to  celebrate  the 
Harvard  game,  and  arrangements  were 
placed  in  the  hands  of  a  committee  headed 
by  Dr.  Hastings.  Even  at  this  early  date, 
plans  were  laid  for  the  attendance  of  the 
whole  club  at  the  Chicago  production  of 
the  Michigan  Union  Opera  next  spring.  So 
enthusiastic  and  enjoyable  was  the  meeting 
that  it  was  a  late  hour  when  we  sang  the 
"Yellow  and  the  Blue,"  cheered  old  Mich- 
igan and  adjourned. 

You  alumni  and  undergraduates  who  hap- 
pen into  this  part  of  Wisconsin,  remember 
us,  and  do  the  least  that  you  can  do — ^look 
us  up,  and  let  us  get  together. 

C.  G.  Pendill,  Secretary. 


The  University  of  Michigan  Alumni  As- 
sociation of  Southern  California  opened  its 
season  with  a  luncheon  at  the  University 
Club  on  October  9th.  A  large  gathering  of 
Michigan  men  was  present  and  had  the 
pleasure  of  an  informal  talk  by  that  splen- 
did speaker  and  staunch  friend  of  Michi- 
gan, President  Benjamin  Ide  Wheeler,  of 
the  Universitv  of  California. 

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The  following  officers  were  installed  for 
the  ensuing  Vear :  Myron  Westover,  '95/, 
president;  Judge  Nathaniel  P.  Con- 
rey,  '83/,  vice-president;  Raymond  S.  Tay- 
lor, '13/,  secretary;  Howard  B.  Drollinger, 
*07^,  treasurer. 

The  Association  meets  every  Friday  noon 
for  luncheon  at  the  University  Club  and 
all  Michigan  men  are  cordially  welcome  to 
attend.     Raymond  S.  Tayw)r,  Secretary. 


At  a  meeting  of  the  University  of  Mich- 
igan alumni  held  in  Mitchell,  S.  Dak.,  on 
October  i,  1914,  plans  for  the  organization 
of  the  South  Dakota  alumni  were  perfected. 

Hon.  William  H.  H.  Beadle,  '61,  A.M.  '64, 
'67/,  LL.D.  *02,  was  made  honorary  presi- 
dent of  the  Association.  Alvin  Waggoner, 
'06/,  of  Philip,  was  elected  president;  Roy 
E.  Willy,  '12/,  of  Platte,  secretary;  and  Miss 
Mabel  Wood,  '08,  of  Highmore,  treasurer. 

Another  meeting,  together  with  a  ban- 
quet, which  it  is  hoped  will  be  made  an  an- 
nual affair,  will  be  held  in  the  near  future. 
Roy  E.  Willy,  Secretary. 


Mrs.  Edward  F.  Parker  entertained  the 
Alumnae  Association  of  Pasadena  at  a  card 
party  at  the  Altecena  Country  Club  on  Sat- 
urday, October  17.  After  enjoying  a  social 
game  of  500,  refreshments  were  served, 
during  which  a  general  and  animated  dis- 
cussion of  the  constitutional  amendments, 
to  be  voted  on  at  the  November  elections, 
took  place.  Those  present  were:  Mesdames 
Mersereau,  Bailey,  Butler,  Taylor,  Parker, 
Clark,  and  Misses  Henion,  Cass,  Brown, 
and  Carhart. 

Alice  C.  Brown,  Secretary. 


A  Michigan  luncheon  and  smoker  was 
held  at  the  Hof  Brau  Cafe  by  the  San 
Francisco  Association,  on  Saturday,  Oc- 
tober 31.  Detailed  reports  of  the  Michigan- 
Harvard  game  were  sent  in  by  direct  wire 
from  the  grounds. 


Some  time  during  the  summer  the  New 
York  Alumni  extended  a  luncheon  to  Hon. 
Thomas  J.  O'Brien,  '65/.  The  vaguely  dated 
Gothamite  for  Midsummer,  1914,  (Vol.  5, 
No.  8),  gives  the  following  interesting  par- 
ticulars, but  is  somcAvhat  reticent  regarding 
the  date.  The  omission  was  noted  too  late 
for  The  Alumnus  to  send  a  "tracer"  for 
the  lost  article.  But  the  "story"  is  just 
as  good. 

After  a  short  informal  reception  and  a 
mingling  and  chatting  of  old  friends 
and  new  in  the  lobby  of  the  Lawyers*  Club, 

the  room  set  apart  for  the  luncheon  was 
comfortably  filled  by  the  fifty-six  members 
and  guests,  and  immediately  the  buzz  of 
conversation  was  resumed. 

The  buzz  suddenly  died  down  and  as 
suddenly  changed  to  a  roar — the  old  U.  of 
M.  yell.  And  a  yell  it  was.  Strange  how 
a  college  man  can  forget  all  he  ever  learned 
(or  learned  to  bluff  about)  in  Math,  Phys- 
ics, Torts,  Greek  or  Materia  Medica,  but  he 

THOMAS  JAMES  O'BRIEN,  '65L,  LL.D.  '08 
U.  S.  Minister  to  Denmark,  Japan  and  Italy 

never  forgets  his  old-time  college  yell.  It 
brings  him  back  over  a  stretch  of  long  ab- 
sence from  the  scenes  of  the  best  time  of 
his  life  and  transplants  him  into  the  land  of 
memory.  When  carried  along  on  that  wave 
of  psychologic  impulse,  nothing  seems  im- 
probable or  impossible  to  him.  "Prexy*' 
Gene  Worden  sensed  this  immediately  with 
that  ever-working  mind  of  his,  and  fran- 
tically signaled  to  Wade  Greene  to  get 
around  and  collect  some  dues,  but  Wade 
was  at  that  moment  too  far  up  in  the 
stands,  back  in  the  old  "Michigan  Hurry" 
times,  yelling  for  the  backs  to  put  over  a 
few  more  touchdowns.  So  was  the  rare 
opportunity  lost. 

And  Wade  was  by  no  means  the  only  one 
to  recall  the  scenes  of  memory.  Some 
among  the  crowd  were  down  on  that  field 
in  the  old  days,  not  rooting  but  fighting 
for  the  Maize  and  Blue.  One  in  particular 
felt  the  tension  of  alert  muscles  waiting 
for  the  ball  to  be  snapped.  "Mort"  Senter, 
'90-'95,  w*9S-'97,  just  back  from  a  long  stay 

Digitized  by 





in  the  jungles  of  Colombia,  S.  A.,  was  a 
mighty  strong  factor  on  the  football  team 
back  there  in  the  '90s.  He  was  on  the 
team  on  that  famous  trip  East,  playing  end, 
when  Harvard  scored  that  lone  heart- 
breaking touchdown  against  them.  To  such 
men  it  means  a  heap  to  get  together  to 
talk  over  old  times  with  old  chums  and 
hear  the  old  songs  and  yells. 

After  a  short  opener  by  Prexy  Worden, 
Mr.  Babst  spoke  in  his  usual  nailhitting 
style  on  the  subject  which  has  been  his  pet 
for  some  time — of  the  prominence  of  Mich- 
igan men  in  the  public  life  of  the  nation. 
"With  a  prevalence  of  college  men  in  the 
administrative  and  executive  offices  of  the 
country  and  its  possessions,  Michigan  leads 
in  some,  and  comes  close  to  leading 
in  many  other  departments  of  the  State 
and  nation.  This  is  no  idle  boast,  but  is 
a  fact,  of  which  we  are  justly  proud."  This 
was  the  gist  of  his  talk,  which  ended  with 
words  of  praise  for  the  work  done  by  Am- 
bassador O'Brien,  both  for  his  service  to 
his  country  and  his  part  in  elevating  the 
status  of  Michigan. 

The  genial  president  next  introduced  a 
man  from  the  Mikado's  Isle,  where  Mr. 
O'Brien  served  some  four  years  as  Ambas- 
sador. Dr.  Toyokichi  lyenaga  was  intro- 
duced as  a  neighbor  of  ours,  having  grad- 
uated in  1887  from  Oberlin,  taking  his 
Ph.D.  at  Johns  Hopkins  in  1890.  His  talk 
was  a  marvel.  If  the  staid  English  lan- 
guage can  be  made  at  once  so  straight  to 
the  point  and  so  artistically  flowery  by  one 
to  whom  it  is  a  comparative  stranger,  the 
Japanese  tongue  must  certainly  be  capable 
of  the  most  delicate  and  beautiful  phrase- 

Dr.  lyenaga  spoke  of  the  diplomatic  re- 
lations between  Japan  and  the  United 
States,  which  started  with  the  advent  of 
Admiral  Perry  with  his  peaceful  fleet  of , 
war  in  the  principal  harbor  of  that  country, 
which  had  for  all  time  been  barred  to  for- 
eigners. From  this  start  the  peaceful  rela- 
tions which  existed  with  this  country  kept 
on  unbroken  for  half  a  century;  foreign 
trade  with  all  the  nations  was  built  up, 
and  the  Japanese  prospered  and  forged 
ahead  as  a  result  of  their  sudden  awaken- 
ing. But,  as  is  the  case  with  most  civilized 
nations,  the  dove  of  peace  was  incarcerated 
and  generally  maltreated  when  the  little 
brown  men  so  vigorously  twisted  the  tail 
of  the  Chinese  Dragon,  and  showed  their 
prowess  on  both  land  and  sea  when  they 
stopped  the  growls  of  the  Russian  Bear. 

The  prestige  thus  gained  as  a  nation  of 
war  caused  various  rumors  as  to  an  inten- 
tion on  their  part  to  expand  territorially  by 
seizing  the  Philippines  and  Hawaii.  Quite 
a  large  element  fully  believed  this  to  be  a 
certamty,  and  Nippon  was  looked  upon  as 

a  deadly  menace  to  the  United  States  in 
particular.  This  state  of  mind  of  the 
American  people,  made  much  of  as  it  was 
in  the  newspapers,  together  with  the  first 
mutterings  of  the  trouble  over  the  Cali- 
fornia land  question,  served  to  make  the 
diplomatic  relations  between  the  two  coun- 
tries rather  strained. 

All  this  was  just  prior  to  the  time  that 
Mr.  O'Brien  took  the  ambassadorial  reins 
in  hand.  While  it  cannot  be  said  that  the 
state  of  the  feelings  between  the  Japanese 
and  the  Americans  is  as  amicable  as  in  that 
peaceful  half  century  before,  Dr.  lyenaga 
assured  us  that  from  the  time  Mr.  O'Brien 
had  taken  charge  until  he  returned  the  re- 
lations had  shown  a  most  remarkable 
change  on  the  side  of  improvement.  And, 
indeed,  with  a  nation  of  men  of  the  type 
of  Dr.  lyenaga,  one  cannot  imagine  any 
but  pleasant  and  prosperous  relations  to 

Mr.  O'Brien  replied  briefly,  with  an  ex- 
pression of  his  appreciation  of  the  honor 
tendered  him  by  the  Club  and  a  sincere 
desire  for  the  success  of  all  Michigan  men. 
It  was  somewhat  of  a  surprise  to  him  to 
learn  that  there  are  such  a  large  number 
of  our  alumni  in  New  York  City.  Quite 
a  sure  sign,  indeed,  of  the  extensive  dis- 
tribution of  the  graduates. 


The  Club  of  University  of  Michigan  Wo- 
men of  Minneapolis  was  entertained  Thurs- 
day, October  29,  at  the  home  of  the  pres- 
ident, Mrs.  F.  S.  Martin,  '79-'8i,  (Florence 

The  officers  elected  for  the  coming  year 
are:  Mrs.  John  B.  Johnston,  '97,  (Juliet 
M.  Butler,)  president;  Miss  Betsey  Lee 
Hopkins,  '95,  vice-president ;  and  Miss  Min- 
nie Duensing,  '04,  secretary  and  treasurer. 
Lena  R.  MaLER, 
Secretary  for  1913-1914. 


The  following  reunion  ode  by  Michigan's 
first  President,  Henry  Philip  Tappan,  is  an 
interesting  supplement  to  Mr.  Finney's  arti- 
cle on  his  literary  remains  now  in  the  Uni- 
versity Library.  We  take  this  from  the 
July- August  number  of  the  Union  Alumni 
Monthly.  It  is  dated  1825,  and  was  there- 
fore written  when  President  was  a  senior 
at  Union. 

Air :   America, 

Brothers  I  we're  here  once  more — 
Not  as  in  davs  of  yore. 

When  life  was  )roung. 
And  'mid  that  morning  lignt, 
Hope,  as  an  angel  bright, 
Before  our  raptured  sight 

Her  visions  hung. 

Digitized  by 





Home  of  our  early  thought  I 
Where,  hand  in  hand,  we  sought 

Knowledge  and  truth. 
Receive  us  back  again, 
Coming  as  care-worn  men, 
As  you  received  us  then 

In  early  youth. 

Some  are  not  with  us  here — 
Their  mem'rv  claims  a  tear — 

The  hallowed   dead  I 
To  brighter  worlds  now  flown. 
Their  work  of  life  well  done. 
For  noble  thoughts  were  sown 

Ere  they  had  fled. 

Here  let  us  pledge  our  truth, 
As  erst  in  early  youth, 

Faithful  to  be  I 
The  honored  name  we  bear. 

The  holy  trusts  we  share. 
Claim  that  we  do  and  dare 
All  manfully. 

A  higher  life  to  live, 

More  precious  gifts  to  give ; 

This  is  our  part ; 
That,  when  our  work  is  done 
And  we  the  prize  have  won, 
We,   like  the   setting  sun, 

May  hence  depart. 

So  say  we  all  of  us. 
So  say  we  all  of  us. 

So  say  we  all; 
So  say  we  all  of  us, 
S«  say  we  all  of  us. 
So  say  we  all  of  us, 

So  say  we  all. 

Henry   Philip  Tappan,    1825. 


Announcements  of  marriages  should  be  mailed  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Alumni  Association.  When 
newspaper  clippings  are  sent,  be  sure  that  the  date  and  place  are  stated.  Distinguish  between  date 
of  paper  and  date  of  event  recorded. 

1890.  Frank  Allison  Bell,  '90/,  to  Mrs. 
PVances  Staley  O'Bear,  (Albion  Col- 
lege,) October  10,  1914.  at  Grosse 
Pointe,  Mich.  Address,  Negaunee, 

1902.  Roy  Dikeman  Chapin,  '98-'oi,  /'oo-'oi, 
to  Inez  Tiedeman,  November  4,  1914, 
at  Savannah,  Ga.  Address,  Beverly 
Road,  Grosse  Pointe,  Detroit,  Mich. 

1904.  Benjartiin  Franklin  Leib,  'oo-'oi,  /'98- 
'00,  *03-'o5,  to  Genevieve  Steele,  Oc- 
tober 6,  1 914,  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 
Address,  Care  of  the  Indianapolis 
Trust  Co.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

1907.  Charles  Lee  Bliss,  'oyd,  to  Leila  May 
Trcmbley,  October  28,  1914,  at  De- 
troit, Mich.  Address,  413V2  Bewick 
Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

1908.  Josephine  Dickerson  Fearon,  *o8,  to 
Edward  Jones  Winans,  (Willamette 
College,)  June  10,  1914,  at  Peking, 
China.  Address,  M.  E.  Compound, 
Peking,  China.  Dora  Fearon,  '09,  was 
maid  of  honor. 

1908.  Howard  Kingsbury  Holland,  *6Se,  to 
Alma  Schmid,  September  24,  1914,  at 
Manchester,  Mich.  Address,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

1908.  Mason  Pittman  Rumney,  '08^,  to 
Miriam  Hull,  October  17,  1914,  at 
Detroit,  Mich.  Address,  St.  Clair 
Ave.,  Grosse  Pointe,  Mich. 

1908.  Thomas  Robert  Woolley,  '08^,  to 
Grace  E.  Willits,  June  30,  1914.  at 
Youngstown,  Ohio.  Address,  The 
Bellmar,  Main  St.,  Worcester,  Mass. 

1908.  August  Edward  Camp,  'oSd,  to  Edna 
Cushway,  September  19,  1914,  at  San 
Diego,  Calif.  Address,  410  20th  St., 
San  Diego,  Calif. 

1909.  Joseph  Alkins  Andrew,  '09,  to  Eulora 
J.  Miller,  September  22,  1914,  at  La- 
fayette. Ind.  Address,  103  Andrew 
Place,  West  Lafayette,  Ind. 

1909.  Carl  Blackwood  Grawn,  '09,  J.D.  '11, 
to  Gertrude  Alice  Lock  wood,  Octo- 
ber 22,  1914,  at  Detroit,  Mich.  Ad- 
dress, 1 1 73  Cass  Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

1909.  Prentiss  Porter  Douglass,  '09/,  to 
Curry  Nugent,  September  23,  1914, 
at  Lexington,  Ky.  Address,  care 
Studebaker   Corporation,   Detroit. 

1910.  Julian  Perry  Bowen,  '10,  to  Louise 
Hopkins  Chapman,  October  14,  1914, 
at  Detroit,  Mich.  Address,  Detroit, 

1910.  Mary  Jeannette  Buck,  '10,  to  Otto  C 
Hagans,  (Kansas  State  Agricultural 
College,  '11,)  September  2,  1914,  at 
Detroit,  Mich.  Address,  Paola,  Kans. 

191 1.  Claribel    Armitage,    '11,    to    Stanley 
1913.    Roof  Thomas,  'i^e,  August  21,  1914, 

at  Highland  Park,  Mich.  Address, 
Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

191 1.  Lyman  Jerome  Craig,  '11,  to  Helen 
Irene  Lorimer,  October  14,  1914,  at 
Detroit,  Mich.  Address,  85  W.  Han- 
cock Ave.,  Detroit. 

191 1.  Chester  Arthur  Doty,  '11,  ^'o5-'o7, 
M.S.  '13,  to  Anna  M.  Lauer,  Septem- 
ber 2,  1914.  Address,  Detroit  College 
of  Medicine,  Detroit,  Mich. 

191 1.  Bertha  Louise  Fischer,  '11,  to  Carl 
F.  Spaeth,  October  11,  1914,  at  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich.  Address,  209  Packard 
St.,  Ann  Arbor. 

191 1.  Francis    Garfield    Hamilton,    '11,    to 

1912.  Barbara  Anita  Dewey,  '12,  October 
21,  1914,  at  Charlotte,  Mich.  Ad- 
dress, 427  Fifth  Ave.,  Ann  Arbor, 

Digitized  by 





191 1.  Frederick  Carew  Martindale,  'o7-'o9, 
to  Florence  Pitt  Downie,  October  14, 
at  Lansing,  Mich.  Address,  Lansing, 

191 1.  Harold  Lindsay  Wallace,  'o7-'o8,  to 
Grace  Ellen  Booth,  November  14, 
at  "Cranbrook,"  Birmingham,  Mich. 
Address,  Detroit.  Mich. 

191 1.  James  Ralph  Gibson,  'lie,  to  Alice 
Helen  Hoyt]  October  28,  1914,  at 
Owosso,  Mich.  Address,  126  N.  Shi- 
awassee St.,  Owosso,  Mich. 

191 1.  Carl  Frederick  Raiss,  *iie,  to  Edna 
F.  Kilcline,  November  4,  1914,  at  De- 
troit, Mich.  Address,  402  Canton 
Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

1912.  Hazel  Benn  Litchfield,  *o8-'o9,  to  C. 
Haines  Wilson,  October  29,  1914.  at 
Detroit,  Mich.  Address,  Detroit, 

1912.  Marguerite  Estelle  Reed,  *I2,  to  Dan- 
iel Chambers  Miller,  September  16, 
1 914,  at  Pasadena,  Calif.  Address, 
College  Station,  Tex. 

1912.  Lela  Florence  Rich,  *I2,  to  David 
Studebaker  Vesey,  '12,  September  19, 
1914,  at  Fort  Wayne,  Ind.  Address, 
454  Kinnaird  Ave.,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind. 

1912.  Elsie  Caroline  Ziegele,  '12,  to  George 
W.  Welsh,  September  14,  1914.  at 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.  Address,  Marshall, 

1912.  Edward  Charles  Pardon,  '12^,  to 
Wanda  Nevroth,  October  14,  1914. 
at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.  Address,  Foun- 
tain St.,  Ann  Arbor. 

1912.  Charles  Joseph  Kessler,  'i2e,  to 
Elizabeth  Lillian  Johannes,  June  22, 
1914,  at  Sandusky,  Ohio.  Address, 
615  Mills  St.,  Sandusky,  Ohio. 

19 1 2.  Roscoe  Osmond  Bonisteel,  *i2l,  to 
Lillian  Coleman  Rudolph,  September 
12,  1914,  at  Baltimore,  iMd.  Address, 
Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

1912.  Elmer  Presley  Grierson,  '12/,  to 
Phyllis  Murray,  June  18,  1914,  at 
Manchester,  Ohio.  Address,  142 
Lafayette  Blvd.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

1912.  John  Howard  Payne,  '12/,  'o7-'o8,  to 
Lura  Hanna  Masterson,  (Art  Insti- 
tute, Chicago,  *I4,)  20,  1914,  at 
Chicago,   111.     Address,    1061    Foster 

Ave.,  Apt.  I,  Chicago,  III.  Beverly 
B.  Vedder,  '09,  '12/,  was  an  attendant 
at  the  wedding. 

1912.  George  William  Cosper,  *i2d,  to 
Lauretta  Edith  Hertz,  November  5, 
19 14,  at  Detroit,  Moch.  Address, 
Detroit,  Mich. 

1913.  Herbert  Richard  Miller,  '13,  to  Helen 
M<:Gee,  October  6,  1914,  at  Fort 
Wayne,  Ind.  Address,  Fort  Wayne, 

1913.  Bruce  E.  Anderson,  *ise,  to  Gladys 
Olds,  October  17,  1914,  at  Lansing, 
Mich.    Address,  Lansing,  Mich. 

1913.  Maurice  Darius  Bensley,  '13^,  to 
Winifred  Tickner,  June  27,  1914,  at 
Sharpsville,  Pa.  Address,  81  Green- 
field St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

1914.  Thomas  Griggs  Abrams,  '14^,  to 
Vera  Agnes  Mann,  September  26, 
1914,  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.  Address, 
1 108  Liberty  St.,  Flint,  Mich. 

1914.  Henry  Post  Dutton,  '14^,  to  Lucy 
Brorens,  September  5,  1914,  at 
Buchanan,  Mich.  Address,  2224 
Grant  St.,  Evanston,  111. 

1914.  Christine  John,  '14,  to  Rudolph 
Reichert,  (October  21,  1914,  at  Ann 
Arbor.     Address,  Ann  Arbor. 

1914.    Madeline     McVoy,     '14,     to     Albert 

1916.  Bates  Parfet,  '16,  June  22,  1914.  Ad- 
dress, 908  Lincoln  Place,  Boulder, 

1914  Glenn  Elliott  Mapes,  '14^,  to  Lois 
Basselt,  September  16,  1914,  at  Ann 
Arbor,  *Mich.  Address,  Detroit, 

1914.  Josiah  Kirby  Lilly,  *i4p,  to  Ruth 
Brinkmeyer,  October  15,  1914,  at 
Indianapolis,  Ind.  Address,  Care  Eli 
Lilly  Co.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

1915.  Thomas  Hubbard  Bushnell,  Jr,  to 
Adele  Johnson,  October  3,  1913,  at 
Ann  Arbor.    Address,  Ann  Arbor. 

1916.  Robert  Kennard  Brown,  '16,  to 
Rheba  Marguerite  Benaway,  '16, 
June  19,  1914.  Address,  Pittsburgh, 

1916.  Norman  Leverette  Dolph,  *i6e,  to 
Eleanor  Morrison,  August  21,  1914, 
at  Ann  Arbor.    Address,  Ann  Arbor. 

Digitized  by 






This  department  of  The  Alumnus  is  conducted  by  Professor  Demmon.  In  order  to  mske  it  as 
complete  as  possible,  the  cooperation  of  subscribers  is  solicited.  Let  deaths  be  reported  promptly  as 
they  occur,  with  date  and  place.  Be  careful  to  distinguish  between  fact  and  rumor.  In  sending  news- 
paper  clippings,  particular  care  should  be  used  to  distinguish  between  the  date  of  the  paper  and  thA 
date  of  the  death  recorded.  Short  biographies  of  deceased  alumni  and  former  students  will  be  given 
space  when  sent  to  The  Alumnus. 

DepartmenU  and  classes  are  distinguished  the  same  in  the  News  from  the  Classes  column  (sett 
notice  thereunder)  and  elsewhere  in  the  magazine,  except  that  the  Department  of  Literature,  Science, 
and  the  Arts  is  distinguished  from  others  by  the  letter  a,  (arts). 


Literary  Department 

1862.  Charles  Henry  Lewis,  AjB.,  A.M.  '65. 
M.D.  *66,  d.  at  Jackson,  Mich.,  Oct 
7,  1914,  aged  74. 

1903.  Ida  Loyola  Brown,  A.B.,  d.  at  De- 
troit, Mich.,  July  3,  1914,  aged  37. 
Buried  at  Port  Huron,  Midi. 

1914.   Wesley  Gulley  Ives,  A.B.,  d.  at  Kla- 
math Agency,  Ore.,  Oct.  7,  1914,  aged 
23.    Buried  at  Dearborn,  Mich. 
Engineering  Department, 

1894.  Abraham  Kohn  Adler,B.S.(Mech.E.) 
d.  at  Chicago,  111.,  Oct  29,  1914,  aged 


Medical  Department, 

1865.  John  Fullerton  Hicks,  d.  at  Menom- 
inee, Mich.,  Oct  17,  1914,  aged  y6. 

1869.  John  Wesley  Jarvis,  Ph.C.  '69,  d.  at 
Waterford,  Pa.,  Sept  3,  1912,  aged 

1879.  Jennie  Mary  Turner,  of  Newark, 
N.  Y.,  d.  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  Sept 
17,  1914.  aged  61. 

1891.   Frank  Melvin  Thoms,  d.  at  I<ansing, 
Mich.,  Oct  6,  1914,  aged  45. 
Law  Department, 

1899.  Henry  Clinton  Hill,  LL.B.,  A.B. 
(Bowdoin)  '88,  d.  at  Lawrence,  Kan., 
April  7,  1913,  aged  46.  Buried  at 
Cape  Elizabeth,  Maine. 


Charles  Francis  Adams,  a*82-'85,  A.B.  (Am- 
herst) '77.  AJVI.  {ibid.)  '84,  d.  at 
Detroit,  Mich.,  Oct  29,  1914,  aged  60. 

tWilliam  Baird,  f73-'74,  Priv.  6th  'Mich. 
Cav.  1862-64,  ist  Lieut  23d  U.  S.  C.  T. 
1864-65,  d.   at  Ann  Arbor,   Oct   11, 

1914,  aged  74.     Buried  at  St  Clair, 

Theressa    Grace    Bedford,    a'89-'90,    (Mrs. 

Thomas  0.  Mays,)  d.  at  Boise,  Idaho, 

July  s,  1913,  aged  44.    Buried  at  Salt 

Lake  City,  Utah. 
tWilliam  Frisbie,   m'56-'58.   M.D.    (N.   Y. 

Univ.)    '60,   Capt    8th    N.    Y.    Cav. 

1861-62,    d.    at    Minneapolis,    Minn., 

Sept   15,   1914,  aged  79.     Buried  at 

Mankato,  Minn. 
Alvin  Haskell,  a^'i3-'i4,  d.  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y., 

Oct.  5,  1914,  aged  19. 
Josephine     Alice     Line,     w'oo-'oi,     M.D. 

(Rush)    '03,   Ph.B.    (Hiram)    '99.  d. 

at  Troy,  Ohio,  Aug.  17,  1914,  aged  37. 
Myrtle  Olive  Lloyd,  r88-'89,  Ph.B.    (Iowa 

State)   '88,  LL.B.   {ibid,)   '90,   (Mrs. 

James  L.  Kennedy,)  d.  at  Sioux  City, 

Iowa,  June  8,  1914,  aged  47. 
Richard  Francis  O'Hora,  rf'i2-'i3,  m'i3-'is, 

B.S.  (Hobart)  '12,  d.  at  Ann  Arbor, 

Oct.  29,    1914,   aged   25.     Buried  at 

Geneva,  N.  Y. 
tMyron    Holly    Parmelee,    a'67-'68,    M.D. 

(Chi.   Hahn.)    '70,   Priv.   130th  Ohio 

Inf.      1864-65,      Professor     in     the 

Homoeopathic  Medical  College,  1895- 

97,  d.  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  Sept.  22,  1914, 

aged  64. 
John   Louis   Phillips,  fn'7i-'72,   d.   at  Ann 

Arbor,  Aug.  30,  I9i4»  aged  74. 
James  Cecil  Samson,  m'o7-'io,  d.  at  Erin, 

Ont.,  Aug.  21,  1914,  aged  29. 
Lorenzo  Thomas  Southworth,  m*7i-'72,  d. 

at  Custer,  Mich.,  June  27,  1913,  aged 

Isaac     Newton     Willard,     w'72-*73,    -M.D. 

(Bellevue)  '75,  d.  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y., 

Sept.  25,  1914,  aged  65. 


The  Alumnus  reviews  recently  published  works  by  aliimni,  former  students,  or  members  of  the 
Faculty^  and  works  directly  relating  to  the  University.  Copies  of  such  books,  sent  for  review,  are 
placed  in  the  Alumni  Library  in  the  Alumni  Room. 


In  putting  out  the  verse  of  Leonard 
Lanson  Cline,  the  Poet  Lore  Company  has 
done  something  more  than  merely  add  one 
more  to  the  many  thin  books  of  miscel- 
laneous poetry.     On  a  number  of  varied 

themes,  and  grouped  only  under  the  simple 
title,  "Poems,**  the  verses  are  all  touched 
with  a  genuine  artistic  passion  and  true 
sense  of  beauty.  In  the  dedicatory  piece 
and  in  several  sonnets,  Mr.  Cline  reaches 
a  very  high  plane  with  ease  and  original 

Digitized  by 





force.  'He  imlulges  in  archaisms  and  intri- 
cacies of  expression  but  his  thought  has 
sufficient  vitality  to  make  itself  clear.  In 
some  cases,  notably  in  the  sonnet  entitled 
"Rossetti,"  careless  proof  reading  has  re- 
sulted in  bad  spelling  and  the  obscurity  is 
not  the  poet's  fault  The  work  of  the 
volume  as  a  whole  is  promising  in  spirit 
and  temperament  and  should  interest  lovers 
of  poetry  in  'Mr.  Oine's  future  work. 

L.  L.  B. 
Poems,  by  Leonard  Lanson  Cline,  'lo-'ij. 

Boston,  Mass.    The  Poet  Lore  Company, 



In  the  third,  as  in  the  first  volume  of  his 
Representative  English  Comedies,  Profes- 
sor Charles  Mills  Gayley  has  gathered  the 
critical  opinions  of  a  number  of  American 
and  English  scholars  on  an  interesting 
group  of  the  later  contemporaries  of 
Shakespeare  and  introduces  their  work  with 
the  second  part  of  the  essay  which  was 
begun  in  the  second  volume,  on  a  compara- 
tive view  of  Shakespeare's  followers.  The 
critical  essays,  each  of  which  introduces  a 
separate  play,  are  all  in  substantial  agree- 
ment with  Professor  Gayley's  opinion  that 
the  oblivion  which  has  fallen  upon  the 
plays  is  not  altogether  undeserved.  Pro- 
fessor A.  F.  Lange,  of  California,  edits  and 
discusses  Dekker;  H.  Butler  Clarke,  of 
Oxford,  Middleton  and  Rowley;  Professor 
Saintsbury,  of  Edinburgh,  writes  on  Flet- 
cher; Brander  Matthews  on  Massinger; 
George  P.  Baker  on  Brome,  and  Sir  A.  W. 
Ward,  of  Cambridge,  on  Shirley. 

The  effort  in  editions  and  introductory 
discussion  has  been  to  meet  the  needs  of 
the  student  rather  than  the  general  reader, 
and  the  volume  contains  a  surprising  col- 
lection of  historical  data  and  discussion. 
Not  only  the  individuals,  but  theatrical  his- 
tory and  general  movements  are  discussed. 
Professor  Saintsbur/s  essay  on  Fletcher 
is  not  so  complete,  perhaps,  as  the  others, 
but  makes  up  for  it  in  spirit  and  style.  The 
editions  of  the  plays  are  modernized  only 
as  much  as  seems  necessary.  Editions, 
notes,  and  critical  essays  together  offer  the 
student  a  copiously  detailed  description  of 
the  principal  plays  and  poets  of  the  period 

beginning  with  Shakespeare's  late  maturity 
and  ending  twenty  years  after  his  death. 

L.  L.  B. 
The  Later  Contemporaries  of  Shakespeare, 
Vol  III  of  the  Representative  English 
Comedies.  By  Charles  Mills  Gayley,  '78, 
Litt.D.,  LL.D.,  Professor  of  the  English 
Language  and  Literature  in  the  Univer- 
sity of  California.  New  York.  The 
Macmillan  Co.,  1914. 


Professor  Filibert  Roth,  '89,  is  the  author 
of  a  book  entitled,  "Forestry  Regulation," 
which  was  recently  published,  and  is  now 
being  used  as  a  textbook  in  the  Forestry 
Department  of  the  University. 

Professor  C.  T.  Johnston,  of  the  Engi- 
neering Department,  is  the  author  of  an 
article  entitled,  **Some  Principles  Relating 
to  the  Administration  of  •Streams,"  which 
was  published  recently  in  the  Transactions 
of  the  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers, 

From  the  University  of  Virginia  Alumni 
News,  we  learn  that  Mr.  Sidney  Fiske  Kim- 
ball, an  instructor  in  the  Department  o^ 
Architecture  in  the  University,  will  publish 
this  winter  his  book,  "Thomas  Jefferson  as 
Architect."  It  will  contain  the  original 
drawings  of  Jefferson  for  Monticello  and 
many  other  Virginia  homes,  for  the  Capitol 
at  Richmond  and  other  buildings,  as  well  as 
important  letters  and  drawings.  The  new 
work  will  supplement  the  book  on  the  same 
subject  publisihed  last  year  by  Dr.  William 
A.  Lambeth,  of  the  University  of  Virginia. 

The  October  number  of  The  Journal  of 
Industrial  and  Engineering  Chemistry  con- 
tains papers  by  Professor  E.  E.  Ware,  who 
writes  on  "Examination  of  Chinese  Wood 
Oil,"  and  Samuel  H.  Regester,  whose  death 
occurred  last  spring  just  before  he  was  to 
receive  his  doctor's  degree.  His  subject 
was  **Oxidation  of  Sulphur  Compounds  of 
Coal  and  of  Nitrogen."  There  is  also  an 
account  of  the  Ann  Arbor  Water  Purifica- 
tion Plant  given  by  Mr.  R.  W.  Pryer,  in  his 
article,  "Water  Purification  by  Ozone,"  Mr. 
Pryer  spent  some  time  in  Ann  Arbor  in 
connection  with  the  plant,  and  in  his  paper 
explains  its  impracticality  and  the  reasons 
for  its  failure. 

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1  lO 




To  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Alumni 
Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan, 
I  beg  to  submit  the  following  report,  from 
September  2  to  November  2,  1914,  inclusive: 

Endowment  memberships,  perma- 
nent   $  13600 

End.  memberships,  usable 34  00 

Annual  memberships 770  70 

Adv.  in  Alumnus 261  75 

Interest 261  00 

Univ.  of  Mich.  Advertising 150  00 

Sale  of  Alumnus i  25 

Sundries    8  88 

Discount  on  bonds  purchased 2  50 

Total  cash  receipts $  1626  08 

Cash  and  bonds  on  hand  Sept.  2, 
1914   26710  25 

$28336  33 
Vouchers  2307  to  2317,  inclusive. 

Second-class   postage    $      6401 

Salary,  Secretary  833  32 

Salary,  Assistant   Secretary 120  00 

Accrued  interest  advanced 916 

Imprest  cash: 

Second-class  postage $  5  56 

Exp.  for  advertising 38  73 

Printing  and  stationery..  11  65 

Incidentals    22  55 

Engraving  2  50 

Postage    32  00 

Office  help 51  78 

164  77 

Total  cash  expenditures $  1191  26 

Endowment  fund,  cash   254  73 

Endowment  fund,  bonds ;  26150  00 

Available  cash,  Treasurer 630  34 

Imprest  cash.  Secretary no  00 

$28336  33 

Advance  Subscription  Fund. 

Amount  on  hand  Sept.  2 $  1298  80 

Receipts  to  Nov.  2 221  75 

$  1520  55 
Advanced  to  running  expenses  of 
Association   1000  00 

Total  expenditures $  1026  49 

Balance  $    520  55 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Wilfred  B.  Shaw,  Sec*y. 


Alumni  arc  requested  to  contribute  to  this  department.  When  newspaper  clippings  are  sent,  b« 
sure  that  date  and  place  are  stated.  Distinguish  between  date  of  paper  and  date  of  event  recorded. 
Report  all  errors  at  once.  Addressed  envelopes  will  be  furnished  to  anyone  who  will  use  them  in 
regularly  sending  news  for  these  columns. 

The  different  departments  and  classes  are  distinguished  as  follows:  Where  simply  the  year  of 
graduation  or  the  period  of  residence  is  stated,  the  literary  department  is  indicated:  e,  stands  for 
engineering  department;  m,  medical;  1,  law;  p,  pharmacy;  h,  homoeopathic;  d,  dental;  (non.)  honorary. 
Two  figures  preceded  bjr  an  apostrophe  indicate  the  year  of  graduation.  Two  figures  separated  from 
two  others  by  a  dash,    indicate   the  period   of   residence  of  a   non-graduate. 


'89.      E.   B.   Perry.   Bay   City,  Mich.,  Secretary. 

Herbert  S.  Crocker,  'Sge,  is  a  consulting  engi- 
neer, with  ofHces  at  308  Tramway  Bldg.,  Denver, 


•00.  Mrs.  Hennr  M.  Gelston,  Butler  Coll.,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind.,  Secretary  for  Women:  John  W. 
Bradshaw,   Ann   Arbor,    Secretary   for   Men. 

'ool.  Curtis  L.  Converse,  Hartman  Bldg.,  Co- 
lumbus,   O. 

Walter  S.  Penfield,  '00,  of  Washington,  as  an 
incentive  to  the  study  of  international  law,  has 
established  at  the  Law  School  of  Georgetown 
University  the  William  h.  Penfield  prize  in 
memory  of  his  father,  a  graduate  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Michigan  in  1870,  and  formerly  solici- 
tor in  the  State  Department  and  Professor  of 
International  Law  at  Georgetown  University. 
The  prize  is  to  be  a  gold  medal,  to  be  presented 
each    year    for    the    best    essay    submitted    by    a 

student  of  the  post-graduate  class  on  a  topic 
of   international   law. 

Robert  E.  Kremers,  *ooe,  formerly  consult- 
ing  engineer  for  the  City  of  Portland,  Ore.,  has 
been  appointed  Chief  of  Highways  and  Bridges 
of  Portland. 

Dr.  Theodore  A.  Hoch,  'oom,  has  removed 
from  Worcester,  Mass.,  to  Waverly,  Mass.,  where 
he  is  connected  with  the  McLean  Hospital  for 
the  Insane. 


•01.  C  Leroy  Hill,  Secretary,  North  Fork, 

'01.  Annie  W.  Langley,  2037  Geddes  Ave., 
Ann  Arbor,  Secretary  for  women. 

'oim.  William  H.  Morley,  82  Rowena  St., 
Detroit,  Secretary. 

Harold  P.  Breitenbach.  '01,  A.M.  '03,  Ph.D. 
'09,  formerly  an  instructor  in  Rhetoric  in  the 
I'niversity,  and  Jacob  M.  Wiest,  '02,  are  two 
of  the  three  principals  of  the  Detroit  office  of  the 
J.    Walter    Thompson    Company,    a    national    ad- 

Digitized  by 





vertising  agency.  Among  their  assistants  is 
Gordon  C  Kldrcdgc,  '14.  The  office  has  adopted 
the  policy  of  taking  into  its  employ  two  or 
three  men  from  the  various  universities  each 
vear,  with  the  idea  of  training  them  for  its 
higher  positions. 

Eloise  Waring,  '01,  is  teaching  in  the  Grand 
Rapids  Central  High  School. 


'02.  Arthur  M.  Barrett,  3230  Calumet  Ave., 
Chicago,  Directory  Editor. 

'02.  Livia  A.  Moore,  Augusta,  Mich.,  Secretary 
for  Women. 

'02I.  Professor  Joseph  H.  Drake,  Ann  Arbor, 

Born,  to  Philip  E-  Bursley,  '02,  A.M.  '09, 
e'98-'99,  and  Mrs.  Bursley,  a  daughter,  on  Octo- 
ber 14,  191 4,  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.  Address, 
917  Olivia  St. 

"King"  Cole,  *02,  of  Steubenville,  Ohio,  who 
played  at  tackle  on  the  Michigan  Varsity  team 
m  1902,  was  engaged  to  coach  the  reserves  this 
fall,  taking  the  place  which  James  B.  Craig,  'i4e, 
resigned.  Mr.  Cole's  last  coaching  position  was 
at  Marietta  College,  Ohio,  and  before  that  he 
was  head  coach  at  Virginia  and  Nebraska. 

Carl  O.  Kloepfer,  '02,  has  removed  from  Min- 
neapolis to  Kokomo,  Ind.,  where  he  is  vice- 
president   of   the   Kokomo    Dispatch. 

George  E.  Leonard,  '02I,  is  auditor  of  the 
Northern  Assurance  Company  of  Michigan,  with 
offices  in  Detroit 

Onslow  W.  Messimer,  r99-'oo,  'oo-'oi,  notice  of 
whose  marriage  was  given  in  the  October  Alum- 
nus, is  in  the  real  estate  business  in  New  York 
City,  as  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Messimer  & 
Carreau,  101    I*ark  Ave. 


•03.  Chrissie  II.  Haller,  t6  W.  Euclid  Ave, 
Detroit,  Mich.,  Secretary  for  women. 

•03.  Thurlow  E.  Coon,  1924  Ford  Bldg.,  De- 
troit, Secretary  for  men. 

•o3e.  Willis  F.  Bickel,  603  Security  Bk.  Bldg., 
Cedar   Rapids,  la.,   Secretary. 

'o3ni.  Arthur  P.  Reed,  8  Franklin  Square, 
Rochester,  N.  Y.,  Secretary. 

*03l.  Mason  B.  Lawton,  31 5'  19th  St.,  N.  W., 
Washington,  D.  C,  Secretary. 

Dr.  Arthur  H.  Norton,  '03,  'o4h,  and  Mrs. 
Norton,  who  have  been  missionaries  at  Haiju, 
Korea,  for  some  time  past,  have  returned  to  Ann 
Arbor  on  furlough.  They  expect  to  spend  the 
next  year  in  Ann  Arbor,  although  Dr.  Norton 
plans  to  be  in  Chicago  part  of  the  time.  Ad- 
dress, 632  Church  St. 

Carleton  W.  Washburn,  *o3,  '05!,  is  manager 
of  the   Richardson  Silk  Company,  of  Chicago. 

Karl  W.  Zimmerschied,  '03,  M.S.  '04,  is  now 
chief  metallurgist  for  the  General  Motors  Com- 
pany of  Detroit.  He  has  under  his  supervision 
all  of  the  factories  of  the  company,  and  is  the 
final  authority  on  the  kinds  of  material  used  in 
every  motor  turned  out.  Mr.  Zimmerschied  is 
also  vice-president  of  the  Society  of  Automobile 

Ralph  D.  Goodrich,  '030,  is  city  engineer  of 
Cheyenne,    Wyo. 

Professor  James  G.  Gumming,  '03m,  M.S.  Pub. 
Health,  '14,  of  the  Medical  Department  of  the 
University,  and  Director  of  the  Pasteur  Institute, 
has  been  granted  a  year's  leave  of  absence  in 
order  that  he  may  take  the  course  in  public  health 
at  Harvard  University. 

Edwin  R.  Van  der  Slice,  '03m,  has  just  been 
appointed  medical  director  of  the  Nebraska  State 
Sanatorium  for  Tuberculosis,  located  at  Kearney, 
Neb.  For  several  years  past  Dr.  Van  der  Slice 
has  been  on  the  medical  staff  of  the  Mont  Alto 
Pennsylvania    State    Sanatorium. 


'04.  Bethune  D.  Blain,  1017-18  Dime  Savings 
Bank  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Secretarv  for  men. 

'04.  Mrs.  Sarah  Hardy  Adams,  Ann  Arbor, 
Secretary  for  women. 

•o4e.  Alfred  C.  Finney,  33  Ray  St.,  Schenec- 
tady, N.  Y.,  Secretary. 

'04m.  George  A.  Seybold,  41  Sun  Bldg.,  Jack- 
son, Mich. 

•04I.     Roscoe  B.  Huston,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary. 

Richard  A.  Bolt,  '04,  'o6m,  who  has  been 
physician  with  Tsing  Hua  College,  at  Peking, 
China,  for  the  past  year,  was  in  the  United  States 
for  a  short  time  this  fall,  but  expected  to  sail 
on  November  21,  with  his  wife  and  children.  The 
college  is  the  United  States  Indemnity  School, 
which  makes  a  specialty  of  preparing  Chinese 
students  for  study  in  this  country. 

B.  Frank  Leib,  'oo-'oi,  TpS-'oo,  *03-'o5,  is  the 
insurance  expert  of  the  Indianapolis  Trust  Com- 
pany, Indianapolis,  Ind.  Notice  of  Mr.  Leib's 
marriage  appears  elsewhere  in  this  number. 

Arthur  H.  Vandenberg,  roi-'o2,  is  manager 
and  editor  of  the  Grand  Rapids  Herald,  owned 
by    Senator    William    Alden    Smith,    of    Michigan. 


•05.  Carl  E.  Parry,  21a  W.  10th  Ave.,  Colum- 
bus, O.,  Secretary  for  men;  Louise  E.  Georg,  347 
S.  Main  St.,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  Secretary  for 

'ose.  Fred  R.  Temple,  480  W.  Hancock  Ave., 
Detroit,  Mich.,  Secretary. 

'osm.  Hugo  A.  Freund,  Secretary,  537  Wood- 
ward Avt.j  Detroit. 

'05I.  Victor  E.  Van  Amcringen,  Ann  Arbor, 

Mrs.  J.  Burdctte  Bain,  '05,  (Edna  W.  Hare,)  is 
recovering  from  an  operation  which  was  per- 
formed in  a  hospital  in  Jamestown,  N.  Y.  She 
may  be  addressed  at  Kennedy,  N.  Y.  for  the 
next  two  or  three  months,  when  she  will  join 
Mr.  Bain,  '07,  who  has  a  position  in  the  Bureau 
of  Animal   Industry  at  Washington,  D.   C. 

Oscar  H.  Wurster,  '05,  M.S.  '06,  may  be  ad- 
dressed in  care  of  Chambers  Limited,  Engineers, 
80  Don  Esplanade,  Toronto,  Ont. 

Albert  L.  Gayer,  'ose,  of  Flint,  Mich.,  is  secre- 
tary of  the  Flint  Lodge,  No.  22,  B.   P.  O.  E. 

Eugene  F.  Strom,  'o^d,  of  Landau,  Palatinate, 
Germany,  has  enlisted  in  the  German  Army,  and 
is  now  at  the  front,  according  to  a  letter  received 
recently  by  Dean  N.  S.   Hoff. 


'06.  Roy  W.  Hamilton,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary 
for  men;  Mrs.  Susan  Diack  Coon,  196  Edison 
Ave.,   Detroit,   Mich.,   Secretary  for  women. 

'o6e.  Harry  B.  Culbertson,  814  Ford  Bldg., 
Detroit,   Mich.,   Secretary. 

*o61.     Gordon   Stoner,   Ann   Arbor,   Secretary. 

George  B.  Roth,  *o6,  '09m,  is  connected  with 
the  Hygiene  Laboratory  of  the  Public  Health 
Service,  Washington,  D.  C.  He  and  Mrs.  Roth 
(Dora  Payne,  '06,)  are  living  at  1812  G  St, 
N.    W. 

David  L.  Dunlap,  *o6m,  is  Director  of  Physical 
Education  at  Syracuse  University,  N.  Y.  A 
son.  Ward  Comstock,  was  born  to  him  and  Mrs. 
Dunlap   (Elta  Loomis,  '08,)   on  June  22. 

Albert  G.  Granger,  '06I,  of  Kadoka,  S.  Dak., 
who  was  last  year  representative  from  Stanley 
County,  in  the  lower  house  of  the  state  legisla- 
ture, was  a  candidate  on  the  Republican  ticket  at 
the  recent  election  for  state  senator  from  his 
county.  Mr.  Granger  is  South  Dakota  member 
of  the  Executive  Committee  of  the  International 
Dry  Farming  Congress,  and  since  he  has  been 
in  Kadoka  has  been  interested  in  the  agricul- 
tural development  of  the  West. 

Digitized  by 






'07.  Archer  P.  Ritchie.  46  Home  Bank  Bldg., 
Detroit,   Mich.,   SecreUry. 

'07.  Mabel  Tuomev,  1624  Second  Atc.,  De- 
troit, Secretary  lor  Women. 

'o7e.  Harry  L.  Coe,  79  Milk  St.,  Boston, 
Mast.,   Secretary. 

'07m.     Albert  C.   Baxter.   Springfield,   111. 

'07I.  Ralph  W.  Aiffler,  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  Sec- 

J.  Burdette  Bain,  '07,  took  post-graduate  work 
in  the  New  York  State  College  of  Agriculture  at 
Cornell  during  191 2-1 913,  and  last  year  he  acted  as 
instructor  there  in  the  Department  of  Animal 
Husbandry.  In  October  he  resigned  his  position 
to  accept  a  position  as  Dairy  Husbandman  in  the 
Bureau  of  Animal  Industry,  with  headquarters 
in  Washington,  D.  C.  Mr.  Bain  will  take 
charge  of  some  special  investigations  into  the 
cost  of  producing  milk.  Part  of  his  time  will  be 
spent  in  getting  men  started  on^  the  work  in 
some  of  the  dairy  states,  after  which  he  will  re- 
main in  Washington  to  direct  the  work.  His 
address  in  Washington  is  201  C  St.,  N.  W. 

Glenn  B.  Britton,  '07,  has  been  transferred 
from  the  Naugatuck,  Conn.,  office  of  the  Rubber 
Regenerating  Co.,  to  the  Mishawaka,  Ind.,  office. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Britton  (Mary  Olive  Chandler,  '08,) 
may  be  addressed  at  125  W.  7th  St. 

Earl  H.  Frothingham,  '07,  and  Mrs.  Frothing- 
ham,  who  have  been  in  Washington,  D.  C,  for 
several  years,  where  Mr.  Frothingham  is  in  the 
U.  S.  Forest  Service,  will  spend  some  time  in 
Ann  Arbor  this  winter,  while  Mr.  Frothingham 
makes  a  study  of  certain  forestry  conditions  in 
the   State. 

Leigh  H.  Pennington,  '07,  Ph.D.  '09,  formerly 
of  the  Botany  Department  of  the  University,  has 
recently  been  appointed  to  take  charge  of  the 
Botany  Department  of  the  New  York  State 
College  of  Forestry,  Syracuse,   N.  Y. 

Born,  to  Lucian  S.  Moore,  'o7e,  and  Mrs. 
Moore,  a  daughter,  Jean,  on  October  10,  I9i4t 
at  Detroit,  Mich. 


'08.  May  I«.  Baker,  513  N.  Lincoln  St,  Bay 
City,   Mich.,  Secretary. 

'o8e.  Joe  R.  Brooks,  Long  Key,  Florida,  Sec- 

'08L    Arthur  L.  Paulson,  Elgin,  111.,  Secretary. 

Bom,  to  Mary  White  Brown,  '08,  and  George 
H.  Brown,  a  daughter,  Mary  Ida,  on  May  9, 
1914.  Address,  792s  Inglenook  Place.  Pitts- 
burgh,  Pa. 

Robert  W.  Clark,  '08,  A.M.  '13,  spent  the  sum- 
mer in  the  employ  of  the  Wisconsin  Geological 
Survey,  where  he  had  charge  of  eight  men.  A 
second  daughter,  Jane  Griswold,  was  bom  on 
July  27.  10 14,  to  him  and  Mrs.  Clark  (Jessie 
Wood,  ^11.)  Address,  1082  Ferdon  Road,  Ann 

Harriet  M.  Dilla,  '08,  A.M.  '09,  is  head  of  the 
Department  of  Economics  and  Sociology  at  Lake 
Erie  College,   Painesville,   Ohio. 

Born,  to  Elta  Loomis  Dunlap,  '08,  and  David 
L.  Dunlap,  'o6m,  a  son,  Ward  Comstock,  June 
22,  19 14.    Address,  Syracuse  University,  Syracuse, 

Josephine  Fearon,  '08,  whose  marriage  to  Mr. 
Edward  J.  Winans  took  place  on  June  10,  at 
Peking,  China,  has  been  a  member  of  the  W.  F. 
M.  S.  in  Peking  since  1910.  Mr.  Winans  was 
Rhodes  scholar  from  Oregon  from  1907  to  x^io 
at  Oxford,  and  has  been  a  professor  In  Pekmg 
University  since  1910.  Thty  may  be  addressed 
at  the  M.  E.  Compound,  Peking. 

Minnie  Baldwin  Frisbie,  '08,  (Mrs.  Marshall 
Frisbie.)  whose  husband  graduated  from  the  Law 
Department    in    1907,    is   living   at    1309    Clifford 

St,  Flint,  Mich.  She  has  three  children,  the 
youngest,  a  daughter.  Crystal  Mary,  was  born 
October  28,  191 3.  Mr.  Frisbie  is  practicing  law 
at  307  The  Dryden. 

Bom,  to  Professor  Frank  G.  Kane,  '08,  and 
Mabel  Bell  Kane,  '09,  a  daughter,  in  August,  at 
Seattle,  Wash.  Professor  Kane  is  the  head  of 
the  department  of  Joumalism  at  the  University 
of  Washington. 

Mabel  E.  Long,  '08,  is  teaching  in  the  Detroit 
Eastern  High  School.  Her  address  is  219  Glad- 
stone Ave. 

Winifred  Adams  Mowrer,  '08,  with  her  husband, 
Paul  Scott  Mowrer,  *os-'o8,  and  children,  spent 
the  past  summer  in  America  at  Provincetown, 
R.  I.  They  are  now  living  in  London,  where 
Mr.  Mowrer  has  been  transferred  by  his  paper, 
The  Chicago  Daily  News,  from  the  Paris  Office. 
They  may  be  addressed  in  care  of  The  Chicago 
Daily  News,  London,  England. 

Thomas  L.  O'Lcary,  '08,  *iol,  is  prosecuting 
attorney  of  Thurston  County,  Wash.,  with  head- 
quarters at  Olympia. 

Bert  E.  Quick,  '08,  has  returned  from  his 
journey  around  the  world  with  Dr.  H.  A.  Gleason, 
of  the  BoUny  Department.  The  months  from 
September,  191 3,  to  May,  191 4.  were  spent  in 
the  tropics,  where  they  were  studying  the  vege- 
tation. They  returned  to  New  York  by  way  of 
the  Suez  Canal  and  Naples.  Mr.  Quick  became 
in  September  assistant  in  BoUny  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Illinois.  He  is  still  continuing  his 
work  in  absentia  for  his  doctor's  degree  at  the 
University  of  Michigan.  Address,  care  of  the 
Department  of  Botany,  University  of  Illinois, 
Urbana,  111. 

Mahlon  C  Timison,  *o8,  e*o3-'o6,  has  become 
pastor  of  the  Southside  Baptist  Church  of  Fort 
Wayne,  Ind.  His  residence  address  is  1145  I^ay* 
ton  Ave. 

Helen  M.  Woodward,  '08,  who  for  the  past 
two  years  has  been  secretary  of  the  MacKenzie 
School  for  Boys,  may  now  be  addressed  at  Mon- 
roe, Orange  C;o.,  N.  Y.,  on  Lake  Walton,  where 
the  school  has  taken  up  new  quarters. 

Howard  K.  Holland,  'o8e,  notice  of  whose 
marriage  is  given  elsewhere,  is  supervising  engi- 
neer for  Gardner  S.  Williams,  '890,  constilting 
engineer,  of  Ann  Arbor. 

Bora,  to  Russel  H.  Wilson,  'oSl,  and  Mrs. 
Wilson,  a  daughter,  Ciertmde  Vcrgenc,  on  Sep- 
tember 21,  1 91 4.  Address,  20  High  Street,  Houl- 
ton.  Me.  Mr.  Wilson  is  located  in  Aroostook 
Coimty  in  the  interest  of  Credits  and  Collections 
for  the  Armour  Fertilizer  Works. 

W.  Scott  Hubbard,  B.S.  (Phar.)  '08,  in- 
structor in  Food  and  Dmg  Analysis  in  the  Uni- 
versity from  191 1  to  1914,  and  Acting  Secretary 
of  the  School  of  Pharmacy  from  191 2-14,  took 
up  his  duties  in  the  Bureau  of  Chemistry,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  as  Assistant  Chemist.  On  No- 
vember I  he  was  promoted  to  the  position  of 
Organic  Chemist  in  the  same  Bureau.  Address, 
1930  New  Hampshire  Ave.,  Washington,  D.  C. 


'09.  Edmund  B.  Chaffee,  1507  Broad  St,  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  Secretary. 

•09.  Florence  Baker  White,  5604  University 
Blvd.,  Seattie,  Wash.  «     ,  .. 

•o9e.  Stanley  B.  Wiggins,  115  S.  Jeffcrton 
Ave.,  Saginaw,  Mich..  Secretary.    ^       ^,^        ^ 

'09L  Charles  Bowles,  210  Moffat  Bldg.,  De- 
troit, Mich.,  Secretary. 

Joseph  A.  Andrew,  '09,  notice  of  whose  mar- 
riage appears  elsewhere,  is  a  member  of  the  firm 
of  Gougar  &  Andrew,  Attorneys  and  Counsellors, 
Lafayette,  Ind. 

Chauncey  S.  Boucher,  '09,  Ph.D.  '14,  who  con- 
ducted Professor  Van  Tyne's  course  in  American 
History  last  year,  during  Professor  Van  Tyne's 
absence,  is   this  year  professor  of  American  his- 

Digitized  by 





tory  at  Washington  University,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Mrs.  Boucher  was  Ida  J.  D'Ooge,  '09. 

John  £.  Erickson,  '09,  is  principal  of  the 
Houghton,  Mich.,  High  School. 

Frances  M.  Richards,  '09,  A.M.  '14,  is  teaching 
in  Port  Huron,  Mich.  Address,  13 16  Military 

Watson  G.  Harmon,  *09e,  recently  junior  engi- 
neer in  the  U.  S.  I<ake  Survey  in  Detroit,  has 
been  appointed  teaching  assistant  in  civil  engi- 
neering in  the  University  for  the  coming  year. 
Mr.  Harmon  has  also  enrolled  in  the  Graduate 
Department  to  do  work  in  sanitary  engineering. 
His  address  in   Ann   Arbor  is    121 7   S.   State   St. 

Anton  A.  Schlichte^  *09e,  is  instructor  in  Bac- 
teriology in  Ohio  State  University,  Columbus, 

Dan  K.  Segur,  'o9e,  is  superintendent  of  the 
Inter-Ocean  Oil  Co.,  Kast  Brooklyn,  Baltimore, 

Otho  M.  Sutherland,  •o9e,  has  been  trans- 
ferred by  the  government  from  the  Forests  Pro- 
ducts Laboratory  at  Madison,  Wis.,  to  Albu- 
querque, N.  Mex.,  where  he  is  doing  work  along 
civil  engineering  lines  in  the  Forest  Service. 
Address,   1407  W.  Roma  St. 


•10.  Lee  A  White,  5604  University  Blvd., 
Seattle,  Wash.,  Secretary  for  men;  Fannie  B. 
Briggs,  I07  S.  Oak  Park  Ave.,  Oak  Park,  111., 
Secretary  for  women. 

'loe.  William  F.  Zabriskie,  33  Alexandrine  Ave., 
E..  Detroit,  Secretary. 

loL  Thomas  J.  Riley,  Escanaba,  Mich.,  Secre- 

Born,  to  Walter  A.  Hoyt,  '10,  '12m,  and  Ethel 
Volland  Hoyt,  '11,  a  daughter,  Dorothy,  October 
16,  1914,  at  Ann  Arbor.  Dr.  Hoyt  is  instructor 
in  Surgery  in  the  Medical  Department  of  the 

Margaret  Rebecca  Shelly,  *io,  is  teaching  Ger- 
man at  Freeport,  111. 

Lewis  T.  Kniskern,  'loe,  has  returned  from  six 
months  in  Chuquicomata,  Chile,  South  America, 
where  he  was  doing  special  work  for  the  Thomp- 
son Starrett  Company,  of  New  York.  He  is  now 
acting  as  assistant  general  superintendent  of  that 
company  at   §1    Wall  St.,   New   York  City. 

Frank  S.  Upham,  'loe,  is  Professor  of  Engi- 
neering at  the  Imperial  University,  Pekin,  China. 

Denzil  Noll^  'lol,  has  recently  been  appointed 
Assistant  United  States  Attorney  in  the  First 
Division  of  Alaska,  with  headquarters  at  Ketchi- 


Care    Diamond 

*ii.     Gordon    W.     Kingsbury, 
Crystal  Salt  Co.,   St   Clair,  Mich.,  Secretary  for 
men;  Ethel  Volland  Hoyt,  Ann  Arbor,  Secretary 
for  women. 

*iie.  Harry  Bouchard,  Care  J.  G.  White  En- 
gineering Co.,  Ausniata.  Ga. 

*iil.  Edward  B.  Klewer,  505  Tcnn.  Trust 
Bldg.,  Memphis,  Tenn.,  Secretary. 

'iim.  Ward  P.  Seeley,  U.  of  M.  Hospital,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

Floyd  Atkinson,  '11,  may  be  addressed  at  Pratt 
City.  Ala. 

Gladys  J.  Chappelle,  *ii,  is  teaching  French, 
German  and  Latin  in  the  Kent,  Wash.,  High 
School.     Her  address  is  318  E.  Meeker  St 

Chester  A.  Doty,  *ii,  e*o5-'o7,  M.S.  '13,  for- 
merly instructor  m  Physiological  Chemistry  in 
the  Medical  Department,  is  this  year  Professor 
of  Bacteriology  and  Physioloprical  Chemistry  in 
the  Detroit  College  of  Medicme,  Detroit,  Mich. 
Notice  of  Mr.  Doty's  marriage  is  given  else- 

Constance  G.  Eirich,  *ii,  A.M.  '13,  is  teaching 
geography  and  physiography  in  Little  Rock,  Ark. 

T.  Irene  Finn,  '11,  is  teaching  in  Northwestern 
High  School,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Harold  F.  Pelham,  *ii,  '13I,  is  practicing  law 
in  Birmingham,  Ala.,  with  offices  at  1027-8  First 
National  Bank  Bld^.  Mr.  Pelham  is  secretary 
of  the  Alumni  Association  of  Alabama. 

Bel  Ribble,  '11,  may  be  addressed  at  Sidney, 

Edwin  W.  Schreiber,  'ii,  is  head  of  the  mathe- 
matics department  in  the  high  school  at  New- 
castle,  Pa. 

Chester  O.  Staples,  *o7-'o9,  has  returned  to 
Ann  Arbor  and  entered  the  Literary  Depart- 
ment of  the  University.  Mr.  Staples,  who  mar- 
ried Miss  Pauline  de  Nancrede  several  years  ago, 
has  been  engaged  in  the  lumber  business  in  Wy- 
cliffe,  B.  C.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Staples,  with  their 
baby,  are  living  at  the  corner  of  State  and  Mon- 
roe Streets. 

Kittie  L.  Williams,  '11,  is  teaching  Latin  and 
German  at  Oxford,  Mich. 

Roy  W.  Withrow,  '11,  for  the  past  year  prin- 
cipal of  the  high  school  at  Oilman,  111.,  may  now 
be  addressed  at  Spring  Valley,  111. 

Paul  A.  Daniels,  'iie,  may  be  addressed  in 
care  of  the  chief  engineer,  Bessemer  &  Lake 
Erie   Railway,   Greenville,   Pa. 

Philip  W.  Kniskern,  'iie,  has  recently  re- 
turned from  a  six  months  stay  in  Chuquicomata, 
Chile,  South  America,  where,  with  his  brother, 
he  was  doing  special  work  for  the  Thompson 
Starrett  Company,  of  New  York.  He  may  now 
be  addressed  in  care  of  that  company  at  51  Wall 
St.,   New  York  City. 

William  E.  Lenz,  *iie,  and  Walter  C.  Maul, 
e*o7-'o8,  '09-*  10,  are  members  of  the  firm  of 
MacFarlane,  Lenz  &  Maul,  of  Detroit,  Mich. 


'la.  Carl  W.  Eberbach,  402  S.  Fourth  St,  Ann 
Arbor;  Herbert  G.  Watkms,  445  Cass  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Mich..  Irene  McFadden,  831  Third  Ave., 
Detroit  Mich. 

'i2e.  Harry  H.  Steinhauser,  546  W.  ia4th  St, 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

'12I.  George  E.  Brand,  50S-9  Hammond  Bldg., 
Detroit,  Mich. 

Grace  M.  Albert,  '12,  is  teaching  in  North- 
western High  School,  Detroit,  and  not  in  the 
Detroit  *  Central  High  School,  as  was  announced 
in  the  October  Alumnus. 

Tohn  L.  Cox,  '12,  formerly  with  the  Burroughs 
Adding  Machine  Company,  of  Birmingham,  Ala., 
is  now  with  the  Phoenix  Mutual  Life  Insurance 
Co.,  607  American  Trust  and  Savings  Bank  Bldg., 

Louis  Eich,  '12,  formerly  on  the  faculty  of  the 
Ann  Arbor  High  School,  has  been  appointed  for 
the  coming  year  an  instructor  in  Oratory  in  the 
University.     Address,  525   Benjamin  St. 

Florence  B.  Hammond,  '12,  is  teaching  English 
in  tile  high  school  at  Kenosha,  Wis.  Katherine 
G.  Tuomy,  ''£;  is  also  teaching  in  Kenosha. 

Lola  D.  Jeffries,  '12,  is  corresponding  secretary 
of  the  Detroit  Branch  of  the  Association  of  Col- 
legiate Alumnae. 

Ensign  and  Mrs.  Sherman  S.  Kennedy  (Ema 
Widenman,  *i2,)  ari^L  making  their  home  for  the 
next  two  years  in  Atmapolis,  Md.  Their  address 
is  214  Prince  George  St. 

Viola  L<  Pearce,  '12,  is  teaching  at  Marquette, 

Nellie  L.  Perkins,  '12,  who  has  recently  been 
an  examining  psychologist  at  the  laboratory  of 
social  hygiene  at  Bedford  Hills,  N.  Y.,  is  this 
year  an  assistant  in  the  Department  of  Psych- 
ology at  the  University. 

Alice  M.  Ripley,  '12,  is  teaching  in  the  Detroit 
Schools,  and  may  be  addressed  at  2322  West 
Grand  Blvd. 

Aria  Belle  Stevens,  '12,  has  removed  from 
Rockland,  Mich.,  to  Eureka,  Mont 

Verne  L.  Tickner,  '12,  is  assistant  secretary  and 

Digitized  by 




[  November 

actuary  of  the  Northern  Assurance  Company  of 
Michigax,  with  offices  in  Detroit. 

Roxie  J.  Welbourn,  '12,  is  in  Indianapolis,  Ind., 
this  year.  Her  address  is  tz-j  North  New  Jersey 

Zella  M.  Williamson,  *i2,  is  teaching  in  the 
seventh  and  eighth  grades,  and  high  school 
physics,  in  Stockbridge,   Mich. 

George  W.  Armstrong,  'i2e,  formerly  an  in- 
structor at  the  Iowa  State  College,  is  this  year 
instructor  in  metallurgy  at  the  University  of  Wis- 
consin, Madison,  Wis. 

Erwin  P.  Bancroft,  'i2e,  formerly  with  the 
Western  Union  Telegraph  Co.,  has  been  appointed 
teaching  assistant  in  electrical  engineering  in  the 

Paul  ly.  Born,  'i2e,  may  be  addressed  in  care 
of  the  Ritcr-Conley  Mfg.  Co.,  at  Kockford,  HI. 

Joseph  F.  liudnutt,  *i2e,  is  Professor  of  Archi- 
tecture at  the  Alabama  Polytechnic  School  at 
Auburn,   Ala. 

Morley  S.  Sloman,  'i2e,  has  removed  from 
New  York  City  to  Pittsburgh,  where  he  may  be 
addressed  at  15 13  Farmers  Bank  Bldg. 

John  J.  Danhof,  Jr.,  '07,  '12I,  is  with  the  Legal 
Department  of  the  Michigan  Central  Railroad 
Company  at  Detroit,  Mich.  His  residence  ad- 
dress is  167  Hendrie  Ave. 

John  H.  Payne,  '12I,  notice  of  whose  marriage 
is  given  elsewhere,  is  Chicago  representative  of 
the  Cotton  Southern  Machinery  Co.,  of  Atlanta, 
Ga.  He  is  also  the  W.  R.  C.  Smith  Publishing 
Company's  Chicago  representative  on  cotton  and 
southern  machinery  publishing  in  Atlanta,  Ga. 
Mr.  Payne  was  manager  of  the  Wolverine,  the 
Summer  School  tri-weekly,  during  the  summers 
of  191 1  and  19 1 2,  and  was  the  first  to  put  the 
paper  on  a  paying  basis. 

Frank  A.  Picard,  '12],  of  Saginaw,  Mich.,  has 
been  elected  grand  knight  of  the  Saginaw  Council 
of  Knights  of  Columbus.  He  is  said  to  be  the 
youngest  grand  knight  in  the  United  States. 

Clifford  C.  Glover,  'i2p,  B.S.  (Phar.)  '13,  e*07- 
'10,  is  an  instructor  in  Pharmacy  in  the  Univer- 
sity, his  appointment  taking  effect  with  the  pres- 
ent school  year. 

William  L.  Mitchell,  •i2p,  B.S.  (Phar.)  '14.  is 
employed  in  the  laboratories  of  Merck  &  Co., 
Rahway,  N.  J. 


•13.  Karl  J.  Mohr,  533  Church  St.,  Ann  Arbor, 

•i3e.  Kirke  K.  Hoagg»  24  Chandler  Ave.,  De- 
troit, Mich. 

'13m.     Carl   V.   Weller,  Secretary,  Ann  Arbor. 

'13I.    Ora  L.  Smith,  Ithaca,  Mich. 

Jean  Coates,  '13,  is  teaching  in  the  eighth  grade 
at  Newcastle,  Pa.    Her  address  is  323  Boyles  Ave. 

Leroy  M.  Coffin,  '13,  is  an  instructor  in  mathe- 
matics in  Adrian  College,  Adrian,  Mich. 

Howard  V.  DeVree,  '13,  is  on  the  staff  of 
the  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  Star. 

Jay  Dunne,  '13,  instructor  in  the  Economics 
Department  of  the  University  of  Chicago,  spent 
several  weeks  in  Ann  Arbor  in  September,  work- 
ing with  Professor  Friday  on  the  Pere  Marquette 

Born,  to  Robert  P.  Lane,  '13,  and  Mrs.  Lane,  a 
daughter,  Elizabeth  B.,  October  25,  19 14,  at  Ann 
Arbor.  Mr.  Lane  is  an  instructor  in  the  Rhetoric 

Elizabeth  Ware,  '13,  is  a  librarian  in  the  Kansas 
City,  Mo.,  Public  Library. 

Ella  S.  Hoghton,  A.M.  '13,  assistant  in  the 
Fine  Arts  Department  of  the  University,  returned 
on  October  4  from  a  summer  spent  in  Europe. 
Miss  Hogton  bad  expected  to  make  a  study  of 
Leonardo  d'Vinci,  and  spent  a  month  in  London 
and  Paris  in  preparation  for  work  in  Berlin,  which 
was  prevented  by  the  outbreak  of  the  war.  She 
is  living  this  year  at  215  South  State  St. 

Kenelm  W.  Collamore,  'i3e,  is  with  the  Mem- 
phis Motor  Co.,  of  Memphis,   Tenn. 

Ward  F.  Davidson,  '13c,  is  with  the  Westing- 
house  Electric  and  Mfg.  Co.,  of  Pittsburgh.  His 
residence  address  is  428  South  Ave.,  Wilkinsburgh, 

Clair  G.  Hoover,  *i3e,  who  since  grraduation 
has  been  employed  by  the  Newport  News  Ship 
Building  Company,  of  Newport  News,  Va.,  is 
this  year  a  teaching  assistant  in  mechanical  engi- 
neering  in   the   University. 

John  C.  Thornton.  *i3e,  has  been  transferred 
from  the  employ  of  John  Graham,  Supervising 
Architect,  Ford  Motor  Co.,  to  the  Construction 
Department  of  the  Ford  Motor  Co.  He  is  living 
at   152  King  Ave.,  Detroit 

Ray  B.  Whitman,  'i3e,  is  practicing  as  a  naval 
architect  in  Oak  Park,  111.  He  specializes  in  fast 
racing  yachts,  "one  design"  classes,  racing  and 
cruising  motor  boats.  He  may  be  addressed  at 
Box   66. 

Frank  E.  Sayers,  'lie,  '13m,  formerly  on  the 
stall  of  the  Youngstown  Citv  Hospital,  is  now 
practicing  in  Normal,  111.  Address,  corner  North 
St.  and  Broadway. 

Peter  Balkema,  '13I,  is  with  the  firm  of  Shull, 
Gill,  Sammis  &  Stillwell,  Iowa  Bldg.,  Sioux 
City,  la. 

Wilbcr  M.  Derthick,  Jr^  rio-'i2,  is  attorney 
for  Tollerton  &  Warficld,  Sioux  City,   la. 

Sidney  E.  Doyle,  *i3l,  of  Detroit,  was  a  candi- 
date on  the  Democratic  ticket  for  state  senator 
fiom  Wayne  County.  Raymond  E.  Bostick,  '131, 
was  nominated  on  the  Republican  ticket  for 
prosecutor  in  Wrexford  County,  and  Carl  A. 
Lehman,  '13I,  of  Ann  Arbor,  was  nominated  for 
prosecutor  on  the  Democratic  ticket.  In  Gratiot 
County,  Ora  L.  Smith,  '13I,  of  Ithaca,  was  also 
on  the  ticket  as  a  candidate  for  prosecutor. 
Thomas  Read,  '13I,  of  Shelby,  was  on  the  Re- 
publican ticket  as  candidate  for  the  legislature 
from  Oceana  County. 

Merle  F.  Wells,  '13!,  is  practicing  with  Alfred 
C.  Mueller,  Attorney  at  Law,  zz  Davenport  Sav- 
ings Bank  Bldg.,  Davenport,  la. 

The  members  of  the  1913  law  class  located  in 
Detroit,  met  for  the  second  time  this  fall  at 
Dolph's  Cafe  for  dinner  on  October  29.  Those 
oresent  were:  Clifton    G.    Dyer,    Wilson    W. 

Mills,  Charles  A.  Wagner,  Richard  J.  Simmons, 
J.  Howell  Van  Auken,  Allan  G.  Luddington,  J.  J. 
Kennedy,  Frank  J.  Kessel,  Leo  P.  Rabaut  and 
Clifford  B.   Longley. 

'14.  Bruce  J.  Miles,  ^2  Watson  Place,  The 
Vaughan  Apts.,  Detroit,  Mich;  Jessie  Cameron. 
619  N.  Lincoln  Ave.,  Bay  City,  Mich.:  Leonard 
M.  Rieser,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

'14I.  John  C  Winter,  53  King  Ave.,  Detroit, 

The  following  members  of  the  191 4  literary 
class  are  in  Ann  Arbor  this  year :  Peter  A.  V  an 
Hartesveldt,  Lawrence  M.  Sprague,  Lylc  M. 
Clift,  Werner  W.  Schroeder,  Russell  H.  Neilscn, 
Nathan  E.  Van  Stone,  Frank  G.  Millard,  Harry 
L.  Bell,  Floyd  L.  Young,  Henry  C  Rummell, 
Renville  Wheat,  H.  Beach  Carpenter,  Adna  R. 
Johnssn,  Louie  H.  Dtmten,  Howard  L.  Wheaton, 
Robert  G.  Rodkey,  Clarence  B.  Zewadiski,  George 
G.  Caron,  George  C  Hammer,  Patrick  D.  Koontz, 
Leland  E.  Grossman,  Kenneth  N.  Westerman, 
Hugh  G.  Allerton,  Glen  L-  Cowing,  Paul  H. 
Cunningham,  William  C.  Mullendore,  Durward 
Grinstead,  Felix  M.  Church,  Frank  F.  Kolbe. 
Most  of  them  are  students  in  the  various  pro- 
fessional departments. 

Marshall  A.  Becker,  '14,  is  principal  of  the 
high  school  at  Durand,  Mich. 

Edith  I.  Brice,  '14,  is  teaching  Latin  and  Ger- 
man at  Montpelier,  Idaho. 

Bessie  S.  Chase,  '14,  is  employed  as  a  substi- 
tute in  the  Detroit  schools. 

Digitized  by 






Gaylord  H.  Chizum,  '14,  is  a  student  in  the 
Law  Department  of  the  University  of  California. 
His  address  is  2226  Chapel  St.,  Flat  B,  Berkeley, 

Bom,  to  Leonard  L.  Cline^  'io*'i3,  and  Mary 
Louise  Smurthwaite  Cline,  School  of  Music,  a 
daughter,  Mary  Louise,  on  September  6,  1914,  at 
Manistee,  Mich.  Mr.  Cline  is  reading  law  with 
Mr.  Smurthwaite  in  Manistee.  The  Poet  Lore 
Company  recently  published  a  book  of  poems 
written  by  Mr.  Chne,  which  is  reviewed  else- 

Leo  C.  Conradi,  '14,  is  chemist  with  the  Stark 
Rolling  Mill  Co. 

Eliza  E.  Cranner,  '14,  is  teaching  in  the  eighth 
grade  at  Steubenville.  Ohio. 

Aloysia  M.  Driscoll,  '14,  is  assistant  principal 
at  Rockland,  Mich. 

Albert  Leslie  De  Greene,  '14,  is  teaching  Eng- 
lish in  the  George  School,  Pa. 

Gordon  C.  Eldredge,  '14,  is  in  tjie  office  of  the 
Walter    Thompson    Company,    Kresge    Bldg., 
etroit,  Mich. 
Malcolm   W.    Fuhrer,   'io-*i2,   is   with   the  Ala- 
bama Grocery  Company,  of  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Herbert  W.  Graffius,  '14,  is  teaching  mathema- 
tics at  Steubenville,  O. 

Anna  Loretta  Helmsdorfer,  '14,  is  teaching 
English  at  Baraga.  Mich. 

Walter  N.  Isbell,  '14,  is  a  mathematics  instruc- 
tor in  the  Detroit  Central  High  School. 

Margaret  E.  Irving,  '14,  is  teaching  public 
speaking  in  the  Iowa  State  College,  Ames,  la. 

Flora  E.  Judd,  '14,  is  teaching  English  in  the 
West  Side  High  School,  Saginaw,  Mich. 

John  A.  Keane,  '14,  is  in  the  requisitions  de- 
partment of  the  Cadillac  Motor  Car  Co.,  Detroit. 
Residence,   504  Harper  St. 

Sophie  M.  Koch,  '^4,  is  teaching  German  and 
history  in  St.  Johns,   Mich. 

Edna  A.  Mann^  '14,  is  teaching  English  in  the 
high  school  at  Mason,  Mich. 

Elta  J.  Martin,  '14,  is  an  assistant  in  physics 
in  the  Michigan  Agricultural  College,  Lansing, 

Fred  C.  Matthaei,  '14,  is  a  clerk  in  the  office 
of  the  superintendent  of  the  Public  Lighting  Com- 
mission,  Detroit,   Mich. 

Charlotte  L.  Peoples,  'i4f  is  instructor  in  Eng- 
lish in  the  State  Normal  School,  Fredericksburg, 

Ellen  E.  Rig^i  'i4»  is  teaching  German  and 
science  in  the  high  school  at  Buffalo,  Wyo. 

Clarence  E-  Shaffner,  '14,  has  accepted  a  posi- 
tion in  the  advertising  department  of  the  Ford 
Motor  Co.,  of  Detroit. 

Fay  E.  Shurte,  '14,  is  teaching  at  Imlay  City, 

Norman  L.  Smith,  '14,  is  with  the  Standard 
Oil  Company  at  Birmingham,  Ala.  His  address 
is  1 30 1   South  1 2th  St 

Marchie  Sturges,  '14,  is  General  Catalogue  sec- 
retary of  the  University.  Her  address  is  857 
Tappan  Road,  Ann  Arbor. 

Frances  W.  Tickfror,  '14,  is  principal  of  the 
high  school  at  Algonac,  Mich.,  and  is  also  teach- 
ing Latin,  English  and  history. 

Charles  P.  Wattles,  '14.  is  traveling  in  New 
England  for  the  D.  M.  Perry  Co.  He  may  be 
addressed  at  Fowler,  Ind. 

Howard  L.  Wheaton,  '14,  is  teaching  mathe- 
matics in  the  high  school  at  Flint,  Mich.,  where 
he  also  has  charge  of  the  football  and  baseball 

George  E.  Wier,  '14,  is  employed  in  the  ap- 
praisal department  of  the  Big  Four  Railroad  at 
Cindnnati,  Ohio. 

Helen   L.   Wolcot,   '14,  is  teaching  English   at 
Steubenville,    Ohio. 
Joseph    E.    De    Camp,    Ph.D.    '14,    is    teaching 

rsychoiogy  in  the  University  of  Illinois,  Urbana, 

Herman  R.  Beuhler,  'i4e,  is  connected  with 
the  Oil   Engine  Department  of  the  Snow  Steam 

Pump  Works,  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  His  residence  ad- 
dress is  49  Johnson  Park.  George  L.  Williams, 
'i4e,  is  also  with  the  same  company. 

Ernest  B.  Drake,  *i4e,  reported  in  the  last 
number  of  The  Alumnus  to  be  teaching  in  the 
Genesee  Wesleyan  Seminary,  Lima,  N.  Y.,  is 
teaching  chemistry  in  the  Cass  Technical  High 
School,  Detroit,  Mich.  His  address  is  908  War- 
ren Ave.,   West. 

Henry  P.  Dutton,  *i4e,  is  at  present  employed 
as  instructor  in  factory  management  in  the  School 
of  Commerce  of  Northwestern  University.  Notice' 
of  his  marriage  is  given  elsewhere  in  this  number. 

Gerhardt  L.  Luebbers,  *i4e,  may  be  addressed 
at   Snohomish,   Wash. 

Henry  William  Lichtner,  'i4e,  is  coaching  the 
football  team  of  the  Saginaw,  East  Side^  High 
School,  and  Emil  A.  Tessin,  '14I,  is  coaching  the 
team  of  the  Arthur  Hill  High  School,  Saginaw. 
Both  men  were  members  of  the  Varsity  football 
squad   in   191 3. 

Archibald  R.  MacLaren,  'i^e,  is  teaching  assist- 
ant in  mechanical  engineermg  at  the  Univer- 
sity for  the  coming  year. 

Beauford  H.  Reeves,  'i4e,  is  an  engineer  with 
the  Board  of  Public  Works  of  Highland  Park, 
Mich.  His  residence  address  is  The  Beverly 
Apartment,  634  Cass  Ave.,  Detroit. 

Albert  Roth,  'i4e,  graduate  student  in  sanitary 
engineering,  with  E.  D.  Rich,  State  Sanitary 
Engineer,  visited  several  tanneries  in  western 
Pennsylvania  during  the  week  of  October  25.  At 
the  end  of  the  week,  Mr.  Roth  read  a  paper  on 
"Disposal  of  Tannery  Wastes"  before  the  meet- 
ing of  the  American  Association  of  Leather 
Chemists  at  Chicago. 

Fred  W.  Zinn,  i4e,  writes  from  a  garrison  at 
Toulouse,  France,  that  he  is  to  go  to  the  front 
shortly.  For  some  weeks  he  has  been  in  training 
with  a  squad  of  Americans  in  the  service  of 
France,  under  a  German  corporal  imported  from 
Africa  to  fight  against  his  countrymen. 

Paul  D.  Busby,  '14I.  is  with  A.  C.  Markley, 
Attorney   at   Law,   of  McAlester.   Okla. 

Grover  C  Grismore,  *i2,  J.D.  *4.  is  an  instruc- 
tor in  conveyancing  in  the  Law  Department  of 
the  University. 

Henry  Hart,  '141;  is  with  Millis,  Griffin,  Seely 
&  Streeter,  140 1-7  Ford  Bldpr.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Blakey  Helm,  '14I,  is  in  the  law  office  of 
Trabuc,  Doolan  &  Cox,  Columbia  Bldg.,  Louis- 
ville. Ky. 

Fred  Hinkle,  '141,  was  elected  county  attorney 
of  Clark  County,  Kansas,  by  a  majority  of  two 
to  one  over  his  opponent  on  November  3  The 
county  comprises  900  square  miles,  and  Mr. 
Hinkle  carried  all  the  precincts  but  two.  After 
January  i  his  office  will  be  in  the  court  house  at 
Ashland,   Kans. 

Donald  F.  Melhom,  '11,  '14I,  was  elected  prose- 
cuting attorney  at  Kenton,  O.,  at  the  recent  elec- 

David  C.  Johnson,  '12,  '14I,  is  acting  as  secre- 
tary to  bis  father^  Hon.  E.  F.  Johnson,  Chief 
Justice  of  the  Philippine  Islands,  at  Manila. 

John  J.  Kelley.  '14I,  is  now  in  the  law  offices 
of  Mr.  J.  Van  Dyke  Norman  in  the  Paul  Jones 
Bldg.,  Louisville,  Ky.,  where  he  will  engage  in 
the  general  practice  of  law. 

Vernon  W.  LeMaster,  '12,  *i4ni,  is  practicing 
with  Dr.  O.  O.  LeMaster,  at  126  W.  Poplar  St., 
Sidney,  Ohio. 

Milton  Shaw,  '12,  '14m,  is  on  the  staff  of  the 
Cincinnati  General  Hospital,  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Robert  S.  Ideson,  'i4h,  is  an  interne  in  the 
Homoeopathic  Hospital  of  the  University. 

Edward  J.  Phillips,  'i4h,  is  on  the  staff  of  the 
Ernest  Wende  Hospital,  Broadway  and  Spring 
St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Philip  P.  Serio,  'i4h,  has  entered  into  partner- 
ship with  Dr.  A.  B.  Grant,  of  Grant  Hospital, 
Albion,  Mich.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Serio  (Vivian  Case, 
'12,)  mav  be  addressed  at  506  Michigan  Ave., 
Albion,  Mich. 

Digitized  by 




St.  Joseph's  Sanitorium 

Conducted  by  the  Sisters  of  Mercy 

Ann  Arbor  Wanted'' 

Grand  Private  Hospital 

Fireproof,  Sanitary. 
Private  Rooms  wi^  Bath. 
Three  Sun  Parlors. 
Larflre  Roof  Garden,  over- 
looking University  Campus 
and  Huron  River  Valley. 
Beautiful  Grounds. 

Ktftrtmfs:^t>r.  C,  G.  OsrUmg 

Digitized  by  VjOOQIC 

Digitized  by 


Digitized  by 


Digitized  by 


Digitized  by 



IHniversitig  HHudic  IHowse 

MRS.  M.  M.  ROOT 

Maynard  and  William   Streets 

A  New  Store  on  the  Corner 

Michigan  Music  for  Christmas  Gifts 

The  Michigan  Song  Book.    Price  $2.25  postpaid 

All  otiiar  MickifmB  Songt,  2Z«  poatpaU 

A    NEW   SONG     "'T^**  Michigan  Band." 

Boost  the  Band  by  sending  for  a  copy.     Price  27c,  postpaid. 

•Victors'*  and  **Var8ity"  will  appear  on  a  Victor  Record  Jan,  20th,  1915 


C.  %  peters  Si  Son  Co. 

145  Mifh  Stf  et 

Boftoo,  MaffaehtMcttf 

Photo  Engravers        Electrotypers 


A  Michigmn  Corporation,  Organ- 
iaad,  Incorporated,  and  Operated 
nnder  the  Laws  of  Michigan, 

Furnishing  Mieiiigan  Service 
for  Miciiigan  Peopie 

For  nearly  forty  years— have  been  the 
\     ones  to  think  out,  and  put  ont  he  mar- 
{A     ket,  things  rMlly  imw  In  sport. 
(•I  Art  Yeu  Peetod  en  Just 

/  What's  New  This  YearT 

./     Send  for  our  catalogue.      Hundreds  of 
^      Illustrations  of  what  to  use  and  wear — 
For  Competition— For  Recreation— For 
Health— Indoor  and  Outdoor. 
A.  G.  Spalding  &  Bros..  2S4.Woodward  Ave.  Detroit.  Mich 

Wanted — A  Mechanical  Engineering  graduate,  30 
years  of  age,  who  has  served  an  apprentice- 
ship with  a  large  steel  company  and  has  a 
record  of  successful  engineering  and  business 
experience  contemplates  a  change.  Desires 
business  connections  with  a  firm  that  wants 
a  hustler  with  ability  and  personality  to  get 
results.     Can  furnish  Ai  credentials. 

Wanted — Recent  graduate  in  mechanical  engi- 
neering,  who  has  been  engaged  in  railroad 
freight  car  construction  over  three  years, 
desires  a  position  about  the  first  of  the  year 
in  the  same  lines. 
In    answering    these    advertisements,   please   ad- 

dress  The  Alumnus. 

Michigan  Alumni  own  the  Alumnus;  they  patronixe  its  advertisers 

Digitized  by  L:f OOQIC 



St.  Joseph's  Sanitorium 

Conducted  by  the  Sisters  of  Mercy 

""Just  bfhat 
Ann  Arbor  Wanted"* 

Grand  Private  Hospital 

Fireproof,  Sanitary. 
Private  Rooms  with  Bath. 
Three  Syn  Parlors. 
Lar^e  Roof  Garden,  over- 
looking University  Campus 
and  Huron  River  Valley. 
Beautiful  Grounds. 

HefereHees:—Dr.  C.  G.  Darling 

Dr.  K^.  Vishop  Canfield 

Digitized  by 




This  directory  is  published  for  the  purpose  of  affording  a  convenient  guide  to  Michip^an  Alumni  of 
the  rarious  professions,  who  may  wish  to  sectu-e  reliable  correspondents  of  the  same  profession  to  transact 
business  ac  a  distance,  or  of  a  special  professional  character.  It  is  distinctly  an  intra-professional  directory. 
Alumni  of  all  professions,  who,  by  reason  of  specialty  or  location,  are  in  a  position  to  be  of  service  to 
Alumni  of  the  same  profession,  are  invited  to  place  their  cards  in  the  directory. 

Professional  cards  in  this  directory  are  classified  alphabetically  by  sUtes,  alphabetically  by  cities 
within  the  states,  and  the  names  of  alumni  (or  firms)  in  each  city  are  likewise  alphabetically  arranged. 
The  price  of  cards  is  fifty  cents  (soc)  per  insertion — ^five  dollars  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Cards  in  the 
Legal  Directorv  section  will  be  published  in  the  Michigan  Law  Review  also,  at  a  special  combination 
price  of  six  dollars  a  year,  payable  in  advance. 

Xanlter0  anb  Srofiere 



Members  New  York  Stock  Exchange. 

Stanley  D.  McGraw,  '92.  _       Linzee  Blad^en  (Harvard) 

III  Broadway, 

Draper  (Harvard). 

New  York,  N.  Y. 



GARNEt(  ERASER,   '09I. 
Southern  Trust  Building,  Little  Rock.  Ark. 


PRANK  HERALD,  '75]. 
724-5-6  MerchanU  Trust  Bldg.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

L  R.  RUBIN,  '08I. 
MYER  L  RUBIN,  'laL 
401-3-3  Citizens  National  Bank  Bldg.,      Los  Angeles,  CaL 


Inman    Sealby,    *i2l. 

Hunt  C.  Hill,  *i3l. 

Attorneys  at  Law  and  Proctors  in  Admiralty. 

607-611-6x3   Kohl   Building.  San   Francisco,   C9I, 


Arthur  F.  Friedman,  *o81. 
Horace  H.  Hindry,  '97   (Stanford). 
Poster  Building,  Denver,  Colo. 


John  F.  Shafroth.  '75. 
forrison  Shafroth,  '10. 

407  McPhee  Bldg., 

Denver,  Colo. 


DUANB  E.  POX  ,'8i. 
NEWTON  K.  POX,  'lal. 
Washington  Loan  and  Trust  Bldg.,      Washington,  D.  C. 

WALTER  8.   PENFIELD,  '—. 

Colorado  Building, 

Penfield  and  Penfield, 


Washington,  D.  C. 


CHARLES  B.  WIN8TSAD.  '07,  'ofL 

Suite  3x7,  Idaho  Bldg., 

Boise,  Idaho. 


1533  Tribune  Bldg.,  7  So.  Dearborn  St,        Chicago,  ID. 

E.  D.  REYNOLDS,  '96I. 
Manufacturers  National  Bank  Bldg.,  Rockford,  lU. 



Suite  A,  North  Side  Bank  Bldg.,  Evansville,  Ind. 

.    ROBERT  T.  HUGHES,  'loL 
Suite  406  American  Central  Life  Building, 

Indianapolis,  Ind. 

RUSSELL  T.  MacPALL.  'gal 
iai6  State  Life  Bldg.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 


Louis  Newberger. 
Charles  W.  Richards. 
Milton  N.  Simon.  'oaL 
Lawrence  B.  Davis. 
Suite  808-814  Majestic  Bldg.,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 


Suite  433-4-5  Jefferson  Bldg, 

South  Bend,  Ind. 


8TIPP  ft  PERRY. 
H.  H.  SUpp.  A.  I.  Madden. 

E.  D.  Perry,  •03I.  Vincent    Starzinger. 

1 1 16,   1 1 17,   1 1 18,  1 1 19,   X120  Equitable  Bldg., 

Dea  Moines,  .Iowa. 


309-211  Husted  Bldg.,  Kansas  City,  Kaa. 

Digitized  by  V:f OOQIC 




Wallace  H.  White.  Wallace  H.  White.  Jr. 

Seth  M.   Carter.  Chas.  B.  Carter,  '05I. 

Masonic  Bldg.,  Lenriston,  Maine. 



403*4*5  Nat.  Bank  of  Commerce  Bldg., 

Adnan,  Mich. 

OSCAR  W.  BAKER,  'oal. 

Bankruptcy,  Commercial  and  Corporation  Law. 

307  Shearer  Bros.  Bldg.,  Bay  City,  Mich. 

Levi  L.  Barbour,  '63,  '65I. 

George  S.  Field,  '95I. 
Frank  A.  Martin. 
30  Buhl  Block,  Detroit,  Mich. 


Henry  Russel,  '73,  '751,  Counsel;  Henry  M.  Campbell, 
•76,  '78I;  Charles  H.  Campbell,  '80;  Harry  C.  Bulkley, 
*9^t  *95l!  Henry  Ledyard;  Charles  H.  L'Hommedieu, 
'061;  WUson  W.  Mills,  '13I;  Douglas  Campbell,  '10, 
'131 ;  Henry  M.  Campbell,  Jr.,  *o8,    iiL 

604  Union  Trust  Bldg.,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Ward  N.  Choate,  'p2-*94.        Wm.  J.  Lehmann,  '041,  '05. 
'       R.    Robertson. 

Detroit,  Mich. 

Charles  R.   Robertson. 
705-710  Dime  Bank  Bldg., 


James  T.   Keena,  '74.  Walter  E.  Oxtoby,  *981. 

Clarence  A.  Lightner,  '83.      Tames  V.  Oxtoby,  '95!. 

Charles  M.  Wilkinson,  '71. 

901-4  Penobscot  Building,  Detroit,  Mich. 


Wade  Mill's.  '98I.  Clark  C  Seely. 

William  J.  Griffin,  '0$}. Howard  Streeter,  'oil. 

Howard  C.  Baldwin.  Charles  L.  Mann,  '08I. 

Henry  Hart,  '14I. 

1401-7  Ford  Building,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Jacob  Kleinhans. 
Stuart  E.  Knappen,  '98. 
Marshall  M.  Uhl,  W 
317  Michigan  Trust  Co.  Bldg.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

NORRis,  Mcpherson  ft  Harrington. 

Mark  Norris,  '79,  *8al. 
Charles    McPherson,    (Albion)    '95. 
Leon  W.  Harrington,  *05l. 
721-731  Michigan  Trust  Bldg.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 



Delbert  J.  Haflf,  '84,  '861;  Edwin  C.  Meservey ;  Charles 
W.  German;  William  C.  Michaels,  '951 ;  Samuel  D. 
Newkirk;  Charles  M.  Blackmar;  Frank  G.  Warren; 
Henry  A.  Bundschu,  'iil. 

Suite  906  Commerce  Bldg.,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

JACOB  L.  LORIE,  '95.  '96I. 
608-8-9  American  Bank  Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

1320  Commerce  Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Leslie  J.  Lyons. 
Hugh  C.  Smith,  '94L 

Suite  1003  Republic  Bldg., 

Kansas  City,  Mo. 


Charles  Cummings  Collins. 
Harry  C  Barker. 

Roy  F.  Britton,  LL.B.  'oa,  LL.M.  '03. 
Third  Nat'l  Bank  Bldg.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 


JBS8  P.  PALMER,  'ojl 

634  Brandeis  Theatre  Bldg., 

Omaha,  Neb. 


HARRY  C.  MILLER,  '09,  'zil. 

22  Exchange  Place, 

New  York  City. 


John  S.  Parker.        Franklin  A.  Wagner,  '99-'oi,  '04I. 

Arnold  L.  Davis,  '98L  George  Tumpson,  *04L 

Mutual  Life  Bldg.,  34  Nassau  St.,  New  York  City. 


Forwarded  gratis  upon  request. 

Eugene  C  Worden,  '98,  '99I, 

Lindsay  Russell,  '941. 

International  Legal  Correspondents. 

1 6$  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

HENRY  W.  WEBBER,  '94I. 

$2  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

PRANK  M.  WELLS,  'gaL 
S2  William  St, 
New  York  City. 


Henry  Wollman,  '78I. 
Benjamin  F.  Wollman,  '94I. 
Achilles  H.  Kohn. 

20  Broad  Street, 

New  York  City. 


Harvey  Musser,  '8al. 
T.  W.  Kimber,  '04I. 
J.  R.  Huffman,  '04I. 

503-9  Flatiron  Bldg., 

Akron,  Ohio. 

525   Engineering  Bldg., 

P.  8.   CRAMPTON,  'oa 

Guy   W.    House,    '09,    'lal. 
Charles  R.  Brown,  Jr. 

Cleveland,  Ohio. 


William  L.  Mackenzie.  Ralph  P.  Mackenzie,  'iil. 

James  J.  Weadock,  '96I.  Paul  T.  Landis,  '13,  '14I. 

Holmes   Building,  Lima,   Ohio 


Alexander  L.  Smith. 
George  H.  Beckwith. 
Gustavus   Ohlinger,  '99, 
51-56  Produce  Exchange  Building, 


Toledo,  Ohio. 


JOHN  B.  CLELAND,  'j^l 
Chamber  of  Commerce., 

Portland,  Oregon. 

Digitized  by 




EDWARD  P.  DUFFY,  '84I* 
621-622  Bakewell  Building,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

EDWARD  J.  KENT,  '90I. 
Suite  523,  Farmers'  Bank  Bldg.,  Pittsbtirgb,  Pa. 


O.  F.  WENCKBR.  'oal, 

i9o6^  Commonwealth  Bank  Bldg. 

Dallas,  Texas. 

H.  O.  LEDGERWOOD,  'oal. 
907  American  Nat'l  Bank  Bldg.,  Fort  Worth,  Texas. 


413  Continental  National  Bank  Bldg., 

Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 



C  J.  Prance. 

Frank    P.    Helsell,    '08I. 

436-39  Burke  Bldg.,  Seattle,  Wash. 

SIS  Empire  Stat*  Building, 

Spokane,  Wash. 


PAUL  D.  DURANT,  '95!. 
90a  Wells  Building, 

Milwaukee,  Wit. 




Main  Street, 

Wailuku,  Maui,  Hawaii. 

f  oreion  Countriee 



James  Short,  K.C  Geo.  H.  Ross,  '07L 

Frederick  S.  Selwood,  B.A.  Jos.  T.  Shaw.  '09I 
L*  Frederick  Mayhood,  'iil. 

Calgary,  Alberta,  Canada. 

ATHELSTAN   G.   HARVEY,   '07. 

Barrister  and  Solicitor, 

Rooms  404-406  Crown  Bldg.,  615  Pender  St.  West, 

Vancouver,  British  Columbia,  Canada. 


Akron,    O. — Every    Saturday,    at    noon,    at    the 

Portage  Hotel. 
Boston. — Every     Wednesday    at     12:30,     in     the 

Dutch  Grill  of  the  American  House,  Hanover  St, 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. — Every  Wednesday  at  12  o'clock, 

at  the  Dutch  Grill  in  the  Hotel  Statler. 
Chicago. — Every   Wednesday   noon,   at  the   Press 

Cub,  26  North  Dearborn  St 
Chicago,  111. — The  second  Thursday  of  each  month 

at  6:30  p.  m.,  at  Kuntz-Rcmmler's. 
Oeveland. — Every  Thursday,   from   12:00  to   1:00 

P.  M.,  at  the  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
Detroit — Every    Wednesday    at    12:15    o'clock   at 

the  Edelweiss  Cafe,  corner  Broadway  and  John 

R.  Street. 
Detroit — (Association  of  U.  of  M.  Women).    The 

third  Saturday  of  each  month  at   12:30  at  the 

College  Club,  §0  Petcrboro. 
Duluth. — Every  Wednesday  at  12  o'clock,  at  the 

cafe  of  the  Hotel  Holland. 
Honolulu,    H.    I. — The    first    Thursday    of    each 

month  at  the  University  Club 
Houston,  Texas. — The  first  Tuesday  in  each  month 

at  noon. 
Kalamazoo. — ^The  first  Wednesday  of  every  month, 
at  noon,  at  the  New  Brunswick  House. 

Los  Angeles,  Calif. — Every  Friday  at  12:30 
o'clock,  at  the  University  Club,  Consolidated 
Realty  Bldg.,  corner  Sixth  and  Hill  Sts. 

Minneapolis,  Minn. — Every  Wednesday  from  12 
to  2  o'clock,  at  the  Grill  Room  of  the  Hotel 

Omaha. — The  second  Tuesday  of  each  month,  at 
12  o'clock  at  the  University  Club. 

Portland. — The  first  Tuesday  of  every  month,  at 
6:30  p.  m.,  at  the  University  Club. 

Portlana. — Every  Wednesday  from  12:15  to  1:1$, 
at  the  Oregon  Grille,  corner  Broadway  and 
Oak  St 

Pittsburgh. — The  last  Saturday  of  each  month,  at 
I  :oo  p.  m.,  at  the  7th  Avenue  Hotel,  7th  Ave 
and  Liberty  St 

Rochester,  N.  Y. — Every  Wednesday  at  12  o'clock, 
at  the  Rathskellar  in  the  Powers  Hotel. 

San  Francisco. — Every  Wednesday  at  12  o'clock 
at  the  Hofbrau  Restaurant,  Pacific  Bldg.,  Mar- 
ket Street 

Seattle,  Wash. — The  first  Friday  of  each  month, 
at  noon,  at  the  College  Men's  Club. 

Sioux  City,  la. — The  third  Thursday  of  every 
month  at  6:00  P.  M.,  at  the  Martin  Hotel. 

Toledo. — Every  Wednesday  noon,  at  the  Com- 
merce Club. 

Digitized  by  L:f OOQIC 


Vol.  XXI.  Entered  at  the  Ann  Arbor  Poitoffice  m  Second  Class  Matter.  Ho,  %. 

WILFRED  B.  SHAW.  '04  Editor 

HARRIET  LAWRENCE,  '11 Assistant  Editor 

ISAAC  NEWTON  DEMMON.   '68 Necrology 

T.  HAWLEY  TAPPING,  '16L  Athletics 

THB  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  is  published  on  the  lath  of  each  month,  except  July  and  September, 
by  the  Alumni  Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

SUBSCRIPTION,    including  dues   to   the   Association.    $1.50   per   year    (foreign   postage,    50c   per   year 
additional) ;    life  memberships  including   subscription*   $35.00,    in   seven   annual   payments,   tour-nfths 
of-^whtdk-  goes  to  a-permanent  fund-  held  in  troet-  by  the  Treasurer  of  the  University  of  Michigan 

CHANGES  OP  ADDRESS  must  be  received  at  least  ten  days  before  date  of  issue.  Subscribers  chang- 
ing address  i^ould  notify  the  General  Secretary  of  the  Alunmi  Association,  Ann  Arbor,  promptlv, 
in  advance  if  possible,  of  such  change.  Otherwise  the  Alumni  Association  will  not  be  responsible 
for  the  deliverv  of  The  Alumnus. 

DISCONTINUANCES. — If  any  annual  subscriber  wishes  his  copy  of  the  paper  discontinued  at  the 
expiration  of  his  subscrii)tion,  notice  to  that  effect  should  be  sent  with  the  subscription,  or  at  its 
expiration.     Otherwise  it  is  understood  that  a  continuance  of  the  subscription  is  desired. 

REMITTANCES  should  be  sent  by  Check,  Express  Order,  or  Money  Order,  payable  to  order  of  The 
Alumni  Association  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

LETTERS  should  be  addressed: 




VICTOR  HUGO  LANE.  *74e,  '78I,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan PresideaC 

JUNIUS  E.  BEAU  '83,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan Vice-President 

LOUIS  PARKER  JOCELYN,  '87.  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan Secretary 

GOTTHELF  CARL  HUBER.  '87m,  Ann  Arbor.  Michigan Treasurer 

HENRY  WOOLSEY  DOUGLAS,  '90©.  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 

DAVID    EMIL    HEINEMAN,   '87,    Detroit.    Michigan 

ELSIE  SEELYE  PRATT.  '04m,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 

WILFRED  BYRON  SHAW,  '04,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan General  Secretary 


Akron,  O.  (Summit  Co.  Association),  Dr.  Urban 
D.  Seidel,  'osm, 

Alabama,  Harold  F.  Pelham,  '11.  '13I,  1027  First 
National  Bank  Bldg.,  Birmingham,  Ala. 

Allegan,  Mich.  (Allegan  Co.),  HoUis  S.  Baker,  '10. 

Alpena,  Mich.  (Alpena  County),  Woolsey  W. 
Hunt,  *97-*99.  m'99-*oi. 

Arizona,  Albert  D.  Leyhe,  '99I,  Phoenix,  Arix. 

AshUbula,  Ohio,  Mary  Miller  Battles,  ^88m. 

Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  Harry  R.  Atkinson,  '05. 

Bay  City  and  West  Bay  City,  Mich.,  Will  Wells, 

Big  Rapids,  Mich.,  Mary  McNemey,  '03. 

Billings,  Mont,  Tames  L.  Davis,  '07I. 

Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  Henry  W.  Willis,  'oa,  193  Massa- 
chusetts Ave. 

Chicago    Engineering,    Emanuel    Anderson,    '996, 

5301    Kenmore  Ave. 
Cincinnati,  Ohio,  Charles  C   Benedict,  '02,  laay 

Union  Trust  Bldg. 
Oeveland,  O.,  Irving  L.  Evans,  'lol,  70a  Western 

Reserve  Bldg. 
Coldwater,  Mich.  (Branch  Co.),  Hugh  W.  Clarke, 

Copper  Country,  Katherine  Douglas,  '08,  L'Anae. 
Davenport,  la.   (Tri-City  Association),  (Carles  S. 

Pryor,  '13I,  513  Putnam  Bldg. 
Denver,  Colo.,  Howard  W.  Wilson,  '13,  care  Inters 

state  Trust  Co.,  Cor.  isth  and  Stout  Sts. 
Des  Moines,  la.    See  Iowa. 

Detroit,  Mich.,  James  M.  O'Dea,  '090,  71  Broad- 
Detroit,  Mich.  (Association  of  U.  of  M.  Women), 

Genevieve  K.  Duffy,  '93,  A.M.  '94,  7  Marston 

'ill,    509 
.  loth  St. 

Winnetka,  111. 
Chicago,  IlL,  Beverly  B.   Vedder,  '09,  'lal,   141 4 
Monadnock  Block. 

<  97. 

(  gers,  '90, 

Grand  Rapids  Alumnae  Association,  Marion  N. 
Frost,  '10.  637  FounUin  St,  N.  E. 

Greenville  (Montcalm  County),  C  Sophus  John- 
son, 'loL 

Hastings,  (Barry  Co.),  Mich.,  M.  E.  Osborne,  '96. 

(Cbntinued  on  next  page) 

Digitized  by 



HUltdale   (Hillsdale  County),  Mich.,  Z.   Beatrice 

Uaskins,  Mosherville,  Mich. 
Honolulu,    H.    T.    (Association   of   the    Hawaiian 

Islands),  Arthur  F.  Thayer,  '93-'94. 
Idaho    Association.    Clare    S.     Hunter,     ro6-'io, 

Idaho  Bldg.,  Boise,  Id. 
Indianapolis,    Ind.,    Laura    Donnan,    '79,    216    N. 

Capitol  Ave. 
Infham  County,   (Carles  S.    Robinson,   '07,    East 

Lansins,  Mich. 
Ionia,    Mich.    (Ionia    Co.),    Mrs.    Mary    Jackson 

Bates,  '89-'s)2. 
Iowa  Association,  Orville  S.  Franklin,  '03I,  Young- 

erman  Bld^.,  Des  Moines. 
Ironwood,  Mich^  Ralph  Hicks,  '9a-'o^,  '990. 
Ithaca,  Mich.  ((Gratiot  Co.),  Judge  Kelly  S.  Searl, 

•     Jackson,    Mich.     (Jackson    County),    George    H. 

Curtis,  *04. 
Kansas    Citv,    Mo.,    William    P.    Pinkerton,    'ul, 

Scarritt  Bld^. 
Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  Andrew  Lenderink,  'o8e. 
.    Kenosha,    Wis.,    Claudius    G.    Pendill,    '13,    405 

Prairie  Ave. 
Lima,  O.    (Allen,  Auglaize,  Hardin,  Putnam  and 

Van    Wert    Counties).    Ralph    P.    MacKenzie, 

'ill.  Holmes  Bide.,  Lima,  O. 
Los    Angeles,    Calit.,    Raymond    S.    Taylor,    '13I, 

820  Union  Oil  Bldg. 
Cy.,  A.  St 
ville  Trust  Bldg. 

Louisville,  Ky.,  A.  Stanley  Newhall,  '13I,   Louis- 

Ludington,  Mich.  (Mason  (^.),  T.  M.  Sawyer,  '98, 

Manila,    P.    I.     (Association    of    the    Philippine 

Islands),    George    A.    Malcolm,    '04,    '06I,    care 
of  Universitv  of  the  Philippines. 
Manistee,  Mich.  (Manistee  Co.),  Mrs.  Winnogene 

jainneapoiis   /iiumnae   Associauon,    Mrs, 
ine  Anna  C^edney,  '94d,  1808  W.  ^i  St. 

Minneapolis,    (University    of    Michigan 
Club),  Minnie  Duensing,  '04,  911  Sixt] 

R.  Scott,  '07. 
Manistique,   Mich.    (Schoolcraft    Co.),    HoUis    H. 

Harshmanj  'o6-'o9. 
Marquette,  Mich. 

Menominee,  Mich.,  Katherine  M.  Stiles,  'o5-'o6. 
Milwaukee,  Wis.  (Wisconsin  Association),  Henry 

E.  McDonnell,  'o4e,  619  Cudahy  Apts. 
Minneapolis   Alumnae   Association,    Mrs.    Kather- 

■    "     St, 

an    Women's 
_      „  ,       Sixth  Ave.  S. 

Missouri    Valley,   Carl   E.    Paulson,   e'o4-'o7,    S39 
Brandeis  Bldg.,  Omaha,  Neb. 

Monroe,  Mich.  (Monroe  Co.),  Harry  H.  Howett, 
A.M.  '09. 

Mt.  Clemens,  Mich.,  Henry  O.  (^hapoton,  '94. 

Mt.  Pleasant,  Mich.,  M.  Louise  Converse,  '86,  Act- 
ing Secretanr. 

Muskegon,     Mich.     (Muskegon     Co.),     Lucy     N. 

New  England  Association,  Erwin  R.  Hurst,  '13, 
e'o9-'io,  161  Devonshire  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Newport  News,  Va.,  Emerv  (^x,  'lae,  215  30th  St 

New  York  aty.  Wade  Greene,  '05!,   149  Broad- 

New    York    Alumnae,    Mrs.    Rena    Mosher    Van 
Slyke. '07,  1018  E.  163d  St. 

North  Central  Ohio,  Leo  C  Kugel,  e'o4-'o4,  '08, 

North  Dakota,  William  P.  Burnett,  '05I,  Dickin- 
son, N.  Dak. 

Northwest,   John    E.    Junell,    '07I,   925    Plymouth 
Bldg.,  Minneapolis.  Minn. 

Oakland   County,   Allen   McLaughlin,   'lod,    Pon- 
tiac,  Mich. 

Oklahoma,  Lucius  Babcock,  '95-'97f  'ool.  El  Reno, 

Olympia,  Wash.,  Thomas  L.  O'Leary,  '08,  'loL 
Omaha,  Neb.    See  Missouri  Valley. 

Oshkosh,   Wis.    (Pox    River  Valley   Association), 
Aleida  J.  Peters,  '08. 

Owotso,    Mich.    (Shiawassee    County),    Leon    P. 
Miner,  '09. 

Pasadena  AJumni  Association,  Alvick  A.  Pearson, 
'94,  203  Kendall  Bldg. 

Pasadena  Alumnae  Association,  Alice  C   Brown, 

'97m,  456  N.  Lake  St. 
Petoskey,   Mich.    (Emmet  0>.)   Mrs.    Minnie  W. 

Philadelphia,   Pa.,   WiUiam   Ralph   HaU,   '05,  808 

Witherspoon  Bldg. 
Philadelphia    Alumnae,    (^oline    E.    De    Greene, 

'o^,  140  E.  16  St. 
Philippine   Islands,    (^eo.    A.    Malcolm,    '04,    '06I, 

Manila,  P.  I. 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  (^rge  W.  Hanson,  'o9e,  care  of 

Legal  Dept.,  Westinghouse  Elec  &  Mfg.  Co., 

East  Pittsburgh. 
Port   Huron,  Mich.    (St.   Oair  Co.   Association), 

Benjamin  R.  Whipple,  '02. 
Portland,    Ore.,    Junius    v.    Ohmart,    '07I,    701-3 

Broadway  Bldg. 
Porto  Rico,  Pedro  del  Valle,  '91m,  San  Juan,  P.  R. 
Providence.    R.    I.    (Rhode   Island    Association), 

Harold  R.  Curtis,  '12I.  Turks  Head  Bldg. 
Rochester,    N.    Y.,    Ralph    H.    Culley,    '10,    514 

WUder  Bldg. 
Rocky  Mountain  Association,  Howard  W.  Wilson, 

'13,  Interstate  Trust  Co.,  Denver,  Colo. 
Saginaw,  Mich.,  Robert  H.  Cook,  '98-'o2,  '06I,  516 

Thompson  Street. 

andall,  'op,  200  S.  Walnut  St.,  Bav  City, 

Saginaw  Valley  Alumnae  Association,  Mrs.  Floyd 
Rai  •  "   •  «,,,.««      r... 

San  Diego.  Calif.,  Edwin  H.  Crabtree,  '12m,  Mo- 

Salt  Lake 

Boyd  Park  Bldg. 

"   Bl 

_*y  L 
Utah,  William  E.  Rydalch,  'ool. 

rati    a^iM^vff    v.a 

Neece  Bldg. 
San   Francisco,   Calif.,   Inman   Sealby,   '12I,   2475 

Pacific  Ave. 
Schnectady,   N.   Y.,   J.   Edward  Keams,   e'oo-'oi, 

126  Glen  wood  Blvd. 
Seattle.  Wash.,  Frank  S.  Hall,  'o2-'o4.  University 

of  Washington  Museum. 
St  Ignace,  Mich.  (Mackinac  Co.),  Frank  E.  Dun- 

ster,  'o6d. 
Sioux   City,    la.,   Kenneth   G.   Silliman,   '12I,   600 

Farmers  Loan  and  Trust  Bldg. 
St  Johns,  Mich. (Clinton  Co.),  Frank  P.  Buck,  'o6w 
St  Louis,  Mo.,  George  D.  Harris,  '99I,  1626  Pierce 

St     Louis.    Mo.     (Alumnae    Association),    Mra. 

Maude  Staieer  Steiner,  '10,  5338  Bartmer  Ave. 
St  Paul  and  Minneapolis.     See  Northwest 
Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  ((3iippewa  Co.),  (ieorge 

A.  Osborn,  '08. 
South  Bend,  Ind.,  Miller  Guy,  '95I. 
South  Dakou,  Roy  E.  Willv,  '12I,  PUtte,  S.  Dak. 
Southern  Kansas,  George  Gardner,  '07I,  9^9  Bea- 
con Bldg.,  WichiU,  Kan. 
Spokane,    Wash.,    Ernest    D.    Weller,    '08I,    The 

Springfield,    111.,    Robert    E.    FiUgerald,    r99''o3» 

Booth  Bldg. 
Tacoma,   Wash.,  Jesse   L.   Snapp,   407   California 

Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  George  E.  Osbum,  '06I,  9  Nay- 

lor-Cox  Bldg. 
Toledo,   O.,   Robert  G.  Young,  '08I,  839   Spitzer 

Tokyo,  Japan,  Taka  Kawada,  '94,  care  Japan  Mail 

Steamship  Co. 
Traverse    City    (Grand    Traverse,    Kalkaska,   and 

Leelenau  Counties),  Dr.  Sara  T.  (^ase,  'oom. 
University  of  Illinois. 

Upper  Peninsula,  (^orge  P.  Edmunds,  '08I,  Mania- 
tique,  Mich. 
Van  Buren  County,  Harold  B.  Lawrence,  e'o8-'ii, 

Decatur,  Mich. 
Vicksburg,  Mich.,  Mary  Dennis  Follmer.  '02. 
Washington,  D.  C,  Minott  E.  Porter,  '93e,  51  R 

street,  N.  E. 
Wichita.  Kan.,  George  (Gardner,  '07I.  First  Natl 

Bk.  Bldg. 
Winona,  Minn.,  E.  O.  Holland,  '92,  276  Center 

Youngstown,    Ohio,    Dndley    R.    Kennedy,    '08I, 

Sumbaugh  Bldg. 


Digitized  by 



JAMES  R.  ANGELL,  '90  (appointed  at  large).  Secretary  of  the  Committee  University  of  Chicago 

EARL  D.  BABST,  '93,  '94! New  York  Oty 

LAWRENCE  MAXWELL.  '74.  LL.D.  '04 Cincinnati,  Ohio 

WALTER  S.  RUSSEL,  '75 Detroit.  Mich. 

JAMES  M.  CROSBY,  '9x0 Grand  Rapidt,  Mich. 

PROFESSOR  G.  CARL  HUBER*  '87m  (appointed  at  large)         ....  Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

DUANE  E.  POX,  '81 Washington,   D.   C 


V.  H.  LANE*  '74e,  '78L  President  of  the  (General  Alumni  Association 
WILPRED  B.  SHAW«  '04,  Oneral  Secretary  of  the  Alumni  Association 

Chairman  of  the  Council 
Secretary  of  the  Council 

Idaho  BIdg.,  Boise,  Id. 

^bum,  '90* 
xsdale,  '91,  *92l, 

ew  Philadelphia, 
Ascarawas,  Ohio, 
Courtland  Bldg., 

9n,    'lol,   937    S. 

tins,  '03. 

ae     Association) 

>7S9  Washington 

'9xe,  1607  Com. 
Senzie,  '96,  Hub- 
irman,  '8j,  Lewis 
AM.  (hon.)  '07, 

:e  Maxwell,  '74, 

Graw,    '91,    '92I, 

:  Snell,  '09,  care 

Perry,   '03!,   217 

Women),  (Jene- 
r  Marston  Court, 
r.  '63.  '65I,  661 
issel,  *75,  Russel 
.  Dewey,  *02,  610 

tely,    '92I,    First 

76I.    '77-'78,    60a 

>ffman,  *03L 

I.    Crosby,    '9ie, 

eelanau  Counties, 
verse  City,  Mich. 
Houghten,  *o6m. 
Hunter.     ro6-*io, 

Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  T.  Paul  Hickey,  Western  State 

Normal  School. 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,  Delbert  J.  Haff,  '84,  '861,  906 

Commerce  Bldg. 
Lansing,    Mich..    (Charles  S.    Robinson,   '07,   East 

Lansmg,  Mien. 

Lima,   Ohio,   William   B.   Kirk,  '07I,   siV^    Public 

Square,  care  of  Halfhill,  Quail  &  Kirk. 
Los   Angeles,   Calif.,    Alfred    T.    Scott,   '8am,   628 

Auditorium ;  James  W.  McKinley,  '79,  434  P.  E. 

Manila,  P.  I.,  E.  Pinley  Johnson,  '90I,  LL.M.  '91. 
Manistee,  Mich. 
Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Paul  D.  Durant,  '95I,  90a  Wells 


Missouri  Vallev,  Charles  G.  McDonald,  'ool,  615 
Brandeis  Bldg.,  Omaha. 

Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Winthrop  B.  Chamberlain, 
'84,  The  Minneapolis  JournaJ. 

New  York  (U.  of  M.  Women's  Club  of  N.  Y.) 
Mrs.  Mildred  Weed  Goodrich,  '96-'97,  161  Hen- 
ry St.,  Brooklyn,  N.   Y. 

New  York,  N.  Y.,  Dr.  Royal  S.  Copeland,  '89h, 
63rd  St.  and  Ave.  A.;  SUnlev  D.  McGraw,  '9a, 
III  Broadway;  Earl  D.  Babst,  '93,  '94I,  409 
W.   isth  St 

Phoenix,  Arizona,  Dr.  James  M.  Swetnam,  '70m, 
8  N.  and  Ave. 

Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  James  G.  Hays,  '86,  '87I,  606 
Bakeweli  Bldtf. 

Port  Huron,  Mich.  (St  Clair  Co.),  William  L. 
Jenks.  '78. 

Portland,  Ore.,  James  L.  Conley,  '06I,  439  (Cam- 
ber of  Commerce. 

Porto  Rico,  Horace  G.  Prettyman,  '8$,  Ann 

Rochester,  N.  Y.,  John  R.  Williams,  '03m,  388 
Monroe  Ave. 

Rocky  Mountain  Association,  Abram  H.  Pelker, 
'02,    '04I,    318    LaCourt    Hotel,    Denver,    Colo. 

Saginaw,  Midi.,  Earl  F.  Wilson,  '94,  603  Bear- 
inger  Bldg. 

Saginaw  Valley  Alumnae  Association,  Mrs.  Geo. 
L.  Burrows,  '89,  1013  N.  Mich.  Ave.,  Saginaw, 

Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  Francis  J.  Seabolt,  '97e,  609 
Union  Ave. 

Seattle,  Wash.,  William  T.  Perkins,  '84I,  203 
Pioneer  Blk. ;  James  T.  Lawler,  '98I,  963  Em- 
pire Bldg. 

St.  Louis.  Mo.,  Horton  C.  Ryan,  '93,  Webster 
Groves  Sta.,  St.  Louis  Mo. 

Southern  Kansas,  George  Gardner,  '07I,  929 
Beacon  Bldg.,  Wichita,  Kans. 

Washington,  D.  C,  Duane  E.  Fox,  '81,  Washing- 
ton Loan  &  Trust  Bldg. 

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Digitized  by  V:iOOQIC 












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Michigan  Alumnus 

Vol.  XXI. 

DECEMBER.  1914 

No.  199 



Last  month  we  sug- 
gested that  the  in- 
crease in  the  income 
of  the  University 
through  the  re-equalization  of  proper- 
ty values  in  the  State  might  have  some 
cdHFect  upon  the  professorial  salary. 
The  expected  has  come  to  pass.  At  the 
last  meeting  of  the  Regents  the  aggre- 
gate appropriation  for  professorial 
salaries  in  the  University  was  in- 
creased by  about  $40,000.00.  The  im- 
mediate rehef  came  as  it  properly 
should,  in  the  lower  ranks,  where  the 
need  of  some  increase  commensurate 
with  the  increase  in  the  cost  of  living 
has  been  particularly  pressing.  CH  This 
change  in  the  salary  schedule  affects 
a  large  proportion  of  the  instructors 
and  assistant  professors  in  the  Liter- 
ary Faculty  and  the  academic 
Faculty  in  the  Engineering  De- 
partment, whose  rate  of  payment 
has  in  every  case  been  increased 
by  at  least  $100.  Formerly  the  in- 
structor started  at  a  salary  of  $900, 
gradually  increasing  to  $1,400.  Under 
3ic  revised  schedule  he  starts  at  $1,000 
and  is  gradually  promoted  to  $1,600. 
The  same  is  true  with  certain  modifi- 
cations in  the  other  ranks.  The  revis- 
ed scale  is  as  follows:  Instructors, 
$i,ooo$i,6oo,  formerly  $900-$! 400; 
assistant  professors,  $i,7oo-$2,ooo, 
formerly  $i,6oo-$i,8(X);  junior  profes- 
sors, $2,ioo-$2400,  formerly  $2,000- 
$2,200;  professors,  $2,500-$4,ooo,  for- 
merly $2.5oo-$3,5oo.  The  changes  in 
salaries   affect   more   than   200   per- 

sons. CH  While  these  changes  arc  by 
no  means  as  large  as  they  should  be, 
they  indicate  a  readiness  on  the  part 
of  the  Univ^ersity  to  recognize  the 
problem  involved  in  the  cost  of  living 
for  instructor  and  professor.  The 
schedule  even  now  is  not  as  high  as 
in  some  of  our  neighboring  univer- 
sities, but  it  is  at  any  rate  the  first 
step  toward  a  new  order  of  things. 


In  the  editorial  taken 
from  The  Detroit 
News  published  in 
The  Ai^umnus  last 
month,  we  had  evidence  of  the  quick 
appreciation  of  the  plans  for  co-opera- 
tion between  the  University  and  Al- 
bion College,  which  may  be  expected. 
In  fact,  this  came  almost  before  the 
idea  was  perfected,  for  it  was  not  un- 
til October  17  that  the  final  details  of 
the  arrangement  were  approved  by  a 
joint  committee  of  the  two  faculties. 
The  recommendations  made  by  this 
committee  were  approved  by  the  Re- 
gents at  their  November  meeting,  and 
may  now  be  considered  definitely 
fixed,  dt  Though  the  scheme  contem- 
plates co-operation  only  between  Al- 
bion and  the  Engineering  Department 
of  the  University,  the  possibilities 
which  it  introduces  arc  far-reaching. 
Now  that  the  first  step  has  been  taken, 
it  would  hardly  be  surprising  to  find 
co-operation  betwe«j  oUier  colleges  in 
the  State  and  other  departments  of  the 
University.     Not  only  does  tiie  pro- 

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posed  action  indicate  a  way  to  bring 
the  University  into  a  closer  co-opera- 
tion with  the  smaller  colleges  of  the 
State,  an  end  in  itself  particularly  de- 
sirable, but  it  also  makes  possible,  for 
those  who  desire  it,  the  advantages  of 
the  more  intimate  life  of  a  small  col- 
lege during  the  earlier  years  of  the 
college  course. 

Like  many  actions  of 
DETAILS  OF  THE  a  revolutionary  na- 
PROPOSED  COURSE  ture,  the  actual  pro- 
visions for  this  com- 
bination between  the  University  and 
Albion  College  are  exceedingly  simple. 
In  general,  it  is  supposed  that  the  stu- 
dent will  spend  three  years  at  Albion 
College  and  two  years  at  the  Univer- 
sity. At  the  end  of  his  first  year's 
work  in  the  University,  provided  the 
report  is  satisfactory,  he  will  receive 
his  A.B.  from  Albion  College,  the  lat- 
ter institution  being  willing  to  accept 
the  work  done  in  the  University  as  be- 
ing equivalent  to  the  fourth  year.  Up- 
on completing  the  requirements  for 
graduation  from  the  Engineering  De- 
partment, the  student  receives  from 
the  University  the  degree  of  Bachelor 
of  Science  in  Engineering.  CH  The 
work  performed  at  Albion  will  be  of 
such  character  and  extent  as  to  enable 
the  student  in  the  combined  course  to 
enter  the  third  year  of  the  regular  en- 
gineering course  at  the  University, 
though  certain  minor  adjustments  will 
have  to  be  made  involving  the  giving 
of  courses,  which  would  normally 
come  in  the  third  year  in  the  Engi- 
neering Department,  at  Albion,  in  or- 
der that  the  student  may  not  be  hand- 
icapped by  having  to  make  up  certain 
other  courses  which  would  normally 
come  in  the  second  year  at  Ann  Ar- 
bor, for  which  facilities  are  not  avail- 
able at  Albion  College.  Though  Al- 
bion requires  the  same  number  of 
units  for  entrance  as  the  University, 
it  does  not  insist  upon  physics  or 
chemistry  or  three  units  of  mathemat- 
ics.    These  have  been  added  to  the 

course  at  Albion,  so  that  the  student 
will  have  covered  the  work  necessary 
to  enable  him  to  enter  the  third  year 
when  he  makes  the  change.  It  is  also 
to  be  noted  that  in  the  third  year  of 
the  combined  course,  an  average  of 
seven  hours  is  allowed  for  electives, 
with  a  view  to  fitting  the  student  to 
enter  some  of  the  specialized  branches 
of  engineering  at  the  University.  Pro- 
vision is  also  made  for  a  certain 
number  of  cultural  courses. 

NOW  rr  IS  OVER 

It  is  an  unfortunate 
fact  that  the  score 
counts  more  in  any 
game  than  the  way  it 
is  played.  So  Michigan's  team  this 
year  must  be  considered  only  partly 
successful,  for  it  cannot  be  denied 
that  the  record  is  a  checkered  one. 
But  the  schedule  —  a  long  and  hard 
one,  with  five  games  of  major  impor- 
tance, or  counting  Vanderbilt,  six,  in 
as  many  weeks,  must  be  considered  a 
more  than  sufficient  excuse,  particu- 
larly for  a  green  team.  CH  Starting 
early  with  a  close  call  at  Lansing, 
when  one  field  goal  was  the  margin  of 
victory  over  the  Agricultural  College, 
and  a  defeat  the  following  week  at 
Syracuse,  the  ability  of  the  team  to 
hold  Harvard  to  one  score  came  as  a 
great  surprise.  Nor  was  the  good 
feeling  engendered  between  the  repre- 
sentatives of  East  and  West  the  least 
satisfactory  part  of  this  game.  The 
Pennsylvania  game  on  the  following 
Saturday  gave  even  more  ground  for 
satisfaction.  It  was  a  decisive  vic- 
tory and  by  a  greater  score  than  in  any 
previous  game  with  Pennsylvania,  un- 
less it  was  the  1908  game,  when  Penn- 
sylvania won  29  to  o.  Then  came  the 
unfortunate  conclusion  of  the  season. 
Cornell  was  admittedly  a  strong 
team,  but  Michigan  thought  she  had 
some  reason  to  believe  that  she  was  at 
least  Cornell's  equal.  The  event 
proved  the  contrary,  though  the  team 
when  it  met  Cornell  was  by  no  means 
as  strong  as  it  was  when  it  played 

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Harvard  and  Pennsylvania.  (S.  Not  a 
little  of  this  lack  of  success,  as  has 
been  suggested,  can  be  ascribed  to  the 
schedule.  Even  though,  theoretically, 
it  matters  little  whether  the  game  is 
lost  or  won,  it  surely  does  matter 
whether  the  physically  impossible  is 
asked  of  competitors  in  college  sport. 
Is  it  not  too  much  to  ask  a  team  to 
make  a  showing,  in  the  face  of  such  a 
schedule  as  Michigan  had  for  the  sea- 
son just  ended,  creditable  to  an  insti- 
tution of  her  athletic  standing?  A 
game  is  a  game,  played  on  Ferry  Field, 
or  on  Soldier's  Field,  and  Harvard  is 
as  worthy  an  opponent  on  one  place 
as  the  other,  but  we  wonder  whether 
there  is  not  a  little  sacrifice  of  dignity, 
if  there  be  such  a  thing  as  college  dig- 
nity, in  submitting  to  conditions  which 
our  opponents  are  not  willing'  in  their 
turn  to  see  imposed  upon  themselves. 
We  would,  however,  rejoice  with  ev- 
eryone to  see  reciprocal  relations  es- 
tablished with  Harvard,  which  did  not 
ask  superhuman  efforts  from  the  team. 

Dr.  Talcott  Williams, 
^/JANflLUON  Dean  of  the  School 
GRADUATES  ^^  Journalism  of  Co- 
lumbia University,  in 
an  address  given  before  the  Maryland 
alumni  of  Columbia  last  April,  stated 
that  ten  years  ago,  according  to  care- 
ful estimates  made  by  Professor  Wil- 
cox, of  Cornell,  there,  were  two  hun- 
dred thousand  college  graduates  in  the 
United  States.  These  came  from  a 
body  of  twenty  million  adult  men  in 
this  country,  a  percentage  of  one  in 
one  hundred.  To  these  two  hundred 
thousand  might  be  added  the  grad- 
uates of  professional  schools,  making 
a  total  of  not  over  two  hundred  and 
thirty  to  two  hundred  and  forty  thou- 
sand. CC  This  number  has,  of  course, 
increased  within  the  last  ten  years,  so 
that  it  would  not  be  an  unreasonable 
estimate  to  suppose  that  there  are  at 
least  four  hundred  thousand  college 
graduates  in  this  country  at  present. 
Possibly  with  the  graduates  of  profes- 

sional schools  and  women  graduates 
the  number  would  be  nearer  five  hun- 
dred thousand.  There  is  no  doubt  but 
that  in  this  body  we  have  the  greatest 
guiding  and  directing  force  in  the  de- 
velopment of  our  national  life  and  civ- 
ilization. Dr.  Williams  points  out  that 
though  the  college  man  forms  no 
more  than  one  hundredth  of  the  total 
men  in  the  country,  he  forms  over  fif- 
ty percent  of  those  named  in  "Who'« 
Who,"  the  best  single  measure  we 
have  of  effective  <:itizenship. 

This  body  of  college 
CO-OPERATION  graduates  is  becom- 
FORCOUXGEMENing  conscious  of  the 

force  that  lies  within 
it,  as  the  growth  of  alumni  organiza- 
tion in  the  past  twenty-five  years 
plainly  shows,  even  if  its  expression 
has  been  heretofore  confined  largely 
to  the  relationship  between  the  alum- 
nus and  his  own  institution.  The  tre- 
mendous value  of  this  organized  and 
intelligent  support  on  the  part  of  the 
graduates  of  American  colleges  and 
universities  is  now  so  generally  recog- 
nized that  we  are  in  the  way  to  forget 
how  recent  this  development  is.  CH  The 
appreciation  of  a  possible  mission  of 
organized  alumni  in  the  larger  nation- 
al life  has  been  more  inarticulate.  That 
this  day  is  passing,  and  that,  in  addi- 
tion to  recognizing  the  duty  to  their 
own  institution,  American  college 
alumni  are  coming  to  recognize  a  high- 
er responsibility  may  be  seen  from  the 
article  on  "Social  Work  Among  Col- 
lege Alumni''  on  page  146.  Co-opera- 
tion has  not  proceeded  far  as  yet,  but 
several  organizations  in  New  York 
and  elsewhere  are  aiming  to  bring  the 
graduates  of  all  colleges  into  work  for 
civic  and  social  improvement  The 
movement  has  served  in  the  cities 
where  it  has  been  established  to  carry 
alumni  organization  beyond  the  prob- 
lems of  the  separate  institutions  (im- 
portant they  surely  are),  into  the 
broader  field  of  public  life.  The  firing 
line  is  truly  of  impressive  proportions; 

Digitized  by 





we  cannot  see  all  that  will  develop 
from  this  movement,  but  as  one  repre- 
sentative at  Columbia  said,  "We  are 
on  our  way." 




The  recent  meeting 
of  Alumni  Secreta- 
ries at  Columbia  Uni- 
versity was  an  evi- 
dence of  the  serious  consideration  that 
American  universities  are  devoting  to 
alumni  problems.  This  was  shown, 
not  only  by  the  fact  that  sixty-two 
universities  were  represented  and  that 
delegates  came  from  the  far  West,  the 
extreme  South  and  the  Northwest,  as 
well  as  from  the  Mid  West  and  East- 
em  States,  but  by  the  spirit  in  which 
the  men  from  the  various  universities 
approached  their  work.  We  are  com- 
ing to  recognize  more  than  ever  be- 
fore that  the  function  of  the  univer- 
sity does  not  cease  with  the  gradua- 
tion of  the  student.  The  potential 
power  of  the  hundreds  of  thousands 
of  graduates  of  the  different  universi- 
ties, as  far  as  they  concern  their  own 
institution,  is  well  recognized,  even 
though  development  of  a  sympathetic 
and  stimulating  relationship  between 
the  university  and  the  alumnus  has 
not  proceeded  far  in  some  universi- 
ties. Even  universities  which  have 
most  effective  and  strongly  organized 
bodies  feel  that  there  is  more  to  do 
than  they  have  done  so  far,  while  the 
co-operation  of  the  alumni  of  various 
universities  in  dealing  with  certain 
problems  of  national  life  which  might 
quite  possibly  be  effectively  handled 
by  such  a  body  has  received  very  little 
consideration,  either  by  universities  or 
by  alumni  bodies.  (S.  At  the  meeting 
in  New  York,  the  problems  of  im- 
mediate interest  naturally  received  the 
greater  share  of  consideration,  as  will 
be  seen  from  the  program  on  page  126. 
We  have  always  with  us  the  problems 
of  effective  organization,  the  raising  of 
funds,  the  publication  of  alumni  re- 
cords and  the  alumni  magazine.  But 
in  each  university  they  are  conditioned 

by  the  particular  form  of  its  organiza- 
tion. In  the  statements  of  the  indivi- 
dual problems  and  the  means  that 
were  taken  to  meet  them,  and  the  give 
and  take  of  the  general  discussions 
by  the  representatives  of  the  various 
universities,  were  found  valuable  sug- 
gestions and  decided  inspiration.  The 
spirit  of  the  whole  meeting  was  an 
uplifting  and  altruistic  recognition  of 
the  relationship  of  alumni  organiza- 
tion toward  the  bettering  not  only  of 
college  and  university  Hfe,  but  also  the 
national  civiHzation. 

Like  the  often  quoted 
TYPES  OF  ALUMNI  problem  of  the  egg  or 
ORGANIZATION  the  chick,  the  ques- 
tion was  raised  at  the 
recent  meeting  of  Alumni  Secretaries 
by  Dean  Keppel,  of  Columbia,  as  to 
whether  the  alumni  secretary  was  the 
result  of  the  association,  or  the  asso- 
ciation the  result  of  the  secretary. 
Subsequent  discussion  revealed  the 
truth  of  both  hypotheses  in  different 
colleges.  In  most  universities,  the 
alumni  organization  is  an  evolution  re- 
sulting from  certain  practical  condi- 
tions which  have  defined  the  precise 
form  the  alumni  activities  come  to  as- 
sume. The  general  alumni  association, 
in  many  colleges,  is  a  direct  child  of 
the  local  organization,  while  in  others 
it  rests  rather  upon  the  organization  of 
classes.  This  is  particularly  true  at 
Yale,  while  Harvard's  organization 
rests  upon  the  local  alumni  club. 
Cn;  Michigan's  type  of  organization 
differs  from  both  in  having  no  vital 
connection  with  the  local  association 
or  with  the  class  organization.  By 
that  we  mean  that  the  election  of  offi- 
cers and  the  control  of  the  fundamen- 
tal policies  of  the  Association  rest  in 
no  way  upon  the  local  associations  or 
upK)n  class  organizations,  but  upon  a 
general  meeting  of  all  alumni  who 
meet  once  a  year  at  Commencement, 
primarily  to  elect  officers,  and  to  pass, 
in  rather  a  perfunctory  way,  truth  to 

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tell,  upon  whatever  business  may  be 
presented  at  that  time.  The  Associa- 
tion quite  probably  would  gain  in  ef- 
fectiveness if  some  closer  connection 
might  be  maintained  between  the  Gen- 
eral Association  and  both  types  of  sub- 
sidiary organization.  There  are  cer- 
tain advantages  in  our  tenuous  and 
loose  form  of  association,  particularly 
in  the  freedom  it  leaves  the  executive 
officer,  but  insofar  as  it  gives  the  indi- 
vidual alumnus  no  feeling  of  responsi- 
bility towards  the  organization,  it  ex- 
hibits an  unfortunate  weakness. 

For  some  time  the 
LOCAL  ALUMNI  officers  of  the  Gener- 
ORGANiZATiONS  al  Association  have 
been  trying  with 
some  degree  of  success  to  remedy  this 
condition  by  stimulating  the  organiza- 
tion of  local  associations  and  classes. 
Reference  to  the  list  of  local  associa- 
tions in  the  front  pages  of  The 
Alumnus  will  show  that  we  bave  one 
hundred  and  thirty-one  local  associa- 
tions, most  of  them  fairly  active,  many 
of  them  decidedly  so.  Likewise,  we 
have  recorded  the  addresses  of  one 
hundred  and  twenty-five  class  secre- 
taries, most  of  whom  are  interested  in 
their  work,  and  are  glad  to  avail  them- 
selves  of  all  suggestions  and  help 
which  the  General  Association  is  able 
to  furnish.  CH  To  bring  the  local  asso- 
ciation into  closer  touch  with  the  Gen- 
eral Association  and  the  University, 
an  Advisory  Council  has  been  estab- 
lished, in  which  local  associations  with 
over  fifty  members  are  entitled  to  rep- 
resentation. This  council  meets  once 
or  twice  a  year  to  consider  questions 
which  pertain  to  the  University  as 
they  affect,  or  are  affected  by,  the 
alumni.  Included  in  the  scheme  of 
organizaticm  is  an  executive  commit- 
tee which  shall  have  a  more  intimate 
relationship  between  alumni  and  Uni- 
versity, and  act  in  a  specific  advisory 
capacity.  That  not  a  great  deal  has 
been  accomplished  to  date  by  this  or- 

ganization does  not  necessarily  imply 
that  much  could  not  be  done,  if  the 
machinery  we  have  were  properly  un- 
der way. 


:ult  problem. 

How  to  organize  the 
local  alumni  associa- 
tion into  an  effective 
UiUt  is  usually  a  diffi- 
It  is  not  a  question  of 
getting  the  "old  guard"  who  are  al- 
ways present,  and  always  enthusiastic, 
out  for  the  meeting,  but  ot  reaching 
all  the  alumni,  and  making  them  in- 
terested and  enthusiastic  as  well.  The 
Chicago  Association  has  evolved  a 
scheme  which  is  proving  successful, 
and  might  be  even  more  feasible  for 
some  of  the  smaller  associations  where 
the  percentage  of  personal,  acquaint- 
ance among  the  members  is  probably 
higher.  Ct  This  plan  involves  the  or- 
ganization of  an  executive  council 
which  meets  for  the  consideration  and 
promotion  of  definite  work  undertak- 
en by  the  Association.  This  council 
consists  of  over  130  members,  arawn 
from  all  the  classes  represented  in 
Chicago.  The  larger  classes,  partic- 
ularly of  the  later  years,  have  several 
representatives  on  the  council.  The 
general  organization  is  in  touch  with 
these  class  representatives,  and  if  it 
is  desired  to  hold  a  meeting  or  bring 
the  alumni  together  for  any  purpose, 
the  word  is  passed  on  to  certain  com- 
mittee chairmen,  who  communicate  in 
turn  with  the  class  representatives. 
Each  of  these  call  up  on  the  telephone 
a  list  of  their  own  classmates.  In  this 
way,  within  a  few  hours,  or  a  day  at 
most,  practically  all  of  the  alumni  in 
Chicago  can  be  informed  of  any  plan 
which  is  on  foot,  and  an  immediate 
response  can  be  obtained,  d.  The  Cor- 
nell Alumni  Association  in  Chicago 
has  a  similar  arrangement,  which  one 
Cornell  alumnus  interprets  in  electri- 
cal terms.  The  total  alumni  list  in  Chi- 
cago is  divided  up  into  fifty  squads  of 
from  eight  to  sixteen  men,  who  are 

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presided  over  by  a  "live  wire."  Five 
"live  wires"  are  presided  over  in  turn 
by  one  man,  the  "trunk  line."  The  ten 
"trunk  lines"  are  divided  into  two 
squads  of  five  each  who  report  to  the 
"transformers,"  who  in  turn  are  re- 
sponsible to  the  "big  dynamo,"  the 
chairman  of  the  ways  and  means  com- 
mittee. When  the  secretary  desires  to 
get  a  crowd  out  to  a  banquet,  he  starts 
the  dynamo  up,  gives  the  desired  in- 
formation to  the  transformer,  who 
discharges  the  news  to  the  trunk  lines, 
who  in  turn  transmit  their  energy  to 
the  "live  wires,"  and  the  revivifying 
influence  of  their  sparking  produces 
enough  energy  in  the  corpses  and  in- 
valids to  make  the  banquet  a  resurrec- 
tion. It  is  only  necessary  to  add  that 
it  is  the  treasurer  who  oils  the  dyna- 
mo. The  electrical  terminology  may 
be  criticised  by  engineers,  but  the  idea 
is  sufficiently  plain. 

To  the  Advisory 
OF  cSS^™'^  Council  another  gen- 
SECRETARIES        ^^^^  organization  has 

been  added  in  the 
form  of  the  Association  of  Class  Sec- 
retaries, which  was  organized  Novem- 
ber 7,  as  reported  on  page  129.  While 
the  function  of  the  Advisory  Council 
is  to  bring  the  alumni  into  closer 
touch  with  the  University,  and  to 
make  the  mature  ability  and  experi- 
ence of  the  alumni  of  service  to  the 
University,  the  function  of  the  Class 
Secretaries  Association  is  r  a  t  h  e  r  to 
help  the  class  secretaries  in  their  work 
of  gathering  records,  of  keeping  track 
of  their  classmates,  and  of  stimulating 
their  interest  in  the  University 
through  class  publications  and  reun- 
ions. CH  The  relation  of  this  body  to 
the  General  Association  is  not  neces- 
sarily intimate.  The  only  actual  link 
is  the  General  Secretary,  who  is  a 
member  ex  officio  of  the  executive 
committee,  according  to  the  new  con- 
stitution. In  practice,  however,  the 
organization  is  bound  to  co-operate  ra- 
ther intimately  with  the  General  Asso- 

ciation, which  for  years  has  under- 
taken the  work  of  the  organization  and 
stimulation  of  reunions,  and  to  a  cer- 
tain extent  the  gathering  of  records. 
This  side  of  the  activities  of  the  Gen- 
eral Association  will  not  be  lessened 
by  the  new  organization.  Rather,  it  is 
to  be  hoped  it  will  be  increased, 
through  the  growth  of  interest  and  ef- 
ficiency on  the  part  of  the  class  secre- 
tary, who  will  profit  by  the  experience 
and  enthusiasm  of  others  engaged  in 
like  work. 

The  first  task  before 
SOME  TASKS  this  new  Association 
BEFORE  rr  is  the  publication  of  a 
handbook,  and  the 
preparation  of  some  standard  method 
for  the  gathering  and  filing  of  class 
records.  Such  a  handbook  as  is  con- 
templated should  contain  a  general 
discussion  of  the  work  of  the  class 
secretary,  notes  on  the  best  method  of 
procuring  and  classifying  individual 
records,  what  should  and  what  should 
not  be  included,  general  hints  on  the 
publication  of  class  books  and  the  fi- 
nancing of  class  organizations,  and 
other  matters  of  interest  to  the  class 
secretary.  CC  In  addition,  samples  of 
various  forms  which  are  to  be  pre- 
pared for  the  class  secretaries  will  be 
included,  and  a  scale  of  prices  will  be 
established,  so  that  the  class  secreta- 
ries may  obtain  them  at  the  lowest 
possible  cost.  Such  a  work  involves 
necessarily  a  certain  financial  problem 
which  was  not  met  at  the  recent  meet- 
ing when  the  Association  was  organ- 
ized. The  article  providing  for  a  mem- 
bership fee  was  stricken  out,  and  the 
question  of  financing  the  whole  mat- 
ter was  left  to  the  executive  commit- 
tee. This  problem  promises  to  be  a 
pertinent  one  as  soon  as  definite  activ- 
ities are  undertaken  by  the  Associa- 
tion. Voluntary  contributions  by  the 
secretaries  interested  in  the  work  may 
furnish  sufficient  help  until  the  Asso- 
ciation is  under  way,  and  some  definite 
method  of  maintenance  is  evolved. 

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"Pomander  Walk,"  by  L.  N.  Par- 
ker, has  been  chosen  as  the  annual 
play  of  the  Comedy  Club,  to  be  pre- 
sented some  time  after  the  opening  of 
the  second  semester. 

Theodore  W.  Koch,  Librarian  of 
the  University,  delivered  an  illustrated 
lecture  on  "Book  Plates"  at  the  De- 
troit Museum  of  Art  on  November 
15.  It  was  given  as  one  of  the  Uni- 
versity Extension  lectures. 

The  third  annual  chrysanthemum 
exhibit  was  opened  in  Alumni  Me- 
morial Hall  on  Saturday,  October  31, 
and  continued  until  the  end  of  No- 
vember. About  three  thousand  plants 
were  sho\yn,  including  the  green  ones 
which  created  so  much  interest  last 
.  year. 

Professor  Henry  C.  Adams,  and  his 
family,  who  have  been  in  China  for 
the  past  year,  returned  to  Ann  Arbor 
on  November  7.  Professor  Adams 
was  called  to  China  by  the  government 
to  devise  an  accounting  system  for  the 
railroads  which  they  had  taken  over. 
He  will  resume  his  courses  in  political 
economy  next  semester. 

In  return  for  the  facsimiles  of  the 
Freer  Manuscripts,  the  American  Bi- 
ble Society  has  presented  to  the  Uni- 
versity Library  nearly  one  hundred 
editions  of  the  Bible.  They  are  print- 
ed in  a  number  of  languages,  includ- 
ing the  languages  of  Europe  and  Asia, 
and  the  dialects  of  the  North  Ameri- 
can Indians  and  of  African  tribes. 

Professor  John  R.  Brumm,  of  the 
Rhetoric  Department,  was  appointed 
as  the  delegatt  of  the  School  Masters' 
Club  and  of  the  State  Teachers  Asso- 
ciation at  the  meeting  of  the  National 
Council  of  Teachers  of  English,  held 
in  Chicago,  November  26-28.  Profes- 
sor F.  N.  Scott,  head  of  the  Rhetoric 
Department,  was  also  present,  and  de- 
livered an  address. 

Mr.  H.  M.  Leland,  of  Detroit,  con- 
sulting general  manager  of  the  Cadil- 
lac Motor  Car  Co.,  spoke  before  the 
Sunday  afternoon  meeting  of  the 
Michigan  Union  on  November  29,  tak- 
ing as  his  subject,  "Character  in  Busi- 

At  the  November  meeting  of  the 
Regents,  J.  C.  Christensen,  at  present 
Assistant  Secretary  of  the  University, 
was  appointed  Purchasing  Agent  of 
the  University,  succeeding  Charles  L. 
Loos,  whose  resignation  takes  effect 
January  i,  1915. 

Shipments  of  glassware  from  Ger- 
many, billed  to  the  University  of 
Michigan,  have  recently  been  received 
in  New  York.  These  shipments  are 
part  of  a  lai^e  order  of  chemical  sup- 
plies, the  greater  part  of  which  were 
sent  before  the  war.  The  material  in 
the  shipment  is  intended  for  the 
Chemical  Department,  where  there  is 
an  almost  immediate  need  for  it. 

Paintings  by  Mr.  F.  Usher  De  Vol! 
and  Mr.  H.  E.  Barnes  were  on  exhibi- 
tion in  the  large  gallery  of  Memorial 
Hall  from  November  i  to  November 
15,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Ann  Ar- 
bor Art  Association.  Mr.  De  VoU's 
paintings  were  of  scenes  in  the  east- 
em  states,  while  the  work  of  Mr. 
Barnes,  who  is  an  Ann  Arbor  man, 
consisted  chiefly  of  Huron  River 

A  petition  asking  for  the  establish- 
ment of  military  training  and  service 
in  the  University  was  presented  to  the 
Regents  at  their  meeting  on  November 
24.  Although  the  petition  was  only 
circulated  for  two  or  three  days,  about 
fifty  names  were  signed,  including 
those  of  Dean  Bates,  of  the  Law  De- 
partment, Dean  Cooley,  of  the  Engi- 
neering Department,  Dean  Vaughan, 
of  the  Medical  Department,  Professor 
Evans  Holbrook,  of  the  Law  Depart- 
ment, Coaches  Fielding  H.  Yost, 
Adolph  Schulz  and  W.  C.  Cole. 

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Under  the  auspices  of  the  Architec- 
tural Society,  an  exhibition  of  forty- 
two  pictures  in  water  color,  mainly  of 
scenes  in  Italy  and  France,  by  Profes- 
sor Edmund  S.  Campbell,  of  the  Art 
Institute,  Chicago,  was  shown  in 
Alumni  Memorial  Hall  in  November. 

Professor  Edward  D.  Jones,  of  the 
Economics  Department,  delivered  a 
lecture  on  November  6  before  the  Ad- 
craft  Club,  of  Detroit,  a  society  which 
is  affiliated  with  the  Detroit  Board  of 
Commerce.  Professor  Jones  took  as 
his  subject  "The  American  Distribu- 
tive System:  A  Review  and  Criti- 
cism." His  address  was  the  first  in  a 
series  of  twenty  lectures  dealing  with 
political  economy,  sociology,  aesthet- 
ics, psychology  arid  rhetoric. 

More  than  two-thirds  of  the  one 
hundred  and  sixty  foreign  students 
enrolled  in  the  University  hold  mem- 
bership in  at  least  one  of  the  half  doz- 
en foreign  student  organizations  on 
the  Campus.  The  largest  of  these  is 
the  Cosmopolitan  Club,  with  a  mem- 
bership of  one  hundred  and  twenty- 
five,  followed  by  the  Chinese  Students' 
Club,  with  sixty  members,  the  Latin- 
American  Club,  the  Canadian  Club, 
the  Dutch  Club  and  Phi  Chi  Delta,  the 
national  Latin-American  fraternity. 

The  November  number  of  The 
Michigan  Law  Review  made  its  ap- 
pearance on  November  21.  It  contains 
articles  by  Hon.  Simeon  E.  Baldwin, 
Governor  of  Connecticut,  who  writes 
on  "The  Protection  of  Aliens  by  the 
United  States;"  Hon.  Walter  Clark, 
Chief  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  of 
North  Carolina,  whose  subject  was 
"Some  Myths  of  the  Law,"  and  by 
Judge  Charles  B.  Collingwood,  of  the 
Circuit  Court  at  Lansing,  on  "The 
New  Probation  Laws  of  Michigan," 
Clarence  E.  Eldredge,  '09,  '11/,  of  Chi- 
cago, contributes  "A  New  Interpreta- 
tion of  the  Sherman  Law,"  quoting  the 
recently  decided  case  of  the  Interna- 
tional Harvester  Company. 

Professor  I.  Leo  Sharfman  and 
Professor  David  Friday,  of  the  Eco- 
nomics Department,  attended  a  con- 
ference on  American  Railway  Prob- 
lems held  by  the  Western  Economic 
Society  in  Chicago  on  November  12- 
14.  Professor  Friday  led  the  discus- 
sion of  a  paper  given  by  Professor 
Thomas  Adams  on  "Valuation  of  Pub- 
lic Service  Corporations  for  Purposes 
of  Taxation." 

Women  students  in  the  educational 
department  have  recently  organized  a 
new  woman's  club,  to  be  known  as  the 
Girls'  Educational  Club.  Officers  for 
the  year  have  been  elected  as  follows : 
President,  Josephine  Sherzer,  '15,  Yp- 
silanti ;  vice-president,  Mrs.  Delia  Mc- 
Curdy  Thompson,  '15,  Detroit;  secre- 
tary-treasurer, Mary  M.  Purdy,  '15, 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.  Meetings  of  the  club 
will  be  held  every  other  Tuesday  ev- 
ening. All  women  of  the  University 
are  invited  to  attend,  as  admission  is 
not  restricted  to  the  educational  de- 

As  the  first  of  a  series  of  monthly 
performances  which  the  Comedy  Club 
plans  to  give  during  the  year,  the  one- 
act  playlet,  "The  Bracelet,"  was  pre- 
sented on  November  20,  in  Sarah  Cas- 
well Angell  Hall.  The  cast  was  as  fol- 
Judge  Banket — Harold  H.  Springstun,  '17, 

Pana,  111. 
Harvey  Westren — Morrison  C.  Wood,  '17, 

Chicago,  111. 
Martin— Frederick  W.  Sullivan,  '18,  Battle 

William— Clarence  A.Lokker,  '17/,  Holland. 
Mrs.    Westren — Ruberta    Wood  worth,    '17, 

Mrs.    Banket— Elsa    W.    Apfel.    '16,    Ann 

Miss  Farren— Rowena  B.  Bastin,  '18,  High- 
land Park,  111. 
Smithers— Doris   Stamats,  '17,   Toledo,  O. 

The  play  was  preceded  by  a  presenta- 
tion of  TchekoflF's  "The  Swan  Song" 
by  Leon  M.  Cunningham,  '16,  Bay 
City,  and  Norman  W.  Wassmann,  '18, 
Bellaire,  O.,  which  was  accompanied 
by  Harold  B.  Forsythe,  *i7e,  Saginaw, 
on  the  violin. 

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Mr.  Lawrence  Binyon,  of  London, 
assistant  keeper  of  the  prints  in  the 
British  Museum,  and  a  writer  and  art 
critic  of  note  delivered  a  lecture  on 
"The  Art  of  Asia"  in  Alumni  Me- 
morial Hall  on  November  23.  Dr. 
John  C.  Ferguson,  of  Pekin,  spoke  on 
"A  Survey  of  Chinese  Art,"  on  De- 
cember I,  and  on  "Chinese  Painting" 
on  December  3,  in  the  same  place.  All 
the  lectures  were  under  University 

Work  on  the  production  of  the  191 5 
Michigan  Union  Opera  has  already 
been  begun.  According  to  present 
plans,  the  play  will  be  shown  in  De- 
troit, Grand  Rapids,  Chicago,  Milwau- 
kee, South  Bend  and  Toledo  during 
the  week  of  spring  vacation,  April  9 
to  19,  with  a  second  performance  in 
Detroit  at  the  conclusion  of  the  trip. 
Sylvan  S.  Grosner,  '12,  '14/,  of  De- 
troit, IS  the  author  of  this  year's  pro- 
duction, and  Kenneth  S.  Baxter,  *!$€, 
of  Detroit,  is  general  manager.  Ac- 
cording to  precedent,  the  name  of  the 
play  will  not  be  made  public  until 
shortly  before  the  first  performance. 

In  February  the  Highway  Engi- 
neering section  of  the  Civil  Engineer- 
ing Department  of  the  University 
plans  to  conduct  a  one  week's  course 
for  the  benefit  of  the  county,  town- 
ship, and  state  highway  engineers  and 
for  highway  officials  of  the  State.  It 
will  consist  of  lectures  and  demonstra- 
tions, given  by  members  of  the  Fac- 
ulty of  the  Department,  with  a  num- 
ber of  outside  speakers,  including  F. 
F.    Rogers,    of    the   Michigan    State 

Highway  Commission;  Professor  T. 
H.  McDonald,  head  of  the  highway 
work  in  Iowa,  and  head  of  the  Engi- 
neering Department  at  Ames  College ; 
Prevost  Hubbard,  head  of  the  Board 
of  Industrial  Research  at  Washington, 
D.  C. ;  W.  W.  Crosby,  consulting  en- 
gineer at  Baltimore,  Md. ;  Dean  C.  H. 
Strachan,  of  Athens,  Ga. ;  and  Profes- 
sor Ira  O.  Baker,  head  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Civil  Engineering  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Illinois.  The  course  will 
take  up  the  problem  of  Michigan  road- 
building,  and  consider  the  question  of 
economic  road  construction  under  the 
various  conditions  existing  in  the 
State.  It  will  be  somewhat  similar  to 
courses  given  at  the  Universities  of 
Illinois,  Iowa  and  Wisconsin,  and  at 
the  Case  School  of  Applied  Science, 
at  Cleveland. 

The  1914-15  Athletic  Annual  made 
its  appearance  in  November,  with  H. 
Beach  Carpenter,  '14,  '17/,  of  Rock- 
ford,  111.,  as  editor,  and  E.  Rodgers 
Sylvester,  '17,  of  Port  Huron,  as 
manager.  The  table  of  contents  in- 
cludes the  personnel  of  the  athletic  au- 
thorities, a  history  of  athletics  at 
Michigan,  Yost's  All-Time  Michigan 
Elevens,  a  brief  biography  of  Coach 
Yost,  athletic  scores  from  the  intro- 
duction of  the  diflferent  sports,  com- 
parative records  of  Michigan  and  her 
opponents,  the  organization  of  the 
Athletic  Association,  various  athletic 
regulations  and  a  report  of  intramural 
activities.  A  new  feature  is  an  alpha- 
betical list  of  the  'Wearers  of  the 
**M," '  giving  the  sport,  in  which  it 
was  won,  and  the  year,  with  the  pres- 
ent address. 

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126  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 


Columbia  and  Yale  Universities  furnished  a  most  hospitable  and  inspir- 
ing setting  for  the  third  annual  meeting  of  the  Association  of  Alumni  Secre- 
taries, held  in  New  York  on  November  19  and  20,  and  in  New  Haven  on 
the  following  day.  The  business  sessions  of  the  Association,  five  in  num- 
ber, were  held  in  the  new  building  of  the  School  of  Journalism  at  Columbia, 
while  the  most  important  session  of  the  third  day,  at  New  Haven,  was  held 
at  the  Yale  Bowl,  where  the  members  of  the  Association  formed  a  small 
part  of  the  seventy  thousand  who  witnessed  Harvard^s  spectacular  victory. 

The  register  of  the  meeting  showed  sixty-seven  delegates  present,  repre- 
senting sixty-two  different  institutions,  a  significant  increase  over  the  attend- 
ance of  the  two  previous  meetings  at  Columbus  and  Chicago.  There  were 
executive  alumni  officers  present  from  as  far  west  as  Stanford  University. 
The  South  was  represented  by  men  from  Texas,  Louisiana  and  Virginia; 
North  Dakota  and  Minnesota  in  the  Northwest  sent  delegates;  while  most 
of  the  mid-western  and  eastern  states  were  represented,  giving  an  impres- 
sive national  aspect  to  the  meeting. 

Both  Columbia  and  Yale  proved  cordial  hosts.  A  large  proportion 
of  the  members  of  the  Associaton  were  housed  in  the  Columbia  dormi- 
tories as  guests  of  the  University  during  the  period  of  the  sessions,  and  the 
members  of  the  Association  were  given  privileges  of  the  Faculty  Club  for 
breakfast  and  luncheon  on  the  days  when  the  Association  was  not  formally 
entertained.  On  the  opening  day  of  the  session  a  luncheon  was  given  the 
Association  by  Columbia  University  at  Claremont  on  the  Hudson,  at  w*hich 
Dean  Keppel,  of  Columbia  College,  presided.  On  the  evening  of  the  fol- 
lowing day  a  dinner  was  also  tendered  the  Association  by  the  Columbia  Uni- 
versity Club  in  the  clubhouse  in  Gramercy  Square,  at  which  Dean  Van  Am- 
ringe,  Columbia,  '60,  President  of  the  Columbia  Federated  Clubs,  presided. 
Dean  "Van  Am*'  is  as  loved  and  venerated  by  Columbia  alumni  as  our  own 
President  Emeritus  is  by  Michigan  alumni. 

But  small  opportunity  was  given  on  the  following  day  to  see  Yale  Uni- 
versity, though  an  instructive  few  minutes  were  spent  by  the  Association  in 
walking  about  the  Campus  and  in  the  offices  where  the  Yale  alumni  records 
are  preserved.  At  a  luncheon  given  by  the  University  in  Memorial  Hall,  the 
Association  was  addressed  by  the  Secretary  of  Yale  University,  Rev.  Anson 
Phelps  Stokes,  who  emphasized  the  opportunity  for  service  to  the  university 
which  alumni  organization  brings.  Particularly  helpful,  he  thought,  might 
be  the  interchange  of  ideas  among  the  different  universities.  He  cited  the 
remarkable  growth  of  the  Yale  Alumni  Fund,  which  now  amounts  to  $1,300,- 
000,  as  an  example  of  most  useful  work  for  their  Alma  Mater  on  the 
part  of  the  alumni.  But  more  than  this,  he  stated  as  an  example  of  the 
inspiration  of  concerted  alumni  eflFort  that  since  the  idea  had  been  developed 
a  few  years  ago,  at  Yale,  it  had  spread  to  many  other  American  universities, 
which  were  now  developing  alumni  funds  along  the  lines  first  hit  upon  by  a 
small  band  of  Yale  alumni. 

"What  Alumni  Associations  Are  Doing,  and  Might  be  Doing"  formed 
the  general  topic  for  the  opening  sessions  of  the  Conference.  Following  an 
introductory  speech  by  the  President  of  the  Association,  Mr.  E.  B.  Johnson, 

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128  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 

of  Minnesota,  and  a  discussion  of  "The  Ideal  Association"  by  the  Secretary, 
the  representative  of  the  University  of  Michigan,  Dean  C.  Mathews,  of 
Western  Reserve  University,  took  up  the  question  of  developing  and  voic- 
ing alumni  sentiment  so  that  it  shall  really  represent  the  highest  ideals  of 
the  alumni  for  the  institution.  Aspects  of  th^  question  were  discussed  by 
the  representatives  of  Northwestern,  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology and  Wisconsin.  At  the  afternoon  session  the  problem  of  the  class 
secretary  was  opened  by  Edwin  Rogers  Embree,  Alumni  Registrar  of  Yale 
University,  who  outlined  at  some  length  the  plan  which  has  been  followed 
at  Yale  for  the  past  hundred  years  with  remarkable  and  inspiring  results. 
Warren  F.  Sheldon,  of  Wesleyan,  also  discussed  the  possibilities  of  the 
system,  and  how  to  finance  the  work.  Mr.  Win-field  Willard  Rowlee,  of 
Cornell,  in  discussing  local  alumni  associations,  outlined  an  interesting 
scheme  of  organization  followed  by  the  Cornell  Association  of  Chicago. 
Lewis  D.  Crenshaw,  of  Virginia,  also  told  of  a  most  successful  and  compre- 
hensive campaign  to  bring  about  class  reunions  at  a  university  where,  before 
he  took  the  matter  up,  organization  by  classes  was  unknown.. 

The  evening  sessions  of  the  first  day  were  divided  among  the  state  uni- 
versities, the  larger  endowed  institutions,  and  the  smaller  endowed  institu- 
tions, under  the  chairmanship  of  representatives  from  Louisiana,  Pennsyl- 
vania and  Worcester  Pol3rtechnic  Institute. 

The  following  day  the  subjects  of  "the  alumni  secretary"  and  "the 
alumni  publication"  formed  the  principal  topics  under  discussion.  Particu- 
larly interesting  was  a  symposium,  by  John  A.  Lomax,  of  Texas,  on  "The 
Relation  of  the  Alumni  to  the  Secretary  and  to  the  Institution,"  founded 
upon  a  series  of  letters  written  to  representative  institutions  all  over  the 
United  States.  Edwin  Oviatt,  Editor  of  The  Yale  Alumni  Weekly,  dis- 
cussed the  ideals  that  should  govern  the  editor,  a  question  of  absorbing  in- 
terest to  many  of  those  present.  The  question  of  interesting  the  alumni, 
older  and  younger,  was  presented  by  Joseph  S.  Myers,  of  Ohio  State  Uni- 

The  afternoon  of  the  second  day  was  devoted  to  the  election  of  officers 
for  the  coming  year,  and  a  general  discussion  of  questions  raised  by  various 
members  of  the  Association.  The  following  officers  were  elected:  Presi- 
dent, Edwin  R.  Embree,  Alumni  R^strar  of  Yale  University;  First  Vice- 
President,  Dean  C.  Mathews,  of  Western  Reserve  University ;  Second  Vice- 
President,  John  A.  Lomax,  of  Texas ;  Secretary,  Wilfred  B.  Shaw,  Univer- 
sity of  Michigan;  Treasurer,  A.  T.  Prescott,  University  of  Louisiana;  Mem- 
bers of  the  Executive  Committee:  J.  E.  McDowell,  Stanford  University; 
Karl  Leebrick,  University  of  California;  Charles  Cason,  Vanderbilt  Uni- 
versity. The  Association  also  established  a  Bureau  of  Information  for 
Alumni  Officers.  The  chairman  of  this  bureau,  Levering  Tyson,  Columbia, 
will  make  it  a  part  of  his  duties  to  collect  detailed  information  from  all  the 
universities  which  are  members  of  the  Association  in  triplicate  for  the  use 
of  anyone  who  desires  to  find  what  other  universities  are  doing  in  certain 
fields  of  alumni  activity.  A  preparation  of  exhibits  will  also  be  undertaken, 
to  be  shown  at  the  next  meeting  of  the  Association,  which  is  to  be  held  next 
November  at  Stanford  University. 

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At  a  meeting  of  about  twenty-five  class  secretaries,  held  at  the  Michigan 
Union,  immediately  following  the  Pennsylvania  game,  November  7,  1914, 
a  constitution  and  definite  plan  of  organization  of  an  Association  of  Class 
Secretaries  was  adopted.  The  General  Secretary  of  the  Alimini  Association, 
to  whom  had  been  delegated  the  duty  of  calling  the  meeting  together,  acted 
as  chairnmn,  with  Professor  Gordon  Stoner,  '04,  '06/,  as  secretary. 

Following  a  short  statement  of  the  purpose  of  the  meeting,  in  which 
the  action  of  the  previous  session,  held  last  Commencement,  was  reviewed 
by  the  chairman,  the  constitution  drawn  up  by  the  committee  on  constitution 
previously  authorized,  composed  of  Professor  Gordon  Stoner,  '04,  *o6l.  Dr. 
Charles  W.  Hitchcock,  '80,  of  Detroit,  Dr.  G.  Carl  Huber,  '87W,  Thurlow 
E  Coon,  '03,  '06^,  of  Detroit,  and  James  H.  Westcott,  '94/,  of  New  York, 
was  presented.  A  copy  of  this  constitution  had  been  previously  sent 
to  all  the  class  secretaries,  and  many  letters  had  been  received  r^^arding 
it.  Following  the  suggestion  in  tiie  letter  of  Mr.  Louis  H.  Jennings,  '72,  of 
Chicago,  it  was  moved  by  Dr.  Huber  that  the  words,  "the  General  Secretary 
of  the  Alimini  Association  shall  act  as  chairman  of  this  committee,"  be 
stricken  from  Article  IV  of  the  proposed  constitution.  This  was  carried, 
and  the  constitution  was  then  adopted  as  amended. 

Meanwhile,  the  chairman  of  the  meeting  had  appointed  Miss  Annie  W. 
Langley,  '01,  Dr.  Hitchcock  and  Professor  J.  H.  Drake,  '85,  '02I,  as  a  nom- 
inating committee. 

A  certain  amount  of  discussion  of  the  proposed  constitution  followed, 
and  it  was  finally  moved  and  adopted  that  the  adoption  of  the  constitution 
be  reconsidered.  The  section  in  the  original  draft  of  the  constitution,  pro- 
viding that  the  annual  dues  of  the  members  of  the  Association  should  be 
two  dollars,  roused  a  considerable  discussion.  It  was  felt  by  some  of  the 
secretaries  that  this  might  not  only  prove  something  of  a  burden  for  class 
secretaries  whose  classes  are  at  present  very  loosely  organized,  but,  until 
the  aim  and  scope  of  the  organization  were  better  defined,  might  impair, 
rather  than  increase,  the  general  eflFectiveness  of  the  proposed  association. 
It  was  finally  decided  upon  motion  that  the  adoption  of  the  constitution  be 
reconsidered,  which  resulted  in  the  final  adoption  of  the  constitution,  with 
Article  VII,  providing  for  dues,  stricken  out.  The  constitution  as  finally 
amended  is  as  follows: 

Article  I. — Name. 

The  name  of  this  organization  shall  be  "The  Association  of  Class  Secretaries,  of 
the  University  of  Michigan." 

Article  II.— Object. 

The  object  of  this  Association  shall  be  to  further  the  interests  of  the  University; 
to  encourage  and  aid  the  collection  and  compilation  of  complete  and  uniform  statistics 
for  each  class  and  the  publication  of  the  same  in  a  uniform  manner ;  to  enliven  interest 
in  and  increase  the  attendance  at  the  regular  class  reunions;  and  by  proper  organiza- 
tion and  co-operation  to  stimulate  and  standardize  the  work  of  the  class  secretaries  and 
to  develop  greater  unity  of  action  and  feeling  in  the  various  classes,  Alumni  Associa- 
tion and  alumni  body  as  a  whole. 

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Articlb  III. — Officers. 

The  officers  of  this  Association  shall  be : 

( I )  A  president,  whose  duties  shall  be  those  of  presiding  officer. 
(2>  A  vice-president,  who,  in  the  absence  of  the  president,  shall  act  as  presiding 

(3)  A  treasurer,  who  shall  collect  the  annual  dues  and  keep  the  accounts  of  this 

(4)  A  secretary,  who  shall  perform  the  usual  duties  of  that  office. 

(5)  An  executive  committee,  consisting  of  five  members. 

Article  IV,— Executive  Committee. 

The  executive  committee  shall  consist  of  the  president  and  the  secretary  of  this 
Association  and  the  general  secretary  of  the  Alumni  Association,  who  shall  be  a 
member  of  this  Association,  ex  oMcio,  and  two  other  members.  The  executive  com- 
mittee shall  be  trusted  with  the  general  management  of  this  Association.  It  shall  have 
the  power  to  appoint  special  committees  from  time  to  time,  and  act  upon  the  reports 
submitted  by  such  committees,  and  it  shall  be  its  duty  to  receive  suggestions  from 
members  and  take  action  upon  them.  It  shall,  if  possible,  take  annual  action  looking 
toward  the  appointing  of  efficient  class  secretaries  by  the  graduating  classes  of  the 
University  of  Michigan, 

Article  V.— Meetings  and  Elections. 

The  annual  meeting  at  which  the  officers  of  this  Association  shall  be  elected  shall 
be  'held  in  Ann  Arbor  in  June.  Other  meetings  shall  be  held  at  the  call  of  the  executive 

Article  VI. — Membership. 

Tfce  active  membership  of  this  Association  shall  consist  of  the  class  secretaries  of 
the  various  classes  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

Graduates  of  the  University  may  be  elected  to  honorary  membership  in  this 
Association  at  any  regular  meeting. 

Article  VII. — Amendments. 

This  constitution  may  be  amended  by  a  two-thirds  vote  of  those  present  at  any 
regularly  called  meeting  of  this  Association,  provided  that  at  least  ten  (10)  days'  notice 
of  sudh  meeting  be  given. 

The  committee  on  nominations  reported  as  follows : 

For  President,  Hon.  George  S.  Hosmer,  '75,  Detroit;  for  Vice-President,  E>r. 
Adelle  P.  Pierce,  '90m,  Kalamazoo;  for  Secretary  and  Treasurer,  Professor  Gordon 
Stoner,  '04,  '06/,  Ann  Arbor;  for  Members  of  the  Executive  Committee.  Mr.  Wilfred 
B.  Shaw,  '04,  Ann  Arbor  (ex-oMcio),  Mrs.  F.  N.  Scott,  '84,  Ann  Arbor,  and  Mr.  Louis 
H.  Jennings,  '72,  Chicago. 

Upon  motion  of  Professor  Ralph  W.  Aigler,  '07/,  the  report  of  the 
nominating  committee  was  adopted,  and  the  above  officers  were  duly  elected. 

The  question  of  immediate  general  interest  was  that  of  uniform  blanks 
for  class  statistics,  and  the  publication  of  a  handbook  for  class  secretaries, 
similar  to  those  already  published  by  Yale  and  Cornell  Universities.  It  was 
felt  that  some  uniformity  in  the  matter  of  keeping  records  was  very  desirable, 
as  was  also  some  central  office  where  these  might  be  filed.  It  was  finally 
moved  by  Professor  Bradshaw  that  this  matter  of  uniform  statistical  blanks, 
as  well  as  the  publicaton  of  a  handbook,  be  referred  to  the  executive  com- 
mittee, with  power.  This  was  duly  carried.  The  meeting  thereupon  ad- 
journed, to  meet  again  next  Commencement. 

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For  a  period  of  one  hundred  and  twenty-three  years,  from  1792  to 
191 5,  practically  every  class  at  Yale  University  has  been  organized  with  a 
secretary  as  executive  officer  and  editor  of  not  one,  but  a  series  of  class 
records.  The  loyalty  of  Yale  alumni  to  their  Alma  Mater  has  been  proverb- 
ial, and  with  such  a  record  of  organized  effort  it  is  not  difficult  to  see  the 
reason  for  it.  There  has  been  a  certain  amount  of  organization  by  classes 
in  most  American  universities;  records  have  been  kept  by  divers  enthu- 
siastic class  secretaries,  but  never  has  the  system  been  carried  out  so  sys- 
tematically and  so  enthusiastically  as  at  Yale,  and  nowhere  have  results  been 
so  remarkable. 

At  Yale  the  class  secretary  is  elected  during  his  senior  year,  and  is 
re-elected  or  succeeded  in  election  from  time  to  time  during  the  life  of  the 
members  of  the  class.  He  is  the  only  general  officer,  and  to  him  are  dele- 
gated the  duties  of  keeping  annotated  address  lists,  occupation  lists  and  mar- 
riage and  family  lists  of  the  members  of  his  class.  In  the  younger  years  of  the 
class  he  also  acts  as  a  bureau  of  occupation  and  recommendation  for  class- 
mates desiring  new  positions.  To  him  also  are  referred  questions  involving 
special  class  activities  or  affecting  class  policy.  These  powers  have  grown 
up  with  the  office,  especially  as  no  class  or  general  alumni  association  has 
specifically  delegated  these  powers  to  the  secretary. 

According  to  Mr.  E.  R.  Embree,  Yale's  Alumni  Registrar,  who  des- 
cribed the  system  at  the  meeting  of  Alumni  Secretaries  at  Columbia,  it  is  an 
evolution,  a  survival  of  the  fittest,  in  class  organization.  The  other  officers  of 
the  class,  sometimes  appointed  by  the  secretary,  sometimes  elected  by  the 
class,  arrange  for  specific  reunions,  collect  money  for  current  expenses  and 
for  the  University  Alumni  Fund,  manage  the  annual  dinners  and  devise  and 
present  memorials  to  the  University.  The  secretary's  specific  and  individual 
duty  concerns  the  personal  life  of  the  member  and  the  published  records  of 
his  life.  It  is  in  the  matter  of  class  records  that  the  Yale  system  is  unique. 
A  senior  book  is  published  at  Yale,  as  at  many  other  American  universities, 
but  this  is  only  the  beginning  of  a  series  of  records. 

According  to  the  present  system  most  classes  at  Yale  now  issue  more 
or  less  extensive  biographical  records  of  their  members  at  five  year  intervals 
after  graduation  so  long  as  the  last  survivor  lives,  forming  a  complete 
library  of  five  to  a  dozen  volumes.  In  general,  these  publications  follow 
the  reunions.  Many  of  them  are  comparatively  short,  consisting  merely  of 
an  account  of  the  last  reunion  and  brief  sketches  of  recent  events  in  the 
members'  careers.  But  at  the  ten  year,  the  twenty-five  year  and  the  fifty 
year  period  the  records  are  more  extensive.  The  twenty-five  year  and  fifty 
year  books  are  often  distinct  contributions  to  American  biography,  giving  a 
complete  sketch  of  each  member,  with  often  some  genealogical  background, 
a  full  account  of  his  college  life  and  two  to  five  hundred  words  concerning 
his  career,  illustrated  with  photographs  of  the  man  as  he  appeared  in  col- 
lege and  as  he  appeared  twenty-five  years  after  graduation. 

Yale  now  has  a  library  of  five  hundred  and  forty  volumes  of  class 
records,  not  including  smaller  pamphlets  and  address  lists.     The  value  of 

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132  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 

this  material  to  American  biography  and  history  is  very  great,  and  must 
become  more  valuable  as  the  years  pass.  But  even  greater  is  its  value  to 
Yale  University  and  to  the  members  of  the  classes  in  keeping  alive  their 
interest  and  furthering  a  spirit  of  solidarity  with  one  another  and  with  the 
University.  While  it  may  be  long  before  we  can  realize  the  completeness 
of  the  system  at  Yale  University,  some  such  organized  method  of  keeping 
alumni  records  should  be  the  ideal  of  the  new  Association  of  Class  Secre- 


BOSTON,  OCTOBER  30,   I914. 

The  smoker  given  by  the  New  England  Association  to  the  Michigan 
alumni  on  the  night  before  the  Harvard  game  in  the  large  ball  room  of  the 
Copley-Plaza  Hotel,  proved  a  great  success.  The  program  was  opened  with 
a  short  concert  by  the  Varsity  Band,  which  occupied  a  platform  at  one  end 
of  the  hall.  When  the  meeting  was  called  to  order  there  were  about  six 
hundred  men  on  the  floor,  with  the  balcony  crowded  with  two  to  three 
hundred  of  Michigan's  alumnae.  Dr.  C.  W.  Staples,  8gd,  the  president  of  the 
New  England  organization,  opened  the  program  with  a  few  words  of  wel- 
come, and  introduced  James  M.  Swift,  '95,  ex-Attorney  General  of  Mass- 
achusetts, as  the  Master  of  Ceremonies  for  the  evening.  He  in  turn  called 
on  Dean  Cooley,  Judge  W.  L.  Day,  '00/,  of  Cleveland,  and  Judge  J.  O.  Mur- 
fi^>  '95>  '96/^  of  Detroit,  and  all  of  these  gave  characteristic  Michigan  talks. 
Following  this,  impromptu  speeches  were  made  by  Dean  C.  Worcester,  '89, 
Coach  Yost  and  H.  J.  Killilea,  '85/,  president  of  the  "M"  Club.  The  coach 
came  in  late,  and  stood  back  in  a  comer,  but  somebody  noticed  him,  and 
immediately  cries  went  up  for  "Yost."  The  Band  struck  up  "The  Victors," 
and  the  cheers  that  went  up  as  he  was  taken  to  the  platform  were  deafen- 
in.  It  was  just  a  start  towards  showing  that  Michigan's  alumni  were  with 
the  team  to  the  end. 

Between  the  various  talks  were  cheers,  led  by  "Hap"  Haff,  and  the 
alunmi  showed  that  even  though  they  have  been  away  a  good  many  years, 
they  still  know  how  to  yell.  "Varsity"  and  "Win  for  Michigan"  were  sung 
during  the  evening.  The  program  ended  with  moving  pictures  of  Ann 
Arbor,  more  cheers,  and  the  singing  of  "The  Yellow  and  the  Blue." 

Following  the  smoker,  the  crowd  accepted  the  kind  invitation  of  the 
Harvard  Club,  and  headed  by  the  Band  marched  to  the  Harvard  Club,  where 
they  were  entertained  until  well  after  midnight. 

DETROIT,   NOVEMBER  21,   I914. 

Michigan  spirit,  in  all  its  enthusiasm  and  collegiate  optimism,  was  well 
shown  when  the  Varsity  team  was  the  guest  of  the  Detroit  Alumni  Associa- 
tion in  the  annual  football  smoker  the  Saturday  night  following  the  close 
of  the  season.  The  casual  observer  would  never  have  known  that  the 
Detroit  alumni  were  feasting  a  team  which  had  lost  three  of  its  big  games 
in  one  of  the  most  disastrous  seasons  since  Fielding  Yost  came  to  Michi- 

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134  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 

gan,  so  bona  fide  and  whole-hearted  was  the  enthusiasm  of  the  600  students 
and  graduates  who  were  gathered  in  the  auditorium  of  the  new  Board  of 
,   Commerce  building  in  Detroit. 

Captain  James  W.  Raynsford,  Captain-elect  William  D.  Cochran,  with 
Trainer  Steve  Farrell,  Graduate  Director  Phillip  G.  Bartelme  and  the  mem- 
bers of  the  1914  Varsity  squad,  were  seated  in  the  place  of  honor  at  the  front 
of  the  big  hall,  while  the  other  guests  and  their  hosts  were  grouped  around 
tables  which  completely  filled  the  floor  space.  The  yellow-caped  bandmen 
were  also  present  and  were  by  no  means  the  least  popular  part  of  the 

Not  one  of  the  speakers  was  allowed  to  touch  on  the  fact  of  defeat, 
and  all  were  optimistic  as  a  result.  The  two  captains,  and  Splawn  and 
Maulbetsch  were  the  team  men  called  on,  and  each  received  an  ovation  on 
his  appearance.  The  stocky  little  half  back  who  had  played  in  every  game 
of  the  season,  came  in  for  a  huge  share  of  the  attention,  and  it  was  only 
after  the  crowd  had  insisted  that  he  talk,  that  he  mounted  the  platform  for 
his  share  of  the  speech-making. 

Charles  Cross,  a  Cornell  athlete  of  four  year's  competition,  scored  the 
biggest  hit  of  the  evening  when  he  got  up  to  say  that  "he  was  glad  that 
Cornell  had  beaten  Michigan  because  he  would  rather  that  Cornell  beat 
Michigan  than  any  other  team  in  the  country."  He  paid  a  glowing  tribute 
to  Michigan's  spirit;  a  tribute  which  was  echoed  by  Jay  McLauchlan,  a 
Yale  man,  who  also  was  called  on. 

President  Walter  E.  Oxtoby,  98/,  of  the  Detroit  Association,  introduced 
James  Strassburg,  '02,  as  toastmaster  to  start  the  festivities.  Strassburg 
was  Varsity  baseball  manager  in  1901,  and  he  proved  equal  to  the  task  of 
keeping  the  enthusiastic  crowd  in  leash  long  enough  to  listen  to  the  speakers. 
Judge  James  O.  Murfin,  '95,  '96/,  of  Detroit,  one  of  the  alumni  members  of 
the  Athletic  Board  in  Control,  was  a  speaker,  telling  of  the  board's  plans  for 
the  future  and  complimenting  the  1914  Varsity  on  its  season's  play.  E.  A. 
Batchelor,  a  sports  writer  of  Detroit,  Attorney  Francis  D.  Eaman,  '00,  and 
several  others,  were  also  on  the  list  of  speakers. 


With  the  purpose  of  interesting  as  many  students  in  the  University  as 
possible  in  religious  and  social  service,  the  Students*  Christian  Association 
conducted  a  five  days  series  of  meetings,  beginning  Wednesday,  November 
18,  under  the  name  "Mobilization  Week."  In  the  five  days  a  total  of  two 
hundred  and  eighty-four  meetings  were  held,  which  were  addressed  by 
some  thirty  out-of-town  speakers,  men  and  women  prominent  in  the  religious 
and  social  work  of  the  day.  In  addition  to  the  general  meetings  held  each 
night  in  Hill  Auditorium,  meetings  were  held  at  noon  and  evening  at  the 
various  fraternity  and  sorority  houses,  by  the  different  classes  and  depart- 
ments, by  the  women,  by  the  men  interested  in  athletics  and  journalism, 
and  by  the  foreign  students  of  the  University.  An  elaborate  plan  of  organi- 
zation, involving  the  appointment  of  over  three  hundred  student  committee- 
men, was  carried  out,  under  the  general  direction  of  an  executive  staflf 

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composed  of  Paul  C.  Wagner,  '16^,  of  Ann  Arbor,  general  chairman; 
Philip  C.  Lovejoy,  '16,  of  Ann  Arbor,  executive  secretary;  and  Grace  L 
Fletcher,  '16,  of  Chelsea,  chairman  of  the  women's  division. 

Among  the  speakers  were  Reverend  Allen  Arthur  Stockdale,  pastor 
of  the  Congregational  Church  of  Toledo,  Ohio;  Willard  T.  Beahan,  chief 
engineer  of  the  Lake  Shore  and  Michigan  Southern  Railway;  Mr.  James 
Schermerhom,  of  the  Detroit  Times;  Mr.  W.  F.  Lovett,  of  the  Grand  Rapids 
Evening  News;  Dr.  Richard  C.  Cabot,  one  of  the  foremost  practicing  physi- 
cians of  the  day;  Judges  Alfred  C.  Murphy  and  Harry  A.  Lockwood,  of 
Detroit;  Dr.  Peter  Roberts,  of  New  York,  head  of  the  industrial  welfare 
work  in  the  country ;  A.  J.  Elliott,  secretary  of  the  International  Y.  M.  C.  A. 
Committee  for  colleges  and  universities  in  the  Middle  West;  Charles  Hur- 
rey,  of  New  York,  industrial  welfare  worker;  R.  H.  Rindge,  Jr.,  of  New 
York  City;  Henry  Hobson,  Yale,  '14,  manager  of  the  Yale  Varsity  crew; 
Richard  H.  Edward ;  J.  R.  Lee,  of  Detroit,  tiie  man  who  has  developed  the 
social  welfare  work  for  the  Ford  employees;  Lloyd  C.  Douglass,  of  Cham- 
paign, 111. ;  E.  C.  Mercer,  of  New  York  City ;  and  Miss  Mary  Corbett. 

While  in  Ann  Arbor,  a  social  service  committee  composed  of  six  men 
who  are  specializing  in  social  work,  made  a  survey  of  the  city,  finding  many 
opportunities  for  social  service  in  the  factories,  hospitals  and  city  play- 
grounds, and  in  teaching  first  aid  to  the  injured,  hygiene  and  English  to 
foreigners.  As  a  result  of  their  investigations,  one  hundred  and  seventy-five 
students  in  the  University  have  offered  their  services  to  help  better  these 

The  following  week,  November  27-29,  over  two  thousand  representa- 
tives from  the  various  Michigan  high  schools  met  at  Ann  Arbor  for  the 
annual  Y.  M.  C.  A.  State  Boys'  Conference.  A  series  of  meetings  were 
held  in  Hill  Auditorium,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  which  were 
addressed  by  President  Hutchins,  Governor  Woodbridge  N.  Ferris,  Senator 
Charles  E.  Townsend,  Mr.  Fred  B.  Smith,  of  New  York  City,  and  Secre- 
tary of  State  William  Jennings  Bryan. 



The  1914  season  was  decidedly  an  off  one  for  Michigan.  A  new 
team  had  practically  to  be  created,  and  the  most  difficult  schedule  of  years 
had  to  be  faced.  Yet  these  odds  were  partially  at  least  discounted  by  the 
team.  That  in  the  Harvard  and  Pennsylvania  games,  Michigan  showed 
an  improvement  and  sportsmanship  of  which  everyone  had  reason  to  be 
proud  must  not  be  forgotten  when  the  books  for  1914  are  balanced. 

Nevertheless,  the  season  as  a  whole  turned  out  much  as  was  feared  by 
those  with  experience  in  athletics,  even  though  there  were  some  decidedly 
bright  spots  in  the  season's  record.  Nine  members  of  the  team  ended  their 
football  careers  with  the  close  of  the  season  of  1913,  so  it  was  well  known 
that  the  1914  team  would  be  an  untried  and  inexperienced  crew.    It  was 

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136  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 


the  opinion  of  most  good  judges  that  the  1914  schedule  was  too  hard  for  the 
green  team  which  must  play  it,  and  that  it  would  result  in  disaster.  And 
in  spite  of  the  added  length  of  the  summer  practice,  the  extra  mid-week 
games,  and  the  changing  of  the  rules  as  to  scholarship  eligibility,  these 
expectations  were  realized,  and  the  season  ended  with  three  defeats  for 
Michigan — a  record  not  equalled  in  the  past  twenty  years. 

To  take  up  the  season  in  detail,  it  shows  a  typical  performance  by  a 
green  team  made  up  of  very  promising  but  undeveloped  and  inexperienced 
men.  Against  the  early-season  teams,  Michigan  showed  an  effective  offense 
and  though  a  ragged  yet  nevertheless  an  adequate,  defense.  As  soon  as  op- 
ponents of  strength  were  met,  however,  the  weaknesses  in  the  team  ap- 
peared. Even  Vanderbilt,  though  much  weaker  than  usual  (the  Commo- 
dores had  almost  a  straight  record  of  defeats  this  season),  was  able  to  score, 
though  Michigan  rallied  later  in  the  game  and  clearly  outclassed  the  south- 
em  team.  In  the  game  against  M.  A.  C.  at  Lansing,  Michigan  met  a  worthy 
foe,  and  was  very  glad  to  come  home  with  a  victory.  The  Aggies,  it  must 
be  confessed,  outplayed  Michigan,  and  probably  nothing  but  the  call  of  time 
kept  them  from  scoring  a  touchdown  at  the  end  of  the  first  half.  Michi- 
gan's only  effective  march  toward  the  M.  A.  C.  goal  was  checked  by  a  fierce 
defense,  and  it  was  only  by  taking  advantage  of  her  superiority  in  for- 
ward passing  that  Michigan  was  able  again  to  get  the  ball  to  a  place 
where    Splawn  could  kick  a  goal  and  roister  the  three  points  which  gave 

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1914]  THE  FOOTBALL  SEASON  137 

Michigan  the  victory.  The  victory  was  a  costly  one,  for  injuries  were  suf- 
fered by  Hughitt  and  Splawn  which  kept  the  former  out  of  the  Syracuse 
game  and  reduced  the  latter*s  effectiveness  considerably.  Even  with  the 
full  strength  of  the  team,  however,  Michigan  would  have  had  difficulties 
with  the  strong  Syracuse  team  on  October  24th.  Syracuse,  taking  advan- 
tage of  every  weak  point  in  Michigan's  defense  and  nullifying  every  effort 
of  her  offense,  won  by  the  decisive  score  of  20  to  6.  It  was  simply  a  case 
of  a  green  team  against  a  seasoned  team. 

The  Harvard  game  was  naturally  a  manifestation  of  the  same  superior- 
ity of  experience  over  inexperience.  Harvard,  even  without  the  services  of 
Brickley,  Mahan,  Pennock,  Soucy  and  (for  the  greater  part  of  the  game) 
Wallace,  was  much  more  experienced  than  Michigan.  In  the  long  run, 
any  eastern  team  is,  probably,  more  experienced  than  any  western  team,  be- 
cause of  the  better  training  received  in  the  eastern  preparatory  schools ;  but 
in  the  Harvard  game  the  eastern  team  had  a  great  advantage  in  collegiate 
experience  as  well.  And  the  advantage  showed  even  though  Michigan  put 
up  an  unexpectedly  brave  resistance.  After  the  Michigan  men  had  worn 
themselves  out  in  rushing  the  ball  almost  the  length  of  the  field  in  the  lir^t 
quarter,  while  Harvard  was  pursuing  the  traditional  eastern  tactics  of  hold, 
punt,  hold,  punt.  Harvard's  superiority  in  punting  gave  her  the  ball  at  the 
center  of  the  field  early  in  the  second  quarter,  and  she  took  it  down  the 
field  for  a  touchdown  in  eleven  plays.  Again  in  the  second  half  Michigan 
rushed  the  ball  down  toward  Harvard's  goal  time  after  time,  only  to  be  held 
each  time  and  to  see  Harvard — not  attempting  to  run,  but  punting  on  first 
or  second  down — send  the  ball  up  the  field  again,  where  Michigan  would 
again  begin  its  splendid,  but  wearying  and  fruitless,  pounding  toward  the 
unreachable  Crimson  goal.  Michigan's  attack,  brilliant  and  forceful  though 
it  was,  had  been  solved  by  the  trained  veterans  of  Harvard,  and  could  not 
carry  over  the  last  line.  The  result  was  inevitable — no  team  could  stand 
the  overstrain — ^and  at  the  end  of  the  game  Harvard  was  apparently  about 
to  score  again  when  time  was  called. 

One  notable  result  of  the  game  was  the  mutual  expression  of  good  will 
between  the  supporters  of  the  two  universities.  The  Eastern  papers  were 
practically  imanimous  in  the  credit  given  to  the  sportsmanlike  qualities  of 
the  team  and  the  loyalty  of  the  Michgan  contingent  at  the  game. 

Mack  Whelan  in  the  Boston  Globe,  says : 

An  important  part  of  the  game  was  that  both  elevens  played  hard,  clean  football. 
Another  feature  was  that  Michigan,  hundreds  of  miles  from  its  own  campus,  gave  a 
demonstration  of  graduate  loyalty  to  the  university  which  impressed  vividly  upon 
some  thirty  thousand  of  first  hand  observers  that  Ann  Arbor  is  the  home  of  a  great, 
broad,  national  institution,  the  limits  of  the  influence  of  whidi  is  not  bound^ed  by  states 
or  sections.  Every  one  knew  it  before  the  game,  of  course,  but  every  one  who  was 
among  those  present  in  the  Stadium  «had  a  much  more  personal  realization  of  it  after 
the  game,  Michigan  made  many  thousands  of  friends  in  the  east  as  the  result  of  her 
long  trip.  Not  only  in  point  of  numbers,  but  in  the  character  of  her  ^lendid  repre- 
sentation was  the  Michigan  side  of  the  Stadium  impressive. 

The  New  York  Herald  says : 

The  showing  of  the  Michigan  rooters  was  a  big  surprise.  Not  many  expected  to 
»ce  such  an  outpouring  as  there  was  of  those  who  wore  the  Maize  and  Blue.    In  the 

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138  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 


east  stand  there  were  fully  two  thousand  who  had  come  to  cheer  the  Ann  Arbor 
juggernaut,  and  there  was  not  one  in  this  collection  who  dad  not  carry  a  yellow 
chrysanthemum.  Banked  against  the  gray  background  of  the  stadium  the  yellow 
flowers  made  a  picturesque  splurge  of  color. 

Another  hit  to  the  present  generations  of  Bostonians,  who  had  never  before  seen 
the  Western  team  and  their  supporters,  was  the  band  of  forty  pieces,  which  came 
all  the  -way  from  Ann  Arbor.  These  young  musicians  were  decked  out  in  blue  and 
gold  uniforms,  and  when  tbey  marched  on  the  field  and  worked  themselves  into  the 
form  of  a  huge  M,  the  Harvard  side  of  the  field  gave  them  a  big  send-off.  The  band 
was  a  big  feature  of  the  occasion. 

One  of  the  striking  things  about  the  match  was  the  glee  with  which  the  Harvard 
supporters  greeted  the  victory.  It  is  not  very  often,  except  in  a  contest  with  Yale  or 
Princeton,  that  the  Crimson  undergraduates  give  themselves  up  to  the  joyous  intricacies 
of  the  snake  dance,  but  when  the  final  whistle  blew  the  whole  Harvard  stand  stormed 
down  on  the  field  and,  led  by  their  band,  they  paraded  around  the  turf  arni  -went 
through  the  time  honored  custom  of  tossing  hats  over  the  cross  bars  of  the  goal  posts. 

Grantland  Rice,  in  the  Evening  Mail,  said : 

The  fine,  clean  spirit  of  sportsmanship  displayed  by  both  factions  on  and  off  the 
field  Saturday  should  make  the  Harvard-Michigan  battle  a  yearly  affair.  Yost  and 
his  men  were  overwhelmed  with  every  attention  possible.  .Harvard  went  to  the  limit 
in  hospitality.  And  the  spirit  all  around  shown  through  the  battle  was  of  such  a  ihigh 
order  that  it  would  be  a  pity  for  such  a  contest  to  be  dropped.  A  meeting  of  this  sort 
is  too  big  a  boon  to  sportsmanship  to  be  laid  aside. 

Sportsmanship  is  the  worth  while  element  in  every  game.  College  sportsmanship 
is  training  for  the  Greater  Sportsmanship.    For  life,  after  all,  is  only  a  game. 

After  the  Harvard  game  there  was  a  tremendous  feeling  of  confidence 
among  the  supporters  of  the  Michigan  team.  Nearly  everybody  had  ex- 
pected a  worse  defeat,  and  the  margin  of  a  single  touchdown  seemed  nar- 

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1914]  THE  FOOTBALL  SEASON  139 

row  indeed  between  Michigan  and  the  strongest  team  in  the  east.  This  con- 
fidence was  heightened  by  the  fact  that  Michigan  had  twice  come  so  near 
to  scoring,  and  by  the  current  reports  that  Michigan  had  "gained  more 
groimd"  than  Harvard.  It  is  true  that  Michigan  ran  the  ball  from  scrim- 
mage for  a  greater  distance  than  Harvard  did ;  to  be  exact,  Mr.  Parke  H. 
Davis'  table  in  the  Detroit  Tribune  shows  that  Michigan  rushed  the  ball  55 
times  for  a  total  gain  of  191  yards  (an  average  of  3.47  yards)  against  Har- 
vard's 33  rushes  for  a  total  of  127  yards  (an  average  of  3.85  yards).  But 
rushing  the  ball — even  with  a  back  like  Maulbetsch — is  not  all  of  football, 
as  is  shown  by  Michigan's  victory  over  M.  A.  C.  and  her  touchdowns  against 
Cornell,  all  gained  by  forward  passes.  And  in  passing,  kicking,  and  running 
back  punts,  Harvard's  superiority  was  marked.  The  total  amount  of  groimd 
gained  by  Harvard  was  nearly  100  yards  more  than  that  gained  by  Michi- 
gan. And  it  was  this  superiority  together  with  Harvard's  solving  of  Mich- 
igan's offense,  that  won  the  game.  "Right  Wing,"  a  well-known  eastern 
critic,  seems  to  think  that  the  victory  was  a  triumph  of  eastern  tactics  over 
western;  perhaps  it  may  be  as  fairly  said  that  Harvard  won  because  her 
experienced  line-men  were  able  to  solve  the  Michigan  offense  in  time  to 
prevent  a  score,  and  were  wise  enough  to  choose  just  the  right  moment  for 
their  attack  on  Michigan;  perhaps  these  are  merely  two  different  ways  of 
expressing  the  same  thing.  At  all  events,  both  sides  seemed  pleased  with 
the  result;  Harvard  because  she  won,  Michigan  because  she  made  a  better 
showing  than  she  had  expected. 

The  confidence  which  resulted  from  the  Harvard  game  was  doubled 
and  trebled  by  the  easy  victory  over  Pennsylvania  on  the  following  Satur- 
day. True,  the  Penn  team  had  not  shown  great  form  (having  been  tied  by 
Lafayette  and  beaten  by  Franklin  &  Marshall,  and  eventually  winning  less 
than  half  its  games)  but  nobody  expected  the  tremendous  drubbing  which 
was  administered  by  Michigan,  whose  score  of  34  to  3  was  more  of  a  sur- 
prise to  the  football  world  than  was  Dartmouth's  victory  over  Penn  by  a 
score  of  41  to  o  a  week  later.  Michigan  was  irresistible;  Pennsylvania, 
hopelessly  outclassed,  could  do  nothing;  it  seemed  as  if  Mr.  Yost  had  ac- 
complished the  impossible  and  made  a  crew  of  youngsters  into  a  world-beat- 
ing team,  as  if  the  Harvard  game  had  been  a  mistake,  and  the  Syracuse 
game  a  bad  dream. 

Indeed,  this  belief  in  Mr.  Yost's  wizardry  lasted  into  the  second  half 
of  the  Cornell  game.  Two  beautiful  forward  passes  resulted  in  two  touch- 
downs for  Michigan  in  the  first  half,  while  Cornell  was  able  to  score  but 
once.  But  Cornell,  while  scoring  but  once  in  the  first  half,  was  learning  a 
lot  about  Michigan's  style  of  play,  and  in  the  second  half  proceeded  to  put 
into  execution  what  she  had  learned.  Michigan's  attempts  to  gain  were 
frustrated  by  the  Cornell  defense,  while  Cornell  trotted  out  a  variation  of 
the  old  Yale  massed  interference  which  soon  was  going  through  Michigan 
about  7  yards  to  a  play.  Michigan  seemed  unable  to  solve  this  play,  and 
soon  crumbled  under  the  fierce  attack.  The  result  was  a  score  of  28  to  12 
in  favor  of  Cornell — the  worst  defeat  suffered  by  Michigan  since  1908, 
when  Penn  won  29  to  o  and  Syracuse  won  28  to  4. 

Though  the  season  itself  was  disastrous  enough — due  mostly  to  the  im- 

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position  of  such  a  difficult  schedule  on  a  green  team — the  members  of  the 
team  have  learned  a  lot  of  football,  and  will  be  sure  to  give  -a  good  account 
of  themselves  next  year.  Only  Raynsford,  Hughitt  and  McHale  are  to  be 
lost  to  the  team  (unless  difficulties  in  scholarship  arise,  which  seems  un- 
likely) ;  the  1915  team  will  therefore  be  able  to  begin  the  season  with  a 
considerable  list  of  fairly  experienced  men,  and  may  reasonably  hope  to 
turn  the  tables  on  some  of  their  1914  opponents. 



The  second  annual  Convocation  address  was  delivered  October  16, 
1914,  by  Dr.  Victor  C.  Vaughan,  Dean  of  the  Department  of  Medicine  and 

Dr.  Vaughan  discussed  "The  nature  and  purpose  of  Education"  and, 
in  his  opening  paragraphs  asked  his  audience,  "Why  are  you  here?"  The 
purpose  of  the  University,  he  said,  is  to  better  fit  for  citizenship.  In  his 
first  words,  therefore,  he  emphasized  the  responsibility  of  the  student  to  the 
University,  insisting  that  intelligence,  industry  and  integrity  are  the  first 
essentials  for  every  student.  Dr.  Vaughan  then  traced  the  development  of 
education  of  the  individual  through  the  modification  and  development  of 
behavior  through  experience.  He  showed  how  behavior  is  determined 
through  the  mechanism  of  the  nervous  system,  emphasizing  the  concern  of 
education  especially  with  the  function  of  the  nerves,  and  continued  as  fol- 

Man  comes  into  the  world  the  most  helpless  of  all  animals.  At  birth 
the  child  is  incapable  of  locomotion  and  of  finding  unaided  its  food 
supply.  For  months,  and  indeed  for  years,  the  child  remains  in  this  helpless 
state.  The  dog  in  the  first  six  months  of  its  life  learns  more  than  the  child 
does  in  years.  It  is  the  superiority  of  his  nervous  mechanism  that  has  given 
man  dominion  over  the  earth  and  all  that  is  therein.  We  need  sound  bones, 
strong  muscles  and  healthy  organs,  because  these  render  the  development  of 
the  nervous  system  possible,  and  the  health  of  the  body,  as  a  whole,  is  es- 
sential to  the  well-developed  man.  We  can  have  no  correct  conception  of 
education  vsrithout  some  knowledge  of  the  mechanism  employed  in  its  acqui- 
sition. Briefly  considered,  the  nervous  system  consists  of  receptors  or  spe- 
cial senses,  which  are  stimulated  by  the  environment,  of  conductors  which 
transmit  the  stimulation  to  the  central  organs  and  of  effectors  which  control 
and  direct  the  responses  to  the  stimuli.  The  primary  function  of  the  nervous 
mechanism  is  to  provide  paths  of  conduction  between  the  receptors  and 
effectors.  The  first  breath  of  air  at  birth  starts  the  machinery  of  respira- 
tion. Irritability  and  automatism  are  properties  of  all  living  things.  Even 
unicellular  organisms,  amebae,  for  instance,  in  which  there  is  no  nervous 

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tissue,  automatically  respond  to  external  stimuli,  such  as  food,  and  changes 
in  behavior  or  rudimentary  and  limited  education  can  be  developed  in  them. 
As  cell  differentiation  is  evolved  the  structure  of  the  nervous  system  be- 
comes more  complicated  and  its  functions  are  more  diversified  and  effective. 

A  sense  receptor,  such  as  the  eye  or  ear^  the  sensory  nerve,  such  as  the 
optic  or  the  auditory,  the  nervous  center  to  which  the  impression  is  con- 
veyed and  the  motor  nerve,  through  which  the  response  is  transmlttea,  con- 
stitute the  "reflex  arc."  Reflex  action  is  the  simplest  function  of  the  nervous 
system.  Strong  light  induces  contraction  of  the  pupil,  the  sight  or  odor  of 
food  causes  the  saliva  to  flow,  pinching  the  flesh  is  followed  by  muscular 
movement.  These  are  examples  of  innate  reflexes.  The  normal  child  comes 
into  the  world  possessed  of  these  reflexes.  A  large  part  of  education  con- 
sists in  the  co-ordination  and  development  of  these  innate  reflexes.  Walking, 
talking,  reading,  writing,  are  examples  of  co-ordinated,  trained  reflexes. 

The  first  lesson  we  learn  in  investigating  the  mechanism  of  education 
is  that  the  sense  receptors  must  be  in  good  condition  to  start  with  and  must 
be  kept  in  the  highest  state  of  efficiency  as  we  proceed.  The  receptors 
through  which  our  behavior  is  modified  and  developed  by  environment  are 
the  five  senses,  seeing,  hearing,  touch,  smell  and  taste,  each  of  which  on 
close  analysis,  is  found  to  be  complex.  All  primary  knowledge  reaches  the 
brain  through  these  sources.  In  no  other  way  can  environment  modify  our 
behavior  or  can  we  be  educated.  The  dictum  of  Locke  "Nihil  in  intellectu 
est  quod  non  prius  in  sensu"  is  not  refuted  by  the  addendum  of  Leibnitz 
"Nisi  intellectus  ipse."  When  the  senses  are  defective  in  function,  illusions, 
hallucinations  and  delusions  control  us  and  dominate  our  conduct.  The 
senses  may  be  primarily  defective  and  to  some  extent  these  defects  may  be 
removed  by  medical  skill.  When  normal  in  mechanism  these  functions  may 
be  impaired  by  poisons  introduced  from  without  the  body,  such  as  alcohol, 
or  by  those  generated  within  the  body,  such  as  those  due  to  fatigue  or  to 
disease.  Although  the  truth  expressed  in  the  Latin  proverb,  "Mens  sana  in 
sano  corpore"  has  come  down  to  us  from  classical  times,  educators  have 
been  slow  to  realize  its  force.  Indeed,  when  mystical  scholasticism  formu- 
lated educational  ideals,  affliction  of  the  body  was  believed  to  be  essential  to 
the  highest  development  of  the  mind.  Fortunately,  even  educators,  one  by 
one,  with  some  reluctance,  are  awakening  from  their  dreams  and  becoming 
interested  in  scientific  investigation.  Greater  benefits  in  educational  methods 
have  been  obtained  by  observation  of  the  effects  of  altered  environment  on 
the  behavior  of  animals  than  have  been  evolved  from  the  inner  consciousness 
of  the  greatest  genius.  Appreciating  the  fundamental  importance  of  nor- 
mality in  securing  an  education,  this  university  is  developing  a  splendid  sys- 
tem for  the  supervision  of  the  health  of  its  students.  However,  the  health 
of  each  individual  is  largely  in  his  own  keeping  and  I  wish  to  say  that  idle- 
ness, alcoholism  and  sexual  vice  remain  the  most  potent  factors  in  student 
wreckage.  With  senses  untrained  from  idleness  and  benumbed  by  dissipa- 
tion the  individual  is  a  failure  in  college  and  in  the  greater  school  of  the 

Certain  complex  reflexes  are  known  as  instincts.  These  play  an  im- 
portant part  in  education.     All  instincts  are  not  manifest  at  the  time  of 

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142  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 

birth,  but  develop  with  age  and  are  influenced  by  the  evolution  of  the  indi- 
vidual, as  a  whole.  The  instinct  of  play  manifests  itself  in  every  normal 
child  and  the  same  is  true  of  the  instincts  of  acquisitiveness,  construction, 
possession,  self-assertion,  anger,  self-abasement,  rivalry,  pugnacity,  etc. 
These  need  to  be  controlled  and  directed,  and  this  constitutes  an  important 
part  of  education.  They  are  inherited,  but  are  subject  to  marked  modifica- 
tion by  environment.  For  instance,  the  instinct  of  imitation  is  one  of  great 
potency  in  shaping  our  conduct  and  in  determining  not  only  our  own  lives, 
but  of  those  about  us.  In  this  lies  sufficient  justification  of  state  education. 
One  scientific  farmer  in  a  commimity  enhances  the  value  of  all  the  farming 
land  about  him,  because  he  demonstrates  the  productivity  of  the  soil.  One 
honest,  learned  lawyer  reduces  litigation  and  a  skillful  physician  not  only 
alleviates  the  suffering  of  the  sick,  but  prevents  the  spread  of  the  disease. 
The  highest  purpose  of  this  University  is  to  train  leaders  of  men,  those 
whose  influence  among  their  fellows  may  always  be  in  the  right  direction. 

Success  will  depend  largely  upon  the  environment  under  which  you  live 
while  here.  This  can  not  be  wholly  determined  by  the  university  authorities. 
To  a  large  extent  you  will  educate  one  another. 

A  part  of  education  consists  in  inhibiting  reflexes  and  suppressing  mis- 
directed instincts.  The  only  way  in  which  this  can  be  done  is  by  the  cultiva- 
tion and  exercise  of  certain  other  reflexes.  As  we  shall  see  later,  nervous 
impulses  travel  most  easily  over  well  worn  pathways.  A  function  frequently 
performed  proceeds  automatically  and  to  the  exclusion  of  antagonistic  ten- 
dencies. One  of  the  most  difficult  things  the  untrained  student  has  to  con- 
tend with  is  diffuse  activity.  He  tries  to  study,  but  outside  stimuli  of  vision, 
hearing,  etc.  bombard  his  sensorium  and  demand  his  attention.  Training  is 
essential  before  calls  to  purposeless  activity  can  be  ignored. 

The  first  impression  which  one  receives  in  studying  the  structure  and 
function  of  the  nervous  system  is  that  it  is  a  grossly  defective  mechanism. 
The  elements  of  which  it  is  composed  consist  of  nerve  cells  with  axons  and 
dendrites.  The  dendrites  are  supposed  to  receive  the  stimuli  and  the  axons 
to  conduct  them  to  the  next  unit.  Between  these  units,  called  neurones, 
there  is  no  direct  structural  connection.  The  axons  of  one  imit  come  in 
more  or  less  direct  contact  with  the  dendrites  of  the  next,  but  each  neuron  is 
organically  quite  distinct  from  all  others.  The  apparent  imperfection  lies  in 
this  absence  of  direct  connection.  The  point  of  contact  between  two  neurons 
is  known  as  a  synapse  and  at  this  point  there  is  more  or  less  resistance  to 
the  transmission  of  the  stimulus.  This  apparent  imperfection  is,  however, 
in  some  respects  at  least,  a  benefit.  Were  it  not  for  this  delay  the  brain 
would  be  stormed  continuously  by  stimuli  from  the  outer  world  and  orderly 
thought  would  be  quite  impossible.  Without  these  apparent  imperfections, 
sleep  would  be  less  restful  and  anesthetics  would  not  be  able  to  relieve  us 
of  pain.  Education  consists  partly  in  improving  these  connections.  A  path- 
way through  the  nervous  tissue  having  been  once  opened  is  more  easily 
followed  by  subsequent  similar  stimuli.  This  renders  possible  the  formation 
of  habits.  The  more  frequently  a  given  pathway  is  traversed,  the  more 
easily  stimuli  pass  until  finally  transmission  occurs  without  conscious  effort. 
The  first  attempt  to  learn  is  more  or  less  laborious,  but  with  each  repetition 

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the  resistance  becomes  less  and  finally  the  thing  is  done  automatically. 
Effectiveness  is  largely  the  result  of  the  formation  of  good  habits.  In  this 
way  the  expert  is  developed.  The  best  preparation  for  doing  anything  is  the 
fact  that  you  have  once  or  oftener  done  it  and  the  more  frequently  it  has 
been  done,  the  more  certainty  is  there  in  repeating  it.  The  beginner  in  teleg- 
raphy must  give  attention  to  each  letter,  then  he  thinks  only  of  words,  and 
later  he  advances  to  phrases  and  even  to  sentences. 

In  learning  of  this  kind,  progress  is  not  always  uniform.  After  reach- 
ing a  certain  degree  of  proficiency  there  is  a  period  in  which  there  is  no  ap- 
parent progress.  These  periods  are  known  as  plateaus.  All  students  arc 
familiar  with  these  depressing  states  in  which  effort  seems  without  avail, 
but  with  persistence  the  curve  of  learning  suddenly  begins  to  rise  and  the 
elation  of  success  is  the  reward. 

The  question  of  the  transference  of  skill  acquired  in  one  branch  of 
learning  to  another  has  been  debated  among  psychologists,  but  the  weight  of 
evidence  is  that  it  is  not  possible.  Being  an  expert  mathematician  does  not 
make  one  an  authority  in  law  or  medicine.  The  neural  pathways  opened  up 
in  the  pursuit  of  different  branches  of  learning  are  not  the  same.  They 
may  lie  quite  far  apart  and  expertness  in  one  line  does  not  imply  even 
soundness  of  judgment  in  another.  This  is  an  important  matter  in  educa- 
tion and  will  receive  further  attention  later. 

The  formation  of  habit  is  common  to  all  animals  and  habits  have  a 
marked  influence  on  behavior.  We  do  things  so  often  that  it  becomes  diffi- 
cult to  refrain  from  doing  them  when  the  conditions  under  which  they  have 
been  done  recur.  The  most  forceful  teacher  of  my  college  days  was  wont 
to  say :  "Man  is  but  a  bundle  of  habits  and  happy  is  the  man  whose  habits 
are  his  friends."  At  twenty,  it  seemed  to  me  that  the  force  of  this  saying 
lay  in  its  sonorous  quality.  At  sixty  I  realize  that  its  strength  lies  in  its 
truth.  The  young  scout  the  idea  that  they  can  not  indulge  in  a  vice  occasion- 
ally without  becoming  a  victim.  The  chains  forged  in  the  smithy  of  habit 
are  strong  in  every  link.  They  may  safely  hold  us  in  the  heaviest  storm  or 
they  may  drag  us  to  the  bottom  of  smooth  seas.  Another  mistake  often 
made  by  youth  is  the  belief  that  every  experience  is  helpful.  There  is  no 
other  commodity  for  which  we  pay  so  dearly  and  the  price  often  is  health, 
happiness  and  even  Uf  e. 

Some  stimuli  make  such  deep  and  lasting  impressions  on  the  central- 
nervous  system  that  the  picture  may  be  recalled  without  the  recurrence  of  the 
original  stimulus.  This  is  memory.  Jennings  has  shown  that  there  is  some 
evidence  of  memory  even  in  unicellular  organisms.  This  becomes  more 
marked  as  the  animal  structures,  especially  the  nervous  system,  develop. 
Even  a  spider  learns  by  experience  and  alters  its  behavior  to  its  own  benefit, 
when  repeatedly  subjected  to  like  conditions. 

Colvin  says:  "Memory  is  a  fundamental  phenomenon  of  organic  life. 
In  its  widest  sense  it  signifies  the  fact  that  impressions  once  received  by  an 
organism  are  retained  for  a  greater  or  less  period  and  that  this  retention 
is  indicated  in  the  modified  behavior  of  the  organism.  The  evidence  of  mem- 
ory in  animals  is  their  ability  to  profit  by  experience.  A  white  rat  is  placed 
at  the  entrance  of  a  maze  at  the  center  of  which  is  food.    The  animal  moves 

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144  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 

about  in  an  aimless  manner  until  at  length  it  reaches  the  center.  If  on  suc- 
ceeding trials  the  rat  shows  an  improvement  in  the  accuracy  and  rapidity 
with  which  it  moves  about  the  maze,  this  means  that  its  earlier  attempts 
have  in  some  sense  left  their  effects ;  they  have  modified  subsequent  conduct. 
Memory  when  used  in  this  widest  sense  of  the  term,  lies  at  the  basis  of  all 
learning.    It  is  a  measure  of  educability." 

There  are  three  important  factors  in  memory.  The  impression  must  be 
"stamped  in."  It  must  be  correctly  associated  with  other  impressions.  It 
must  be  subject  to  recall  and  proper  recognition.  The  strength  of  the  im- 
pression is  dependent  upon  many  factors.  The  brain  may  be  so  altered  by 
inherited  defect,  trauma,  senility,  fatigue,  disease  or  toxic  agents,  that  effec- 
tive and  lasting  impressions  can  not  be  made.  So  .long  as  the  brain  remams 
in  the  abnormal  condition  its  receptivity  can  not  be  improved.  The  men- 
tally defective  can  be  educated  to  a  certain  point,  but  can  go  no  farther.  An 
impression  may  be  "stamped  in"  by  the  force  or  unusual  character  of  the 
external  stimulus.  The  external  world  demands  the  attention  of  the  individ- 
ual and  an  unusual  sight,  noise  or  other  sensation  makes  a  never-to-be-for- 
gotten impression.  This  is  known  as  passive  attention  and  is  common  to  all 
animals.  It  is  the  basic  principle  in  all  attempts  to  modify  behavior  through 
hope  of  reward  or  fear  of  punishment  and  is  highly  effective  in  the  control 
and  training  of  the  lower  animals  and  ignorant  men,  but  loses  in  power 
with  the  development  of  intellect.  However,  in  this  and  other  universities, 
this  appeal  to  increased  effort  is  employed  in  the  form  of  grades,  admission 
to  special  societies,  the  bestowal  of  insignia  of  distinction,  etc.,  and  on  most 
men  in  our  stage  of  development  it  is  not  without  eflfect.  The  approval  of 
our  fellows  as  shown  by  social,  political  and  intellectual  preferment,  still 
proves  a  potent  incentive  to  increased  effort.  With  the  development  of  in- 
tellect, passive  attention  is  largely  supplanted  by  the  active  form.  In  the 
latter  the  individual  selects  the  stimuli  which  are  to  make  permanent  impres- 
sions. An  important  function  in  the  accomplishment  of  this  purpose  is  the 
rejection  of  stimuli  believed  to  be  unimportant  or  harmful  and  seizing  upon 
and  fixing  of  those  recognized  as  of  greatest  value.  In  this  selection  lies 
the  pathway  to  wisdom.  It  determines  the  ideals  of  the  individual.  It  shapes 
the  ^o  and  sets  the  lines  of  future  development.  The  memory  pictures 
photographed  in  the  highly  labile  molecules  of  the  brain  constitute  a  record 
of  all  our  available  knowledge,  not  only  that  gained  through  personal  experi- 
ence, but  that  acquired  from  any  source.  We  rehear  the  spoken  and  reread 
the  written  word.  We  recall  the  facts  of  history.  We  utilize  without  con- 
scious effort  in  our  daily  dealings  the  mathematical  skill  acquired  in  child- 
hood. We  make  practical  application  of  the  scientific  discoveries  of  the 
past  in  supplying  ourselves  with  the  necessities  and  comforts  of  life.  We 
enjoy  the  literature  of  all  nations  in  all  ages.  In  short,  the  storehouses  of 
learning  to  which  we  have  access  are  practically  limitless  in  their  wealth 
and  from  this  we  may  select  at  will  and  appropriate  to  our  own  use  without 
diminishing  to  the  smallest  d^^ee  what  is  left  for  others. 

In  order  to  be  of  greatest  service,  memory  pictures  must  be  clear  and 
properly  placed.  Clearness  and  association  are  essential  to  prompt  recall 
and  correct  recognition.    Memory,  like  all  other  functions  of  the  nervous 

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mechanism,  is  capable  of  improvement  by  exercise.  When  memory  pictures 
have  a  faulty  setting,  they  may  influence  behavior  disastrously.  The  old 
man  thinks  all  this  talk  about  impure  milk  killing  infants  and  infected  water 
causing  typhoid  fever  is  nonsense,  because  all  his  life  people,  both  yoimg 
and  old,  have  been  drinking  dirty  milk  and  polluted  water.  He  does  not 
know  or  recognize  the  fact  that  many  even  within  his  own  circle  have  died 
from  these  causes.  In  his  experience  these  facts  have  not  been  recognized 
as  possessing  any  causal  relationship.  Half  his  children  have  died  from  the 
summer  diarrheas  of  infancy  and  others  have  died  in  youth  from  typhoid, 
but  he  has  always  connected  these  bereavements  with  the  world-old  belief 
that  disease  could  not  be  prevented  nor  death  delayed.  The  failure  to  prop- 
erly correlate  experiences  or  their  memory  pictures  is  one  of  the  tnings 
which  prevents  many  elderly  people,  especially  the  untrained,  from  adjusting 
themselves  to  advances  in  knowledge.  Many  superstitious  rites  and  cere- 
monies have  their  origin  in  the  faulty  conception  of  cause  and  effect.  Many 
reason  post  hoc  ergo  propter  hoc.  This  faulty  logic  is  still  a  strong  support 
of  charlatanism  in  its  many  survival  forms. 

The  study  of  the  structure  and  function  of  the  nervous  mechanism 
makes  plain  what  should  be  attempted  in  securing  an  education.  We  have 
seen  that  in  the  acquisition  of  knowledge  pathways  to  the  cerebral  cortex 
must  be  opened  up.  Conduction  of  nervous  impulses  meets  with  resist- 
ance as  it  passes  from  one  neuron  to  the  next.  This  resistance  grows  less 
with  each  traverse  of  the  impulse  along  the  same  path  and  with  frequent 
repetition  the  trail  becomes  so  smooth  that  impulses  pass  through  without 
conscious  effort.  It  is  easier  to  open  up  pathways  to  the  cortex  in  youth 
than  in  later  years  because  the  liability  and  plasticity  of  the  nervous  tissue 
decrease  with  advancing  age.  However,  lines  of  conduction  established  in 
the  plastic  period  are  never  obliterated  save  by  disease  or  death.  Even  with 
approaching  senility,  when  the  opening  of  new  lines  is  impossible,  those  es- 
tablished in  youth  continue  to  operate.  Truly,  learning  becomes  the  solace 
of  age.  The  educated  octogenarian  remains  in  sympathy  and  intelligent 
touch  with  the  outer  world,  while  his  untrained  brother  finds  himself  iso- 
lated and  marooned  on  a  small  barren  island.  Furthermore,  it  has  been 
demonstrated  that  the  lines  of  conduction  which  serve  in  one  department 
of  learning  are  useless  in  the  conduction  of  information  from  other  sources. 
The  acquisition  of  mathematical  skill  does  not  give  special  preparation  for 
historical  erudition.  These  elemental  psychological  facts  indicate  that  in 
youth  training  of  the  nervous  system  should  be  broad,  the  purpose  being  to 
establish  many  and  diversified  sources  for  the  supply  of  mental  pabulum. 
Symmetrical  exercise  is  as  essential  to  the  normal  development  of  the 
nervous  system  as  it  is  in  muscular  training.  Athletes  are  not  made  by  put- 
ting all  muscles  save  one  in  plaster  casts  and  exercising  the  free  one,  neither 
can  the  functions  of  the  brain  be  properly  developed  in  such  a  way. 

Dr.  Vaughan  then  discussed  the  fundamental  subjects  which  should 
form  the  basis  of  education.  In  turn  he  showed  the  desirability  of  the 
study  of  language,  emphasizing  Greek  and  Latin  as  a  great  factor  in  the 
comprehension  of  other  languages  partly  derived  from  them.    But  the  man 

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145  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [December 

who  knows  the  classics  and  nothing  more  is  blind  and  deaf  to  much  which 
is  of  the  highest  interest  both  to  himself  and  his  fellows.  French  and  Ger- 
man are  almost  equally  necessary  for  modem  scientific  workers,  while  math- 
ematics through  plane  trigonometry  is  an  essential  of  everyone's  develop- 
ment. History  and  the  fundamental  principles  and  facts  of  the  physical, 
chemical  and  biological  sciences  should  also  be  included  in  the  courses 
taken  by  every  student  who  wishes  a  broad  and  general  education,  whatever 
his  business  or  professional  calling  is  to  be. 
The  speaker  then  continued : 

While  I  have  made  an  earnest  plea  for  a  broad,  liberal,  fundamental 
education  in  order  that  we  may  be  in  intelligent  touch  with  the  basic  condi- 
tions that  control  and  modify  human  behavior,  there  is  like  physiological, 
reason  for  advising  every  student  to  build  on  this  broad  foundation  his  spe- 
cialty. When  you  have  reared  your  house  with  heavy  rocks  for  the  founda- 
tion, massive  walls,  bound  together  with  steel  beams,  on  this  you  can  carry 
up  as  high  as  you  please  the  tower  which  will  afford  you  an  outlook.  Take 
one  subject  and  know  everything  that  is  known  about  it  and  if  possible  know 
more  than  any  one  else.  In  other  words,  in  addition  to  your  general  knowl- 
edge be  a  specialist.  To  your  general  knowledge,  add  the  skill  of  the  expert. 
The  physiological  reasons  for  this  advice  must  be  evident  to  all  who  have 
followed  my  Hne  of  argument.  Neural  pathways  become  smoother  the  more 
frequent  the  travel  over  them.  I  recommend  expert  development  for  the 
following  reasons:  (i)  Extension  of  the  domain  of  knowledge  is  secured. 
(2)  The  pleasure  known  only  to  the  discoverer  comes  to  him  who  does  work 
of  this  kind.  (3)  It  is  a  rest  and  recreation  to  turn  into  the  well-worn  paths 
along  which  thought  moves  automatically. 

It  is  not  essential  that  the  special  study,  which  I  recommend,  should  be 
in  the  Hne  of  one's  vocation.  It  may  lie.  quite  apart  from  business  or  pro- 
fessional duties. 

Many  examples  from  the  lives  of  men  who  have  advanced  human 
knowledge  were  then  given  to  show  that  the  special  study  recommended 
must  not  necessarily  be  in  the  line  of  one's  vocation. 


Social  service  is  not  a  new  work  for  the  college  man.  Nor  is  the  field  of 
civic  reform  at  all  foreign  to  him.  But  special  organization  of  college  grad- 
uates for  this  work,  a  movement  which  has  recently  started  in  New  York  and 
some  of  our  other  large  cities,  is  distinctly  new.  It  is  an  organized  effort  to 
make  the  college  man  an  efficient  and  useful  member  of  the  community,  and 
to  make  his  training  and  efficiency  of  use  in  return  for  the  benefits  which  he 
has  received.  It  is  to  the  college  men  that  the  states  are  looking  more  and 
more  for  the  intelligent  co-operation  necessary  to  n^ake  the  social  and  politi- 
cal ledger  show  a  balance  on  the  right  side.  In  harmony  with  this  general 
movement  on  the  part  of  the  graduates  of  all  our  larger  universities  in 

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iqh]  social  service  for  MICHIGAN  MEN  147 

New  York,  the  University  of  Michigan  Club  of  New  York  has  appointed  a 
committee  consisting  of  Stanley  D.  McGraw,  '92,  Chairman;  Allen  M. 
Broomhall,  '02,  Treasurer;  William  A.  Ewing,  '64;  Victor  H.  Jackson,  'yyd, 
ySm;  George  E.  Cutler,  '85;  William  McAndrew,  '86;  Royal  S.  Copeland, 
'89A  and  Arnold  L.  Davis,  '98/,  to  co-operate  with  the  alumni  of  other  col- 
leges in  enlisting  recent  graduates  who  come  to  New  York  in  some  form  of 
volunteer  service  for  the  community.  Requests  have  been  received  from  the 
Boys*  Clubs,  Settlements,  Churches,  Boy  Scouts,  Big  Brother  Movement, 
Charities,  the  City  Club,  Political  Parties  and  all  the  leading  civic  and 
social  organizations  for  men  to  give  a  little  of  their  spare  time. 

Seven  other  cities  have  similar  alumni  committees — Chicago,  Pitts- 
burgh, Philadelphia,  Boston,  Washington,  Buffalo  and  Montreal — all  em- 
braced in  a  national  plan  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.  to  connect  college  graduates 
with  social  and  civic  activities  in  the  communities  where  they  locate.  The 
organizer  of  this  work  is  Oliver  F.  Cutts,  the  star  tackle  of  the  Harvard 
team  of  1901.  The  seniors  in  the  colleges  and  universities  have  been  asked 
to  indicate  before  commencement  to  what  places  they  are  going  and  what 
form  of  service  most  interests  them.  The  names  of  these  seniors  are  then 
sent  to  Mr.  Cutts  who  distributes  them  to  the  committees  in  charge  of  the 
work  in  each  city.  When  the  men  arrive  they  are  called  upon  by  the  Field 
Secretary  who  gives  them  an  opportunity  to  take  up  some  congenial  social 

During  the  past  year  twenty-five  Michigan  men  in  New  Yoric  have 
been  interested  in  acting  as  "big  brothers"  to  boys  from  the  Children's 
Court,  in  working  with  the  Charity  Organization  Society,  in  Boy's  Clubs,  in 
Boy  Scouts,  in  teaching  a  naturalization  class  at  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  in  giving 
legal  advice,  in  watching  at  the  polls  and  in  other  forms  of  political  work 
for  good  government.  Of  the  committee,  one  is  running  a  big  club  of 
street  boys  in  one  of  the  suburbs ;  one  has  thrown  open  the  high  school  of 
which  he  is  principal  for  the  use  of  the  people  of  the  East  Side  neighbor- 
hood in  which  it  is  located  for  practically  the  entire  time  outside  of  school 
hours,  giving  them  a  roof  garden,  gymnasium,  dance  floor,  auditorium  and 
picture  gallery;  one  is  active  in  the  Big  Brother  Movement  and  two  are 
officers  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.* 

The  general  outline  of  the  work  before  this  organization  is  given  in  an 
article  published  in  the  Nezv  York  Evening  Post  for  July  11,  which  The 
Alumnus  takes  pleasure  in  reprinting  in  part. 

Back  in  19  ri  somebody  awoke  to  the  fact  that  every  year  there  were 
coming  to  New  York  City  about  1,000  college  graduates.  These  men,  it  was 
realized,  were  drifting  into  the  city,  rooming  in  scattered  sections,  working 
by  day  and  finding  their  own  pursuits  of  pleasure  or  study  in  the  evening, 
without  ever  getting  into  very  close  touch  with  many  of  the  most  significant 
affairs  of  New  York.     Politics  looked  like  a  rather  big  and  complicated 

♦The  committee  will  be  glad  to  hear  of  Michigan  men  coming  to  New  York  or 
have  any  man  look  up  the  Chairman,  Stanley  D.  McGraw,  '92,  iii  Broadway,  or  the 
Field  Secretary,  J.  Barnard  Walton,  Intercollegiate  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  554  West  114th  Street. 

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148  THE  MICHIGAN  ALUMNUS  [Deceml>er 

machine  for  a  young  man,  with  time  taken  up  by  many  other  interests, 
to  try  to  study  with  a  view  to  doing  much  actual  work  in  connection  with  it. 
The  worst  social  conditions  in  the  city,  together  with  the  work  being  done 
to  remedy  them,  were  out  of  sight,  so  that  little  appeal  was  made  to  the 
interest  of  the  new  arrival.  There  was  no  one  to  tell  them  where  to  begin. 
The  result  was  that  this  company  of  i,ooo  potentially  valuable  citizens  was 
being  allowed  to  sift  into  the  great  mass  of  the  population,  become  lost, 
and  go  on  past  the  time  when  interest  could  be  most  naturally  aroused 
toward  the  time  when  other  aflFairs  and  the  inertia  of  established  routine 
would  make  it  hard  to  stir  the  men  to  much  active  effort. 

The  result  was  that  a  committee  was  formed  to  get  hold  of  the  new 
men  coming  to  New  York  year  by  year.  They  began  by  getting  the  names 
of  recent  graduates  in  New  York  from  college  registrars,  class  secretaries, 
alumni  clubs,  and  friends.  The  work  began  naturally  among  men  of  Yale, 
Harvard.  Princeton,  and  the  other  universities  having  large  bodies  of  alumni 
in  New  York,  but  it  spread  rapidly  to  others.  Williams,  Columbia,  Cornell, 
Amherst,  Pennsylvania,  and  Michigan  are  among  the  institutions  that  have 
special  committees  for  the  work  now,  and  others  are  showing  an  interest 
that  indicates  that  the  list  will  continue  to  grow  steadily.  From  this  period 
of  the  summer,  when  the  first  men  are  settling  to  their  work  after  taking 
off  their  commencement  gowns  and  getting  their  diplomas  framed,  to  the 
late  fall,  when  the  last  of  the  contingent  who  rounded  off  their  courses 
with  a  final  long  vacation  will  have  been  placed,  the  academic  invasion  of 
New  York  will  be  under  way,  and  the  intercollegiate  committee  work  will  be 
at  its  rush  time.* 

New  York,  however,  is  not  the  only  city  in  which  campaigning  is  being 
done.  The  advantages  of  the  new  plan  for  turning  the  training  of  college 
men  to  useful  account  in  city  life  were  quickly  seen,  and  the  news  of  the 
New  York  movement  spread.  Boston  and  Chicago  have  already  followed 
the  lead  in  organized  effort  along  similar  lines,  and  are  working  in  co- 
operation with  New  York.  Oliver  F.  Cutts,  Harvard  Law  School,  '03,  is  in 
charge  of  the  general  organization  work.  The  plan  is  to  carry  the  work  as 
far  as  the  interest  of  college  men  themselves  can  be  made  to  take  it,  and  to 
set  only  the  country  itself  as  a  final  natural  limit  to  the  ultimate  scope  of  the 
work.  The  ideal  is  for  the  development  of  a  nation-wide  force  of  college 
men  enlisted  under  this  central  leadership  for  concerted  effort  to  improve 
the  life  of  the  places  they  adopt  as  their  hon>es.  With  each  new  lot  of  grad- 
uates being  followed  from  their  colleges,  it  is  not  hard  to  imagine  the  work 
growing  to  such  proportions,  since  each  man  will  be  encouraged  by  the  sense 
that  he  is  working  in  unison  with  others  all  over  the  country  and  is  not 
making  a  more  or  less  futile  effort  alone. 

Whenever  it  is  possible,  the  appeal  is  made  by  men  of  the  same  college 
as  the  man  who  is  approached,  and  often  men  of  the  same  college  are 
brought  together  on  the  same  work.  Yale,  Harvard,  Princeton,  Cornell, 
and  Columbia  are  each  centering  a  group  of  boys'  club  leaders  in  one  settle- 
ment in  New  York.  This  method  is  found  to  be  most  successful  wherever 
it  can  be  carried  out.  When  it  can  not,  however,  the  appeal  of  the  work 
itself  is  usually  strong  enough,  once  the  men  are  actually  in  it. 

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The  principle  of  making  up  the  committees  of  the  various  colleges  that 
are  carrying  forward  the  work  of  getting  in  touch  with  the  new  men  is  sim- 
ilar to  the  more  general  organization  work.  It  is  recognized  that  as  a  man 
grows  older  and  has  been  out  of  college  some  years,  he  begins  to  acciunulate 
duties  which  interfere  with  such  work,  and  also  that  he  begins  to  get  out  of 
touch  with  the  actual  undergraduate  body.  So  the  aim  is  to  keep  filling  in 
the  committees  with  a  man  or  two  suggested  as  valuable  for  such  work, 
from  each  class  as  it  leaves  college.  At  the  same  time,  one  or  two  of  the 
older  members  are  able  to  drop  out  and  leave  their  duties  to  younger  hands. 
In  this  way,  the  membership  and  influence  of  the  committees  are  kept  con- 
stantly fresh,  while  the  new  men  always  come  into  a  board  experienced  in 
the  work  and  able  to  give  training  before  its  officers  pass  on. 

The  work  to  be  done  is  as  varied  as  the  life  of  the  citie?  themselves. 
Almost  any  man  can  find  something  to  his  taste.  Political  parties,  the 
churches,  citizens'  unions,  and  city  clubs,  the  Boy  Scouts,  the  Big  Brother 
organization,  the  Young  Men's  Christian  Association,  and  numerous  char- 
itable and  social  enterprises  are  among  the  institutions  interested  in  the 
movement  and  working  in  co-operation  with  it.  During  the  years  of  1912 
and  1913  men  in  New  York  were  interested  in  settlement  work,  boys'  club 
work,  civic  and  political  work,  Sunday  schools,  legal  aid,  teaching  English 
to  foreigners,  social  surveys,  and  friendly  visiting  for  the  Charity  Organiza- 
tion Society.  A  number  of  the  men  were  prime  movers  in  the  Honest 
Ballot  Association,  which  had  so  great  an  influence  in  the  recent  election. 
In  general,  the  work  takes  one  evening  a  week,  or  more  time  if  the  men 
want  to  give  it.  • 

Qualifications  for  the  work  are  so  many  that  they  cannot  be  listed. 
Even  the  star  banjo-player  of  the  college  glee  club  can  find  in  connection 
with  this  movement  some  actually  useful  purpose  to  which  his  ability  can 
be  turned,  for  musical  talent  is  at  a  premium.  Athletes,  of  course,  are  in 
particular  demand  in  connection  with  boys'  club  work,  for  there  is  no  man 
who  can  more  quickly  command  the  admiration  and  loyalty  of  the  boys  than 
the  man  with  a  fine  body  and  athletic  skill.  There  is  no  more  magic  charm 
than  the  university  letter  that  means  that  its  wearer  used  to  "play  on  the 

Dramatic  ability  may  be  turned  to  organizing  wholesome  neighborhood 
entertainments.  Training  in  law  or  technical  lines  can  all  be  used  in  teach- 
ing the  foreigners,  who  are  only  too  anxious  to  learn  about  the  country  to 
which  they  have  come  and  of  its  work,  and  who  often  need  only  the  spur 
of  the  information  and  encouragement  in  first  principles  that  a  trained  man 
can  give  to  urge  them  to  take  up  study  and  make  trained  men  of  themselves. 
Knowledge  of  medicine  is  always  needed  in  aiding  the  hundreds  of  ignorant 
families  to  improve  their  ways  of  living.  A  hobby  that  appeals  to  boys,  a 
love  of  outdoor  life  that  may  be  made  the  basis  of  plans  for  taking  boys 
for  excursions  and  camping  in  the  country,  the  ability  to  gain  the  affection 
and  confidence  of  a  boy,  so  necessary  in  the  men  in  the  Big  Brother  Move- 
ment, who  are  trying  to  do  something  with  the  boys  who  get  into  the  courts 
and  are  in  danger  of  becoming  habitual  criminals,  all  can  be  used  by  college 
men  whose  training  has  given  them  a  conception  of  character  and  the  intelli- 

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gence  to  use  their  influence  to  make  better  citizens  of  the  boys  they  can 
control.  Interest  in  civic  reform  can  always  find  an  outlet  in  political  activ- 
ity, and  men  willing  to  help  by  real  work  can  always  secure  with  ease  the 
introductions  necessary  to  put  them  in  touch  with  the  party  organization 
leaders  in  their  communities. 

Instances  of  the  activities  that  some  of  the  men  are  already  carrying 
on  give  the  best  idea  of  how  broad  a  field  is  covered.  One  civil  engineer 
has  become  a  member  of  the  Sanitation  Committee  of  the  Kips  Bay  Neigh- 
boorhood  Association  in  New  York,  working  on  sanitary  and  sewerage 
problems,  in  the  district.  Another  man  has  charge  .of  a  group  of  youngsters 
at  the  carpenter  benches  of  the  Warren  Goddard  House;  one  is  leading 
a  boys'  gym  club,  and  another  coaching  a  minstrel  show  at  the  same  settle- 
ment. A  mechanical  engineer  is  teaching  a  civil  service  class  in  the  Sta- 
tionary Firemen's  Labor  Union,  instructing  men  who  are  eager  to  qualify 
as  stationary  engineers.  Another  civil  engineer  spent  some  time  investigat- 
ing factories  for  fire  prevention,  and  took  a  club  of  boys  in  training  to  be 
citizens.  Boys'  club  work  is  one  of  the  most  significant  lines  of  endeavor 
that  the  college  men  take  up,  and  one  for  which  the  great  majority  of  men 
willing  to  try  are  reasonably  well  fitted. 

That  the  social  agencies  are  beginning  to  recognize  the  usefulness  of 
the  inter-collegiate  organization  is  indicated  in  the  requests  for  help  which 
have  been  coming  in.  From  one  settlement  came  the  word :  "Twenty  clubs 
waiting  to  be  admitted  for  want  of  directors  and  equipment.  We  need  men 
to  visit  the  neighborhood  about  sanitary  precautions.  We  need  men  to  inter- 
est themselves  in  finding  ways  to  rgach  these  new  citizens  and  help  them  to 
become  part  of  our  country."  The  Charity  Organization  Society  wrote: 
"We  need  men  in  all  parts  of  the  city."  The  secretary  of  the  Big  Brother 
Movement  sent  in  a  call  for  one  hundred  men  to  provide  "big  brothers" 
for  boys  who  had  come  before  the  Children's  Court. 

A  college  man  active  in  politics  wrote :  "There  is  no  better  field  than 
New  York  for  a  college  man  who  wishes  to  do  political  work.  A  man  who 
is  willing  to  help  will  find  himself  welcome  in  most  political  organizations." 
This  fall  should  see  a  noticeable  extension  of  the  intercollegiate  work 
along  many  lines,  for  it  will  be  the  first  year  that  the  committees  will  have 
the  advantage  of  being  given  the  addresses  of  the  new  men  through 
the  clearing  house  that  is  handling  the  blanks  which  have  been  filled  out  by 
this  year's  seniors.  Already  the  committee  has  gotten  in  touch  with  250 
men  through  these  blanks,  and  many  more  should  be  added  before  the  count 
is  complete.  The  first  work  to  be  done  is  to  give  the  prospective  workers 
a  sort  of  bird's-eye  view  of  the  field  to  be  covered.  This  is  done  by  holding 
meetings  at  which  men  prominent  in  the  various  lines  of  work  meet  the 
graduates  and  talk  with  them,  and  also  by  taking  the  men  out  to  see  some 
of  the  actual  social  work  that  is  being  carried  on.  As  the  movement  grows, 
the  central  committee  offices  at  554  West  114th  Street  bid  fair  to  find  them- 
selves the  headquarters  for  one  of  the  most  significant  campaigns  of  volun- 
teer civic  reform  yet  undertaken  in  the  country. 

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University  News 



The  Michigan  team  reached  its  highest 
point  of  efficiency  when  it  trounced  its  old- 
time  foe,  the  Pennsylvania  Quakers,  by 
the  satisfactory  score  of  34  to  3,  on  the  af- 
ternoon of  November  7.  Everything  which 
had  been  expected,  and  which  Yost  had 
hoped  would  be  used,  in  the  Harvard  game, 
came  out  on  this  Saturday,  in  a  brilliant, 
smas>hing  attack  and  a  stonewall  defense 
which  held  the  rangy  opponents  helpless 
throughout  the  hour  of  play. 

Like  its  predecessors  in  years  past,  the 
1914  appearance  of  Pennsylvania  on  Ferry 
Field  was  the  signal  for  a  homecoming  of 
thousands  of  alumni,  and  a  crowd  of  ap- 
proximately 23,000  people  packed  the  stands 
for  the  game.  Ann  Arbor  took  on  its  an- 
nual appearance  of  collegiate  gaiety,  and 
a  perfect  co-operation  by  th«  Weather  Man 
combined  to  make  this  Qusdcer-Wolver- 
ine  game  the  banner  event  of  Michigan's 
1914  gridiron  history. 

The  Varsity  was  unbeatable  this  afiter- 
noon  of  November  7.  It  had  been  prophe- 
sied by  many  that  th«  men  had  "gone  stale" 
from  their  supreme  efforts  in  the  Harvard 
game.  And  for  the  first  part  of  the  open- 
ing quarter,  it  looked  as  if  these  predic- 
tions were  to  prove  true. 

But  from  the  moment  Matthew  of  Penn 
kicked  his  drop-kick  from  the  30-yard  line 
and  put  the  visitors  out  in  front  with 
the  only  score  of  the  game  up  to  that 
point.  Captain  Raynsford  and  his  men 
rallied  to  tiie  attack  which  took  them  sweep- 
ing down  the  field  to  an  overwhelming 

The  Varsity's  quota  of  points  in  the 
second  quarter  was  20,  and  14  more  were 
added  in  the  third.  A  second  string  of 
backs,  shoved  into  the  game  in  the  last 
period,  was  responsible  for  the  absence  of 
further  scores  in  this  quarter.  From  the 
time  when  Matthew  had  made  his  drop- 
kick,  up  until  the  very  last  moments  of 
play,  when  a  series  of  short  forward  passes 
took  the  ball  down  into  Michigan  terri- 
tory, Pennsylvania  was  helpless  on  ti>e 
offense.  The  whole  of  the  intervening  time 
was  taken  up  by  the  Varsity  scoring  ma- 
x:hine's  activities  in  making  touchdowns. 

Open  play  won  the  game  for  Michigan. 
Two  double  passes  were  the  direct  cause 
of  the  first  touchdown.    One  of  them  en- 

abled Catlett  to  carry  the  ball  well  down 
into  Penn  territory  with  a  9-yard  gain. 
A  series  of  short  plunges  by  Maulbetsch 
took  the  pigskin  to  the  5-yard  line,  and  here 
Hughitt  and  Catlett  negotiated  their  sec- 
ond double  pass  ami  the  Varsity  had  scored. 

The  second  and  third  touchdowns  came 
directly  through  two  brilliant  forward  pas- 
ses. Benton  was  on  the  receiving  end  of 
the  first  one,  taking  the  ball  from  Splawn 
following  a  double  pass  back  of  the  Mich- 
igan line,  and  racing  the  last  7  yards  to  a 
touchdown.  The  oUier  forward  pass  was 
typical  of  the  deadly  team  play  of  the 
Varsity.  A  toss  to  Benton  from  Hughitt 
was  a  little  too  hard,  bounding  off  the 
left  end's  finger  tips.  But  Staatz  was 
racing  alongside  of  Benton  on  the  play, 
and  raked  in  the  ball  as  it  glanced  from  his 
team-mate's  hands  toward  him.  He  was 
downed  on  the  6-yard  line,  20  yards  being 
made  on  the  play.  From  here  Maulbetsch 
took  the  ball  over  on  two  plunges. 

Hughitt  and  Maulbetsch  made  the  other 
two  touchdowns  for  the  Varsity,  straight, 
hard  football,  with  an  occasional  trick  and 
some  open  formations,  being  responsible  for 
the  gains  which  made  the  last  goal-crossing 
plunge  possible. 

As  in  the  games  which  preceded  the 
Penn  battle,  Michigan's  left  halfback,  Maul- 
betsch, was  the  offensive  star,  his  grinding, 
smashing  plunges  through  the  Penn  de- 
fense netting  more  ground  than  that  made 
by  any  other  single  man  on  the  Michigan 
offense.  His  gains  were  rendered  posstble, 
however,  by  the  effective  work  of  the 
Varsity  linemen  in  opening  up  holes  in  the 
Penn  defense.  Reimann,  Cochran  and  Mc- 
Hale  were  especially  effective  in  this  par- 
ticular, shoving  the  Quaker  forwards  aside 
as  Maulbetsch  slashed  by.  Catlett  was  an- 
other offensive  star,  slippery  end  runs  mak- 
ing his  every  attempt  to  gain  a  spectacular 
dash  past  the  Penn  tacklers. 

Splawn,  though  punting  better  than  at 
any  previous  time  this  year,  missed  two  at- 
tempts at  drop-kicks.  He  and  Hughitt  had 
completely  recovered  from  the  injuries 
which  rendered  them  ineffective  at  Har- 
vard, and  both  played  strong  games.  Ben- 
ton and  Staatz  at  ends  were  far  better  than 
the  veterans  who  opposed  them,  Benton  es- 
pecially starring  all  the  way. 

The  line-up : 

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Michigan  (34)  Pennsylvania  (3) 

Benton   L.E Hopkins 

Reimann    L.T Henning 

McHale    I..G. Norwald 

Raynsford    (Capt) C (  Capt. )    Journcay 

Watson    R.G Dorixas 

Cochran   R.T Harris 

Lyons    R.^ Urquhart 

Hughitt    Q.B Merrill 

Maulbetsch    L.H Vreeland 

Bastian    R.H Matthew 

Splawn     F.B Tucker 

Score:  1234 

Michigan    o     20     14      o — 34 

Pennsylvania     3      o      o      0 —  3 

Touchdowns — Maulbetsch  2,  Hughitt,  Benton, 
Catlett.  Goals  from  touchdown — Hughitt  4* 
Drop4cick — Matthew.  Substitutions — Michigan, 
Staatz  for  Lyons,  Catlett  for  Bastian,  Huebel  for 
Splawn,  Bushnell  for  Catlett;  Pennsylvania, 
Witherow  for  Norwald,  Wray  for  Matthew,  Mof- 
fatt  for  Vreeland,  Seelbach  for  Urquhart,  Koons 
for  Seelbach,  Norwald  for  Witherow,  Russell  for 
Henning,  Avery  for  Tucker,  Matthew  for  Moffat, 
Townsend  for  Harris,  Moffat  for  Matthew.  Ref- 
eree— Walter  Eckersall,  of  Chicago.  Umpire — 
David  Fultz,  of  Brown.  Field  Judge— T.  C. 
Holderness.  of  Lehigh.  Head  Linesman — ^Walter 
Okeson,  ot  Lehigh.  Time  of  Quarters — 15  min- 


All  the  thrills  of  victory,  then  of  thread- 
bare hope  of  a  win,  and  finally  of  defeat, 
were  combined  in  the  game  which  closed 
the  Michigan  gridiron  season  on  Ferry 
Field,  when  the  veteran  eleven  from  Cor- 
nell trotmced  the  Varsity  wit^  a  score  of 
28  to  13.  It  was  the  ability  of  the  ex- 
perienced, seasoned  players  from  Ithaca  to 
"come  back"  in  the  second  half,  which  won 
them  the^  heart-breaking^  victory.  They 
sihowed  this  ability  so  convincingly  that  even 
the  most  enthusiastic  Maize  rooter  was 
willing  to  admit  that  the  winners  were  the 
better  team. 

The  Varsity  started  into  this  last  game 
of  the  year  with  the  same  brilliant  dash 
and  attack  which  had  characterized  its 
play  in  the  Penn  clash,  an(}  the  spurt  gave 
Michigan  a  13  to  6  lead  for  the  first  half. 
But  this  attack  crumpled,  and  with  it  the 
defense,  when  the  veteran  Ithacans  started 
their  terrific,  battering  offense  in  the  sec- 
ond half,  an  offense  which  first  rolled  back 
the  Michigan  defense,  and  then  completely 
routed  it. 

It  was  the  fact  that,  at  any  time  up  to 
the  middle  of  the  final  quarter,  the  Varsity 
might  have  gone  out  in  front  with  a  spurt, 
that  gave  to  the  game  its  thrills.  Even 
after  the  visitors  had  scored  three  touch- 
downs, Michigan  might  have  taken  the 
lead  by  crossing  the  goal  line  and  kicking 
the  extra  point,  for  the  Cornell  kickers  were 
consecutively  missing  their  attempts  at 
kicking  goal.  But  when  the  field-goal  by 
Barrett  and  the  dashing  58-jrard  sprint  for 
a  touchdown  by  this  same  brilliant  Comel- 
lian  had  robbed  the  Wolverines  of  their 

last  hope,  the  game  turned  into  a  rout,  and" 
the  winners  were  marching  to  another 
touchdown  when  the  final  whistle  blew. 

The  brilliant  work  of  Barrett  on  offense, 
the  impregnable  defense  of  Captain 
O'Hearn  at  end,  and  the  concerted,  smash- 
ing attack  of  the  Cornell  backs,  featured 
the  game  played  by  the  winners.  Barrett's^ 
punting  outclassed  that  of  Splawn,  while 
his  slashing  en<l  runs  time  after  time  put 
his  team  within  striking  distance,  and  once 
took  the  ball  over  for  a  score  from  up  in 
his  own  territory. 

In  the  words  of  Coach  Yost,  "Michigan 
lost  her  *gimp'  in  the  second  half."  Rei- 
mann, Cochran  and  Staatz  were  helpless- 
before  the  concerted  attack  which  the  Cor- 
nell backs  pounded  at  them,  and  succes- 
sive marches  down  the  field  for  touch- 
downs resulted.  Twice  the  Varsity  rallied* 
and  seemed  about  to  retrieve  their  lost 
ground.  Once  they  took  the  ball  near  the 
middle  of  the  field  and  Maulbetsch  pro- 
ceeded to  smash  his  way  through  for 
consistent  gains.  This  rally  came  just  at 
the  opening  of  the  fourth  quarter,  Whtn- 
the  score  stood  at  Cornell  19,  Michigan  13, 
with  the  chance  for  the  Varsity  to  go- 
ahead  with  7  points.  But  a  forward  pass 
to  Catlett  from  Splawn  went  out  of  bounds- 
and  the  opportunity  was  gone. 

At  another  time  a  well-executed  for- 
ward pass  to  Catlett,  who  had  been  con- 
cealed along  the  side-lines,  netted  a  gain- 
of  over  40  yards.  Maulbetsch  failed  on 
two  attempts  to  gain  through  the  line,  and 
when  two  tricks,  one  a  forward  pass  and 
the  other  from  a  place-kick  formation, 
failed,  the  ball  went  over  to  the  Ithacans, 
and  the  last  opportunity  to  make  up  lost 
ground  was  past. 

The  Varsity's  scores  came  early,  and' 
seemed  to  prophesy  the  same  kind  of  a 
Michigan  victory  which  had  humbled  Penn* 
the  week  before.  A  fumbled  punt  by  Bar- 
rett gave  Michigan  the  ball  far  down  in 
Cornell  territory.  A  couple  of  line  plunges- 
advanced  the  ball  a  short  distance,  and  then 
the  same  kind  of  a  double  pass,  ending  in^ 
a  forward  heave,  which  had  fooled  Penn- 
sylvania, so  demoralized  the  Cornellians 
that  Staatz  was  able  to  take  the  ball  while 
standing  behind  the  Red  goal  line,  and 
score  the  first  touchdown. 

A  long  forward  pass,  Hughitt  to  Ben- 
ton, put  the  ball  on  the  Cornell  ii-yard  line 
at  the  opening  of  the  second  quarter,  and 
here  Yost's  now  famous  "talking  play"  put 
the  ball  over.  In  this  play  the  Varsity 
lined  up,  only  to  seem  to  hesitate  as  Tommy 
Hughitt  called  a  "change  signals,"  and' 
started  to  walk  back  toward  a  new  position. 
Off  guard,  the  Cornellians  were  easy  prey 
to  the  unexpected  plunge  of  Maulbetsch, 
who  dashed  into  their  midst  while  Hughitt 

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was  still  talking ;  and  the  Varsity  had  scor- 
ed thdr  second  and  last  touchdown. 

With  the  Coraellians  leading  the  attack 
during  most  of  the  game,  Michigan's  de- 
fensive players  were  given  a  better  chance 
to  star  than  were  the  backs.  Captain  Rayns- 
ford,  Cochran  and  Benton  showed  best  of 
all.  Hughitt  and  Maulbetsch  were  the  chief 
cogs  in  the  offense.  During  the  brief  time 
he  was  in  at  end,  Dunne  exhibited  a  spec- 
tacular strength. 

The  line-up: 

Michigan  (x35  CoraeU  (a8) 

Benton L.E Shelton 

Rcimann    L.T Gallogly 

McHale   L.G Munsick 

Raynsford    (Capt) C Ktihl 

WaUon    R.G Anderson 

Cochran  R.T Allan 

Staatx R.E (Capt)   O'Heam 

Hughitt   Q.B Barrett 

Manlbetach  L.H Schuler 

Baatian    R.H Collier 

Splawn  F.B Hill 

Score:  1234 

Michigan    6      7      o      0—13 

Cornell    o      6    13      9 — ^28 

Touchdowns — ^Maulbetsch,  Staatz,  Phillippi  3, 
Barrett.  Goals  from  Touchdown — Hughitt,  Col- 
lier. Drop-kick — Barrett.  Substitutions — Michi- 
gan, Catlett  for  Bastian,  Dunne  for  Benton;  Cor- 
nell, Phillippi  for  Hill,  Till^  for  Munsick.  Jame- 
son for  Gaflogly,  Hill  for  Phillippi,  Phillippi  for 
Schuler,  McCutcneon  for  Anderson,  Anderson  for 
Tilley,  Collins  for  Barrett,  Schuler  for  Collier. 
Referee — ^Joseph  Pembleton,  of  Bowdoin.  Umpire 
— Lewis  Hinkey,  of  Yale.  Field  Judge— J.  C 
Holdemess,  of  t,ehi^h.  Head  Linesman — Lieut. 
Prince,  of  Army.    Time  of  Quartera — 15  minutes. 


By  their  contested  victory  over  the  junior 
law  team  by  the  score  of  2  to  o>  the  team 
representing  the  sophomore  lit  class  won 
the  Campus  football  championship  in  the 
last  game  of  the  season,  on  November  20. 
Although  a  lit  player  later  admitted  that 
he  had  been  responsible  for  a  mistaken 
decision  by  the  umpire  which  gave  the  game 
to  his  team,  the  class  leaders  refused  to 
play  the  game  over  and  the  title  therefore 
went  to  the  1917  men. 

The  championship  game  brought  to  a 
close  an  unusually  successful  season,  in 
which  13  teams  contested  in  close  to  a 
half -hundred  games.  For  the  first  time  in 
the  history  of  interclass  athletics,  a  thor- 
ough coadhing  system  was  in  vognie,  and 
many  of  the  teams  had  the  advantage  of 
skilled  teaching.  More  care  was  taken 
in  the  matter  of  keeping  in  condition  and 
in  practicing,  the  ultimate  champions  in 
particular  showing  their  earnestness  by 
appearing  for  practice  every  day  during 
the  season. 

The  contested  play  which  resulted  in  the 
safety  came  in  the  third  quarter  of  the 
championship  game  after  Thurston  of  the 

lits  had  punted  close  down  to  the  law  goal 
line.  Rowan,  playing  back  for  his  team, 
allowed  the  ball  to  bounce  along,  hoping 
that  it  would  go  over  the  goal  line  for  a 
touchback.  A  scuffle  occurred  near  the  ball 
just  before  it  became  "dead"  and  Umpire 
Crawford  ruled  that  Rowan  had  caused  it 
to  bounce  behind  the  goal  line,  where  the 
law  player  touched  it  down.  The  play  was 
ruled  a  safety,  but  later  Joslyn  of  the  win- 
ners admitted  that  it  was  he  who  had 
knocked  the  ball  back  of  the  law  goal. 
The  line-up: 

Sophomore  Lits  (a)  Junior  Laws  (0) 

Zimmerman    L.E Eggers 

Muxzy    L.T Ccmey 

Novy    L.G. .  ..Cooper,   Lamoreaux 

Oglethorpe C Morse 

Newton,  Reid,  Holmes  R.G Scott 

Daum,  Preston   R.T. . . Richardson,   Thomas 

Joslyn    R.E Ferguson 

Score:  1^34 

Sophomore  Lits  o      o      2      o—  a 

Junior  Laws   o      o      o      0 —  o 

Safetv — Rowan.  Referee — Floyd  Rowe.  Um- 
pire— Walter  Crawford.  Field  Judge — Harry 
Mead.  Head  Linesman — ^Wilson  Shafer.  Time  of 
Quarters — 15  minutes. 


William  D.  Cochran  and  Ernest  F.  Hugh- 
itt won  the  most  coveted  post-season  honors 
among  Michigan's  Varsity  football  play- 
ers, the  former  being  chosen  as  captain  of 
the  191S  team,  and  the  latter  winning  the 
Schulz-Heston  trophy  cup  which  each  year 
goes  to  the  man  deemed  most  valuable  to 
his  team. 

The  election  of  Cochran,  right  tackle  on 
the  igLj.  Varsity,  came  at  the  time  of  the 
taking  of  the  football  picture.  For  the 
first  time  in  many  years,  he  was  the  unani- 
mous choice  of  his  fellows,  getting  the  fif- 
teen ballots  on  the  formal  vote.  In  the  in- 
formal balloting  but  two  other  men  had 
been  named,  each  getting  one  vote  apiece. 

Michigan's  new  captain  starred  on  de- 
fense all  durinp:  the  season  just  past,  and 
was  also  effective  in  opening  up  holes  for 
his  backs.  His  home  is  in  Houghton,  Mich., 
where  he  played  four  years  of  prep,  school 
football,  working  at  center.  Inasmuch  as 
Yost  loses  his  1914  center  through  the  grad- 
uation of  Captain  James  Raynsford,  it  is 
more  than  likely  that  once  more  Michigan 
will  be  led  on  the  field  in  1915  by  a  center- 
captain.  Ra3msford  was  a  successor  to 
Center  "Bubbles"  Paterson,  the  leader  in 


Hughitt's  winning  of  the  Schulz-Heston 
cup  marks  the  second  year  of  its  award, 
James  B.  Craig  being  the  man  to  receive  it 
in  1913.  This  year's  holder  was  practically 
the  tmanimous  choice  of  the  trophy  com- 
mittee. Captain  Raynsford  coming  second, 

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Maulbetsch  third  and  Codiran  fourth.  Head 
Coach  Yost,  Assistant  Coach  "Oermany" 
Schulz,  one  of  the  famous  Michigan  ath- 
letes after  whom  Huston  Brothers,  the 
donors  of  the  trophy,  named  the  award, 
and  Trainer  Steve  Farrell  composed  the 
award  board,  each  voting  for  four  men  in 
the  order  of  their  choice.  Hughitt  was 
given  two  first  and  one  third. 


In  all  the  numerous  selections  of  All- 
Western  and  All-American  football  teams 
which  preceded  the  naming  of  the  eleven 
generally  conceded  the  highest  place,  that 
of  Walter  Camp  of  Yale,  the  name  of 
Maulbetsch,  left  halfback  on  the  1914  Var- 
sity, was  most  generally  accorded  a  place. 
He  was  practically  the  only  Michigan  play- 
er to  be  accorded  first  recognition,  though 
several  of  the  other  players  were  given 
places  on  the  "second"  elevens. 

In  the  All- Western  teams  named  by  Wal- 
ter Eckersall  of  the  Chicago  Tribune,  and 
G.  W.  Axelson  of  the  Chicago  Herald, 
Maulbetsch  was  placed  at  a  halfback  post 
Eckersall  put  Captain  Raynsford  at  center 
^n  his  second  team,  giving  Cochran  a  place 
at  guard  on  the  same  eleven.  Axelson 
named  Hughitt  as  his  second  string  quar- 
terback, putting  him  next  to  the  whirlwind 
mini,  Clark. 

Eastern  critics,  evidently  impressed  by 
Maulbetsch's  showing  against  Harvard, 
have  heen  nearly  unanimous  in  putting  the 
Wolverine  in  their  mjrthical  backfields.  The 
other  Michigan  players,  however,  have 
failed  to  get  general  recognition. 


Sixteen  Varsity  football  players  received 
the  certificates  which  entitle  them  to  the 
coveted  gridiron  "M",  in  the  annual  Mich- 
igan Union  football  smoker  which  was  held 
in  Waterman  gymnasium  on  the  Tuesday 
night  following  the  Cornell  game.  The 
award  was  based  mainly  on  participation 
in  the  Pennsylvania  and  Cornell  games, 
those  making  the  selections  being  Coach 
Yost,  Captain  James  W.  Raynsford,  Trainer 
Steve  Farrell  and  Graduate  Director  Phillip 
G.  Bartelme. 

The  award  of  the  certificates  came  just 
at  the  close  of  the  smoker  at  which  nearly 
1500  rooters  had  been  given  their  final 
chance  to  let  loose  with  their  yells  for  the 
1914  Varsity.  Professor  Ralph  W.  Aigler, 
of  the  Law  Department,  a  member  of  the 
athletic  board  in  control,  made  the  award, 
calling  each  athlete  to  the  platform  to  re- 
ceive his  *'diploma"  of  gridiron  merit.  Cap- 
tain James  W.  Raynsford,  Captain-elect 
Wiliam  D.  Cochran  and  the  veteran  Tom- 

my Hughitt  came  first,  and  were  received 
enthusiastically,  with  Maulbetsch  also  being 
accorded  deafening  applause  as  he  marched 
up.  All  of  these  men  had  to  make  short 
speeches  to  the  insistent  rooters  before  they 
were  allowed  to  sit  down. 

The  sixteen  who  this  year  won  the  coveted 
letter  were  Captain  Raynsford,  Cochran, 
Hughitt,  Catlett,  Lyons,  James,  Bushnell, 
McHale,  Dunne,  Reimann,  Watson,  Staatz, 
Benton,  Maulbetsch,  Splawn,  and  Bastian. 

Of  those  who  played  ii^  the  two  final 
games,  Huebel  was  the  only  man  who  did 
not  win  a  letter,  the  selection  committee 
ruling  him  out  because  of  the  fact  that  he 
had  played  in  but  a  small  number  of  games. 
James,  veteran  substitute  end,  was  given  an 
"M"  although  he  did  not  play  in  either  of 
the  big  home  games. 

The  big  smoker  was  the  occasion  of  one 
of  the  few  public  addresses  which  Coach 
Fielding  H.  Yost  has  made  at  Michigan, 
Refusing  to  get  onto  the  platform,  Yost 
stood  out  in  front  of  the  huge  gathering 
and  told  what  he  thought  of  the  men  who 
had  played  for  him  this  year,  and  what  he 
thought  of  Michigan  athletics.  Not  a  sound 
save  the  coach's  soft  drawl  sounded  during 
that  speech  and  when  it  was  over  he  was 
given  a  reception  which  made  even  the 
roof-raising  noise  of  the  forepart  of  the 
celebration  sound  very  small. 

"In  all  my  years  at  Michigan  I  have 
never  had  to  work  with  a  more  consci- 
entious, a  more  loyal  and  willing  lot  of 
men  than  those  who  have  played  this  year," 
was  the  tribute  which  Yost  paid  to  the 
1914  Varsity. 

"In  every  game  which  Michigan  has  play- 
ed in  this  and  other  years,  her  men  have 
played  clean,  have  played  for  the  love  of 
the  sport  and  its  good  name,"  was  the 
tribute  he  paid  to  Wolverine  athletics. 

"This  year  we  had  green  men.  Next 
year  we  will  have  a  more  experienced 
team.  It  all  depends,  of  course,  on  what 
the  men  do  when  they  get  out  on  the  field, 
but  prospects  are  bright  now  if  the  men 
work,"  was  his  prophecy  for  the  season 
of  191 5.  He  said  lots  more  that  sank  deep 
into  the  minds  and  hearts  of  those  who 
listened  to  him,  but  these  key-notes  stood 
out  above  the  rest. 

The  smoker  of  November  17  marked 
the  second  thne  that  Michigan's  football 
players  have  been  given  certificates  entit- 
ling them  to  die  Varsity  letter.  So  success- 
ful has  the  practice  proven  that  it  is  plan- 
ned to  continue  it,  and  the  annual  Michigan 
Union  Smoker  will  be  the  occasion  of  the 

At  this  smoker  Attorney  Francis  'D. 
Eaman,  '00,  of  Detroit,  James  Schermer- 
horn,  publisher  of  the  Detroit  Times,  Pro- 
fessor Robert  E.  Bunker,  of  the  Law  De- 

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partment  of  the  University,  and  H.  Beach 
Carpenter,  '14,  '17I,  were  the  speakers. 
President  P.  Duffy  Koontz,  of  the  Union, 
acted  as  toastmaster,  and  lantern  pictures 
of  the  players,  with  plenty  of  band  music 
and  singing,  made  the  smoker  an  enthu- 
siastic ovation  for  the  1914  Varsity. 

On  the  morning  of  the  smoker,  announce- 
ment was  made  by  the  athletic  officials  of 
the  pla3'ers  who  earned  the  football  "R", 

although  these  men  were  given  no  special 
recognition  the  night  of  the  celebration. 
Those  who  earned  the  letter  this  year  were, 
Kohr,  Morse,  Huebel,  Quail,  McNamara, 
Roehm,  Rehor,  Millard,  Norton,  Miller, 
Graven,  Davidson,  Hildner,  Cross,  DePree, 
Zieger,  Finkbeiner,  Whalen,  Johnson,  WeHs, 
Campbell,  Skinner,  Niemann,  Warner, 
Calvin,  Cohen,  Burney,  Dratz,  Cohn,  and 
Don  James. 


It  is  aimed  in  this  section  to  frive  a  report  of  every  action  taken  by  the  Regents  of  general  interest. 
Routine  financial  business,  appointments  of  assistants,  small  appropriations,  and  lists  of  degrees 
granted,  are  usually  omitted. 

a  special  order,  to  be  taken  up  at  the  next 
meeting  of  the  Board.— The  title  of  Dr.  C 
G.  Darling  was  changed  from  Clinical  Pro- 
fessor of  Surgery  to  Professor  of  Surgery. 
This  change  is  the  result  of  a  request  on 
the  part  of  Dr.  C.  B.  de  Nancrede  that  he 
be  relieved  of  some  of  the  work  as  'head 
of  the  surgical  department  of  the  Medical 
School  and  Hospital.— The  Board  passed  a 
vote  of  thanks  to  Edward  J.  Marshall,  a 
graduate  of  the  University,  now  a  lawyer 
of  Toledo,  O.,  for  the  gift  of  a  very  valu- 
able and  rare  work  on  corporations,  writ- 
ten in  1659.  toy  William  Sh^eard— J.  E. 
Howell,  a  graduate  from  the  Law  School 
in  1870,  has  presented  the  University  with 
a  four  and  a  half-inoh  refracting  telescope, 
six  feet  long,  for  the  University  Observa- 
tory. This  gift  is  a  very  valuable  one.— The 
Board  authorized  the  printing  of  150  copies 
of  the  records  of  the  proceedings  of  the 
University  Regents  from  the  year  1837, 
when  the  University  was  establislhedi,  till 
1864,  when  the  first  Regents  Proceedings 
were  printed  and  filed  away.  This  makes 
available  every  act  of  every  Board  since 
the  first  meeting  in  1837.— Professor 
Henry  C.  Adams  was  granted  a  leave  of 
absence,  for  the  first  semester  of  1915-16, 
that  he  might  return  to  China  and  com- 
plete^ the  work  in  unifying  the  govern- 
ment's'  transportation  system. — A  vote  of 
thanks  was  extended  to  the  following,  all  but 
one  of  whom  are  Detroit  men,  for  the  fund, 
collected  through  Charles  L.  Moore,  which 
will  enable  the  University  to  contribute  a 
sufficient  sum  to  the  American  Academy 
in  Rome  to  maintain  its  membersihip  there- 
in :  Charles  Moore,  Hon.  Levi  L.  Barbour, 
A.  C.  Bloomfield,  R.  D.  Chapin,  Edwin  Den- 
by,  D.  M.  Ferry,  Jr.,  Charles  L.  Freer,  Wil- 
liam Gray,  J.  C.  Hutchins,  C.  A.  Lightner, 
Judge  W.  M.  Murphy,  Elliott  Slocum  and 
William  Savidge,  all  of  Detroit,  and  Robert 
W.  Hemphill,  Jr.,  Ann  Arbor.- Mrs.  Theo- 
dore H.  Buhl,  of  Detroit,  again  contributed 


The  following  report  is  not  complete,  as  the 
proceedings  of  the  meeting  were  not  drawn  up 
until  after  the  time  of  going  to  press.  Further 
notice  of  this  meeting  will  be  given  in  the  Janu- 
ary number  of  The  Alumnus. 

The  Board  met  in  the  Regents*  Room  at 
10:00  A.  M.,  November  24,  with  the  Presi- 
dent, Regents  Beal,  Leland,  Clements,  Bulk- 
ley,  Hubbard,  Sawyer,  Gore  and  Superin- 
tendent of  Public  Instruction  Keeler  pres- 
ent. Absent,  Regent  Hanchett. — The  Board 
aut^iorized  the  revision  of  the  schedule  of 
salaries  in  the  Literary  Department  and  the 
academic  courses  in  the  Engineering  De- 
partment, made  possible  by  the  re-equali- 
zation of  the  property  in  the  State  and  the 
addition  of  $192,000  to  the  income  of  the 
University,  as  noted  on  page  117. — Mr.  J.  C. 
Christensen,  at  present  Assistant  Secretary 
of  the  University,  was  appointed  Purchas- 
ing Agent  in  place  of  Mr.  C.  L.  Loos,  whose 
resignation  takes  effect  January  i,  191 5. — 
The  Regents  set  aside  $18,000  for  the  elec- 
trification of  the  track  running  from  the 
Michigan  Central  depot  to  the  new  Power 
Plant. — ^Vera  Burridge,  of  Ohrcago,  and 
Irene  Litohmann,  of  Philadelphia,  were  ap- 
pointed to  two  Henry  -Strong  Scholarships, 
each  carrying  a  yearly  stipend  of  $250. — 
The  petition  relative  to  establi-shing  mili- 
tary training  at  Michigan  was  laid  on  the 
table  for  the  present. — The  Board  estab- 
lished for  the  Graduate  Department  the 
same  rules  that  are  in  effect  in  the  under- 
graduate departments,  concerning  the  pay- 
ment of  an  additional  fee  of  $5.00  for  late 
registration. — F.  W.  Peterson  was  appoint- 
ed an  instructor  in  EngHsh  in  the  Engi- 
neering Department  for  one  semester  dur- 
ing the  leave  of  absence  of  Mr.  DeFoe. — 
Dean  M.  E.  Cooley  reported  a  gift  from 
the  American  Vulcanized  Fiber  company, 
of  Wilmington,  Del.,  of  some  of  its  pro- 
ducts.— The  matter  of  establishing  a  de- 
monstration or  model  school,  in  connection 
with  the  education  department,  was  made 

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$500  to  maintain  the  Buhl  classical  fellow- 
ship for  the  year  1914-15. — Bryant  Walker, 
of  Detroit,  agreed  to  continue,  at  his  ex- 
pense, the  publication  of  the  occasional 
papers  of  the  Department  of  Zoology.  Four 
of  these  papers  have  been  published  during 
the  past  year,  and  two  others  are  in  press 
at  this  time,  while  one  more  is  ready  for 
the  printer. — The  Board  authorized  the  re- 
fund of  the  $5.00  athletic  fee  to  14  stu- 
dents who  haa  petitioned  to  be  relieved  of 
that  expense. — The  acceptance  of  the  op- 
tion in  the  Science  Building  contract,  pro- 
viding for  the  fini^ing  of  the  fourth  floor, 
was  authorized. — The  stun  of  $400  was  ap- 
propriated for  the  entertainment  of  the 
Y.  M.  C.  A.  State  Boys'  Conference  and 
the  sum  of  $5,000  was  added  to  the  book 

fund  for  the  General  Library. — The 
Board  authorized  the  presentation  of  the 
Michigan  Union  opera  this  year  in  Hill 
Auditorium,  provided  that  such  use  will 
not,  in  the  opinion  of  the  Superintendent 
of  Buildings  and  Grounds,  and  the  archi- 
tect of  the  building,  in  any  manner  injure 
the  stage  of  the  Auditorium. — ^The  annual 
report  of  the  University  Treasurer  was 
presented  and  accepted. — ^The  degree  of 
Chemical  Engineer  was  voted  to  W.  W. 
Taylor  of  the  class  of  1893,  now  of  Lynch- 
burg, Va.— Wright  Austin  Gardner,  of 
Tahlequah,  Okla.,  was  appointed  to  the 
Whittier  Fellowship  in  Botany,  -with  a 
yearly  stipend  of  $400.— The  Board  then 
adjourned,  to  meet  on  December  22,  1914, 
at  10:00  A.  M.